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Interpretations of dreams according to Vanga's dream book. Dream Interpretation of Vanga - interpretation of dreams with search Dream Interpretations interpretation by Vanga

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Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova) (1911-1996), Bulgarian clairvoyant and healer. In our online interpreter you will find Vanga’s dream book for dream interpretation and free interpretations of dreams from the great fortuneteller.

Interpretation of dreams according to Vanga's dream book

Her name is widely known not only in Bulgaria and Russia, but throughout the world. Vanga's phenomenon has never been studied, although famous scientists, for example Academician Natalya Bekhtereva, a leading specialist in the field of neurophysiology, have been studying her abilities. Vanga was born and lived in Bulgaria, in the village of Petrich, and it was there that people from all over the world came to see her. The predictions made by Vanga have always been fulfilled and continue to be fulfilled exactly, and therefore Vanga’s dream book can be safely trusted.

Biography of the famous dream interpreter

Before you go to Vanga’s dream book, find out more about her. The clairvoyant faced a great many trials. When Vanga was four years old, her mother died. Soon the First World War began, and Vanga’s father was mobilized into the Bulgarian army. She grew up under the supervision of a neighbor.

Returning from the war, my father married again. By this time, Vanga is already beginning to discover her extraordinary abilities. She comes up with strange games for herself: for example, having hidden some object, blindfolded she tries to find it.

Vanga regularly came into contact with dead people.

She said that she was the gateway to this world for them and that when one of the visitors came to her, the dead relatives of this person surrounded her, talked to her, and she only conveyed what she heard.

She met with many magicians and psychics, including Chumak, Grabovoy, Kashpirovsky, Globa. Many came to her with enormous self-esteem and ambition, and left ashamed and discouraged. One day Larisa Shepitko, a film director, came to see her. In 1979, she died tragically in a car accident. Vanga said to her: Young, I feel sorry for you, you will die soon!

Visitors always had to come to Vanga with a piece of refined sugar: the crystal lattice of sugar stores information about a person. In addition to sugar, you could leave her simple gifts, for example, plush toys, which Vanga loved to stroke and touch, remembering those who gave them.

Vanga knew the fates of people who had not yet been born, and those who died more than 100 and 300 years ago. This, according to scientists, is the most extraordinary manifestation of her clairvoyance. She also talked about the future, although she did it reluctantly. For example, Vanga predicted the assassination attempt on John Kennedy, the collapse of the USSR, and the death of Princess Diana. One day she said: Kursk will be under water, and the whole world will mourn it... The meaning of this phrase, which initially caused confusion, became clear in August 2000, when the nuclear submarine Kursk sank.

On August 3, 1996, Vanga was admitted to the intensive care unit of the government hospital in Sofia. She had breast cancer. Thousands of people stood outside the hospital day and night. Vanga foresaw her death, she died on that day and at the hour that she predicted for herself - August 11, 1996 at 10:10 am.

Vanga's dream book - alphabetical interpreter:

Vanga's dream book will help you not only find out your own future, but also get additional information about your inner world.

Vanga's dream book: interpretation of dreams for free

Many scientists have tried to unravel the mysteries of dreams, trying to explain this mysterious phenomenon from a scientific point of view. Even in ancient times, the first collections of dream interpretations appeared, compiled by clairvoyants of that time. And now everyone can open a dream book and find out the transcript of Vanga or Freud online.

On our website you can watch Vanga’s dream book online and solve your dreams. It is very easy to use; we have prepared detailed instructions for you.

You can search for a given word in a dream book in two ways: alphabetically and by specifying a search word. In the first case, you should select the desired letter of the alphabet, and then select the word of interest from the list provided. Vanga's dream book will tell you for free what your dreams mean.

If you decide to use the second method - searching by the entered word - we recommend that you follow these rules:

  • The word must contain exclusively Russian letters.
  • The word must not contain less than two letters.
  • A one-time request involves entering only one search word.
  • An advanced search displays all words that have the required combinations. Let's say that during an advanced search for the word “mouth” the program will return all possible interpretations of this word and the word “turn”.
  • When entering, the case of letters does not matter significantly. For example, the word “salt” with any introduction (SALT, Salt, salt) will give the same result.

    The mystery of sleep signs

    Vanga interpreted dreams, following only one technique known to her. The clairvoyant was sure that in dreams fate reveals secret signs to people, the correct interpretation of which will help determine not only the future of a particular person, but even the fate of individual countries.

    Vanga's dream book, along with the interpretation of individual signs (objects, things, living objects), also contains an explanation of various situations, based on which other phenomena and objects can be considered.

    Although there are only a few people in the world who have such a gift, everyone can try to look into their future. Traveling through the labyrinths of dreams, a person can understand the essence of current events and find out what awaits him next. Only dreams give us such a unique opportunity. It is no coincidence that the visions that come to a person in a dream are called the mirror of life. After all, dreams reflect the depths of our subconscious, through the transmission of prophetic symbols, by solving which you can find out your future destiny.

    Our Vanga dream book can be used for free. It is based on the knowledge and revelations of the famous seer. He will help you give the correct interpretation of what you saw in a dream, create a complete picture of the signs and understand what to expect and what to be wary of.

    Why Vanga’s dream book is trustworthy

    Vanga believed that dreams are important for a person. To decipher them, she resorted to telepathy, giving advice and warning against dangers. Bulgarians value this dream book because for them it has become a book of truths and a priceless gift left by the great prophetess. And this reflects reality, since the dream book contains all the vast experience of the clairvoyant, and therefore it deserves complete trust.

    Our dream book offers an interpretation of Vanga's dreams. Using it, you will find out what awaits you in life and be able to prepare for upcoming events. Of course, in Vanga’s dream book there is not a large number of deciphered images, but this deficiency is compensated by a versatile approach and many probable situations. Vanga’s successful predictions cannot be discounted, which makes the relationship to the dream book even more trusting.

    The meaning of dreams according to Vanga’s dream book

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Prophetess Vanga(31.01 or 3.10.1911 - 11.08.1996) from Bulgaria left a great legacy and, undoubtedly, was of great importance in history, but her knowledge in the interpretation of dreams can be called a separate contribution to the study of the human subconscious. Vanga’s dream book is in great demand in the vastness of her homeland and far beyond its borders; it has become a kind of collection of axioms for dream interpreters, since the principles of its interpretations are seriously different from other publications, both past and present. It is also worth noting how revered and in demand this collection is in the territory of modern Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union.

    It is also impossible not to emphasize that during Vangelia’s life, many noble people did not hesitate to visit her so that the prophetess herself would interpret the dream face to face, and this, like nothing else, extols Vanga’s contribution to the knowledge of dreams.

