home · Installation · Options for the design and decoration of wooden stairs in the interior of the house. How to make a wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands Wooden staircase to your home

Options for the design and decoration of wooden stairs in the interior of the house. How to make a wooden staircase to the second floor with your own hands Wooden staircase to your home

In any building with a height greater than a floor, a staircase is installed. This design requires a detailed calculation of all its components, the ability to work with plumbing and carpentry tools, and some design skills. After studying this instruction, you will learn how to design and make a wooden staircase with your own hands.

A wooden staircase for a private house most often consists of one or several flights (flights), which are located between floors or intermediate platforms.

The design of a flight of stairs is a combination of various components with different functional purposes:

  • Kosour. It is a load-bearing beam made of wood with a sawn comb. Risers with steps are fixed to it, so the part must be durable.
  • Bowstring. In some cases, it becomes an alternative to a stringer, performing load-bearing functions (especially if one side of the structure is adjacent to the wall). Before installation, the string must be marked in detail so that the steps are located at a horizontal level.

  • Step. The main element of any staircase, which is attached to one of the supporting beams. In addition to the usual ones, there are winder and radius steps. The winder elements have a non-standard shape and are mounted at the starting point of the march. Radius steps have a curved leading edge and can be semi-circular, wavy or with rounded corners.
  • Riser. The part is optional, but it provides the staircase with high strength by supporting the step in the center. A spacer bushing is used to secure the riser. A radius type is installed under semicircular steps, and a curved version is mounted under the corresponding steps or under the landing between flights of stairs.
  • Pillars for support. They are placed at the starting and ending points of the stairs, as well as along the edges of the inter-flight platforms. The elements increase the strength of the fence and serve as support for the handrails.
  • Balusters. These are supporting posts for handrails, from which side railings are formed, and can have different configurations.
  • Handrails. They are a required part. They rest on balusters and support posts. The main requirement for the element is a smooth surface.
  • Distance sleeve. Such a stand is required for any structure with several flights (even when using stringers).

When choosing a staircase structure, the main factor is the size of the area required for its construction. In second place is the convenience and comfort of ascent and descent. Here you need to take into account the frequency of use, the presence of children and elderly people in the house.

Aesthetics is also an important criterion. The staircase should be combined with the interior of the room. In addition, it is necessary to take into account material possibilities: the production of wooden stairs with a complex configuration requires more time and financial costs than options that are simpler in form and execution.


Are the most popular. They got their name thanks to marches (flights) - a group of united steps. The staircase may have one or more flights.

There are straight structures (single-flight and double-flight, with a rest area). They can be free-standing or placed near the wall. But straight models require a lot of space, so in order to save useful space, two-flight options are provided with a rotation at an angle from 90 to 180 degrees.

The flight has a curved shape with an optimal angle of elevation, then rotary steps are used, which are also available in structures with two and three flights without platforms.

The most popular types of wooden stairs for a country residential building are:

  1. Ordinary one-march ones. They have a simple design with a span in the center of the room or near the wall - the most durable with reliable support.
  2. Curvilinear single-flight. Installed in large rooms to emphasize spaciousness. They are distinguished by a smooth turn and steps widened on the outside.
  3. Marching with lower turning steps. Sometimes this option is provided for by the layout of the room and can support the chosen architectural style.
  4. A simple 2-flight system. A staircase with two flights and an interfloor turning platform can be mounted above the door and save space.
  5. 2-flight L-shaped design. It is located in a rectangular opening along perpendicular walls and saves space.
  6. 2-flight U-shaped staircase with an upper platform and turning steps. The design is installed in luxury mansions with a large hall.
  7. 3-flight system with two platforms. This type of staircase saves space, but requires a significant ceiling height.

To select a specific configuration, you must correctly calculate and measure the free area for installation and draw up a drawing. A detailed guide on how to do this will be below.


Screw-type structures are used less frequently, as a rule, with limited space or for aesthetic reasons by the owner of a private house. They are not as convenient as marching ones, and it is difficult to transport furniture on them. To install the ladder, you will need to perform complex calculations, since with a small error it may lose its functionality.

Spiral staircases sometimes serve simply a decorative function, especially with a fence made of artistic forging. The installation of such options is possible in almost any room, because they take up less space than rotating designs. The following types are distinguished:

  • with cantilever pinching of steps on the internal pillar;
  • with steps supported on the internal pillar and perimeter walls;
  • with cantilever support of steps on the casing pipe;
  • with support on the fence and bent bowstrings.

Spiral staircases save space

Types of structures

Before making a wooden staircase, you should choose the best design option for your room.

The following popular types of structures exist:

The simplest is a straight staircase, which ensures linear movement along the flight.

Let's look at making a wooden staircase with your own hands with clear step-by-step instructions in more detail. The process includes two main stages: design and installation.

Calculations of staircase dimensions

Before you start designing, you need to make accurate calculations, draw a diagram and put all the data on it. If you are not sure of the correctness of the calculations, then it is better to entrust the work to professionals who will make a competent drawing, which will allow you to carry out the installation step by step without errors.

