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Fire alarm installations summary. Fire alarm and communications. Automatic fire alarm. Number of sensors - localization rules

Fire communications and alarms play an important role in measures to prevent fires, contribute to their timely detection and calling fire departments to the site of a fire, and also provide management and operational management of fire operations. Fire communications can be divided into notification communications (timely receipt of calls for fires), dispatch communications (management of forces and means for extinguishing fires) and fire communications (management of fire departments).

To notify of a fire, the most widely used technical means of communication and fire alarm are telephone, electric fire alarm, automatic and non-automatic, and radio. Industrial enterprises, farms and other facilities with increased fire danger, as a rule, are equipped with direct telephone communication.

Fire detectors. The most reliable and fastest means of communication for calling the fire brigade is an electric fire alarm system, consisting of the following main parts: detectors installed in industrial buildings or on the territory of an industrial enterprise, farm or warehouse and designed to signal a fire; a receiving station with receiving devices that provide reception of fire signals and record these signals; linear networks connecting detectors with receiving stations. The receiving station has optical and acoustic alarm signals.

Electrical fire alarm systems detect the initial stage of a fire (ignition) and report the location of its origin. Woodworking and furniture factories use highly effective types of automatic fire alarms, the detectors of which respond to smoke, ultraviolet rays of flame and heat. Automatic alarm systems without human intervention transmit messages about a fire and its location, and in some cases also automatically turn on stationary fire extinguishing installations. According to the method of actuation, fire detectors are divided into non-automatic - manual (push-button) and automatic.

Manual (non-automatic) call points Depending on the method of connection with receiving stations, they are divided into beam and loop ring. Beam systems are systems where each detector is connected to a receiving station by a pair of independent wires forming a separate beam. Each beam includes at least three detectors. When the button of each of these detectors is pressed, the receiving station receives a signal indicating the beam number, i.e. the location of the fire.

The electrical fire alarm system of a loop ring system differs from a radial one in that the detectors are connected in series to one common ring wire (loop), laid in the ground or mounted on poles. The operation of this system is based on the principle of the detector transmitting a certain number of pulses (detector code). The loop ring alarm system is used, as a rule, at large industrial enterprises, warehouses, farms and other facilities.

Automatic detectors. Automatic fire detectors according to their response are divided into heat, smoke, light and combined. There are automatic fire extinguishing devices that extinguish fires at the moment they occur with water, foam and gas.

Automatic detectors include fire alarm devices, sensors of water and irrigation systems (sprinkler and deluge), fog-forming devices, automatic fire extinguishing gas installations, water curtains, automatic fire doors, etc. These detectors are included in the lines of beam alarm systems or as sub-detectors in loop detectors systems through code detectors. Maximum action switches (detectors) have a sensitive element made in the form of a bimetallic diaphragm mounted on a round plastic base and covered with a plastic split casing.

Quick detection and signaling of a fire, timely calling fire departments and notifying people in the area of ​​possible danger about a fire allows you to quickly localize fires, carry out evacuation and take the necessary measures to extinguish the fire. Therefore, enterprises must be provided with communication means and fire alarm and warning systems.

To transmit a fire message at any time of the day, you can use special and general purpose telephones, radio communications, and centralized fire alarm installations. Fire warning systems must ensure, in accordance with developed evacuation plans, the transmission of warning signals simultaneously throughout the entire house (structure), and, if necessary, sequentially or selectively to its individual parts (section floors). The number of detectors (speakers), their placement and power must ensure the necessary audibility in all places where people are. Internal radio broadcast networks can be used to transmit warning texts and control evacuation. The room from which the fire alarm system is controlled should be located on the lower floors of buildings, at the entrance to staircases, in places with 24-hour duty personnel.

The fastest and most reliable means of detecting signs of fire and signaling a fire is considered to be an automatic fire alarm installation (AUPS), which must operate around the clock. Depending on the connection diagram, a distinction is made between beam (radial) and ring AUPS (Fig. 4.37). The operating principle of the AUPS is as follows: when at least one of the detectors is triggered, a “Fire” signal is sent to the control panel.

