home · Installation · Requirements for insulation of pipelines of heating networks. Insulation materials for heating pipes and their application. When do you need to take care of pipeline insulation?

Requirements for insulation of pipelines of heating networks. Insulation materials for heating pipes and their application. When do you need to take care of pipeline insulation?

When laying pipelines, a prerequisite is to perform work on thermal insulation of the networks. This applies to all pipelines - not only water supply, but also sewerage systems. The need for this is due to the fact that in winter the water passing through the pipes can freeze. And if coolant circulates through the communications, this leads to a decrease in its temperature. To minimize heat loss, when laying pipelines they resort to installing a heat-insulating layer. What materials and methods can be used for thermal insulation of networks - this will be discussed in this article.

Thermal insulation of pipelines: ways to solve the problem

Effective protection for pipeline systems from environmental factors, mainly from outside air temperature, can be achieved by taking the following measures:

Since the last method is most often used, it makes sense to talk about it in more detail.

Standards for thermal insulation of pipelines

Requirements for thermal insulation of equipment pipelines are formulated in SNiP. Regulatory documents contain detailed information about materials which can be used for thermal insulation of pipelines, and in addition methods of work. In addition, in regulatory documents standards for thermal insulation contours are indicated, which are often used to insulate pipelines.

  • regardless of the temperature of the coolant, any pipeline system must be insulated;
  • Both ready-made and prefabricated structures can be used to create a thermal insulation layer;
  • Corrosion protection must be provided for metal parts of pipelines.

It is desirable to use a multilayer circuit design when insulating pipelines. It must include the following layers:

  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • protection made of dense polymer, non-woven fabric or metal.

In some cases reinforcement can be built, which eliminates the collapse of materials, and in addition prevents pipe deformation.

Let us note that most of the requirements contained in the regulatory documents relate to the insulation of high-power main pipelines. But even in the case of installing household systems, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with them and take them into account when installing water supply and sewerage systems on your own.

Materials for thermal insulation of pipelines

Currently, the market offers a large selection of materials that can be used for pipeline insulation. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, and in addition, application features. To choose the right heat insulator, you need to know all this.

Polymer insulation

When the task is to create an effective thermal insulation system for pipelines, attention is most often paid to foam-based polymers. A large assortment allows you to choose the right material, thanks to which can provide effective protection from the external environment and eliminate heat loss.

If we talk in more detail about polymer materials, the following can be distinguished from those available on the market.

Polyethylene foam.

The main characteristic of the material is low density. In addition, it is porous and has high mechanical strength. This insulation is used for the manufacture of cylinders with a cut. Their installation can be carried out even by people far from the field of thermal insulation of pipelines. However, this material has one drawback: structures made of polyethylene foam, wear out quickly and in addition to this they have poor heat resistance.

If polyethylene foam cylinders are chosen for thermal insulation of pipelines, then special attention must be paid to their diameter. It must match the diameter of the collector. Taking this rule into account when choosing an insulation design, it is possible to exclude spontaneous removal of polyethylene foam casings.

Expanded polystyrene.

The main feature of this material is elasticity. It is also characterized by high strength indicators. Protective products for thermal insulation of pipelines made from this material are produced in the form of segments that resemble a shell in appearance. Special locks are used to connect parts. They have tongues and grooves, which ensure quick installation of these products. The use of polystyrene foam shells with technical locks eliminates the occurrence of “cold bridges” after installation. In addition, during installation there is no need to use additional fasteners.

Polyurethane foam.

This material is used mainly for pre-installed thermal insulation of heating network pipelines. However, it can also be used to insulate household pipeline systems. This the material is available in the form of foam or shell, which consists of two or four segments. Spray insulation provides reliable thermal insulation with a high degree of tightness. The use of such insulation is most suitable for communication systems with a complex configuration.

When using polyurethane foam in the form of foam for thermal insulation of pipelines of heating networks, you need to know that it is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, in order for the insulating layer to last a long time, it is necessary to ensure its protection. To do this, apply a layer of paint on top of the foam or lay a non-woven fabric with good permeability.

Fibrous materials

Insulation materials of this type are mainly represented by mineral wool and its varieties. At present They are the most popular among consumers as insulation. Materials of this type are also in high demand, like polymer materials.

Thermal insulation made using fiber insulation has certain advantages. These include the following:

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • resistance of the thermal insulation material to aggressive substances such as acids, alkalis, oil;
  • the material is able to maintain a given shape without an additional frame;
  • the cost of insulation is quite reasonable and affordable for most consumers.

Please note that during work on thermal insulation of pipelines with such materials fiber compression must be avoided when laying insulation. It is also important to ensure that the material is protected from moisture.

Products made from polymer and mineral wool insulation for thermal insulation in some cases can be covered with aluminum or steel foil. The use of such screens reduces heat dissipation.

Multilayer structures for pipeline protection

Often, to insulate pipelines, thermal insulation is installed using the “pipe-in-pipe” method. When using this scheme, a heat-protective casing is installed. The main task of the specialists installing such a circuit is to correctly connect all the parts into a single structure.

Upon completion of the work, the result is a design that looks like this:

  • the basis of the heat-protective circuit is a pipe made of metal or polymer material. It is the supporting element of the entire device;
  • The thermal insulation layers of the structure are made of foamed polyurethane foam. The material is applied using pouring technology; the molten mass is filled into a specially created formwork;
  • protective casing. Pipes made of galvanized steel or polyethylene are used for its manufacture. The first ones are used for laying networks in open space. The latter are used in cases where pipeline systems are laid in the ground using ductless technology. In addition, often when creating this type of protective casing, insulation based on polyurethane foam copper conductors are laid, the main purpose of which is remote monitoring of the condition of the pipeline, including the integrity of the thermal insulation layer;
  • If the pipes arrive at the installation site in assembled form, then the welding method is used to connect them. Specialists use special heat-shrinkable cuffs to assemble the heat-protective circuit. Or overhead couplings can be used, made on the basis of mineral wool, which are covered with a layer of foil.

Do-it-yourself thermal insulation of pipelines

There are a number of factors on which the technology for creating a thermal insulation layer on pipelines may depend. One of the most important is how the collector is laid - outside or in the ground.

Insulation of underground networks

To solve the problem of ensuring thermal protection of buried communications, insulation work is carried out in the following order:

Thermal insulation of external pipeline

In accordance with existing standards, pipelines located on the surface of the earth are thermally insulated as follows:

  • insulation work begins with all parts being cleaned of rust;
  • Next, the pipes are treated with an anti-corrosion compound. After that proceed to installing a polymer shell followed by wrapping the pipes with rolled mineral wool insulation;
  • Please note that a layer of polyurethane foam can be used to cover the structure, or the structure can be covered with several layers of heat-insulating paint;
  • The next step is to wrap the pipe as in the previous option.

Along with fiberglass, other materials can be used, for example, foil film with polymer reinforcement. When this work is completed, the structures are secured using steel or plastic clamps.

Thermal insulation of pipelines is an important task that must be carried out when laying communications. There are many materials and technologies for its implementation. Having chosen the appropriate method of thermal insulation, you must adhere to the work technology. In this case heat loss will be minimal, and in addition, the pipeline structure will be protected from various factors, which will have a positive effect on their service life.

In the practice of private construction, it is not so common, but there are still situations when heating communications need to be not only distributed throughout the premises of the main house, but also extended to other nearby buildings. These could be residential outbuildings, outbuildings, summer kitchens, utility or agricultural buildings, for example, used for keeping pets or birds. The option cannot be ruled out when, on the contrary, the autonomous boiler room itself is located in a separate building, at some distance from the main residential building. It happens that a house is connected to a central heating main, from which pipes are extended to it.

There are two options for laying heating pipes between buildings - underground (ducted or ductless) and open. The process of installing a local heating main above the ground seems less labor-intensive, and this option is used more often in conditions of independent construction. One of the main conditions for the efficiency of the system is properly planned and well-executed thermal insulation for outdoor heating pipes. It is this issue that will be addressed in this publication.

Why do you need thermal insulation of pipes and the basic requirements for it?

It would seem nonsense - why insulate the already almost always hot pipes of the heating system? Perhaps someone may be misled by a peculiar “play on words”. In the case under consideration, of course, it would be more correct to conduct the conversation using the concept of “thermal insulation”.

