home · Lighting · Vladimir Politov: biography and personal life of a member of the Na-Na group. Vladimir Politov: biography and personal life of a member of the group "Na-Na" Biography of Vladimir Politov: personal life

Vladimir Politov: biography and personal life of a member of the Na-Na group. Vladimir Politov: biography and personal life of a member of the group "Na-Na" Biography of Vladimir Politov: personal life

Self-critical, reserved in communication. No one has ever seen him irritable, he is practical, sometimes manages managerial affairs, and prefers to think about his decisions five times before implementing them. He believes that if you can’t, but really want to, then you can. He has a stunning smile that makes girls instantly like him. She has a soft, sexy voice, which many remember from the songs “If There Were No Nights”, “Sleep Thief” and the unforgettable super-hit “Faina”, which lasted in the charts for several years. Eyes - brown, height 175 cm, weight - 70 kg. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a pilot. Completed two courses at the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation. Studying foreign languages. He is the only soloist who does not have a driver: during the day he loves to drive his Ford Mustang, and in the evenings he loves to drive a Mercedes. Favorite book - "The Three Musketeers", favorite dish - solyanka, favorite alcoholic drink - whiskey and cola. Musical preferences: rock, jazz, saxophone music, Queen, Rolling Stones, Joe Cocker. Hobbies: hunting, fishing, shooting, horror films.

Vladimir Politov was born in the taiga (December 6), or rather in the village of Batagai (almost at the cold pole, down to -70C) not far from the city of Verkhoyansk (Yakutia), where he spent his childhood years. He was registered in the children's room of the police and even then enjoyed great success with the opposite sex. He learned to play the clarinet and graduated from music school. Having received secondary education, Volodya decided that he should get out into the world.

With such thoughts, he went to the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation. However, the intelligent young man soon realized that he was not at all satisfied with observing life from the cockpit of an airplane when there were so many opportunities around him. And then there’s unhappy love... In general, the institute was immediately abandoned, and again the road lay before the future star. This time to the hero city of Moscow. There, in order to somehow live, Vova was forced to sell cigarettes and other small goods on trains. But the thought was persistent in my head that a great future was just around the corner. But Politov couldn’t imagine a future without music.

This stage of life was brought to an end by the news that a certain producer Bari Alibasov (the very popular leader of the rock band Integral at that time) was recruiting a group. Volodya realized that this might be that very chance. At the end of 1990, he auditioned for the show “Na-Na” and became the bass player of the group. As it turned out later, he was not mistaken. The “Na-Na” group, into which, in fact, Politov was accepted, had already declared itself by that time.

Valery Yurin and Vladimir Levkin (besides them there were several other musicians in the group) had already appeared on television in videos, but the team clearly lacked additions. And this worthy addition was a handsome young man with an exciting voice named Volodya Politov. Popularity came unexpectedly, but seriously and for a long time. It’s just that a former Yakut boy (nicknamed “Chukchi”) just sang one song. Until now, after many years, the song “Faina” is received with thunderous applause at concerts. This truly popular hit received the Ovation award (of which, by the way, “Na-Na” currently has nine) and, most importantly, recognition from listeners.

This was the first victory. In fact, this was only the beginning, the beginning of the greatest triumph, which if anyone suspected, it was only Bari Karimovich, but not Vova Politov. Over the years, Volodya has changed a lot and it’s difficult to say in which direction. But one thing can be said for sure: millions love him. The world of show business changes everyone who falls into this abyss and there is no return. Volodya made his choice and, undoubtedly, does not regret it. And it’s not even about material wealth, it’s just his life, a life in which he expresses himself the way he wants.

But where did we stop? Oh yes, "Faina"! This song became a real starting point in the work of the Na-Na group; the traditions of Integral were becoming a thing of the past. The group found its identity.

And Politov... Politov immediately and surely moved towards the status of “superstar”...

So, in order.

Year 1992 - performed the song "Faina";

1993 - Release of the disc "Beautiful", the song of the same name from which becomes quite famous and is played on TV. (By this time, two new soloists had joined the group, but Politov did not give up his position);

1994 - “Faina” receives an “Ovation”;

1995-97 - New programs, many countries and continents, millions of fans ready to tear Volodya into pieces, and the frantic pace of life of a “star”;

This is how a simple Yakut boy grew into a man who makes women’s hearts beat faster not only in Russia, but also in Thailand and France, a man whose voice can cloud the mind, in a word, a real and genuine sex symbol.

Then Volodya, together with the “Na-Nai”, conquers Europe under the name Vlad Politov, and there, just like here, they go crazy over his charming smile. Magazines are full of his photographs and each of them considers it their duty to interview the most mysterious member of the super-group “Na-Na”. And currently all efforts are being devoted to recording an “American” album. Life is good! But no one knows how many more achievements await Volodya Politov.

