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Forty totem value. The tenth solar year is forty. Totem sphere of influence

Years: 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011
Ized (Patron): Maraspent - Holy Word of great power
Symbolism of the sign: Good luck, good news (in Christianity - debauchery and vanity)

In China this bird symbolizes good luck and is considered a bird of pleasure. The crackling magpie brings good news and the news that guests will come. As a sign of the yang principle and the sacred bird of Manchus, the magpie often appears on Chinese greeting cards. In Christianity, forty symbolizes the devil, debauchery and vanity.

Magpie endows people with vital activity, briskness and restlessness. She never stays away from what is happening, and not only is she in the thick of things, but also influences what is happening. Magpie talks a lot, but does even more, managing to react to several situations at the same time.

Magpie- a skilled manipulator, behind her external frivolity and gaiety lies a deft dodgy mind and a fair amount of cunning. No matter how much Soroka says, her words always make sense, moreover, she keeps her promises, even when it is almost impossible. Magpie does not take anything seriously, therefore it is not inclined to worry about defeats for a long time; having lost once, she rushes into a new fight, in which she will certainly win.

Magpie she likes to pretend that everything in life comes easy to her, but in fact she does not neglect intrigues and crafty tricks in order to achieve her goal. She knows how to ascribe to herself other people's merits, but she will willingly share her own - however, only when it will be beneficial for her. Magpie unravels other people's cunning plans with the same enthusiasm with which she builds her own, and she attaches the greatest importance to the very process of an exciting game.

A lover of external effects, Magpie can pretend to be modest, but she will try to arrange so that her merits are seen and appreciated. She does not attach much importance to the opinions of others, but uses their attention as the next step on the way to the goal.


Agile and mobile, with a logical mindset, periodically changing hair color - these are Magpies. Fast, lively in the language (nevertheless, they cannot throw words into the wind), a little crafty. Thanks to these very qualities, Magpies are able to unravel the threads of intrigue, instantly understand what is happening and transform the situation in such a way that it suits them. People born at this time should be able to do several things at the same time, and since they are quirky enough, they will succeed.


Black rook - manifests itself primarily in speech: it is tongue-tied and some defects, which, however, does not prevent them from blurting out all the secrets entrusted to them. In addition, a delayed reaction to what is happening is possible.

Manifestation of Antitotheme

The antitoteme of the Magpie manifests itself in a penchant for idle chatter and an absolute inability to keep other people's secrets even to their own advantage. Such a person acts slowly, but does not waste time thinking, but spends it in empty inactivity. He succeeds little, he does not have time to react to ongoing events and always misses his advantage.


The year is favorable both for the people whose totem it is, and for the Deer. Life at this time returns to normal, and people who are associated with the indicated signs need to pay attention to representatives of the opposite sex - a successful marriage is possible.

1906, 1938, 1970, 2002

1907, 1939, 1971, 2003

1908, 1940, 1972, 2004

1909, 1941, 1973, 2005

1910, 1942, 1974, 2006

1911, 1943, 1975, 2007

1912, 1944, 1976, 2008

1913, 1945, 1977, 2009

1914, 1946, 1978, 2010

1916, 1948, 1980, 2012

1917, 1949, 1981, 2013

1918, 1950, 1982, 2014

1919, 1951, 1983, 2015

1920, 1952, 1984, 2016

1921, 1953, 1985, 2017

1922, 1954, 1986, 2018

1923, 1955, 1987, 2019

1924, 1956, 1988, 2020

1925, 1957, 1989, 2021

1926, 1958, 1990, 2022

1927, 1959, 1991, 2023

1928, 1960, 1992, 2024

The image of the Magpie is one of the most controversial symbols in world culture. Different peoples endowed the black-and-white bird with divine and diabolical features, attributed to it the ability to bring blessings and sorrows to life. Nevertheless, the Zoroastrian horoscope of the ancient Indians made her the patroness of the 10th year of the planet's cycle. She is able to give a lot to her ward and warn against a lot.

The magpie is a bird known from the first years of the creation of the world. Since ancient times, its cheerful crackle has attracted people who attributed magical properties to it. The opinion about this bird is very different in different beliefs: in some countries, its appearance promises prosperity and future success, in others, hearing or seeing a magpie meant upcoming trials.

Image of Magpie in Slavic mythology

According to the beliefs of the Slavs of the 9th-10th centuries, the magpie is a mystical bird, capable of predicting the future and bringing news. Because of the magical features, witches often turned into it. For this kind of evil spirits had its own name - a witch-thing. After turning into a magpie, they were engaged in the usual, typical of other witches, things: they milked cows dry, sent damage to people, stole the moon from the sky, and even flew to the Sabbath.