Thermal insulation work on any pipelines has two main goals:

  • If pipes are used in heating or hot water supply systems, then reducing heat losses and maintaining the required temperature of the pumped liquid comes to the fore. The same principle is also true for industrial or laboratory installations, where technology requires maintaining a certain temperature of the substance transmitted through pipes.
  • For cold water supply pipelines or sewer communications, the main factor is insulation, that is, preventing the temperature in the pipes from falling below a critical level, preventing freezing, leading to failure of the system and deformation of the pipes.

By the way, such a precaution is required for both heating mains and hot water pipes - no one is completely immune from emergency situations with boiler equipment.

The cylindrical shape of the pipes itself predetermines a very large area of ​​constant heat exchange with the environment, which means significant heat loss. And they naturally increase as pipeline diameters increase. The table below clearly shows how the amount of heat loss changes depending on the temperature difference inside and outside the pipe (Δt° column), on the diameter of the pipes and on the thickness of the thermal insulation layer (data given taking into account the use of insulation material with an average thermal conductivity coefficient λ = 0.04 W/m×°C).

The thickness of the thermal insulation layer. mm Δt.°С Pipe outer diameter (mm)
15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 150
The amount of heat loss (per 1 linear meter of pipeline. W).
10 20 7.2 8.4 10 12 13.4 16.2 19 23 29 41
30 10.7 12.6 15 18 20.2 24.4 29 34 43 61
40 14.3 16.8 20 24 26.8 32.5 38 45 57 81
60 21.5 25.2 30 36 40.2 48.7 58 68 86 122
20 20 4.6 5.3 6.1 7.2 7.9 9.4 11 13 16 22
30 6.8 7.9 9.1 10.8 11.9 14.2 16 19 24 33
40 9.1 10.6 12.2 14.4 15.8 18.8 22 25 32 44
60 13.6 15.7 18.2 21.6 23.9 28.2 33 38 48 67
30 20 3.6 4.1 4.7 5.5 6 7 8 9 11 16
30 5.4 6.1 7.1 8.2 9 10.6 12 14 17 24
40 7.3 8.31 9.5 10.9 12 14 16 19 23 31
60 10.9 12.4 14.2 16.4 18 21 24 28 34 47
40 20 3.1 3.5 4 4.6 4.9 5.8 7 8 9 12
30 4.7 5.3 6 6.8 7.4 8.6 10 11 14 19
40 6.2 7.1 7.9 9.1 10 11.5 13 15 18 25
60 9.4 10.6 12 13.7 14.9 17.3 20 22 27 37

As the thickness of the insulation layer increases, the overall heat loss rate decreases. However, please note that even a fairly thick layer of 40 mm does not completely eliminate heat loss. There is only one conclusion - it is necessary to strive to use insulation materials with the lowest possible thermal conductivity coefficient - this is one of the main requirements for thermal insulation of pipelines.

Sometimes a pipeline heating system is also required!

When laying water supply or sewer lines, it happens that due to the local climate or specific installation conditions, thermal insulation alone is clearly not enough. We have to resort to forced installation of heating cables - this topic is discussed in more detail in a special publication on our portal.

  • The material used for thermal insulation of pipes, if possible, should have hydrophobic properties. There will be little current from insulation soaked in water - it will not prevent heat loss, and itself will soon collapse under the influence of negative temperatures.
  • The thermal insulation structure must have reliable external protection. Firstly, it needs protection from atmospheric moisture, especially if insulation is used that can actively absorb water. Secondly, materials should be protected from exposure to the ultraviolet spectrum of sunlight, which has a detrimental effect on them. Thirdly, we should not forget about the wind load, which can damage the integrity of the thermal insulation. And fourthly, there remains the factor of external mechanical impact, unintentional, including from animals, or due to banal manifestations of vandalism.

In addition, any owner of a private house is probably not indifferent to the aesthetic appearance of the installed heating main.

  • Any thermal insulation material used on heating mains must have an operating temperature range that corresponds to the actual conditions of use.
  • An important requirement for insulating material and its external cladding is durability of use. No one wants to return to the problems of thermal insulation of pipes even once every few years.
  • From a practical point of view, one of the main requirements is the ease of installation of thermal insulation, in any position and in any difficult area. Fortunately, in this regard, manufacturers never tire of delighting with easy-to-use developments.
  • An important requirement for thermal insulation is that its materials themselves must be chemically inert and not enter into any reaction with the surface of the pipes. Such compatibility is the key to long-term trouble-free operation.

The issue of cost is also very important. But in this regard, the range of prices among specialized ones is very large.

What materials are used for insulation of above-ground heating mains

The choice of thermal insulation materials for heating pipes when they are laid externally is quite large. They come in roll type or in the form of mats; they can be given a cylindrical or other shaped shape that is convenient for installation; there are insulation materials that are applied in liquid form and acquire their properties only after hardening.

Insulation using foamed polyethylene

Foamed polyethylene is rightly classified as a very effective thermal insulator. And what is also very important, the cost of this material is one of the lowest.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of foamed polyethylene is usually around 0.035 W/m×°C - this is a very good indicator. The smallest bubbles, isolated from each other, filled with gas, create an elastic structure, and with such material, if you purchase a roll version, it is very convenient to work on sections of pipes with complex configurations.

Such a structure becomes a reliable barrier to moisture - if installed correctly, neither water nor water vapor will be able to penetrate through it to the pipe walls.

The density of polyethylene foam is low (about 30 - 35 kg/m³), and thermal insulation will not make the pipes heavier.

The material, with some assumption, can be classified as low-hazard in terms of flammability - it usually belongs to class G-2, that is, it is very difficult to ignite, and without an external flame it quickly extinguishes. Moreover, combustion products, unlike many other thermal insulators, do not pose any serious toxic danger to humans.

Rolled foam polyethylene for insulation of external heating mains will be both inconvenient and unprofitable - you will have to wind it in several layers to achieve the required thickness of thermal insulation. Much more convenient to use is material in the form of sleeves (cylinders), which have an internal channel corresponding to the diameter of the insulated pipe. To put it on pipes, an incision is usually made along the length of the cylinder on the wall, which after installation can be sealed with reliable tape.

Putting insulation on a pipe is not difficult

A more effective type of polyethylene foam is penofol, which has on one side. This shiny coating becomes a kind of thermal reflector, which significantly increases the insulating qualities of the material. In addition, it is an additional barrier against moisture penetration.

Penofol can also be of a roll type or in the form of profile cylindrical elements - especially for thermal insulation of pipes for various purposes.

And foamed polyethylene is rarely used for thermal insulation of heating mains. It is more likely to be suitable for other communications. The reason for this is the rather low operating temperature range. So. if you look at the physical characteristics, the upper limit balances somewhere on the verge of 75 ÷ 85 degrees - above that, structural disturbances and the appearance of deformations are possible. For autonomous heating, most often, this temperature is sufficient, although on the verge, and for central heating, thermal stability is clearly not enough.

Insulation elements made of polystyrene foam

The well-known expanded polystyrene (in everyday life it is more often called polystyrene foam) is very widely used for a variety of types of thermal insulation work. The insulation of pipes is no exception - special parts are made from foam plastic for this purpose.

Usually these are half-cylinders (for pipes of large diameters there may be segments of a third of the circumference, 120° each), which for assembly into a single structure are equipped with a tongue-and-groove type locking connection. This configuration makes it possible to provide reliable thermal insulation completely over the entire surface of the pipe, without remaining “cold bridges.”

In everyday speech, such details are called “shells” for their obvious resemblance to it. Many types are produced, for different outer diameters of insulated pipes and different thicknesses of the thermal insulation layer. Typically the length of the parts is 1000 or 2000 mm.

