home · Tool · Plank exercise - benefits and options. The correct technique for performing the plank exercise for weight loss at home

Plank exercise - benefits and options. The correct technique for performing the plank exercise for weight loss at home

Thanks to this program, you will be able to see excellent results very soon. Girls and men can say goodbye to chubby arms and saggy belly because they will disappear. Today we will tell and show you how to do a plank for weight loss and give a training program for a month, according to which the elbow stand for the press will help you create beautiful abs on your stomach or simply help you achieve a flat stomach.

The plank is one of the best exercises for strengthening your core muscles. It interacts with several muscle groups simultaneously, both on the front and back sides of the body. The plank will not only tone your tummy, but also strengthen your lower back and reduce back pain.

Your posture and balance will also improve as you keep your abs engaged.

This exercise is an excellent option that works the muscles of the body - but only if the technique is correct. Keep reading to find detailed instructions and quick tips on how to properly hold an ab plank and get the most out of this exercise in 30 days!

Toning your core muscles and developing perfect abs

The plank is one of the most effective static exercises, since it affects the upper and lower abdomen and lower back, while also allowing you to pump up your abs. And while she's working on all those muscles to strengthen your core muscles, your upper and lower body get a workout as well—your back and shoulders work to keep your upper body stable and balanced, while your quads and glutes keep your core rigid. Do you want the coolest thing? Not only does planking improve your posture and strengthen your core muscles, which helps avoid injury, but also activates several frozen muscles throughout the body, which will finally give you that flat and sexy belly, which you dreamed of.

Correct plank technique

In order for the 30-day exercise program to work in your favor, it is important that your technique is on point. Doing it incorrectly can damage your lower back and stop your progress. Follow these directions for proper technique.

  1. Place your forearms firmly on the ground, shoulder-width apart.
  2. When you rise from the floor, make sure that your body forms a straight line from the top of your head to your feet.
  3. Don't let your hips sink too close to the floor, as this will cause tension in your lower back, which can lead to injury.
  4. Don't raise your hips too high: while this makes the exercise easier, it also puts unnecessary weight on your lower back. In addition, this is self-deception; by making the exercise easier, you reduce its effectiveness.
  5. Make sure your abs are engaged and tense the entire time. You can do this by imagining that your navel should touch your spine.
  6. To engage your legs, squeeze your glutes and engage your quads.
  7. Most importantly, don't forget to breathe. Moreover, when performing the exercise for a long time, it is important to maintain a steady breathing rhythm. Try to breathe deeply instead of holding your breath high in your chest. This may be difficult at first due to the position of your body, but the best trick to control your breathing is to focus on it.

The most common mistakes

  • Placing your hands too close together will cause shoulder instability
  • Holding your breath—blood pressure rises quickly, which can lead to fainting
  • Dropping of the head, pelvis or shoulders - the body must be aligned or injury may occur
  • Trying to hold the position for too long - it is better to do the plank for a shorter time, but with good technique, than vice versa.

Types of Plank exercises

How to do a plank for beginners?

Do I need to do many variations at once and do all types of abdominal planks in one day? No. If you find forearm stand too difficult, try doing it with straight arms.

  1. Place your hands firmly on the ground, shoulder-width apart. Avoid elbow locks; they place unnecessary and often dangerous stress on the joint.
  2. Extend your legs, stabilizing yourself with the balls of your toes.
  3. Once in position, straighten your spine, tighten your abdominal muscles, squeeze your glutes and quads, and keep your head in a neutral position to form a straight line with your body.
  4. Again, don't let your hips sag or your butt rise toward the ceiling. Keep your body in a rigidly straight line throughout the entire workout.

If this is already boring for you, then you can vary your training routine plank variations. Try them all during 30 day challenge.

