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Participate in the competition. Sport competitions

If you see a competition in a dream, it means great doubts and sadness.

Seeing yourself as a participant in competitions means trouble.

Seeing that you have won a competition is a sign of success in business.

Losing a competition means trouble.

The merchant sees that he is participating in competitions - this means starting a new business and losing a lot of money.

If he sees that he has lost the competition, it means big profits in his new business.

An employee sees that he is participating in competitions - to the loss of his place.

Seeing a monkey in a competition means respect and fame.

The boss sees a monkey at a competition - a sign of promotion.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Feng Shui

Dream Interpretation - Sports, races, races, matches, competitions

In general, our whole life is a kind of sport, a competition. In a dream, sometimes you have to take part in, say, a race, a football match, or something like that. And the question immediately is: why do you dream about all these races, matches, competitions, sports in one word?

In general, sports, competitions, like theaters of war in a dream, in theory, also mean struggle, a clash of strength, experience, intelligence, speed, etc. This means they are directly related to your current affairs and problems.

But I noticed that there is a significant difference between war and sports. In sports, no one kills anyone, this is not an act of extermination, although in some sports... In general, everywhere there are exceptions, but in general, the difference is very serious from, say, war.

Therefore, the interpretation is based on the fact that in sports everything goes strictly according to the rules and without sacrifices, which means that there is the power of procedure and rules.

I often had to participate in a race in a dream, say, a bicycle race, or even dreamed of a Formula 1 race. In all cases, it was necessary to state that if you win matches or races, or, say, take a high place (a place on the podium), then in real life you get a picture that, let’s say, there is some business scheduled for tomorrow, and so, you dreamed of a race , let’s say, and I come to the podium, which means that this very planned task could not be completed. Those. Not enough time, resources, strength, intelligence, speed, are you smart?

And this means that sports in a dream obey precisely the principle of inversion... Still, inversion.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you dreamed that you won a competition, you will be able to carry out your plans. The presence of problems should not stop you, since it is entirely within your power to overcome them. A number of events will happen soon that will contribute to rapid progress towards your goals.

Look into the future with full confidence that everything will work out for you. Make your plans as if you have already implemented them and don’t doubt your success for a minute.

The meaning of a dream where you managed to win a competition

Did you dream that you won a competition? This is a good sign. It portends the complete and unconditional capitulation of your competitors as a result of clearly thought-out and verified tactics of action. You will be able to occupy a high position in society and gain authority among your colleagues.

Avoid fuss and haste. It is better to take one, but competent step, than many meaningless and ineffective ones.

Why do you dream that you are competing?

Competing in any sport is a symbol of passion and the desire to win. This sign promises the fulfillment of your plans, but for this you will have to put in a lot of effort. If you don’t stop and overcome all the obstacles in your path, you can count on a decent reward. Perseverance and hard work will pay off in the end.

Work with full dedication, don't feel sorry for yourself and don't give up. Set clear goals for yourself and go towards them, no matter what.

A dream in which I had a chance to participate in competitions

Seeing yourself participating in competitions in a dream means that you will soon find yourself an honored guest at some special event. It will be of great importance for your career, but despite all the responsibility of the event, you will be able to have a fun and enjoyable time in the company of like-minded people.

If you see a competition in a dream, it means great doubts and sadness.

Seeing yourself as a participant in competitions means trouble.

Seeing that you have won a competition is a sign of success in business.

Losing a competition means trouble.

The merchant sees that he is participating in competitions - this means starting a new business and losing a lot of money.

If he sees that he has lost the competition, it means big profits in his new business.

An employee sees that he is participating in competitions - to the loss of his place.

Seeing a monkey in a competition means respect and fame.

The boss sees a monkey at a competition - a sign of promotion.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Feng Shui

Dream Interpretation - Running competition

You change something in your life, everything seems to be fine, good prospects, you see success, joy from society, but an energetically strong enemy, an envious person appears and begins to slowly harass you, create difficulties, encroach on your achievements. Your subconscious tells you that you don’t need to endure it, you need to act and stop it right away, you have enough strength to cope with your enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Competitions

Desilva, you often have disturbing dreams, negative images and confusing information, apparently your first priority is always debt, a tendency to diseases of the digestive system, poor nutrition and melancholy. Dangers: selfishness, stubbornness, intransigence, tendency to loneliness. You tend to want to prove to everyone around you that you exist, what you are like (as you think), the desire to achieve material success, work and position in society are very important. To achieve the goal you have set for yourself, you will persistently overcome all difficulties, disappointments and often sacrifice a lot in terms of personal relationships and family life. Discord between thought and action, the need to assert oneself through denial of something.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

The article on the topic: “dream book of competitions in the pool” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Any competition in a dream, according to the dream book, is a kind of mini-model of future events that will happen to a sleeping person in reality. Before you find out what competitions are about in your dreams, it is important to remember the type of sporting event and the place you took in the dreamed match.