Total height of the stairs

The height can be determined by measuring the distance from the floor of the first to the second floor, taking into account the thickness of the ceiling. For example, if on the 1st floor the ceiling height is 2700 mm, and the thickness of the interfloor ceilings is 300 mm. As a result, the total height will be equal to 3000 mm.

If there is no finished floor, then its dimensions need to be approximate.

Number of steps

If the height of the staircase and riser are known, the number of steps in the structure can be determined. To do this, you need to divide one indicator by the second. For example, with a total staircase height of 3000 mm and a riser height of 175 mm, the calculation will be as follows: 3000: 175 = 171 mm.

After this, you need to round the value, the result will be 170 mm. The table shows an example of a calculation:

Dependence of the height of the steps on their number at a given floor height

Riser height

According to experts, the optimal riser height should be 150–180 mm, which is actually the size of a human step. This height can be 150–200 mm. Usually the average value according to the standard is 160-170 mm.

The optimal slope range for the stairs is highlighted in green.

Step width

To avoid injuries as a result of incorrectly selected width of steps, you need to calculate it correctly. Based on many years of practice, the width of the part should be in the range of 220 – 400 mm.

To determine a more accurate value, you can use a certain formula. You need to take the average width of a human step (600 - 640 mm) and subtract from it the height of the riser, multiplied by 2, i.e. 640 – 2x175 = 290 mm. This indicator will be optimal for moving.

March width

According to safety rules, for convenient movement of people, the span should be at least 80 cm wide, but it is better to take at least 90 cm. For convenient transportation of furniture, this figure for a private residential building should be 100 - 120 cm.

Plan length of the staircase

To calculate this parameter, you need to multiply the number of steps and the width of the tread. In our example, it will be 29x17 = 493 cm. That is, the staircase is quite long and when constructing one flight, a room of at least 6 meters will be required. In a small log house or country house, you will need to make 2 flights with a 90 or 180 degree turn.

A platform is installed between the flights or turning steps are installed. If you can’t perform the calculation yourself, you can use the special program presented below, which will clearly reflect the localization of the staircase parts.

Ceiling opening size

When building a staircase from solid wood, you need to remember to calculate the ceiling opening so that you don’t have to bend over when going up. This indicator will depend on the slope, which affects the ease of movement and is selected individually.

A slope of 23-36 degrees is considered optimal, but often it is not possible to maintain the required angle due to the small area of ​​the room (the steeper the slope, the less area it will occupy).

The size of the opening in the ceiling area will depend on the angle of the flight of stairs. So, for a folding structure, a small opening will be required, and for a larger slope, a more significant one will be required (up to 2 m).

The size of the opening in the ceiling is determined based on the minimum permissible value for human passage

Stringer length

To determine the length of the stringer, the Pythagorean formula is used: (length of the staircase in plan)²+ (height of the staircase)²= (length of the stringer)².

That is, with a length of 493 cm and a height of 300 cm, we get the following: L = √ (4932 + 3002) = 577 cm (the indicator is taken with a margin of 580 cm).

Online calculator for calculation

For your convenience, you can use the convenient and visual one.

Material selection

After all the calculations have been completed, you need to purchase materials. This will require boards of different lengths and densities: for steps the thickness is 3-4 cm; for risers – 2-2.5 cm; for a bowstring or stringer, the thickness is 5 cm and the height is 150-250 mm. It is better to buy ready-made handrails and balusters, since their production will require a lathe and timber measuring 10x10, 15x15 cm. To fix the components, you will need screws and nails, as well as metal corners for reinforcement.

Manufacturing of parts and installation of stairs

The installation technology includes the manufacture and installation of all elements of the staircase structure in accordance with the drawing.

Assembling bowstrings or stringers

On the prepared boards you need to mark the length and saw off the excess. On the block, using a square, mark the height of the riser and the width of the tread with a decrease of 2-4 cm.

Marking a solid stringer

Assembling a bowstring with stiffeners

The notches for the steps are cut out with a jigsaw or saw. Next, place the workpiece at the installation site so that the lower edge rests against the floor, and the upper edge against the ceiling. The cuts under the steps should be horizontal, without “blockages”. After this, it is recommended to sand the surface of the block and perform milling, rounding the outer edges.

For optimal rigidity, sometimes 2, 3 or 4 stringers may be required, the number of which is selected depending on the width of the stairs. Sometimes it’s easier to order a ready-made supporting frame, which will include all the elements with cutouts, designated by numbers for joining in accordance with the diagram.

Installation of steps and risers

The risers are mounted in the prepared cuts of the stringer, leveled and sanded. Fastening is done using self-tapping screws, which can then be puttied or covered with finishing material.

Options for attaching steps to the string

After fixing the risers, pre-milled steps are installed, the length of which should exceed the distance between the pair of outer stringers by 1-2 cm. The width of the elements should be 2-3 cm larger than the comb protrusion. The steps are fastened to the risers and stringers using self-tapping screws, the heads of which must be recessed into the wood.

