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All about running for beginners. Running training programs. Long-distance running: tactics

An insufficiently mobile lifestyle of a modern person causes many heart, stomach, and other diseases, as well as the acquisition of excess weight. I want to return my health, but what needs to be done for this? To begin with, it is worth increasing the quantity and quality of physical activity. The most affordable and effective way is running.

Running is a sport that does not require large financial investments. For running, there is no need to find a highly paid trainer or buy a gym membership. Jogging is preferably carried out in sparsely populated places with paths or paths. It can be a stadium, a park or a forest.

Any of these options has its advantages: the park will relieve stress and set you in a positive mood, the stadium will provide a comfortable covering of tracks for classes.

It is enough to put on a new tracksuit (it is advisable to choose natural fabrics) and comfortable shoes (it's good if they are sneakers or sneakers).

How to start running?

Anyone can run, but not everyone knows how to learn to run correctly. First you need to understand what benefits the body brings jogging. The healing of the body occurs due to the following reasons:

  • Active breathing while running causes more oxygen to enter the blood, and therefore into each cell.
  • The pumping of blood by the heart is more intense, so metabolic processes are accelerated, causing an improvement in the general well-being of a person.
  • All muscles of the body are trained and strengthened.
  • The release of the body from harmful substances occurs due to increased sweating.
  • When running, the hormone of happiness is produced, which relieves stress and depression.

Taking into account all the advantages of jogging, one should not forget about possible contraindications.

Most likely, a sedentary lifestyle has already confidently begun to lead the body to passive aging, so a sharp burst of physical activity can cause a system failure.

It would be useful to consult a doctor, because there are the following contraindications for jogging:

  • Congenital heart defect.
  • Severe cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Circulatory failure.
  • mitral stenosis.
  • Thrombophlebitis of the lower extremities.

Beginner running program

Most often, novice runners do not make any programs for sports. And in vain. The program allows a beginner to achieve better results in a short time. The scheme of classes can be drawn up independently, because everyone knows the characteristics of his body. If there are difficulties in compiling a program or the runner does not know where to start, you can use a ready-made plan. Classes according to the program are easier to bear psychologically, because they are limited in time. You need to start with small loads, smoothly moving on to more complex ones.

A rough running plan for beginners looks like this:

  • 1 week - 1 minute run, 2 minutes walk. The total duration is 21 minutes.
  • Week 2 - 2 minutes run, 2 minutes walk. The total duration is 20 minutes.
  • 3 weeks - 3 minutes running, 2 minutes walking. The total duration is 20 minutes.
  • 4 weeks - 5 minutes running, 2 minutes walking. The total duration is 21 minutes.
  • Week 5 - 6 minutes run, 90 seconds walk. The total duration is 20 minutes.
  • 6 weeks - 8 minutes of running, 90 seconds of walking. The total duration is 18 minutes.
  • Week 7 - 10 minutes run, 90 seconds walk. The total duration is 23 minutes.
  • Week 8 - 12 minutes run, 1 minute walk, 8 minutes run. The total duration is 21 minutes.
  • Week 9 - 15 minutes run, 1 minute walk, 5 minutes run. The total duration is 21 minutes.
  • Week 10 - 20 minutes of running. The total duration is 20 minutes.

From the above plan, it can be seen that you need to move on to running smoothly, alternating it with walking. This is necessary so that the body gradually gets used to the necessary loads. Those who start playing sports aggressively, trying to immediately achieve great results, most often quickly “burn out” without getting what they want.

The body adapts to each workout and allows you to run 2 times more than the previous one.

The route should be chosen simple, it should not have sharp descents and ascents, this creates an additional load, which should be approached gradually. Only a month after the start of classes, you can adjust the route, complicating it.

If for some reason this program is not suitable, you can change it by redoing it for yourself. For example, today the setting is given to run 1 km, tomorrow - 1.5, the day after tomorrow - 2 km, and so on. The program can be arbitrary, but the most important thing is that training should be carried out no more than 5 times a week. Make two days off.

How to start running to lose weight?

If you decide to go jogging, you need to choose the time at which it will be most convenient to do it. In the morning, from 6.30 to 7.30, the human body perceives physical activity most positively;

By the way, the goals of jogging largely affect the choice of time. Morning exercises are suitable for strengthening the cardiovascular system, daytime jogging is advisable to maintain muscle tone, and evening hours are the best way to lose extra pounds. However, these conventions will not interfere with running, the main thing is to run at the same time of day. In this case, the body will get used to receiving physical activity, which will make them more effective.

