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Which foods contain the most dietary fiber? Fiber-rich foods

If we compare our present century and past centuries, then life has changed greatly and dramatically. The rapid development of science and technology has made human life different from what our ancestors had. Yes, time does not stand still, but what has always been and will be relevant? That's right, health and beauty, and now the trend of self-care has become popular. And one of the frequently asked questions is what foods contain fiber, why is it indispensable for us? And if you came for answers, you will find them further; the article promises to be interesting.

We can talk endlessly about the benefits of vegetables, fruits and berries.

So, in recent years, many diseases have become very, so to speak, younger. Scientists are sounding the alarm; everywhere we hear that nutrition and stress can ruin our health. Haste has become a habitual way of life. The marketing plan for the promotion of semi-finished products, instant food and other “heat in the microwave for a couple of minutes and you’ll be full” products brought enormous profits to shopping centers. Well, what about our health? But it has weakened, because we would rather eat something harmful, just quickly, otherwise we have to run to work, it is better to buy instant porridge for children than to cook it with natural milk with our own hands or choose products with fiber for the intestines, and so on.

You understand perfectly well what we are talking about, because most of us live like this and think that it’s time to change something when alarm signals from the stomach, intestines, and the entire gastrointestinal tract have already begun. Well, what can we do, our mentality is “until thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself,” many will say. But life is priceless and alone, and time is an irreplaceable resource, so you need to choose food wisely, and most importantly, develop a good habit. Have you heard about coarse fibers in food? Something somewhere, it seems, but you can’t explain exactly what’s what? It's time to broaden your horizons and find out everything related to this issue, and at the same time look at the table at the end of the article, there is a list about fiber, which products contain it and how much.

What are coarse fibers or cellulose?

We know that plant foods are much healthier for our body than animal products. Our ancestors knew about this thousands of years ago, and traditional medicine healers have knowledge about this in our time. Plant foods can not only give us food, but also heal us from a number of diseases. Sometimes healers say that each illness has its own herb, and it grows next to the person. Nature gives us fruits and plants, they contain many different macro- and microelements, vitamins and, of course, fiber. What is it and how does it work?
Fibers in products of plant origin that have a hollow structure are what we are talking about today, that is, fiber. These fibers intertwine and form a certain mass, which is a necessary component for our body. This is the rough part in plant foods, and our body cannot digest it. Absorption takes a long time, after which these fibers are eliminated naturally. Products rich in fiber must be in our diet in the required quantities, otherwise the body will fail over the years.

There are two types of fiber:

  1. Soluble. These substances, when entering our body, take a lot of water, after which they become like jelly. These are pectin, resins, alginates.
  2. Insoluble. These fibers do not disintegrate and do not change their structure. They simply swell with moisture, like spongy material, and are then expelled from the body. These are lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose also belongs to insoluble fiber.

Why is this happening? By eating food every day, especially unhealthy, unhealthy food in large quantities, we do not fill the body with health. Yes, we satisfy the feeling of hunger and thirst, but the energy and benefits are minimal, and this is at best. More often, food for most people is toxins, waste, cholesterol and excess weight, fat deposits, clogged blood vessels and other negative consequences. Our stomach is simply not able to cope with such a diet for years, and as a result, illnesses begin. That’s why you need coarse fiber; you’ll find out what foods contain it below. But for now let’s talk about the consequences of the shortage.

What can happen to your health if you don’t have fiber products in your diet?

Let's start with the main thing for all of us - appearance. We may not notice pain in the side or discomfort in the stomach, but if the skin is covered with acne and inflammation, then this is a problem. This is a wrong approach, but still, if you are the kind of person for whom appearance always comes first, then you should think about the fact that all skin rashes, sallow color, acne and other troubles appear in those who have a “dirty” body. We hope you understand that dirty means polluted, filled with toxins, undigested food.

For information! By eating unhealthy and heavy food before going to bed, you do not allow the body to rest, it cannot cope with digestion, absorption is minimal, and large residues remain. Further, they are not excreted - the food rots, ferments, and gives off a foul odor inside, which can often be smelled from the mouth in the morning.

It’s an unpleasant situation, but it’s true, and yet it’s necessary to eat right so that nothing rots or ferments in your body. Fiber helps us with this; it removes these residues, removing them naturally. Then toxins will not come to the surface, strewing our face and body with ugly pimples and inflammations.

But that's not all. Stagnation of food leads to constipation, which, in turn, leads to an even more unpleasant problem - hemorrhoids. Again, the food remains in the body, and its intoxication begins. A person may feel sick, feel bad, the body does not feel energy, there is no strength. Against this background, our nervous system also suffers, because life productivity decreases both at work and simply at home. Appearance suffers, skin becomes dull. Of course, a person experiences stress against this background.

Attention! It won’t be enough to just start eating a lot of fiber if you still consume junk food, alcohol, and nicotine. You need to work on your health and appearance in a complex way - healthy food, sports, good moral and spiritual state.