Rice. 4.37. Schemes of radial (a) and ring (b) connections in AUPS: 1 - detectors; 2 - receiving and control device; 3 - power supply from the mains; 4 - emergency power supply; 5 - power switching system; 6 - connecting wires

Addressable fire detectors are switched on only in radial networks; in this case, the location of the fire is determined by the number of the plume (beam) that issued the “Fire” signal. Addressable fire detectors include both radial and ring type networks; The fire address is determined by the installation location of the detector that issued the “Fire” signal by its address number.

At fire and explosion hazardous facilities, in addition to fire alarms, AUPS can issue commands to the control circuits of automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal, fire warning, ventilation, process and electrical equipment of the facility.

Based on the method of transmitting messages (notifications) about a fire, fire alarm systems are divided into autonomous and centralized. In stand-alone AUPS installations, the “Fire” alarm signal from the detector is sent to a control panel, which is installed in a room with 24-hour duty personnel. The next person calls the fire department reception post and transmits information. In centralized fire alarm systems, fire warnings from control panels are transmitted through a communication channel (for example, a pager communication channel or a radio channel) to a centralized fire monitoring console.

Manual call point

One of the main elements of AUPS is fire detectors - devices that generate a fire signal. There are manual and automatic fire detectors. A manual fire call point (Fig. 4.38, a) is turned on by the person who detects the fire by pressing the start button. They can be used to signal a fire from the premises of the enterprise. Inside the building, manual call points are installed as additional technical means of automatic automatic control system.

Rice. 4.38. Fire detectors: a - manual IR-P; b - thermal IP-105; c - smoke IPD-1; g - flame detector IP

Automatic fire detectors

They are triggered without human intervention, from exposure to factors accompanying a fire: increased temperature, appearance of smoke or flame.

Thermal fire detectors

According to the operating principle, they are divided into: maximum (IT-B, IT2-B, IP-105, SPTM-70), which are triggered when Pirogovo reaches the air temperature at the place of their installation; differential (Hb 871-20), which respond to the rate of increase of the temperature gradient; maximum differential (IT1-MGB, V-601), which are triggered by one or another prevailing temperature change.

The principles of operation and design of thermal fire detectors can be different: using low-melting materials that are destroyed as a result of exposure to elevated temperatures; using thermoelectromotive force; using the dependence of the electrical resistance of elements on temperature; using temperature deformations of materials; using the dependence of magnetic induction on temperature, etc.

The fire detector IP-105 (see Fig. 4.38, b) is a magnetic contact device with a contact output. It works on the principle of changing magnetic induction under the influence of high temperature. As the air temperature rises, the magnetic field decreases, and when a threshold temperature value is reached, the contact, which is located in a sealed chamber, opens. In this case, a “Fire” signal is sent to the control panel.

Smoke detectors

Smoke is detected using photoelectric (optical) or radioisotope methods. The operating principle of the IPD-1 optical fire smoke detector (see Fig. 4.38, c) is based on the registration of scattered light (Tindol effect). An emitter and receiver operating in infrared light, located in an optical chamber in such a way that rays from the emitter cannot reach the receiver directly. In the event of a fire, smoke enters the optical chamber of the detector. Light from the emitter is scattered by smoke particles (Fig. 4.39) and enters the receiver. As a result, a “Fire” signal is generated and sent to the control panel. In radioisotope smoke detectors, the sensitive element is an ionization chamber with a source of α-radiation (Fig. 4.40). The smoke that is generated during a fire reduces the degree of ionization in the chamber and is registered by the detector.

Rice. 4.39. Scattering of light flux by particles smoke: 1 - source 2 - smoky environment; 3 - smoke particles

Rice. 4.40. Light ionization chamber (emitter) of a radioisotope smoke detector: 1 - anode; 2 - cathode

Fire flame detectors

(IP, IP-P, IP-PB) allow you to quickly identify the source of an open flame. The detector's sensitive photocell detects flame radiation in the ultraviolet or infrared parts of the spectrum. Combined detectors IPK-1, IPK-2, IPK-3 simultaneously monitor two factors that accompany a fire: smoke and temperature.

Fire detectors are characterized by: response threshold - the lowest value of the parameter to which they respond; inertia - the time from the beginning of the factor action is controlled until the moment of operation; protected area - the floor area controlled by one detector. In table 4.13 shows the comparative characteristics of detectors of various types.

Table 4.13.

