home · Installation · Remove cracked heels quickly. How to remove cracked heels - good old grandmother's recipes. Honey cakes

Remove cracked heels quickly. How to remove cracked heels - good old grandmother's recipes. Honey cakes

The main problem with heels is cracks. They are formed as a result of peeling and damage to dry skin on the heels of the feet, and since the load on the feet is very large, over time even microcracks increase and become larger. They can become infected and inflamed, causing constant discomfort and pain, and can also cause fungal diseases. Very often this problem occurs in people who have problems with excess weight and lead a sedentary lifestyle. It is rare in children; according to statistics, the prevalence of the problem is observed in men and women aged 30 to 55 years.

Common causes of cracked heels:

  • wrong shoes;
  • wearing synthetics;
  • fungal skin diseases;
  • imbalance in the digestive process;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • hormonal disorders.

Cosmetic procedures and fungal skin diseases can also contribute to the appearance of cracks in the legs. To withstand heavy loads, the skin on the heels must be thick enough. Therefore, too frequent peeling gives just the opposite effect, since the skin does not have time to recover and becomes thin. As for fungal infections, many deep mycoses can cause various kinds of wounds throughout the leg - large cracks in the heels as one of the symptoms.

Cracks on the heels of the feet photo

Is it possible to get rid of cracked heels at home?

Before treating cracked heels, you need to find out the cause of their occurrence. If the process is caused by an infection, then you should consult a specialist who will recommend special antibacterial ointments and medications. It is very difficult to determine a fungal infection by yourself, so it is better to play it safe and get tested. If there are no infectious processes and you are sure that the reason lies in wearing uncomfortable shoes or hormonal imbalance, then you can proceed to cosmetic procedures that can be easily performed at home.

Dermatologists advise sealing very deep cracks with a special glue, which is sold in pharmacies, it prevents their growth. You need to walk with glue on your heels for about 5 days, during which time everything should heal. After this, the skin must be gradually soaked and the stratum corneum along with the glue must be ground off. This can be done in many ways: with a special file and pumice stone, peelings and scrubs, using exfoliating agents, as well as using compresses, masks and baths. Much attention is paid to disinfection, since an open wound can become infected.

Effective traditional medicine

Onion compress

First, you need to steam your feet in hot water with soda, and then tie half an onion to each heel and leave it overnight, wrapping your foot in plastic and putting on socks. Pre-steam the onion in boiling water.

A starch bath is very useful

Two tbsp. dilute tablespoons of starch in 1 liter. hot water, steam your feet for 20 minutes, then treat with pumice. Recommended use for 2 months, 2 times a week. This procedure is excellent even for preventive purposes.

Vaseline helps soften cracks

To do this, every evening generously lubricate the heels with Vaseline, wrap them in plastic, bandage them and leave them overnight. Vaseline is often used as a preparatory agent before removing the stratum corneum.

Various masks can be used

Grate an apple, tie it to your heels, wrap it up, leave for 30 minutes and rinse.

Mix starch (2 teaspoons), yolk, (1 piece) lemon juice (1 teaspoon), spread on heels, wait until completely dry and rinse, treat with cream.

Use of essential oils

You can simply rub in two tablespoons of regenerating oils, such as wheat germ, jojoba, avocado, and sea buckthorn. An alternative option is special baths. They are prepared according to the following recipe: dilute honey (1 tablespoon) in a glass of warm milk, add five drops of your favorite oil and pour it all into a container with a small amount of hot water. You need to place your feet in the resulting solution for about half an hour, then treat with cream.

It is best to avoid cracks in the heels of your feet altogether, as they can cause serious discomfort while walking and become an “entry gate” for various types of infections. Try to wear comfortable shoes, regularly lubricate your feet with cream, never scrape the rough skin on your heels with a razor, and treat your feet with antifungal agents after visiting the pool.

Hello dear readers. Ideally healthy and beautiful heels have smooth, relatively soft and clean skin of a slightly pinkish color. They also say to these: “Heels like a baby.” Unfortunately, it is increasingly rare to meet people who can boast of this. Various deviations from the normal state of the heels are increasingly common, which also affect their external aesthetic appearance. Calluses and corns, warts and, very often, cracked heels - this is what modern people have to deal with. And, as statistics show, the number of such diseases is growing every year. This is not critically life-threatening, although it does pose a threat to health, but it definitely causes discomfort, both physical and psychological.

What to do if cracks and nicks appear on your heels? Tens of thousands of people ask this question. Various treatment methods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics have been developed especially for them. They, to one degree or another, show their positive effect.