For production, polystyrene foam of the PSB-S type of various grades is used - from PSB-S-15 to PSB-S-35. The main parameters of this material are shown in the table below:

Estimated material parametersBrand of expanded polystyrene
PSB-S-15U PSB-S-15 PSB-S-25 PSB-S-35 PSB-S-50
Density (kg/m³)to 10up to 1515.1 ÷ 2525.1 ÷ 3535.1 ÷ 50
Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation (MPa, not less)0.05 0.06 0.08 0.16 0.2
Bending strength (MPa, not less)0.08 0.12 0.17 0.36 0.35
Thermal conductivity in dry condition at a temperature of 25°C (W / (m×°K))0,043 0,042 0,039 0,037 0,036
Water absorption in 24 hours (% by volume, no more)3 2 2 2 2
Humidity (%, no more)2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4

The advantages of polystyrene foam as an insulating material have long been known:

  • It has a low thermal conductivity coefficient.
  • The light weight of the material greatly simplifies insulation work, which does not require any special mechanisms or devices.
  • The material is biologically inert - it will not be a breeding ground for the formation of mold or mildew.
  • Moisture absorption is negligible.
  • The material can be easily cut and adjusted to the desired size.
  • Polystyrene foam is chemically inert and absolutely safe for pipe walls, no matter what material they are made of.
  • One of the key advantages is that polystyrene foam is one of the most inexpensive insulation materials.

However, it also has many disadvantages:

  • First of all, this is a low level of fire safety. The material cannot be called non-flammable and does not spread flame. That is why, when using it to insulate above-ground pipelines, fire breaks must be left.
  • The material does not have elasticity, and it is convenient to use it only on straight sections of pipe. True, you can also find special figured parts.

  • Polystyrene foam is not a durable material - it is easily destroyed under external influence. Ultraviolet radiation also has a negative effect on it. In a word, above-ground sections of the pipe, insulated with polystyrene foam shells, will definitely require additional protection in the form of a metal casing.

Usually, stores that sell foam shells also offer galvanized sheets, cut to the required size, corresponding to the diameter of the insulation. An aluminum shell can also be used, although it is of course much more expensive. The sheets can be secured with self-tapping screws or clamps - the resulting casing will simultaneously create anti-vandal, anti-wind, waterproofing protection and a barrier from sunlight.

  • And yet this is not even the main thing. The upper limit of normal operating temperatures is only around 75°C, after which linear and spatial deformation of parts may begin. Whatever one may say, this value may not be enough for heating. It probably makes sense to look for a more reliable option.

Insulation of pipes with mineral wool or products based on it

The most “ancient” method of thermal insulation of external pipelines is using mineral wool. By the way, it is also the most budget-friendly, if it is not possible to purchase a foam shell.

For thermal insulation of pipelines, various types of mineral wool are used - glass wool, stone (basalt) and slag. Slag is the least preferable: firstly, it absorbs moisture most actively, and secondly, its residual acidity can have a very destructive effect on steel pipes. Even the cheapness of this cotton wool does not in any way justify the risks of its use.

But mineral wool based on basalt or glass fibers is fully suitable. It has good thermal resistance to heat transfer, high chemical resistance, the material is elastic, and it is easy to install even on complex pipeline sections. Another advantage is that you can, in principle, be completely calm in terms of fire safety. It is almost impossible to heat mineral wool to the point of ignition in the conditions of an external heating main. Even exposure to an open flame will not cause a fire to spread. That is why mineral wool is used to fill fire gaps when using other pipe insulation materials.

The main disadvantage of mineral wool is its high water absorption (basalt wool is less susceptible to this “disease”). This means that any pipeline will require mandatory protection from moisture. In addition, the structure of the wool is unstable to mechanical stress, is easily destroyed, and should be protected with a durable casing.

Usually they use durable polyethylene film, which is securely wrapped in a layer of insulation, with the obligatory overlap of the strips by 400 ÷ 500 mm, and then the whole thing is covered with metal sheets on top - exactly by analogy with a polystyrene foam shell. Roofing felt can also be used as waterproofing - in this case, 100 ÷ 150 mm of overlap of one strip over another will be sufficient.

Existing GOST standards determine the thickness of protective metal coatings for open sections of pipelines for any type of thermal insulation materials used:

Protective cover layer materialMinimum metal thickness, with outer diameter of insulation
350 or less Over 350 and up to 600 Over 600 and up to 1600
Stainless steel strips and sheets0.5 0.5 0.8
Sheets made of thin sheet steel, galvanized or polymer coated0.5 0.8 0.8
Aluminum or aluminum alloy sheets0.3 0.5 0.8
Aluminum or aluminum alloy tapes0.25 - -

Thus, despite the seemingly inexpensive price of the insulation itself, its full installation will require considerable additional costs.

Mineral wool for insulation of pipelines can also act in another capacity - it serves as a material for the manufacture of finished thermal insulation parts, by analogy with polyethylene foam cylinders. Moreover, such products are produced both for straight sections of pipelines and for bends, tees, etc.

Typically, such insulating parts are made from the densest material - basalt mineral wool, and have an external foil coating, which immediately eliminates the problem of waterproofing and increases the efficiency of insulation. But you still won’t be able to get away from the outer casing - a thin layer of foil will not protect you from accidental or intentional mechanical impact.

Insulation of heating mains with polyurethane foam

One of the most effective and safest modern insulation materials is polyurethane foam. It has a lot of various advantages, so the material is used on almost any structure that requires reliable insulation.

What are the features of polyurethane foam insulation?

Polyurethane foam for pipeline insulation can be used in various forms.

  • PPU shells are widely used, usually having an outer foil coating. It can be dismountable, consisting of half-cylinders with tongue-and-groove locks, or, for small-diameter pipes, with a cut along the length and a special valve with a self-adhesive rear surface, which greatly simplifies the installation of insulation.

  • Another way to thermally insulate a heating main with polyurethane foam is to spray it in liquid form using special equipment. The resulting layer of foam, after complete hardening, becomes an excellent insulation material. This technology is especially convenient at complex junctions, pipe turns, in units with shut-off and control valves, etc.

The advantage of this technology is that, thanks to the excellent adhesion of polyurethane foam spraying to the surface of the pipes, excellent waterproofing and anti-corrosion protection is created. True, the polyurethane foam itself also requires mandatory protection - from ultraviolet rays, so again it will not be possible to do without a casing.

  • Well, if you need to lay a fairly long heating main, then probably the best choice would be to use pre-insulated (pre-insulated) pipes.

In fact, such pipes are a multilayer structure assembled in a factory:

— The inner layer is, in fact, the steel pipe itself of the required diameter, through which the coolant is pumped.

— The outer coating is protective. It can be polymer (for laying a heating main in the thickness of the soil) or galvanized metal - what is required for open sections of the pipeline.

— Between the pipe and the casing, a monolithic, seamless layer of polyurethane foam is poured, which performs the function of effective thermal insulation.

An installation section is left at both ends of the pipe for welding work when assembling the heating main. Its length is designed in such a way that the heat flow from the welding arc will not damage the polyurethane foam layer.

After installation, the remaining uninsulated areas are primed, covered with a polyurethane foam shell, and then with metal belts, comparing the coating with the overall outer casing of the pipe. It is often in such areas that fire breaks are organized - they are tightly filled with mineral wool, then waterproofed with roofing felt and still covered on top with a steel or aluminum casing.

The standards establish a certain range of such sandwich pipes, that is, it is possible to purchase products of the required nominal diameter with optimal (regular or reinforced) thermal insulation.

Outer diameter of steel pipe and minimum wall thickness (mm)Dimensions of galvanized sheet steel shellEstimated thickness of the thermal insulation layer of polyurethane foam (mm)
nominal outer diameter (mm) minimum thickness of steel sheet (mm)
32×3.0100; 125; 140 0.55 46,0; 53,5
38×3.0125; 140 0.55 43,0; 50,5
45×3.0125; 140 0.55 39,5; 47,0
57×3.0140 0.55 40.9
76×3.0160 0.55 41.4
89×4.0180 0.6 44.9
108×4.0200 0.6 45.4
133×4.0225 0.6 45.4
159×4.5250 0.7 44.8
219×6.0315 0.7 47.3
273×7.0400 0.8 62.7
325×7.0450 0.8 61.7

Manufacturers offer such sandwich pipes not only for straight sections, but also for tees, bends, compensators, etc.

The cost of such pre-insulated pipes is quite high, but their acquisition and installation solves a whole range of problems at once. So such costs seem quite justified.