  1. Place your forearms on an unstable surface, such as a Bosu ball.
  2. Place your feet on an unstable surface.
  3. Lift one leg off the floor while standing.
  4. Raise one hand off the floor.
  5. Bring your legs together and spread them as you jump.
  6. Alternately bring your right knee to your right armpit and your left knee to your left armpit.
  7. Swap your legs.
  8. Extend your right arm forward, then your left.
  9. Rotate your body from side to side, bringing your left knee to your right armpit and then your right knee to your left armpit.
  10. March your arms up and down.
  11. Lift your left arm and right leg at the same time, then switch to your right arm and left leg.
  12. Place your feet on a smooth surface and squeeze your core muscles to pull your legs towards you, becoming like a corner, and stretch them back.
  13. Rotate your upper body by raising your right arm into the air, return to the starting position and rotate to the other side by raising your left arm.
  14. Gently lower your knees to the floor one at a time during the plank.
  15. From a plank position on straight arms, begin “walking on your hands” forward.
  16. Again from a straight-arm plank position, begin to move your arms forward until your face almost touches the floor. Pause here to inhale, then return to the starting position.

One thing to remember is that the plank is a compound exercise that involves both your core and lower back. So don't worry if you feel some soreness in your lower back a few days after doing planks. This is actually a good thing because it means those muscles are working and will eventually get stronger with the plank.

How to do a side plank

There aren't many core exercises that are as effective as the side plank. Most people ignore their sides and focus on their core muscles. There's nothing wrong with that, but if you neglect the sides, you're neglecting a weak muscle called the quadratus lumborum, or quadratus lumborum. It is an important muscle on the back of the abdominal wall that plays a crucial role in soothing and reducing back pain.

Be sure to include this exercise in your workout.


  • Get into a plank position, then twist to the right.
  • Keep your legs extended, your hips and feet flat on the ground, legs stacked on top of each other.
  • Place your right elbow directly under your shoulder to lift your torso and align your head and spine.
  • Place your free hand along the length of your body, or if you want to increase the difficulty, raise your hand.
  • Repeat the same movements for the left side.

Don't Always Follow Your Workout Schedule

First of all, everything is fine! Life goes on. Sometimes we forget, sometimes we're too busy, and let's be honest, sometimes we just feel like we don't need it in the moment. If you miss one day, it's okay. It's best to pick up where you left off and not worry about trying to make up for the lost day. Just turn it into 31 days with an extra day of rest. It's OK.

However, if you miss several days in a row, the rules change slightly. If you miss a few days, it's best to just start again. And there is nothing wrong with that! You'll likely be more determined and prepared the second time you take on the challenge. The goal of the 30-day challenge is to gradually prepare your body for stable performance by allowing it to adapt to the exercise. And always, if pain begins to prevail, stop the exercise.

Completing the 30-Day Plank Challenge is a great way to jumpstart your fitness lifestyle, push yourself to undiscovered horizons, reach new goals, and see the results you want. Here are some quick tips you can follow for any fitness challenge!

  1. Invite your friends! Everything is more fun when your best friends train with you. This way, you will be responsible for each other and push each other to new heights!
  2. Listen to your favorite music! Even though you don't need too much time, it's always better if you're listening to a hot new hit or your favorite indie band.
  3. Be consistent! Do the exercises in the challenge every day at the same time and in the same place (if possible, I know this is not always possible due to active work, so do it to the best of your ability).
  4. It will be very good if you use a soft mat during the exercise, because... knees and elbows must be protected. If you don't have a mat, you can use a towel.

3 Ways to Increase Your Plank Time

Practice is the only way to improve your plank time. Follow these 3 tips:

  1. Do bodyweight exercises—pull-ups and push-ups increase your core strength.
  2. Additional Weights – Do squats and deadlifts to really strengthen your core muscles.
  3. Practice.

Now that you know everything, it's time to start sculpting a beautiful baby bump!

30-day Plank Challenge

So here's the plan: after 30 days, you'll be able to do a plank for two minutes. Don't worry that you can barely hold it for 15 now, that's all you need to get started. Now, for those of you who can hold a two-minute plank without problems right now, first of all, well done! Second, you can still use this training program to improve your core strength and plank time. Just add one minute to each day and by the end of the challenge you will have doubled your time.

During these 30 days, you will perform the basic plank every day (its technique was previously explained), and the duration for which you must hold the plank increases throughout the entire time. Rest days are also included in the program, and I encourage you to use them to your advantage, as it is likely that without them your muscles will cry. Rest days are important because they give your muscles time to recover and grow.

Two minutes! Smart girls! What's your tummy like? Flat, slim, toned? Great. Now that you feel confident doing planks, you can make yourself even better by adding a minute to the recommended time each day and upping your plank time to four minutes.

