home · Measurements · Ventilation systems for home kitchens. How to properly organize ventilation in the kitchen using a hood. Wall supply ventilation valve

Ventilation systems for home kitchens. How to properly organize ventilation in the kitchen using a hood. Wall supply ventilation valve

You probably won't mind that kitchen incense isn't always breathtakingly beautiful. To avoid this, careful ventilation is needed.

Ventilation in the kitchen with a hood

Compared to conventional ventilation systems, the kitchen hood performs its function forcibly and works with heated and polluted air. Based on this, it must be protected from exposure to high temperatures and vapors of boiling fat and oil.

As with other built-in appliances, hoods must match the size of the kitchen space. As well as the area of ​​the cooking panel over which they are mounted. If its air intake hood completely covers the stove, then the leakage of purified air will be insignificant. This explains the popularity among buyers of models with an umbrella width of 600x900mm, similar to the size of standard hobs.

The height of the ventilation hood is placed based on convenience and fire safety requirements. The lower, if possible, the better. In a word, the required distance between the stove and the umbrella: 500-650 mm.

It is important to select a hood with performance based on the volume of the kitchen: for example, for a kitchen with a volume of 30 m3, a device that processes 300 m3/hour of air is suitable.

Ventilation in the kitchen with a volume of about 30 cubic meters

Any exhaust ventilation works quite normally if infiltration is created correctly - the flow of outside fresh air into the room. It is provided by a forced ventilation device, provided with means of heating the incoming air from the outside. Additional small-sized air handling units are perfect for apartments. Thanks to them, windows (not plastic) and doors can be reliably sealed.

Ventilation of a kitchen equipped with a gas stove

Nowadays, many houses in rural areas have gas stoves installed in their kitchens, which are used not only for cooking, but also for feeding livestock. Water heating devices are also installed here. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure reliable air exchange, which affects the temperature and humidity conditions of the entire building.

For example, the internal air volume in a kitchen with a four-burner gas stove should be from 15, and together with a water heater - at least 21 cubic meters. The height of the kitchen space is at least 2.2 meters. It must have a window with a window and an exhaust ventilation duct.

But this is not enough. The concentration of carbon monoxide and water vapor (combustion of 1.0 m3 of gas releases 2 liters of steam) during the day can create a microclimate worse than in a forge. In addition to duct ventilation, you will have to equip the gas stove with a hood (if you have a water heater, this is mandatory).

Plastic ventilation for kitchen

Boxes. Ventilation ducts for connecting an exhaust device can also be made of colored PVC (round or flat section) with diameters of 100, 125 or 150 mm. They fit harmoniously into a modern kitchen interior.

Plastic boxes for kitchen ventilation

The most popular duct for domestic hoods is a 125 mm air duct with a throughput capacity of 400 m3/hour. The smooth surface of the plastic box provides minimal resistance to air movement. It is silent, durable and easy to care for.


higher cost relative to galvanized ducts and flexible air ducts;
the presence of many components and limited sizes of produced PVC channels.


- smooth surface and aesthetic appearance;
— density and strength of the connection, durability;
- easy and quick cleaning.

Subtleties of installation of plastic air ducts. Most of the contaminated air is discharged through the ventilation duct, which makes it difficult to install the hood and connect it to the air duct, because The layout and furnishings of kitchens do not always allow the installation of a hood next to it. A large length of the air duct (with many bends) reduces the efficiency of the exhaust system, and noise increases.

Restoring ventilation in the kitchen

The ventilation system must be cleaned regularly. It is recommended to do this in a timely manner. If a day after a thorough cleaning of the house you can again see piles of wool and dust in the secluded corners, and the floor is covered with a gray dusty haze, then it’s time to clean the ventilation. Stuffiness and heat, especially in the kitchen, are also signs of decreased performance of the ventilation system. A sheet of paper brought to the ventilation grille does not move - again, there are problems with it. Many people believe that ventilation restoration should be done by specialists.

Restoring the ventilation duct has several stages:

1. First, access to the air ducts is provided - the previously installed ceilings and walls are dismantled, the required part of the tiles on the floor is cut out (if necessary).
2. Materials are selected for installing missing or damaged elements (air ducts and inter-channel partitions).
3. Spare parts are inserted into place and carefully secured.
4. After resuscitating the internal contents, they begin to recreate the box itself. The materials most often are high-strength foam blocks or gypsum tiles, which have high noise insulation, water resistance and fire resistance. The use of other materials is not advisable.
5. At the end of the restoration, the functioning of the ventilation and the surface decorative finishing of the box are checked.