Photo album "NA-NA", Moscow, 1995

“If we talk about Chukchi, then for me he is sealed with seven seals. He can be funny, but one cannot say that he is very cheerful. But when he laughs, his face completely transforms, the severity disappears, and with it some part of Vova disappears. He’s not offended by “Chukchu,” but it looks like if you try to tease him, it’ll backfire. I never saw him complain about anything or anyone. When one day his passport disappeared and everyone was frantically deciding who was to blame and where to go to find it, Politov gloomily rummaged through his pockets - and in the end he found it himself. It seems somewhere in the panties area.

Politov can rightfully be called lucky. In France, for example, he found 500 francs right on the street. True, when the Na-Nays happily shopped at the store and left the country, Politov remembered that they had forgotten all their purchases at the hotel. “Where as much is taken away, so much will be added,” said the wise Alibasov.”

Based on materials:
Svetlana Zhigalina and Dmitry Morgun (Web site na-na.agava.ru)
L. Semenova, Photo album "NA-NA", Moscow, 1995
Olga Shtepina, "MK Boulevard", No. 4, 2001

Since 2001, Honored Artist of Russia.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Petrovich Politov’s birthday fell on December 6, 1970. Zodiac sign: Sagittarius. The future lead singer of the Na-Na group was born in the village of Batagai, near Yakutia. Vladimir has a younger brother, Dmitry.

His father, Pyotr Ivanovich, worked as an engineer for northern aviation. And my mother, Valentina Petrovna, was a librarian. But despite the fact that Volodya’s parents were far from show business, music was always in their lives. My mother sang in an amateur choir, and my father played the trumpet in an orchestra and collected records.

So the eldest of the Politov sons became interested in music from childhood. He attended classes at a music school, where he mastered playing the guitar and clarinet.

The village of Batagai, where Volodya’s family lived, was small. Immediately after graduating from school, Politov went to enroll in Riga, then transferred to Moscow, but never completed his studies, becoming a member of a pop group under the leadership.

He decided to hide the fact that Vladimir dropped out of college and became an artist from his parents. Moreover, he did not communicate with them at all for almost two years. He understood that the educational situation would sadden them and wanted to get back on his feet first. Today he regrets his decision, since he never had time to talk to his father. He died suddenly while Politov was on tour.


In 1990, after a serious competitive selection, Politov was accepted into the Na-Na group as a bass player. Talent and external data helped the artist defeat his rivals. In his youth, the brown-eyed singer was very attractive; with a height of 175 cm, he had an athletic physique and the plasticity of a dancer.

Vladimir Politov and the group "Na-Na"

Having settled into the team, Vladimir began to try himself as a vocalist. The infamous song performed by Politov was the composition “Faina”. She brought the musician the title of domestic sex symbol of the 90s. Despite his ostentatious hypersexuality, Politov’s character is a very calm, thoughtful and non-conflict person.

Vladimir Politov - "Faina"

The first videos of the Na-Na group secured the young people’s status as the most desirable men on the Russian stage in the 90s. Politov and his colleagues performed in costumes made of thin and translucent materials and performed provocative movements on stage. The girls learned their songs by heart. “Where have you been”, “Faina”, “The hat fell” - these compositions were heard on the radio of all stations.

Vladimir Politov and Natalie Katerlin - “I Breathe You”

Their loyal fans from the 90s still come to the Nanai concerts. This is largely the merit of Vladimir Politov. Over many years of working together, Vladimir developed friendly relations with the producer. Bari Alibasov is so close to his ward from Yakutia that he gave him the playful nickname “Chukchi”.

Personal life

Politov’s personal life was hidden from the eyes of his fans for a long time. In 1999, Vladimir married a girl named Olga. In an interview, Politov said that it took him a long time to choose his wife. Beautiful girls showed attention to the musician, but he was looking for a soul mate. After the wedding, he hid Olga from the public in order to protect his image as an approachable guy and the nerves of his wife, who would have to deal with disappointed fans. The couple lived in harmony, despite the musician's busy touring schedule.

Soon after the wedding, Politov's wife gave birth to a daughter, Alena. The singer was on tour in Los Angeles at that time. Olga Politova was the musician’s wife for almost ten years. The couple realized that their passion had faded and divorced, remaining on friendly terms.

Politov and his ex-wife raised their child together and sometimes vacationed together with Olga’s parents. Alena lived with her mother in India, but visited her father often. Vladimir and his daughter loved to spend time outdoors, at the artist’s dacha near Moscow.

The bachelor status again aroused the interest of fans in Politov, because the idol’s family and children are an obstacle to the love of some fans.