The plank is a static exercise. When performing it, a person does not make any movements. However, at the same time, under the weight of his own body, he works a large number of different muscles: the abs, back, buttocks, arms and legs.

It is worth noting that this exercise has many advantages:

  • One of the few that allows you to quickly lose weight and completely get rid of subcutaneous fat in the abdominal area.
  • It does not require a long time to perform (maximum 2 minutes per day).
  • Requires minimal space to complete.
  • Can be performed with any physical fitness.
  • Universal - suitable for both women and men.
  • Thanks to many variations, it allows you to strengthen different muscle groups.
For a modern person with his accelerated pace of life, the plank has become a real godsend, allowing him to save time on going to the gym. That is why she is so popular.

However, it is worth paying attention to the contraindications that exist for performing this exercise:

  1. The first six months after childbirth and cesarean section, it is not recommended to perform the plank.
  2. For active diseases of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system, the “plank” is not done.
  3. The presence of a vertebral hernia or spinal injuries is a prohibition for standing in the plank.
  4. During the period of exacerbation of chronic diseases, training is postponed until a state of subcompensation is achieved.

What are the benefits of the plank exercise?

Women actively strive to lose weight and stay in good shape. Standing in the plank every day will solve many problems with your figure. You can see the result within ten days.

Plank exercise for weight loss

Regularly performing the plank exercise will help you lose excess weight. This effect is achieved by accelerating and normalizing metabolic processes in the body. This is what helps burn excess fat, and as a result, lose weight.

To make the effect as fast and noticeable as possible, you must adhere to a number of rules:

  • Eating fatty, smoked foods, fast food, mayonnaise, ketchup, and chips in large quantities will not let you lose extra pounds. Therefore, they need to be limited in your diet.
  • Your diet should include cereals, protein foods, including dairy products, lean meat and fish.
  • Compliance with drinking regime. You should drink at least a liter of water (excluding tea and coffee) throughout the day.
  • Don't forget about fresh fruits and vegetables, which can be consumed especially in summer.
  • Don't strictly limit yourself to sweets. A couple of sweets or a chocolate bar will not ruin the result.

It is important to remember that intense physical activity combined with a strict diet can provoke the development of anorexia and land you in a hospital bed.

What does the plank exercise do for different muscle groups?

The “plank” is considered a universal exercise that involves all muscle groups. The benefits from it are enormous. By doing this exercise every day, you will not only strengthen your abs, eliminate extra pounds, gain a slim figure, but also significantly increase the overall tone of your body.

"Plank" allows you to:

  1. Make your buttocks strong and elastic. This effect is achieved due to the muscle tension that occurs when sagging. If you add alternating leg raises to the plank, then you can also eliminate cellulite.
  2. Strengthen your back muscles, get rid of osteochondrosis and strengthen your shoulders. In addition, the “plank” eliminates pain in the shoulder region, which often bothers office workers who lead a stationary, sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Strengthen all leg muscle groups.
  4. Strengthen all abdominal muscles. In this case, it is enough to perform only one “bar”, and not a whole set of exercises. For the best effect when performing, it is recommended to pull your stomach in and fix it until the end of the approach.
  5. Strengthen your arm muscles without creating big biceps. This is especially important for women who do not need pumped up arms.
In addition, the “bar” guarantees getting rid of the “orange peel” due to its active impact on problem areas of the hips and buttocks. Thanks to the work of deep muscles, which are quite difficult to use with other exercises, excess fat is burned and intracellular metabolism improves.

You can do planks at any time of the day, even after meals. The only point worth paying attention to is that if you do not have constant physical activity, you need to stretch your muscles a little before performing this exercise.

How to do the plank exercise

There are several varieties of the plank exercise: in the classic version, on the side, on the elbows, in a complicated version, with a Swedish ball, the V-shaped method, with raising your arms (legs). This variety makes it easy to choose the best method for anyone. Moreover, they differ not only in the technique of execution, but also in the load exerted on the body.

Correct exercise "plank" in the classic version

The classic version of this exercise looks like this. From the “lying on the floor” position, you need to rise with outstretched arms. At the same time, the spine and the whole body should remain smooth and straight. Leaning on the tips of your socks and hands, tense and fix all your muscles. You need to stay in this position for as long as is comfortable for you. It is recommended to start with 10 seconds and gradually increase them to 2 minutes.