The process of losing weight takes a very long time. It requires a person of great willpower and desire.

Normal running will not be able to give a quick result. For weight loss, another type of jogging is suitable, which is recommended to be switched to only 2-3 months after the start of training.

What is the right way to run to lose weight? Only interval running is able to give the body the load that is necessary for burning fat.

The essence of the method is to alternate running with the greatest effort with rest, during which the body rests. To do this, you should walk 100 meters, then jog for 100 meters, and then add 100 meters of running at maximum speed and load. Next, you need to repeat the steps.

What happens during interval running? During a fast run with maximum effort, there is a rapid loss of glycogen, which is restored during the walking stage. At this time, the breakdown of fats occurs, since after a fast run, the flow of oxygen-enriched blood to body fat increases significantly. After an interval run, the breakdown of fat continues for about 5-6 hours.

Unfortunately, such a load is contraindicated for people with heart disease. During interval running, a very big responsibility falls on the heart, since it is it that pumps blood in an emergency mode. In any case, the recommendations of a cardiologist will be very helpful. Perhaps interval running in the gym under the supervision of a specialist will be allowed.

Warm up before running

No special preparation is required to start a run, but beginners need to learn how to warm up before running. As a warm-up, you can use fast walking to disperse the blood, take a deep breath and exhale several times, swing your arms and legs, and then slightly stretch your back. This, in principle, is enough even for beginners.

Warming up is especially important for those who have never run before. More experienced runners start their run with a fast walk, and then smoothly move to a slow run, gradually increasing the speed to the usual.

How to run correctly? The body should be kept straight, without tilting it forward, on the run, without jumping up and without making unnecessary movements. You need to look straight ahead, without throwing your head back or lowering it down. Put your feet gently, without pressure on your heels, placing them on the ground, quickly tear it off the surface. Breathing should be even through the nose. While jogging, you do not need to talk on the phone, as well as be distracted by extraneous moments.

Goals for running can be different. Someone wants to lose weight, someone wants to increase their endurance, someone wants to improve the body as a whole. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to pursue any serious goal, you can simply give yourself pleasure and receive exactly that hormone of happiness, which for some reason is not enough in modern life.

Our life is a constant movement. We are all in a hurry somewhere, running, trying to catch everything. In this pursuit of a career and money, sometimes there is simply no time or desire to take care of one's own health. And it starts after 30: it hurts there, it hurts here, the pressure goes off scale, excess weight worries. But there is another scenario: the body can remain young for a long time, and the body can be strong and hardy. And running is a great helper.

8 reasons to start classes today

  • Running for beginners is available at any time of the year. However, it does not require special sports equipment.
  • As a result of exercise, endorphins, better known as “happiness hormones,” are produced.
  • Running helps burn unnecessary calories, improves health.
  • Such exercises temper the will, help set goals and solve problems.
  • Class time is a good opportunity to be alone with yourself, to improve yourself.
  • Running has a positive effect on sex life.
  • During the time you do not need to be in a stuffy room. Instead, you can enjoy fresh air and the beauty of nature.
  • It has long been proven that the right running program for beginners can not only help you cope better with stressful situations, but even extend your life.

Effect on the body

Jogging has the most positive effect: healthy blood is formed, the pituitary gland begins to work actively, cells are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients. Fluid in the body (blood, lymph) actively circulates. Due to the synthesis of new cells, the body is renewed, carbon dioxide is produced, which is necessary for biochemical processes, is established, and efficiency increases.

Rules for beginners

To achieve the best result (and also in order not to harm yourself), you should adhere to certain provisions.

  1. Proper running for beginners requires you to warm up first, such as alternating fast walking with slow walking.
  2. You can increase the speed only if 15 minutes of sports activity are given without much effort.
  3. During classes, try to keep the torso straight, arms should be slightly bent and relaxed.
  4. You need to breathe through your nose, as this helps to control the run.
  5. For sports, in principle, a normal heart, healthy lungs and joints are required. If you feel worse after training, be sure to see your doctor. Do not exercise during viral diseases (flu, acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis, etc.).
  6. For jogging, choose stadiums, park paths, avoid climbs and slopes.
  7. The most important rule is to discard worries and insecurities, think about classes in a positive way.

for the first time

The first days will be adaptive. Beginners, as a rule, are not physically prepared for a long, much less high-speed run. That's when you feel that you are no longer suffocating, you can independently increase the time of classes and exclude walking. And for those who are interested in running for beginners, the recommendations are - to do 3-4 times a week and be sure to take breaks in one day.