Products containing fiber are also important for pregnant women. Their body must be clean, and it's not just about appearance. The child must develop in a favorable environment. Also, during pregnancy, problems in the intestines are often observed, and after childbirth, constipation and the same hemorrhoids are often added to this. The issue is delicate, but it needs to be talked about. The fiber contained in foods, in the right foods, will help you recover quickly and make your mother’s life easier, and her gastrointestinal condition will be good.

Of course, pathogenic microflora multiply in a polluted body, and this, as has long been known, causes various diseases, and the worst thing is oncology. Cholelithiasis, diabetes mellitus, increased gas formation, bloating, bad breath, and atherosclerosis can also often occur.

Important! You should not sharply increase your fiber intake; consistency and gradualness are needed here. Due to a sharp excess of fiber, diarrhea and other consequences may begin. The daily fiber intake per day is 20-30 grams, you can take a little more - up to 50 grams.

Fiber helps our health

By listing the harm we do to our bodies by not eating high-fiber foods, we've let you know the consequences, but that's not all that fiber in plant foods can do.

  • The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is improving.
  • Metabolism is normalized.
  • Fiber can help you lose weight, and nutritionists often prescribe foods containing it during a diet.
  • Struggling with hunger, a person eats less.
  • The level of sugar in the blood is normalized. It may also decrease.
  • Cleaning from harmful substances.
  • Normalization of peristalsis.
  • Cleansing lymph and blood from harmful cholesterol.
  • It prevents a number of diseases, including the cardiovascular system and oncology.
  • Improves external condition, fills with energy and vitality.

We hope you understand all the benefits of such irreplaceable and, at first glance, invisible components of plant foods for our health. Whether you are a man or a woman, vegetables, fruits and more should be a priority on your table. Read in the next section exactly which foods contain fiber; also below you will find a table that will show how much fiber is contained in what, and how much of this product you should eat. Remember that a minimum of 20 grams is needed per day.

How to make up for fiber deficiency or foods containing it

Dried fruits

This entire large group of products is very healthy; there is a lot of fiber. If you include dried raisins, prunes, dried apricots, figs and others in your diet, for example, adding a handful to your morning porridge, then your gastrointestinal tract will “thank you.” Dried fruits are of great benefit, in general, for the whole body, but remember that they contain a lot of calories and those who are losing weight do not need to get carried away with this delicacy.

Vegetables rich in fiber

Just like dried fruits, vegetables are rich in fiber. But the most useful here are greens, pumpkin, zucchini, lettuce, cucumbers and cabbage, carrots, and beets. Of course, there is fiber in potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, radishes, and the favorites are legumes. Tomatoes also contain fiber, you can find out the amount in the table below.

An important rule in eating food rich in plant fibers is good and repeated chewing. It is also worth noting that vegetables, as well as fruits, lose many useful components, including fiber, after heat treatment. Therefore, try to eat more fresh, raw products.


As for nuts, there is a lot of fiber, as well as other useful components. Nuts, like legumes, can replace meat for those who decide not to eat it. They are nutritious, tasty, and the record holders for fiber of plant origin are almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts.

Fruits rich in fiber

Most natural products, be it herbs or berries, mushrooms, vegetables and, of course, fruits, contain a storehouse of everything that is necessary and useful for us. For excellent digestion and intestinal cleansing, eat more grapes, raspberries, apples, pears, peaches and bananas. All of them contain fiber in varying quantities.

For information! People often wonder, what about juices? Are they also useful? The fact is that if the juices have been processed, then the fiber in them is no longer retained. It is also not found in milk or eggs. Food of animal origin does not contain plant fiber.


We all know about porridge from childhood. People who care about their diet, figure, and health know that it is necessary to eat cereals. And if we talk about fiber, it’s there too. Oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, barley are full of everything we need, but there is an important rule here too. Processed cereals, like vegetables, lose most of their benefits. The healthiest porridges are those made from whole grains.

In general, you understand that plant fiber is found in various types of foods. You should include vegetables and fruits, cereals in your diet, and snack not on unhealthy chips or sandwiches, but on nuts. By changing your diet, you will feel that you have more strength and energy, and you will no longer have the desire to consume something unhealthy, especially alcohol. Activity should also enter your life. All this is a matter of habit, whether they are harmful or useful, but they can be strengthened through daily repetition. Well, then look at the table of fiber content in various foods and fruits.

Fiber content in foods

Fiber, gr.Products in quantities of 100 gramsFiber, gr.



Fresh peas

Wheat bread made from 1st grade flour


Corn flour

Wheat flour 2 grades

Dried white mushrooms

Pasta made from 1st grade flour

Premium wheat flour

Buckwheat flour


Oat flour

Rye flour

Whole grain bread

Pine nuts


Oat bran

Sweet corn

Wheat bran

Canned corn

Rice cereal

Wheat bread made from wallpaper flour

Fresh mushrooms

Premium flour pasta

Wheat flour 1st grade



Barley grits

Bread made from premium flour

Products in quantities of 100 gramsFiber, gr.Products in quantities of 100 gramsFiber, gr.





Sea ​​buckthorn


Bulgarian pepper

There are a large number of ways to lose weight - you can count calories, carbohydrates or weigh your food.