The main points of performing the classic plank:

  • To increase the load on the abdominal muscles, you need to keep your heels together.
  • You should not bend your knees. This way you reduce the load on your abs.
  • To strengthen the work of all muscles, you need to keep your buttocks tense until you complete the exercise.
  • It is forbidden to bend your lower back. This leads to unnecessary stress on the vertebrae of the back and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • The abdominal area is drawn in as much as possible and remains that way until the end of the exercise.
  • Breathing should be smooth and calm.
  • Pay close attention to the position of your hands. Poor posture causes unnecessary tension.
The time to complete the exercise depends entirely on your physical capabilities. At the initial stage, you should wait 10 seconds. With the correct posture, even in such a short time, your body will receive a strong load. Gradually, the time of “standing” should be increased, bringing it to 2 minutes.

If you have sufficient physical fitness, then you should give preference to a more complex version of the plank.

How to do the plank exercise on your side correctly

The side “bar” is one of the varieties of the classic version. To perform it, you need to take the starting position. To do this, you need to lie on the floor, turn on your side and raise your body with an outstretched arm or elbow. In this case, you should keep all muscle groups (gluteal, leg, abdominal muscles) in a tense state.

Your palm should be in line with your shoulder. Legs should be level and straight. In this version, the body has only two points of support: the lateral line of the foot and the palm of the hand. Don't fall on your side. Try to keep your body straight without bending to the sides. Your breathing should be even and calm.

This exercise is harder than the classic plank. It affects the same muscle groups as the first option. However, for a beginner, its implementation is quite a difficult task. Therefore, it is better to use this option if you have good physical training.

Completion time depends on personal abilities. At the initial stage, 10 seconds is enough. Then the “standing” time should be increased.

How to do the plank exercise on a ball

You can diversify the exercise and use a Swedish fitness ball. You need to rest your outstretched arms on the floor and place your feet on the ball. Now tense all muscle groups, as in the classic version, and fix the position. Pay close attention to the placement of your palms. They should be parallel to the shoulders.

You can complicate the exercise and try to do push-ups from the floor. If you can't, then just hold the position for as long as you can.

The “plank” on the ball can be performed in another way. Bend your elbows and rest them on the ball. Then roll it forward until your body is completely straight. Lock the position and stay in it as long as you can.

When performing exercises on the ball, do not forget to tense the muscles of the buttocks, legs and abdomen. Be sure to monitor your breathing and do not overexert your body. Otherwise it could end badly. Beginners should start with 10 seconds and gradually increase the time.

The effect of the plank exercise when performed correctly

If you do the plank according to all the rules, then within a couple of weeks you will notice how your stomach, arms and legs have changed. However, a positive effect can only be achieved if simple recommendations are followed. Otherwise, you may end up with more problems than benefits.

What is the effect of the exercise:

  1. Due to the fact that the exercise is completely static and you will not perform any actions, you need to take the correct position and fix it.
  2. When choosing a place for exercise, it is better to choose one where there is a soft rug or non-rigid flooring. After all, the skin on your hands is delicate; you shouldn’t injure it again.
  3. During the exercise, your spine should be absolutely straight and your body should resemble a straight line. The chin should be positioned at right angles to the spine, and the eyes should be lowered to the floor.
  4. The position of the elbows is strictly under the shoulders. This will avoid additional stress on the shoulder girdle. Place your hands together in front of your eyes so that your hands form a triangle. When performing the exercise, remember that your arms are only a fulcrum, so they should not be under tension.
  5. When performing the exercise, pay attention to your stomach. It needs to be tightened up. The abdominal muscles should be tense and not loose. It is necessary to keep them in this position for as long as possible.
  6. The most questionable thing is the position of the back when doing the plank. Beginners make the mistake of fixing the spine incorrectly. Because of this, there is a deflection in the lumbar region, and the vertebrae begin to experience stress that should not be there. Experts recommend that you first fix the straight position of your spine while standing, and then get into a plank position. Virtually pressing your back against the back of a chair or wall helps a lot.
  7. Tension of the gluteal and leg muscles will help reduce tension in the back when performing the exercise. By performing this action, you activate deep tissues that are very difficult to pump. Don't bend your legs, don't drop them to the floor, try to keep your body in one line.
  8. Let's not forget about the feet. In this exercise they play the role of a fulcrum. If you want to increase the load, put them together. If you want to reduce it, then place your feet shoulder-width apart.
While performing the plank, do not forget about proper breathing. It should be smooth and calm. Don't delay him. This can cause blood pressure to rise and cause facial redness.