But one should not discard popular folk methods for treating cracked heels, which also have an excellent effect on them and have virtually no side effects when used. After all, it is always important to know. We'll talk about them later, but for now let's talk about the reasons.

Cracked heels - the main causes

Everything in this world has a cause-and-effect relationship. If we consider this principle in the aspect of our conversation today, then the consequence is cracks, but what are its causes - see below:

Wearing uncomfortable or simply tight shoes for a long time.

“Standing” work, high load on the lower limbs and, in particular, on their support - the heels.

Excess body weight (increases pressure on the feet).

Lack of minerals or vitamins in the body.

Poor circulation of the lower extremities (for a variety of reasons).

Fungal diseases of the feet, very often affecting the areas around the heels.

Diabetes mellitus, in which cracks can only be a symptom of its initial stage.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, among which gastritis occupies a particularly significant place.

Disorders observed in the functioning of the endocrine system and the thyroid gland, as its most important representative.

Neglect of basic foot hygiene, or insufficient attention to this issue.

Excessive attention to foot care (which, like its deficiency, can cause harm by thinning the skin too much).

Mechanical injuries of the feet, in particular the heels, and so on.

Sometimes rough skin appears on the skin of the feet; it is very important to know what the reason is and how to get rid of it.

These reasons can be interconnected; one, often, is a provocateur of the other. But only one of them can take place. This is all purely individual.

How to get rid of cracked heels quickly and effectively at home

Questions of this kind are heard no less often than those that are designed to find an answer to what their reasons are. Here you will find useful information on it! This can really relieve you of the physical and psychological discomfort that you have been experiencing for so long due to cracked heels.

So, the very first and, by and large, most important thing is to simply prevent their appearance. And this can be achieved by minimizing the influence of harmful factors on your body (the causes of cracked legs). But, even if cracks have already appeared, they can be dealt with very effectively, again, by eliminating the influence of negative factors.

So, if you have problems with internal organs (stomach, thyroid gland, intestines and others), seek the help of a qualified physician or try to cure them with your own efforts, using traditional methods.

1. Perform hygiene procedures regularly, but without excessive “fanaticism.” Wash your feet with warm water (generally a great option) every day before going to bed. If possible, then also in the morning, 15-20 minutes after waking up from a night's sleep. It would be good to use laundry soap for this (2 times a week).

But, there is one nuance here: it affects the body, its skin, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, and so on; if abused, it can dry out your skin. And this can cause deep cracks. Therefore, laundry soap is very good, but not very often. And after using it, it is recommended to thoroughly wash your feet in regular clean, non-soapy water and dry them with a clean, dry terry towel.

2. When choosing shoes, pay attention to how comfortably they “sit” on your feet. And the point here is not at all about individual comfort, but about the prevention of cracks, which, due to uncomfortable tight shoes, very often form on the heels. Also keep an eye on the clothing you put on your lower limbs: it should under no circumstances interfere with normal blood flow in the body.

3. The nutrition of every person who wants to be healthy and active must be complete and varied. At the same time, you should avoid excessively fatty foods, fried, spicy, very salty, and so on. The condition of the whole body largely depends on nutrition, and the lower limbs are no exception.

4. Try to reduce the stress on your heels as much as possible, but do not exclude an active lifestyle from your habits. If you move little, the skin of your feet will lose its elasticity and will not be able to adequately absorb loads when they are applied to it. Also about stress: excess weight is the worst enemy of the whole body, and especially the heels, because it increases the pressure on them in direct proportion to its increase.

5. Fungal diseases of the feet are very common. Both ointments and creams have been developed to combat them. The remedies offered to you by alternative medicine also show considerable effectiveness. Few fungi can resist all this.

6. Mechanical injuries can be prevented simply by following basic safety precautions at home, school, work, and so on. The wound itself heals relatively quickly. But, if it gets infected (bacterial or fungal), then the appearance of cracks, after a certain period of time, throughout the heel is almost inevitable.

To get rid of cracks on your own as quickly as possible, use special products sold in pharmacies, or resort to traditional medicine recipes. And we’ll look at how exactly to do this right now.

Traditional methods for treating cracked heels

As you know, folk methods are called that because they use natural ingredients. Among these methods, you can most often find:

Baths based on medicinal herbs

Chamomile, St. John's wort, sage, calendula, string and others. They can be combined with each other or used completely separately. To prepare an infusion for further use as part of a herbal bath, you need to take one spoon of herbs per liter of clean water.

The herb is poured with boiling water in a porcelain teapot, if there is none, then in an enamel bowl. Infuse for twenty to twenty-five minutes. Next, the product is filtered, after which it is 100% ready for its intended use. The bath takes from fifteen to twenty minutes. The liquid itself should be warm and comfortable for your feet.