Attaching the stringer to the upper ceiling. Methods of connecting staircase elements.
Attaching the stringer to the floor

Installation of fences

You can give the structure a complete look with the help of auxiliary parts. For this, carved, straight, figured wooden and metal fences can be used.

Installing posts with balusters is considered a complex task, requiring precise markings and adjustments. In the step, the hole for the dowel is marked at a distance from the edge equal to ½ the width of the base of the baluster. Then holes are made on the steps and dowels are glued into them (they should protrude 1-1.5 cm from the surface).

After this, you need to make holes in the base of the posts and balusters according to the diameter of the dowel and coat them with glue. All elements are mounted on dowels with vertical level adjustment. Next, prepare the handrails by cutting the edges at the desired angle and milling them from the bottom. To connect to the supports, holes are drilled at the edge of the element. The handrail is installed on a dowel glued into the support post.

After the glue has dried, the stairs must be coated with an antiseptic primer, then the surface is treated with transparent or paint. You can install a decorative plinth. In a spiral staircase, you can design it with an axial support in the form of a log or beam, or install a bent string to support the steps. The price of such a design will be high, since viscous flexible wood is used in production, but the final effect is worth it.

What staircase to build to the second floor? This question is asked by almost every private home owner. The main selection criteria are safety and ease of use of the design. What is also important is how organically it fits into the interior. Therefore, the design of a staircase in a wooden house does not fade into the background when drawing up a project.

Staircase design options

Wooden staircase structures come in several types:

Marching structures are the most commonly used stair structures. There are several subtypes of stairs:

  • on stringers;
  • on bowstrings;
  • on pain.

Staircases on stringers

Stringers are load-bearing beams at an angle on which steps and fences are attached. Fastening methods vary and depend on the number of beams. Based on the properties of the structure and shape, they can be straight, broken, or involute.

Structures on stringers have the following advantages over other types of stairs:

  • high level of security;
  • universal appearance, thanks to which they will look good both in an ordinary log house and in an elite cottage.
  • availability of a large selection of sizes and decor;
  • Possibility of choosing the use of steps.

Stringer structures are also attractive because, based on the traditional model, you can create beautiful custom-made wooden stairs. For example, the design can be made light by using glass railings or transparent plastic handrails.

Transparent railings create a feeling of lightness and airiness

Stairs on bowstrings

The basis of the structure is made up of side supporting beams with grooves into which steps are inserted. For the manufacture of this type of stairs, wood is often used, although recently plastic models have begun to appear on the market.

Stairs with bowstrings are installed, as a rule, in small country houses. Among the positive aspects of such structures, the following are noted:

  • possibility of replacing individual structural elements;
  • easy installation;
  • safety, high strength;
  • a wide choice of staircase shapes: spiral, L-shaped, rounded or straight;
  • the ability to implement a variety of design solutions: arrangement of balusters in a free form, the presence or absence of risers.

The disadvantages of construction on bowstrings are high-precision calculations and experience in performing the work. Errors in the design or unreliable fastenings will negatively affect the safety of the facility. Discrepancies in the supporting beams and steps falling out of the grooves can result in serious injuries.

Bolts are strong metal supports secured with bolts. The design is simple, reliable, and durable. Since the load-bearing beam is attached to the ceiling, wall or floor with metal rods, the structures can withstand very heavy loads.

The good thing about staircases is that they can be disassembled, repaired or reconstructed at any time. Open and closed steps are suitable for such structures. They can be of any shape, size.

Beautiful staircases on rails in a wooden house give the interior airiness and lightness due to the absence of a clearly defined load-bearing element. And the free space under them can be used rationally. For example, make a small library there by installing 2-3 shelves of books.

Spiral staircases

Buildings of this type are perfect for lovers of original interiors, as well as owners of premises with a limited number of usable square meters.

The spiral structure is formed by: support pillar, steps, fences, railings. Staircases come in a variety of shapes: from round to octagonal.

The frame of a screw structure is made in most cases from metal. However, there are often models made only from wood. Strength and durability are the main advantages of spiral staircases. However, such structures are not recommended for installation in homes where there are children and elderly people with musculoskeletal disorders.

Materials for making stairs

In the production of staircase structures the following is used:

  • wood;
  • concrete;
  • glass;
  • metal;
  • stone;
  • plywood;
  • combination of materials.

Metal structures are in great demand. They are considered environmentally friendly, reliable, durable, and affordable. A combination of these materials with glass, stone, and plastic is often practiced. This allows the designs to be closer to the style of the interior.

Combination of metal frame and wooden steps

A wooden staircase in a modern style is made from wood species such as pine, oak, beech, fir, larch, and birch. Such designs can be complemented by metal railings decorated with forging.

Forged fences radically change the overall perception

A stone structure also looks no less impressive and is characterized by a long service life. However, its installation requires a highly durable base, since stone is a heavy material.

The stone is quite heavy, so a structure made from this material requires a solid concrete base

Steps or risers are often made from natural stone, and all other elements are made from artificial stone, which significantly facilitates the design. Unnatural stone is inferior to natural stone in its characteristics, but in appearance it is not much different from it.