Plank exercise results

The results from the exercise will not keep you waiting. Within a couple of days you will feel that your body has become lighter and more flexible. Of course, at the initial stage all muscles will hurt, but this pain indicates that they are working and straining.

A more noticeable effect from performing this exercise can be noted after 10-15 days from the start of classes. The stomach, buttocks and legs become more toned and stronger. Excess fat from the lower abdominal cavity is removed, and the appearance of cellulite on the legs is reduced.

There is no exact recommendation for how many times a day you should do the plank. The exercise can be done in the morning immediately after sleep, or several times a day. The execution schedule is chosen by you. The only thing is that it is better to perform the exercise at the same time. This trains the muscles and allows you to get maximum effect.

How to do the plank exercise - watch the video:

Choose the appropriate plank option for yourself and make your body flexible, slim, beautiful and toned. It will not take much time to complete it, and the result will please you very quickly.

Plank is one of the simplest and most effective isometric (static) exercises that strengthens the body, lower back and shoulders of a man. All you need is your own weight and enough floor space.

The plank is simple but functional, and there are many variations of this exercise: side, on the elbows, palms, with one leg raised and using additional improvised objects, such as a ball or books.

Burning fat and toning muscles based on resistance force is the main effect of the plank exercise for men. It improves posture and coordination, maintains a healthy back and strengthens the body.


The plank strengthens and tones muscles throughout a man's body, including the shoulders, arms, and torso, but the main target is the ABS (rectus abdominis), which contracts and becomes very tense during the exercise. In addition, willpower is also trained, since it is quite difficult to remain motionless in this position for a long time.

Benefits of the plank exercise for men

  1. Strengthens core muscles

The plank engages major muscle groups, including the transverse, rectus, and oblique muscles, as well as the glutes. Doing this exercise alone will not help you quickly create sculpted abs, six-pack abs, or burn fat for an untrained man. But in combination with diet and other types of training, it will contribute to the systematic formation of an athletic body.

  1. Reduces pain and risk of back and spine injuries

In most cases, the plank is safe for minor disc problems or back pain, as it does not require bending or stretching of the spine. It engages the back muscles without straining the spine, and also pumps the abdominal muscles, which also maintain an even posture. Good posture improves back health and inhibits the development of degenerative osteoarthritis. When the abdominal muscles are developed and the back is always straight, pain in the neck and shoulders appears much less frequently.

  1. Improves posture

The more developed the back and abs, the less a man will slouch. The plank helps you stand and sit straight, maintaining your posture. It trains many important muscles, including the erector spinae, the rhomboid and trapezius muscles.

Good posture is the correct position of the bones, which facilitates breathing and promotes the normal placement of internal organs. A straight back also makes a man visually taller and slimmer.

  1. Increases metabolism

The plank is a simple exercise for men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Doing it for a few minutes can boost your metabolism for the entire day and even night.

  1. Increases flexibility

The plank helps expand and stretch the posterior muscles of the back and legs.

  1. Improves mood

Almost any physical activity improves your mood, but the stretching effect of planks helps loosen muscles that become stiff from prolonged sitting. Relieving tension relaxes and helps relieve stress.


  • Classic elbow plank

Lie face down on the floor with your legs extended. Place your elbows directly under your shoulders so that each arm (from shoulder to hand) forms a right angle. The forearms (from the elbow to the hand) should be pressed to the floor. Hands can be held together. Lift your hips off the floor, rest on your hands and toes. Feet can be kept shoulder-width apart. Feel the tension in your abdominal area, tighten your abdominal muscles. The back should be straight. Do not rise or bend towards the floor. Keep your breathing even and do not lift your head up too much. Try to maintain your body in this position for at least 20-30 seconds. Do the plank every day two or three times, gradually increasing the duration.