Baths with starch

They help heal the wound, nourish soft tissues and help destroy some pathogenic microorganisms. To prepare a starch-based foot bath, take one and a half tablespoons of starch per liter of clean water. You can not boil it, but heat it to an approximate temperature of about 50 degrees, then add starch, previously diluted in a small amount of cold water, stirring constantly so that the product has a uniform consistency. You can take baths of this plan once every two days on an ongoing basis.

Soda baths

Baking soda is a powerful antiseptic. Excellent for removing the top layer of skin by softening it. has a lot of merit:

Has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Prevents sweating and helps get rid of very unpleasant foot odor.

It is an excellent remedy for fungal diseases.

Neutralizes the keratinized layers of the skin, softens it, and so on.

A bath of soda diluted in water is made as follows: two teaspoons of soda are used for one liter of water. The water should be warm (up to 40 degrees Celsius), but not hot! You need to keep your feet in it for up to 15 minutes. After one or two such procedures per week, for a month, your heels will be even and smooth.

Using potatoes for heels

Using a foot product made from this mega-common product in our country gives almost the same effect as baths with starch. Unless, separately, plus everything, we should highlight the fact that it (potatoes) nourishes the skin with minerals and vitamins.

So, how to properly prepare the product? For one leg, you should take two or three medium-sized potatoes. They are ground on a grater, 2-3 tablespoons of ethyl alcohol are added to the mixture.

Everything is mixed thoroughly. The product should be applied to the heels when the patient is in a supine position, secured properly (for example, with plastic bags) and left there for approximately 2 to 4 hours. After this, everything is removed, the feet are washed in warm water and rubbed with nourishing fatty oil or cream.

Aloe - a cure for cracked heels

Many people know this plant, which has extraordinary healing properties: it disinfects, acts as an antiseptic, eliminates pain, itching, inhibits the activity of fungi, and heals cracks.

Aloe can be crushed into pulp by taking the required number of lower leaves. It is used in the form of compresses for such cases when cracks are bothersome. Aloe is one of the first remedies that help get rid of cracked heels quickly and effectively. Aloe can be used on an ongoing basis after one day. You should keep it on the wound for no more than 10 minutes.

White cabbage

White cabbage is a very good emollient that can be used on rough skin. The vegetable sheets are kneaded in the hands, placed under the heels and carefully secured with bandages. The compress can be left overnight. In the morning, the treated areas are lubricated with nourishing cream.

Heel oil

If there are small cuts and cracks on the heels, then it would be advisable to use healing oils; they help get rid of cracks in the heel. Rosehip oil, sea buckthorn oil, St. John's wort oil, and calendula oil are suitable.

You can make applications with this oil. Apply the oil to a piece of bandage folded in several layers, then wrap it in a small bag and put on socks. Sit like this for 20-30 minutes, it is better to read a book or watch TV during this time. Then remove everything and wipe the skin.

Bee products - wax and propolis

They soften too dry skin of the feet: after melting over low heat, add a little propolis and literally a little salicylic acid to the wax. Is the mixture already warm?

After a few minutes, you can moisten a special swab in it, with which wax with propolis is applied in three layers (the second when the previous one has dried). Then it can be carefully removed. The components used in this recipe nourish the skin, cleanse it, and care for it carefully and delicately.

Which is better, ointment or cream for cracked heels?

If we move away from only home treatment with traditional medicine, we can see that the most effective pharmaceutical preparations are ointments and creams: “Zorka” cream with Floralizin, healing foot cream against cracked feet (Green Pharmacy), “Lekar” cream with urea, ointment “Radevit”, “Forest Power” and others.

Each of the ointments performs its specific tasks. Both the ointments and creams presented above each drug have their own effect. Heal and tone, stimulate blood flow, disinfect. They must be used according to the instructions.

What pharmaceutical ointment is suitable? For everyone, the ideal pharmaceutical drug is their own. And the process of choosing an ointment or cream depends on many factors. Consult a pharmacist first and you will almost be guaranteed to use the drug correctly.

How to prepare ointment at home

Folk remedies for treating heels provide truly excellent results. If you cannot prepare the ointment at home yourself, you can buy the cream at the pharmacy. But if there is such an opportunity, I suggest preparing a homemade ointment with wax and propolis.

Place 100 grams of Vaseline in an enamel bowl, bring it to a boil and set aside. Grind the propolis before this (about 15 grams). Add propolis to the hardened Vaseline. After this, cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Set it aside back. After cooling, you can use: smear problem areas up to 3 times a day. Course - 2 weeks.