Installation of ventilation in the kitchen

The air duct should not tightly close the ventilation duct, otherwise when the device is turned off, the exhaust will continue due to natural draft. A draft, especially in the kitchen, is harmful to health. During the design of the hood, it is necessary to ensure that the air duct is as short as possible, with the least number of turns and bends, and that its walls remain smooth.

When choosing the type of exhaust device, they are guided by the distance of the exhaust ventilation duct from the cooking stove, as noted above. Moreover, it is taken into account that the larger the diameter of the outlet adapter from the hood to the air duct, the less energy will be needed for effective ventilation operation.

When choosing a hood, pay attention to performance. Here it is not advisable to overdo it with its power. The hood is selected to match the diameter of the exhaust duct, because the efficiency of its functioning is affected not so much by the fan power as by the cross-section of the ventilation duct opening. Otherwise, with insignificant efficiency, the electric fan will consume an excessive amount of energy and “choke” from the effort, pushing a large volume of air through a channel that is too wide. Fans at low to medium speeds provide better performance.

High-quality ventilation of a house (apartment), especially auxiliary premises, is not an element of home comfort, but a serious necessity, and your health directly depends on it. There is no need to rely on modern air conditioning systems: they do not purify the air, but only heat or cool it.

In conclusion, it should be noted that when planning to build a house, think about air exchange in advance, in the project, and when purchasing housing, pay special attention to the ventilation device!

In the terminology of sanitary norms and rules, ventilation of residential premises can be mechanical and natural. To ensure the ventilation process, it is necessary to create an air exchange process. Air exchange consists of a balanced flow of air and its exhaust from the room.

Designing kitchen ventilation is not a complex type of design, as we would say in production. They use special AutoCAD Mechanical solutions for industrial mechanical engineering design. It’s better to read about them on the website.

However, you need to know the features of kitchen ventilation, especially when buying a kitchen hood.

Three types of kitchen ventilation

Not taking into account corridor-type residential premises, as well as dorms and rooms without natural light, three types of kitchen ventilation can be distinguished:

Natural ventilation through vents, transoms and other elements of window structures used for ventilation, as well as cracks and gaps in window structures. According to the physical laws of air movement, such ventilation will be forced ventilation.

Mechanical or forced ventilation. Mandatory mechanical ventilation of apartments includes exhaust ventilation through kitchen exhaust ventilation ducts. The ducts of the kitchen, bathroom and toilet sometimes lead into the general building ventilation duct.

Additional forced ventilation. Additional kitchen ventilation includes a local hood installed above the kitchen stove. Installed according to the air exhaust pattern, the hood performs the task of additional exhaust ventilation for the kitchen.

It is this diagram of air exhaust from the kitchen that raises a lot of questions that need to be paid attention to.

What to look for when choosing a hood

Firstly, general house ventilation is designed to take in 150-200 cubic meters of air per hour. If you connect a hood with a capacity of 300 cubic meters per hour to it, you will not get the desired effects from such a connection. In addition, it is possible to pump air to your neighbors through the air duct, which is not at all good.

Here you can argue and say that the hood will work like an exhaust ventilation. But it doesn’t always work, and most of the time it just acts as a decorative element.

The problem of blocking ventilation with an exhaust hood is easily solved. The exhaust vent in the kitchen is divided into two. One is used to exhaust the hood, and the second remains for the air in the kitchen itself. This needs to be taken into account.

It's no secret that ventilation in the kitchen is important for any home. To effectively remove exhaust gases and provide fresh air in addition to existing communications, residents add a hood. Let us immediately note that an incorrectly installed device will not create the expected effect; rather, it will worsen the performance of existing natural ventilation. In our article we will find out in the kitchen, and also get acquainted with the varieties of such systems.

Why do you need ventilation in the kitchen?

When cooking food, various harmful substances accumulate in the kitchen. Some of them may be hazardous to human health. One of these is carbon monoxide, which accumulates in the air after the combustion of “blue fuel” or when cooking food in a wood-burning stove. Its smell is not noticeable, and the substance itself cannot be properly selected by carbon filters. High concentrations of carbon monoxide lead to poisoning and then death. This is why it is important to develop an effective kitchen air exchange system and remove this hazardous product.