Stone staircases with forging look especially beautiful and rich. An interesting look is created by steps made of rough stone in combination with railings made of twisted branches.

Raw stone steps give the interior the atmosphere of an ancient castle

Concrete is considered the most budget-friendly finishing material for stairs. Despite its strength and safety, it is not particularly durable.

For high-tech, pop art, and loft styles, staircase structures with glass steps are suitable. They are made of high-strength tempered glass, so you can safely walk on them.

Designs with glass steps fit perfectly into the high-tech style

Popular staircase styles

Nowadays, there are many options for staircase styles. Their number is constantly changing, as design elements are improved and supplemented, creating a completely new style.

However, it is customary to highlight several of the most well-known approaches:

Color solutions

Staircase structures should be made in a color that is in harmony with the interior. Today there is a wide range of shades to choose from. The most popular are:

Staircase structures can also be two-color. For example, a building that combines white and black colors looks beautiful and rich.

Railing options

Railings are components of staircase structures that perform the following functions:

  • serve for convenient, safe ascent and descent;
  • act as decoration.

The design of the railing includes handrails and balusters. By handrail we mean a bar that runs along the flight of stairs. A baluster is an element that performs the function of supporting a handrail.

The construction market offers a wide selection of railings. They come in different models:

The choice of one or another version of the railing depends on the style of the interior and the taste preferences of the owner of the house.

Staircase lighting

Lighting of the staircase structure is used for safe movement along it and for decoration. By choosing one or another type of lighting, you can create a suitable atmosphere in your home.

Illuminated steps on the staircase facilitate safe movement along it in the dark.

Practical and aesthetic use of the space under the stairs

The free space created under the stairs can be used to advantage:

They rationally use not only the space under the stairs, but also between the steps. Under them there are special boxes for storing things: shoes, magazines, newspapers. You should not overload the stairs with things, as this can lead to destruction of the structure.

The staircase space between the flights is filled with soft seats and this area is used for reading a favorite book or evening gatherings with loved ones.

Staircases with original design - photo

Sometimes designers are so carried away by their ideas that they create real works of art from decorative wooden stairs, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off.

You can come up with dozens of design options for a wooden staircase.

Do-it-yourself wooden staircase installation

A modern private house is necessarily equipped with a staircase for moving to the upper floors or attic space, and an ordinary stepladder is unlikely to work here. It is necessary to build something more reliable and durable. For example, a staircase made of solid wood. A DIY wooden staircase will require special care at all stages of its manufacture.

Stairs to the second floor can have a creative design..


Wood is the most environmentally friendly and easiest to process material that does not require special processing skills. It can be used both for interior structures and for the porch of a house. Stairs with a metal frame are considered much more reliable, but now we are not talking about them.

Completely wooden structures, which can be assembled as a construction set, have the following advantages:

  • acceptable price;
  • availability of material;
  • easy processing.

To make climbing stairs more comfortable, you can install wall railings.

The most common material is pine. This is an inexpensive soft wood that is well suited for beginners. The disadvantage of pine is its soft texture, which is why during operation the structure may begin to darken and the steps to creak if the necessary wood treatment is not carried out before the construction of a porch made of a similar material begins.

Finished steps for a pine staircase.

When building a more reliable, beautiful and durable staircase structure, it is better to use expensive varieties. Stairs made from solid beech, oak or larch have an inimitable structure and increased wear resistance due to the density of this material. The only drawback of these breeds is the high price.

An oak staircase looks very beautiful.


How to do wooden stairs for a porch or for a house made of solid oak, pine, ash and larch? Before studying the manufacturing instructions and talking about the frame and components, you need to understand what types of wooden structures you can assemble with your own hands. Conventionally, we can distinguish marching and spiral staircases.

It is important to choose the right place for the stairs to the second floor.

Screw structures are used in rooms with limited space. These structures are not suitable for moving large objects and can only be used for human movement. Such a staircase will never be completely wooden, since the support (rod, pipe) is made of metal.

Unusual design of a spiral staircase.

Marching stairs are the simplest to implement. Wooden structures of this kind on stringers or bowstrings are mounted both indoors and outdoors (mainly for the porch, which, as a rule, is located on a metal frame). For indoor installation, the main criterion is ergonomics. That is why it is not so important what kind of staircase will be built in your room - a single-flight staircase, a double-flight staircase with a platform, or a design with winder steps. It is worth noting that it is not much more difficult than the straight line.

Two-flight stylish staircase.

The main thing is that it fits perfectly into the space allocated to it and is in harmony in style with the engineering elements surrounding it. A wooden staircase inside a house means, first of all, warmth and comfort. These are not simple porch stairs or welded structures on a metal frame. To choose the right type of staircase structure, you need to measure the area on which the staircase will be located. Then make initial calculations and draw drawings. A detailed drawing will show the location of the structure in the room and how ergonomic it will be.

Drawing of a marching wooden staircase.


Making wooden stairs from solid wood will require some knowledge about the elements of staircase structures. Let's understand the terminology.