Before cooking, you can add elecampane root, which has been thoroughly crushed, to the wax and propolis. Cook for 15 minutes. Use in the same way as the preparation above. In addition to ointments and creams, and all the listed remedies, you can try, they have a very good result.

The main rule in this situation is to always keep the skin warm and dry, subjecting it to moderate stress. Be guided by the information that you can gain for yourself by reading about the causes of heel skin problems. These are the best preventive measures.

Care rules: change socks often (at least once a day), wash your feet daily, give them baths, pamper them with nourishing creams. And be healthy.

In the summer, when it’s time for sandals, flip-flops and other open shoes, you really want beautiful and soft heels! Girls are ready to polish them every day with a file or pumice stone, apply cream and wear special spa socks so that the skin remains soft and does not become rough. But cracked heels make their own adjustments and not only look ugly, but even hurt. Therefore, many women are worried about whether they can be dealt with, or whether heels like a baby’s are an advertising myth.

  • neglect of hygiene rules;
  • wearing the wrong shoes;
  • diabetes mellitus, which is characterized by constant cracking of the skin;
  • fungus;
  • lack of vitamins and microelements;
  • overweight;
  • poor blood circulation in the legs;
  • improper care of the skin of the feet;
  • heel damage.

In most cases, the problem can be alleviated by improving foot care. If the skin is cracking due to other diseases, you should consult a doctor and begin treatment. As you recover, old cracks will heal, and new ones will stop appearing.

How to treat damage

You should not treat the problem irresponsibly. At the initial stages, cracks are not particularly noticeable and do not cause concern. But as the problem worsens, the skin cracks more and more, and pain appears. In difficult cases, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

You can get rid of cracks in the early stages using:

  • folk remedies;
  • ointments and creams;
  • massage.

You need to start treating cracked heels immediately after they are discovered. Thanks to timely measures taken, you can forever forget what cracked heels are.

Ointments and creams

On store shelves you can find remedies for cracked heels for every taste and at any price. Before starting treatment with expensive creams and ointments, it is worth trying cheaper, but no less effective options.

Zinc ointment. The remedy is especially effective if the problem is of fungal origin. The ointment will help disinfect and heal cracks, as well as remove unpleasant odor. You need to apply the composition in a thin layer so that it is well absorbed.

Salicylic ointment. Great for treating any skin problem. You can prepare a homemade cream based on salicylic ointment. To do this, salicylic acid, wax and propolis are mixed in equal proportions. The product is applied to the heels and covered with a bandage for several hours.

Cream Zorka. In fact, it was created for the care of cow udders, but it is also great for human skin. To soften cracks, apply the cream in a thin layer and leave for 5-10 minutes to absorb. Cotton socks are put on top.

Radevit. One of the reasons for the appearance of cracks is a lack of vitamins. This pharmaceutical remedy is excellent for treating many skin problems. It contains many nutrients that will soften the skin on the heels and heal cracks.

Doctor. The action of this cream is aimed not only at softening the heels, but also at removing dead skin cells. The main component is urea, and the remaining components help enhance its effect on the skin. A healer will help if your heels are not only cracked, but also itchy or painful. It is advisable to apply the product after a foot bath, so it will work better.

Gewol. Often the skin begins to crack due to disruption of intracellular metabolism. As a result, the natural protection of the epidermis is weakened. Gevol is aimed at restoring the protective functions of the skin. As a result of regular use of the product, the skin surface becomes soft and elastic.

Zazhivin 911. It is recommended to use this remedy for deep and bleeding cracks. The components of the gel will disinfect the affected areas and enhance the skin regeneration process. Zazhivin 911 contains natural oils that soften the skin of the heels.

Natural compresses

The problem of cracks has accompanied people throughout the existence of mankind, so many recipes have been preserved. Folk remedies made from natural and affordable products help soften heels and prevent the formation of new cracks.


Potatoes - 2-3 pcs. medium size
Ethyl alcohol - 2-3 tbsp. l.

Grind the potatoes to a pulp using a coarse grater. Add ethyl alcohol to the resulting mass at the rate of 1 spoon per 1 potato. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied in a thick layer. Wrap a bandage and a plastic bag on top. After 2-4 hours, wash your feet and apply nourishing cream.

From aloe

Grind several lower fleshy aloe leaves into a paste. Apply crushed aloe to the problem area. Keep it for no more than 10 minutes; there is no need to wrap it with anything.


Mash the white cabbage leaves thoroughly in your hands so that they release a little juice. Then place the cabbage on the problem area and secure it well with a bandage. It is advisable to do the procedure at night and remove the sheets in the morning. Wash your feet and apply nourishing cream.

