home · Lighting · Decorating salads: original ideas for the festive table. Decorating festive table dishes with your own hands with photos

Decorating salads: original ideas for the festive table. Decorating festive table dishes with your own hands with photos

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who does not love holidays. After all, without them our life becomes boring and monotonous. Not only all kinds of entertainment, but also the proper design of the room help to make the celebration bright and unique. Particular attention should be paid to the process of decorating the festive table, where guests spend most of their time. Any birthday person strives to please loved ones and create an atmosphere of joy and fun in their home. In this article we will tell you how to decorate a table for a birthday.


First of all, you need to decide on the design style. It is worth noting that the tablecloth should be matched to the dishes, and in no case vice versa. Thus, a service made of delicate, exquisite crystal will be ideally combined with snow-white fabric and starched cloth napkins. As for porcelain dishes, they harmonize perfectly with almost any tablecloth. An additional highlight in the form of plain or colored napkins folded in an unusual way will make the table setting more refined. When choosing them, you should pay attention to the degree of compatibility with other decorative elements. A master class on creating beautiful compositions from napkins is presented in the video.

The best choice would be a plain tablecloth, against which tableware of any color will look very organic. Using fabric in warm, rich colors (golden, terracotta, orange) will give the table a solemn look. Fabrics in deep blue and green shades also look very advantageous. If there is an elegant coffee service on the table, the best addition to it will be lace napkins and a tablecloth.

Candles placed around the perimeter of the festive table will help give the room a unique atmosphere. Such accessories will be appropriate at any special event, the main thing is not to replace the main lighting with them. Since the festive table is the main attribute of a birthday, it should be the center of attention of the guests. Poor lighting will prevent those present from properly appreciating the table setting and the range of dishes on offer. When choosing candles, you need to take into account the color scheme of other serving elements.

The use of silk ribbons, matched to the tone of the dishes, is today a very common solution when decorating a holiday table. With their help, you can tie napkins, create exquisite patterns, or even create smooth lines and rings by pulling material from salad bowls to cutlery. To complete the overall picture, it is worth using timeless silver figurines and napkin stands of original design.

Table decoration with flowers

Of course, you can limit yourself to placing a beautiful bouquet in the center of the festive “still life”. However, there are many alternative floral design options designed to emphasize the solemnity of the atmosphere. For example, fresh petals scattered on the table will add romantic notes to the festive event. And decorating fabric napkins and cutlery with miniature flower arrangements will be an ideal option for an anniversary.

You can also place several low, almost flat vases around the perimeter of the table. To place plants in such containers, you will have to significantly trim their stems. All these manipulations are carried out so that the flower arrangements do not block the view of the guests, but serve only as an element of decoration. In addition, it is worth taking into account the multi-component method of decorating the table. Its principle is extremely simple: a large bouquet in a flat vase is placed in the center, and next to each plate there are small flower arrangements made in the same style (photo).

Fruit decoration

Another unusual way to decorate a birthday table. The use of fruits will “refresh” the atmosphere a little, and their rich shade will have a positive effect on the mood of the guests. Decorating a table with juicy fruits is a fairly simple and pleasant process that will not cause much trouble to the hero of the occasion. Here are some interesting options for fruit decoration.

Taking several apples, pears and oranges of approximately the same size, you need to cut them into wide circles. After this, you should swap the slices, forming original compositions from different fruits. It will take very little time to prepare such a decoration, and the result will exceed the wildest expectations of the guests (photo).

In addition, you can put a real picture of fruit on a plate. Such a work of art will certainly attract the attention of young guests and make a special impression on them. To create it you will need bananas, which will play the role of a palm tree trunk, kiwi as foliage and tangerines, imitating soil and the sun. After placing the fruits on the dish in the correct sequence, you will get a very interesting image (photo).

Colorful fruit hedgehogs can also lift the spirits of your guests. To make them you will need several pears and grapes of various varieties. Regular toothpicks will serve as the basis for the spines. Having freed the pears from the peel, you should stick skewers into them, leaving the front part free with the elongated end (it will play the role of the animal’s muzzle). Next, you need to string the berries onto toothpicks, and make a spout from one (an olive is also suitable for this purpose). For the eyes, you can use small circles cut from black grapes. Having laid out the cute hedgehogs on a spacious plate, you can safely serve them to the table (photo).