All these and many other methods work for some people and are absolutely useless for others.

It doesn't matter which way you choose to cut your total calorie intake, because almost everyone who wants to lose weight forgets about one very important component of plant-based foods: fiber.

Fiber is a type of plant carbohydrate that the human body is not able to digest due to a lack of enzymes, but can satisfy hunger for a long time with a minimum amount of calories.

Crude fiber is food for bacteria living in the intestines, it helps move food through the gastrointestinal tract, maintains cardiovascular health and stable sugar levels by slowing the absorption of sugar after meals.

If you're looking for an easy way to lose weight and improve your health, fiber can help. There are a lot of studies that prove this from a scientific point of view:

In one study, two groups of subjects were asked to test the effectiveness of two diet options. The first group was given a simple high-fiber diet, with a goal of 30 grams of fiber per day.

The second group had a more complex diet, including plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish and lean protein and no salt, sugar, alcohol and fat.

Despite the different diets, each group of subjects lost almost the same amount of kilograms (to be precise, the second group lost 2 kg more) by consuming the same amount of fiber each day (about 19 g). Subjects in both groups managed to maintain their weight gain for approximately 12 months.

The conclusion that follows is that different diets do not particularly affect overall body weight, so why complicate your life with various diet options if you can simply include fiber-rich foods in your usual nutrition plan.

How much fiber should you eat every day?

Fruits, fibrous vegetables, legumes and whole grains contain high amounts of fiber. But if you have problems achieving your daily fiber requirement, then you can resort to the help of various ready-made supplements in powder form. Fiber powder can easily be added to your morning smoothie or protein shake.

These supplements are an excellent source of dietary fiber and are designed specifically to help support the proper functioning of your digestive system on a regular basis.

In the meantime, we've gone straight to those foods that contain the most fiber. Here's our list of the top 14 in descending order of fiber they contain.

14 fiber-rich foods that help you lose weight

1. Cereal flakes

3/4 cup, 81 calories, 14.3 grams fiber

Just half a cup of cereal contains a huge amount of fiber and can be a great breakfast option.

Add a few spoons of Greek or regular yogurt, garnish with fresh berries and start your day healthy.

Don't forget that cereal flakes are a processed food, so alternate them with more organic foods such as sprouted grains, for example.

2. Chia seeds

28 grams, 138 calories, 9.8 grams fiber

This superfood has become very popular over the past few years, and for good reason. Chia seeds contain calcium, potassium and phosphorus plus all 9 essential amino acids, including the one not produced by the human body. All these nutrients are essential for muscle development.

They can be easily added to smoothies, yogurts, oatmeal, salads and many other dishes. You can even make chia seed pudding.

3. Dark blue, small white and yellow beans

1/2 cup, 127 calories, 9.2-9.6 grams fiber

Of course, there are a lot of calories, but they contain even more fiber and even protein.

All of these beans can be added to roast turkey or chicken as a side dish or used as a main dish with chili and garlic sauce.

4. Green beans

These beans have a more delicate taste, they are thinner and have small peas inside.

Serve it steamed, seasoned with lemon zest and juice and a pinch of sea salt, or fried with ginger, honey and garlic.

5. Raspberries

1 cup, 64 calories, 8 grams fiber

It's a sweet, juicy and delicious way to get more fiber from foods into your diet. Fiber is found in raspberry seeds, which often get stuck in your teeth and cause a lot of discomfort, but it's worth it.

It is delicious fresh, also in the form of jam, and can be added to various dishes and desserts, including porridge, ice cream, pudding, pies, cocktails, etc.

6. Lentils, cooked

1/2 cup, 115 calories, 8 grams fiber

Lentils are high in fiber, easy to cook and can be added to soups and salads. In half a glass of lentils you will also find 9 grams of protein as a nice bonus.

7. Chickpeas

1/2 cup, 176 calories, 8 grams fiber

These beige peas are very popular as a snack. They can be fried or baked until crunchy with sea salt and eaten instead of French fries, pretzels or crackers.

8. Blackberry

1 cup, 127 calories, 8 grams fiber

Blackberries are rich in potassium, vitamin A, calcium and vitamin K, and contain little sugar (only 7 grams per cup). You can add it to smoothies, garnish delicious desserts, mix it with plain yogurt, or simply eat it fresh.

9. Hyacinth beans

1/2 cup, 114 calories, 8 grams fiber

These low-calorie black beans are versatile and rich in protein. They can be served with chicken and added to a variety of salads.

10. Burgul, cooked

1 cup, 142 calories, 8 grams fiber

If you have never used burgul in cooking, it's time to try it. It may become one of your favorite ingredients. A bit like couscous, but faster to prepare. 1 glass, which can satisfy hunger for a long time, contains less than 200 calories.

Add baked, grilled or raw vegetables plus a teaspoon of olive oil and lemon or lime juice for a snack you can take to work.

These nutritious whole grains can be eaten as porridge, added to salads, or used as a side dish.