With wax

Wax - 2 pieces the size of a matchbox
Propolis - ½ tsp.
Salicylic acid - a few drops

Melt the wax over low heat, add propolis and salicylic acid. Apply the warm mixture to the skin in several layers. Be sure to wait until the previous layer hardens before applying a new one. The frozen mixture can be kept for a day, then carefully removed.


Heat olive, sunflower or any other vegetable oil (2 tablespoons) and soak cotton socks with it. Put shoe covers on top or wrap your feet tightly with plastic wrap. After a few hours, wash your feet thoroughly and apply cream. In addition to vegetable oil, you can melt animal (pork or goose) fat and apply it to your feet in the same way.


Oatmeal - 3-4 tbsp. l.
Flaxseed oil - ½ tbsp. l.

Add more oil to the cooked oatmeal. Place the warm mass in shoe covers or plastic bags and put it on your feet. Be sure to insulate your feet and leave the compress on for a couple of hours. Then wash your feet and apply cream.

From prunes with milk

Prunes - several pieces
Milk - 1 glass

Cut the prunes in half lengthwise and boil in milk. Place cooled dried fruits on problem areas and leave for half an hour to an hour. Repeat the procedure every day for a week.


Dermatologists recommend using herbal baths as often as possible to soften the skin and heal cracks. To prepare decoctions, you do not need special skills or rare ingredients; everything can be found in your kitchen or pharmacy.


To forget about the problem of cracks forever, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. It is important to maintain personal hygiene. Feet should be washed at least once a day. It is recommended to use laundry soap a couple of times a week, but be sure to use foot cream. Otherwise, the skin will become dry and prone to cracking.
  2. You should choose the right shoes. Uncomfortable narrow shoes with poor-quality insoles are one of the reasons for cracked heels.
  3. Nutrition must be correct so that the body receives all the necessary microelements and vitamins. This is the key to beautiful and healthy skin.
  4. Cracked heels often accompany obese people, so one of the recommendations is to get rid of excess weight if possible.
  5. If a fungus appears on the foot, it must be treated as quickly as possible. Otherwise, it will transfer to the heels and cause increased cracking. It is worth contacting a dermatologist: he will determine the type of fungus that caused the problem, and then prescribe the appropriate therapy.
  6. Sores on the heels can contribute to the formation of cracks. If a cut or scrape becomes infected, the situation may get worse. Any wounds on the feet must be treated promptly.

The fight against cracked heels should start small - with prevention. Careful skin care and care will help solve the problem at the stage of its inception. If the moment is missed, baths, ointments, creams and compresses will come to the rescue.

Video: Master on how to properly eliminate cracked heels

We are glad to meet you again, dear subscribers! Today we will talk in detail about how to quickly get rid of cracked heels. Some doctors consider this a skin defect, others attribute the phenomenon to an independent disease (dermatitis).

In general, both are right, since dry skin and cracking can be caused by various reasons.

In traditional and folk medicine, there are many methods designed to help cure cracked feet. We tried to choose the most effective of them. Such recipes do not require large financial investments; they can be easily prepared at home from the simplest products and inexpensive pharmaceutical drugs.

Unnoticeable microcracks on the foot can cause a lot of discomfort, not to mention noticeable damage to the skin. Here are the most effective ways to quickly restore the skin of your feet to health, smoothness and attractiveness.

However, they will “work” only if the appearance of cracks is associated with external causes (abuse of pedicures, unfavorable environmental conditions, etc.).

Even at home, you can do many effective treatments for dry heels using simple remedies.

Method 1: using honey

Natural honey is used in the treatment of many skin diseases. It increases blood circulation, stimulates skin healing, activates the regeneration processes of new cells, and has a softening and anti-inflammatory effect. It also relieves dry skin well.

Honey compresses have long been used to treat cracked heels. Liquid honey is applied to the cleansed skin of the feet in a thick, even layer (it is best to do this shortly before bedtime), and the top is wrapped in plastic so as not to stain the bed linen and clothes. Cotton socks are put on your feet over the film and left until the morning.

When you wake up, take off your socks, remove the polyethylene, do not wash off the remaining honey, but carefully remove it with a damp sponge. By making such compresses daily, after 4-5 days you can notice a significant improvement. Treatment is continued until the cracks disappear completely.

Method 2: onion and apple compresses

Onion juice does not have the most pleasant smell, but it has a powerful healing effect. Since the density of the skin of the feet is quite high, the juice does not cause discomfort or burn the skin.

To treat cracks, grind 1 medium-sized onion into a puree. In the evening, first immerse your feet in a hot soda bath for 10 minutes (take 2 teaspoons of soda ash for 2-3 liters of water), and then apply onion gruel, laid out on gauze, to the heels. You can put plastic on top and leave the compress until the morning.


