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Interpretation of Lenormand clover cards 2. In combination with other cards. Gambling person or gambler

2. CLOVER (Six of diamonds)

KEY VALUES: happiness, hope, expectation.
This card usually brings happiness and good fortune, but the final interpretation depends on the surrounding cards. If the CLOVER card is next to the personal card, it means that the problems of today will soon disappear. In this case, the card inspires hope and optimism. It gives courage and confidence. Any grief will be short-lived, and joy will return again. All your dreams can be fulfilled, even the most incredible ones. CLOVER, like a wildflower, brings simple, artless, quiet earthly happiness. Peace and comfort. The CLOVER card symbolizes a call to leave loneliness. Make contact with people - this is what you need most now. This card often indicates that someone is thinking about you. This person is conscientious and sincere, who has a great desire to make you happy.
Next to favorable cards in the layout it means the fulfillment of hopes, the end of the “black streak”, possibly profit
with unfavorable cards the meaning changes to the opposite: it can promise disappointment, collapse of plans, loss. If Clover falls surrounded by bad cards, then the events that the querent most fears are most likely to occur and bring sadness.

In matters of relationships: hope for mutual understanding. Opportunity to develop relationships.

In business matters: chance of small profit. It is necessary to put in a little more effort to develop the business. Success in enterprises related to agriculture.

In medical matters: softens the course of the disease. Advice to use the services of a homeopath or physiotherapist.

Advice: There is hope for a favorable conclusion, but a lot of effort still needs to be made.


HORSEMAN - there is a chance to learn new facts
BY SHIP - a successful trip
HOME - a favorable situation in the family
WOOD - naturalness
CLOUDS - unfavorable situation
SNAKE - disappointment
GRAVE - hopelessness
BOUQUET - a nice gift
OBLIQUE - collapse of plans
BROOM - bad relationships prevent you from realizing opportunities
BY BIRDS - solitude in nature
AS A CHILD - simplicity
FOX - an inept attempt to deceive
BEAR - courtesy
WITH STARS - fulfillment of hopes
STORK - trip out of town
DOG - simple relationships
TOWER - real success
PARKOM - pleasant company
GOROY - despondency, depression
FORK - a new opportunity involves a choice, you will have to give up something
RATS - loss
RING - daily duties
BY BOOK - practical knowledge
BY LETTER - unimportant papers
MAN or WOMAN (if this is a personal card) - nearby: the problems of today will soon disappear
far away: temporary grief and failure
LILY - innocence
IN THE SUN - don't miss your chance
LUNOY - follow traditions
KEY - unexpected solution
PISCES - small profit
ANCHOR - unrealized hope
CROSS - deep sadness.

In total, there are a little more than 1000 different card fortune telling and solitaire games in the world. Of these, about 300 are considered truly ancient.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of Lenormand cards.

Clover (Six of Diamonds)

Brief meaning: sudden, luck, luck, easy.


The Lenormand CLOVER card symbolizes hope, a successful combination of circumstances, short-term luck. It can also portend an easy life without hassle and worries, but it will be temporary. It can also foreshadow risk, or indicate that it is necessary to take risks in order to achieve a significant result.

If the CLOVER card appears at the very beginning of a row, then it speaks of an imminent successful opportunity that you need to try to take advantage of. In general, in almost all situations, the CLOVER card indicates suddenness, unexpectedness, a short time of the event, so you need to be very careful and not miss the chances that will definitely appear.

Next to unfavorable cards it can foretell losses, severe disappointments and adversities, the collapse of plans that seemed very reliable. It may herald the beginning of a “dark streak”, however, usually such a bad period will not be very long.

In the case when the CLOVER card appears next to the questioner’s card, this means the resolution of an unpleasant situation, optimism, and the emergence of hope. You will have a feeling of self-confidence, all new things will work out well and easily. It may hint that you need to avoid loneliness and have as much contact with people as possible. It can be very beneficial and change your life for the better.

Personality. Gambling, takes advantage of the slightest chance, is not afraid to take risks, improviser, stuntman, swindler, has no strong convictions.

Love. Accidental kiss, relationships with several partners, one-night stand, short-term passion.

Job. Good and pleasant working conditions, vacation, opportunity to earn extra money.

Finance. The transaction may be risky, a necessary risk, attention to accounting.

Well-being. Opportunity for successful conception, a feeling of comfort, abundance.

Relationships. There will be a favorable opportunity to move to the next stage of the relationship, mutual understanding and trust.