Miller's Dream Book about success and obstacles

If you dreamed that you were watching a ski competition, psychologist Miller’s dream book warns of stagnation in business, the cause of which will be the dreamer’s poor health. Running in a dream with a group of people foreshadows participation in a fun festival or event, which will contribute to the successful implementation of previously conceived plans. Seeing yourself as a participant in bicycle racing means brilliant prospects for showing your abilities.

The type of competition determines future prospects

Any sports competition represents a certain struggle waged by the dreamer for primacy in the family or work team. Before you find out what the competition is about in your dreams, you should remember the type of fight in which the sleeping person happened to participate.

Taking part in running competitions with pleasure, according to the New Era dream book, speaks of desires to hide from emotions and memories, and to engage in spiritual development. Winning a race in a dream predicts the dreamer’s desire to retire and understand himself.

The 21st century dream book gives a different interpretation of what running competitions mean in dreams. So, competing in a race and winning means the successful implementation of your planned undertakings. A dream about a swimming competition promises a large influx of work, which will not allow you to relax.

Isn't winning the most important thing?

Why do you dream of winning a bicycle race? Bitch’s dream book will tell you. Competing in a bicycle race reflects the desire of a sleeping person to reveal his abilities and correctly take advantage of the opening prospects. Winning the competition promises new interesting proposals.

A female dream interpreter explains why you dream of winning swimming competitions. Thus, swimming in a race with a group of people in a pool predicts a strong feeling of love, which can distract the dreamer from his main activities and responsibilities.

To take part in a ski race in a dream and win, the dream interpreter predicts happy consequences in conditions that are quite unfavorable for you. Victory at a sports competition at school predicts the defeat of your sworn enemies.

For a man, winning a boxing competition in a dream means a pleasant pastime. For a girl to see a boxing match in a dream, predicts rivalry between two young people over her.

Brace yourself, it's time for hard work

A dream about a biathlon tournament is interpreted by the Modern Combined Dream Book as impending emotional and mental stress. Competing in trampolining warns of the dreamer’s precarious financial situation due to the ill-considered expenditure of an impressive sum of money.

Being present in preparation for a swimming competition means intense and hard work. Seeing yourself as a debutant in any sporting event means that you will have to do useless work that no one needs.

Rivalry and competition in reality

Esotericists associate the interpretation of a dream about competitions in cars with the anger and aggression of a certain person towards you, which will soon break out and provoke a grandiose struggle and competition between you.

The general dream interpreter connects the process of preparing for a sports day in a dream with a stressful situation and tension that the dreamer feels in reality. Perhaps in reality you are preparing to undergo some kind of test, which is projected by the subconscious into such dreams.

If you dreamed of a swimming pool, what would the dream book say?

Such a dream foretells you restrictions in the manifestation of creativity and feelings, enjoyment of life, but for a short time. If the dream book interprets rivers, seas and oceans, lakes as a wide living space, then a pool in a dream usually means either joy that will not last long, or competition and purification, pleasant communication, but not deep enough. Or short-term bliss in love and reciprocity of feelings, the manifestation of which is hampered by various life restrictions. This is what dreams of a swimming pool mean most often in various variations.

Purification of the Spirit

Swimming in clean water alone or alone, in your own rich home, on an island, a rich ship or just in a public place - to inner purity and a joyful life. Such a dream means sincerity of feelings, honesty towards oneself and forgiveness of certain actions.

Swimming in it, experiencing a feeling of joy and pleasant sensations - to well-being and good state of mind, health. Especially if in the dream the water was crystal clear and cool, but not cold.

For a girl, swimming in a pool with clean and pleasant coolness means being ready for love, both physically and mentally. At the same time, her feeling, despite external restrictions and prohibitions, is quite sincere, even if there is no object of feelings yet. This is dreaminess, naivety, openness to new feelings and impressions, sincerity in the manifestation of emotions and actions.

If you dreamed of a very beautiful swimming pool with clean water in your home, beautifully landscaped and well decorated - expect an offer of a wonderful holiday, a pleasant pastime and a little joy. For people who are very busy, such a dream predicts a long-awaited moment of rest. Sometimes such a dream book interprets a swimming pool in such a situation as an invitation to it by a friend or just a romantic evening on the seashore, if it is in your city.

Why does a person dream of a pool who is experiencing unpleasant feelings, suffering because of a relationship with a loved one, grief or discord in the family, or unrequited love? Swimming in it with clean water is a very good sign, foreshadowing that all negative emotions will be washed away. The long-awaited relief and feeling of joy that you have been waiting for will soon come. In rare cases, swimming in a pool with clean, clear and non-chlorinated water, swimming in a wide, spacious space means reconciliation with your loved one and a fresh start in life. At the same time, simply swimming or diving and surfacing means cleansing both the thoughts and spirit, as well as the body and reconsidering one’s behavior and thoughts.