  1. Bowstring - a supporting beam and an element of additional fastening of the steps, located at the end of the latter.
  2. Stringers are the most common method of making wooden staircase structures. Cuts are made in load-bearing parallel beams on which treads are laid.
  3. Treads – the surface of a step.
  4. Risers are the vertical part of the step, mounted (if necessary) between the steps, covering the visible space.
  5. Balusters are a fencing element that gives the structure additional rigidity and strength. Attaches to steps and railings.
  6. Pillars (or support rod) - are installed mainly when installing screw structures as the main (central) load-bearing element.
  7. The railing is part of the enclosing structure of the staircase, attached to the top of the balusters or fastening spokes.
  8. Decorative elements – decorative overlays, plugs.

Designations of elements of a wooden staircase.

On bowstrings or stringers?

Stairs for the house on bowstrings and stringers are equally simple to make yourself. You should understand the difference between them. The strings are attached to the end of the tread using corners, grooves and wood glue or using bars. All this is held together with self-tapping screws or bolted connections.

Attaching the steps to the string.

The stringers are located under the steps and are secured with special fastening fittings.

For the production of bowstrings and stringers, blanks from solid oak, ash, pine and larch are most often used. These tree species are the most common in the vast expanses of our homeland. To manufacture load-bearing elements, woodworking enterprises use machines that cut logs into unedged boards of the required thickness (and the load-bearing parts are at least 50 mm), when trimmed, the finished timber is formed (50x50, 50x100, etc.). If you decide to assemble the structure on bowstrings with your own hands, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with it.

Milling strings for steps

Making a stringer


To make accurate calculations and draw up a drawing.

  1. The angle of inclination of the stairs should not be higher than 45 degrees.
  2. The tread depth should not be less than 250mm.
  3. The height of the riser is in the range of 160-200mm.
  4. The minimum opening width is 1000mm.
  5. The height of fences (railings) should not exceed 1000mm. For children, additional handrails are installed at a height of 600mm.
  6. The vertical opening should not be lower than 2000mm.

The calculation for the stairs can be done in a computer program.

By applying these simple rules, you can build a correct and convenient staircase structure for your home or porch.


It should be remembered that the topmost step must be level with the floor of the second floor, this applies to both concrete and wooden floors.

Cutout for a step on the second floor.

Marking and production of elements

Let's look at detailed instructions on how to make a wooden staircase for your home. After detailed calculations and analysis of the drawing, you can begin marking and manufacturing structural elements.

  1. We apply markings to the bowstrings or stringers. To do this, it is convenient to use a right triangle or a special corner with marked legs (rise height and tread width).
  2. We measure the length of the steps and risers, as well as other elements that we will cut out ourselves.
  3. We cut out all the elements of the staircase structure using an electric saw.
  4. We sand all the wooden pieces of the stairs.
  5. If there is no opening for passage to the second floor, it is necessary to organize it by dismantling part of the ceiling.

Marking is also an important process when designing a wooden staircase.

Assembly and installation instructions

Assembling a staircase for a house on wooden stringers or bowstrings begins with the installation of load-bearing elements. Rigid fixation at the upper and lower points is carried out using corners, threaded connections, or anchors (depending on the material of the floor and floor). Before the final fastening of the load-bearing structures, it would be a good idea to once again check the coincidence of the horizons. To do this, use a level placed on the horizontal “notches” (the place where the future tread is attached). If the stringers were cut according to one pattern, then there is no need to worry too much. So, during the assembly process, do not be lazy to look at the drawing once again and keep a measuring tool at hand.

Checking the uniformity of horizons using a building level.

Log staircase

Quite often the question arises: “Is it possible to make a staircase from a log?” Of course you can. It cannot be made from just one log. Let's look at the options.

The staircase made of logs has a massive appearance.

The logs are sawn in half. From these blanks steps and load-bearing parts will subsequently be made (one might say massive “strings”). For convenience, let's turn to the simplest project - a straight staircase. After processing the front side using an electric plane and an emery wheel, we proceed to marking the inside. The steps and fasteners will be attached to it (a steel corner is the most suitable option for such a massive structure; it is secured with a threaded connection or an anchor).

Steel corner for log stairs.

We install our bowstrings, securing them to the ceiling and to the floor. In accordance with the markings, we use self-tapping screws to attach the bars to the bowstrings, which will support our steps made of half-logs (choose the width yourself). Immediately before fixing, we check the horizon of each step with a level. We drill a hole through the string into the end of the step, without allowing it to move. We lay the anchor and tighten it until it stops. There are four anchors for each step. A little secret of fastening - for greater reliability, drip silicone sealant inside the drilled hole, and then lay the anchor. The head of the anchor bolt can be hidden in a hidden compartment.

Fastening the bars to the bowstring using self-tapping screws.

To install such a staircase, you can also use threaded connections with the organization of hidden “windows” in the steps for tightening elements, but this requires serious skills in working with wood. This type of construction made from logs is much more reliable. You can also make steps for the porch stairs from logs, which is also very interesting.

A log porch gives your home a medieval feel.