11. Artichokes, cooked

1/2 cup, 45 calories, 7 grams fiber

A medium-sized artichoke is a great side dish, and any side dish with 7 grams of fiber is a must-have in your diet. Instead of melted butter, which is often served with artichokes, use balsamic vinegar or Greek yogurt mixed with lemon juice and garlic when serving.

To prepare artichoke dishes year-round, use this plant in frozen or canned form.

12. Flax seeds

2 tbsp, 110 calories, 5.6 grams fiber

Ground flax seeds are a great way to add more fiber to almost any dish. These seeds contain large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Adding 2 tbsp. In a smoothie, granola or baking flour, the dish will add as much as 6 grams of fiber.

Ground flax seeds add a complex, nutty flavor to the dish. You can also make a crispy chicken coating.

13. Pears

1 medium, 101 calories, 5.5 grams fiber

Next time you decide to eat a juicy pear, don't cut off the skin! Most of the fiber in fruits is contained in their peel; cutting off the peel means you lose what is most valuable.

Pears can be eaten fresh, added to fruit salads, pies, desserts and cereals.

14. Avocado

1/2 cup, 120 calories, 5 grams fiber

This magical fruit is very healthy and contains fiber. It can be used instead of mayonnaise in many salads, make various sandwiches, cocktails, sauces, bake, fry and even eat raw.

Avocado is not exactly a cheap fruit, but it is sold in great abundance on store shelves. You need to know where and how to choose the right fruits when purchasing, how to cut them when preparing dishes and store leftovers. (Do not wrap in cling film under any circumstances).

How to start eating more fiber

Before you empty store shelves in search of magical weight loss products, it is worth knowing that you do not need to introduce a lot of fiber into your diet at once, as this can cause some difficulties not only for you, but also for the people around you.

To make the transition to a high-fiber diet easier, start by determining how much fiber your gut is accustomed to receiving each day over several days, recording the results in grams. A spreadsheet can be an extremely useful way to do this.

After this, add 3-5 grams of fiber every 2-3 days and watch your body’s reaction. Do this until you reach the recommended daily intake.

Here's what that 3-5 grams of fiber looks like in nutritional equivalents:

  • 1 small apple with peel: 3 grams;
  • 1 cup strawberries: 3 grams;
  • 1 medium banana: 3 grams;
  • ½ cup whole wheat pasta: 3 grams;
  • 1 whole wheat muffin: 3 grams;
  • ¾ cup cereal flakes: 5 grams;
  • 1 cup boiled oatmeal: 4 grams;
  • 1 slice of whole grain bread: 3 grams;
  • ¼ cup cooked lentils: 4 grams;
  • ¼ cup cooked hyacinth beans: 3.75 grams;
  • 28 grams of almonds: 3.5 grams;
  • ½ cup cooked peas: 4 grams;
  • 1 small potato with skin: 4 grams;
  • 1 cup roasted Brussels sprouts: 4 grams;
  • 1 cup broccoli: 5 grams;
  • 2 tbsp. crispy chickpeas: 4 grams.

If you want to lose weight by eating more fiber, then you need to eat the foods listed in this article instead of the ones you eat every day. Because the process of losing weight comes down to consuming fewer calories.

Here are some more tips to help minimize side effects while increasing your fiber intake:

  1. Soak dry pulses and boil them well. This helps break down some of the gas-causing sugars called oligosaccharides and also prevents constipation.
  2. Avoid other gas-causing foods: carbonated drinks, protein bars, sugary alcoholic drinks, candy.
  3. Drink more water. This is necessary to dissolve and move fiber through the intestines, which also helps get rid of excess gas and bloating.

Once you've established your diet and are getting the recommended amount of fiber in your diet, try all of the high-fiber foods listed above.

They will help satisfy your hunger, despite the fact that to satiate you only need a small portion with a minimum of calories. So enjoy losing weight and get maximum health benefits from fiber.

Products containing fiber have a beneficial effect on health, for the reason that the intestinal microflora directly depends on them. Many people ask the question: “What foods have fiber?” This is exactly what we will tell you about in this article.

Fiber is fiber that is present in plants, namely roots, stems, tubers, fruits, leaves. Currently, there are two types of fiber, namely soluble and insoluble. The first group includes resins and pectins of plant origin. Foods that contain fiber are oatmeal, bread (black), legumes, the vast majority of vegetables and fruits.

The second type includes lignin, cellulose, and hemicellulose.

It is found in nuts, grains, and bran. Some foods contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. For example, the skin of an apple contains cellulose, and its pulp contains pectin.

By consuming foods containing fiber we get:

Improved digestion;

Prevention of various heart diseases, since fiber reduces cholesterol levels;

Prevention of cancer;

Decrease in blood sugar concentration;

Getting rid of unnecessary kilograms.

The most beneficial dietary fiber is found in natural foods. But processed foods and containing additives such as polydextrose, inulin or maltodextrin are not healthy and should be avoided.

Foods containing fiber

Now you will find out which foods contain fiber. Food products contain large amounts of fiber - whole grains, such as buckwheat, oatmeal. Then come fruits, berries, nuts, for example, grapes, apples, blackberries, pears, peaches, plums, watermelon, dates, pistachios, figs.