Video: the production process of pre-insulated pipes

Insulation – foam rubber

Thermal insulation materials and products made from synthetic foam rubber have recently become very popular. This material has a number of advantages that bring it to a leading position in matters of insulation of pipelines, including not only heating mains, but also more critical ones - on complex technological lines, in machine, aircraft and shipbuilding:

  • Foam rubber is very elastic, but at the same time has a large margin of tensile strength.
  • The density of the material is only from 40 to 80 kg/m³.
  • The low thermal conductivity coefficient provides very effective thermal insulation.
  • The material does not shrink over time, completely retaining its original shape and volume.
  • Foamed rubber is difficult to ignite and has the property of rapid self-extinguishing.
  • The material is chemically and biologically inert; there are no pockets of mold or mildew, no nests of insects or
  • The most important quality is almost absolute water and vapor tightness. Thus, the insulating layer immediately becomes an excellent waterproofing for the surface of the pipe.

Such thermal insulation can be produced in the form of hollow tubes with an internal diameter from 6 to 160 mm and an insulation layer thickness from 6 to 32 mm, or in the form of sheets, which are often given a “self-adhesive” function on one side.

The name of indicatorsValues
Length of finished tubes, mm:1000 or 2000
Colorblack or silver, depending on the type of protective coating
Temperature range of application:from - 50 to + 110 °C
Thermal conductivity, W/(m ×°C):λ≤0.036 at 0°C
λ≤0.039 at a temperature of +40°C
Vapor permeation resistance coefficient:μ≥7000
Fire hazard levelGroup G1
Allowable length change:±1.5%

But for heating mains located in the open air, ready-made insulation elements made using the Armaflex ACE technology and having a special protective coating ArmaChek are especially convenient.

ArmaChek coating can be of several types, for example:

  • "Arma-Chek Silver" is a multi-layer PVC-based shell with a silver reflective coating. This coating provides excellent protection of the insulation from both mechanical stress and ultraviolet rays.
  • The black Arma-Chek D coating has a fiberglass base that is highly durable but retains excellent flexibility. This is excellent protection against all possible chemical, weather, and mechanical influences, which will keep the heating pipe intact.

Typically, such products using the ArmaChek technology have self-adhesive valves that hermetically “seal” the insulating cylinder on the pipe body. Curved elements are also produced that allow installation on difficult sections of the heating main. Skillful use of such thermal insulation allows you to quickly and reliably install it, without resorting to creating an additional external protective casing - there is simply no need for it.

The only thing, probably, that is hindering the widespread use of such thermal insulation products for pipelines is the still prohibitively high price for real, “branded” products.

Prices for thermal insulation for pipes

Thermal insulation for pipes

A new direction in insulation - thermal insulation paint

You can’t miss another modern insulation technology. And it’s all the more pleasant to talk about it, since it is the development of Russian scientists. We are talking about ceramic liquid insulation, which is also known as heat-insulating paint.

This is, without any doubt, an “alien” from the sphere of space technology. It is in this scientific and technical field that the issues of thermal insulation from critically low (in outer space) or high (during the launch of ships and landing of descent vehicles) are especially acute.

The thermal insulation qualities of ultra-thin coatings seem simply fantastic. At the same time, such a coating becomes an excellent hydro- and vapor barrier, protecting the pipe from all possible external influences. Well, the heating main itself takes on a well-groomed, pleasing appearance.

The paint itself is a suspension of microscopic, vacuum-filled silicone and ceramic capsules suspended in a liquid state in a special composition, including acrylic, rubber and other components. After applying and drying the composition, a thin elastic film is formed on the surface of the pipe, which has outstanding thermal insulation properties.

Names of indicatorsUnitMagnitude
Paint colorwhite (can be customized)
Appearance after application and complete hardeningmatte, smooth, homogeneous surface
Film elasticity when bendingmm1
Coating adhesion based on pull-off force from the painted surface
- to the concrete surfaceMPa1.28
- to a brick surfaceMPa2
- to steelMPa1.2
Resistance of the coating to temperature changes from -40 °C to + 80 °Cwithout changes
Resistance of the coating to temperatures of +200 °C for 1.5 hoursno yellowing, cracks, peeling or bubbles
Durability for concrete and metal surfaces in cold-temperate climates (Moscow)yearsat least 10
Thermal conductivityW/m °C0,0012
Vapor permeabilitymg/m × h × Pa0.03
Water absorption in 24 hours% by volume2
Operating temperature range°Cfrom - 60 to + 260

Such a coating will not require additional protective layers - it is strong enough to independently cope with all impacts.

This liquid insulation is sold in plastic cans (buckets), just like regular paint. There are several manufacturers, and among the domestic ones we can particularly note the brands “Bronya” and “Korund”.

This thermal paint can be applied by aerosol spraying or in the usual way - with a roller and brush. The number of layers depends on the operating conditions of the heating main, climatic region, pipe diameter, and average temperature of the pumped coolant.

Many experts believe that such insulation materials will eventually replace conventional thermal insulation materials on a mineral or organic basis.

Video: presentation of ultra-thin thermal insulation of the Korund brand

Prices for thermal insulation paint

Thermal insulation paint

What thickness of heating main insulation is required?

To summarize the review of materials used for thermal insulation of heating pipes, we can put the performance indicators of the most popular ones in the table - for clarity of comparison:

Thermal insulation material or productAverage density in the finished structure, kg/m3Thermal conductivity of thermal insulation material (W/(m×°C)) for surfaces with temperature (°C)Operating temperature range, °CFlammability group
20 and above 19 and below
Mineral wool slabs pierced120 0,045 0.044 ÷ 0.035From - 180 to + 450 for mats, on fabric, mesh, fiberglass canvas; up to + 700 - on a metal meshNon-flammable
150 0,05 0.048 ÷ 0.037
Thermal insulation slabs made of mineral wool with a synthetic binder65 0.04 0.039 ÷ 0.03From - 60 to + 400Non-flammable
95 0,043 0.042 ÷ 0.031
120 0,044 0.043 ÷ 0.032From - 180 + 400
180 0,052 0.051 ÷ 0.038
Thermal insulation products made of foamed ethylene-polypropylene rubber "Aeroflex"60 0,034 0,033 From - 55 to + 125Low flammable
Half-cylinders and mineral wool cylinders50 0,04 0.039 ÷ 0.029From - 180 to + 400Non-flammable
80 0,044 0.043 ÷ 0.032
100 0,049 0.048 ÷ 0.036
150 0,05 0.049 ÷ 0.035
200 0,053 0.052 ÷ 0.038
Thermal insulation cord made of mineral wool200 0,056 0.055 ÷ 0.04From - 180 to + 600 depending on the material of the mesh tubeIn mesh tubes made of metal wire and glass thread - non-flammable, the rest are low-flammable
Glass staple fiber mats with synthetic binder50 0,04 0.039 ÷ 0.029From - 60 to + 180Non-flammable
70 0,042 0.041 ÷ 0.03
Mats and wadding made of superfine glass fiber without binder70 0,033 0.032 ÷ 0.024From - 180 to + 400Non-flammable
Mats and wool made of superfine basalt fiber without binder80 0,032 0.031 ÷ 0.024From - 180 to + 600Non-flammable
Perlite sand, expanded, fine110 0,052 0.051 ÷ 0.038From - 180 to + 875Non-flammable
150 0,055 0.054 ÷ 0.04
225 0,058 0.057 ÷ 0.042
Thermal insulation products made of polystyrene foam30 0,033 0.032 ÷ 0.024From - 180 to + 70Flammable
50 0,036 0.035 ÷ 0.026
100 0,041 0.04 ÷ 0.03
Thermal insulation products made of polyurethane foam40 0,030 0.029 ÷ 0.024From - 180 to + 130Flammable
50 0,032 0.031 ÷ 0.025
70 0,037 0.036 ÷ 0.027
Thermal insulation products made of polyethylene foam50 0,035 0,033 From - 70 to + 70Flammable

But surely an inquisitive reader will ask: where is the answer to one of the main questions that arises - what should be the thickness of the insulation?

This question is quite complex, and there is no clear answer to it. If desired, you can use cumbersome calculation formulas, but they are probably understandable only to qualified heating engineers. However, not everything is so scary.

Manufacturers of finished thermal insulation products (shells, cylinders, etc.) usually provide the required thickness calculated for a specific region. And if mineral wool insulation is used, then you can use the data from the tables that are given in a special Code of Rules, which was developed specifically for thermal insulation of pipelines and process equipment. This document is easy to find on the Internet by entering a search query "SP 41-103-2000".