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In the morning, the remains of the slurry are removed, the skin of the feet is washed generously with warm water, lightly massaging the heels with a piece of pumice. After this, remove any remaining moisture with a soft towel and apply a nourishing, rich cream.

The average course of treatment can range from 2 to 5 procedures. At the same time, deep and small cracks, as well as notches, disappear.

Fresh apple puree also has a similar effect. Any variety is suitable for treatment. The prepared pulp is also applied to steamed skin and left overnight.

Unlike onions, apples have a slight pleasant smell, which is why ladies really like apple compresses. This is a simple and inexpensive, but effective way to get your feet in order at any time of the year.

Method 3: herbal baths and castor oil

Not only hot water, but also herbal decoctions are suitable for softening rough skin on the feet. They are prepared from:

  • calendula inflorescences;
  • yarrow;
  • nettle leaves and stems, etc.

A hot herbal decoction is poured into the bath, diluted with water to obtain a total volume of 2-3 liters, then the feet are lowered there for 10-15 minutes. When the skin of the feet becomes soft, gently dry the feet with a towel, and then apply castor oil to the cracked heels and gently rub into the skin with light circular movements until completely absorbed.

Castor oil has a strong softening and restorative effect; it copes well with dryness and flaking. The procedures continue until the feet are completely healed.

Method 4: Over-the-counter ointments

Zinc ointment can be purchased inexpensively at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. It is widely used in treatment. The product is also useful in treating cracked heels.

Zinc contained in the ointment has the ability to quickly restore damaged areas of the skin, accelerate the growth of new cells, and has an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect.

Open deep cracks quickly heal, and small ones disappear after the first few procedures.

The ointment is applied in a thin, even layer to the affected areas of the skin of the feet and left overnight. In the morning, wash the skin with clean water.

Method 5: homemade products based on alcohol and wine

Alcohol is a disinfectant and wound healing agent. However, it can dry out the skin. Therefore, before treating cracked heels with it, alcohol is mixed with other products.

The simplest mixture for lubricating dry, rough skin of the feet is prepared from:

  • 2 parts medical alcohol;
  • 3 parts vinegar essence;
  • 3 parts glycerin.

Ammonia is also useful in the fight against cracked heels. It is mixed in equal parts with glycerin to form an ointment. The feet are pre-steamed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. When the skin dries after the bath, apply the ointment in a thin, even layer.

The combination of alcohol and glycerin accelerates the exfoliation of dead skin cells, softens and nourishes it.

An original bath for dry feet is prepared from white wine, diluted 1:3 with hot water. Unlike vodka and alcohol, which are obtained by distilling wheat, wine is made from grapes.

It contains fruit acids, which are integral components of modern salon peeling products.

Just 10 minutes after immersion in such a bath, the skin will become loose and soft. It will be easy to remove dead skin layers from heels prepared in this way with a pedicure brush.

Method 6: potato broth

Potato tubers and peels contain a lot of useful substances, but half of them are not preserved during heat treatment.

To treat cracked heels, boil several medium-sized unpeeled potatoes (in their jackets) without salt. The resulting broth is not drained completely, but a quarter is left, and the tubers are thoroughly mashed in it with a masher. The resulting liquid puree is immediately added to a cool soda foot bath and the feet are placed there for 5 minutes.

When the skin softens, lightly massage the feet with a piece of pumice, removing the remnants of the keratinized upper layers. After this, the feet are dried with a towel, and the feet are lubricated with cream or Vaseline ointment.

Method 7: goose fat for vitamin deficiency

Dry, cracked skin on the feet is a phenomenon that is familiar to many men and women with the arrival of spring. During autumn and winter, our body experiences a lack of vitamins and microelements. Food restrictions and strict diets only make the situation worse.

It is not surprising that the consequences of vitamin deficiency make themselves felt with the arrival of the first days of spring. One of the most common symptoms is dry skin, including on the feet.

Of course, treatment of hypovitaminosis begins with replenishing the deficiency of nutrients. The doctor will help you determine which microelements are missing and select the appropriate combination of medications. But it is possible and necessary to fight dry heels; for this you will need goose lard.

Unsalted lard works great when the body lacks retinol (vitamin A). To do this, I cut the lard into thin slices, and then lubricate the heels with them.

Method 8: Exfoliating oatmeal masks

Oatmeal is good for the skin not only in the form of porridge for breakfast. These can be used to make an excellent mask for cracked heels.