    The story of Vanga's tragedy

    Vanga was born and lived in the Bulgarian village of Petrich in a family of poor peasants. In childhood, no one suspected what an extraordinary gift this man had. When the girl was still small, death took her mother away from her, but even more The turning point in Vangelia’s life was a severe hurricane. The girl found herself in the very heart of the elements; at first she was considered missing, but was still found two kilometers from her home. Sand got into the girl’s eyes, and she simply could not open them from the terrible pain; there was no money at all for expensive operations in a family in which one father was the breadwinner. Thus, Vanga ended up in the house of the blind, where she spent three years of her life.

    There is no exact answer as to when Vangelia revealed her supernatural gift, but many in her homeland recall the incident of how a girl found a lost sheep, saying that in a dream she saw the place where it was located. Since then, she began to take her dreams seriously, treating them as an event.

    Some argue that Vanga’s ability to foresee the future manifested itself at the age of 16, and by the age of 30 she had chosen the craft of a fortuneteller. Scientists have calculated that over a period of 55 years, more than a million people visited Vangelia, and she did not refuse to predict the future to anyone, everyone received proper instruction, except for those who were awaiting imminent death; Vanga preferred not to tell such people the bitter truth.

    The history of the creation of Vanga's dream book

    Collecting sayings and then including them in Vanga's dream book was an extremely important task and not an easy one, but, nevertheless, this task was completed. The compilation of free dream books based on the sayings of the prophetess was carried out by scientists Georgy Lozanov (has the title of Doctor of Science), Dimitar Filipov (has the title of professor) as well as other scientists. The Bulgarian parapsychologist Bedros Stoyanov, who often personally visited the seer, also made a great contribution to the creation of this almanac.

    Not many knew that during special periods of time, such as starry and flowery nights, Vanga was especially frank in her prophecies; she had a special disposition for open conversations. Knowing this, people close to the fortuneteller specially visited Vangelia at such special hours in order to be the first to learn something that had not yet been said by anyone about the interpretation of dreams.

    Features of constructing an online dream book

    Vanga's online dream book it is built exactly in such a way as to bring maximum benefit, to tell everything as completely and clearly as possible. It should also be noted that this collection is intended to fulfill a number of tasks:

    1) Explanation of images and symbols based on Vanga’s sayings;

    2) It will determine the position in which the dreamer is located after seeing this or that symbol;

    3) A brief and concise definition of upcoming events based on the interpretation of images;

    4) Highlight the expected turning points in the dreamer’s future;

    5) Suggest some actions that should be taken by the one who had the dream, ladies to resolve the situation in a positive way.

    We invite you to download “Vanga’s Dream Book” for free and without registration.

    Complete alphabetical list of interpretations according to Vanga's Dream Book. Formulate in one word what you saw in your dream and find the word in the list. For faster access to the interpretation you need, use the search in all dream books.

    Result: 72 interpretations according to Vanga’s Dream Book.

    Comments on the article: “Vanga’s Dream Book”

    Interpretation of dreams according to Vanga's dream book

    Vanga's large online Dream Book, which is presented on our website, gives a clear and truthful interpretation of dreams. Many scientists have studied the mysteries of dreams and tried to find a scientific explanation for them. Also, since ancient times, clairvoyants have compiled entire collections of dream interpretation, which later became known as dream books. Thanks to dream books, the interpretation of Vanga’s dreams can help every person. A person may smile sweetly in a dream or wake up in a cold sweat. He may have a terrible nightmare, for example, death and pursuit, or, conversely, a meeting with a loved one. We can say that a dream is a transition to another reality. And you’ve probably heard about the so-called “Prophetic Dreams”, which predict what awaits a person in the future. Dive into the world of dreams and discover your future right now.

    Vanga's dream book - interpretation of dreams for free

    Since ancient times, people have honored and respected the talent of Vanga, a soothsayer from Bulgaria. She rarely shared with others the secrets she unraveled from her dreams.

    Vanga’s online dream book includes the most significant revelations of the seer, which are simply necessary for interpreting dreams, solving mysterious codes and the sequence of events.

    Like any other dream book, Vanga’s interpretations help to describe situations that are happening or will soon happen in reality. In Vanga’s free electronic dream book it is very easy to find the interpretation of your dreams, just go to the desired site.

    Don't know how to interpret dreams? The “Dream Interpretation” service will help you understand what your dreams mean!

    “I dreamed” - a free online dream book.

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    Vanga's Dream Book

    The famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, along with incredibly accurate predictions both for individuals and for entire states, along with incredible healings from diseases and fantastic contacts with other worlds, also knew how to interpret the prophetic signs of dreams. Vanga attached great importance to dreams and believed that in a dream, through symbols, a person’s veil is lifted, hiding his future. And you need to correctly interpret these signs in order to be prepared for the twists of fate and, moreover, to be able to correct it for the better.

    People from all over the world came to Vanga for help, and often visitors asked to explain the signs, prophetic symbols and allegories that came to them in their dreams. All the meanings of the clairvoyant’s dreams were based on her heightened intuitive perception of the world and knowledge of earthly and universal laws.

    According to Vanga, information about certain events was given to her by invisible entities that were constantly next to her. But many prophecies were made by her on the basis of prophetic dreams and visions.

    Vanga never wrote down the interpretation of dreams. Vanga's dream book was created literally bit by bit. In order to put together all the meanings of the symbols, Bulgarian scientists at the Institute of Suggestology and Parapsychology, who studied the Vanga phenomenon, did a lot of work. All the material that is in the dream book about the meaning and interpretation of dreams was collected during receptions and sessions of the soothsayer.

    Vanga's Dream Book is very easy to use - all the symbols are arranged in alphabetical order. A detailed interpretation of each symbol illuminates the situation in the present or near future. Or it can show how the dreamer’s fate will develop in the foreseeable future, or predict the fate of the whole world. With the help of this book, you will be able to correctly interpret the information that comes to you in your dreams about desired or unexpected events, and be prepared for sudden turns of fate.

    Our website presents only current interpretations of dreams, and has created a convenient dream search that can be used absolutely free. Vanga's dream book online is always available at Sonniq.ru

    Interpretations of dreams according to Vanga's dream book

    Sleeping from Sunday to Monday means renewal and the onset of a new stage in life.

    Dream Interpretation

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Dream symbols from Vanga's Dream Book

    Biography of the author of the dream book Vanga

    The great seer Vangelia Pandeva Guterova (later popularly known as Vanga) was born on January 31, 1911, in a small village in the Republic of Macedonia, into a far from wealthy family. Her father was a poor peasant. The name Vangelia means, translated from Greek, “Brings good news.”