After starting his career in the Na-Na group, Politov had a resounding success with women. The love of fans brought Vladimir not only positive emotions. The girls wrote love messages with a nail on Politov’s car and threw smoke bombs into the studio to see their idol on the street.

In 2017, Bari Alibasov gave a candid interview, where he revealed intimate details of the Na-na soloists. He himself witnessed how 50-60 girls lined up to see Vladimir Politov. And it was a round-the-clock “duty.” Politov came out, pointed at 2-3 of them, and they left happy after him. Once, during a tour in Saratov, Alibasova was thrown under the door of a hotel room.

Vladimir Politov - "If there were no nights"

In 2011, a tragedy occurred that is an order of magnitude higher than all the classic “tricks” of fans in love. Margarita Gileva, head of the Vladimir Politov fan club, died. According to investigators, the girl was killed by another fan of the musician out of jealousy. The musician was very upset by what happened, his illness worsened - a year before he had undergone serious surgery on his knees. In this case, he was a witness in court. And at concerts for some time he was accompanied by a nurse who injected him with painkillers.

A year after the tragedy, the Na-Na group had a concert near Margarita Gileva’s native village. At the request of the girl’s parents, Politov visited her grave and visited the house of the deceased fan.

The sex symbol of the 90s has a lot of tattoos on his body. By the way, he got his first tattoo even before he met Bari Alibasov. At his request, the master depicted a cobra on his shoulder. Fans have long tried to figure out the meaning of the tattoo, or at least the events preceding it. But, as it turned out, Politov made it just like that, without putting deep meanings into the image. As a result, the cobra was shaded and redrawn, and monograms and eyes appeared on the artist’s shoulders and chest.

At the end of 2016, Vladimir opened an account on a social network "Instagram". On this page Politov posts photos with colleagues and fans. The lead singer of the group “Na-na” and his friend appear on his Instagram more often than others. The men have a common hobby; in their free time from touring, they like to go fishing.

There are rumors on the Internet that Politov has an affair with dancer Anastasia Sergeeva, she performs with ballet at Na-na concerts. But things didn’t go further than rumors. The singer does not confirm this information.

Vladimir Politov now

The musician continues to be the lead singer of the Na-Na group. In 2018 it will be 28 years since Politov joined the group. Today he and Vyacheslav Zherebkin have to work with guys half their age. The men admit that the younger members of the group set a unique tone, which helps the “old guys” stay collected and focused. The band tours and continues to sell out houses.

Vladimir also has a solo project. In Europe, the man is known as a DJ. More than four years have passed since the release of the group’s last studio album; perhaps in the near future Bari Alibasov and his charges will delight fans with new compositions.

At the beginning of 2017, “Na-Na” already managed to release a new song called “Zinaida”. Despite his age (Politov will turn 48 at the end of 2018), the singer does not hesitate to perform the popular composition “Faina” half-naked, as he did in his youth.

"Hello, Andrey" - Vladimir Politov

In 2018, Vladimir Politov became a guest of the “Hello, Andrey!” program. His ex-wife Olga also gave an interview there for the first time. It turned out that initially they had no plan to connect their lives. It’s just that Vova didn’t have a Moscow registration, and Olga decided to help him get one. True, for this it was necessary to get married. The girl then told him that after the documents were ready, they would immediately divorce. But when it came to this, Politov replied that he did not want to.

Today Olga lives in Germany. The woman married a second time and became a mother again. Politov maintains good relations with his ex-wife and is friends with her new family. And Alena immediately after graduating from high school in Germany moved to live with her father. Vladimir bought her an apartment in the Moscow region. For now, they live together in an elite new building overlooking the yacht club.

Today Vladimir Politov has become serious and thorough; little remains from the past flighty and loving “Don Juan”. His mother Valentina Petrovna said in an interview that he dreams of a son. She admits that she constantly asks him when he will finally get married. But with age, Vladimir became more picky about women. But meeting an understanding, faithful and devoted girl is not so easy.


  • 1990 – “Don’t get married”
  • 1992 – “Faina”
  • 1992 – “Beautiful”
  • 1995 – “Na-nostalgia”
  • 1995 – “Flowers” ​​(in Thai)
  • 1996 – “Nanai folk songs”
  • 1996 – “Night Without Sleep”
  • 1997 – “Think about it, yes...”
  • 1998 – “Those were the days”
  • 1998 – “The Game”
  • 1999 – “Overground”
  • 2003 – “Special Energy”

An attractive brunette, a talented singer, a favorite of women - and all this is Vladimir Politov. The biography of this member of the Na-na group interests thousands of his fans. You too? In this case, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the contents of the article.