Business matters. Profit For those involved in farming, there will be a chance to make a small profit, but you will need to put in some effort.

Health. You need to see a physiotherapist; the current illness will turn into a milder form.

Combining the Clover card with other cards

CROSS - Strong sadness, worries.

ANCHOR - Stability, a period of calm and well-being that can last quite a long time.

PISCES - The arrival of cash, perhaps from unexpected sources. Small income.

KEY - The situation will have an unexpected solution that can end it in your favor.

MOON - Emotional upliftment, good morale, may indicate abilities for the occult.

SUN - Both cards make each other stronger, one of the most favorable combinations. Any new projects will be successful, this especially applies to creativity in various forms.

LILY - Light and casual flirtation, an innocent woman.

WOMAN - A person wants good things for you, wants to see you happy. Current problems will soon be a thing of the past.

MAN - Same as the previous one.

LETTER - You will receive documents that will not be of much importance. A good time to work with documentation and reports.

BOOK - An opportunity to gain knowledge that will be useful in practice; learning will be easy and effective.

RING - Cooperation will be beneficial for both parties, the possible partnership will be successful.

HEART - A short romance, a feeling of falling in love.

RATS - Health problems, but the illness will not be severe. Unexpected losses, financial problems.

FORKING - You will have the opportunity to choose, but it will be difficult. Something will have to be sacrificed.

MOUNTAIN - Depression, depressed state. But if the CLOVER card lies after, then this portends changes for the better. In one case you go up the mountain, in the other you go down.

GARDEN - Party. A sign that you need to make new acquaintances and communicate more with people.

TOWER - Quick success, if you have to clash with the authorities, it will end in your favor.

DOG - A friend will help you or through him you will have a chance to change something. You will enjoy the upcoming meeting.

AIST - Country trip, short trip.

STARS - Dreams will come true, hopes will come true.

BEAR - Your interests are protected and are not threatened, good luck in financial matters.

FOX - Possible trap, check all documents. But luck can smile on you if you act cunningly. The opportunity that appears may ultimately turn out to be a deception.

CHILD - A little luck, fun, a good start. May directly refer to the baby.

OWLS - Small worries that will require too much of your attention. They can be the result of even a joyful event.

This card brings good luck and helps solve problems. It inspires hope and increases optimism, gives courage and confidence. She will help you make your dreams come true, even the most incredible ones.

Clover will bring peace and comfort. If unfavorable ones appear along with this card, then this may mean disappointment, losses and problems.

The card encourages contact with other people. If Lenormand Clover is located far from the Cloud, it guarantees success.

Since childhood, it was believed that whoever finds a clover with 4 leaves will be happy.

This card will have a positive effect on the layout as a whole and will smooth out the influence of negative cards. If it appears next to the material card of Pisces, it foretells great material success.

When divining character, it shows a person’s passion, especially if it appears along with the Book card.

The card speaks of fleeting chances that need to be taken advantage of immediately. Sometimes she talks about doubling something. If the card is the last in the layout, then it promises well-being for the person.

If a person gets this card, he loves solitude and spends a lot of time in nature. She talks about conscientiousness, the desire to bring joy to people. These people are impressionable, adaptable, but have a strong sense of self-worth. They are usually lucky.

Clover in a relationship reading

If we take it, then it speaks of great feelings and harmony in love, separated people will reunite, and married couples will be happy. Old friendships will be renewed and the person will make new friends.

This is a card of hope, but whether it will come true or not is unknown; a lot here depends on other cards in the layout.

If it falls out at the beginning of a relationship, then the connection between the partners is not yet very strong and can quickly collapse from a careless word.

The card encourages you to enjoy the moment. If a Tree or Anchor appears nearby in the layout, this will indicate reliability and stability.

If the Fork is nearby, the questioner will soon have to make a decision about the relationship. Regarding health, this is a call to use herbal medicine and other folk remedies.

If the carat falls in an inverted position, it will mean a difficult wait.

Lenormand Clover in a money and health scenario

When fortune telling with money, the card promises a big profit, but temporary, the clover does not bloom for long and quickly withers, in a word, the person will receive easy money.

As for professional activities, this card often falls out to show business workers and people who work occasionally. Its loss may indicate a person’s imminent promotion at work.

  • When fortune telling about health, it foretells its improvement. A sick person will recover, find a good hospital and a doctor.
  • You cannot take the luck you receive for granted and envy the luck of others.
  • All the good things that Clover will bring will happen within a month after the fortune telling.
  • You can see this if you do it, if you do it correctly, it will show accurate results.