When you turn on the burner of a gas stove, as well as when the water heater is operating, a certain amount of natural gas that has not had time to burn gets into the interior space of the room. Properly functioning natural ventilation installed in the kitchen can easily cope with such emissions, but its power will not be enough if fuel leaks from the pipelines. If you detect a persistent odor of ethyl mercoptane, you must call emergency services.

There are other substances that pollute the air in the kitchen:

  1. Fumes from frying foods are released in the form of processed particles of fat and sunflower oil. As a result of strong heating, such substances become dangerous for the inhabitants of the house; they settle on the walls of the room, dishes and furniture, as well as on our lungs. To effectively remove such particles, it is necessary to select the correct size of ventilation in the kitchen.
  2. In addition to the fumes, water vapor is released in the room. It is relatively harmless, but can affect the indoor climate.

From the above, the only correct conclusion can be drawn about the need to use a high-quality ventilation system. It will remove kitchen odors and excess moisture.

Kitchen ventilation systems: natural or forced

Not everyone knows which ventilation scheme for the kitchen is better: standard natural, when exhaust gases exit through a duct to the street, or forced (a fan is used to remove contaminated oxygen). There is no definite answer to this question, because each of the hoods performs its own functions and has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In the kitchen, regardless of its location (in an apartment or a private house), the presence of a natural ventilation system is mandatory. Particular importance should be paid to the performance of the equipment, and especially if there is a gas stove in the room. In this case, harmful emissions will be discharged through a vertical natural ventilation channel. The exhaust rules do not consider forced ventilation to be a mandatory engineering service; it only ensures the comfort of residents. Next, we will describe each type of air exchange in more detail, consider their strengths and weaknesses.

Natural ventilation in the kitchen

Exhaust ventilation in the kitchen is familiar to all residents from vertical shafts that have an exit on the roof of a residential building. Harmful substances and fumes are removed through such passages, and fresh air enters the premises through cracks in the windows or special valves on the frames. Warm air heated by the kitchen stove tends to rise, it accumulates on the ceiling and goes through the ventilation hole outside the house. In its place, fresh oxygen comes from the street.

Proper, high-quality ventilation for the kitchen in an apartment removes a small amount of waste gas, but does this in a constant mode. A ventilation duct cleared of debris is capable of removing carbon monoxide and minor fuel leaks from kitchen equipment. To effectively remove foreign odors, a hood must be mounted above the stove.

Supply ventilation has the following advantages:

  • high-quality air exchange in the apartment;
  • removal of harmful substances that are released during cooking;
  • removal of odors and high air humidity when several burners are turned on;
  • lack of financial investments for the operation of the system;
  • noiselessness.

Ventilation in the kitchen with a hood has the following disadvantages:

  • decreased performance in hot weather;
  • the possibility of air return from the street into the kitchen;
  • relatively small volume of processed air per unit of time;
  • you need to constantly check the draft in the ventilation duct.

Not all owners of country property know how to properly install a natural ventilation system in a private home. In this case, the channels will be made in the walls of utility rooms, such as the bathroom, toilet and kitchen. For high-quality ventilation of the entire house, and not just these rooms, it is necessary to additionally let in air flow from the bedroom, living room or dining room. In some cases, you need to keep the windows open.

If a four-burner gas stove is installed in the kitchen, then the hourly volume of processed air should be within 90 m3. For efficient operation of the ventilation system, it is necessary to install a channel with a cross-section of 0.02 m2. This parameter corresponds to a pipe diameter of 16 centimeters or a shaft made of brick in the shape of a square with a side size of 14 centimeters. The entrance to the channel is located on the ceiling or at a distance of 20-30 centimeters from it. To ensure stable draft, a ventilation duct of at least 5 meters in length is needed.

Forced exhaust system

The term forced ventilation refers to an engineering system in which contaminated air flows are removed outside using a fan. In the kitchen, such devices are installed using different methods:

  • In the vertical ventilation shaft.
  • In a hole made in the wall of a building. In this case, the polluted air will be discharged from the kitchen outside, bypassing the ventilation shafts.
  • A corrugated pipe from a kitchen hood can be inserted into a window.
  • Some consumers install a special device, a hood, above the gas stove. Polluted air can escape from the kitchen into natural ventilation shafts or directly into the street through a hole in the wall.