Decorating dishes

Recently, more and more housewives are taking a creative approach to decorating holiday salads and various snacks. And this is understandable, because unusually decorated dishes not only look very appetizing, but also evoke genuine admiration among guests. For example, the well-known crab salad can be presented in the most unexpected way by forming several cute little mice from the resulting mass. Ears made from carrots and eyes made from black peppercorns will make the animals even more realistic. And of course, when serving, you can’t do without cheese, which is a favorite treat of small rodents (photo).

Even a banal vegetable salad of cucumbers and tomatoes with garlic can be decorated in a special way. It is not at all necessary to mix the ingredients in a deep dish, seasoning them with a decent portion of mayonnaise. Vegetables neatly laid out on a flat plate and complemented by a beautiful rose cut out of tomatoes will look much more aesthetically pleasing. After sprinkling the salad with olive or vegetable oil and garnishing with sprigs of herbs, you can safely serve it to guests (photo).

Another classic recipe for the holiday table is the handsome Olivier, revered by millions, which, if desired, can be decorated in a very non-standard way. What is an essential attribute of any birthday? Well, of course, gifts for the birthday boy! One of the gifts will be given a place of honor on the table. Having placed the salad on a flat, square-shaped dish, you need to decorate it with boiled carrots so that it looks like a beautifully wrapped gift. Bright accents in the form of sprigs of greenery will help refresh the appearance of the food (photo).

As an original appetizer for the holiday table, it is worth highlighting “mushrooms” strung on a skewer, which will look very bright and appetizing. To prepare the dish you will need 20 cherry tomatoes and quail eggs. After cutting off the top of the vegetables, you need to remove the core with a spoon and rub the resulting “pocket” with salt. After this, boiled quail eggs and tomatoes should be strung on skewers so that the resulting composition resembles mushrooms. To decorate the cap you will need a sauce made from natural yogurt, mayonnaise and curry seasoning, lightly simmered in a frying pan. Parsley sprigs imitating green grass will help make the appetizer even more colorful (photo).

In order for a birthday to turn from an ordinary date into a joyful event, you need to try hard and organize a magnificent celebration. These include invitations for guests, gifts, competitions, and, of course, room decoration.

Particular attention should be paid to the decoration of the festive table, without which not a single event can be completed.

Decoration base

Before you start decorating the place for a festive dinner, you need to think about the color scheme in which you will build the entire composition.

Bright colors look great at birthday parties: red, blue, green, yellow and purple. You can combine them with each other or choose jewelry of the same color in different tones - from dark rich to delicate light.

After choosing the color of the holiday, think about the main things on which the decorative elements will hang, stand and lie:

  1. Tablecloth. The tablecloth can be the brightest spot in the composition if you want to keep the rest of the decorations more muted. But it is better to choose a canvas of light shades so that it does not distract attention from the overall festive composition.
  2. Chairs. Birthday table decor involves decorating the adjacent pieces of furniture - chairs. A win-win option: dress the chairs in loose covers made of the same fabric as the tablecloth and tie them at the beginning of the back with a wide bright ribbon with a bow. you can sew it yourself.

Also think about ensuring that the color scheme of your composition matches the decor in the room. A bright red table will look out of place in a green room. Take this factor into account when decorating your holiday feast.

Tableware according to the rules of etiquette

Birthday table setting plays a paramount role in decoration. The dishes in which the food will be waiting for guests will tell not only about the thematic focus of the holiday, but also about the character of the owners of the host home.

When choosing the right service, you need to take into account the age of the birthday person and the invited guests.

For guests of an adult audience, choose sets of pastel colors in delicate pink or blue tones with golden edging or an unobtrusive pattern on the sides.

If we are talking about a themed costume party, which young people love so much, the birthday table decoration should look appropriate: if a pirate party - artificially aged glasses and goblets, if a vampire party - glasses in the shape of skulls.

And don’t forget about the rules of etiquette: spoons should be on the right side of the plate, forks and knives on the left. Glasses and glasses are placed in the upper right corner of the service for each guest.

Secrets of napkins

In order not to think for a long time about how to decorate the table for a birthday, remember the main attributes of this holiday - napkins! With the help of napkins, you'll finish half the decorating job. Remember what ceremonial figures can be folded out of them and left to show off on plates:


This is the easiest way to elevate ordinary pieces of paper for hands. Fold the napkin into an accordion shape about halfway through.