In addition, foods that contain fiber are vegetables. Peas, lettuce, carrots, beets, cabbage, beans, broccoli, potatoes, and radishes are especially rich in it.

When fiber enters the gastrointestinal tract, it begins to absorb all the unnecessary and harmful substances that are present in the human intestines. If people paid more attention to fiber, then many digestive problems could be solved without using specialized medications, which, in addition to their beneficial effects, also have side effects, leaching vitamins, calcium, and other valuable minerals from the body .

The uniqueness of dietary fiber lies in the fact that they contain such an important microelement as silicon. Thanks to its valuable properties, silicon creates charged particles that can stick to themselves viruses and microorganisms that are harmful to a healthy person.

Fiber is important for humans because it successfully copes with attracting and removing heavy metals, as well as radionuclides, from the body. It also successfully lowers the concentration of cholesterol in the blood plasma, preventing the occurrence of blood clots.

In addition, fiber stimulates intestinal motility well and also normalizes its microflora. Dietary fiber lowers blood pressure, normalizes insulin and glucose levels, and also accumulates water, which in turn provides a feeling of satiety.

In order to have a sufficient amount of fiber in a person’s diet, one should know which foods contain fiber. It should be introduced into the diet gradually to prevent side effects. Experts strongly It is recommended to take approximately 20-30 grams of fiber daily. A prerequisite is to drink enough water.

Foods that contain fiber should be eaten without cooking. Juices, for example, do not contain fiber, but fresh fruits have a lot of it. You should also eat more foods of plant origin, include seeds, legumes, dried fruits, nuts, bran bread, and cereals in your diet. You also need to remember that milk, fats, cheese, sugar, fish, and meat do not contain fiber.

Fiber content in foods
Name Quantity Fiber (grams)
Apples with skin 1 average 5,0
Apricot 3 medium 0,98
Apricots, dried 5 parts 2,89
Banana 1 medium 3,92
Blueberry 1 cup 4,18
Cantaloupe, cubes 1 cup 1,28
Dried dates 2 medium 3,74
Grapefruit 1/2 medium 6,12
Orange 1 medium 3,4
Peach 1 medium 2,0
Peaches, dried 3 parts 3,18
Pear 1 medium 5,08
Plum 1 medium 1,0
Raisin 1.5 ounces 1,6
Raspberries 1 cup 8,34
Strawberry 1 cup 3,98
Avocado (fruit) 1 medium 11,84
Beets, cooked 1 cup 2,85
Beet leaves 1 cup 4,2
Bok choy, cooked 1 cup 2,76
Broccoli, cooked 1 cup 4,5
Brussels sprouts 1 cup 2,84
Cabbage, cooked 1 cup 4,2
Carrot 1 medium 2,0
Carrots, cooked 1 cup 5,22
Cauliflower, cooked 1 cup 3,43
Slaw 1 cup 4,0
Sweet corn 1 cup 4,66
Green bean 1 cup 3,95
Celery 1 stem 1,02
Collard greens, cooked 1 cup 7,2
Fresh onions 1 cup 2,88
Peas, cooked 1 cup 8,84
Bell pepper 1 cup 2,62
Popcorn 3 cups 3,6
Potatoes baked in their jackets 1 medium 4,8
Spinach, cooked 1 cup 4,32
Pumpkin, cooked 1 cup 2,52
Sweet potatoes, boiled 1 cup 5,94
Chard, cooked 1 cup 3,68
Tomato 1 medium 1,0
Large-fruited pumpkin, cooked 1 cup 5,74
Zucchini, cooked 1 cup 2,63
Cereals, grains, pasta
Bran bread 1 cup 19,94
Whole wheat bread 1 slice 2,0
Oats 1 cup 12,0
Whole grain pasta 1 cup 6,34
Cinnamon rice 1 cup 7,98
Legumes, nuts, seeds
Almond 1 oz (28.35 g) 4,22
Black beans, cooked 1 cup 14,92
Cashew nuts 1 oz (28.35 g) 1,0
Flax seeds 3 spoons 6,97
Chickpea fruits (beans), cooked 1 cup 5,8
Beans, cooked 1 cup 13,33
Lentils, cooked 1 cup 15,64
Lima beans, cooked 1 cup 13,16
Peanut 1 oz (28.35 g) 2,3
Pistachios 1 oz (28.35 g) 3,1
Pumpkin seeds 1/4 cup 4,12
Soybeans, cooked 1 cup 7,62
Seeds 1/4 cup 3,0
Walnuts 1 oz (28.35 g) 3,1

Nutritionists and adherents of a healthy lifestyle constantly talk about the benefits of fiber - dietary fiber contained in foods of plant origin.

And this is not surprising - with its help you can easily maintain normal intestinal microflora.

Fiber itself is practically not digested in the gastrointestinal tract and does not contain vitamins, which theoretically makes it useless.

But at the same time, hard fibers are necessary for well-being, digestion and intestinal function.