    Vanga lay unconscious, her eyes were covered with sand. A passer-by accidentally saw her, picked her up and carried her to her parents.

    After some time, Vanga’s father came and took her home.

    Interpretations of Vanga's dream book

    During her life, Vanga not only predicted the future, but also interpreted dreams. Vanga’s Dream Book was compiled on the basis of her interpretations of dreams.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Vanga is a blind healer and clairvoyant from Bulgaria.

    Born for a special purpose

    Vanga was born in the village of Petrich, in 1911, on January 31. From birth the girl was sighted, she was born prematurely, the birth was difficult, and there was a possibility that the child would not survive. Hearing the baby's first cry, the midwife who delivered the baby, according to local custom, went out into the street and asked the first person she met for her name. The answer was - Vangelis, so the girl was named Vangelina (short for the Greek Evangelina - “bringer of good news”).

    Vanga grew up as an ordinary girl in a simple village family. When she was four years old, the First World War began, her father was called up to serve in the Bulgarian army, her mother died suddenly, and the girl was left in the care of neighbors. After returning from the war, my father remarried a good woman, and life went on as usual.

    Great gift

    When Vanga was 14 years old, something happened that changed her life forever. During a strong hurricane, the tornado picked up the girl and carried her far from home. The whole village searched for Vanga for a long time, and when they found her, they saw that her eyes were covered with dust and sand, and she could not open them due to severe pain. Vanga underwent two operations, but this did not help, there was no money for a third operation, and the family could only pray that the girl’s vision would return. Vanga did not yet understand that God had given her much more than just being sighted; he had endowed her with the ability to see the past and future, heal illnesses, and look into the depths of the human soul.


    For some time Vanga got used to her new state; no one remembers exactly when she began to predict the future. However, already during the 2nd World War, many people gathered near the seer’s house, wanting to know whether their loved ones would return from the war, whether they were alive, and everyone who came received answers to their questions, and Vanga was never mistaken.

    The clairvoyant Vanga said that information is given to her by invisible beings who visit her, and she reads the future from sugar crystals that people bring with them who want to know what fate has in store for them. Vanga, along with foresight, also had the gift of healing; she treated with the help of various herbs and infusions, and also knew how to unravel dreams with extraordinary accuracy.

    Secret signs of dreams

    Vanga interpreted dreams using a unique method known only to her. She argued that in their dreams people see secret signs of fate, by interpreting which one can find out not only the future of the person himself, but also the fate of the entire country. Vanga’s existing dream book contains both an interpretation of individual signs (certain objects, living beings) that appear in dreams, and different situations, in the context of which various objects and phenomena are considered.

    In our world, only a few have such a gift, but almost every person has the opportunity to look into the future and reveal the essence of the events that happen to him or may happen. A person receives such a unique opportunity during sleep. Dreams are a mirror of life, reflecting in the depths of the subconscious all the events that happen to a person. They are projected in the mind in the form of dreams containing prophetic symbols, by solving which one can find out what lies ahead. Vanga's dream book is compiled on the basis of the knowledge and revelations of the seer; it will help to correctly interpret dreams, creating a holistic picture of the signs, and determine what to expect or what to fear.

    Vanga knew the fates of those people who had not yet been born, as well as those who had not been among people for many years. This, according to many scientists, is the most extraordinary manifestation of her gift, and according to their calculations, about 70% of Vanga’s predictions come true, and this is much more than just a coincidence. Among the most famous are the collapse of the USSR, the assassination attempt on Kennedy, the death of Princess Diana, the death of the Kursk submarine, and the collapse of the Twin Towers in America. Also, one of her prophecies says that humanity will establish contact with foreign creatures in two centuries, and that this is not to be feared.

    Vanga died in 1996, and they say that she knew the date of her death to the hour.

    Vanga's dream book: interpretation of dreams

    Searching for interpretation of a dream using a dream book


    Vanga's dream book has an elementary structure, where all the symbols are presented in alphabetical order, and each of them contains a personal interpretation covering the near future.

    That is, if a person correctly guesses the meaning of the dream, he will receive practical advice on how to act correctly in the future in order to achieve his goal. That is why many modern people can always find a dream book in their home.

    Vanga's interpretation is based on the following principle: when a person sleeps, his subconscious is open to various energy flows of valuable information directly coming from space.

    Of course, they are represented by not always understandable symbols, which this truthful dream book, based on the prophetic abilities and life wisdom of the Bulgarian prophetess herself, helps to unravel.

    So dreams are not always the result of an emotionally intense day, but often become clear clues for the future.

    You shouldn’t ignore them and you should definitely look into Vanga’s dream book.

    So, relying on the revelations of the prophetess Vanga and her colossal all-seeing experience, you can unravel even the most meaningless, at first glance, dreams and protect yourself from rash actions.

    Despite the fact that Vanga’s interpretation of dreams is very pessimistic, the dream book pleases with its versatile approach and versatility of situations in which a phenomenon or object is considered.

    Vanga's dream book: interpreter of dreams from the great soothsayer

    To find the exact meanings of a dream, you need to be either an experienced psychologist or a strong psychic. Vanga's dream book, an interpreter of dreams, compiled by her through communication with mystical forces is one of the most truthful. This book will help you understand the language spoken in the magical kingdom of Morpheus.

    The outstanding abilities of the Bulgarian soothsayer Vangelia (Vanga) are beyond doubt

    Dreams in different cultures

    Why does a person dream? What is it: a bizarre game of our brain or encrypted messages that every person receives every night? How to crack this cipher?

    Dreams pose countless questions to which there are no answers. A person spends about a third of his life in a dream, plunging into a bizarre magical world that speaks to us in a special language, full of symbols and allegories.

    There has always been a special attitude towards sleep and dreams. Our ancestors believed that at night the soul leaves the body and goes traveling. During its wanderings, the soul can meet with entities, gods, spirits and souls of dead people. Our distant ancestors believed in the divine nature of sleep. Almost every religion and every nation had a “special” god who was responsible for sleep and dreams.

    How to understand that a dream is prophetic?

    Hello. My friend is interested in dream interpretation, but I can’t do anything. Maybe I just can't believe it.

    How to prevent a dream from coming true?

    I ask for help. Today I had a very unpleasant dream. According to Miller's dream book, it means the death of a loved one. Is it possible to do?

    Which dream book is the most truthful?

    Hello. Please tell me how to interpret dreams if all dream books have different meanings? Somewhere the meaning of one item can be positive.

