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Broadcast of the official blog of Maria Arbatova in Hydepark

(190). Not fun - fun; impolite - polite; thoughtlessly - deliberately; a little1- a lot; revdadeke1 - in the distance; .unstable1- stable; unfriendly - friendly; unclear - clear; frivolously - seriously, sincerely - sincerely; not indifferent - indifferent71unfair beer - fair; carelessly - neatly; unthrifty - thrifty; a lot -
mEvil; illiterate - competent;~n?beautiful - beautiful. -і ¦ » -1
1-219(c). Fresh, otherwise, lake, enough, hot, lower, first, sun, letter, redundant, soap, VERY, CAPTIVITY, generally, right4, easier, bad, deliberately, it seems, window, occasionally^ dish§, dry1, torso^, irresponsible, long-standing, foggy,
(191). 1) Perform carelessly. It's a ridiculous thing to do. Speak indignantly.
To do it sloppy, untidy, ineptly. Sew on the button loosely. Look distrustful, dissatisfied, unfriendly. Express thoughts inconsistently, incoherently. Fly low. Dig shallow. Open your eyes slightly.
Sew not firmly, but loosely. Look incredulously, but with suspicion. Talking is not at all fun, not at all loud, not at all affectionate. Say it not loudly, but quietly. Fly low, not high. It doesn't fly high at all. [Not at all happy.]
(With). In a duck way, in a spring way, in a Cossack way, in a comradely way, in a friendly way, in a new way, in our own way, in an old way.
We will now work not in the old way, but in a new way. He did everything his own way, without listening to anyone and without convincing anyone of the correctness of his decision.
(192). What’s awkward is what’s wrong. Easy to say, not easy to prove. The bird flew high and landed not far away.
An affectionate word is not difficult, but quick. A smart word is not hard, but easy.
What is a pronoun.
What? What. N.f. - What.
Relat., im.p.
What? What.
l - [l "] - agree., ringing., soft.
e - [i] - voice, unsound.
g - [k] - agree., deaf., TV.
k - [k] - agree., deaf., TV.
o - [o] - voice, beat.
5 points, 5 stars
(193). 1. - The weather soon changed subtly. 2. Several heavy stones fell off the steep slope and rolled down. 3. Recently, one of the outings, with absence from the den for the whole day and night, almost ended in unexpected disaster for the wolves. 4. The restless wolf cubs did not rest so much as they ran around, sniffing and looking closely at everything that attracted their curiosity. 5. Not far from the wolves with their cubs, much to the side, in the tamarisk groves, saigas were grazing. There were a lot of them.
^222 (c). Secondly, ^third, ^-fourth, 13-fifth, sixth, seventh, ^-eighth, ninth, tenth.
Firstly, if you want to successfully write an essay, first make an outline, and secondly, select working materials. Third, work on a draft first so that the final version is free of errors and corrections.
(194). 1. The winter sun is unkind (adj.). Nelaskovo (adv.) met a forest of children. 2. The day passed unnoticed (adv.) in the forest. After cleaning, the stain on the raincoat is invisible (adj.). 3. Seryozha jumped up low (adv.). The young tree is not tall (adj.). 4. The objection is unconvincing (adj.). Kolya made an unconvincing excuse (adv.)e 5(n). Defeat was inevitable (add).
The winter sun is unkind^ (Narrative, non-vocal, simple, distributive)
Justified - verb.
(What did you do?) made excuses. N.f. - make excuses.
Non-sov.view, non-crossing, 1 sp.; withdrawn, applied, units h., past vr., m.r.
Kolya (what was he doing?) made excuses.
224 (195), “Zhigan,” Dimka said in a whisper, although there was no one around, “don’t walk straight there... it’s better to run around.” No matter how they noticed.
The wounded commander was warned.
Well, he said, just be careful, guys. And if it doesn’t help, then nothing can be done. I really wouldn’t want to disappear so absurdly.
What if it’s lepo?
There is no such word, Dimka. And if it’s not for free, then it’s possible. Style - artistic
(Don't) go - verb.
(What do you do?) don't go. N.f. - walk.
Non-sov.view, non-crossing, 2 sp.; command, on, units h., 2l.
(What are you doing?) don't go..
Be careful - adj.
How are you? be careful. N.f. - careful.
Quality, simple, comparative. degree.
What are you doing? be careful.
225 (196). Not with nouns, adjectives and adverbs ending in -o and -e. Method of writing Creatures of IT. Adj. agate. Adverbs ending in -o and -e Together Sloppy, foe (enemy) Ridiculous, ugly act (bad) Ridiculous, sloppy; impolite (rude) Separately not a friend at all, not a friend, and an enemy not at all handsome; not a beautiful, but a disgusting act, not at all polite, not polite, but rude
The work is written carelessly and illegibly, and it is not at all easy to read. A completely uninteresting film was shown on TV yesterday, and I didn’t even watch it to the end.
226 (197). An important means of communication
Over the years, people have become increasingly accustomed to the fact that the post office is always at their service.
For speed, the city letter carriers - postmen - began to ride not only horses, but also bicycles. And only one thing remained inconvenient.
Each letter had to be weighed, calculated how far it would have to be transported, and only then found out from special books how much money to charge for mailing. Then write out a receipt. Can you imagine how inconvenient it was!
And more than a hundred years ago, people invented the postage stamp, postal envelope and stamp. “What a discovery! - you say. “Yes, anyone could have guessed it!” Oh no, it was not at all easy to come up with this. The convenience turned out to be enormous.
It was from this time that correspondence became commonplace. Almost all states immediately picked up both of these discoveries. In our country, the first postage stamp was issued at the end of 1857.
The main idea of ​​the text is that the invention of the stamp and the postal envelope created great convenience.
Over the years, people have become increasingly accustomed to the fact that the post office is always available for service. (Narrative, non-narrative, complex, composed of two simple ones.).
One hundred - numbers.
(How many?) more than a hundred. N.f. - one hundred.
Simple, quantitative, whole; genus. P.
Invented (when?) more than a hundred years ago.
Released - participle.
I. Was (what?) released. N.f. - released.
I. Strad., past. vr., owls view; briefly f., units h., w. R.
III. Brand (what?) bshchazhuUSHSH