We understand foods rich in fiber, how it works, and make a list of must-have dishes to include in the menu.

Fiber-rich foods - benefits and contraindications

Why doesn't our body want/can't digest fiber?

The answer is simple: it will take a lot of time to process the rough parts of plants, but their transit through the body ensures cleansing of food waste, waste and toxins, and the presence of carbohydrates is necessary for a feeling of fullness.

Unlike food, which goes through a long process of digestion, fiber is excreted in its original form, however, it can be soluble and insoluble.

What does this mean: in a healthy intestine with balanced microflora, bacteria live that can destroy hard dietary fiber.

With their help, soluble compounds are formed in the large intestine. They take on a jelly-like state and are partially absorbed.

Fiber is found in vegetables and fruits

The degree of solubility can be determined by the peel of the fruit - the thinner and softer it is, the more the fibers are broken down.

The soluble group consists of resins, alginates, and pectins. Insoluble - cellulose, lignin, hemicellulose.

8 beneficial properties of fiber:

  1. Restores proper functioning and activates intestinal motility - the diet is prescribed for hemorrhoids and constipation
  2. Stimulates weight loss - thanks to high satiety, the feeling of hunger recedes, portions are reduced in size
  3. Reduces blood sugar and controls cholesterol levels - indicated for diabetes of all types, for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases
  4. Cleanses the lymphatic system
  5. Removes toxins, waste, unnecessary fats, stomach and intestinal mucus, is a natural absorbent
  6. Strengthens muscle fibers
  7. Prevents cancer, including rectal cancer
  8. Minimizes putrefactive processes

Of course, some foods rich in fiber have a number of contraindications, and if consumed in excess, can cause bloating and impaired absorption of other nutrients.

Ballast dietary fiber swells in the intestines and, like a sponge, absorbs excess moisture

These include:

  1. Apples
  2. Grapefruits
  3. Tomatoes
  4. Strawberry
  5. Cabbage
  6. Cereals
  7. Bran

You should be careful when enriching your diet with them in case of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the intestines and stomach, acute infectious diseases, and problems with blood circulation.

Foods rich in fiber and dietary fiber - table with descriptions

Porridges contain a lot of hard dietary fiber

Fiber is a food of plant origin.

Vegetables, fruits, cereals, bran, dried fruits, legumes, wholemeal bread - fiber is concentrated in seeds, stems, peel.

In fruits the mass reaches 2%, in berries - 3-5%, in mushrooms - 2%. Seeds contain a large amount of insoluble fiber.

Soluble - berries, oat bran and leafy vegetables.

A balanced diet based on this completely covers the daily requirement for dietary fiber without additional additives.

Tip: 25 g is exactly how much insoluble fiber a person needs daily to maintain intestinal health.

The list below contains foods that contain the most dietary fiber.

It is important to remember that when cooked, vegetables lose fiber, which is why it is better to eat them “live”.

Choose brown rice

Seeds- flax, pumpkin, sunflower, sesame

Bread made from whole grain flour, coarsely ground, with bran

Bread from cereals and cereals

Give up unhealthy sweets in favor of dried fruits

Nuts- almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, cashews, pistachios, peanuts

Cereals- pearl barley, buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat

Rice- peeled, unrefined, brown

All instant porridges that do not require cooking do not contain coarse dietary fiber. Although they are convenient to prepare, they are useless for health.

Dried fruits- dates, raisins, dried apricots

Vegetables without heat treatment - asparagus, spinach, broccoli, white cabbage, carrots, radishes, cucumbers, potatoes, beets, tomatoes, pumpkin

Give preference to wholemeal and bran bread

Berries and fruits- black currants, raspberries, strawberries, bananas, apricots, peaches, apples, pears, grapes

But dairy products and all their derivatives, alas, do not contain fiber.

It is not found in premium flour, oils or freshly squeezed juices. To enrich the latter with dietary fiber, you should give preference to smoothies.

Vegetables and fruits should not be peeled - the peels of apples and pears contain the largest amount of fiber. This does not apply to avocados.

We also clean imported apples - during long-term transportation of fruits, the peel is always treated with chemical compounds that are a priori not useful.

Particular attention should be paid to bran

Tip: In vegetables, fiber is concentrated in different parts. In carrots, for example, in the core, and in beets - in the rings inside.

Separately, it is worth mentioning bran.

All of them - rice, corn, wheat, barley, oatmeal and rye - not only contain a huge amount of dietary fiber, but are also a natural absorbent.

They contain vitamins B, E, nicotinic acid, zinc, chromium, magnesium, selenium and a number of other useful microelements.

You can buy them at a pharmacy or health food department. The optimal dose for cleansing the intestines is one tablespoon three times a day.

If at the same time you take medications as prescribed by a doctor, at least six hours should pass after taking bran, since they have the ability to actively remove all foreign elements.

Diet bread

Fiber can also be purchased in the form of preparations containing both types of fiber.

Its regular intake quickly replenishes the deficiency of ballast substances, however, nutritionists recommend resorting to this method as a last resort and limiting yourself to a properly structured menu.