The advantages of connecting an exhaust fan or kitchen hood are:

  1. Improved performance. Effective ventilation in the kitchen allows you to quickly remove odors and harmful substances accumulated in the air.
  2. A kitchen hood above the stove removes harmful substances before they enter the room.

The disadvantages of the hood device are:

  1. Dirty air is removed from the room only when the fan is running.
  2. Such a system requires financial investment. In addition to the cost of the hood itself, you will have to constantly pay for the electricity consumed.

When installing a fan in a shaft, there are several important points to consider. The fact is that such a device has a check valve that prevents the suction of dirty air when the hood is not working. This valve must be removed so that it does not interfere with the operation of the natural air exhaust system. It should be noted that the performance of the device will coincide with the passport data only if a horizontal outlet channel of short length is installed. A modern hood connected to a common house shaft will have lower productivity compared to the declared technical characteristics.

What ventilation would be the best option?

For people who are building a large country house or making renovations in an elite apartment, we can recommend an expensive, high-quality and efficient ventilation system with heat recovery. Owners of expensive real estate install a powerful hood, and the outlet for the exhaust air should be made in the wall. Instead of a gas stove, it is better to use an electric household appliance due to lower emissions of carcinogens.

For developers who are limited in financial resources, the best option would be to use natural ventilation, which is supplied to the kitchen, bath and toilet, as well as auxiliary rooms. If a private house will use a hood installed above a kitchen stove, then a channel for removing waste air masses is made not in a vertical direction to the roof, but in the wall. A check valve is installed on the fan; it prevents cold air from entering the room from outside.

The best option for apartment owners is the natural ventilation already existing in the house. In addition, a hood is installed above the stove in the kitchen with air exhaust through a hole in the wall. If this option does not work, the fan is mounted in the riser of the existing duct, but the check valve is removed.

Ecology of consumption. Estate: The design of ventilation and exhaust systems for kitchen premises is, in fact, very simple. However, there are many nuances, ignoring which we have every chance of creating incorrect and ineffective ventilation.

The design of ventilation and exhaust systems for kitchen premises is, in fact, very simple. However, there are many nuances, ignoring which we have every chance of creating incorrect and ineffective ventilation. Ventilation, which, instead of purifying the air, will literally poison our lives.

Natural kitchen ventilation and the law of conservation of air volume

Long gone are the days when residents of private houses and city apartments were content with natural ventilation in their kitchens. Despite the relatively low efficiency of such systems (especially during cooking), the principles of their arrangement will always be relevant. The fact is that the continuous functioning of natural ventilation is possible only if certain conditions are met. Namely: ventilation ducts must ensure unhindered removal of air masses from the room, while the flow of fresh air into the kitchen must be continuous.

Effective operation of the ventilation system is only possible when the volume of air leaving the room is equal to the volume of air entering the kitchen.

Compliance with the first condition can be ensured by timely cleaning and maintenance of ventilation ducts. The fulfillment of the second condition is possible when using the simplest air supply devices as part of the ventilation system.

Just a couple of decades ago, most homes were equipped with wooden windows. Their tightness, as we know, left much to be desired. Therefore, the issue of fresh air entering an apartment or house was resolved with virtually no human intervention. Today, when we are dealing with sealed double-glazed windows and powerful kitchen hoods, a supply ventilation valve built into the design of a plastic window or mounted in a wall is by no means a whim, but an urgent necessity.

The simplest do-it-yourself supply and exhaust ventilation

If your house or apartment has a natural ventilation system with an exhaust vent in the kitchen, then you are practically not in danger of smelling cakes in the bedroom. If your house is just being built, then it’s time to take care of having such a system. Operating in normal mode, it will constantly refresh the air in the kitchen area, and if its efficiency is insufficient, it can always be improved by equipping it with a small exhaust fan.

If you live in a private house, then a roof fan installed in the ventilation duct will help modernize the design of the system without creating noise during operation.

If you live in an apartment, then a fan installed in the ventilation hole will qualitatively improve the flow of fresh air into the room.

A good solution could be a duct fan that can significantly increase the power of the exhaust flow.

Using the listed devices, you can turn natural ventilation into a simple supply and exhaust system with your own hands.

Rules for creating air ducts

A natural ventilation system that does not have auxiliary fans can play a cruel joke on you at any time. We are talking about such a physical phenomenon as “overturning the thrust”. It is observed when, under the influence of external factors, the exhaust flow loses strength or completely changes its direction (air from the street begins to enter the room through the ventilation shaft). Therefore, it is advisable to place the ventilation duct on the roof, and its height should exceed the height of the ridge. This rule is relevant both for natural ventilation and for systems with forced air removal.