After this, bend it in half and bend the corner of the unassembled edge inward towards the accordion. You will get a fan that will stand with the help of its own stand.


Fold the napkin in half and begin to roll it into a snail shape, straightening the outer edge and slightly squeezing the inner one. After this, tie the inner edge with a thread or elastic band - you will get a fresh pink bud.

Such napkins can be placed in a vase in the middle of the table in the form of a bouquet, which will be an original solution to the problem of not having enough space for each person.


Here you will need a little skill to complement the birthday table decor with beautiful birds. Place the napkin in front of you, free edges down, and fold it in half. Unbend and bend both edges to the fold line. After that, turn it the other way and fold the edges again to the fold line.

Now bend the upper end back about one third - this is the swan's neck. Bend the small tip again - the future head of the bird. Now bend them along the fold line and gently pull the bird's neck forward so that the figure becomes stable. Fluff your tail.

Table decor

In addition to napkins, you have a variety of festive items in your arsenal that you can use to decorate your birthday table with your own hands. You don't even have to run to the carnival paraphernalia store - just think about what creative items you have in your drawers?

  1. Balloons. To add some lightness to the party, tie a helium balloon to each guest's chair. And place a whole bunch of balls in the center of the table, tying them to a weight that will prevent them from flying away and knocking the dishes off the table. This option looks even more interesting: tie several balloons into a tight bouquet, decorate them with ribbons, confetti and lace, and hang the entire bunch from the ceiling above the center of the table or the birthday boy’s seat.
  2. Flowers. Flowers have long become a classic for decorating a festive birthday feast. To avoid wasting precious space, instead of one large bouquet, place small boutonnieres around the entire perimeter. And with the help of the buds that have not yet blossomed, you can decorate the tableware and chairs of guests.
  3. Ribbons, beads and toys. With the help of these decorative elements you can create a real miracle on the table. From small toys, brooches and beads, make bouquets that match the color and theme of the party and tie them to forks and spoons, the legs of glasses, and the backs of chairs. Such “boutonnieres” can also be made from sweets - you will get cute bonbonnieres.

Decorating a birthday table will give a festive mood to the birthday boy, admiring glances to the guests and a good mood to you.

I wrote about decorating the New Year's table in a separate article!

Over the next couple of months, I'll be hosting a few house feasts. I wanted something unusual, truly festive and spectacular. So that everyone would say: “Ah...”

I looked for a long time and carefully at the table decoration options proposed by the world and Russian Internet, chose the most interesting and accessible , now I’m happy to share my experience.

It is simply impossible to use most of the tips for decorating a holiday table for a home party. You and I have a different mentality. Well, look, is it a beautiful picture?


Candles, flowers, vases, but there is absolutely no room for salads and ducks with apples. This table setting is suitable, perhaps, for . Such an event does not involve a lot of food, but candles with flowers are just right!

But! I found something useful for myself . For convenience, I grouped the pictures by topic:

  • decorating the place for each individual guest
  • personalized cards and gifts
  • color spectrum
  • matching tablecloth
  • candles
  • napkins
  • chair decoration

Now about everything in detail!

Decorating the place for each individual guest

I put this idea as the first point, since this option for decorating the holiday table is most suitable for our family holidays. Why? Just in this case the center of the table remains free for an abundance of treats and all the nice little things arranged around each guest's plate. Here he has a personal bouquet, a candle, and a napkin.

This is how you can decorate a festive place for each guest

Personalized cards and gifts

An easy-to-make, pleasant-feeling detail for all participants in the feast. Place in boxes, bright bags or cardboard envelopes small souvenirs or sweets. Let your guests take home a pink box of pistachios in white chocolate and remember with pleasure the time they spent with you.

Personalized cards can be not only with the guest’s name, but also with good wishes and photographs. This is, of course, a wedding tradition, but the idea can be used for any family holiday.

Little cute gifts on a plate... It's so festive!

Flowers on the table

Here I just collected the pictures I liked. Marvelous, How many different ways can you use fresh flowers? on the table. In many photos, the flowers take up too much space, again, where to put the stuffed fish, but you may well get an idea.

Rose heads in glasses... So romantic!

Color spectrum

This, in my opinion, is a very important point. At a regular family dinner, you can put out assorted dishes, lay out colorful napkins on a checkered tablecloth and arrange whatever candles you have in the house. This is unacceptable for serving a holiday table.