According to the zodiac sign, it corresponds to Aries and speaks of a person’s idealism, spirituality and religiosity; such people love to philosophize and search for the truth.

Clover will confirm the events of interest and speaks of the imminent unblocking of the situation and the end of stagnation. This is a symbol of the connection between the cardinal directions, as well as water, earth, fire and air.

Clover will give many purely earthly joys, but it will not be able to resist the Scythe, the Coffin or the Mountain; if it appears in the scenario with them, then this may mean missed opportunities for the person.

Even if Clover has fallen and you are expecting good luck, you need to put in a lot of effort for it to come to you. If you sit and wait for it, you will never get it; will and vitality will lead you to happiness.

The four-leaf clover is a symbol of great happiness. Since ancient times, such clover has helped to attract good spirits to the house and ward off evil spirits.

This card will come to the rescue in difficult times; it will make it easier to resist any enemies. If it falls in an inverted position, then events will occur that the questioner is afraid of and a lot of sadness and grief awaits him.

If you are not sure that you know the meaning of all the cards, then our tarot reader will competently answer your questions.

Clover often falls on conscientious, positive people; they are optimistic and often lucky. They can easily establish communication and you want to trust them. Such a person will help bring many projects to completion.

They look for a way out of difficult situations and often find it, because they are patient, do not give up, and are weaned by hard work, practicality and small requests. On the other hand, such people are often overly timid and emotional.

They can provide help even if they were not asked for it, but it often turns out to be to the detriment of their own interests.

They often have their head in the clouds, have unrealistic hopes, their perception of reality is sometimes greatly distorted, they wait for help when they can solve the problem themselves, and are characterized by excessive infantilism.

(translation from Italian).
There are differences in the meanings and combinations of cards from Kotelnikova’s book.

1. Rider- The card is positive, but subordinate to other cards in everything, so support from nearby cards is needed to better understand the explanatory meaning. The main card because it represents a person's specific area of ​​concern.
The rider represents news and updates.

Description of the map
The card shows a man on a horse (an animal that symbolizes intelligence, strength and vitality, and not just the mode of transportation of the ages), which seems to have a need to arrive as quickly as possible at the appointed place. A house appears behind him, surrounded by trees and plants, which they give caution and peace to those who live there.

News, messages, movement, travel, visits, guest. Thoughts and new ideas, a distant place, a foreigner.

It is a card of action, movement, decision, courage and positive change. It means approaching a new situation, a new idea or thought, coming to the aid of blocking or problematic situations.
It means communication in all forms: telephone call, fax, telegram, letter. To determine whether the news is positive or negative, you need to look at nearby cards.
The horseman means new meetings, adventures and entertainment, a visit, an invitation, a gift, help or an unexpected surprise.
In the emotional sphere, it is less positive than in all others; the Horseman indicates an intense but short-term relationship. In the case of counseling a married person, warns of the weakness of a partner who is looking for the possibility of adventure outside of marriage, yet remaining in reality connected with the home.
If nearby cards confirm this, the Horseman also indicates motherhood or fatherhood.
The rider can also demonstrate the method of movement.

The Rider also represents the foreigner, intelligent, lively, dynamic and independent, who loves travel and adventure.
By nature, he is intuitive and impulsive, reserved, attaches a lot of importance to his personal life and lives in a reality that is very difficult to understand why it is shrouded in mystery.

In a one-card spread, the Horseman means a very favorable answer.

From 3 to 5 weeks.

Combinations - Rider with...
- Clover: favorable events that will soon come true (within 7 days).
- Ship: travel or business trip, or meeting with a foreigner.
- Home: visit, meeting with a person dear to the heart (usually a secret meeting).
- Tree: the beginning of a fruitful project.
- Snake: disgusting behavior, unpleasant guest.
- Coffin: negative news, breakup.
- Bouquet: victory, extraordinary news that will bring joy. Salary increase.
- Owl: news that will bring excitement.
- Child: pregnancy in the family, favorable development of the undertaking. Viability.
- Fox: secret meeting.
- Bear: an authoritative and strong person who will bring benefits.
- Stork: a joyful event in the family. Traveling by plane.
- Dog: visit from your dearest friend.
- Mountain: an undertaking that will encounter numerous obstacles, but which will need to be overcome.
- Heart: a visit or a romantic meeting, an indispensable reconciliation for someone who is experiencing a crisis in a relationship with a partner.
- Ring: a joyful proposal, news of an alliance or contract that has been long awaited, an unbreakable agreement.
- Book: lover, moving or secret message.
- Lily: sexual activity or a very satisfying life. Charming man.
- Sun: fun, enthusiasm, self-control.
- Moon: hypocrisy, fruitless projects.
- Anchor: psychophysical balance, successful completion of the task.
- Cross: news that will lead to a depressing state for a long time.