The pipe and ductwork that will pass through cold areas (the attic and the outside of the building) should be insulated.

A ventilation duct led outside through an ordinary horizontal hole in the wall, due to the absence of a pressure difference inside and outside the building, will perform its function only when the fan is turned on.

Kitchen hoods

We examined the features of systems that operate continuously and are designed to ensure effective air exchange in the kitchen. Now let's talk about kitchen hoods - devices that come on during the hottest hours, helping us get rid of the smell of food cooking on the stove.

A kitchen hood, unlike a standard ventilation system, helps capture smoke, steam and grease particles that enter the air during cooking. Therefore, the need to install an exhaust device in addition to the existing ventilation system is obvious.

So, you need a hood in the kitchen, but which hood should you use?

According to the principle of operation, hoods are divided into flow-through and recirculation. Flow-through systems remove air from the room to the street, while recirculation systems filter out impurities and return the air back into the room.

Recirculating exhaust devices are not popular. And there are several reasons for this: the need to frequently replace filter elements, low efficiency and the inability to remove excess heat from the room.

Considering all the disadvantages of recirculation units, they should be used only in exceptional cases.

A flow hood removes by-products formed during cooking outside the room. According to the installation method, flow hoods are suspended, built-in, corner, dome and island. Regardless of what type of installation the hood is, the removal of air from the room must be organized according to the same principle. It lies in the fact that the existing hood must be connected only to a separate ventilation duct.

It is prohibited to connect the hood to a common ventilation duct, and even more so to a chimney! In this case, carbon monoxide and exhaust air can flow back into the room.

In houses with outdated types of ventilation systems, as a rule, there is no insulated duct for connecting the hood. And since it is impossible to vent the hood into a common ventilation shaft, an additional ventilation duct must be created in a separate manner. A suitable but ineffective solution in this case would be to purchase a recirculation unit.

If you are not afraid of ruining the facade of your house (apartment) with stains from grease, soot and steam, then you can make a separate horizontal channel in the wall for the hood. The outlet ventilation hole will be located directly on the outer surface of the wall. It is advisable to equip such a design with a check valve (if its presence is not provided for in the design of the hood itself) or an inertial grille.

Ideally, the exhaust duct should be created according to the same principles by which other ventilation ducts are created. Namely: in order for the air duct to provide natural draft when the hood is turned off, it should be placed on the roof of the house (just above the ridge).

Particular attention should be paid to insulating the air duct in the attic and outside, which will prevent the formation of condensation.

As for ventilation outlets: it is advisable to purchase ready-made products, which, in accordance with existing standards, are insulated at the manufacturing stage.

Duct material

The material of the air duct used to connect the kitchen hood must meet the following conditions:

  1. Create minimal resistance to air flow.
  2. Have high anti-corrosion resistance.
  3. Have sufficient internal cross-sectional area.

Taking into account the first condition, a flexible corrugated pipe, the walls of which have a fairly high resistance, is recommended to be used exclusively for connecting the hood to the ventilation duct.

If possible, it is preferable to replace the corrugation with a smooth galvanized pipe of round or square cross-section.

To prevent rust from destroying the air duct, many people seek to introduce plastic sewer pipes with a thick cross-section into its design. But this material tends to accumulate fatty deposits, and such pipes cannot be called safe. Their use can lead to a fire (as soon as the oil ignites in a hot frying pan while the hood is running). It is for this reason that the use of sewer pipes should be abandoned in advance.

Power calculation

When choosing a hood for our own kitchen, each of us thinks about how much power this device should have. In all cases, this indicator depends on the area of ​​the kitchen space. If the area of ​​your kitchen is less than 10 m² (inclusive), and the height is 2.5-2.7 m, then a hood that passes through 280–350 m³ of air in one hour may well satisfy your needs. If the kitchen area is larger, then the power of the device should be appropriate.

In principle, this parameter can be obtained from sellers, or you can calculate it yourself using the formula: V=S*H*10*1.3. In it: S and H are the area and height of the room, V is the volume (m³/h).

The design of ventilation and exhaust systems for kitchen premises is, in fact, very simple. There are many nuances, ignoring which we have every chance of creating incorrect and ineffective ventilation. Ventilation, which, instead of purifying the air, will literally poison our lives.