Friendly spiritual communication

The dream book interprets this dream about a pool if you started swimming not alone, with your lover and friends, and after the pool you ate fruit and a nice meal on a sun lounger. Such a dream, especially with the consumption of various drinks, cocktails and fruits, predicts friendly pleasant communication, many joyful and happy minutes in a friendly company.

Relaxing and swimming with familiar people in clean water means friendly, fulfilling and interesting communication. Especially if swimming and splashing are pleasant, easy and comfortable for you. Seeing a competition to see who can swim the fastest in the pool for prizes and gifts is a sign of easy rivalry between people. Taking part in it yourself means competition between friends and the desire to be better than you really are, to demonstrate to them your merits.

Why dream of a pool in which you not only swim, but also kiss or make love with your boyfriend, boyfriend or girlfriend? Such a dream shows the unification of souls and happiness. Seeing him in love is a good sign, promising reciprocity of feelings and sincerity in the relationship. Swimming with him and simply splashing around without plunging into the water is a dream of frivolous communication, but the feelings are not so deep as to plunge into them headlong.

Why do you dream of a pool in which at the bottom you found a coin, a pendant or something pleasant, unusual and interesting? Soon you will reveal some secret. A valuable find means unexpected luck, a marriage proposal, or the discovery of an unusual talent that will bring a lot of benefit and money.

Seeing your boyfriend and girlfriend kissing in the pool means the sincerity of their feelings and falling in love. Most likely, this will happen in life. But if they are drunk, they will soon regret their actions. In this case, it is better to forgive them for their stupidity, since they themselves may not know what they were doing.

Seeing in a dream how your friends swim, leaving feces and dirt in the water - means bad company, quarrels and humiliation. Finding unexpectedly “human waste” in the pool and feeling a feeling of disgust, disgust - towards the disease, great insult and meanness that will be done to you by those whom you did not even think of.

Significant difficulties

Usually in such dreams there is a pool, but it is inaccessible to you or it is unpleasant to swim there, since it is filled with other people. If you are unable to get to him, then this means you are busy with business and worries, during which you will have to forget about rest and entertainment, limitations in feelings and obstacles in your personal life. These can be either parental prohibitions or various obstacles from outside. Try to find a pool in a different place in your dream or make your way to the water through a crowd.

Why did you dream about the pool?

at the Women's Club!

Dreams immerse us in unknown, amazing and completely unpredictable worlds every night, regardless of our desire.

Sometimes we have insignificant, fragmentary dreams, similar to snatches of memories or experiences, sometimes we don’t remember our dreams at all, but often dreams are remembered - and we really want to interpret them.

It’s no secret that dreams mean something, they are not just a set of pictures and plots, but meanings, signs and codes. The art of dream interpretation is ancient, and dream books have always been in amazing demand among a variety of people.

The most ordinary and familiar actions in dreams can mean something important, indicate big changes, promise happiness or long-awaited love. For example, a swimming pool - these days this place is popular and familiar, and even those people who do not visit it at all are unlikely to be surprised when swimming in the pool in their dreams.

But what does a swimming pool mean in a dream? This is a more important question than it might seem at first glance. Depending on whether you had to swim or bathe in it, whether it was filled with clean and clear water, or muddy, or was completely empty, or even beautiful dolphins swam in it, the meaning of such a dream can vary enormously.

Its correct interpretation depends on the dream scenario, and the plots can be as follows:

  • You just saw a swimming pool in your dreams.
  • It was new, with clean water, and there were no people in it.
  • The water in it was frozen.
  • Dolphins swam in it.
  • Clean and clear water in the pool.
  • Dirty or cloudy water.
  • I dreamed of an empty pool, without water.
  • Swim in a regular pool.
  • Swim in a pool with dirty water.
  • Very good, skillful swimmer.
  • Drown.
  • Learn to swim.
  • Jump from a tower.
  • Swim forward confidently and swiftly towards the finish line.
  • Participate in sports swimming and competitions.
  • Swim in the pool outside, under the sun.
  • Swim with dolphins.
  • Swim with someone.
  • Dive in the pool.

There are many options - and each has its own meaning, sometimes very significant and important. Therefore, you need to correctly interpret what a swimming pool means in a dream, so that you can do the right thing in reality, so as not to make fatal mistakes.

What does this dream mean?

Let's consider dreams in which the pool appears only from the side, like a vision. If you didn’t swim in it, didn’t dive, but just saw it – what does it mean? Depends on what the pool was like, what the water was like and other details.

1. As the dream book says, a pool in a dream promises good luck to the dreamer, and foretells an easy, successful course of current events. Even if this is not the case now, know that soon everything will go smoothly, and good luck awaits you.

2. A new, empty pool, in which there are no people yet, is a harbinger of profit for the dreamer. You will be delighted by an unexpected promotion or increase in salary, or maybe an old debt will be repaid. It doesn't matter where the money comes from, it will appear.