A special craft of the magpie-thing is the abduction of born children from the womb of their mothers. Having waited until the pregnant woman was left alone, 2-3 gizmos penetrated the hut under the cover of night and took the child away, paralyzing the victim. They needed children for food, and inside the victim they put a loaf of bread or a cube of people.

Thus, the magpie among the Slavs is a magical and dangerous bird, known with demons. The winged ogre is an embodied image of fate and death, a symbol of the inevitable. There is even a saying about them: “Friendly magpies in a flock are stronger than tigers walking alone.”

Magpie Meaning in Chinese Legends

According to Chinese beliefs, the magpie is a bird that brings good luck, a symbol of joy and pleasure. If you hear the cheerful crackling of this bird, good news will soon come to the house that will change life for the better. For several centuries, this bird personified imperial power and might.

Often the magpie was attributed the meaning of a happy marriage and sexual well-being. An unusual tradition for separated lovers is associated with this bird and its love for everything shiny: before parting, they broke the mirror into two halves, and each kept his part until the happy moment of reunion. If one of the couple could not remain faithful to the partner, his half of the mirror turned into a magpie and hurried to tell the sad news to the deceived heart.

Symbolism of the sign in Christianity

Believers did not like this black and white bird, considering it a companion of the devil. According to legend, she was one of the animals that refused to enter Noah's Ark. Her survival on the planet after the global flood was not of divine origin.

Because of the bird's love for idle chatter, it was believed that under its tongue there was a drop of blood from the ruler of Hell - Satan. Magpie in this religious teaching is a symbol of debauchery, deceit and betrayal.

The meaning of the totem Soroka according to the Slavic calendar

Since ancient times, the Slavs have been watching the black and white bird, endowing it with magical properties and even choosing it as the totem patron of entire families and cities.

Magpie as a totem accompanies the god of blessed rain - Sitivrat. Together with a bumblebee and a squirrel, he follows him on all his travels, helping to hear all people's speeches and keep an eye on the Russian land.

Magpie gives both Sitivrat and the person under her charge mobility and sociability, helps to see everything that is happening around in full. Gives a person good intuition and energy.

The character of the ward Magpie

The people guarded by the magpie are so sociable that they sometimes cross the boundaries of what is permitted, interfering in the affairs of people who did not ask them about it. For this, forty are not particularly favored, considering them gossips and talkers. In fact, a magpie, carried away by some business, will not cease to be excessively verbose. Her indefatigable energy will find a positive outlet, so it is important for every Magpie to find and understand her purpose in life.

Totem sphere of influence

Magpie is a real gray eminence of this world. Wherever a person goes, everywhere he will be under the supervision of a vigilant prophetess. No wonder the pagan gods trusted her to be their eyes and ears, even the divine mail was delivered by her - the magpie.

Magpie is in charge of both legal and shadow activities: it manages both poachers and petty criminals (especially thieves, since she herself is a rogue and greedy for shiny trinkets). Under her patronage, people of art and areas close to it also go: the magpie has a great taste, if it is developed.

The meaning of the Magpie totem according to the Zoroastrian horoscope

Long before the advent of the Western system of astrology as such, there was a calendar system of totems of the ancient Indians: every year they patronized their own animal, took care of people born during this period. In total, it is customary to allocate 32 totems, each of which is responsible for its own year in the cycle.

General characteristics of the Magpie totem

Key description of the totem: reasonable use of the mind given from above and careful handling of occult knowledge.

Totem activity period: winter and summer, in the off-season magpies feel worse.

Totem color: silver blue.

Board dates: 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011, 2043, 2075.

The magpie is the 10th year of the cycle and follows the year of the tortoise.

People born under the auspices of magpies have irrepressible vitality, optimism and briskness. They are always in the thick of things, which sometimes they themselves brew. These are noble talkers and manipulators: the magpie is able to subjugate the most formidable totems of the Zoroastrian horoscope. But she is so cunning and dexterous that no one will suspect the black-and-white prankster of unseemly deeds. However, forty does not have a penchant for deceit: he does not do anything evil on purpose, but sometimes a long tongue really becomes an enemy.