Natural kitchen ventilation and the law of conservation of air volume

Long gone are the days when residents of private houses and city apartments were satisfied with a natural ventilation system in the kitchen. Despite the relatively low efficiency of such systems (especially during cooking), the principles of their arrangement will always be relevant. The fact is that the continuous functioning of natural ventilation is possible only if certain conditions are met. Namely: ventilation ducts must ensure unhindered removal of air masses from the room, and the flow of fresh air into the kitchen must be continuous.

Effective operation of the ventilation system is only possible when the volume of air leaving the room is equal to the volume of air entering the kitchen.

What to put in for air flow in the kitchen

Compliance with the first condition can be ensured by timely cleaning and maintenance of ventilation ducts. The simplest supply valve to the kitchen as part of the ventilation system will help to fulfill the second condition.

Squirrel User FORUMHOUSE

You can always embed a supply valve into the wall, which will enhance natural ventilation.

Just a couple of decades ago, most homes were equipped with wooden windows. Their tightness, as we know, left much to be desired. Therefore, the question of forced ventilation did not arise: the flow of fresh air into an apartment or house occurred practically without human intervention. Today, when we are dealing with sealed double-glazed windows and powerful kitchen hoods, a supply ventilation valve built into the design of a plastic window or mounted in a wall is not a whim, but a necessity.

The simplest do-it-yourself supply and exhaust ventilation

If your house or apartment has a natural ventilation system with an exhaust vent in the kitchen, then you are practically not in danger of smelling cakes in the bedroom. If your house is just being built, then it’s time to take care of having such a system. Operating in normal mode, it will constantly refresh the air in the kitchen area, and if its efficiency is insufficient, it can always be improved by equipping it with a small exhaust fan.

If you live in a private house, then a roof fan installed in the ventilation duct will help modernize the design of the system without creating noise during operation.

Andrey Vasiliev,

FORUMHOUSE user, Moscow - Rostov Veliky

If it is a private house, then the problem can be solved simply by installing a roof fan. Set it up and let it make noise outside.

If you live in an apartment, then a fan installed in the ventilation hole will qualitatively improve the flow of fresh air into the room.


When I turn on a regular fan built into the vent in the kitchen, even with the door open, the smell goes into the vent.

A good solution could be a duct fan that can significantly increase the power of the exhaust flow.

By installing the listed devices, you can turn natural ventilation into a simple supply and exhaust system with your own hands.

Rules for creating air ducts

A natural ventilation system that does not have auxiliary fans can play a cruel joke on you at any time. We are talking about such a physical phenomenon as “overturning the thrust”. It is observed when, under the influence of external factors, the exhaust flow loses strength or completely changes its direction (air from the street begins to enter the room through the ventilation shaft). Therefore, it is advisable to place the ventilation duct on the roof, and its height should exceed the height of the ridge. This requirement is relevant both for natural ventilation and for the “forced ventilation” system in the kitchen.


Traction overturning often happens in the off-season, when it is humid and chilly outside. If the ventilation pipe is installed below the ridge, then overturning will become a constant phenomenon and will depend on the direction of the wind.

The pipe and ductwork that will pass through cold areas (the attic and the outside of the building) should be insulated.

A ventilation duct led outside through an ordinary horizontal hole in the wall, due to the absence of a pressure difference inside and outside the building, will perform its function only when the fan is turned on.

Ventilation in the kitchen with a hood

We examined the features of systems that operate continuously and are designed to ensure effective air exchange in the kitchen. Now let's talk about kitchen hoods - devices that come into operation during the hottest hours, forcibly helping us get rid of the smell of food cooking on the stove.

A kitchen hood, unlike a standard ventilation system, helps capture smoke, steam and grease particles that enter the air during cooking. Therefore, the requirement to install an exhaust device in addition to the existing ventilation system is justified.

Arsenal&Natalya User FORUMHOUSE

A hood is needed if you don’t want to do frequent renovations in the kitchen. There are no miracles, and without forced removal of evaporation products to the outside, they settle on walls, ceilings, furniture and people.

You need a hood in the kitchen, let's think about what kind of hood to make.

According to the principle of operation, hoods are divided into two types - flow and recirculation. Flow-through systems remove air from the room to the street, while recirculation systems filter out impurities and supply air back into the room.