Some burglar alarm detectors (sensors) (for example, ultrasonic, optical-electric) have high sensitivity and are capable of very quickly (more like fire detectors) detecting the first signs of fire. Therefore, they can combine security and fire functions. However, such detectors can only be additional elements of the automatic fire alarm system that enhance the fire safety of the protected object. After all, the security alarm operates after hours, and the fire alarm operates around the clock.

When choosing the type and design of an automatic fire detector, it is necessary to take into account the purpose of the protected premises, the fire characteristics of the materials it contains, the primary signs of fire and operating conditions in accordance with DBN V.2.5-13-98.

To correctly select automatic fire detectors, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the intended purpose of the protected premises, the degree of their fire hazard, the specifics of the technological process, the fire characteristics of the materials in the room, the primary signs of a fire and the nature of its possible development. It is also necessary to take into account the presence of automatic fire extinguishing systems and other features of the facility.

The type and design of fire detectors must be selected taking into account the environmental conditions in the protected premises and the class of the explosive or fire hazardous area.

The number and location of fire detectors depends on the size, shape, operating conditions and purpose of the room, the design of the floor (covering) and ceiling height, the presence and type of ventilation, the load of the room with materials and equipment, as well as the type and type of fire detectors and in each specific case determined by the design organization that received a license for this type of activity in the prescribed manner.

Fire detectors are installed, as a rule, under the covering (ceiling). In some cases, their location on walls, beams, columns, as well as suspension on cables is allowed, provided they are at a distance of no more than 0.3 m from the level of the coating (floor) and no more than 0.6 m from the ventilation openings.

In rooms with equal ceilings, point fire detectors are usually located evenly over the ceiling area, taking into account the size of the room, as well as the technical parameters of the detectors. It is recommended to install point fire detectors according to triangular or square placement patterns (Fig. 4.41).

Rice. 4.41.

a - distance between detectors, b - distance from wall to detector

In some cases, detectors are placed in areas of probable fire, on the paths of convective air flows, and also near fire-hazardous equipment.

The distance between detectors is taken taking into account the area controlled by one detector. The latter significantly depends on the height of the protected room. Therefore, the greater the height of the protected room, the smaller the area controlled by the detector. The distance from the detector to the wall, as a rule, is taken to be two times less than the distance between the detectors.

As the practice of operating fire detectors has shown, thermal fire detectors should be used in rooms of low and medium height and relatively small volume. When the height of the room is 7-9 m, the use of heat detectors is impractical due to the ineffectiveness of registering the source of the fire.

The threshold temperature for operation of maximum and maximum differential heat detectors must be no less than 20 ° C and no more than 70 ° C higher than the maximum permissible temperature in the room.

Differential heat detectors are effective in areas where, under normal operating conditions, there is no sudden increase in ambient temperature. Such detectors should not be installed near heat sources that could cause false alarms.

Smoke detectors are installed in rooms where a fire is likely to be accompanied by significant smoke emissions. When placing them, it is necessary to take into account the paths and speeds of air flows from ventilation systems.

Flame detectors are installed in rooms where there is a risk of fire with an open flame. Various industrial exposures (operating welding machines or other sources of ultraviolet or infrared radiation) must be avoided. Flame detectors must be protected from direct sunlight and direct influence of artificial lighting sources. When locating flame detectors, it is necessary to take into account their technical characteristics: viewing angle, area protected by the detector, maximum fire detection range (distance from the detector to the most “visible” point).

It should be noted that when selecting and placing automatic fire detectors, it is necessary to be guided by the requirements and recommendations of DBN V.2.5-13-98.

For the full broadcast of notifications, the communication system includes in its activities the integrated use of telecommunications hardware and auxiliary means.


An automatic control system belongs to the engineering base for automation and informatization of garrison management; its most important component is a system that provides. In its action, it covers the main units of the garrison.

The fundamental basis of its functioning is based on mobile and stationary communication nodes, which in turn are based on modern hardware, thanks to which their full management is carried out.

The main communication tools include the following hardware:

  1. technical communication devices (various radio stations, telecontrol equipment, radio transmitters, sound recording devices, telegraph station, radio repeaters, and other units whose main purpose is the reception (transmission) and conversion of various types of information);
  2. uninterruptible power generators, precision instruments, rectifiers and charging devices;
  3. linear wire facilities (underground and underwater cables, light field communication cables providing mobility, long-distance communication cables, distribution cables, as well as auxiliary facilities, the main function of which is the laying and construction of reliable communication lines);
  4. Signal-type communication means (lighting and sound).