    Svapneshvari - the Indian goddess of dreams, Untamo - the Finnish spirit of sleep, Bushyasp - the spirit of sleep and dreams from Iran, the gods Bes and Best, who protected the peaceful sleep of the ancient Egyptians, Ole Lukoie was responsible for dreams and dreams in Scandinavia. There were also evil gods who sent nightmares to sleeping people.

    Sleep has often been compared to death; it is not for nothing that death is called “eternal sleep.” The ancient Greeks had a special god Hypnos, who was responsible for sleep and dreams. In the cave in which he lived was the source of the River of Oblivion. Every night Hypnos rose into the sky on a winged chariot.

    So, for the ancients, dreams were in many ways similar to death, that is, to a transition to another world, where you can meet otherworldly beings and gain secret knowledge from them. People believed that it was in a dream that a person receives important information about the present and future. It has always been believed that some dreams are of particular importance; they are called prophetic, that is, they encode true information about future events.

    Miller's Dream Book alphabetically:

    History of dream books

    In ancient times

    Interpretation of visions from Vanga: a good index with an alphabetical index.

    Among primitive people, dreams were considered a sacred and mystical manifestation of higher powers; according to their beliefs, the soul of the sleeping person travels, so it is impossible to wake the sleeping person.

    Priests, sorcerers, great thinkers and philosophers have long been studying the meaning of dreams. The first books in which dream interpretations were recorded were created in ancient Sumer. Dreams and their interpretation are given great importance in the Bible. A striking example is the story of Joseph's interpretation of Pharaoh's dream.

    It was Sumer and Babylon that had a great influence on the Egyptian tradition of dream interpretation, which preceded the Greek and Roman ones. Dream interpretation was considered a real art that had to be studied for many years. Usually, rulers and influential people had a special person around them who was involved in the interpretation of dreams.

    Since ancient times, people have been interested in dreams and tried to interpret them in Ancient India and China; these countries developed their own traditions of this art.

    The ancient Slavs were not particularly original; their sleep was managed by a married couple: the god Sleep and the goddess Drema. She was represented in the form of a small woman, often an old woman, who, at nightfall, entered homes and lulled people to sleep. She was also considered the goddess of laziness and dreams.

    Sleep and Dream had children who also dreamed:

    • Sonya - sent sweet dreams to people after love pleasures;
    • Ugomon is the god who was responsible for lullabies;
    • Bai is the god who was responsible for putting people to sleep (using a potion, for example). He appeared in the form of a cat, which is where the fairy tale about the cat Bayun came from.

    In antiquity

    Pythagoras, Democritus, Plato, and other philosophers and thinkers wanted to unravel the nature of sleep and understand the meaning of dreams. They left works in which they tried to find answers to these questions. Aristotle believed that dreams can be messages from the gods, but can also be born within a person, but they are all important.

    The first dream book that has come down to us was created by Artemidorus of Daldian. He wasn't looking for answers to where dreams come from or why they appear. Artemidorus believed in their divine essence, and he was also a practitioner: he collected dreams, studied their fulfillment and interpreted them based on his own system. He called his work “Oneirocriticism”; his system is full of symbolism.

    Then there comes a long break in the history of dream research. In Medieval Europe, mystics and occultists dealt with these issues, but the church did not particularly approve of such activities, and there were no significant discoveries.

    In the 17th-19th centuries

    Starting around the 17th century, scientists and naturalists joined the study of dreams - the Age of Enlightenment began in Western Europe.

    The great mathematician and philosopher Leibniz first introduced the concept of the “unconscious” and tried to use it to justify the appearance of dreams and their meaning. Later, psychologists and psychiatrists took up this issue closely. Sigmund Freud, Adler, Jung - they all paid very much attention to what a person sees in a dream; they called dreams the hidden language of the human unconscious.

    Scientists denied the divine nature of dreams and believed that the source of vivid images was the result of the activity of the human brain. Some physiologists and psychologists today believe that dreams are just chaotic fragments of a person’s daytime memories, a kind of product of brain activity that does not carry any semantic load and arises due to a weakening of consciousness.

    Freud, Adler and Jung thought differently: they considered dreams as a special message from our mind, although each of them approached its interpretation differently. In Freud's teachings, dreams occupy one of the key positions. In his opinion, in order to find the hidden meaning of each dream, psychoanalysis should be carried out, which will show its contents.

    Jung believed that there is a level of the psyche at which a person gains access to information accumulated by all people living before him. He called it archetypal; in his opinion, dreams that are born at this level are very important and can carry significant information.

    For a long time, the general public treated the interpretation of dreams much like fortune telling or spiritualism. The situation began to change a little at the beginning of the 20th century. A little earlier, the dream book of Miller, a famous American psychologist who studied this topic, appeared.

    Miller's Dream Book remains one of the most popular encyclopedias on this issue today. His dream interpretations are distinguished by their depth and a large number of interpretations on each subject. It is really very detailed and, despite its long history, has a very good reputation.

    Another researcher who has made a very significant contribution to the study of dreams is the famous psychologist David Loff. He also compiled his own dream book, which is still very popular today. In his methodology, he took into account every little detail and took into account human characteristics.

    An even more popular guide on this issue is the dream book, which was compiled by the famous Bulgarian seer Vanga. Today, this is one of the most famous books of this kind, it is distributed not only in printed form: Vanga’s online dream book interpreter of dreams is one of the most popular on the Internet.

    But first, a few words should be said about the soothsayer herself, who is one of the most prominent figures of the last century. The gift that this woman possessed is truly surprising, arousing awe and respect.

    Vanga: the great seer of the 20th century

    Vanga or Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova born in the village of Petrich, January 31, 1911. She grew up in an ordinary family, her mother died early, her father remarried.

    At the age of 14, an event occurred that changed Vangelia’s future life. The turning point in the girl’s life was the hurricane in which she found herself. At first everyone thought the child was missing, but then she was found several kilometers from the village. Vanga found herself in the very heart of the tornado. Sand got into her eyes, she lost her sight, but instead acquired a wonderful gift.

    After the incident, the girl was sent to a home for the blind. They say that it was during this period that she revealed her amazing gift. For the first time, the girl told her fellow villagers where to look for the missing flock of sheep that she had seen in a dream.

    By the age of thirty, she had become a famous seer, to whom people came from afar for advice. Vanga said that supernatural beings who always accompanied her share information with her. The seer gained a lot of knowledge during her sleep. Her predictions concerned not only human destinies, but also the future of entire countries and peoples. Many of her prophecies have already come true, some are still waiting in the wings. In addition to prophecies, Vanga had the gift of healing and helped many people. This unique woman died in 1996.