Fiber-rich foods - list and rules for reasonable weight loss

Eat nuts in small quantities

Inspired by inspiring information about the ability of fiber to swell in the stomach and remove all harmful substances, many girls begin to mindlessly abuse a diet based on dietary fiber.

It, without a doubt, works, but if the norm increases to more than 40 g per day, it can seriously harm your well-being.

Along with the bran, beneficial substances and vitamins will begin to be excreted, and they will be accompanied by bloating and increased gas formation.

Add seeds to salads

To prevent this from happening, American Dietetic Association Health nutrition specialist Julia Upton has developed a number of simple rules:

  1. 16-20 g of fiber daily provides 800 g of vegetables and fruits with peel
  2. Porridge made from barley, brown rice, buckwheat and oatmeal will bring another 5-7 grams
  3. 5-6 grams contain 100 g of wholemeal bread
  4. Twice a week, diversify the menu with lentils, peas and beans
  5. Don't eat confectionery sugar, replace unhealthy treats with dried fruits
  6. Small snacks should consist of nuts and seeds
  7. Eat steamed bran - 6 tablespoons per day

Tip: for better digestion of food, leave fruits for the first half of the day and give up the bad habit of washing down your food with water.

It is important to remember that a quarter of the daily menu for weight loss should consist of fresh salads.

Another quarter is fruits, a quarter is cooked vegetables, a tenth is legumes and cereals, the same amount is fermented milk, milk and nuts, and a twentieth is vegetable fats.

The basis of losing weight on fiber is fresh salads

By losing weight in this way, you can actually lose from two to four kilograms in a month with the help of a competent diet alone.

To make the process smooth and painless, create a menu based on foods rich not only in fiber, but also in vegetable proteins and fats.

Prepare a wider variety of dishes based on:

  1. Beans, soy, brown rice and chickpeas
  2. Add pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, cashews and hazelnuts to fresh salads
  3. Fortify yourself with spinach and avocado
  4. Don't forget Brussels sprouts, artichokes and broccoli
  5. Within reason, indulge yourself with bananas, raspberries, pears, apples

Quinoa seeds are also rich in the benefits listed above - they are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, calcium, zinc, magnesium and iron.

They are used to prepare porridges, grind them into flour and bake bread. Quinoa has practically no taste, so you can’t do without spices.

Choose smoothies instead of juices

The benefits of fiber for hemorrhoids

Eating foods rich in fiber (see the section above for a complete list) is especially important for hemorrhoids.

Hard dietary fiber, like a sponge, absorbs large amounts of moisture and softens stool, facilitating its passage through the rectum without irritating the mucous membrane.

The basis of the diet should be fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, bananas, dried apricots, prunes and 60 grams of bran daily.

We still peel the avocado

You should adhere to the following nutritional rules:

  1. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions
  2. Give preference to buckwheat, barley, pearl barley and oatmeal porridge
  3. Choose bread from wholemeal, bran and black flour
  4. Avoid baked goods and pasta
  5. Choose the right vegetables: beets, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, raw, stewed and steamed carrots
  6. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day
  7. Limit tea, coffee, alcohol

Steam vegetables

Fiber-rich foods - list of foods allowed during pregnancy

Hard dietary fiber in the diet of expectant and young mothers is an effective prevention of constipation and obesity.

Daily consumption rate is 28-30 grams. This is enough for regular bowel movements and maintaining stable sugar levels.

  1. Focus on fresh vegetables and fruits; do not peel apples, pears, or peaches
  2. Choose whole grain bread
  3. Eat wheat, rye and rice bran
  4. Prepare lentil and pea dishes

But during feeding, it is better to avoid too coarse fiber and products containing it:

  1. Beans
  2. Dill
  3. Sweet pepper
  4. Broccoli
  5. Brown rice
  6. Corn
  7. Beans
  8. Coarse flour

Cook porridge in water

Instead, eat:

  1. Porridge on the water
  2. Beetroot
  3. Prunes
  4. Pears
  5. Plums
  6. Hulled rice
  7. Potato

And be sure to monitor your baby’s reaction to your diet - the quality of mother’s milk directly depends on it.

You will find more information about the importance of fiber for weight loss in the video below:

Dietary fiber is almost not subject to breakdown when passing through the gastrointestinal tract, but is utilized by the intestinal microflora. Fiber, by adsorbing water, increases the volume of feces, due to which they move faster through the intestines, which, in turn, reduces the risk of constipation and normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. By moving waste quickly, it is believed that colon cancer is less likely to occur. In addition, let us remind you that despite the fact that fiber contains a very small amount of calories, it is voluminous, and this gives a feeling of fullness and helps to reduce the total amount of food consumed and control your weight. In addition, fiber reduces cholesterol and insulin levels in the blood.
Doctors from the American Dietetic Association recommend eating 25-35 grams of fiber daily to prevent chronic diseases. To analyze your diet and create a healthy menu, you need to consider the fiber content of each food product. Information about its quantity can sometimes, although quite rarely, be gleaned from the information labels on the products you buy in the store, as well as from the table below.