Using alarms in notifications

In order to quickly detect and immediately notify the fire department about the current critical situation caused by an uncontrolled fire, as well as the location of its direct action, alarm systems are used.

Today, preference is given to electric fire alarms (EFS). Taking into account the design of the installed sensor, which notifies about a dangerous situation, the automatic fire alarm system is divided into:

  • devices that are activated at the moment smoke appears;
  • devices that turn on during strong temperature fluctuations;
  • devices that operate in the event of fire;
  • devices of combined type.

In addition, other types of alarms are used: beam systems and loop-type systems.

Radiation systems are used in institutions located at a relatively short distance. Basically, the length of lines at such enterprises is insignificant.

If they are triggered, in a special point information will appear only about a specific number of a particular beam, without identifying a direct detector installed on the territory of the organization.

Loop-type warning systems differ from beam-type devices in that the detectors are installed in one structured line (loop). Typically, such a design can include about fifty detectors.

The operation of this device is based on this principle - the signal is transmitted from the detector to the receiving station with a certain code. Installation of detectors in a loop occurs under different numbers, differing in their personal code. By recording the received code, the receiving station determines the location and number of a specific detector.

As for enterprises that deal with food products, their territories are equipped with detectors of differential and maximum action of thermal type, as well as detectors that respond to smoke and combined type of detectors (smoke + heat).

Selecting a device type

It is a well-known fact that a fire can go unnoticed for a long time. It can only manifest itself as sluggish smoldering or have a hidden heat source, which, in turn, will flare up for a long time because it will not have enough air.

This stage can last quite a long time, about several hours. In this regard, a device that notifies people about a fire only with an increase in temperature or the appearance of an open flame will be able to report a fire only when it is in full swing.

Based on this, we can draw the following conclusion that the most effective detector will be a device that reacts to smoke and gaseous combustion products.

It is worth paying attention that detectors that react to smoke respond faster than their counterparts that signal an increase in the temperature level.

Ionization sensors are used as warning devices for the occurrence of smoke. The ionizing substance in the chamber is plutonium, which produces alpha radiation. The operation of the sensor is based on changes in the electrical conductivity of gas accumulations that appear due to irradiation of a radioactive substance.

When ignition occurs, accompanied by smoke or its absence, even with the slightest release of heat, the properties of the atmosphere around us begin to change significantly, as ionization and a change in the composition of the gas occur. As a result of the described phenomenon, an ultra-sensitive DI type detector was produced.

This device is designed for long-term use and continuous operation at temperatures from −29 °C to +59 °C. The coverage of such a detector is 100 sq.m. It is irrational to install such devices in buildings whose atmosphere is saturated with alkalis and acids.

The most common representative of automated heat detectors is a thermal detector of the PTIM type (semiconductor heat detector of maximum action). If the temperature level in the room rises, the sensor responsible for the thermal resistance sharply reduces its action, which in turn leads to an increase in the voltage on the control electrode.

As soon as this voltage exceeds the permissible level, the ignition voltage begins to operate, that is, the detector is activated. Its impact area is 10 m2.

Based on the principle of the sensitive element used, automated detectors are divided into:

  • semiconductor;
  • bimetallic;
  • on thermocouples.

Detectors operating on the thermal operating principle are divided into the following types:

  • maximum-differential;
  • differential;
  • maximum.

ATIM are maximum type detectors. They begin to operate when the temperature in the building reaches its peak. These devices can be adjusted and configured to operate from +60 to +80 °C, regardless of the rate of temperature increase. The operating frequency of the device is up to 2 minutes. The coverage area is 15 sq.m.

Differential type of detectors show their activity during a period of rising temperature levels, which increases at a certain speed. For example, the TEDS device reacts within seven seconds to sharp fluctuations in temperature increases (30 degrees). The control area is 30 sq.m.

Maximum-differential detectors are activated when the temperature level in a certain room increases. The DMD detector responds after no more than 50 seconds. The covered control area is 25 sq.m.

In addition, thermal type detectors have one very significant drawback - the time from the start of activation and the giving of an alarm signal can be several minutes.

Today, combined models that react to heat and smoke are actively used.

The main component of a combined action detector is an electrometric thyratron; its operating principle is based on the interaction of two sensors: a heat controller and a device that responds to smoke.