    Dream Interpretation from Vangelia

    In collections of dreams you can find almost any plot. Read the interpretation of why a girl dreams of pregnancy

    One of the most important parts of her legacy is the dream book, which the seer created using all her accumulated experience.

    Vanga believed that dreams encoded very important information that concerns the future of our planet. The dream book created thanks to the sayings of the seer may seem somewhat confusing, but if you spend a little time understanding the language of symbols, you can find out the meaning of each dream. If you are interested in any symbol, you should look at Vanga’s dream interpreter and find its meaning using the alphabetical list.

    Vanga laid down her own interpretation for each dream, which extends to the near future. She selected the meanings using one method known to her, but she sincerely believed that it was in dreams that people could find clues about their future.

    New technologies

    Nowadays, everyone can find Vanga's dream book, interpreter of dreams online for free. You will be able to get advice on symbols, objects and events in a dream that interest you, an interpretation of your near future according to Vanga’s dream book, as well as advice on your behavior in order to change the situation.

    Topic "Help in interpreting dreams" Topic "Do dream catchers help" General forum "Interpretation of dreams"

    Finally, a few words about the predictions of the seer Vanga. She predicted the collapse of the Soviet Union, the assassination attempt and death of Kennedy, the sinking of the Kursk submarine, the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States, the death of Princess Diana, and the Chernobyl accident. Almost 70% of Vanga’s prophecies have come true, the hour of some of them has not yet come. She also said that in two centuries we will meet with representatives of alien intelligence, and this meeting will be peaceful.


    If you have any questions or need help in your current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

  • Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova) is a great Bulgarian clairvoyant who achieved fame during her lifetime. She became famous for her unique psychic abilities and the gift of healing people. But these are not all her talents. She also, like no other medium of that time, solved dreams. Many people from all over the world flew to Bulgaria specifically to communicate with Vanga. They were ready to wait for hours, days and even weeks to be accepted.

    Vanga began her life in a very unusual way. None of her relatives thought that she would live, so they did not give her a name. After she was born, she was simply wrapped in a sheepskin coat and placed next to the stove. So Vanga’s fate, whether she lives or not, is something her parents decide to entrust to God. And the Lord took pity on the baby. He breathed life into her tiny body and two months later she began to speak for the first time, as children are supposed to do. Only after this did her parents baptize her and she received the name Vangelia, which was translated from Greek as “Bringer of Good News.”

    At the age of three, little Vanga lost her mother and the women living in the neighborhood took over her upbringing. After some time, dad remarried and the future famous clairvoyant had a stepmother.

    It must be said that Vanga did not immediately discover her gift. As a little girl, she found herself in the very epicenter of a hurricane, which carried her 4 kilometers from her home. Because of this evil element, sand got into her eyes, and she could never open them again.

    In connection with this, in 1925 she ended up in a home for the blind, where she stayed for three years. There she underwent treatment to regain her sight. However, no matter how hard the doctors tried, her eyes never became sighted. She could no longer see the white light. It must be said that despite this, she mastered sewing, knitting, cooking, etc. These years were not spent in melancholy for Vanga. Here she fell in love with a blind young man from a wealthy family. He reciprocated and they began preparations for the wedding and everything would have been fine if Mr. Accident had not intervened. At this time, Vanga’s stepmother dies during childbirth in her father’s house. The father, left alone with the children, needed help from his eldest daughter. That is why he took her home and so she lost her own happiness.

    Further, Vanga’s life was not bright either. She took on the role of not only a mother to her brothers and sisters, but also the role of the family's breadwinner. Despite the fact that my father worked, they lived very, very poorly. Therefore, Vanga had to earn a piece of bread with his craft. Despite the complete loss of vision, she knitted, spun and sewed so that her seven could somehow make ends meet. With this, she not only provided her family with the necessary things, but also put her products up for sale. At the same time, another misfortune happened in her life - she fell ill with polio. This happened while standing barefoot on a concrete floor for a long time in line for benefits. No one had any hope for her recovery, but suddenly the illness subsided. This was the third inexplicable miracle.

    It is unknown when Vanga discovered her gift. Her relatives claim that it happened like this: a sheep was lost in the family and 16-year-old Vanga pointed out exactly the place where she was, saying that she dreamed about it. It was from then that another life of Vangelia began, filled with miracles.

    In 1940, Vanga fell into a trance for the first time. After that, a year later, she suddenly spoke with someone else’s male voice and prophecies flowed from her lips. For some, her prophecies were very good, as they promised prosperity and health, but for others, she predicted a quick death. It is noteworthy that since then Vanga has lost sleep once and for all.

    After Vana predicted the date of the introduction of German troops into Yugoslavia, processions of pilgrims began to her house. She accepted everyone, did not deprive anyone of attention and did not send them away with anything. The only exceptions were Chumak, Kashpirovsky and Juna’s students. Vanga refused to accept them. Moreover, she did not enter into discussions with people who were about to die and with those who were brought to her only by curiosity.

    In 1942, soldier Dimitar Gushcherov came to the clairvoyant. He asked her only one thing - to name the people who killed his brother. Vanka did not immediately answer. She said that a little later she would give him the information he needed, but at the same time she made him promise her not to commit lynching on them, adding that he would see them die without it. She made a strong impression on the soldier, he paid her a couple more visits and eventually proposed marriage to her. Vanga agreed and they moved to him in Petrich.

    The Lord did not send Vanga children, but one day an orphan boy came to her house, whom she adopted.

    The most wonderful predictions of the clairvoyant came during the war years. In those difficult times, people, mad with grief, went to their savior. They no longer knew where to turn with their trouble. The seer healed their spiritual wounds, indicated the places where their loved ones now live or are buried, and also advised them on how to avoid death on the battlefield or how to heal with the help of folk remedies.

    Many of Vanga's prophecies were associated with Russia. So, she predicted the Cold War, confrontation with the United States and many other things. In addition, she predicted that Russia would return to its former power with the beginning of the reign of “Prince Vladimir.” Contemporaries are still trying to figure out who Vanga meant. The names listed include Lenin and Putin. However, no one can say for certain who the clairvoyant meant.