the staircase is covered with plaster,

the garbage under the benches has not been removed,

the flowerbed is in a ruined state,
the janitor does not water the yard, and the technical tap in the yard has been removed,

The mini-carousel is not buried with its feet in the ground, and children may be injured.

As I already wrote, an hour later two sullen Tajiks came running and swept the plaster off the stairs.

Burlak repeated the request to the dispatcher, excluding the verse about plaster.

I called the hotline of the Presnaya District Administration, expressed my indignation to the person on duty, received the pager of the head of the administration, and voiced complaints against him.

I called the government hotline again. She voiced her complaints that there was no response to the pager. Regulatory asked, what do they all get money for?

She promised to write a letter personally to Luzhkova tomorrow with photos of the yard.

The doorbell rang.
Blonde woman in housing and communal services uniform
handed out the document, with signsasked me to sign it. The act was that they brought out the tap, and now I will see the sky in diamonds. He refused to sign the act in regulatory terms, explaining the logic of the social contract between the residents and the management company. The woman nodded understandingly and answered something. From the answer it followed that her Russian was not even “kebab-mashlyk”, but completely zero. I didn’t have enough ethnographic knowledge to determine her nationality.

I looked out the window and saw such a paranoid housing and communal services landing party.

Kodla immediately dug up the carousel, gave it a test drive, cleaned the yard and edited the flowerbed.

The doorbell rang.
Now a Russian-speaking woman came to pick up the signed act and introduced herself as Sliska. I had to start in Soviet style with words about what dishonors the family name. And hear the answer in harmony with this: “Your janitor is on vacation! This won’t happen again!” I still haven’t signed the document.