I have chosen several examples with what I think are successful color combinations. We look and shake our heads. It will come in handy at the right time!

The mood of all guests depends on the color scheme you choose for the holiday!

Oh yes! I also noticed that color not only connects the items on the holiday table, but also supports the overall style of the interior.

Tablecloth for the festive table.

To be honest, this question does not seem fundamental to me. The tablecloth looks pompous until the moment candles, flowers, plates, and napkins begin to be placed on it. She becomes just in the background. We just have to watch so that this background is not too intrusive.

If you plan to use a lot of candles, flowers and figurines on the table, choose a neutral color for the tablecloth.

By the way, if the table for guests is beautiful in itself, you can do without any tablecloths. It's also very festive.


When describing table setting in pictures, it is impossible to do without candles. Yes, it's beautiful! But!

One New Year, I recreated a picture in which the decoration of the festive table was full of small candles, placed between dishes on the festive table. Tell me how many people burned wrists, holding out your hands for salads? Since then I have come to the conclusion - candles should only be placed in the center of the table, preferably on tall candlesticks.

Reasonable approach and caution!


Personally, I don’t use fabric napkins, although, of course, it looks very pompous. If someone is ready to wash and iron linen squares after every family feast, look at my article. There's a lot great ideas for a variety of festive occasions.

For some reason I stopped loving paper napkins with patterns. Plain multi-layer large napkins look much more elegant (see articles

A beautifully decorated table is the housewife’s calling card. The first thing to consider when decorating a holiday table is, of course, the theme and purpose of the holiday. The festive table for a children's party will be slightly different than at an adult party; the decoration of the New Year's table will be different from the decoration Easter table etc.

How to decorate and arrange a table for a holiday?

Decor and setting of the festive table

To make your holiday the best and most interesting, just delicious and varied dishes are not enough. You will also need to properly decorate the room, table, dishes, dishes, then dress up yourself... And the most important thing is to convey the feeling of celebration to your guests. And therefore, when they come to visit you, they should see the best, most beautiful and uniquely decorated table. Is it really possible to decorate a table without a snow-white tablecloth, intricately folded napkins, name cards, menus, candles, etc.

❧ Every housewife, when decorating a holiday party, tries to make it as good as possible. The main thing is not to overdo it: a huge number of different trinkets on the table will only irritate.

Before setting the table, decide in what style you want to do it. The choice of style depends only on the availability of dishes and tablecloths of this style. But the leading role still belongs to the dishes, since it is easier to match the tablecloth to the dishes than vice versa. For example, if you are the happy owner of a crystal set, then you should set the table with a “ceremonial” white starched tablecloth, starched napkins and beautiful, sophisticated bouquets in crystal vases. And if you have porcelain dishes, then you can imagine endlessly with it, since you can choose tablecloths of any shape and color, as well as a wide variety of accessories.

Table setting. Rules

Festive tablecloths and napkins

Interesting napkins, colored or snow-white, folded into original shapes will give the table a special solemnity. Therefore, when choosing accessories for a festive table, you must determine what color they will be: the same color as the tablecloth, or to shade and complement it. The main thing is not to forget that the tablecloth and dishes should go well with each other. If you have not yet purchased a suitable tablecloth for a table or tea set, then don’t rush - it can be made from ordinary plain fabric. This tablecloth will match any tableware, even plain colored ones. A bright “floral” service looks especially good on a plain tablecloth if the color of the tablecloth resonates with its design. If you wish, you can decorate a plain tablecloth with a silk ribbon. This will add originality to your table, especially if the color of the ribbon matches the color scheme of the service. But for a coffee service made with special elegance, a tablecloth and napkins decorated with simple lace are suitable. You can also give new life to an old tablecloth by adding beautiful tulle or sheer lurex fabric on top.

Paper napkins decorated in a special way can add some spice to your table. There are several interesting ways to fold paper napkins. Nowadays there are a wide variety of napkins on sale in various colors and with any pattern, so you can easily choose napkins for the theme of the celebration. There are special holders for paper napkins, which are usually included with large sets. If you find only white (or plain colored) napkins, then you can design them as follows: for example, roll them into shapes: rolls, triangles, “fans”, etc. For napkins decorated in this way, if there are no special holders , use a glass or crystal goblet.