    Vanga believed that Russia had a strong patron - Saint Sergius. That is why nothing can break Russia. As she stood, so she will stand. Only every year will her power grow stronger and in the end she will become the ruler of the whole world. This is the future Vanga predicted for Russia. She said that the great country had suffered too many victims and now nothing would stop it on the way to its goal. All enemies will fall before her majesty. Russia has suffered for too long, its people have endured a lot of suffering. Many people died during the war, and now, when there was already so much grief, she has rightfully earned her place in this world, and it will not be the last. Despite everything, Russia has remained an Orthodox country and its spirit is growing stronger every year. She does not change her faith and will not change it in the future. It is faith that strengthens the spirit of the people of Russia. It unites people and unites them in the face of great danger. It also gives them the strength to resist the misfortunes that continually befall long-suffering Russia.

    In 1979, when a difficult political situation reigned in the world, namely, the two strongest powers, Russia and the United States, seemed on the verge of nuclear war, she predicted that this would not happen, and in 6 years the leaders would change and big changes were coming. It is noteworthy that in 195 Mikhail Gorbachov came to power. It was with him that a new trend began in the life of great Russia.

    In 1979, Vanga made another very important prophecy. She predicted that Russia would change its name. There will be no union and it will be called as it was many centuries ago. All countries will respect her greatness, including America. It is no secret that these are two, albeit indirectly, warring countries. It was America that started the Cold War against Russia. But despite this, the end was not put in their relationship. This fight is not over. Even though the Americans consider themselves winners in this war, Russia has risen like a phoenix from the ashes and now its power is growing every year. Now Vanga is talking about America’s recognition of Russia’s leading roles. This will happen after the merger of three powers: Russia, China, India. Bulgaria will be in alliance with them if it becomes part of Russia. If Bulgaria turns away from Russia, then perhaps very soon it will end its existence. And now, after so many years, part of the prophecy has come true - the alliance of China, India and Russia already exists. It is possible that other Eastern powers will join them. What America was so afraid of is happening. Russia has changed its orientation from the West to the East and now great changes are coming in the structure of the whole world.

    As for Bulgaria, Vanga did not see its future without Russia. She always said that if these two countries “quarreled”, then Bulgaria would not survive. They are united by common roots and a common culture. Orthodoxy is what has always been the main connecting thread between these countries.

    It happened that Vanga suffered because of her gift. One of her most significant visions was the death of Stalin. She voiced this vision and almost immediately found herself in prison. True, she served only six months out of the prescribed 10 years. It is noteworthy that Stalin died exactly at the time that Vanga predicted.

    The most tragic predictions were associated with Vasil, Vanga's brother. While he was leaving for the front, she cried a lot and asked him to take care of himself. However, the clairvoyant's predictions did not save his brother. When he was 23 years old, he was captured, where he was tortured and then shot. Vanga foresaw all this, but could not prevent it. She considered this the most difficult test in her life - the gift of predicting the death of loved ones.

    She was unable to protect her husband from death either. They lived happily with him for 20 years. Then he suddenly began to drink excessively strong drinks, which is why he died. Vangelia remained on her knees the entire time until he gave up the ghost. Then, according to eyewitnesses, when it was all over, she suddenly fell asleep, not changing her body position. When Vanga woke up, she said that she accompanied her husband to his destination and now she is calm for his soul.

    Vanga's abilities have always been questioned. Even the famous writer Leonid Leonov reproached her for not telling him about his wife’s death in time. Vanga was very surprised by this and reminded him of the gift she gave him. It was ONE coffee mug. She could not directly talk about death; she used only hints for this.

    A lot of Vanga’s predictions were related to political life, which, it must be said, were even recorded. Even Hitler came to her during the war. What the seer told him is unknown, but sources claim that he left her very disappointed.

    Even Indira Gandhi, the glorious daughter of India, she predicted re-election. However, this is not the only thing the seer predicted. She talked about the murder of Indira and the death of her son in the disaster.

    Vanga herself was not afraid of death. She knew for sure that only her bodily shell, which, like all living things, would be destined to rot in the ground, would be destroyed. The soul will remain untouched and will further develop.

    When Vanga was dying, she was taken to the hospital. There she refused medical help, leaving her fate to the Lord God. There she fell into a coma and did not come out of it until her death. These days, for the first time in many years, tears flowed from her lifeless eyes. Thus, she exhaled all her fatigue from the bustle of the world and from the mistrust and misunderstanding of people.


    1. When Vanga was little, she loved to invent all sorts of games for herself. This amused her greatly. One of her favorite games was this: she would take some toy, run out into the yard and hide it there. Then she returned to the house, closed her eyes tightly and went into the yard to look for a toy. So she played blind Vanga. Even strict punishments and parental bans could not force her to give up this game.
    2. Vanga never talked about whether there is life after death or about the end of the world. She always avoided answering these questions.
    3. In 1967, Vanga began officially working for the state. She was officially hired as a seer and given a salary. To get to her, you had to sign up and pay a fee. Vanga received pitiful crumbs from this money.
    4. Vanga did not have children of her own, although she really wanted to have them. But she became a godmother more than three hundred times.
    5. Vanga was not only a clairvoyant, she was also a healer. She has helped hundreds of people get rid of many ailments.

    Vanga predicted many more things. Some of them are known to us, while others will remain a mystery. She spoke a lot both about the destinies of all humanity and about individuals. Not everything came true, but most of what she said had deep meaning and later came true.

    Everything that Vanga said was so important that scientists, including Doctor of Sciences Georgy Lozanov and Professor Dmitry Filippov, collected her sayings and later included them in the dream book. Parapsychologist Bedros Stoyanov, who was a frequent visitor to Vanga, also worked with them.

    During certain periods, such as starry and flowery nights, inspiration descended on Vangelia, and the most extraordinary prophecies began. It was at such moments that Bedros was nearby and accurately wrote down everything that the clairvoyant said.


    This dream book, which we have given for you, was created so that you can decipher your dreams and be able to identify turning points in your future. Based on this, you will be able to manage your life, directing it in a positive direction.