From my yard to the White House it’s a ten to fifteen minute walk.

Helping the housing and communal services function using manual control, I feel like Putin watering a burning forest from an airplane.

During the war with DEZ, I could:

write several chapters of a new novel,

send out a bunch of letters about the Capital Transfer project,

prepare for the meeting of the “Club of Women Intervening in Politics”, etc.

It’s even scary to imagine how much Putin could have done during his time as a firefighter...

There is a feeling that the country is not on manual control, but on the hand brake.
My sons are turning 33 this year.And falling off the carousel is not the most pressing problem in their leisure time.But of all the residents of two houses, only I can dare to carry out such a special operation.
I wish the same for you!

Remember how to write with Not nouns and adjectives.

    Sloppiness, sloppy.
    Insincerity, insincere.
    Not politeness, but rudeness.
    Not polite, but rude.

Read the writing rule Not with adverbs. What's new in it compared to the rule about writing Not with nouns and adjectives? Explain spellings with examples.

When applying this rule, think like this:

(Not) carelessly. I am writing together, because there is no word Not- not used.

(In)accurately wrote. Piitu is inaccurately combined, since this word can be replaced with an expression close in meaning - without diligence. In this word Not-- console.

(Not) far, but close. I am not writing separately, since there is a contrast with the union A.

This museum is (not) far from us at all. I am writing not far apart, since the word at all strengthens the statement.

241. Explain how these adverbs are formed. Why Not Do they write together? Choose antonym adverbs for these words.

Not fun ← fun; impolite, thoughtless, a little, careless, unstable, unfriendly, unclear, unserious, insincere, indifferent, unfair, careless, a lot, illiterate, ugly.

242. Analyze these adverbs. Write down the adverbs with Not to the table.

To do (not) a (k, kk) neatly, (not) neatly, (not) skillfully. Sew on a button (not) tightly..to. Pr..sew (not) tightly, but weakly. Look (not) trustingly, (not) pleased, (not) friendly. Look (not) trustingly, but with suspicion. Talking is not at all (not) fun, not at all (not) loud, far (not) affectionate. Say it (not) loudly, but quietly. Express thoughts (in)consistently, (in)connectedly. Fly (not) high. Fly (not) high, but low. Fly very (not) high. Dig (not) deep at all. (Not) open your eyes slightly. Perform (carelessly). It's a (im) foolish thing to do. To speak out (not) indignantly. Not at all (not) happy.

not at all
not far
not at all
not at all
not at all

243. First write down examples of proverbs where Not-- prefix, then examples where Not- particle. In which sentences are these words adverbs? Which sentences need punctuation marks - commas?

1. What is (un)comfortable is (not) okay. 2. An affectionate word is (not) difficult, but quick. 3. It’s easy to say (not) easy to prove. 4. A smart word is (not) hard but easy. 5. The bird flew high and sat down (not) far away.

244. Write down, indicating the conditions for choosing continuous and separate writing Not with adverbs. Name the types of spellings in place of gaps in prefixes.

1. The weather soon (imperceptibly) changed. 2. (Several) weighty stones, falling off the steep slope, fell down. 3. (Not) equally one of the forays, with absence (?) from the den for the whole day and night, almost (not) ended (?) for the wolves (un)expected (n, nn) ​​trouble . 4. The (un)restless wolf cubs (didn’t) rest as much as they ran around, sniffing and looking at everything that attracted their curiosity. 5. (Not) far from the wolves with their cubs, (not) much to the side, in the tamarisk groves, saigas were grazing. There were (not) few of them.

(According to Ch. Aitmatov)

245. Write down, underline words with a prefix Not- as members of a sentence. What part of speech is each of them? What sounds are pronounced in place of the highlighted letters?