3. Such a strange dream, in which you saw a pool with frozen water, may indicate your loneliness and a certain unsociability, detachment, and coldness.

Whatever the reasons for this lifestyle, think that it is worth letting people closer to you, opening up to them. After all, a lonely life cannot be completely happy.

4. Dolphins swimming in a pool while dreaming is a rare sight and very happy for the dreamer. Dolphins in a dream always promise great happiness, the fulfillment of a great cherished dream, the fulfillment of desires. You are lucky to have had a dream in which dolphins were present, or at least one!

5. A pool with clean, clear water is a good sign. Everything will be beautiful, smooth and cloudless in the near future, and obstacles and difficulties will recede.

6. As the dream book says, a pool with dirty, neglected, blooming or muddy water warns of a period of difficulties, or of ailments that may lie in wait for you. Be careful and extremely prudent in your actions.

7. A dream in which there was an empty pool, without water, indicates your liberation from the old. From old views on life, from everything unnecessary - and the readiness to start something new. It's time to start a new stage in life, reconsider your life views and values.

Dive or swim

It’s curious why you dream about a pool if you not only saw it in a dream, but were also directly in the water. There are a lot of options for such dreams, and it is important to remember all possible details reliably - in order to find the correct interpretation.

1. Swimming in the pool is an indication that you should expect a new person to appear in your reality, and this acquaintance will be very important and fateful. It won’t necessarily be love, maybe he will be a friend or colleague, but this person will change your understanding and assessment of the reality around you.

2. If in your dreams you swam in dirty, muddy water, this may portend you temporary obstacles and obstacles in your affairs and in achieving your goals. Don’t let them scare you, don’t let circumstances and obstacles break you - move on confidently!

3. If in your dreams you swam very well, masterfully, in reality expect some amazing offer to which you simply cannot answer negatively. Marital or professional – it’s not for the dream book to judge, but it will make you happy!

4. Drowning in a pool in a dream is a sign that strong feelings await you that will simply consume you. No matter how dizzying and enjoyable they may be, stay in reality, don’t fly into the clouds.

5. If in your dreams you learned to swim, this is advice - don’t be afraid of new things, don’t be afraid to start something unusual. Your courage will help you fulfill your big dream!

6. In a dream, did you jump into a pool from a tower? Know that you will soon have to make a very important, difficult decision. But the interpreter promises you great success and changes in fate for the better if you show firmness and courage.

7. If in your dreams you were sailing confidently and rapidly forward, be convinced that you will soon earn a high position in society and will reap the sweet fruits of your achievements.

8. Participating in a swimming competition in a dream is a sign that considerable achievements await you if you put in the effort.

9. Swimming in a pool while dreaming outdoors, under the sun, is a good dream. It foretells the dreamer good friends, success in life and many joys. And all thanks to your kindness, positivity and charm.

10. Dreamily swimming in a pool with dolphins is just absolute happiness. In everything!

11. If you swam in it with someone, it promises you good and faithful friends. You will never be alone.

12. But if you were diving in a pool in your dreams, know that love awaits you in which you will simply drown!

A swimming pool in a dream often promises happiness, but even if the dream foreshadows temporary difficulties, let this not frighten you, but be an incentive to confidently strive forward towards your goal!

And the most important advice

  • House of Dreams

    what does every dream mean

    Dream interpretation swimming pool

    Dream Interpretation Swimming Pool

    Why do you dream about a Swimming Pool in a dream according to the dream book?

    According to Felomena’s dream book, a swimming pool is a good sign, foreshadowing success in all aspects of life. The plot promises many vivid impressions, pleasant events, and useful acquisitions. The difficulties will most likely not last long and will not cause serious damage.

    Who dreamed of a swimming pool? What were you doing in the pool in your dream? Was there water in the pool in the dream? Who was in the pool in the dream? What kind of pool did you dream about? How many swimming pools did you dream about?

    Who dreamed of a swimming pool?

    A pregnant woman dreamed about a swimming pool

    For a pregnant woman, a swimming pool in a dream is a symbol of small joys. Perhaps the dreamer will soon receive something she has long wanted or she will have a long-awaited trip.

    What were you doing in the pool in your dream?

    Diving into a pool in a dream

    When you dream about diving into a pool, in the near future you will finally be able to complete a task that has caused the dreamer a lot of trouble. The reward for your efforts will be generous, but don’t stop there: hard work will allow you to achieve great success.

    Dreaming about jumping into a pool

    A dream where you had a chance to jump from a tower into a pool foreshadows significant changes in fate. Make informed decisions: it depends on them whether the changes will be beneficial. If jumping into the pool is scary, this is an expression of uncertainty that needs to be overcome.

    Was there water in the pool in the dream?