    In connection with this fact, completely collecting Vanga’s interpretations of dreams and sayings about the meanings of symbols in dreams is not only a very important task, but also extremely difficult, and sometimes even impossible. After all, it is impossible to count all the stars in the sky and catch all the drops of summer rain, just as it is impossible to count all the paths along which her admirers came to Vanga in Rupite and Petrich.
    In the same way, it is impossible to name or count all the interpretations of dreams in the online dream book, signs, prophetic allegories, images and symbols that bothered people visiting Vanga, who came for advice and interpretations of dreams and signs from the greatest clairvoyant of our time.
    But, despite this, a huge amount of work has been done to collect and carefully preserve various interpretations of signs, clarify dreams and much more of what Vanga said. In order to understand your dreams, a special dream book was created, with the help of which you can get answers to many questions when interpreting dreams.
    And thank you very much for collecting and preserving for us the interpretations for Vanga’s dream book, we must say to the scientists of the Institute of Suggestology and Parapsychology - Dr. M.Sc. Georgi Lozanov, academician Velichko Dobriyanov, professor Dimitar Filipov, senior researcher. I stand with Stoev, psychologist Boyka Tsvetkova.
    It is also worth mentioning the Bulgarian scientist and parapsychologist Bedros Stoyanov. He attended Vanga’s receptions and sessions many times, and during this time he collected very rich material about Vanga’s interpretation of dreams.
    Let’s not forget to thank Academician Panteley Zarev. This man, who had never specifically dealt with the problems of parapsychology, revealed many important and unique things about the nature of the Vanga phenomenon, shared his observations about the interpretation of signs and symbols sent from above.
    It is known that the most vivid and emotional revelations of the Bulgarian soothsayer, related to the interpretation of dreams and visions, occurred on starry nights in Petrich or Rupita. It was during these periods that Vanga was most inclined to engage in fascinating conversations about omens, about fate, about the destinies of people, about the future and the future, about lot and destiny.
    I, knowing from my fellow writers from Bulgaria, planned all this on my creative trips to catch this very favorable time. And it is during the period of star-flower hours to be in Rupite or Petrich. To, as they say, be in the right place at the right time. In order to hear with my own ears from the lips of the great soothsayer something new, not heard before or unknown about the interpretation of prophetic signs, dreams, allegories, symbols and images that descend to Vanga from above.
    Vanga's Dream Interpreter is literally a dream book compiled piece by piece, based on the fortune teller's sayings about various signs and symbols.
    Every time I was incredibly happy when these - sometimes small, but most importantly unknown to anyone - interpretations of symbols, the meaning of dreams were written down by me in writers' notebooks.
    “Vanga’s Dream Book” has its own special structure. Vanga’s online dream book is designed so that readers can easily navigate the search for the meanings of dreams, various prophetic images, symbols, signs and allegories, but at the same time they can derive the greatest benefit in order to correct all future turns of their fate in the right direction.

    In the dream book, all the names of prophetic symbols, signs, allegories and images are arranged alphabetically. From A to Z.
    The explanatory articles themselves, which are in the dream book, are grouped in such a way that they include a complete set of various information about the explanations of dreams and foreshadowing signs, and at the same time explain further actions in the lives of those people to whom they were sent in prophetic dreams. Vanga's online dream book is always open for you.
    This online dream book is always nearby (on the Internet) and you can always find interpretation of dreams in it for free.

    The articles in Vanga’s dream book solve several problems at the same time.
    1. Depending on the sayings, judgments and statements of the soothsayer, they explain the meaning and interpretation of dreams, symbols, images, signs seen by her in her prophetic dreams and dreams.
    2. They describe situations in life in which, according to Vanga, a person sees certain celestial signs.
    3. They give a small description of the future in the interpretation of a dream, which is foreshadowed by some prophetic signs, allegories, symbols and images.
    4. In this dream book, they indicate certain paths and turns of life along which, according to Vanga, the line of your destiny will develop in the future when you see certain signs - omens in dreams.
    5. They talk about the steps that need to be taken in real life after seeing certain certain symbols in prophetic dreams - omens and talk about what actions and deeds can be used to avoid unpleasant turns in fate in real life and, conversely, not to miss out on your happiness.

    And in order to immediately prevent various reproaches that with our stories about the soothsayer, about Vanga’s dream book and also the attitude towards dreams, we often delve deeply into scientific images, going so far as to use terms from philosophical and parapsychology like “electroencephalogram”, “program dreams” , I want to say the following.
    Yes, the clairvoyant Vanga was a simple peasant woman (although many secrets and knowledge were revealed before her inner gaze) who in her life did not use terms such as “electroencephalogram” or “parascience”
    Everything that we did with scientific experiments, scientific calculations and research was always invisibly present in Vanga’s words and judgments. It was natural, as if it were a matter of course.
    According to Vanga, dreams are very closely related to reality.
    On this score, I will give you a clear and very characteristic example that the Bulgarian writer Petrov Zdravko told me about. He is a close acquaintance of the Pandev-Gusherov family, and visited Vanga many times in Rupite and Petrich.
    On the day when Zdravko Petrov was present at the next visit of walkers to Vanga, one visitor turned to the soothsayer with a request for help in understanding the meaning of the dream sent to him the previous night.
    At this moment, Vanga suddenly asked this man to give her a watch. Usually people who come to an appointment bring pieces of sugar with them so that the clairvoyant can use them to predict their fate, as this usually happens, so Vanga’s request to give her the watch really surprised the visitor and he asked her if he understood her correctly... The soothsayer answered this verbatim : “I’m not holding your watch in my hands, but your brain...”
    So what scientists call in complex words, such as “device for taking an ECG”, “electroencephalogram of the cerebral cortex”, all this for Vanga was different, natural, and was contained in the phrase: “I’m holding in my hands not a watch, but your brain..."
    Dear readers. Vanga's dream book reveals the secrets to you. Read. Think about it. Change your destiny.
    Your happiness is in your hands. Like a simple wristwatch of a surprised and dumbfounded walker on Vanga’s kind, warm, rough and luminous palms.
    And this picture is bright, filled with unprecedented warm light, imbued with sincere gratitude, warmth, understanding of the significance of the moment just experienced and a feeling of something elusive, sublime, unearthly. Enlightenment and immediately this, elusive and unearthly, takes the form of poetic lines. This happens every time when the inner self suddenly begins to feel a special creative uplift - an indescribable, special, sublime poetic connection with the sky.
    Another moment and the poetic lines, like birds from rain and sun, easily fly into the sky towards the heavenly light and begin to live their new independent life... According to laws known only to them.

    It's not a watch - it's life in the palm of your hand,
    What will come to us from above in the future...
    So thank you, Vanga, for the dream book! -
    May he brighten up the coming year for everyone.

    And now these light birds, as if flapping their pink wings, carry heavenly images and omens from prophetic dreams. Those secret news about the future in human destinies about which the soothsayer Vanga said a word. We are sure that you will find the interpretations of dreams that interest you, which may help you in your future life. We have free access to dream interpretation for free. Vanga's Dream Book is an always available online dream book.
    There is no need to look for where, how and when you can download or purchase Vanga’s dream book, read Vanga’s dream book for free on our website.
    We are also pleased to invite you to our forum, where you can discuss all kinds of interpretations of dreams, the meaning of dreams and symbols according to Vanga. The friendly team of the forum will help you explain the interpretation of dreams more clearly, and a free online dream book will help you with this.