10 week beginner running program
A week Alternating exercise types Lesson duration in minutes
Running in minutes Walking in minutes
1 1 2 21
2 2 2 20
3 3 2 20
4 5 2 21
5 6 1 20
6 8 1 18
7 10 1 23
8 12 1 21
9 15 1 21
10 20 - 20

Start running - start losing weight

Such sports activities directly affect the appearance. Spring, summer or autumn is the best time to start running, that is, start losing weight. For those who want to lose weight, it is best to choose the evening, when fats are burned well. When practicing, you should use (fast - slow). To enhance the effect, you need to try to switch to a healthy diet. If possible, give up sweet and starchy foods, consume a minimum of alcohol, and include more vegetables and fruits in the menu. With the right approach, running for beginners for weight loss will help you get rid of extra pounds and be in great shape.

Choosing a time for classes

This issue is still controversial. Someone can’t get up early, so they prefer the evening, while others help to cheer up

First, you need to get your bearings in time. The best period for jogging is 6-7 am. The next peak falls at 11-12 noon. In the evening, the period from 4 to 6 is considered a suitable time.

Second, listen to your body. And even better - adjust to your daily routine. "Owls" prefer late runs due to the fact that in the morning their body has not yet woken up, and "larks" simply cannot exercise in the evening, since there is no strength left for this.

How not to quit what you started

The decision was made, the program was studied, a running scheme for beginners was drawn up, a sports uniform was purchased. The morning (evening) of the first day of a new life comes, but ... I don’t feel like leaving the house (I haven’t woken up yet, I’m tired at work, I feel bad about something, I don’t have time now). This suggests that you are not motivated enough. Set yourself an achievable goal and specific goals. Why do you need to run? What result do you want to achieve? And come to terms with the fact that at first you will have to fight with your own “I”, force you to leave the house by an effort of will. But it happens that several workouts go according to plan, and then it becomes more and more difficult to force yourself to continue running. For beginners, this is natural, the body is not used to such loads. So help yourself. Find a group of like-minded people to run together, chat on Internet forums and share your little achievements. During class, enjoy your favorite music, and then praise yourself. Start keeping a sports diary, write down all your impressions and conclusions. After the first three to four weeks, the body adapts to the stress and there will be a feeling of euphoria during and after the run. It will definitely happen, believe in yourself.

Compiling running schedule for beginners

For those who decide to seriously take care of their health or figure, drawing up their own schedule will help, which will display weekly results. It might look something like this.

Sample running schedule

Days of the week

week number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Monday2 3
Wednesday2 3
Friday2 3
Sunday2 3
Outcome 6 km9 km

Harm or benefit?

There are many articles on the Internet claiming that running is injurious to health. Is it so? Let's figure it out.

  • Running exercises adversely affect the knees and joints. This is only partly true. Yes, with such exercises, the joints are subjected to a strong load. But there is no concrete evidence that allows us to talk about the destructive effect of running. On the contrary, studies show that athletes are less likely to experience joint diseases. On a note: running for beginners requires high-quality sports shoes and the correct training technique. This will protect the joints from damage.

No matter what they say about running, it is a sport, and, as you know, it has the most positive effect on our health, mood and lifestyle. And this is certainly a great alternative to lying on the couch, eating fast food and a sedentary lifestyle. Of course, everyone decides for himself. But we can be sure of one thing for sure - choosing a sport, we choose life.

Every person, regardless of age, social status, the presence or absence of children, and, finally, material wealth, wants to be healthy and attractive, have a slender figure, elastic muscles and beautiful skin. Women pay more attention to this, but men also attach great importance to their appearance and general health.

Proper running as a way of life

Have you noticed that in many films this or that successful hero or heroine is shown while jogging in the park or along the embankment? This is no accident, people run to be able to move, to lead an active lifestyle. The images shown in the movie reflect the aspirations of many ordinary people to be on the move all the time, and to be positive, no doubt. So start running and you!

How to run properly is in the blood of active people. Athletes get great pleasure from jogging, the movement stimulates their vitality, does not allow them to stagnate either in sports or in life.

Correct running technique

It is important to run without throwing your legs behind you like a hare, not dragging them along the ground so that your knees do not touch while running (so that your legs are not “X”). Hands in running also play an important role, they must clearly move along the body.