It is clear that recirculation exhaust devices are not popular among users of our portal. And there are several reasons for this: the need to frequently replace the filter, low efficiency and the inability to remove excess heat from the room.

Andrey Vasiliev

Such a hood is of little use (in my house it’s only there because I’m too lazy to pull a pipe to the duct). Grease quickly accumulates on the walls and is very difficult to wash off (especially if the house is decorated with wood). If you are concerned about installing a hood, which is very useful (especially if you like fried fish, meat and other grills), then you need to vent it into the ventilation duct (I just don’t recommend going outside through the wall, because the wall will get dirty over time).

Considering all the disadvantages of recirculation units, they should be used only in exceptional, special cases.

A flow hood removes by-products formed during cooking outside the room. According to the installation method, flow hoods are suspended, built-in, corner, dome and island. Regardless of what type of installation the hood is, the removal of air from the room must be organized according to the same principle. It lies in the fact that the existing hood must be connected only to a separate ventilation duct.

It is prohibited to connect the hood to a common ventilation duct, and even more so to a chimney! In this case, carbon monoxide and exhaust air can flow back into the room.


The hood from a kitchen gas stove should never be connected to anything. And the air duct from the stove should go vertically upward.

In houses with outdated types of ventilation systems, there is no insulated duct for connecting the hood. And since it is impossible to vent the hood into a common ventilation shaft, an additional ventilation duct must be made in a separate order. A suitable but ineffective solution in this case would be to purchase a recirculation unit.

If you are not afraid of ruining the facade of your house (apartment) with stains from grease, soot and steam, then you can make a separate horizontal channel in the wall for the hood. The outlet vent will be located directly on the outside surface of the wall. It is advisable to equip such a ventilation device in the kitchen at home with a check valve (if its presence is not provided for in the design of the hood itself) or an inertial grille.

shmendel User FORUMHOUSE

A motorized valve is good, but range hoods have check valves. All that remains is to ensure that air is not blown directly into the air duct.

Do this" reducing ventilation in the wall in the kitchen"
Inertial grilles or deflectors will help.

Ideally, the exhaust duct should be created according to the same principles by which other ventilation ducts are created. Namely: in order for the air duct to provide natural draft when the hood is turned off, it should be placed on the roof of the house (just above the ridge).

Particular attention should be paid to insulating the air duct in the attic and outside, which will prevent the formation of condensation.


The air ducts that you will lay through the attic are wrapped in cotton wool.

About ventilation outlets: it is advisable to purchase ready-made products that, in accordance with existing standards, are insulated at the manufacturing stage.

Kitchen ventilation rules. Mduct material

The material of the air duct used to connect the kitchen hood must meet the following conditions:

  1. Create minimal resistance to air flow;
  2. Have high anti-corrosion resistance;
  3. Have sufficient internal cross-sectional area.

Taking into account the first condition, a flexible corrugated pipe, the walls of which have a fairly high resistance, is recommended to be used exclusively for connecting the hood to the ventilation duct.

If possible, it is preferable to replace the corrugation with a smooth galvanized pipe of round or square cross-section.

To prevent rust from destroying the air duct, many people seek to introduce plastic sewer pipes with a thick cross-section into its design. But this material tends to accumulate fat deposits, but such pipes cannot be called safe. Their use can lead to a fire (as soon as the oil ignites in a hot frying pan while the hood is running). It is for this reason that the use of sewer pipes should be abandoned in advance.


Under no circumstances should plastic be used for stove hoods. Even aluminum is not allowed. Galvanized or stainless steel only.

Here's what our users say about the cross-section of pipes designed to create ventilation ducts.

Smart2305 User FORUMHOUSE

For hoods the connection is 150 mm. The diameter of the pipe along the riser should be 200 mm (choose the square equivalent yourself).

Requirements for exhaust ventilation in the kitchen. Power calculation

When choosing a hood for our own kitchen, each of us thinks about how much power this device should have. In all cases, this indicator depends on the area of ​​the kitchen space. If the area of ​​your kitchen is less than 10 m² (inclusive), and the height is 2.5 - 2.7 m, then a hood that passes through 280–350 m³ of air in one hour may well satisfy your needs. If the kitchen area is larger, then the power of the device should be appropriate.

In principle, this parameter can be obtained from sellers, or you can calculate it yourself using the formula: V=S*H*10*1.3. In it: S and H are the area and height of the room, V is the volume (m³/h).