Biography of Vladimir Politov: childhood and adolescence

He was born on December 6, 1970 in the village of Batagai, located on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Vladimir's parents have nothing to do with music and stage. His father, Pyotr Ivanovich, worked for a long time as an engineer for northern aviation, and his mother, Valentina Petrovna, was a librarian. Our hero has a younger brother.

What was Vladimir Politov like as a child? The biography says that he grew up as an active and inquisitive boy. He had many friends and girlfriends in the yard.

Volodya did well at school. Teachers praised him for his diligence and thirst for knowledge. But the boy’s behavior was not so smooth. In the 4th grade, Vova was caught with a cigarette. Before physical education class, he and several friends went to the toilet. The boys took out cigarettes. And then they were caught by the teacher on duty (male). The friends managed to escape. And Vova had to take the rap for everyone.

Several times a week, the boy attended a music school, where he learned to play the classical guitar and clarinet. He showed great promise. In addition, Volodya dreamed of a musical or singing career.

In high school, Politov was a regular participant in various events and amateur competitions. The girls adored him, and the boys envied him. One day our hero was appointed host of a music program on a school radio station. He coped with the task assigned to him excellently.


Vladimir Politov, whose biography we are considering, graduated from high school in 1987. Friends and relatives were confident that he would continue his musical education. But the guy decided to follow in his father's footsteps. Volodya went to the capital of Latvia - Riga. There he successfully entered the aviation institute, choosing the specialty “civil aviation engineer”.

The biography of Vladimir Politov could have turned out differently if he had graduated from this university. But after the 3rd year the guy ran away from Riga to Moscow. He transferred to one of the capital's institutes. Volodya did not want to take money from his parents. And it was very difficult to live on a student scholarship. Our hero found a way out of this situation. In his free time from lectures, he was engaged in small business: he bought cigarettes at a wholesale price, sold them at a higher price, and put the difference in his pocket. At the same time, Vova understood that trade was a temporary phenomenon. His main calling in life is music.

Participation in the group "Na-Na"

In 1990, a handsome and confident brunette went to a casting. He found out that guys were being selected for the new Na-Na group, and decided to try his luck. The audition was not organized by Bari Alibasov himself, but by composer A. Potemkin.

Volodya managed to get into the group, but as a bass player. Over time, the producer recognized his singing talent. Politov’s vocal debut was the composition “If There Were No Nights.”

In 1992, the group recorded the song “Faina”, which brought them all-Russian fame. The “golden” composition of the group included: Levkin Vova, Slava Zherebkin, Volodya Asimov and Vladimir Politov. Biography, beautiful and talented performers are of interest to their large army of fans. The girls dreamed of linking their fate with one of these four.

Over the 27-year history of its existence, the Na-Na group has released 14 studio discs, shot dozens of videos, and held hundreds of concerts. And songs such as “Faina”, “The Hat Fell” and “Beautiful” became popular hits.

Solo creativity

It is impossible to imagine the Na-Na group without such a colorful member as Vladimir Politov. The biography of our hero is inextricably linked with this team. And for now he has no plans to go anywhere. However, the native of Yakutia is also engaged in solo work at the same time. In 2004 he created DJ P.S. project. As part of this project, Volodya acts as a DJ. In a short time, Politov mastered the following musical styles: minimal, trance and

Biography of Vladimir Politov: personal life

From a young age, the tall and attractive brunette was surrounded by female attention. After Volodya became a member of the Na-Na group, the number of his fans increased several times. Wherever the musicians went on tour, they were met by whole crowds of loving fans.

Our hero does not hide the fact that he often had whirlwind romances with young and beautiful fans. Volodya settled down when great love appeared in his life. The musician's heart was captured by a beautiful blonde named Olga. At the end of the 1990s, the couple got married. Soon they had a common daughter, Alena.

Who will Vladimir Politov live with now? His biography indicates that he has been divorced for several years. His ex-wife lives in Goa and is engaged in modeling and advertising business. Daughter Alena is already a grown girl. She is 16 years old. She often comes to visit her father in Russia and her grandmother in Finland. The girl likes to travel and get to know different cultures.

  • As part of the Na-Na group, Vladimir performed songs in English, Persian, Kazakh, Thai and other languages.
  • Since childhood, our hero has been interested in weapons. He has amassed an impressive collection, which includes daggers, swords and other items.
  • Politov's main hobby is photography. His lens often captures mountain and forest landscapes, cute animals and beautiful people.
  • In 2003, an official one was created. It is called “Politomania”.
  • At the age of 38, the singer began to suffer from severe pain in his legs. In 2010, Moscow doctors performed a complex operation on him. The damaged leg joint was replaced with a prosthesis.


We reported on where Vladimir Politov was born, studied and how he got into show business. The biography, creativity and personal life of the singer - all this was discussed in detail in the article. We wish the member of the Na-Na group creative development and great love! He really deserves it.