Some manage to create something from one solid log that vaguely resembles a ladder, laying it at the right angle and cutting something like steps into it. It would be more correct to lay two logs in parallel as load-bearing stringers, make cuts in them for steps and attach the latter to the load-bearing parts. So you can make a staircase from a log. It remains to add that such a structure, if done correctly, will be no worse than concrete ones in terms of reliability. As you can see, marching structures are quite simple to install. If we talk about screw ones, then everything is somewhat more complicated. However, you can install it too.

Do-it-yourself log staircase

Processing of the finished product

All elements of the staircase structure are securely fastened and sanded. All that remains is to treat the surface of the porch or stairs for the house with special means of protection against insects, against rotting and to give a beautiful appearance.
Indoor staircases should fit harmoniously into the interior of the room. Therefore, a varnish coating is used to process these structures. If necessary, the stairs can be tinted in suitable shades with colored varnish, stain, or whitened (this technique is now very popular).

It is best to sand the stairs at the initial stage in disassembled form.


When choosing materials for processing, it is better to give preference to alkyd and urethane varnishes.

It is very good to treat the porch of a wooden house with drying oil applied in several layers. This will prevent the structure from rotting and extend its life.

For a beginner without certain skills in working with tools, building a ladder on his own will not be easy. However, it is possible. The main thing is to correctly calculate and accurately mark the structural elements. Installing precisely calibrated parts will not be a big hassle.

Professional production and installation of wooden stairs

About how to make steps with your own hands for the stairs and for the porch.

Low-rise construction, when it comes to residential buildings, implies the construction of at least two-level buildings. Therefore, to move to the second floor you cannot do without an internal staircase. Purchasing a ready-made kit, firstly, will be quite expensive (at least 35,000 rubles), and secondly, it must be adapted to specific premises before installation, or reconstructed (remodeled). And this means additional costs and time.

In most cases, it is more expedient to make the stairs to the second floor with your own hands, especially since the time frame will be approximately the same. The simplest and most inexpensive option is wood construction. This article will explain in detail all the nuances of choosing lumber, drawing up a drawing of a staircase and the features of its assembly.

In relation to a private house, the two most common are spiral staircases and marching staircases. The first option is quite complicated, and it is unlikely that you will be able to implement it yourself without practical skills and experience in this area. You will have to make specific engineering calculations, which means you cannot do without the help of a professional at least at this stage of preparation. Focusing only on diagrams available on the Internet is not entirely correct. They do not take into account the specifics of a particular structure, so they will definitely have to be processed taking into account the specifics of its dimensions, layout and a number of other factors. And the installation of a spiral staircase itself, especially a wooden one, is far from a simple process.

For DIY assembly the optimal solution is a marching wooden staircase. Based on the height of the first floor room, there can be one or two spans (rotating structure).

But in details, even completely identical stairs can differ greatly. And this is easily explained by the fact that making it yourself implies an element of creativity. Since all private houses differ in many respects (dimensions, ceiling heights, layout, internal content), following any single standard is futile. By the way, the author has already drawn the reader’s attention to this. Therefore, below are only general recommendations that will help you correctly draw up a drawing of a wooden staircase, taking into account all the features of the structure, and install it locally.

general information

There are several options for the execution of flight stairs. Their main varieties are shown in the figures below. It is not difficult to decide which modification to choose for installation yourself, knowing all the features of the house and the premises of the first and second floors.

When describing any product or prefabricated structure, one cannot do without special terminology. The following pictures explain well what the main elements of the staircase are called.

Preparation of materials

  • When choosing a wood type, if you focus on a reasonable quality/price combination, it is recommended to give preference to pine or larch. The latter is even better, as it is less susceptible to rotting. In addition, as liquid is absorbed, it only becomes stronger. Since in any living space there will definitely be fumes - this is more than relevant, especially if there is a kitchen in the adjacent room. All other species - cedar, oak and a number of others - are unlikely to be budget options for wooden stairs.
  • The durability of the structure largely depends on the degree of drying of the lumber. If the wood is not sufficiently processed in this regard, then such a staircase will “lead” quite quickly. Drying boards with your own hands is both a troublesome and complicated process. You will need not only a place to store them, but also knowledge of all the features of the technique. We will have to ensure constant temperature, high-quality ventilation, and so on. The conclusion is clear - it is not advisable to save on material for a wooden staircase. That is, if you buy boards, then only with a high degree of drying, although they are more expensive.

Calculation of the main parameters of the stairs


When determining this parameter, you should focus on such points. Firstly, will it be convenient to move up the stairs at the same time, towards each other? Secondly, will it be possible to move large loads (furniture, household appliances, etc.) from floor to floor? For a private home recommended width of internal stairs – 130±20.

Stair height

When calculating this parameter, inexperienced “home craftsmen” are guided by the ceiling of the room on the first floor. This is not true. When drawing up a drawing of a staircase, not only this parameter is taken into account, but also the total thickness of the ceiling and floor of the second room (along with the finishing). That is, the last step should be on the same level as it.

Span height

This refers to the distance between the steps and the ceiling of the second floor. It is clear that moving up the stairs, constantly bending your head, is not an option for saving space. Mostly, masters focus on 200. This is enough, since rarely anyone’s height exceeds this value.