You don’t need to push off the ground very strongly, these are not high jumps, in one step the leg should both tighten and recover. Be sure that running movements will improve over time, approach optimal, each time you will get less and less tired.

You can read more about running technique here.

run to lose weight

To get rid of excess weight, women and some men exhaust themselves with diets, do various procedures in beauty salons, work out in gyms and fitness centers. They spend a lot of money, but do not always achieve the desired result.

However, there is a way to lose weight absolutely without cost. You will not learn anything supernatural - this method is a regular run. How to run to lose weight, you can learn from this article.

To get rid of a few extra pounds, you need to follow the following rules:

  • Running should become a regular activity. The frequency of jogging should not be less than twice a week.
  • You need to jog, at a speed of about 6-7 kilometers per hour. The pulse should not exceed 150 beats per minute.
  • How to start running correctly: you can start with 1-2 kilometers, after a month go to 3-4 kilometers in one run.
  • To increase perspiration, wear a waterproof windproof suit. Slags, excess liquid, come out through sweat, therefore, the more you sweat while jogging, the better result you will achieve.
  • During the period of health jogging for weight loss, you need to eat right, it is advisable to exclude fatty, spicy foods, and sweets from your diet. It is better to eat more protein, fruits and vegetables.
  • Try to eat less salt, as salt causes thirst and retains excess water in the body.
  • Don't expect results in one week, it's too soon. Your body has not yet rebuilt, it will take several months for you to be able to feel the changes that have occurred.

Source: http://site/begayou.ru/

7 rules of running for beginners

Running has a lot of benefits. It relieves stress, strengthens muscles and tones the body. At first, running seems like hard work, but after a few weeks, the body finds its rhythm and you already start to like jogging. At the very beginning of the journey, the question arises: how to start running? What are the rules for running?

The main thing is to realize that everything, perhaps, would be a desire. A little perseverance, faith in yourself and your endurance will grow in no time.

How to start running? Just put on a pair of running shoes and run. At first, you will feel strange. After all, your muscles have not yet received such a load. Run while your legs are burning and your chest is heaving. For beginners, 5-10 minutes is enough.

Read also: The method of self-improvement jogging

Run in comfortable clothing. Do not wear anything that is too tight on the body and interferes with movement.

Where to run? Yes, anywhere: in the park, at the school stadium or just down the street! One of the benefits of running is that you can do it almost anywhere.

Beginner Running Rule #2

As you run, try to relax your body and move forward in a way that feels natural. Do not bounce and try to land softly to reduce stress on your knees and other joints.

Find your pace. Each runner has his own “gait”, because the body of any person is individual.

Relax your upper body. Stress only worsens maneuverability and makes you work slower. Try to keep your weight centered, shoulders relaxed, and arms bent 90 degrees.

Beginner Running Rule #3

While running, breathe naturally or focus on breathing technique. Some argue that it is better to inhale through the nose, fully expanding the lungs, and exhale through the mouth. Your nose is a good filter for air, especially when running outdoors. Exhaling through the mouth allows the body to get rid of carbon dioxide and heat with the least amount of effort.

Learn more about how to breathe while running.

Beginner Running Rule #4

Don't forget to stretch after your run.

Although the advantages and disadvantages of stretching before running are controversial.

Stretch each muscle group in your legs for 15-20 seconds. Bend your knee and lift your leg towards your buttocks. You should feel how the muscle stretches along the front of the thigh.

You can step forward and lunge onto your front leg, keeping your knee behind your legs until you feel a stretch in your hip. This will save your knees from stress.

And your feet will thank you the next day.

Beginner Running Rule #5

How long does it take to run? If you are determined then at least three times a week. Thus, your endurance and further results increase. Running once a week won't get you there.

Run in any weather. The main thing is to dress appropriately. And to not be bored, try listening to music while running. Moving to the beat will help you maintain a healthy pace.

Beginner Running Rule #6

How long does it take to run? It all depends on your entry level, but remember that positive dynamics should be required. If the first week you ran for 10 minutes, then the next week, force yourself to last 15 minutes. In fact, you can do a lot more than you think when you are ready to stop.

To increase your running time, try the following strategies:

  1. Don't worry about speed at first. You are not in competition. Focus on gradually increasing time and distance.
  2. Alternate running and walking. Instead of stopping and finishing your run, take a step and then start running again. With each new run, try to reduce the ratio of run to step.
  3. Do sprints. It helps a lot with stamina while running. Use a stopwatch to keep track of the time. Start running long distances as quickly as possible. And the next day, try to beat your first result.