1. The winter sun is (not) kind. The forest of children was (not) affectionately flying. 2. (Un)noticeably a day passed in the forest. After cleaning, the stain on the surface is (not) noticeable. 3. Seryozha jumped up (not) high. The young tree is (not) tall. 4. Objection (un)convincing. Kolya made excuses (un)convincingly. 5. Defeat was (inevitable).


246. What style does the text belong to? What word that does not exist in the language is used in Dima’s question? What word did the commander replace it with?

Listen,” then Dimka said, although there (wasn’t) anyone around, “you (don’t) go straight there... it’s better to run around.” As if (not) noticed.

They warned the wounded (n, nn) ​​commander.

Well, he said, just be careful, guys. And if (not) help..t, (n..)what then (not) done..sh... (I wouldn’t) really want to prop..give so (not) stupidly...

What if it’s lepo?

There is no such word, Dimka. And if it’s not for free, then it’s possible.

(According to A. Gaidar)

247. Fill out the following table: Not with nouns, adjectives and adverbs in -O And -e» with your own examples, indicating in them the conditions for choosing continuous or separate writing Not. Make two complex sentences.

248. Title the text. What is his main idea? Divide it into paragraphs and write it down. Underline the adverbs formed by prefixes. What linguistic means are used here to connect sentences?

Over the years, people have become more and more accustomed to the fact that the post office is always at their service. To speed up the delivery of letters in the city, postmen began to ride not only horses, but also bicycles. And only one thing remained (in)convenient. Each letter had to be weighed, calculated how far...it would be carried, and only then found out from special books how much money to take for mailing. Then write out a receipt. And more than a hundred years ago, people invented a postage stamp, a postage envelope and a stamp. Oh no, it was not at all (not) easy to think like that. The convenience turned out to be enormous. It was from this time that correspondence became commonplace. Almost all states immediately picked up both of these discoveries. In our country, the first postage stamp was issued at the end of 1857.

(According to A. Sheikin)

stamp [te]
envelope [in"]

249. Organize a dialogue on the topic “Why do people start writing letters to each other less?” Talk about what replaced them, how they now communicate with each other. Discuss the pros and cons of such communication. Work in a group.

At the beginning of 1945, the country, including Moscow, was going through difficult times. There were many difficulties, especially with food.
And these days, free freshly baked bagels began to be supplied to Moscow schools for schoolchildren. The bagels were large, soft, tasty, they smelled, it seems, of vanilla, and maybe something else pleasant. And before the big break, we boys only thought about these same bagels. Finally, the bell rang and the whole class quickly lined up and went to the school cafeteria, where Aunt Dasha, the school barmaid, smiled. She handed each of us this coveted, delicious-smelling big, big bagel.
But this happiness for some, including me, suddenly began to be interrupted. Our teacher, short in stature, with a deputy's haircut, began to deprive us of these same bagels. She stood next to Aunt Dasha and indicated which of the children should be given a bagel and which should not. And Kotov and I were given the bagel. The next day, Kot and I stood in line with everyone else together and, without waiting for a ban, we took a bite of our bagels. At the teacher’s cry, Aunt Dasha looked at her reproachfully and thrust our rightful bagels into our hands. For this insolence, the teacher completely forbade us to go up to the cafeteria. I don’t remember why she punished us so offensively. In short, everyone in the class ate them except us. I didn’t complain to my mother, fearing that she would punish me too.
One day, when warmer days arrived, my grandmother arrived. She asked how I was doing in the second group. She called the class group. 1st group, 2nd group, etc. And then I asked about bagels. I lowered my head and sadly announced that I had not eaten these same bagels for many days.
-How come you don’t eat? Why? - Grandma was surprised.
- The teacher doesn’t allow it.
“How can he not give it like that?” she was indignant. Well, let's go to school. My grandson is not being given his rightful bagel!
The teacher had not yet left our class, and was sitting checking notebooks. Seeing us, she looked in surprise at those who entered.
“Hello,” said the grandmother. You are my grandson's teacher.
“Yes,” she agreed, confused.
-Tell me why you don’t give him bagels.
“Why are you talking to me like that,” my teacher objected indignantly.
-I ask you again, why don’t you give my grandson bagels? What did he do to you?
- He and Kotov constantly talk and interfere with my teaching.
- They are talking, put them in a corner, or kick them out the door. Where are his bagels?
“And they are here in the closet,” she answered defiantly. And opening the closet, she pointed to two bundles of already dried bagels hanging forlornly.
The grandmother took one bundle and, coming closer to the retreating teacher, began to whip the teacher on the head and back with this very bundle, saying: “His father is fighting, and you are depriving his son of a donut. Is this how you help the front?” The bagels crashed against her head. scattering and falling to the floor.
Then my grandmother took me by the hand and, without saying another word, led me out of the classroom.
Since then, the Cat and I ate these delicious bagels along with everyone else.