    Prophetess Vanga(31.01 or 3.10.1911 - 11.08.1996) from Bulgaria left a great legacy and, undoubtedly, was of great importance in history, but her knowledge in the interpretation of dreams can be called a separate contribution to the study of the human subconscious. Vanga’s dream book is in great demand in the vastness of her homeland and far beyond its borders; it has become a kind of collection of axioms for dream interpreters, since the principles of its interpretations are seriously different from other publications, both past and present. It is also worth noting how revered and in demand this collection is in the territory of modern Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union.

    It is also impossible not to emphasize that during Vangelia’s life, many noble people did not hesitate to visit her so that the prophetess herself would interpret the dream face to face, and this, like nothing else, extols Vanga’s contribution to the knowledge of dreams.

    The story of Vanga's tragedy

    Vanga was born and lived in the Bulgarian village of Petrich in a family of poor peasants. In childhood, no one suspected what an extraordinary gift this man had. When the girl was still small, death took her mother away from her, but even more The turning point in Vangelia’s life was a severe hurricane. The girl found herself in the very heart of the elements; at first she was considered missing, but was still found two kilometers from her home. Sand got into the girl’s eyes, and she simply could not open them from the terrible pain; there was no money at all for expensive operations in a family in which one father was the breadwinner. Thus, Vanga ended up in the house of the blind, where she spent three years of her life.

    There is no exact answer as to when Vangelia revealed her supernatural gift, but many in her homeland recall the incident of how a girl found a lost sheep, saying that in a dream she saw the place where it was located. Since then, she began to take her dreams seriously, treating them as an event.

    Some argue that Vanga’s ability to foresee the future manifested itself at the age of 16, and by the age of 30 she had chosen the craft of a fortuneteller. Scientists have calculated that over a period of 55 years, more than a million people visited Vangelia, and she did not refuse to predict the future to anyone, everyone received proper instruction, except for those who were awaiting imminent death; Vanga preferred not to tell such people the bitter truth.

    The history of the creation of Vanga's dream book

    Collecting sayings and then including them in Vanga's dream book was an extremely important task and not an easy one, but, nevertheless, this task was completed. The compilation of free dream books based on the sayings of the prophetess was carried out by scientists Georgy Lozanov (has the title of Doctor of Science), Dimitar Filipov (has the title of professor) as well as other scientists. The Bulgarian parapsychologist Bedros Stoyanov, who often personally visited the seer, also made a great contribution to the creation of this almanac.

    Not many knew that during special periods of time, such as starry and flowery nights, Vanga was especially frank in her prophecies; she had a special disposition for open conversations. Knowing this, people close to the fortuneteller specially visited Vangelia at such special hours in order to be the first to learn something that had not yet been said by anyone about the interpretation of dreams.

    Features of constructing an online dream book

    Vanga's online dream book it is built exactly in such a way as to bring maximum benefit, to tell everything as completely and clearly as possible. It should also be noted that this collection is intended to fulfill a number of tasks:

    1) Explanation of images and symbols based on Vanga’s sayings;

    2) It will determine the position in which the dreamer is located after seeing this or that symbol;

    3) A brief and concise definition of upcoming events based on the interpretation of images;

    4) Highlight the expected turning points in the dreamer’s future;

    5) Suggest some actions that should be taken by the one who had the dream, ladies to resolve the situation in a positive way.

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    Dream book online

    Sleep, dream and ecstasy - these are the three doors leading to the world of the unconscious, from where comes the science of the soul and the art of prophecy. The Oculus contains the best dream books from the luminaries of psychoanalysis and esotericism: Miller's dream book, Freud's dream book, Vanga's dream book, Nostradamus' dream book. In the World of Dreams article section you will find many unique materials about dream interpretation, books and articles: David Loff “What Are Dreams Made Of”, Harary “Life Is Just a Dream”, Zweig “Freud and the Interpretation of Dreams”, Bosnak “Sleep and Death”.

    Having done dream interpretation one of the techniques of self-analysis, using and comparing dream interpretations in various dream books, you will gradually develop your own system of dream interpretation and be able to create your own dream book.

    The Nostradamus phenomenon is close to Jung's idea of ​​synchronicity. Each dream is not accidental and is symbolically connected with an event that has already been formed and is about to happen. Meanings are transmitted in both directions over time, and just as an event influences a dream, a dream can influence events. The dream book of Nostradamus offers dream symbols, with the help of which the interpreter finds a unique key to the meaning of the dream.

    The author of the famous work “The Interpretation of Dreams,” Sigmund Freud proved that sleep is a distorted, disguised realization of a repressed desire. A dream is a valve for our feelings. Dreams visit us not as an obstacle to life, an obstacle to sleep, but as a guardian of sleep; in his saving fantasy the soul is liberated. Dream analysis according to Freud's method requires a scientifically painstaking method of studying dream material.

    One of the most popular dream books in the world was written by the famous psychologist Gustavus Miller, who systematized the experience and knowledge of ancient dream interpreters as fully as possible. He was able to describe a huge number of dream objects - objects and phenomena that were dreamed by different people at different times and interpret in detail the symbols of dreams.

    All dreams contain elements of prophecy, they are simply communicated to us in different ways: sometimes explicitly, and sometimes hidden in dream symbols. Dreams can be interpreted in different ways, but if you rely on the experience of the soothsayer Vanga, on her heightened perception of the world and on her wisdom, then in your dreams you can see a picture of the future.

    Loff's Dream Book

    Time does not stand still, and with the evolution of humanity, dreams are filled with new images. And a person, as before, is occupied by the same questions: what do the pictures of his dreams mean, how to relate to what he saw in a dream, do prophetic dreams exist? Science has long understood what sleep means in the economic life of the universe; sleep restores the strength depleted during the day. But what enlivens the black curtain of sleep with the magical play of dreams?

    The dream book is taken from the manuscript of Professor Einar Oul. Sveinsson, who, like all Icelanders, sees prophetic dreams. Translation of a dream book from Icelandic by Leonid Korablev, author of graphic and sculptural works dedicated to the work of J. Tolkien. The dream book was published on our website in agreement with Leonid Korablev.

    Numerological dream book

    The ability to correctly interpret numbers and numerical images that appear in dreams will allow us to understand the encrypted messages of our subconscious. Use the ancient teachings of numbers and their meaning to interpret dreams and gain information about exciting events of the past, present and future.

    Pre-holiday and holiday church days have a beneficial effect on the quality of dreams. Prophetic dreams often come on the waxing moon, closer to the full moon. Interpretations of lunar days, which you will find in the section, can also be a kind of dream book.