Beginner Running Rule #7

This is the last and perhaps the most important rule. Don't give up too soon. After a couple of runs, you may start to think that you are not made for running. After all, in our expectations, everything is not so difficult and painful. Give yourself two weeks. Just keep running. Over time, you will begin to feel lighter, faster and stronger. And, in the end, you will understand that you are happy with every run!

Source: http://site/dinamika-zhizni.ru/fitnes/pravila-bega-dlja-nachinajushhih.html

Running for beginners

If you decide to start running, or are already doing it, but do not know all the features of this sport, then this article is for you.

You need to prepare for any run. This, of course, does not imply any lengthy procedures. But some features of training still exist. They are needed to feel maximum comfort while running.

In addition, especially for the readers of my blog, I recorded a series of video running lessons that are guaranteed to help you improve your running results.

Read also: Stomach hurts after running

Check out video tutorials and start your first run. These lessons will be useful to anyone who runs or is just about to start this sport. You can subscribe HERE.

For readers of the running, health, beauty blog, video tutorials are free.

Nutrition before running

It is not advisable to eat later than 2 hours before a run (read more about the principles of nutrition before running in the article: can i run after eating). But if the pace of running and the duration are low, then you can have a light snack half an hour or an hour before training. As such a snack, you can drink a cup of sweet tea or toast with coffee.

How to dress for running

You need to dress in a way that makes you feel light and comfortable. At the same time, before your first run, you don’t have to go to a company store and buy the most expensive tracksuit. To get started, it will be enough to find light shorts and a T-shirt for the summer period or a regular cheap bologna tracksuit for the autumn-spring period. We will talk about winter running clothes in other articles.

Be sure to wear a hat when it's hot.

Running shoes

Just like with clothing, don't buy branded sneakers for a lot of money for your first workout, even if you can buy expensive shoes without harming your budget.

Many stores sell good running shoes, which cost 400-600 rubles, while not much differ from their expensive counterparts.

When choosing a running shoe, look first at its sole. It should be thick enough and have a notch in the middle to create cushioning for the foot.


In this regard, it is better not to take sneakers, in which the sole is completely flat and smooth. In such shoes, you can beat off your legs or even damage your vertebrae, since they are not designed for running on asphalt or paving slabs.

At the same time, in the first workouts you can run in any shoes, including sneakers. But try to buy normal sneakers as soon as possible.

First run

Pulse while running

So, we got to the running itself. First of all, you need to understand whether you can run at all, or is it better to start with brisk walking. It is not difficult to check this.

Start running. If after a couple of minutes you start to feel very short of breath, and you do not have enough strength to run further, then check your pulse. If its value has risen above 140 strokes, then at first you should not run.

It's not hard to check the pulse. To do this, it is enough to have a stopwatch or a regular watch. Feel for a pulse on your wrist or neck. Record 10 seconds and count the number of beats during this time. And then multiply the resulting number by 6. This will be the value of your pulse.

So, if the pulse after 2 minutes of easy running jumped to 140 beats and even higher, then it is better to replace running with a step. And the first couple of weeks to walk for 30-60 minutes at a fast pace. At the same time, check every time if you can run, and until your heart rate after 2 minutes of running is less than the cherished 140 beats, continue walking.

However, this rule does not apply to people suffering from tachycardia. They have a pulse and in a calm state up to 120 can reach. There is only one advice for such people - be guided by your well-being. If you can run, then run. In just a month, tachycardia can be cured only by running, if the load is dosed correctly.

Running technique

Any novice runner needs to remember one very important rule regarding running technique - THERE IS NO CORRECT TECHNIQUE. It sounds strange, but it's true. There are general principles that should be followed while running. But these principles may not be used if it is easy and convenient for you to run without them.

A striking example is the Ethiopian stayer and Olympic champion Haile Gebrselassie, who set many world records and won two Olympiads at a distance of 10 km, running with one arm pressed to his body, which is absolutely wrong if you read about the correct running technique.

Read also: How to run to run fast

So. The basic principles of running are as follows.

1. No need to pinch and raise your shoulders. This will not help, but the energy to maintain the shoulders in a clamped state will have to be spent. Relax and don't get stuck. The main rule that all long-distance runners adhere to. This does not apply to Sprint. run through 100 meters in a record time in a relaxed state will not work.