Appearance and character of the ward Magpie

A person born in the year of Magpie will be distinguished by small in size, but unusually lively, as they say, “burning” eyes, a large mouth, which is often stretched in a smile, a nose that is large relative to the rest of the face, often with a hump. Owners of a bright appearance, they feel a craving for change: one image for life is not for them. Women will be happy to experiment with hairstyles and makeup. Men, as a rule, are more restrained by nature, but extravagance in the choice of accessories is not alien to them.

Magpie gives a person ease of communication and a restless temperament - such a person will always find adventure on his head. Another great passion of the totem is gossip. It is important to observe the measure and clearly understand what is worth saying and what is not. Otherwise, there is a great risk of becoming like the antitoteme of the magpie. Even years of friendship will go to waste.

Magpies rarely attach themselves to something seriously and for a long time: they are free birds that like changing nests. So are people - they do not hold on to a city or country, easily changing one house to another. The ideal job for a magpie is one that involves business trips. This will help fidgets not to get bored in their native land.

The people of this totem are literally all in the works, most of which they took on themselves. Like the hundred-armed Shiva or Julius Caesar, they deftly juggle affairs and responsibilities, managing to solve several problems at the same time. Due to such workload and constantly changing plans, building a strong relationship with a magpie will be extremely difficult. These people are always in a hurry somewhere, running and do not understand how others live differently.

Magpie loves to dress up, she likes everything beautiful. But often people of the magpie totem lack elegance and a sense of proportion, especially for ladies. They have to strictly control themselves so as not to put on too much shiny and trendy.

Financially, as a rule, these are successful people. They make good money, but they can immediately spend all the money on the thing they like, not at all sparing the efforts invested in obtaining them. Surprisingly, the money after that is always returned a hundredfold.

The manifestation of the totem in love and friendship

In a personal sense, the magpie is far from the easiest totem. It is extremely difficult to interrupt or interest the ward of a black and white bird. They will always put off serious conversations until tomorrow, filling space and time with empty chatter. But you can come to terms with this, if you know the approach, play on the weakness of the magpie - the love of gossip. Which means you need to present serious information as something extremely exciting.

The features of the totem are manifested in people from childhood: it is often boring for a restless kid to sit at textbooks. For them, the playful form of presenting the material is especially important.

People in love with forty people will have to be patient: the ability to change places and environments will drive you crazy, especially representatives of the earth signs of the zodiac. The best compatibility can be achieved with earth totems: they converge well with romantic fallow deer. Most likely, relations with representatives of the same totem will not work out: the couple will not be stable, although bright enough.

Magpies get along well with children: kids are literally in love with charming talkers and talkers with a million games and pranks in their heads. In some sense, the magpie itself always remains in the soul a rosy-cheeked carefree little one. However, motherhood is not a symbol of the zodiac sign: the magpie does not want to limit personal freedom by the birth of a baby. Having decided to give birth, they, as a rule, do not sit on maternity leave for a long time, resorting to the services of nannies and grandmothers.

How to get under the protection of the Magpie

The acquisition of a personal totem is rather not a matter of a person's desire. We do not choose our patrons, but they choose us. If you were not born in the year of the reign of the Magpie, you can still enlist the support of a feathered prophet using the meditative method.

Having retired and calmed down, mentally imagine an immense space. Look around and try to feel everything that is happening as sharply as possible. When you finally find yourself in an imaginary world, imagine a small dot in front of you: it will gradually increase in size and take on a distinct shape. This is how the totem patron comes: if you're lucky, it will be a magpie. But any animal as a talisman has its own powers, you should not be upset and indignant if another creature came to your call. Try to get in touch with him and make friends.

Magpie totem and the occult

In terms of magical ability, people with a magpie totem are among the most capable and gifted. The patrons themselves help them, appearing before important events. Such signals, especially repeated ones, directly indicate the witchcraft capabilities of a person. By the number of forty that have appeared, you can determine the future: 1 - for future difficulties, 2 - for great luck, 3 - for an imminent wedding, 4 - for the birth of a child, 5 - for christening, 6 - portend a streak of bad luck, the appearance of 7 black and white birds symbolizes heaven, and 8 the kingdom of sinners. The most negative sign is 9 forty - they portend imminent death.

People with a magpie totem should engage in the occult with great care. With all their talents, too much magic will affect fate, rather, negatively and will not bring happiness. But basic knowledge, on the contrary, will make life easier and more comfortable. The fact is that the energy of the magpie is practically uncontrollable. With excessive magical practices, the Totem immediately takes possession of a person, leaving nothing from the person.