Lesson 71. Continuous and separate writing not with adverbs ending in -о and -е

14.12.2011 21240 1715

Lesson 71 with adverbs ending in -o and -e

Goals: show writing conditions Not with adverbs on -O And -e; compare this rule with the rules of writing not with others parts of speech.

Methodical techniques: prepared dictation, explanationsteachers, repetition of what has been learned, training exercises.

During the classes

I . Linguistic warm-up

Dictation from memory (based on exercise 218).

P. Checking homework

1. Morphological analysis of adverbs from exercise 218 (based on choice) - on the board and in notebooks.

2. Reading and analysis of several creative works - essays - discussions on the topic “Nicknames”.

III . Studying the topic “Combined and separate writing Not with adverbs on -O And-e"

1. Explanatory dictation (repetition of what has been covered).
A ridiculous accusation; manifestation of bad manners; quiet

- music; unforgivable oversight; considerable contribution; not at allnot difficult; not sweet, but sour berries; not at all entertaining;unclear goal; clumsy gait; reject with indignation.

2. Heuristic conversation.

-In what parts of speech is the spelling found? with not in explanationdictation? (In nouns and adjectives negatory.)

-In what cases is it not written together, and in what cases separately in theseparts of speech? (Cases of combined spelling with not: not used without not, no opposition, no intensifying words, can be replaced with a synonym without not. In other cases teas is not written separately.)

-Form adverbs with the same root adjective explainbody dictation. Write it down in two columns.

ridiculous ridiculous

ill-mannered ill-mannered

quiet quiet

unpardonable unforgivable

quite a lot

not at all difficultnot sweet, but sournot at all entertaining unclear

clumsy clumsy

-What adverbs are formed from adjectives? (Adverbs on -o, -e.)

-Is there a need for a separate rule for writing not with narchiami on -O And - el (No, it is the same as for the appendix tel.)

IV. Doing exercises

1. Exercise 219: Orally.

2. Exercise 220: performed according to variations. 1st optionwrites down words from Not, which is part of the root and findsexamples of words whose composition corresponds to those given in the textbooknick schemes; Option 2 writes words with a prefix Not-; 3rd option - with particle Not.

After completion, a record opens on the board, according to which Students will check their work independently:

Words with Not- part of the root

Words with a prefix Not-

Words with particle Not

Perform carelessly

Do it sloppy untidy, inept

Sew not tightly, but weakly

To act ridiculously

Sew the button loosely

Look incredulously but with suspicion

Speak indignantly

Look incredulouslydissatisfied, unfriendly kindly

Speak not at all

not fun, not loud at all,

far from affectionate

Express thoughts not afterconsistent, incoherent

Don't say it loud and it's quiet

Fly low

Fly low, not high

Dig shallow

Flying not high at all

Open slightly eyes

Not at all happy

For the task of the 1st option (words whose composition corresponds todiagrams given in the textbook): open up, non-follower but, do it.

Homework 1- § 36.

2. Exercise 221: in writing.

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