  • On outstretched arms

When doing this, your arms should be fully straightened. You can only lean on your palms (do not place them too close to each other) and toes. The body should form a smooth, straight line; do not lift or arch your hips.

  • Knee plank

If you can’t do a regular plank yet, you can perform a simplified version of the exercise on your knees, while your arms can be straightened or bent at the elbows, as described above. Watch a video where a professional trainer shows how to do a plank correctly for beginners.

When you can hold in this position for more than two minutes, you can move on to the classic version, and then to more complex options.

  • Superman Plank

This exercise is similar to a yoga pose. The starting position is the same as a regular plank on your palms with your arms outstretched. Lift your left arm off the floor, straighten it and extend it forward. At the same time, lift your opposite (right) leg. Straighten and pull it back, holding it above the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds (2-3 seconds is enough to start). Return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the other arm and leg.

This exercise can be done if you can hold a regular plank for at least 30 seconds. When performing this and similar types of planks, attention may shift to the muscles of the arms or legs. Remember to focus on your abs.

When performing the plank, you can also use improvised objects: a ball, dumbbells, books. Additional equipment serves as a support for the arms or legs instead of the floor and develops coordination. You need to do the plank on the ball carefully and slowly so as not to get injured.


How long should you hold the plank?

The world record for the longest duration belongs to a Chinese policeman who was able to hold the bar for 8 hours and 1 minute. The second result was achieved by an American Marine who stood in the same position for 7 hours and 40 minutes.

There are no norms or standards, for example, GTO, for the duration of the bar. Instructors always advise starting with a minimum time, increasing it gradually.

Plank: standard for men

The longer a man can hold a plank, the tighter his lower back will be and the better his abs will look. Do the plank several times a day, each time trying to hold the position a little longer.

Plank for men: table for 30 days

All it takes is a few minutes a day, which will test your will and physical endurance. To distract yourself, you can listen to music or watch a movie while exercising. Start implementing the plan from the table when you can confidently hold the classic plank for 30 seconds 2-3 times a day, or first do the exercise on your knees. If you start the 30-day program without preparation, you can end up with back pain, which often occurs with incorrect technique.


  1. Can doing planks somehow harm the body?

Any exercise will have side effects if done incorrectly. Poor technique can lead to pain, injury and...

  1. Does planking have a negative impact on your joints?

When performing the exercise, the intercostal and pectoral muscles are tensed, putting pressure on the joints and cartilage connecting the ribs to the chest. When lifted off the floor, a lot of pressure is also placed on the joints of the ribs and shoulders, which can lead to inflammation. If a man has or has had problems with ligaments, joints, or spine, he should consult a doctor before performing the plank. Perhaps in this case it will be allowed to do gentle variations of the exercise.

  1. Breathing problems

During exercise, the muscles become very tense, which can lead to decreased oxygen levels. Sometimes for this reason, experts advise doing the plank on all fours (hands and knees) so that oxygen reaches the thin muscle tissue. If a man has asthma, breathing problems, insomnia, panic attacks, problems with the lungs or other internal organs, you should consult a specialist before performing the plank.

This simplest (at first glance) exercise has a magical effect on all muscle groups: thanks to the static load, the back, arms, abs, hips and buttocks are strengthened. But there is one thing. To have an effect, the plank must be performed perfectly. How? David Siukaev, trainer of the PRO TRENER personal fitness studio, told.

How to do a plank correctly

  1. Lie on the floor on your stomach.
  2. Pull your arms to your chest, rest your toes on the floor.
  3. Straighten your arms, lifting your body off the floor. The palms should be directly under the shoulders, the pelvis should not sag or rise up.
  4. The buttocks are tightened, the stomach is pulled in. Stretch your crown upward, stretching your neck, and pull your shoulders down. Keep your knees straight. The heels don't touch.

How to know if your bar is perfect

How to learn to stand in a plank? There are several ways. The first is visual. You need to stand in a plank position in front of a mirror. If you don't have a large mirror, place your laptop on the floor and turn on your webcam so you can see your reflection. At best, ask a trainer to monitor how you perform the exercise. A friend can also serve as a coach. The main thing is to know that from the outside your body should be an ideal, straight line, without arching in the lower back.