Fire communications and alarms are organized to quickly and accurately receive fire messages, call additional forces in a timely manner, maintain contact with units on the way and at the site of the fire, communicate between units at the fire, transmit information to officials about the progress of fire extinguishing, for everyday operational communications between departments and officials.

The central fire communications point is connected to the city automatic telephone exchange (ATS) by special lines.

Fire alarm systems are used to detect and notify the location of a fire. A combined fire and security alarm system performs the functions of protecting objects from unauthorized persons and a fire alarm system.

The main elements of fire security and fire alarm systems: fire detectors, receiving stations, communication lines, power supplies, sound or light signaling devices (Fig. 15.2).

Based on the method of connecting detectors to the receiving station, a distinction is made between beam (radial) and loop (ring) systems (Fig. 15.3).

Rice. 15.2. Fire alarm installation diagram

Rice. 15.3 Diagram of electrical fire alarm systems:

A- radial (radial); b- loop (ring); 1 - detectors - sensors; 2 - receiving station; 3 - battery backup power supply; 4 - mains power supply; 5 - system for switching from one power supply to another; 6 - wiring

Fire detectors can be automatic or manual. Depending on the fire detector response parameter, they are: thermal, smoke, light, combined, ultrasonic and manual.

Heat detectors are triggered when the ambient temperature rises, smoke detectors - when smoke appears, light detectors - when there is an open fire, combined - when the temperature rises and smoke appears, ultrasonic - when the ultrasonic field changes under the influence of fire, manual - when turned on manually.

According to their design, fire detectors are of normal design, explosion-proof, spark-proof, and sealed. According to the principle of operation, they are divided into maximum, triggered at a certain value of the absolute value of the controlled parameter, and differential, reacting only to the rate of change of the parameter and triggered at a certain value.

Fire detectors are characterized by sensitivity, inertia, coverage area, noise immunity, and design.

Automatic fire detectors send signals based on various principles of electrical circuit closure (changes in the electrical conductivity of bodies, contact potential differences, ferromagnetic properties of materials, changes in the linear dimensions of solids, physical parameters of liquids, gases, etc.).

Differential action heat detectors of the DPS-OZ type operate on the principle of different increases in thermo-EMF in blackened and silvered layers of thermocouples. They are triggered by a rapid increase in temperature (at a speed of 30 o/s), have a calculated service area of ​​up to 30 m2 and can be used in explosive areas.

For signaling from manual and heat detectors, receiving stations of the TLO-30/2M type (alarm, beam, optical) with 30 beams are used with a radial connection scheme of detectors of the PIKL-7 type with the station.

The performance of multiple-action heat detectors is checked at least once a year with a portable heat source (150 W electric lamp with a reflector). The detector is operational if it is triggered no later than 3 minutes from the moment a heat source is brought to it.

Smoke detectors are divided into photoelectric and ionization. Photoelectric detectors (IDF-1M, DIP-1) operate on the principle of scattering thermal radiation by smoke particles. Ionization - use the effect of weakening the ionization of the air interelectrode gap by smoke.

For example, an SDPU-1 type smoke alarm fire alarm system is designed to detect smoke with the subsequent supply of light and sound signals and control of external electrical circuits of automatic fire extinguishing devices. It is designed for 10 beams of the electrical network with 10 detectors connected to each beam. The 220 V network is insured by power from a battery.

Combined heat and smoke detectors have a sensing element in the form of an ionization chamber (to respond to smoke) and thermistors (to respond to heat). Operation temperature 50-80 o C. Estimated service area 100 m 2.

Smoke and combination detectors are checked at least once a month using portable smoke and heat sources. The detector response time is no more than 10 s. They are installed in rooms free of dust, acid and alkali fumes.

Light detectors use the photoelectric effect to detect fire, i.e. conversion of light energy into electrical energy. In the rooms where such detectors are installed, there should be no sources of ultraviolet and radioactive radiation, open flames, working welding machines, etc. Light detectors are checked with the flame of a candle or match.

An ultrasonic detector (for example, Ficus-MP) is designed to spatially detect a fire and generate an alarm signal. Such detectors are inertia-free and serve a large area (up to 1000 m2), but are expensive and have the possibility of false alarms.