    I dreamed of a pool of water

    A dream where a pool of water appears foreshadows a passionate romance, which will leave only pleasant memories for the dreamer and will give a real storm of emotions. These relationships can either develop into serious ones or remain a fleeting hobby.

    Blue water in a pool in a dream

    If you dreamed of a pool with blue water, the dreamer will have a chance to fulfill long-standing desires. Don't miss this opportunity, otherwise you will most likely regret your indecisiveness later.

    Why do you dream of a pool without water?

    A pool without water, according to the dream book, is a symbol of spiritual emptiness, pain after experienced losses. Don't let circumstances get the best of you: find an interesting hobby or return to an old hobby, this will give you joy again.

    Dream about muddy water in the pool

    Seeing a pool with dirty, muddy water in a dream indicates minor difficulties in the future. Drown in it - get ready to face difficulties on the road to your goal.

    I dreamed of a swimming pool with warm water

    When you dream of a pool where the water is warm, your relationship with your loved one will be more harmonious than ever. A pool of water in a dream means a sincere, warm relationship with your soul mate.

    Who was in the pool in the dream?

    Empty pool in a dream

    If you dreamed of an empty pool, you will have to solve the troubles yourself. Gain strength and patience, and difficulties will certainly subside. Also try not to hold a grudge against your loved ones: they probably simply did not have the opportunity to help.

    Why do you dream about people in the pool?

    A dream where people swim in a pool foreshadows a carefree life: material well-being, harmony in the family, excellent health - all this awaits the dreamer in the near future. Appreciate such periods, don’t get upset over little things.

    Dolphin in the pool

    What kind of pool did you dream about?

    Dreamed of a deep pool

    When you dream of a deep pool, there are dramatic changes in the dreamer’s fate for the better ahead. They will affect both personal life and professional activities. It is possible to change jobs or move to a new place of residence.

    Dreaming of a swimming pool on the roof of a house

    If you dreamed of a swimming pool on the roof of a house, professional success is expected. The efforts of the sleeper will not go unnoticed and will be rewarded. Continue to work hard to achieve career heights.

    Why do you dream about a big pool?

    A dream where a large, wide pool with paths appears foreshadows victory over your rivals. In a broader sense, such a dream signals the beginning of a successful period of life.

    Dirty pool in a dream

    The dream book warns: a dirty pool is a symbol of frivolous actions, because of which your reputation will suffer. You will probably have to overcome these difficulties alone. But don’t be discouraged: kindness will help you improve your relationships with others.

    How many swimming pools did you dream about?

    I dreamed of many swimming pools

    Many swimming pools in a dream represent the good mood of the sleeper. There are positive changes ahead: interesting events, new friends, a possible meeting with a future life partner.

    How are other dream books interpreted?

    Why do you dream about a swimming pool?

    Russian dream book

    Swimming pool promises profit.

    Combined dream book

    Contemplation of a swimming pool in a dream, Freud believes, will lead to long-term erotic pleasures.

    Swimming in a pool with clean and clear water is a very favorable sign. You will be successful in society, friends will support you in any situation; for a young woman: her loyalty and decency will help her find a true friend.

    If the water in the pool is dirty, you will have minor troubles and problems.

    Modern dream book

    Admiring a swimming pool in a dream portends long-term erotic pleasures.

    Swimming in clean, beautiful pool water is a very good sign. You will be recognized in society, your friends will be loyal to you; for a young girl - her dignity and decency will help her find a true friend.

    If the pool has dirty, cold water, you will have minor troubles.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Seeing a pool with clean water in a dream means your desires will come true; drowning in it means achieving your goal will give rise to unforeseen difficulties.

    Longo's Dream Interpretation

    Swimming in a pool in a dream means an imminent and important meeting for you, be prepared for it. Perhaps you will meet one of your old acquaintances, to whom you were previously partial.

    If you swam in a pool in a dream as well as you can do it in reality, it means that in the near future they will make you an offer that will seem very profitable, and you will gladly accept it. In fact, you need to call on all your discernment to help you find out exactly whether this offer is trustworthy. It is quite possible that they want to deceive you, do not fall for the bait!

    Seeing one of your loved ones swimming in the pool - a time of big changes is coming in your life, which will captivate you so much that after the end of this turbulent period you will feel like a different person. These changes affect all areas of life - from family relationships to work and professional activities.

    If in a dream you really enjoyed swimming in the pool and did it with great pleasure, it means that in reality you are too overwhelmed by everyday worries, you are unable to leave the everyday hustle and bustle and get at least a little rest. Be careful, otherwise you will exhaust yourself too much.

    If you didn’t like being in the pool for one reason or another (the water was cold, just in a bad mood, etc.), the dream indicates that you will have to part with a close friend for a while. This may be due to his trip to another city on vacation or a business trip. Although you will both miss each other, the separation will pass quickly and almost unnoticed.

    Jumping from a tower in a pool - you are standing on the threshold of some very important, global decision that concerns the rest of your life. This decision will entail strong changes that will affect primarily your future.