During the reign of the black-and-white bird, many eccentric, extraordinary personalities were born. All of them had a love for art and some nervousness, anguish, which made these people truly special. In the year of the Magpie, Cleopatra was born, whose beauty remains unsurpassed to this day, Franz Kafka, who tried to burn all his manuscripts because of his lack of confidence in his own talent, English romantic lord George Gordon Byron, philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, Czech satirist writer, sharp on language - Yaroslav Gashek.

Antitotem Magpie

The totem opposite to the magpie is the black rook. This bird is not averse to talking, but only other people's secrets, dirty gossip and abuse come out of its mouth. If a magpie's ward noticed a deterioration in speech abilities, defects such as stuttering and the inability to pronounce certain letters, this is an alarming sign, apparently, higher powers are hinting that you need to take a break and be silent, think before saying something else.

A person who has begun to be affected by an antitoteme becomes slower and lazier. He can sit back for hours, wasting bursts of energy on empty talk. Things will go very badly for him, because due to idleness such a person will miss his profit. Gradually, friends and acquaintances will turn away: no one likes it when their secrets are revealed without any reason whatsoever.

Year of the Magpie in the life of other totems

The years of the magpie's reign are considered magical: this is the time when cherished desires and secret dreams are destined to come true. At this time, the word acquires its primitive divine power, so you should be careful about what you say out loud. No need to swear and complain about the circumstances. It will be much more productive to direct energy and speech to make dreams come true.

The smallest actions lead to global consequences. This is the year when the flap of a butterfly's wing can really transform everything around. It is worth trusting your intuition more and “catching” the signs of the universe. It will not let you turn in the wrong direction and will guide you on the path that will lead to happiness. It is only necessary to be able to identify the right path. In this, a close connection with the totem patron will be most useful: ask for help. In a dream or in reality, he will definitely give a signal.

The year of the Magpie cycle is the year of the establishment of justice. Everyone will receive exactly what he deserved by his previous deeds. Kind people are waiting for good news and good news from all over the earth. Evil people, with a bad conscience, will reap the fruits of their activities, receiving one punishment after another.

In the year of the Magpie, there is a chance for people with a dominant Magpie or Deer totem to meet their fate, it is with him that they will be able to build strong relationships and a prosperous family. Experts recommend traveling as much as possible. Various property transactions and business negotiations will go well.

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Key property: proper use of the mind and occult knowledge

Activity period: winter and summer

The magpie is considered the cousin of the crow. It is a large bird with a shiny black head. Magpies are curious and partly even shameless. They are notorious for being able to steal anything they can carry. This represents the ability to take advantage of any circumstances.

Magpie as a totem can help you use any metaphysical or occult knowledge that you have - no matter how fragmentary it is. The only thing you should beware of is the illusion that magic itself can solve some of your problems, and that by embarking on this path, you can do without serious work on self-development.

Many consider the magpie the most intelligent bird in the corvid family. Magpies do have great intelligence, good adaptability and the ability to interact within the group. Magpies are most common in the northwest, so studying this side of the world will help you determine its special role in your life.

Magpies are very cunning birds and are capable of any deceit, which indicates their high intelligence. Through this, they can teach you how to use all the resources at your disposal, as well as the ability to "take everything out of life." They can help you improve your level of knowledge. Their appearance most often indicates the possibility of achieving success, subject to the correct application of their mental abilities.

It was often believed that magpies promise bad luck, and if luck, then only depending on the time when they were seen, and on the number of birds seen. Part of the reason for such a difficult attitude towards magpies should be sought in the old legend about how the magpie was the only bird that refused to fly inside Noah's Ark, preferring to sit on the roof.

Based on this legend, an old belief arose that if a magpie sits on the roof of a house, then this house will never collapse. Magpies build their nests from clay and twigs. Magpie nests tend to be large and are usually mounted on forked tree branches or in thorny bushes. This makes their home durable, and also gives the magpie the ability to open access to new worlds for a person as easily and quickly as possible. It is believed that thorny bushes often block the entrance to the realm of the fairies, while forked branches symbolize the intersection of worlds. Magpie nests are usually located along the river and are suitable for habitation in winter and summer.

Often, a magpie's home is a mess, which should warn against looking for quick and easy methods to achieve the goal with the help of occult knowledge. Their dwellings usually have a roof and side entrances. The appearance of a magpie as a totem usually indicates that you are able to interact with the spirit world in several different ways at once (often quite unusual).

The Scots have a rhyme that foretells the future by the number of magpies you might encounter while walking:

One magpie - to adversity, two magpies - to fun,

Three magpies - for the wedding, and four - for the birth,

Five forty - to the christening, well, and six - to bad luck,

Seven forty is heaven, eight forty is hell

Nine forty is the devil, grabbing everyone.