The steepness of a wooden staircase

The optimal slope is 40±5º. Exceeding this value will complicate the climb to the second floor for elderly people, small children, as well as those whose physical capabilities are limited for some reason. But a flatter design also has a number of disadvantages. The consumption of wood increases, and much more space for its installation will be needed. Here you need to choose the most suitable option for a particular home.


  • Tread. You should focus on a person’s foot size 45, then everyone will be able to walk comfortably on the stairs. Based on this, the recommended width of steps is within 28±2.
  • Riser. The optimal value, regardless of the design features of the wooden staircase, is 18±2. It will be convenient for both children and tall people to move around it.
  • Number of steps. This requires calculation. The distance between adjacent ones is determined simply - the thickness of their boards + risers. When a fractional value is obtained, it is rounded to the nearest whole value. All that remains is to divide the height of the stairs by it.

What to consider:

  • The dimensions of all steps of the flight of stairs must be identical. That is, it is enough to make calculations for only one.
  • If there are more than 18 steps, then it is recommended to provide a platform in the staircase design (hence, at least 2 flights). It is called differently - viewing, rotating, intermediate - but it needs to be mounted. Another question is where exactly should it be located - strictly in the center of the flight, closer to the beginning of the stairs? It’s worth thinking about here, taking into account the features of the house and the convenience of moving to the second floor.

Stair length

This is the last stage of calculations. Initial data – parameters of steps and their number. As practice shows, when you independently draw up a drawing of a staircase, it often does not fit the estimated length of the room on the first floor. How to proceed? There are several options:

  • Add one march. This solution is more complicated, since you will have to install an additional platform, and, therefore, re-do the basic calculations.
  • Provide several turning (winder) steps in the staircase design. The option is simpler and more convenient to do it yourself. This is what is most often implemented.

Features of installing a wooden staircase

Regardless of its design, all basic technological operations are identical. If you understand the nuances of constructing a single-flight staircase, then assembling it according to any other scheme will not be difficult.

Specifics of preparation of components

Steps. For them, board sections are selected that do not have any defects in the form of chips, cracks, or curvatures. Their recommended thickness, taking into account the expected loads, is 35±5. It is no longer practical, since both material consumption and the total weight of the structure increase. Less is undesirable for safety reasons when moving up stairs (taking into account the loads being carried).

At the stage of preparing the steps, it is necessary to round off the sharp edges of the board fragments to eliminate the risk of injury. In addition, their front surface and ends must be carefully polished - no chips, burrs, and so on. It will come in handy for you here. The length of the steps is selected depending on the chosen design of the wooden staircase. But their projections beyond the stringers by more than 3 (cm) are undesirable.

Risers. They are not load-bearing elements, and often play only a decorative role. You can save a little on them by using a 10 or 15 board. By the way, some wooden stairs can be assembled without them. Such structures look even more impressive, and, in addition, cleaning the spans is greatly simplified.

Stringers. These are supporting elements for the entire staircase, so lumber for them should be chosen especially carefully. Particular attention is paid to the equality of all parameters. Both stringers must be like “twin brothers”, otherwise the staircase after assembly will turn out to be asymmetrical, with distortions, curvatures, and so on. The pictures show some options for stringers.

The feasibility of making fencing elements with your own hands is questionable. It’s good if it is possible to process balusters and handrails using machine tools. Otherwise, it is better to purchase ready-made samples. Taking into account the fact that they (especially in a side view) are what first catch your eye, such costs are completely justified.

The nuances of installing a wooden staircase

Fastening stringers. Fixing the outer one on the wall is only possible if the base is strong enough (a house made of brick, timber, etc.). In other cases, the entire staircase structure is mounted on racks.

To prevent movement of the lower part, a support block is installed on the floor of the first floor. The top of the span is attached to the ceiling itself (you will need to make a cutout in the beam along its width) or “fastened” to it with anchor bolts. The stringers themselves must also be fastened together so that they do not “lead” during the drying process of the wood. For example, like this.

Risers. If it is decided to use them in the staircase design, then they are attached to stringers.

Steps. To avoid mistakes, their installation begins from the bottom of the structure. Side fastenings are on the support beams; if there are risers, then at least at one point (in the center) on them.

Balusters. First, only two are mounted - upper and lower. A cord is stretched between them. Using it as a guide, it is easy to install along the flights of stairs and align all the others.

Fastening handrails. When it comes to wooden stairs, this does not a priori mean that these elements must also be made of wood. Making them from it with your own hands is quite difficult. Here you will need not only experience, but also the appropriate tool. Options for handrails are plastic or metal.

Final stage

After checking the symmetry of the structure and the reliability of all connections, a number of measures are carried out:

  • Sanding of all structural parts.
  • Impregnation with special compounds (against fire, rot, wood-boring insects).
  • Surface design. The painting option is not for a private home. It is advisable to treat the stairs with a tinting composition, and on top or with a wax-containing solution. But this is at the discretion of the owner, depending on the overall style of decoration of the room.