    Dream book for a bitch

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

    Swimming in the pool means monetary gains.

    Pouring water into a pool means making money out of nothing.

    Pouring water from the pool means missing out on luck.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

    Seeing yourself in a pool, and then swimming with pleasure in a large pool - meeting the person you were counting on will be unfavorable.

    Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

    Miller's Dream Book

    If a young lady swims in a pool in a dream, this is a good dream: her dignity and decency will help her find a true friend and strengthen her position in society.

    Dream Interpretation from A to Z

    A young woman who dreams that she is swimming in a pool can soon count on meeting a man who matches her ideal, and her business and moral qualities will help her strengthen her position among colleagues and partners.

    If she dreams that she is swimming naked, it means that in reality she will find solace in a secret love affair, which may lead to illness or loss of attractiveness.

    If she sees naked men swimming in the pool, it means she will have many fans.

    Dream interpretation of a modern woman

    Swimming in a pool in a dream portends a strong feeling of love that will make you forget about your responsibilities and affairs. However, disappointment will come very quickly, and this will happen after you enter into an intimate relationship with your chosen one.

    An empty pool represents the emptiness that reigns in your soul after breaking up with a partner. Your whole life has been focused on him alone, and now you simply don’t know what to do with yourself so as not to constantly think about your loss. Believe me, you deserve better.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    The pool is full - good luck; empty - lack of vitality. The general situation is determined by the quality of the water.

    Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

    In a dream you are standing on the edge of a pool - be careful, because you can take a careless step that will lead to irreversible consequences.

    If you dreamed that you were swimming in a pool, soon, thanks to your attractiveness, you will make new friends and achieve success in life.

    You watched someone swim in the pool - soon one of your relatives will achieve success in life, and then help you too.

    Freud's Dream Book

    If you dreamed about swimming in a pool, it means that in the near future you will plunge headlong into a feeling of love and completely forget about your responsibilities and affairs. It will seem to you that you have never experienced a stronger feeling in your life. However, sobering up will come very quickly, literally after you enter into an intimate relationship with this person. Something about him will disappoint you.

    An empty pool represents the emptiness that reigns in your soul after breaking up with a partner. Your whole life was focused on him alone, and now you simply don’t know what to do with yourself so as not to constantly think about your loss. Since this happened, wouldn’t it be better to think about yourself and realize that you deserve better. After all, the reason for the breakup was your immense adoration for the object of your passion.

    Online dream book

    Your wishes will soon come true if you dream of a swimming pool with simply crystal water. It is considered a good sign if you dream that you are swimming in it. In addition, this also means that all your friends are very loyal, and you will very soon be able to gain universal recognition.

    Dirty water in the pool indicates minor difficulties in the future. Drown in it - get ready to face difficulties on the road to your goal.

    If you dream that one of your relatives or people close to you is bathing in it, the dream book promises you drastic changes in life that will captivate you so much that after all this you will feel completely different.

    Watching in a dream jumping from the tower directly into the pool means that you will soon make some decision that will radically change your whole life.

    In a dream, jumping into a pool from a tower means dramatic changes in life that will affect your entire destiny. For the better or for the worse, it all depends on you.

    If you are scared to jump into the pool, you feel insecure and hesitate before making an important decision.

    If you dreamed that you were standing on its edge, it meant receiving a warning in a dream about the danger of making the wrong decision, which could lead you to irreparable results.

    Watching someone swim in a pool means that in the near future some of your relatives will achieve success, and then they will help you achieve this.

    According to the dream book, to see a pool without water in a dream means spiritual emptiness that appeared after parting with a loved one.

    If you dream of an empty pool, rely only on yourself; you will have to solve a lot of troubles yourself. You can't count on outside help.

    A swimming pool in a dream of an unmarried girl indicates her nobility and honesty, which will soon help her find a true friend. If in a dream she also swims completely naked in it, then in reality she will have a hidden love relationship that will only bring her illness and even deprivation of beauty.

    Diving into the pool - a certain person will try to seduce you.

    Diving in a pool with clear water - you may give in to temptation.

    If you dream of swimming in a pool, you will soon meet someone important to you, try to be prepared for it. More than likely, it will be some old acquaintance for whom you have had tender feelings in the past.

    Swimming in the pool is as good as in life - you will be offered a project that will be difficult to refuse. Most likely, you have been waiting for this work for a long time and will take on the implementation of this project with great pleasure.

    If you dreamed that you started swimming in a pool with clean, transparent water, you just have to wait a little and life will begin to get better.

    A dream in which you decide to swim in the pool - your career will go up, you will become the favorite of your environment.

    Swimming in the pool with someone else - you will find an associate, a supporter of your ideas, a faithful partner.

    Swimming in a clean pool means a calm life. Rest before starting new things.