Here, for example, is a table from this reference book regarding the above-ground placement of a pipeline in the Central region of Russia, when using mats made of glass staple fiber grade M-35, 50:

Heating pipe type
innings return innings return innings return
Average temperature regime of the coolant, °C
65 50 90 50 110 50
Required insulation thickness, mm
45 50 50 45 45 40 40
57 58 58 48 48 45 45
76 67 67 51 51 50 50
89 66 66 53 53 50 50
108 62 62 58 58 55 55
133 68 68 65 65 61 61
159 74 74 64 64 68 68
219 78 78 76 76 82 82
273 82 82 84 84 92 92
325 80 80 87 87 93 93

In a similar way, you can find the necessary parameters for other materials. By the way, the same Code of Rules does not recommend significantly exceeding the specified thickness. Moreover, the maximum values ​​of the insulating layer for pipelines have been determined:

Pipeline outer diameter, mm Maximum thickness of thermal insulation layer, mm
temperature 19 ° C and below temperature 20 ° C or more
18 80 80
25 120 120
32 140 140
45 140 140
57 150 150
76 160 160
89 180 170
108 180 180
133 200 200
159 220 220
219 230 230
273 240 230
325 240 240

However, do not forget about one important nuance. The fact is that any insulation with a fibrous structure inevitably shrinks over time. This means that after a certain period of time its thickness may become insufficient for reliable thermal insulation of the heating main. There is only one way out - even when installing insulation, immediately take into account this adjustment for shrinkage.

To calculate, you can use the following formula:

N = ((D + h) : (D + 2 h)) × h× Kc

N– thickness of the mineral wool layer, taking into account the correction for compaction.

D– outer diameter of the pipe to be insulated;

h– required insulation thickness according to the table of the Code of Rules.

KS– shrinkage (compaction) coefficient of fiber insulation. It is a calculated constant, the value of which can be taken from the table below:

Thermal insulation materials and productsCompaction coefficient Kc.
Stitched mineral wool mats 1.2
Heat-insulating mats "TEKHMAT" 1.35 ÷ 1.2
Mats and canvases made of super-thin basalt fiber when laid on pipelines and equipment with a nominal diameter, mm:
DN ≥ 800 with an average density of 23 kg/m32
̶ the same, with an average density of 50-60 kg/m31,5
Mats made of glass staple fiber on a synthetic binder brand:
M-45, 35, 251.6
Mats made from glass staple fiber "URSA" brand:
̶ for pipes with DN up to 40 mm4,0
̶ for pipes with DN 50 mm and above3,6
M-15, M-172.6
̶ for pipes with DN up to 100 mm1,8
̶ for pipes with DN from 100 to 250 mm1,6
̶ for pipes with DN over 250 mm1,5
Mineral wool slabs with synthetic binder brand:
35, 50 1.5
75 1.2
100 1.10
125 1.05
Glass staple fiber slabs brand:
P-15, P-17 and P-201.2

To help the interested reader, below is a special calculator, which already contains the indicated ratio. You just need to enter the requested parameters and immediately get the required thickness of mineral wool insulation, taking into account the correction.


Saving fuel and energy resources is one of the priorities in the development of the Russian economy. A significant role in solving the problem of energy saving belongs to highly efficient industrial thermal insulation.

Thermal insulation of industrial equipment

Thermal insulation materials used for equipment with positive surface temperatures

Technical solutions for thermal insulation of industrial equipment are diverse, both in terms of the types of materials used and in design.

Thus, for thermal insulation of vertical and horizontal technological devices and heat exchangers, structures based on fibrous heat-insulating materials using welded pins or a wire frame are used (Fig. 1).

For horizontal devices (tanks, heat exchangers, etc.) of small and medium diameter, it is preferable to mount the heat-insulating layer on a wire frame.

On top of the mats or plates secured with frame ties on the surface of the equipment, it is planned to install bandages with buckles made of metal tape. Support structures are provided at the flange connections and bottoms of the apparatus. Elements of supporting structures in the form of rings, angles, brackets or strips can be welded or fastened with bolts.

For horizontal devices, a combined fastening of the heat-insulating layer with pins and tying the pins with strings and ties can also be used.

Thermal insulation of flange connections of devices is removable. The removable thermal insulation structure is manufactured in the form of fully prefabricated structures in which the thermal insulation layer is rigidly attached to the protective coating. The design is equipped with locks or bandages. Thermal insulating mattresses with a metal protective casing can be used (Fig. 2).

For vertical devices - heat exchangers, columns, containers - the heat-insulating layer of mineral wool and glass wool slabs is fastened using a wire frame in the form of rings, strings and ties installed on the surface of the device and the heat-insulating layer. Unloading devices (rings, brackets) are installed at the flange connections and the bottoms of the devices.

Fastening the thermal insulation layer with pins is provided for vertical and horizontal surfaces with a large radius of curvature and flat surfaces (tanks for storing oil and petroleum products (Fig. 3), hot water storage tanks, tanks for drinking water and for technical needs, including fire protection, metal trunks of chimneys, other large equipment).

The pins for attaching the heat-insulating layer can be plug-in (if brackets for attaching the pins are provided) or welded.

Chimneys of thermal power plants and industrial enterprises are complex engineering structures that require effective thermal insulation of load-bearing structures.

Currently, chimneys of various designs are in operation at energy facilities and in industry, including:

Chimneys with an external load-bearing reinforced concrete shell and internal steel gas exhaust shafts;

Metal pipes, free-standing or in a steel supporting frame.

Chimneys operate in difficult conditions, combining changes in temperature, pressure, humidity, aggressive chemical effects of flue gases, wind loads and loads from their own mass.

In these chimney structures, thermal insulation is provided along the outer surface of the metal shafts and is intended to protect the load-bearing reinforced concrete and metal pipe structures from the thermal and chemical effects of exhaust gases.

Isothermal storage facilities for liquefied gases are unique engineering structures, including thermal insulation. The volume of these storage facilities reaches 100–150 thousand m3. Storage of liquefied gases is carried out at atmospheric pressure and at a temperature lower than the environment. Thus, liquefied ammonia is stored at a temperature of -34°C, ethylene - at -104°C, methane - at -164°C, oxygen - at -183°C, nitrogen - at -196°C. For thermal insulation of the walls and domes of isothermal tanks for storing liquefied gases, thermal insulation structures based on expanded perlite sand, polyurethane foam and polished aluminum foil are used. For thermal insulation of the bottom, blocks of foam glass or perlite concrete are used.

For cryogenic equipment, structures based on screen-vacuum thermal insulation are used, which are multilayer bags made of polished aluminum foil with layers of mineral fibers.

Calculation and design of thermal insulation of equipment is carried out using engineering methods in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.14-88 “Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines”.

The calculated thickness of the thermal insulation layer is determined depending on the purpose of the thermal insulation of the equipment, namely: according to the normalized heat flow density regulated by the specified SNiP, or according to the specified heat flow density determined by technological factors; in order to prevent moisture condensation on the surface of the insulated object; to ensure a given temperature on the surface of an isolated object according to the conditions for ensuring personnel safety, etc.

Thermal insulation is a necessary element of industrial equipment, providing the fundamental possibility of carrying out high- and low-temperature technological processes in the energy sector and industry with optimal consumption of fuel and energy resources.

Increasing energy efficiency, operational reliability and durability of thermal insulation structures of industrial equipment is achieved through the use of high-quality thermal insulation and protective covering materials, improving design solutions, improving the quality of installation of thermal insulation and is one of the important directions in the implementation of the energy saving program.

Thermal insulation of pipelines is a method actively used to reduce heat losses of certain systems, to lower the temperature of communications, aimed at safe daily operation. Without the use of this technology, it is quite problematic to guarantee uninterrupted operation of networks in winter, since the risk of freezing and, as a consequence, failure of pipes is extremely high.

Thermal insulation of pipes provides for a number of technical regulatory documents, compliance with which is mandatory when designing, installing and operating engineering systems of residential and public buildings, and other objects for various purposes.

More detailed information is provided on the website:

It should be noted that industrial thermal insulation refers to the thermal insulation of pipelines, containers, as well as equipment and tanks.

Thermal insulation is carried out to prevent cooling of the liquid present in the pipes or to avoid the formation of condensation on the equipment. If heat loss is not so important, then this technological process is necessary to comply with safety regulations.

Various versions of insulators are being considered for insulating pipes used for gas transportation.