The second way to understand that your bar has come out great is tactile. You should get into a plank position and feel your abs engaging. Not the shoulders, not the latissimus muscle, but the abs - the rectus abdominis and obliques. You may also feel your back muscles tighten slightly. Remember that the back is only slightly involved in this exercise. If you are a beginner and find it very difficult to stand in the plank for more than 10 seconds, try getting into it from your knees. At the same time, you should also pull in your stomach and tense its muscles.

How to learn to stand in a plank for 10 minutes or longer

First of all, you need to develop all muscle groups and combine the classic plank with the side and reverse ones. Because the muscles that surround your core need to be as strong as your abs themselves. Another great way to improve your plank is to move. For example, raise one arm, move it to the side and touch the floor, and then repeat the same with the other arm and legs. If you are a beginner, start with a knee plank and practice it every day. As soon as you can stand in this plank for a minute, try the classic plank, and then the side plank and the reverse plank.

Correct plank: the most common mistakes

  1. Sagging or raising the pelvis. This occurs due to insufficiently strong transverse abdominal muscles, as well as weak arm muscles. To stand in the correct plank position, a person must be well stabilized, that is, all his muscles must be well trained together. This can be achieved by standing in a plank position on an unstable surface, such as a Bosu platform or balance board. And also when periodically performing exercises on all muscle groups, and not just on one specific one.
  2. Rounding the back. First of all, a round back may be due to kyphosis. It appears when a person has weak back muscles and shortened chest muscles. Most people (especially men) who start working out in the gym pay a lot of attention to the barbell bench press. In this case, the chest muscle shortens and pulls the shoulders forward, rounding the back. And the back muscles are rarely given attention. Because they are weak, the shoulders seem to “go” forward. To prevent this from happening, you need to stretch your chest muscles and strengthen your back muscles. Another reason for a rounded back is weak abdominal muscles. This is why a person begins to shift his body weight forward, because the upper part is stronger than the lower part.
  3. Bent knees. This comes from the fact that you may not control yourself. The muscles on the front of the thigh are always strong, so bent knees are the result of inattention. You can avoid this by looking at yourself from the outside. Just be careful - if you straighten your knees, you may fall if your abs are not strong enough. In this case, it is better to start practicing the plank from your knees.
  4. The palms are anywhere but under the shoulders. Another mistake due to inattention, which a trainer or a mirror will help correct.
  5. Incorrect head position. It is important not to lower it, not to raise it, not to pull it to the chest and not to twist it to the sides. The head should take a stable position: the top of the head should be stretched and pulled forward, and look down at the floor, without straining the neck muscles.

The plank exercise is one of the best for the abdominal muscles. It allows you not only to get abs of steel, but also to strengthen the muscles of your back, shoulders, and buttocks. The exercise is universal - it is equally effective for both women and men. To achieve the desired effect, you need to consider how to perform the “plank” correctly, otherwise you may get injured.

How to properly prepare for exercise

The plank exercise is not popular in gyms, since it is unlikely to be possible to pump up abs in this way. Its purpose is to strengthen muscles while burning fat. The effect will be positive only after the plank exercise is done correctly. There are basic rules that should be followed before class. You need to make sure that you can get into the correct position, and then start this abdominal exercise.

The important rules are as follows:

  1. The most important thing is a straight back position. If it bends or rounds, there is a risk of serious injury.
  2. The pelvis should be parallel to the floor, so the load on the lumbar region is less.
  3. You should not keep your neck, head and shoulders tense; they should be located on the same plane.
  4. The lower limbs should be fully straightened. Any bending leads to the fact that the load on the lower back increases sharply.
  5. Shoulders should be above your wrists or above your elbows. Other options are not valid.

Having familiarized yourself with the basic rules, you can consider in detail how to do the plank exercise. This stand is different in that the most important thing about it is keep your body properly for as long as possible. It is much better to stand for thirty seconds as expected than to stand for 3 minutes with your back or legs bent. When deciding to perform the “plank” exercise, you can see how to do it correctly in the video, but due to the lack of active movements, it is better to seek the help of a trainer at the initial stage. Many people come to a suitable implementation on their own, gradually increasing the load and following all the rules. So, before starting training, you need to understand what position all parts of the body should be in.