    According to the dream book, a pool with clean water is the fulfillment of cherished desires. Your deepest dreams and hopes are about to come true.

    Swim in the pool according to the dream book

    The interpretation of what a pool means in a dream begins with the external attractiveness of this man-made reservoir. Transparent water, a feeling of freshness, cleanliness and well-groomedness are in themselves a good sign - a harbinger of the successful implementation of the plan. The meaning of what you see in a dream increases if you are lucky enough not only to admire the design, but also to swim in the pool, says the dream book.

    The prediction is somewhat darkened if the water looks stale and green: the path to the goal will not be as smooth as we would like. Dreaming of attractions and all kinds of water activities will encourage you to take decisive actions that you have long intended to take. Jumping from a tower symbolizes the willingness to control the course of events, and not just go with the flow.

    If it was not you who had to swim in the pool in a dream, nevertheless, you watched from the side how others were lucky enough to swim in the pool, the dream book says that some event will soon bring a little something new to each of the spheres of life.

    According to the dream book, swimming in a pool in a dream often means making a big profit in reality. With the light hand of the dreamer or by coincidence, a surprisingly favorable situation will arise for the implementation of plans.

    Why do you dream of swimming in a pool?

    If a young ambitious woman happened to swim in a pool in a dream, the Modern Dream Book promises that in real life she will certainly achieve success. The most suitable weapons for such a bright person will be beauty and the ability to present oneself. Do not refuse offers of help, even if you are sure that you can handle it yourself.

    According to Longo’s dream book, everything you dream of swimming in the pool is somehow connected with meetings. And not just fleeting ones; future events can, without exaggeration, be called fateful. The dreamer may again meet the person who once changed his life. If you happened to swim in a pool in a dream, expect an increase in your social status in reality.

    If in a dream while swimming you suddenly lost the ability to float on the water, the dream book warns against one tempting offer. Before accepting it, use not only logic, but also intuition, weigh the pros and cons, and only then make a decision. Haste and fuss can cause serious harm.

    What you dream about is the true pleasure with which you had a chance to swim in the pool, symbolizes everyday life, which does not make you happy at all. You are tired of routine and crave new experiences. What's stopping you? The reason is simple: reluctance to leave the territory of comfort.

    Freud’s dream book explains why you dream of swimming in a pool in its own way: a dream foreshadows a deep feeling into which you will plunge headlong. A new crush will turn your life upside down. However, passions will soon subside, and everything will return to normal. However, pleasant romantic memories of this adventure will remain with you forever.

    A pool or fountain without water looks very dull even in a dream. Such a dream represents devastation in your soul. The cause of this sad state was most likely separation or loss. The Dream Interpretation recommends giving up attempts to fill this void with something from the outside. Now is the time to think about yourself and remember your long-standing desires for which you always did not have enough time.

    Dreaming of an empty pool also means that at the moment you can only rely on yourself. The dream book warns that the promised help may not arrive on time, so get ready to rely solely on your own strength.

    Why do you dream of a Pool?

    Why do you dream about a swimming pool?

    Seeing a swimming pool in a dream

    What does the dream Swimming Pool mean?

    Seeing a Pool in a dream

    What do dreams about Swimming Pool mean?

    Swimming in a pool with clean, clear water means there will still be a holiday on your street.

    Dream about a swimming pool

    What does a Pool mean in a dream?

    The meaning of dreams Pool

    What does a Pool mean in a dream?

    Meaning of sleep Swimming pool

    Interpretation of sleep Swimming pool

    What does a Pool predict in a dream?

    What does it mean to see a Pool in a dream?

    Interpretation of sleep Swimming pool

    Light water means good health and longevity.

    What does the dream of a swimming pool predict?

    The meaning of the dream Swimming Pool

    See a swimming pool in a dream

    Prosperity and prosperity.

    Sleep prediction Pool

    Why do you dream about a swimming pool?

    Swimming pool - your positive character traits will attract true friends and help strengthen your position in society.

    Seeing a swimming pool in a dream

    Swimming pool by a man

    Dream Interpretation Pool by a man dreamed of why a man dreams of a swimming pool in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