Thermal insulation of the gas pipeline is carried out using a special varnish or paint, but usually they resort to modern protective materials that meet all the requirements for this, namely:

  • the insulator for the gas pipeline must be endowed with the potential of a monolithic, uniform installation on the pipe;
  • the material for thermal insulation of the pipeline must be characterized by a low coefficient of water absorption and have high waterproofing qualities;
  • protect the structure from destructive ultra-radiation.

Insulation of underground networks

Thermal insulation is a prerequisite for laying both water supply and sewerage systems. Insulating pipelines will help avoid freezing in winter and eliminate heat loss.

All insulation work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements clearly formulated and prescribed in SNiP.

Thermal insulation requirements

Regulatory documents contain detailed information about materials and methods of work. The applicable standards for thermal insulation contours are also indicated here, and certain recommendations are presented.

Types of thermal insulation materials

Thermal insulation is divided into types with certain properties and is produced in the following forms:

  • sentiments;
  • cylinders;
  • mats;
  • half cylinders;
  • rolls.

Types of thermal insulation:

The list outlined above is not exhaustive; the market is regularly updated with new options in this area.

Thermal insulation with mineral wool

Of all the types of insulation available today, mineral wool is characterized by the lowest cost; the advantage is the ease of installation of insulation. Thermal insulation of pipelines with mineral wool - process:

  • a roll of wool is cut into strips 200 mm thick (across) and they are then wrapped around the pipes, first with a layer of mineral wool (100 mm thick), on top with a tightly layer of fiberglass;
  • Mineral wool should be laid evenly and should not wrinkle.

Mineral wool is considered as thermal insulation for pipelines of significant diameter; it is applicable for heating routes of urban networks and for sewerage systems, for sewerage systems of small diameter and for water supply pipes - not practiced.

Thermal insulation of external pipelines

The choice of thermal insulation materials for external installation of heating pipes is quite large and are offered in the form of roll-type mats.

The pliability of the material allows them to be given a shaped shape for ease of installation; insulation materials are offered that are applied in liquid form, their further qualities appear after hardening.

Removable thermal insulation in a galvanized casing is widely used in linear sections of pipelines.

Foam rubber in the form of tubes or rolls, depending on the diameter of the pipes, is used as thermal insulation of pipes and parts of process pipelines; it is installed in several layers, depending on the required thickness of thermal insulation.

An interesting method for thermal insulation is a cover layer, the types of which can be found on the website:

Thermal insulation materials used on pipelines laid in the open air and directly on the surface of the earth will allow hot water not to cool down on the way to the consumer, and all types of pipes are insulated:

  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • polymer;
  • metal-plastic;
  • composite.

Moreover, when independently thermally insulating communications in a private house, it is easier to work with pre-insulated pipes and self-adhesive insulation, and it is recommended to use additional winding, for example, aluminum tape, as an assistant to eliminate shortcomings.

Calculation of heat loss. The methodology for calculating possible heat losses by a pipeline, taking into account the actual temperatures of the coolant and air surrounding the system, the properties and thickness of thermal insulation, can be found here:

Thermal insulation materials for pipelines, including polyurethane foam and glass wool, are highly effective insulating materials in all their qualities.

Polyurethane foam, as pipeline insulation, is an environmentally friendly and effective insulation material. It is characterized by a neutral odor, is not susceptible to fungus, is endowed with increased resistance to harmful environments, does not collapse, and is completely harmless to humans and the environment.

The spraying method is used directly for large-diameter pipes, as a result of which seamless continuous insulation is formed and a peak reduction in heat loss is guaranteed. Spraying is carried out at the work site, using special equipment for thermal insulation of pipelines; the simplicity and speed of the procedure is a clear advantage. For work on pipes of small diameter, shells based on polyurethane foam are considered, providing a high level of thermal insulation; this method is affordable.

Thermal insulation using glass wool meets all the requirements for thermal insulation materials.
The material is offered in the form of rolls, mats, slabs of different thicknesses, sizes and densities. Glass wool is somewhat inconvenient for installation and requires additional insulation and sealing, which increases the cost of the work and its duration.

Drawing up an estimate for pipeline insulation

Work on thermal insulation of pipelines is impossible without drawing up a preliminary estimate, which spells out “step by step” the entire sequence of work performed, on the basis of which the cost of the work is formed.

You can familiarize yourself with the rules for drawing up estimates on the website:

How pipeline insulation work is carried out

Thermal insulation must be carried out in accordance with current standards and regulations, which guarantees effective energy saving and increased useful life


The installation of thermal insulation of pipelines, based on the article, can actually be done using various materials, but taking into account certain factors and, above all, the direct purpose of the future installed system.

For example, the thermal insulation of pipelines with a high temperature of the medium transported through it is best done using cylinder insulation (PUF shell), additionally laminated with foil cardboard or foil.

Brief device for thermal insulation of pipelines

Preliminary stage:

  • complete completion of installation work (metalwork, welding);
  • cleaning with steel shields (manually) or using sandblasting machines the surfaces and joints of the pipeline, degreasing;
  • testing the strength and tightness of welds (visual inspection, pressure testing, control (if necessary) using special equipment));
  • application of special compounds – epoxy primers (as an example).

It is interesting to visually familiarize yourself with the installation process:

When carrying out work on equipment and installation of pipelines, it is necessary to comply with SNiP standards. What is SNiP? These are building codes and rules for organizing construction production, compliance with standards, technical specifications and departmental regulations.

Basic norms and rules for thermal insulation

Heating networks are one of the main elements of centralized heating supply. You should strictly adhere to the rules and regulations when drawing up a pipeline thermal insulation project. Subject to compliance with SNiP, thermal insulation of pipelines will be carried out efficiently without violating standards. Thermal insulation of pipelines SNiP is provided for linear sections of pipelines, heating networks, compensators and pipe supports. Insulation of pipelines in residential buildings and industrial buildings requires strict compliance with design standards and fire safety systems.

The quality of materials must comply with SNiP, thermal insulation of pipelines should be aimed at reducing heat loss.

The main tasks of thermal insulation, features of the choice of materials

The main purpose of thermal insulation is to reduce heat loss in heating systems or hot water pipelines. The main function of insulation is aimed at preventing condensation. Condensation can form both on the surface of the pipe and in the insulating layer. In addition, according to safety standards, the insulation of pipelines must ensure a certain temperature on the insulation surface, and in case of stagnation of water, protect it from freezing and icing in the winter.

Insulation of pipelines also increases the service life of pipes.

According to SNiP standards, thermal insulation of pipelines is used both for centralized heating and reduces heat loss from intra-house heating networks. What to consider when choosing thermal insulation:

  • Pipe diameter. It depends on what type of insulator will be used. Pipes can be cylindrical, half-cylinders or soft mats in rolls. Insulation of small diameter pipes is mainly carried out using cylinders and half-cylinders.
  • Coolant temperature.
  • Conditions in which the pipes will be operated.

Types of insulation

Let's consider the most popular and frequently used materials for thermal insulation:

  1. Fiberglass. Glass fiber materials are often used for above-ground piping because they have a long service life. Fiberglass has a low application temperature and is characterized by low density. High-quality fiberglass has high vibration, chemical and biological resistance.
  2. Mineral wool. Insulation of pipelines with mineral wool is a very effective heat insulator. This insulating material is used in different conditions. Unlike fiberglass, which has a low application temperature (up to 180ºC), mineral wool can withstand temperatures up to 650ºC. At the same time, its heat-insulating and mechanical properties are preserved. Mineral wool does not lose its shape and is highly resistant to chemicals and acid. This material is non-toxic and has a low degree of moisture absorption.

In turn, mineral wool comes in two forms: stone and glass.

Insulation of pipelines using mineral wool is used mainly in residential buildings, public and domestic premises, as well as to protect surfaces that are subject to heating.

  1. Polyurethane foam has a wide range of applications, but is a fairly expensive material. According to SNiP standards, thermal insulation of pipelines is environmentally friendly and does not affect human health. Polyurethane foam is resistant to external factors, non-toxic and quite durable.
  2. Expanded polystyrene. In some areas of industry, foam plastic is an indispensable material, as it has low thermal conductivity and moisture absorption and a long service life. Expanded polystyrene is difficult to ignite and is an excellent sound insulator.
  3. In addition to the above materials, pipeline insulation can be carried out using other less well-known, but no less practical insulation materials, such as foam glass and penoizol. These materials are durable, safe and are close relatives of polystyrene foam.