Modern stairs are less and less often simple bulky structures. Instead, real designer works adorn the houses. See for yourself with our inspiring photo selection. Perhaps you will find an option here that will fit perfectly into the interior of your home.

Types of wooden stairs

To choose a design that will fit most harmoniously into the space, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main types of wooden stairs for your home.

Marching staircase- This is the classic and simplest design, consisting of individual flights - straight or rotary. True, flight stairs are rarely made entirely of wood. Often their base is made of concrete, and the railings and steps are made of wood.

Cantilever staircase looks more original, and its design gives the impression of “floating in the air.” Such stairs do not have massive railings and do not have a static base. The steps are attached to the load-bearing wall using anchors, which ensures their strength and absolute safety of operation.

Spiral staircase It saves space and fits perfectly into small spaces. But it should be remembered that this is not the most convenient option in operation. When installing a spiral staircase, it is recommended to choose durable railings, as well as a rough surface of the steps. If space allows, elements of marches can be included in its design: this will ensure more comfortable and safe use of the stairs.

Spinal stairs but consists of individual elements connected to each other. This design resembles a puzzle and can be assembled in almost any shape. Visually, such a staircase looks light and airy, while being comfortable, durable and reliable.

Ideas for decorating wooden stairs in the house

Having decided on the type of wooden staircase, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most interesting options for its design.

Such a staircase performs two functions at once - it connects the first and second floors, and is also the main accent in the design of the room. Its massive base is harmoniously complemented by wooden elements of simple geometry; additional security is provided by a glass fence, which, however, does not take over the main visual accent.

This staircase will ideally complement the interior, made in the style of classicism. Its main highlight is the carved details, combined with other elements of furniture and decor. Such stairs are made from noble woods - cherry, wenge, sandal, teak and others.

Original and light, this staircase will become a real highlight of the room. Its main advantage is its compactness and visual weightlessness. And the steps, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, turn this ordinary element of the interior into a source of pride for the designer’s craftsmanship.

The light and modern design of this staircase model is characterized by rhythm, which is further enhanced by the repeating geometric contour of the enclosing element.

This staircase looks simple and modest, but this is where its charm lies. It will fit perfectly into a classically decorated interior and can be made in different colors. Both its natural and only slightly sanded surface and its coated with transparent varnish look advantageous.

A “broken” staircase will emphasize the originality of the design approach, and will also save room space. It looks good in dark colors that contrast with the light walls of the interior.

An original and bold solution for creative people. The supporting structure of the staircase is made in the form of a tree trunk. The curved lines of the railing imitate branches, and all this is combined with massive, wide wooden steps.

A spiral staircase not only saves usable space, but also adds lightness to the room. It looks especially impressive in combination with forged elements, which benefit the wooden steps and provide additional structural strength.

Such a staircase will undoubtedly become the main element of the room. Such a bold option will suit spacious interiors. It is important that the surrounding space is sufficiently light and well lit; this will relieve the room of an oppressive feeling and will favorably emphasize its main accent.

This spiral staircase will not cause any trouble in operation. Stable steps with a fairly wide step and a smooth bend will make the descent and ascent along it almost imperceptible. Light wood looks harmonious with a snow-white supporting structure, which, in combination with a glass railing, makes the staircase a welcome guest in rooms decorated in a minimalist style.

This staircase will be a bold addition to the interior, furnished with the latest design art. Operating such a beauty will require certain skills and accuracy. The main advantages are space saving and creative execution.

A stable, safe and beautiful staircase design will be an ideal addition to almost any interior. In this case, the main accent is a combination of white and mahogany shade. This technique allows you to emphasize the contours of the staircase and harmonize with other wooden objects in the house.

Another classic option. Thin carved railings give the staircase an airy feel. The main element here is the carpet, which emphasizes the status of the owners and helps make using the stairs as comfortable and safe as possible.

A low staircase leading to an additional floor can not only fulfill its main function, but also have a pleasant bonus: pull-out shelves for storing rarely used items.

The under-staircase space can accommodate drawers, shelves with doors and open niches of various shapes and sizes.

Often entire corners are placed under the stairs. For example, the workplace will look quite organic here. This technique will save precious meters and allow you to use the freed up space more efficiently.

Such a multifunctional staircase will not let children get bored. The built-in slide for outdoor games will become a favorite pastime for the little ones.

Using such a ladder will require some skill. But with it you don’t have to worry about saving space, and it will fit into almost any modern interior.

A variation on the theme of a stepladder can become a full-fledged staircase in the house. This design somewhat limits the possibilities of its operation. For example, it is not suitable for families with small children or elderly people. Otherwise, it is practical and quite easy to use.

The staircase can also become a way for owners to express themselves creatively. By placing beautiful pictures, motivating inscriptions on its steps, or simply painting it in your favorite colors, you can create a unique design accent that allows you to emphasize the beauty of the space and demonstrate your self.

There are a huge number of options for staircases for your home. The main thing is to find among them exactly the one that will harmoniously fit into the interior and give its owners maximum comfort and aesthetic pleasure.