Such representations continue in the folk traditions that exist in the United States. Magpie is associated with witchcraft. It was once believed that magpies are assistants to sorcerers and sorcerers. Part of the explanation for these beliefs is the magpie's high intelligence and their love of watching human activity. Also, I'm sure it has to do with their penchant for theft - as sorcerers and sorcerers were often viewed with dislike and distrust.

Their intelligence and cunning make them a very interesting totem, but the energies are difficult to control. It is a bird that lives by its own rules. She knows how to use other animals for her own purposes. She can teach how to apply occult knowledge for quick results. One of the problems with this totem bird is that this knowledge is usually incomplete. You can get what you want with the use of knowledge, but it can happen in the most unexpected way and have consequences that you did not expect.

If you have a magpie in your life, you need to ask yourself some serious questions. Do you have knowledge that you do not use in any way? Are you using all your skills to get what you need most? Are you using your knowledge and skills inappropriately? Magpie can help you find answers. It will help you learn how to use occult knowledge in the most effective way. Magpie will show you what you can do for your life with just the most basic occult knowledge.

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›› ›› Totem of the Year – Magpie

Totem of the Year - Magpie

Appearance. Representatives of the Magpie year, as a rule, have an average height, a slender graceful figure, long legs, and a hurried gait. Such a person has a refined beauty. Despite having a large head, it has small facial features; the face has a round oval. Hair color can change several times during a lifetime. In the presence of early gray hair, it retains youth for a long time.

Character. Such a person is always on the move, has time everywhere, very smart. He is constantly in sight, aware of all events. With external superficiality, a very great depth lurks inside it. The Magpie Man has a mystical way of thinking, a prophetic gift, a propensity to comprehend and reveal secret information. He has his own goal, following which he is always clear, concentrated and collected.

This is a child prodigy by nature, which is characterized by early development and implementation. He has excellent mental abilities, good logical thinking, which complement great curiosity and easy learning. Thanks to his clear mind, he is able to quickly understand any situation, instantly calculate all possible options and see the main thing, discarding everything that interferes. Those around him are amazed at his ability to quickly make the right choice. Delving into the very essence of what is happening, he manages to reveal negative information, successfully unravel any intrigues and make all this accessible to others. From this point of view, he is a good conductor, warning others of danger and protecting against all sorts of intrigues.

Many may not like him and even fear for the fact that he speaks the truth and is not shy in expressions. You can’t catch a magpie at a word, she is immediately able to switch to any other version of what was said. Such a person is very quick-tongued, somewhat cunning, but his cunning is akin to some cunning. This is Khoja Nasreddin, who could fool anyone's brains, get out of the most difficult situation with the right word. He knows how to deftly bypass the enemy in order to restore justice and take from him what does not rightfully belong to him. He has the skill to return the stolen, using maneuvering, the ability to balance on the verge between white and black.

Eloquence, charm, great sociability, the ability to keep people around him are far from all the abilities that nature generously endowed a person born in the year of the Magpie. Literary abilities and a gift for writing help him realize his craving for the spread of words and thoughts. An excellent magician, mass entertainer or entrepreneur can come out of it. And he is also an eternal wanderer who loves to travel. He often manages to act as a pioneer. Such a person has a lot of interests and hobbies that unite people and cause their respect. And one more of his “titles” is worth mentioning - this is a born player.

Despite his love of freedom, the representative of the Magpie year loves to serve. He manages to do several things at the same time, find a part-time job. He is not afraid of a change of profession, moreover, he is happy to go to the development of new areas of activity. In general, such a person is not immune from sudden changes in fate. Often these changes he arranges for himself. By the way, such a way of life may not fit into the social canons. A magpie can spend a lot, but it can also acquire a lot.

Contrary to his talkativeness, the representative of this totem does not like to talk about his family affairs and does not take dirty linen out of public.

Year 10 of the 32-year cycle 1915, 1947, 1979, 2011
Color - silver-blue.
Has a totem of the Magpie, a sacred bird, Messenger of the Gods. Ized - Mantra-Spenta or Maraspent, i.e. Divine Word, mantras, sacred prayers. Magpie - an image for meditation of all sacred prayers, mantras.