Thermal insulating paint can also provide protection against corrosion and high thermal insulation of pipes.

This is a relatively new material, the main advantage of which is that it penetrates into hard-to-reach places and is able to withstand high temperature changes.


Features of thermal insulation of pipelines for heating networks: standards, materials, technology

When laying pipelines, a prerequisite is to perform work on thermal insulation of the networks. This applies to all pipelines - not only water supply, but also sewerage systems. The need for this is due to the fact that in winter the water passing through the pipes can freeze. And if coolant circulates through the communications, this leads to a decrease in its temperature. To minimize heat loss, when laying pipelines they resort to installing a heat-insulating layer. What materials and methods can be used for thermal insulation of networks - this will be discussed in this article.

Thermal insulation of pipelines: ways to solve the problem

Effective protection for pipeline systems from environmental factors, mainly from outside air temperature, can be achieved by taking the following measures:

Since the last method is most often used, it makes sense to talk about it in more detail.

Standards for thermal insulation of pipelines

Requirements for thermal insulation of equipment pipelines are formulated in SNiP. Regulatory documents contain detailed information about materials which can be used for thermal insulation of pipelines, and in addition methods of work. In addition, the regulatory documents indicate standards for thermal insulation circuits, which are often used to insulate pipelines.

  • regardless of the temperature of the coolant, any pipeline system must be insulated;
  • Both ready-made and prefabricated structures can be used to create a thermal insulation layer;
  • Corrosion protection must be provided for metal parts of pipelines.

It is desirable to use a multilayer circuit design when insulating pipelines. It must include the following layers:

  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • protection made of dense polymer, non-woven fabric or metal.

In some cases, reinforcement can be built that eliminates the collapse of materials and, in addition, prevents pipe deformation.

Let us note that most of the requirements contained in the regulatory documents relate to the insulation of high-power main pipelines. But even in the case of installing household systems, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with them and take them into account when installing water supply and sewerage systems on your own.

Materials for thermal insulation of pipelines

Currently, the market offers a large selection of materials that can be used for pipeline insulation. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, and in addition, application features. To choose the right heat insulator, you need to know all this.

Polymer insulation

When the task is to create an effective thermal insulation system for pipelines, attention is most often paid to foam-based polymers. A large assortment allows you to choose the right material, thanks to which you can provide effective protection from the external environment and eliminate heat loss.

If we talk in more detail about polymer materials, the following can be distinguished from those available on the market.

Polyethylene foam.

The main characteristic of the material is low density. In addition, it is porous and has high mechanical strength. This insulation is used for the manufacture of cylinders with a cut. Their installation can be carried out even by people far from the field of thermal insulation of pipelines. However, this material has one drawback: structures made of polyethylene foam wear out quickly and, in addition, have poor heat resistance.

If polyethylene foam cylinders are chosen for thermal insulation of pipelines, then special attention must be paid to their diameter. It must match the diameter of the collector. Taking this rule into account when choosing an insulation design, it is possible to exclude spontaneous removal of polyethylene foam casings.

Expanded polystyrene.

The main feature of this material is elasticity. It is also characterized by high strength indicators. Protective products for thermal insulation of pipelines made from this material are produced in the form of segments that resemble a shell in appearance. Special locks are used to connect parts. They have tongues and grooves, which ensure quick installation of these products. The use of polystyrene foam shells with technical locks eliminates the occurrence of “cold bridges” after installation. In addition, during installation there is no need to use additional fasteners.

Polyurethane foam.

This material is used mainly for pre-installed thermal insulation of heating network pipelines. However, it can also be used to insulate household pipeline systems. This material is available in the form of foam or shell, which consists of two or four segments. Spray insulation provides reliable thermal insulation with a high degree of tightness. The use of such insulation is most suitable for communication systems with a complex configuration.

When using polyurethane foam in the form of foam for thermal insulation of pipelines of heating networks, you need to know that it is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Therefore, in order for the insulating layer to last a long time, it is necessary to ensure its protection. To do this, apply a layer of paint on top of the foam or lay a non-woven fabric with good permeability.

Fibrous materials

Insulation materials of this type are mainly represented by mineral wool and its varieties. Currently, they are most popular among consumers as insulation. Materials of this type are also in high demand, like polymer materials.

Thermal insulation made using fiber insulation has certain advantages. These include the following:

  • low thermal conductivity coefficient;
  • resistance of the thermal insulation material to aggressive substances such as acids, alkalis, oil;
  • the material is able to maintain a given shape without an additional frame;
  • the cost of insulation is quite reasonable and affordable for most consumers.

Please note that during work on thermal insulation of pipelines with such materials, it is necessary to prevent compression of the fiber when laying the insulation. It is also important to ensure that the material is protected from moisture.

Products made from polymer and mineral wool insulation for thermal insulation in some cases can be covered with aluminum or steel foil. The use of such screens reduces heat dissipation.

Multilayer structures for pipeline protection

Often, to insulate pipelines, thermal insulation is installed using the “pipe-in-pipe” method. When using this scheme, a heat-protective casing is installed. The main task of the specialists installing such a circuit is to correctly connect all the parts into a single structure.

Upon completion of the work, the result is a design that looks like this:

  • the basis of the heat-protective circuit is a pipe made of metal or polymer material. It is the supporting element of the entire device;
  • The thermal insulation layers of the structure are made of foamed polyurethane foam. The material is applied using pouring technology; the molten mass is filled into a specially created formwork;
  • protective casing. Pipes made of galvanized steel or polyethylene are used for its manufacture. The first ones are used for laying networks in open space. The latter are used in cases where pipeline systems are laid in the ground using ductless technology. In addition, often when creating this type of protective casing, copper conductors are placed in polyurethane foam-based insulation, the main purpose of which is to remotely monitor the condition of the pipeline, including the integrity of the thermal insulation layer;
  • If the pipes arrive at the installation site in assembled form, then the welding method is used to connect them. Specialists use special heat-shrinkable cuffs to assemble the heat-protective circuit. Or, overhead couplings made from mineral wool, which are covered with a layer of foil, can be used.

Do-it-yourself thermal insulation of pipelines

There are a number of factors on which the technology for creating a thermal insulation layer on pipelines may depend. One of the most important is how the collector is laid - outside or in the ground.

Insulation of underground networks

To solve the problem of ensuring thermal protection of buried communications, insulation work is carried out in the following order:

Thermal insulation of external pipeline

In accordance with existing standards, pipelines located on the surface of the earth are thermally insulated as follows:

  • insulation work begins with all parts being cleaned of rust;
  • Next, the pipes are treated with an anti-corrosion compound. After this, they proceed to installing a polymer shell, followed by wrapping the pipes with rolled mineral wool insulation;
  • Please note that a layer of polyurethane foam can be used to cover the structure, or the structure can be covered with several layers of heat-insulating paint;
  • The next step is to wrap the pipe as in the previous option.

Along with fiberglass, other materials can be used, for example, foil film with polymer reinforcement. When this work is completed, the structures are secured using steel or plastic clamps.

Thermal insulation of pipelines is an important task that must be carried out when laying communications. There are many materials and technologies for its implementation. Having chosen the appropriate method of thermal insulation, you must adhere to the work technology. In this case, heat loss will be minimal, and in addition, the pipeline structure will be protected from various factors, which will have a positive effect on their service life.


Today, thermal insulation of pipelines is necessary both to reduce heat losses of the corresponding systems and to lower the temperature of communications for their safe use. In addition, without it it is difficult to ensure normal operation of networks in winter, since the likelihood of freezing and failure of pipes is quite high and also dangerous.

According to existing standards, as well as rules for the safe operation of steam and hot water supply pipes, for pipeline elements with a wall temperature of more than 55 degrees and at the same time they are located in accessible places, it is recommended to use additional thermal insulation in such a way as to reduce their heating. In view of this, when calculating the thickness of the protective coating laid in a room, heat flux density standards are taken as a basis. In some cases, the temperature of the outer part of the insulation itself is also taken into account.

How to calculate insulation?

The choice of the required insulation is carried out on the basis of mathematical calculations, from which it is clear which material is better to take, its thickness, composition and other characteristics. If everything is done correctly, then it is quite possible to significantly reduce heat losses, as well as make the operation of systems reliable and absolutely safe.