2. The foot can be placed in several ways. It is best for a beginner runner to run on the principle of rolling the foot from heel to toe. That is, you first put your foot on the heel, and then, due to the inertia of the movement of the body, the foot rolls onto the toe.

And repulsion from the ground occurs precisely with the toe. There is an option of running exclusively on the forefoot, without touching the floor with the heels. To do this, you need to have very strong and hardy calf muscles. You can also run in reverse.

We put the foot on the toe and then lower the heel. You can also run this way, but for many it is less convenient than the first option. There is another option called Chi-Running. In this case, the leg is placed on the entire foot at once.

But this type of running needs to be studied for a long time in order to be applied, since out of ignorance one can damage the legs and vertebrae using this technique.

3. The head must not be lowered. Do not look at your feet - do not be afraid, do not fall. Look to the sides, or ahead of you. Then the position of the head will be correct.

4. The body must be kept slightly inclined forward. This is done in order to unload the back and allow gravity to work for us.

Conversely, if the body is tilted back, then gravity will work against us. School physics - we will add, in this way, a component of the force that will pull us not only down, but also back.

Therefore, deviation back is a gross mistake.

5. Hands are best keep the elbows slightly bent, and during the movement make sure that neither arm crosses the midline of the body.

Here are the basic principles of running technique. But, I repeat. With the exception of the correct setting of the body, all other principles are strictly universal. Therefore, first try to run as written, and then look for your technique, in which it is easiest for you to move.

How to breathe while running

So many beginner runners are concerned proper breathing technique while running. And in vain. As such, correct running technique DOES NOT EXIST.

Don't believe when they tell you to only breathe through your nose.

This is useful for sprinters because they don't need oxygen while running, and it's also used by professional athletes to train their lungs so they can run on a minimal amount of oxygen.

We don't need a sprint or record speeds. Therefore, while running, breathe everything you can - with your mouth, nose, if you can breathe with your ears, breathe with your ears. The main thing is not to limit the access of oxygen to the body. Professional athletes even have a device that is applied to the nose to open the nostrils wider, through which more air will flow in this case.

How much to run

Choose your time or distance for running. If you can run for 30 minutes without difficulty, run. If you can only run 10 minutes, then run 10 minutes.

You should enjoy running, not try to break a world record. We're talking about newbies right now.

If you have been running for a long time, then this article will not help you in any way - you yourself should know all this.

However, running for weight loss will not bring results if it lasts less than 30 minutes. But for health benefits and maintaining immunity, daily jogging for 15-20 minutes is enough.

An excellent option for improving health will be jogging every other day for 5-8 km. For more trained athletes, you can sometimes run 20 km. If you want to run every day, then first read the article: Can I run every day

Where to run

You can run on any surface. If you are interested in where it is better, then read in detail about all types of surfaces in the article: Where can you run

How to start running if you have never done it before? Have you read books, useful pages on the Internet, heard enough advice from friends and decided to take on your body? Wonderful! And even the first meters of the treadmill, at least with a little pressure, but succumbed to you. So what is next? Just some stupor. The elephant seems to be easier to move than oneself. What to do? If you are familiar with such sensations, then this page is for you.

Feelings will help you

“Yes, well, him! After all, many people do not run and live! Why do I need this?" - if such thoughts appeared, then do not be discouraged: you simply started the classes incorrectly. To do this, it is necessary to prepare and observe the laws of physical training. This will be discussed below.

I want to reassure you that such thoughts torment you only at the beginning. When you get used to it, the brain will stop loading you with such questions.

How to get used? This is not possible without an effort of will. But only due to this you will not last long: positive emotions and the right tactics of training are necessary. Already at the first training you can get pleasant sensations:

  • lightness throughout the body;
  • purity of thoughts;
  • excellent health.

You have to catch the feelings that bring joy. Once you get it right, hold on to them longer. They will help you in further studies. I like, for example, when after running I lie down on the sofa for five minutes with my legs up on the wall. Every time in this position, I feel a pleasant warmth spreading through my body. Feelings like this keep me looking forward to my next run. But you like something else, for example, the freshness of a morning park or the boost of energy that a run gives. This is individual.

It is important to give the right amount of load. If you overwhelm yourself with demands, set a high pace, want to immediately overtake your neighbors, then you risk ending your jogging in the coming days.

Why? The body has a certain amount of energy. When you stir it up with workouts, it starts to develop, but quickly ends. As a result, positive emotions from running can be replaced by laziness, heaviness in the body, even disgust.