2. Clover- a positive Card, of variable value and subordinate to nearby cards.

Description of the map
The map features clover, a plant that is easy to find but difficult to find in its cherry leaf form. A rare number, many peoples consider it a sacred plant and the most powerful amulet.

Luck, surprise, new hopes, fulfillment, small victory. Near future.

A symbol of hope, unexpected joy and good fortune, Clover is a card that makes you hope for an inevitable decisive turn, in improving the present condition, in transforming and changing your own existence. It brings new events and a happy resolution to a stagnant situation. Everything that happens due to a happy accident, and not the merit of an action. Please note that luck or happiness may be temporary, so one must be able to take advantage of the opportunity that is presented. A card that represents the near future, rapidly changing situations. In combination with some cards, Clover means success and victory in the game. You need to pay more attention to nearby cards, because if Clover is surrounded by cards of negative value, it predicts sadness, disappointment or anxiety.

Clover represents a patient, kind, emotional, precise and specific individual in his goals. He is very intuitive and social, but also timid and reserved. For the person consulting, he can represent a good friend or girlfriend who will lend money and help in need.

In a one-card layout, Clover gives an indefinite answer, neither positive nor negative, it all depends on fate and on the ability of the questioner.

One week.

Combinations - Clover with...
- Rider: surprise.
- Ship: good luck in commercial negotiations.
- Home: warmth and good fortune in the home, income gained from gambling, heritage or inheritance.
- Clouds: miss an opportunity.
- Snake: curl and jealousy causing damage.
- Coffin: change of fate for the worse, debt for the game.
- Scythe: an unpleasant surprise.
- Broom and Whip: minor luck.
- Bear: victory, loyal attitude of a generous person.
- Star: the joy and happiness they promise lasts for a long time.
- Stork: successful change, desire to change the everyday standard routine. These two cards together mean that you are subservient to others, but this may change later with the presence of other cards.
- Tower: Leaving a location for a new perspective.
- Fork in the road: a project that needs to be abandoned as soon as possible.
- Mouse: distrust, loss of money in the game.
- Heart: a favorable moment in the sphere of feelings.
- Ring: agreement and harmony, an expensive gift.
- Book: secret desire.
- Letter: unexpected receipt of news.
- Sun: victory in the game, the beginning of a very lucky streak.
- Moon: impossible dream, exhaustion, stress.
- Key: the position to be saved.
- Pisces: Good luck in business and in the financial sphere, salary growth. Another unexpected event that occurs will bring stability in any situation.

3. Ship- positive Card, the main card that represents activity, negotiations and work.

Description of the map
The Sea (a symbol of purity, but also danger) and the Ship are the only main characters of this card. In the Middle Ages, transport, which brought the discovery of new lands and contacts with new peoples, and thus new cultures, represented a change in the already established stable direction of trade.
For many peoples, the Ship is a way of transporting the dead to the other world and, as a result, also becomes a symbol of spiritual travel.

Travel (can also be spiritual), new directions, change, trade, wealth, progress, expansion, financial gain,

Of course, the symbol of movement, situations that already have a direction, nearby cards should determine the course of the consultee’s journey and in which port to moor. Thus, departure, travel (also abroad), which can be on vacation, relocation or relocation.
A card that represents predominantly the professional sphere, which brings good news, success through the power of desire and perseverance.
Meeting new people or people from a different culture.
The card encourages you to move forward to follow your own path and if you are going through a difficult moment, it indicates that you need to stubbornly resist, waiting for better times, so as not to delay their arrival.

The ship represents a person (also a foreigner) between 28 and 40 years of age with a combative, realistic, optimistic and persistent character. Noble, free, but also a big businessman, usually with a profession in contact with people.

In a one-card layout, the Ship gives a positive answer.

One to three months (maximum).