Options for using napkins in table setting

More complex options for folding napkins (step-by-step schemes for folding napkins)

Simple, but no less original options for using napkins.

In this case, napkin rings are used, as well as flowers (real, artificial), ribbons, ribbons, snowflakes and other accessories.

Candles and candlesticks for a festive table setting

Burning candles on your table will add a special, romantic touch to the holiday atmosphere and will decorate any event. By the way, do not replace full-fledged lighting with candles: the festive table should be well and brightly lit. If the lighting is poor, your guests may get bored, and in this case the holiday will be ruined.

The color of the candles must match the rest of the table accessories (in the same color scheme as napkins, plates or wine glasses). White candles will add special solemnity to your holiday, and red candles in candlesticks decorated with fir branches will decorate the New Year or Christmas table. At the same time, you can arrange the candles in different ways: put them in a flower arrangement, or install them in candlesticks between bouquets, arrange candles in small groups, and also screw them with wire to flower holders so that the candles rise above the bouquets.

And you can arrange candles in various candlesticks, which can be made of a wide variety of materials: metal, glass, porcelain, ceramics, wood, etc.

❧ At the same time, remember: the candlestick must be combined with the dishes: do not place a ceramic candlestick served with crystal on a standing position.

If you don't like the way candlesticks look on your table, place the candles in low glasses where you can even pour water - this will look especially impressive. If you want to enhance this effect, then “serve” to the table a deep tray filled with water, on which a whole “sea” of candles can fit.

Candlesticks are available in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. They also come in different heights. According to etiquette, it is customary to place long candles in low candlesticks, and short candles in high ones.

And in order for the candles to stand evenly in the candlestick, they must be burned at the ends or placed in hot water, and then, when the ends of the candles become soft, they must be placed in the socket of the candlestick or pricked onto its metal needle.

You can also make a beautiful composition from candles. For example, by securing two, three or four candles of different sizes in a clay bowl, water is poured into the container, and the space around the candles is decorated with various fresh or dried flowers - and in front of you is an original “floating” floral arrangement, which is enlivened by the fire of the candles reflected in the water.

If you want to decorate the table in a special way, then place small candles in low candlesticks near each guest’s place setting, as well as boutonnieres and name cards that will fit well into the overall composition.

Typically, candles are lit before guests arrive and left to burn throughout the evening. However, you should not turn off the general lights (this can only be done at the end of the evening in order to pacify the guests after a fun celebration).

And finally to the owl t: in order for candles to burn longer, they should be placed in the refrigerator for several hours before the holiday.

Options for using candles in holiday table decor

Decorating with imagination

Additional table decoration elements will help create a special holiday atmosphere; they will also provide a topic for conversation and make the feast original. All sorts of things and objects can be used as such elements. For example, you can beautifully arrange large lettuce leaves on the table and scatter spices on them - this method of decoration will refresh the table and eliminate the need to put out salt and pepper shakers. The coffee table can be decorated with scattered coffee beans and chocolates laid out on carved paper saucers.

Silk ribbons look interesting, touching and cute on the table. They are selected depending on the color of the dishes or flower arrangement. Taking into account the space on the table, the ends of the ribbons can be made freely flowing or fastened with wire. Ribbons can be run from bouquets to devices, creating intricate lines and rings, but they should not touch the water in vases with flowers.

At parties, the festive table can be decorated with various silver figurines: as a rule, these are figurines in the form of birds, flowers, etc. Large figurines are placed next to flower bouquets or along the edges of the table, small ones - near each device.

You can make your own napkin rings that will match the color of your cutlery or table decorations.

For example, for each family member you can come up with a separate unusual ring: for dad - a smooth metal or woven wire, for mom - knitted, etc. For each holiday you can choose special rings: for a New Year's feast - rings made from an artificial branch spruce or silver tinsel; for a festive dinner - made of solid silver; for a romantic evening - from a tulle ribbon tied with a lush bow or from artificial pearls.

Every little one is waiting for their “jam day” with impatience and anticipation of a fairy tale. Of course, a mother is far from a fairy, but it is within her power to provide her child with maximum joyful impressions. And first of all (after gifts, of course), this concerns the festive atmosphere at the table.

We’ll talk about the right approach to preparing a holiday. The best ideas for your attention!