Boil the flakes until tender, then add 5 tbsp. sunflower or olive oil and divide into 2 servings. Each portion is placed in a strong plastic bag. The feet are placed in bags, secured to the arches of the feet, and insulated on top (wrapped with warm socks or pieces of woolen fabric) for 2-2.5 hours.

It will be inconvenient to move around the apartment with such a mask, so it is best to devote this time to relaxing, watching your favorite TV show or reading a book.

After the time has passed, the bags are removed, the remnants of the mask are washed off with running warm water, and the remaining moisture is removed with paper towels. When the skin is completely dry, apply an even layer of rich foot cream to the feet.

If desired, it can be replaced with regular Vaseline. The minimum course of treatment with oatmeal masks is 7 days.

This concludes our review of effective folk remedies for cracked heels, dear readers. We wish you good health, beauty and longevity. See you again!

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Cracked heels are not only a cosmetic problem, but also a source of constant discomfort and pain. Initially, a patch of dry and hard skin forms on the heel, which over time begins to peel off and become covered with small cracks. This part of the body is constantly under stress and, at first, small damage becomes deeper and larger. Over time, the cracks become inflamed and can become infected, constantly reminding of themselves with cutting and stabbing pains.

This problem most often makes itself felt in the summer, but it is possible that it may appear in other seasons as well. After the appearance of deep and inflamed cracks in the heels, a person finds it difficult to take every step, and wearing shoes can become simply unbearable. Our article will help you solve this problem and get rid of debilitating pain, in which we will talk about the causes and methods of treating cracked heels.

Why do cracked heels appear?

Tight, uncomfortable shoes contribute to the appearance of cracks in the heels.

The skin on the heels should be smooth, elastic, strong and thick - it bears the main load of all our weight when walking. Loss of elasticity leads to the appearance of microdamages, which, under the influence of stress, dirt, infection and sweat, increase in size and turn into cracks.

The loss of strength and elasticity of the skin in this area of ​​the body is caused by overdrying of the skin (for example, in the summer a person walks barefoot on hot sand or wears open shoes).

Under the influence of external or internal factors, the upper layers of the skin dry out, and the rough and thick layer of keratinized skin cracks under stress.

The following internal and external factors can contribute to drying and roughening of the skin on the heels, and hence their cracking:

  • dry skin in summer;
  • uncomfortable or tight shoes;
  • improper care of the skin of the feet;
  • lack of vitamins A, E or F;
  • skin diseases (ichthyosis, etc.);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Can a fungal infection cause cracked heels?

They do not cause cracked heels, but these problems can occur simultaneously. Such a neighborhood may be indicated by:

  • peeling of the feet in the form of thin scales similar to flour;
  • red spots and itching in the interdigital space.

If you identify such signs, you should not self-medicate - contacting a dermatologist will help you cope with this problem more quickly and prevent relapse of the disease.

Where should treatment for cracked heels begin?

When you notice cracks in your heels, you should think about what external cause could have caused them. Eliminating it can save you from this problem.

  1. If your shoes are uncomfortable or tight, be sure to change them and take care of your feet using moisturizing, antibacterial, wound-healing and softening products. People prone to cracking are advised not to wear shoes with open heels and use special silicone heel pads (they should be chosen taking into account the size of the foot).
  2. Sometimes excessive care of the skin of the feet (for example, frequent exfoliation) leads to the fact that the skin does not have time to renew itself and becomes thin and easily wounded. In such cases, it is enough to correctly draw up a schedule of care procedures and use special antibacterial and accelerating skin regeneration products to heal cracks.
  3. Walking barefoot on the ground or hot sand can also cause drying of the skin of the feet and the formation of cracks - always wear shoes outside and take extra care of your feet.
  4. Dry skin on the legs can be caused by an insufficient amount of vitamins that enter your body with food - include in your diet more foods that contain a lot of vitamins A, E and F (liver, egg yolk, butter, herbs, carrots, etc. ).
  5. Normalize your water intake (about 2 liters per day).
  6. Until the crack heals, it is necessary to limit the load on the heel - try to walk less and do some of the work while sitting.
  7. To relieve your feet, consider getting rid of them (if you have such a problem).

First aid for cracked heels

Keratolytic and moisturizing creams will help improve the condition of the skin on the heels.