A prayer word, a prayer mill, with the help of which a person receives Hvarna. The Magpie is associated with the Divine Word, it was the sacred bird of Maraspent, the utterance of mantras was blessed with a symbolic sign that showed the Magpie on the Earth or on the Solar globe.
The Year of the Magpie, like the year of the Uzh, is magical and is associated with the magical ten. This is the year of gaining protection, when many prayers come true, many wishes come true. At this time, no one should wish anything bad, words should not be thrown to the wind, because what was said may come true or be directed against the speaker. One must not desecrate the word, one must not make promises in vain; prayers are especially helpful this year. Verbal magic, evil eye, damage are intensified, because. devas passing through a carelessly thrown word can enter a person. Therefore, in the year of the Magpie, you need to pray more, read more sacred texts, pay attention to signs that are signs descending from Heaven.
This year, all sorts of little things happen, various small incidents, which then lead to serious consequences and very large events. One careless word can cost you dearly later on. Any papers and documents must be signed with great care. The Year of the Magpie is also considered the year of deceit and disappointment, because demons act through the word and through the promise, and at this time it can be broken, it is in this year, as a rule, that important documents, contracts are signed, connections are made between people, the proclamation of something discoveries and travels.
People born in the year of the Magpie should initially be piebald, black and white. This coloring of the Magpie's feathers reproduces the sacred Ised Mantraspent, which allows a person to distinguish Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, just black and white coloring and reminds of the temptation that threatens every person. The Magpie Man needs to be very fast, always be a guide, follow the word, follow the promises. Such a person is recommended to constantly pray, never throw words to the wind, always be on the move, warn others, protect them from any / intrigues and fearlessly unravel any intrigues.
Magpie is a thief, but she steals only from those who have stolen. As they say: "A thief stole a baton from a thief." They are very lively in their language, somewhat cunning, but their cunning is not even cunning, but rather cunning. They can balance on the verge between black and white, as their plumage reminds. You won’t catch them at their word, they will immediately give you any version. This is not just theft (Khodja Nasreddin), but the return of the stolen. Yes, it seems to be a deception, but in fact - the restoration of justice. And their punishment depends only on them, on their spiritual height and purity, and on whether they take a bribe for this or take nothing for themselves - Khoja Nasreddin did not need anything from this. Like Smoktunovsky in the role of Detochkin, for example.
If a person has dexterity, mobility, speed of speech, the ability to quickly understand the situation, a clear, sober mind, logical combinatorial thinking, an instant miscalculation of all kinds of options, then the Magpie totem manifested itself in a person. Such people can do several different things at the same time, and very well, they manage to find part-time work, they have many interests and hobbies that often unite people. And, although they often crackle incessantly, they understand any situation with lightning speed, immediately grab what glitters, and instantly discard everything that interferes with them.
Magpie totem is also manifested in the fact that a person changes hair color during his life. They also turn gray quickly, especially brunettes.
Until the age of 32, until the cycle had passed, hair coloring and the use of cosmetics in Zoroastrianism were considered shameful. Gray hair in Forty people can even change its color, from gray hair it can become light or dark, i.e. gray hair goes away. Hair color can change up to two times in a lifetime, usually during adolescence. Or a very early gray hair sets in, from the age of 18 gray hair appears, and by the age of 30 the head turns completely gray. Magpie is an eternal tumbleweed, an eternal wanderer. People born in the year of the Magpie are extremely quirky, they love games very much, they are born players. They are cunning and cunning, like Khoja Nasreddin, who could. to powder anyone's brains, to wriggle out of any situation with the help of a word. Probably Khoja Nasreddin was born in the year of the Magpie, especially since he was like a migratory bird, instantly oriented in the situation (Good - Evil; Black - White), immediately made the right choice, modeled the situation.
If a person is tongue-tied, if he does not change the color of his hair, or quickly loses it, if he is flabby, cannot fly, except from a height, then an antitoteme appears. This is especially evident in speech: he does not pronounce many letters, tramples on words, does not react quickly.

In the years of Magpie, printing, the spread of words and thoughts, and travel began. In Rus', for the first time, a railway was opened from St. Petersburg to Tsarskoe Selo. They consecrated the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Made many geographical discoveries.
But it was the blue race that was defiled by Angro-Manyu when he fell into Antarctica, breaking through the Earth. They discovered the hellish land, and at that time, in the homeland of the discoverer - Bellingshausen, Marx and Engels were born, whose ideas later, after 100 years, win in the homeland of another member of the expedition.
And who should resist Magpie? Underground vile animal - Mole. It is the sighted flying Magpie and the blind Mole, undermining the roots, having the key to the hellish abyss. Zoroastrians have a legend that penguins are the souls of unborn children.