    Now you can find out what it means to see a Swimming Pool in a dream by a man by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    Swimming in a pool in a dream: for an imminent and important meeting for you, be prepared for it.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    Admiring a swimming pool in a dream foreshadows long-term erotic pleasures.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    Your wishes will come true in a way that is unexpected for you - but you will be satisfied.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    Swimming in a pool in a dream is a good omen. If the water in the pool is clean and transparent, then success in business and a strong position in society awaits you. See interpretation: water.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    Swimming means monetary gains. Pouring water into a pool means making money out of nothing. Pouring water from the pool means missing out on luck.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    A young woman who dreams that she is swimming in a pool can soon count on meeting a man who matches her ideal, and her business and moral qualities will help her strengthen her position among colleagues and partners.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    If a young woman dreams that she is swimming in a pool, then she will soon acquire a true friend and strengthen her position in society.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    Swimming in the pool - very soon a new person will appear who will be very important to you and will completely change your ideas about the world. For three mornings in a row, take a glass of water and pour it out the window.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    A dream in which you are swimming in a pool promises love in the near future, which will capture you completely and make you forget about everything.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    If a young lady swims in a pool in a dream, this is a good dream: her dignity and decency will help her find a true friend and strengthen her position in society.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    A young woman who dreams that she is swimming in a pool can soon count on meeting a man who matches her ideal, and her business and moral qualities will help her strengthen her position among colleagues and partners.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    A dream in which you are swimming in a pool promises love in the near future, which will capture you completely and make you forget about everything.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    If a young lady swims in a pool in a dream, this is a good dream: her dignity and decency will help her find a true friend and strengthen her position in society.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    Swimming in a pool with clean, clear water means there will still be a holiday on your street.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    A girl who dreams that she is swimming in a pool will meet a true friend who will help her become successful and win the affection of others.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    Swimming in a pool in a dream foreshadows a strong love feeling that will make you forget about your responsibilities and affairs. However, disappointment will come very quickly, and this will happen after you enter into an intimate relationship with your chosen one.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    Your wishes will soon come true, although not exactly as you imagined. Nevertheless, you will be satisfied.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    Clean water in the pool means your desires will come true, drowning in it.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    Drowning in a pool means difficulties.

    Dream Interpretation - Swimming Pool

    Complete luck; empty lack of vitality. The general situation is determined by the quality of the water.

  • A dream in which a person saw a competition portends a desire for the pinnacle of success and new discoveries. If you look in the dream book, competition is a symbol of the beginning of new things, thanks to which the sleeper will be able to gain deep knowledge.

    A dream in which you watched children play sports suggests that now is the time to try your hand at a new professional field, because luck will invariably accompany you. If in your dreams your child took part in such an event, in reality you should be careful when communicating with new acquaintances: to be safe, keep the most important information to yourself.

    Why do you dream about competition? For a young girl, such a dream foreshadows a struggle with a rival for a man’s heart. You can act confidently - because Cupid is on your side. Such a dream promises a man a fascination with a woman of easy virtue in the near future. A relationship unencumbered by responsibilities is what your soul requires now.

    Sports attitude

    How does the dream book interpret competitions that were exclusively male? Such a dream suggests that you will discover hidden talents in yourself. With their proper development, you can receive real rewards and praise. If you dreamed of a competition among people with disabilities, in reality you will be immersed in bustle and troubles. Household members will require more attention than usual.

    A dream in which you were happy for the winner of a competition promises career advancement. This will happen through years of hard work and diligence on your part. If in a dream you yourself were a participant in a ski competition, in reality you will go on a long trip, during which you will receive vivid impressions and positive emotions. The meaning of a dream with large-scale sports competitions has several meanings:

    • Expect a successful course of business and promotion.
    • Be prepared to give wise advice to a close friend on many issues.
    • The warmth and care of loved ones awaits you.

    A dream in which you were defeated in a competition suggests that by showing perseverance, you will gain a new status in your environment. Even those people who until this moment remained indifferent will show respect to you. Participation in any competition in a dream is a symbol of gaining spiritual freedom and the desire to help those who need it.

    A dream in which you watched from the sidelines a competition in mental acuity between people speaks of an imminent change of place of residence. You will have a chance to improve your living conditions. If elderly people took part in competitions in a dream, in reality it is worth visiting your parents and staying in your father’s house for several days.

    A dream in which you were a spectator of an unusual competition with the participation of famous artists or pop stars predicts the successful completion of a seemingly hopeless project. You can safely take any justified risk, because the wheel of fortune is directed in your direction.

    The meaning of victory and defeat

    Winning a competition in a dream means that in reality you will have the opportunity to establish contact with influential people, which will be very useful in the future. If in your dreams you felt a sense of delight from the spectacle of competition, in reality you will meet a pleasant person who will teach you to win in everything. Surely this person will become your best friend.

    A dream in which you awarded the winner of a competition who was participating in it for the first time indicates that one of your relatives needs your help. This can be both material assistance and spiritual support.

    Participating in competitions in person in a dream without much desire means that in reality you will become the organizer of a large family holiday and will be able to gather even distant relatives together. If you win a large sum of money in a competition in a dream, in reality you will become the owner of the highest spiritual values ​​and gain new knowledge for a deeper understanding of the surrounding reality. Competitions in a dream appeared in some unusual form - this means that you will be sent on a business trip, and then you will have the opportunity to change your workplace to a more promising one.

    If you dreamed of a cross-country race as part of a competition, in reality you will receive an invitation to a wedding. If you dream of a competition on a global scale with the participation of famous athletes, in reality you will have to prioritize the most difficult task. Now everything will become clearer and easier to understand.