Fiber content in foods

Products (100 g) Content, g
Fresh apricots 2,0
Cherry plum 0,5
Oranges (Valencia variety) 2,5
Watermelon 0,5
Eggplant 1,3
Bananas 2,6
Grape 3,9
Cherry 1,6
Green peas 6
Grapefruit 2,5
Dried mushrooms 20
Boiled white mushrooms 2,0
Pears 3,1
Melon 0,9
Blackberry 5,3
Marshmallow 1
Figs (fresh) 2,9
Figs (dried) 9,8
Zucchini 0,3
White cabbage 2,8
Potatoes (boiled, without skin) 1,8
Buckwheat porridge 2,7
Semolina porridge 0,8
Oatmeal porridge 1,9
Wheat porridge 1,7
Pearl barley porridge 2,5
Barley porridge 3,8
Cranberry 4,6
Gooseberry 4,5
Dried apricots 7,3
Lemons (without peel) 2,8
Raspberries 6,5
Tangerines 1,8
Pasta (boiled) 1,8
Almond 12,2
Carrot 2,8
Sea ​​buckthorn 4,7
Oat bran (cooked) 2,6
Oat bran (raw) 15,4
cucumbers 0,7
Hazelnuts, hazelnuts (dried) 9,4
Walnut 6,7
Paste 0,4
Sweet green pepper 1,7
Sweet red pepper 2,1
Peaches 1,5
Parsley (greens) 1,5
Wheat bran 43
Millet (cooked) 1,3
Radish 1,6
Turnip 1,6
Brown rice (cooked) 1,8
White rice, long lake (cooked) 0,4
White rice, medium grain (cooked) 0,3
Wild rice (cooked) 1,8
Rowan chokeberry 2,7
Lettuce 1,3
Beetroot (boiled) 2,8
Plum 1,4
Tomatoes 1,2
Pumpkin 1,2
Dill 3,5
Baked beans 5,5
Green beans 2,5
Dates 3,6
Halva 0,6
Protein-bran bread 2,1
Protein-wheat bread 0,6
Bran bread 2,2
Wheat bread 0,2
Rye bread 1,1
Horseradish 2,8
Cherries 3
Black currant 2.1
Blueberry 2,4
Spinach 2,2
Apples 2,4

Take note

  • The so-called “Dry bread” made from whole grains, which are now on sale everywhere, is a very healthy dietary product. In addition to proteins and minerals, bread rolls contain large quantities of ballast fibers. To satisfy the body's daily need for coarse fiber, you need to eat only 150 grams of dry bread. The same amount of fiber is found in 6 loaves of rye bread.
  • Bread made from unrefined grains is especially rich in fiber.
  • White bread has on average three times less fiber than bran bread.
  • Regarding rye bread: the darker the loaf, the less refined the flour and the healthier the bread.
  • Instead of drinking juice, try eating the whole fruit. It is known that vapel, for example, contains 6 times more fiber than a glass of orange juice.

! Be careful!

Despite the fact that peeled fruits and vegetables contain more fiber compared to peeled ones, it is still recommended to remove the peel from apples, pears, cucumbers, etc., after washing them first. before you eat. Especially if the fruits and vegetables were bought in a store and not grown in your garden. The fact is that the peel can accumulate various harmful substances, if any were used in their cultivation. In addition, the surface of “store-bought” vegetables can be treated with paraffin, and fruits with diphenin (the strongest allergen) - this is done to better preserve the products during transportation and long-term storage. In any case, wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly using a stiff brush

Fiber, soluble and insoluble

There are two forms of fiber: soluble (in water) and insoluble. Soluble is broken down by bacteria of the gastrointestinal tract, forming, in addition to gases, physiologically active substances that, partially entering the blood, help reduce the level of glucose and “bad” cholesterol in it. It is found in large quantities in leafy vegetables, fruits, barley and oat bran.
Insoluble fiber absorbs liquid, increasing the volume of stool, and thereby contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and prevents constipation. It can be found in beans and unrefined grains, such as brown rice, bran flour, and whole wheat grains.
Obviously, both types of dietary fiber are needed for health. Therefore, for an optimal ratio of soluble to insoluble fiber, include a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes in your diet.

Dietary Fiber Recommendations and Some Cautions

When eating foods rich in plant fiber, you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of water per day. The fact is that without water, food cellulose simply loses its adsorbing function.
Try to increase your fiber intake gradually until you reach the recommended daily intake. Along with this, gradually increase the amount of water you drink to 2-2.5 liters
A sudden transition to increased consumption of vegetables and fruits can cause flatulence and diarrhea.
For patients with colitis, ulcers, or proctitis, it is better to limit the consumption of foods high in plant fiber.
Prunes, beets and carrots are especially useful for constipation. However, people suffering from spastic constipation are better off eating vegetables and fruits pureed or pureed.
Remember that dietary fiber can increase bloating. People with a tendency to flatulence should exclude foods such as cabbage, spinach, sorrel, and legumes from their diet.

When compiling the table, data from the USDA National Nutrient Database website (http://ndb.nal.usda.gov/) was used.