The load should be given such that you do not come after it tired to work. If you start to fall asleep at the workplace, then you will have to quit classes.
should not take power. Its task is to give energy to the body. This is the basic rule. If you want to practice for a month, a year or longer, then stick to it.

Time spending

When is it better to run: in the afternoon, in the morning or in the evening? You decide. The effect is the same.
If you have time before work, and you can get up on time without forcing your body, then choose a morning run, as most amateurs do. Otherwise, choose a daytime or evening workout option, but at the same time choose a place where there are few people, cars and clean air. There are many more places like this in the morning.

  • Daily workouts are best suited for the natural rhythm of the body, because morning exercises can cause lack of sleep.
  • Running in the evenings can also reduce sleep, pushing it to a later time. After all, running before going to bed, you will not always be able to fall asleep quickly, having received a small physical shake-up.

Look at your nature: you are an “owl” or a “lark”. But be sure to run at the set time.


How often should you run? It depends on many factors.

  • For morning and evening running. Jogging in the morning before work or before bed takes 15 minutes. Therefore, it is better to do it daily. If an experienced runner misses a session, then he feels that something is missing. It becomes a necessity, like eating. Some people like to take a break from running once a week. It is difficult to argue here: this does not affect well-being and fitness.
  • For daytime activities. Daily running is different. It is able to transform into complex training, which includes exercises on sports equipment. Sometimes, such structures are present in parks, and are also available in stadiums. These classes can last up to two hours. Therefore, it is not necessary to practice them more than two or three times a week.


What time of year is the best time to start classes? There are two options here: spring and autumn. What's better?

  • Spring. March is still a cold month. But in April or May you can start running. The warm season is coming soon. This gives you confidence that you will not miss classes due to a runny nose or bad weather.
  • Autumn. Physical activities in the summer months can be replaced by hiking, swimming. And running in hot weather is not easy. When September comes, holidays and vacations end - this is a great time to start running, just choose the right one. In this case, you will gain a double benefit: not only strengthen physically, but also temper the body, getting used to a colder climate every day.


There is no exact answer to the question: “From what distance should I start running?”, because for each person the distance that he must run in training is chosen individually. Your body will help you do this. To determine the running distance, first follow the proposed route on foot. If after that or the next day you feel interfering fatigue, then the distance needs to be reduced.

If it is difficult to determine the distance,. After a month of regular training, you can extend the time to half an hour, but not necessarily.

Here the running program for beginners and the table will come in handy. But each person needs to create them individually, gradually increasing the distance and duration. The main criterion here is how you feel. It will help you install your own .

Pace and tactics

If you have never trained to run, then the body needs to get used to it. Therefore, the pace of running for people who are just starting to exercise should not be high. Better yet, start with walking. After all, there is no need to get used to it.

You can say that you are able to run from the first lesson, albeit a little. You don't have to break records. Your aim - make the body produce energy for training at a strictly defined time of the day. The same energy will give you pleasant feelings for the rest of the day.

When the body gets used to training, you can move on and move on to the “walk-run” tactics: run until you get tired, then rest by moving to a walk. This cycle is repeated until the end of the set distance.

It is important to develop rhythmic breathing. A proven method - count 1-2-3 and inhale, and then exhale on 1-2-3-4. But it is not necessary to drive yourself into the rules. The main thing is that you breathe as clearly as a steam locomotive from old films. It helped me when I started. Now it works on the subconscious.

You can use the "" method for at least a whole year. Don't worry if you don't overtake other runners in the park. Follow your heart, not the envious eyes watching strangers. If your body is ready for an increase in load, it will take it on its own. How? You will simply start to spontaneously increase the sections that you overcome by running, and shorten the walking sections of the route. Over time, this will turn into a continuous run.

Start and end of classes

Where and how to start running for a beginner and do I need to warm up before that? According to sports rules warm-up is required. But after all, athletes beat records, raping the body and at risk. Without a warm-up, they can tear or stretch the ligaments, twist the joints. You are going to run for your health. Your movements promise to be more friendly and pleasant.

If you start the first classes with walking, then such movements are familiar to you, and a warm-up is optional.

However, if you connect some exercises, for example, then they will not be superfluous. Among them can be tilts, turns, stretches. They are more effective after jogging (walking).

You need to finish classes gradually slowing down to a slow walk, so that the pulse and breathing are restored to the level that was before running. Only after that you can go home or get into transport if you have to go to the place of employment and back.