Combinations - Ship with...
- Clover: business or completion of negotiations in a short time, a short but morally satisfying journey.
- Home: native country, stable commercial and profitable activity.
- Bouquet: promising happy news.
- Scythe: a journey that will fail.
- Owl: not pleasantness caused by another person.
- Bear: a journey that will bring a meeting with a person who will finally elevate the life of the consultee, bringing progress achieved with consistency.
- Stars: slow but lasting success.
- Stork: leaving or returning from abroad, traveling by plane.
- Dog: a good trip with a very dear person, a meeting.
- Tower: spiritual refuge, I travel alone.
- Garden: positive state of affairs (also abroad).
- Mountain: journey or dangerous change.
- Fork: lack or lack of objectivity in choice.
- Mouse: missed opportunity, depression, waste of energy.
- Heart: honeymoon, romantic vacation.
- Ring: honeymoon.
- Book: secret negotiations.
- Lily: faith in yourself.
- Sun: calm and joyful business trip, pinnacle of success (end of business), inheritance.
- Moon: fantasy.
- Key: an attempt that will have a good result.
- Pisces: profitable activity.
- Anchor: emotional and mental stability.
- Cross: a test difficult to overcome.

This card denotes luck, favorable events, success. Clover Lenormand next to a personal card symbolizes a favorable solution to existing problems. In this situation, we can talk about the emergence of confidence in business, the absence of fear. If there are troubles, they are minor, and you will soon forget about them. Everything planned will come true, even if it seems impossible.

Interpretation of the Clover card from the Lenormand deck of cards.

General meaning of the Clover card

The card symbolizes simple human happiness. The meaning of the Lenormand Clover card speaks of the union of loving hearts, marriage, and the emergence of a new faithful friend. Don’t be afraid of new acquaintances, feel free to restore old ones - communication is your “circle of salvation.”

Clover Lenormand, the meaning of the card sometimes indicates a decent person who constantly thinks about you. His task is to help you, to do everything to make you happy.

If there are favorable Lenormand cards nearby in the layout, Clover speaks of the fulfillment of desires, the accomplishment of plans, receiving money or an inheritance. All the bad things are behind us. In a scenario with unfavorable cards, it means a collapse of hopes, financial loss, and failure in business. Don’t start a new business, and what you have already started will fail. Receive unpleasant news.

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How to interpret Lenormand cards in fortune telling?

Good afternoon. I am now mastering fortune telling with Lenormand cards. And since I'm a newbie, I'm confused that there are two images on the cards.

The meaning of the card in various situations

  • Key meanings are happiness, hope, expectation;
  • The correspondence in playing cards is six of diamonds;
  • Love - a faithful person is next to you, ready for further serious relationships;
  • Work, business - an opportunity to make a profit. To achieve success in your plans, you need to work a little. If your business is related to agriculture, success is guaranteed.
  • Health - the disease will gradually recede. Take time to prevent disease and exercise.
  • Advice: Finish what you started; with a little effort you will achieve what you want.

Combined with other cards

What does the combination of Lenormand cards mean: clover and neighboring cards in the layout.

2 card Lenormand Clover (6 diamonds)

  • Horseman - receive a message that may be true;
  • Ship - a successful business trip;
  • Home - improving family relationships;
  • Trees – naturalness, unity with nature;
  • Clouds are not a good event;
  • Snake - disappointment;
  • Coffin - lack of success;
  • A bouquet is a nice gift or person;
  • Scythe - the wish will not come true;
  • Broom - a quarrel does not allow you to complete what you started;
  • Birds - rest;
  • Child – simplicity, care;
  • Fox - don’t be cunning, it won’t work;
  • Bear - courtesy, attention from elders or loyal friends;
  • Stars - fulfillment of plans;
  • Stork - a trip to nature;
  • Dog - simple relationship;
  • Tower - all your plans will come true, feel free to start a new business;
  • Park - pleasant company, nature, relaxation with loved ones;
  • Mountain - despondency, depression;
  • Fork - give up the old and your plans will come true;
  • Rats – financial loss, caution in solving financial issues;
  • Heart - love, short romance;
  • Ring – routine, movement in a circle, care;
  • A book is practical knowledge, new and good news that will bring success;
  • Letter – minor documents;
  • Man or Woman, provided that this is a personal card: all troubles will soon end;
  • Lily - innocence, purity, favorable news;
  • Sun - act decisively, and success and prosperity await you;
  • Moon - follow the traditions established by your family, business. Don't deviate from them to achieve success.
  • The key is an unexpected decision, advice from loved ones that will help open doors to new opportunities;
  • Pisces - a small profit that you did not expect, a lottery win, a bonus or an unexpected find;
  • Anchor - unfulfilled plans, disappointment, stoppage in business, slight malaise;
  • Cross - deep sadness, sadness, search for a solution to the situation.