At the first cracks in the heel, you can take a number of measures to treat them yourself:

  1. Deep and constantly increasing cracks can be sealed with superglue (cyanoacrylate-based glue), which can be purchased at any store, market or pharmacy. Before applying it to the crack, the skin of the foot must be washed with soap and dried with a towel. Apply a few drops of glue to the damaged area (along the length of the crack) and let it harden for a few minutes. This treatment may seem strange and unsafe to many, but it is recommended and approved by dermatologists.
  2. If the glue has fixed the edges of the crack well, then its bottom begins to heal quickly. No other treatment should be performed for about 5–7 days. Next, you will gradually remove the dead skin on the heels along with the dried glue.
  3. After 5-7 days, begin periodically soaking the rough skin on your feet in a warm bath and gently grinding it off with a pumice stone (this should not be done at once, the skin must be peeled off gradually).
  4. To improve the peeling of old skin, you can use creams with keratolytics (lactic, glycolic or salicylic acid). They should be applied immediately after pumice treatment.
  5. Apply moisturizers to your skin day and night (you can wear cotton socks at night to enhance the effect).

Within 2-3 weeks you will be able to notice the positive effect of such activities.

Treatment for cracked heels at the doctor

If all the methods described above do not help you, then you need to seek help from a specialist. A dermatologist will help determine the cause of cracked heels and prescribe appropriate treatment. If necessary, he can refer you for a consultation with an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist.

If a number of skin or fungal diseases are detected, the dermatologist will be able to prescribe a course of special treatment and give recommendations for caring for the skin of the feet. In some cases, with particularly deep cracks, which can also form in other serious diseases, antibiotic ointments are recommended to the patient.

Folk remedies for treating cracked heels

Various traditional medicine recipes can be used to treat cracked heels. These remedies are also recommended by many dermatologists, but only in cases where this problem is not aggravated by complications (severe inflammation or suppuration).

Traditional medicine offers many recipes for treating cracked heels:

Lotions with elecampane decoction– Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed roots into a liter of water and bring to a boil, pour the broth into a thermos and leave overnight. Apply warm lotions or compresses daily - the cracks will heal very quickly.

Baths in nettle infusion– Pour 2 tablespoons of herbs into a liter of boiling water and cover the container with a warm towel. Wait for the infusion to cool, strain and use the warm infusion for baths, which should be performed for 15–20 minutes. Dry your feet and apply 2% salicylic acid ointment to the cracks. Apply rich cream to the skin of your feet and massage. Such daily procedures will delight you with results within a week.

Potato starch baths– add 2 tablespoons of starch to a liter of warm water and mix. Before going to bed, steam your feet in this solution, rinse with clean water and rub with a pumice stone. Dry your feet with a towel, apply a rich cream and put on cotton socks at night. Do the baths every day – the results will be noticeable within a week.

Oil moisturizing compress– after a foot bath before bed, apply olive, sea buckthorn or linseed oil to the skin of your feet. Wrap your feet in cling film and bandage them. Leave the compress until the morning. In the morning, do another foot bath and rub your heels with a pumice stone (or do another exfoliation).

Oatmeal and flaxseed oil compress– boil oatmeal or flakes in water, add a large portion of flaxseed oil to the porridge, mix, divide into two parts and place in plastic bags. Put them on your feet and insulate them with a warm cloth. After 2 hours, remove, wash your feet in warm water, dry and apply a rich cream. To noticeably improve the condition of the skin of the heels and feet, it is necessary to carry out 3-5 such procedures.

Honey and cabbage compress– before going to bed, steam the skin of your feet in a bath and dry with a towel, rub honey into the cracks and apply a cabbage leaf to your heels. Secure with a bandage and put on socks. In the morning, remove the compress and rinse off the remaining honey with warm water. Repeat the procedure until the cracks disappear.

Compress of milk and coltsfoot leaves– boil a glass of milk and add 2 tablespoons of finely chopped herb leaves. Place the container in a water bath and leave for about an hour. Cool the coltsfoot pulp, apply it in a thin layer on gauze and apply to the crack for half an hour. Repeat daily until the skin heals.

Ointment with essential oils of chamomile and lavender for healing cracks– add 2 drops of essential oils to a tablespoon of baby cream or Vaseline and mix. The ointment should be stored in a tightly closed container. Apply to cracks three times daily until cracks heal.

Rubbing from curdled milk and butter– beat softened butter in a bowl, add half a glass of yogurt to it and mix everything until smooth. Steam your feet and apply the mixture with light circular massaging movements to the cracks. You can repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day. Use this remedy until the cracks heal.

Egg yolk ointment– beat the yolk, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of vinegar. Before going to bed, steam your feet in a warm bath and lubricate your heels and cracks with ointment. Wrap your feet in cling film and put on socks. In the morning, wash off any remaining ointment and gently rub your heels with a pumice stone.

Use these folk recipes regularly - the results from their use will please you. If after a week of using this or that product you do not notice any improvement or the skin on your heels is red, suppurating and very painful, do not delay your visit to a dermatologist and follow all his recommendations for treatment.