1. Choose a design style!

Perhaps this is the primary task.

And it doesn’t matter at all how deep your wallet is. All you need is the baby’s wishes and their implementation with the help of your rich imagination and skillful hands.

Of course, it’s better to focus not on your preferences, but on your children’s preferences.

What does he love most?

  • Holiday in the style of "Harry Potter". We decorate the room and table according to the film - with surprises, envelopes, black cloaks, magic wands and a hat, of course.
  • Celebration in the style of "Pirates". For this option, the table can be decorated like a pirate ship, guests can be asked to come in costumes, decanters of “rum” (dark juice) can be placed, “treasures” can be hidden on the table, etc.

You can also choose the style of “Minions”, “Smesharikov”, “Alice in Wonderland”, etc.

Video: Pink table in the style of Disney fairy tales for a girl’s birthday

Select shades and outfits according to the style of the holiday, add the necessary thematic details to the table and be sure to think through the holiday scenario - let the children have fun!

2. Holiday shades – choose the 3 most important colors!

Having decided on the style, focus on the 3 main colors of the chosen holiday theme.

Video: Decorating the hall and table for a children's birthday

If these are minions, then your colors are yellow, blue, white. Use them to decorate the table, room, and details (from straws and glasses to napkins, etc.).

3. Balloons

At a children's birthday! In addition, balloons can be used as packaging for surprises and gifts.

These constant companions of the holiday can be used as follows:

  • Inflate 40-50 balloons with helium and release them to the ceiling.
  • Inflate a 40-50 balloon with air and “hide” it in a net under the ceiling (release it “into the wild” after the festive dinner).
  • Inflate the balloons with helium and tie one to the chair of each guest.
  • Inflate the balloons with helium and tie them to personal surprise boxes for guests, placing the latter directly on the table near the cutlery.
  • Make surprise balloons (note - fill them with candies and confetti and inflate them with helium).

Video: Decorating a table and room with balloons for a child’s birthday

4. Lighting above the festive table - decorate the chandelier!

There should be a lot of light at a children's party! This is not a party for lovers or a romantic twilight at a school disco. Therefore, there is more light!

If you have a large chandelier, everything is simple: we decorate it in a holiday style. For example, if these are minions, then the chandelier can be decorated with a serpentine in the colors of the “theme” or attached to it are printed and cut out minions, going down “to the table” along ribbons or the same serpentine.

If there is no lamp, you can use separate lamps (the circuit remains the same).

5. Tablecloth or oilcloth?

Usually mothers choose the practicality of oilcloth. Children don’t know how to eat carefully, and, of course, it’s simply a pity to get a snow-white “New Year’s” tablecloth for a children’s party.

How to be? What are the options?

  • A piece of fabric in the colors of the holiday and a small “overhang” of organza or taffeta “in a hurry” if you have a sewing machine. If you don't have one, you can use a stapler or even a glue web.
  • A disposable tablecloth chosen according to the theme of the holiday (you can look for them in “all things for the holidays” stores).
  • A plain old white tablecloth (which you don't mind), but creatively decorated. For example, with an elegant themed runner (note: table runner) and a decoration of garlands around the perimeter. The runner can be purchased and placed on top of the tablecloth. Or from fabric, beautifully gathered on the sides of the table and hooked with paper flowers (ships, minions, etc.) according to the principle of pin tucks for curtains.
  • Bright oilcloth with a thematic image.
  • Paper tablecloth! Not a bad option for a children's party. You can draw on such a tablecloth without fear that your mother will be upset. If you choose this option, don’t forget to provide each guest with a glass of markers.

Video: Different table decor ideas for a child’s birthday

And remember: the main requirement is the color scheme!

6. Table setting - what to put the treats in and how to arrange the dishes?

What kind of dishes are needed for a children's holiday table?

First of all - glasses and plates, cutlery, vases for fruits and sweets, dishes for a cake.

What can you do (in a themed style, of course) with your own hands?

  • Fruit vases made from… fruits. The ideal option (if it’s summer) is a watermelon vase. There are many schemes for making such a “vase” on the Internet. Or mini-vases of oranges (for grapes, for example - in portions).
  • Spoons and forks. They can be decorated with ribbons tied to the handles. Or wrap it beautifully in a napkin and tie it with a bow. You can also thread the devices through pre-prepared thematic pictures.
  • The choice of plates is left to the mother- breaking from a sideboard or cardboard and bright ones from a store. The second ones, of course, are more practical (they don’t break and don’t need to be washed). It is extremely difficult to decorate the plates (after all, you will have to eat from them), but you can decorate them with napkins folded into fancy shapes, “scrolls” with wishes for each guest or a festive program, etc.