Thermal and light - in rooms with equipment and pipelines for pumping, production and storage of varnishes, paints, solvents, flammable liquids, flammable liquids, for testing internal combustion engines and fuel equipment, filling cylinders with flammable gases.

Smoke - in rooms for electronic computer equipment, electronic regulators, automatic telephone exchange control machines, radio equipment.

Thermal and smoke - installed in places where cables are laid, in rooms for transformers, distribution and switchboard devices of enterprises servicing automobiles, in which products made of wood, synthetic resins and fibers, polymeric materials, celluloid, rubber, textile materials, etc. are produced and stored. P.

Successfully fighting a fire depends on the rapid and accurate transmission of information about the fire and its location to the local fire brigade, which allows it to be quickly eliminated and the damage significantly reduced. To this day, in some remote areas of the countryside, bells or metal rails are used, as well as telephone communication. Sound fire alarm systems of an enterprise include a horn, siren, etc. Currently, electric and automatic sound fire alarm systems, as well as radio and telephone communications, are widely used.

The main elements of electrical and automatic fire alarms are: detectors (sensors) installed at sites; receiving stations that register the outbreak of a fire; linear structures connecting detectors with receiving stations. Receiving stations are located in the nearest special fire department premises or in 24-hour duty stations and ensure the reception of signals from detectors, their conversion into light and sound information, and, if necessary, the activation of automatic fire extinguishing equipment.

Electrical fire alarm (EFS) allows you to quickly and reliably issue an alarm signal, record the signal, and provides two-way wiring between detectors and the receiving station. Push-button detectors that operate when pressed by hand should be located in accessible places: lobbies, corridors, staircases, etc.

According to the switching schemes, the EPS is divided into beam and loop. In the beam scheme (Fig. 7.7, A) From the station to the detector there are rays consisting of two wires - forward and reverse. The beam system is used, usually in cases where there is a short line length or a telephone cable is used.

Receiving apparatus


Loop line

Rice. 7.7. Electrical fire alarm diagram: A- radial; b- loop

Loop alarm (Fig. 7.7, b) is a ring in which code detectors are connected in series, forming one common wire - a loop.

The most reliable and fastest fire notification system is the automatic fire alarm system APS, which, without human intervention, allows you to detect a fire and notify the receiving station about it. This system is used in fire-hazardous facilities (bases, warehouses, commercial enterprises). According to the method of perception of the primary impulse, automatic detectors are divided into thermal, light and combined (smoke and heat),

/ - barrel of water; 2 - fire buckets; 3 - fire hoses; 4 - fire extinguisher OP-5; 5 - hydraulic remote control bucket; 6 - carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-2; 7 - shovels; 8- sand box; 9 - hooks; 10- crowbars; 11 - fire axes

optical and ultrasonic, which are installed under the ceiling of rooms.

Heat detectors There are different models and are triggered under the influence of an increased heat source (convection or radiant) emanating from the source of the fire. In a thermal sensor, the sensitive element is bimetallic plates. At a temperature of 80 °C, the plate bends, opening the alarm circuit. The area controlled by one sensor is up to 15 m.

IN light detectors (photocells) use the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect. These detectors respond to the ultraviolet or infrared part of the spectrum from the radiation of an open flame. During fires, along with heat transfer, thermal conductivity and convection of the environment, thermal radiation occurs due to hot solid and gaseous substances.

Smoke detectors(detectors) are used to signal a fire danger when smoke appears in enclosed spaces.

They are ionization chambers and are triggered when there is an increased concentration of smoke in the room.

Combined detectors are a combination of smoke and heat sensors (ionization chamber and thermistors), which are triggered by increased smoke concentration or light flux.

Ultrasonic The sensors are designed to detect moving objects (oscillating flames) indoors. One such sensor monitors an area of ​​up to 1000 m.

To ensure trouble-free operation of detectors, it is necessary to monitor their good condition. Responsibility for organizing the operation and technical maintenance of fire alarm systems lies with the head of the enterprise.

Primary fire extinguishing means used to extinguish small fires before the arrival of fire brigades are located on special panels (Fig. 7.8), which should be located in convenient places for access: in the territory of the utility yard, in the understairs spaces and should not be cluttered with containers, garbage and other items.

They contain various tools (trenches) and fire extinguishing agents. Fire extinguishing agents and tools should be painted red, and the inscriptions about their ownership should be made with white paint.