To do this you need to do the following:

  • stand with your back to the wall, feet together;
  • heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head should be pressed against the wall;
  • lower your shoulders, a deflection will appear in the lumbar region (the palm should fit into it, if more, the position should be corrected).

You need to stand in this form several times a day, and always before the start of class. On day 3-4, the muscles will get used to it and doing the “plank” will become easier in the sense that the body itself will take the correct position.

What does the plank exercise do?

The plank exercise for weight loss is one of the most difficult, as it involves the weight of a person’s body. Its advantage is that most muscles are tense, making it great for warming up before serious training. By the trembling of the whole body, after 20-30 seconds it is easy to understand which muscles are working during the “plank” exercise:

  • the press – it bears the main load;
  • core muscles;
  • gluteal muscles.
  • the body is more toned, the skin will be elastic;
  • the arms are stronger, but the muscles will not increase;
  • The belly slimming bar will allow you to notice its reduction, especially in the lower part, which is quite difficult to get rid of.

All muscle groups are in a stressful situation, which is why this type of training is more effective for losing weight in the abdomen and sides than simply pumping the press. Not every person starting to lose weight is capable of performing such a complex exercise. Everyone's muscle tone is different; in some cases, you first need to master simpler techniques to strengthen them. What the plank exercise gives you can see almost immediately, provided you practice regularly: the stomach becomes flat, the buttocks become elastic, the spine becomes stronger.

After a short period of time, the following will become noticeable:

  • carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • any chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • high blood pressure;
  • any spinal injuries;
  • radial nerve neuropathy;
  • pregnancy, especially if it has complications;
  • spinal hernia;
  • any injuries and sprains of the joints of the elbows, shoulders, hands and feet.

Most often, the program is designed for 30 days, after which the result is simply amazing. If you want to continue practicing, it is recommended to increase the load, as reviews show that after a month it becomes much easier and efficiency decreases.

Types of exercise

The “plank” can be performed in various ways, depending on the person’s physical fitness. Many people want to start weight loss exercises from the most difficult stage in order to quickly get rid of excess fat and get the body into the desired shape. The plank is an exercise that is ideal for losing weight in the abdomen and sides, but only with a gradual increase in load. The degree of muscle tension depends on the type, more details about them in the table:

This option is the simplest and ideal for beginners. The hands in this form are located directly under the shoulders, the back and legs are straight, look ahead

The most popular option, in this case the support is on the toes and elbows, the whole body is elongated in a straight line. Breathing should be smooth

This option is recommended when the usual plank no longer causes such fatigue and tension. Lying on your side, you need to lean on your legs and elbow, the arm on which you rely is perpendicular to the body. The second hand is located on the other side. Stretch your body in one line, tensing your abs

The most difficult option that requires preparation. To perform the exercise, you need to straighten your body, leaning on your elbow, and then carefully straighten your arm. To make it more difficult, you can also straighten your other arm.

The duration of execution depends on the preparation of the person and the type of exercise. For beginners, it is enough to be in the correct stance for a quarter of a minute, which requires 3-4 approaches.. After the execution ceases to be painful, you can increase the time to 30 seconds, also 3-4 approaches. If you need to make the plank more difficult, it is recommended to increase the time to 1 minute for 4 approaches. When performing all types, you need to start with the most difficult one, ending with the simple version “on clasped hands.”


If you want to lose weight and strengthen your muscles, many people use the plank exercise, the benefits and harms of which are rarely studied. Of course, everyone knows that training can produce positive results in a short time. Those who are especially concerned about their health will even learn from a trainer that, as a rule, there can be no harm from a seemingly simple exercise. It should be borne in mind that the plank exercise also has contraindications, albeit quite a few.

In other cases, you can perform the exercise as much as you like, the main thing is to listen to your body and sensations. In the absence of contraindications, a person has every chance to improve the condition of his figure in a short time.


The results after training using this exercise are simply amazing. Photos of famous people who achieved perfect abs using the “plank” can be seen in many magazines, and their opinion about this exercise makes you try its amazing effectiveness for yourself. Before starting classes with the plank exercise, a photo should be taken in advance so that after a month of training you can compare the results.