Video: How to decorate a table for a children's birthday?

7. Menu for the children's table - how to decorate dishes beautifully?

A children's holiday is, first of all, a celebration of the belly! It is precisely to “fill your belly” (and then have fun) that friends come to such events.

But recipes for children's holiday dishes are a separate issue.

And at this point we will remember that exactly how you can arrange dishes, how to serve them , and what not to forget about.

  • What should be on the table? Required - sweets and cake, children's drinks, hearty dishes, fruit.
  • How to apply? There are a lot of tips on the Internet for decorating children’s dishes, so we won’t focus on the scheme for making them. The main task is to present each dish in such a way that children not only eat it, but also greet it with delight.
  • How to serve fruit? Firstly, don’t forget the advice about vases of watermelons and oranges. Secondly, we study “fruit carving” (educational and impressive). Thirdly, you can simply arrange the sliced ​​fruits on the vase in an original way so that the resulting composition is close to the theme of the holiday.
  • How to serve main courses (nutritious)? It all depends on the theme and mother’s imagination. You can serve them on plates and in vases, or in tartlets or on skewers. In the form of canapés or kebabs. And also in boxes personally for everyone.
  • Remember yourself as a child! It’s unlikely that you wanted to fuss with chicken legs or chew numerous incomprehensible salads. Children love to eat quickly, fun and tasty. Start from this. And don’t forget about multi-colored jellies - kids adore them without exception. Just choose original serving options, not primitive glasses and bowls. By the way, you can also make ice cream yourself, stuffing it with little surprises (nuts, gummies, etc.).

Video: Ideas for decorating dishes for a children's birthday

8. Decorate the chairs!

Well, don’t leave them in their usual form for a children’s party, really.

And, it seems, well, chairs and chairs - whatever you can think of! But no.

There are options!

  • Drapery.
  • Light decor with fabrics, organza, bows.
  • A tied balloon with a surprise.
  • Thematic attributes on the chairs.
  • Pillows in the “tone” of the holiday.

Believe me, your child will be delighted! No detail should be left unattended.

9. Memorable gifts for the child’s guests

An extremely important point to think about in advance. It is clear that the holiday is not for the guests, but for the birthday person - but given that your guests are children, you need to follow traditions.

That is, no one should be left without a gift. At least a tiny one. For example, packages of sweets and small toys. Or a kinder surprise and a pack of marmalades. Or a mini Lego set.

Or themed gifts: for example, magic wands for the Harry Potter team.

What are the options?

  • Hide the gifts in balloons, fill them with helium, and tie them to chairs.
  • Hide the gifts in beautiful chest boxes and place them near the plate for each guest.
  • Fill one large ball with gifts and hang it from the ceiling.

10. Napkins for the festive table - do we buy them or make them ourselves?

Of course, you can’t do without napkins. And, of course, it’s cheaper and easier to buy some napkins and just put one under each guest’s plate.

But if you have the time and desire, and your hands are in place, then you can use the following options:

  • Ordinary paper napkins, but folded into intricate shapes.
  • Fabric napkins in the color of the overall holiday style. You can roll them into bunnies, shirts, ice cream, etc.
  • Fabric napkins with light embroidery, in keeping with the overall theme. This is a good option if you have an embroidery machine and experience.

Video: How to beautifully fold napkins for a children's party?

Video: Folding a napkin in the shape of a hare

11. Additional elements of the festive table

Just a table with dishes is boring. Even if the dish is originally decorated. Therefore, we use various “tricks” and enliven our table. Here everything depends only on your imagination.

Examples to get you started:

  • Skittles or M&M's scattered between utensils.
  • A vase of flowers made from inflatable long balloons (involve a specialist in creating a bouquet if you don’t have the skills).
  • Mini bouquets of lollipops.
  • Etc.

Video: Decorating a children's table using carving technique

12. Decor of glasses, bottles of drinks, etc.

Cardboard glasses are boring. Plastic too.

If the kids are old enough to use glassware, you can take glasses from the sideboard.