Figure No. 1. Thermal insulation of pipes with foam plastic

What to pay attention to during calculations:

  • - difference in ambient temperatures where communications are used;
  • - the temperature of the surface that is supposed to be insulated;
  • - possible loads on the pipes;
  • - mechanical impacts from external influences, be it pressure, vibration, etc.;
  • - the value of the thermal conductivity coefficient of the insulation used;
  • - impact and corresponding magnitude from transport and soil;
  • - the ability of the insulator to resist various types of deformation.

It should be noted that SNiP 41-03-2003 is considered the main document on the basis of which materials for insulation and their thickness are selected, according to specific operating conditions. The same SNiP states that for networks in which the operating temperature of the pipes is less than 12 degrees, it is necessary to additionally lay a vapor barrier when treating the surface.

Thermal insulation of pipes can be calculated in two ways, and each option can be called reliable and convenient for specific conditions. We are talking about an engineering (formula) and online version.

In the first case, the actual thickness of the optimal insulating layer is determined by a technical and economic calculation, in which the main parameter is temperature resistance. The corresponding value should be within 0.86ºC m²/W in the case of pipes with a diameter of up to 25mm, and at least 1.22ºC m²/W - from 25mm and above. SNiP provides special formulas by which the total temperature resistance of the insulating composition of cylindrical pipes is calculated.

Please note that if you have any doubts about the correctness of the calculation, it is better to seek help and advice from specialists who will carry out the work reliably and efficiently, especially since the prices for their services are quite reasonable. Otherwise, a situation may arise where the scope of certain actions may be more costly in terms of money than doing everything from scratch.

When performing the work yourself, you should also understand that all calculations of the thickness of pipe insulation are made under certain operating conditions, which take into account the materials themselves, temperature changes, and humidity.

The second method is implemented through online calculators, of which there are countless today. Such an assistant is usually free, simple and convenient. Often it also takes into account all the norms and requirements of SNiP, according to which professionals perform calculations. All calculations are carried out quite quickly and accurately. Figuring out how to use the calculator will be easy.

Initially, the required task is selected:

  • 1. Preventing liquid freezing of utility pipelines.
  • 2. Ensuring a constant operating temperature of protective insulation.
  • 3. Insulation of communications of water heating networks of two-pipe underground channel gaskets.
  • 4. Protection of the pipeline from the formation of condensation on the insulator.

Then you need to enter the main parameters by which the calculation is carried out:

  • 1. Pipe outer diameter.
  • 2. Preferred insulation component.
  • 3. The time during which water crystallizes in an inert state.
  • 4. Temperature indicator of the surface to be insulated.
  • 5. Coolant temperature value.
  • 6. Type of coating used (metal or non-metal).

After entering all the data, the calculation result appears, which can be used as a basis for subsequent construction and selection of materials.

Figure No. 2. Thermal insulation of central heating pipes

The right choice of insulation

The main reason for freezing of pipes is the low circulation rate of working fluids in them. A negative factor is the freezing process, which can lead to irreversible and catastrophic consequences. This is why thermal insulation of networks is extremely necessary.

Particular attention should be paid to this aspect in pipelines that operate periodically, be it water supply from a well or country water heating. In order not to have to restore working systems in the future, it is still better to carry out their timely thermal insulation.

Until recently, insulation work was carried out using a single technology, with fiberglass used as a protective element. Currently, a huge selection of all kinds of heat insulators are offered, designed for a specific type of pipe, having different technical characteristics and composition.

Due to their intended use, it would be wrong to compare materials and say that one is better than the other. For this reason, below we will reveal the insulators that exist today.

According to the component representation option:

  • - sheet;
  • - roll;
  • - filling
  • - casing;
  • - combined.

By area of ​​use:

  • - for water drainage and sewerage;
  • - for steam, heating, hot and cold water supply networks;
  • - for ventilation pipelines and freezing units.

Any thermal insulation is characterized by its resistance to fire and its thermal conductivity.

  • 1. Shell. Its advantage is ease of installation, optimal characteristics and high quality workmanship. It has low thermal conductivity, fire resistance, and a minimal level of moisture absorption. Suitable for protecting heating networks and water supply systems.

Figure No. 3. Shell pipe insulation

  • 2. Mineral wool. It is usually supplied in rolls and is used for processing pipes whose coolant has a very high temperature. This option is only advisable for small processing areas, since mineral wool is quite an expensive material. Its installation is carried out by winding communications and fixing them in a given position with stainless steel wire or twine. Additionally, it is recommended to carry out waterproofing, since cotton wool easily absorbs moisture.

Figure No. 4. Insulation mineral wool cylinder

  • 3. Expanded polystyrene. The design of thermal insulation of this type is more like two halves, or a shell, through which the pipeline is insulated. The option can safely be called high-quality and convenient in terms of installation. Due to minimal moisture absorption and low thermal conductivity, high fire resistance, minimal thickness, polystyrene foam is excellent for protecting heating and water supply networks.

Figure No. 5. Foam insulation

  • 4. Penoizol. Thermal insulation has similar parameters to polystyrene foam, although with a significant difference in installation. Application is carried out using an appropriate sprayer, since the material is in a liquid state. After complete drying, the entire treated surface of the pipe acquires a dense and durable hermetic structure that reliably maintains the temperature of the coolant. A significant advantage is that there is no need to use additional fasteners to secure the material. The only downside is that it is expensive.

Figure No. 6. Insulation of pipes with foam insulation

  • 5. Penofol with foil base. An innovative product that is becoming more popular every day. It consists of polyethylene foam and aluminum foil. The two-layer design allows both maintaining the temperature of the networks and heating the space, since the foil is able to reflect and accumulate heat. We especially pay attention to the low combustion ability, high environmental data, the ability to withstand high humidity and significant temperature changes.

Figure No. 7. Pipe insulated with foil penofol

  • 6. Foamed polyethylene. Thermal insulation of this type is very common, and it is often found on water mains. A special feature is the ease of installation, for which it is enough to cut the required size of the material and wrap it around the production line, fixing it with tape. Foamed polyethylene is often supplied in the form of a wrap for a pipe of a certain diameter with a technological cut, which is put on the desired section of the system.

Figure No. 8. Foamed polyethylene

It is important to know that when insulating pipelines, all insulation materials, except penoizol, require the additional use of waterproofing and adhesive tape for fixation.

From all of the above, it is clear that there are quite a lot of options for processing pipes, and the choice is very large. Experts advise paying attention to the conditions in which each material will be used, its characteristics and installation method. Naturally, competent thermal insulation calculations also play an important role, which will allow you to be confident in the work done.

Video No. 1. Thermal insulation of pipes. Installation example

Methods of thermal insulation of pipelines

SNiP specifications and many professionals recommend following the following options for protecting trunk lines:

  • 1. Air insulation. Typically, communication systems running in the ground are protected by thermal insulation of a certain thickness. However, the factor that the freezing of the ground goes from the top to the bottom is often not taken into account, while the heat flow from the pipes tends to the top. Since the pipeline is protected on all sides by a component of minimal thickness, the rising heat is also insulated. In this case, it is more rational to install insulation over the upper part of the line, so that a thermal layer is formed.
  • 2. Use of insulation and heating element. Great as an alternative to traditional options. In this case, the point is taken into account that the protection of lines is seasonal, and laying them in the ground is not rational for financial reasons, as is the use of a large thickness of insulator. According to SNiP rules and manufacturers' instructions, the cable can be located both inside and outside the pipes.
  • 3. Laying a pipe in a pipe. Here, individual pipes are additionally installed in polypropylene pipes. The peculiarity of the method is that it is possible to warm up the systems almost always, including using the principle of suction of warm air masses. In addition, if necessary, an emergency hose can easily be laid in the existing gap.


Summarizing all of the above, we can say that there are a lot of important points and nuances for processing and protecting the pipeline. In any situation, it is always better to start by calculating the required insulation, choosing its type, thickness and cost. The option of its installation also plays an important role, since the most problematic conditions will require additional significant cash injections into the construction of the necessary systems.

A perfect approach to the selection of thermal insulation can ultimately lead to minimal costs and a reduction in the complexity of the work performed. High-quality selection of the required insulating components will effectively maintain the temperature of the coolant in the pipes, as well as significantly increase their service life.

Video No. 2. Universal thermal insulation for pipes