Body preparation

The running schedule for beginners should be drawn up so that after eating there is a break of at least an hour. After all, discomfort in the stomach can interrupt the workout.

When you start running for the first time, you can speed up your body's adjustment to the routine and energy production. Now you will find out how.

With regular exercise, a whole range of changes occur in the body:

      1. The number of "mini-factories" that produce energy - mitochondria - is increasing.
      2. In the circulatory system, the percentage of red blood cells that transport oxygen increases.
      3. Glycogen is deposited in the liver and muscles, which gives you agility and strength during training.

Until such reconstruction begins to take place in the body, you will not get positive results from running. It will take several days. Therefore, the second lesson can be harder than the first. But after a week, you should start to adapt.

Such a process is amenable to forcing. To do this, you need to work out at home: give a load with the help of exercises, sports equipment. You need to perform such a workout at the time of the day for which you plan to run. Then you will go out into the street prepared for the first loads.

Sports uniform

What are the best clothes and shoes for running?

  • Shoes. The main criterion for choosing is comfort. Choose . She must be free. Take a size up so as not to spoil your fingers. Uncomfortable running shoes can lead to blisters and workout cancellation. Even if this does not happen, then the crooked shoes will cause torment with every step. But it is important to get positive emotions. You haven't forgotten about it, have you?
    Shoes must be dry. If it does not dry out after wet weather, take another one or skip your workout. Try to avoid such mistakes in the future.
  • Cloth. You need to dress so that it is not hot while running. It is not necessary to reduce body weight by putting on a fur coat in the classroom. In this way, you do not get rid of fat, but of the water that the body needs. Don't worry, your weight will stabilize as you run regularly.

Many sooner or later come to the decision to start running. Someone wants to lose weight, someone wants to get rid of shortness of breath. And someone just wants to keep themselves in good shape. Running for beginners is a whole science. You can't just run here. Any business, even seemingly so simple, must be approached wisely. So where to start? Let's go through the process one by one.

Training clothes and shoes

Before you start running, you need to decide what to run your workouts in. It's time to buy sports equipment.


For the warm season, you will need sneakers with medium hard soles. Such a sole is needed so that you can run both on asphalt and on forest paths.

It is known that a hard surface and the lack of cushioning have a bad effect on the knee joints and ankles. Therefore, you need to solve this problem with the help of the sole. Too soft springy soles in our case will not work, as they will wear out quickly when running down the street. Sneakers should not be slippery. The main tasks of shoes: shock absorption of foot impacts on the road and good grip.

Running shoes will not fit unequivocally, as their soles are too thin. You can hit your feet on the asphalt.

If the shoes have laces, pay attention to what they are. We will only be interested in flat shoelaces. In no case are they round - they are quickly untied, every 500 meters you will have to stop to lace up.

In winter, sneakers should be insulated. In the assortment of many sports brands there are such models. You should pay attention to the comfort of shoes, so that nothing rubs you anywhere.

Starting a run without the right shoes, in “what is” is an illiterate approach that will quickly discourage you from training.

Tracksuit and jacket

While running, no matter what goal you are pursuing, you will sweat. Accordingly, you need clothing that can well remove moisture from the body. The greenhouse effect created in low-quality suits is undesirable, since the body will overheat, and you will have to forget about comfort.

You can take separately sweatpants and a jacket, if necessary, a jacket. Wear a comfortable T-shirt underneath. Clothing should not restrict movement.

The jacket should be light so that you do not get hot. It is desirable that the collar covers the throat. At low temperatures outside, this will save you from sore throats and colds.

In hot weather, you can wear shorts and a T-shirt for a run. Today, sports stores are full of clothes for active pastime, so buying clothes for running is no problem.


In winter and in the cold off-season, a hat should be worn on the head. The fabric of the cap is light, moisture-wicking. Jogging in the winter without a hat is a thankless task, as you can easily catch a cold and get more harm than good from training.

Special caps for skiing and running can be found in sports shops.

In winter, you will also need gloves, they must meet the same criteria as a hat.

There is a lot to be said about running for beginners. Now we will give some tips on where to run, when, and how, in general, to run in different situations.

Place for jogging

It is better to start learning to run at a sports stadium, where special circular tracks are allocated for this.

It is very convenient to run there, counting the circles passed. At first, you can not get hung up on time, but simply analyze your results by the number of laps completed. If you want to vary the distances, then keep in mind that the inner circle is smaller than the outer one. If the stadium is not enough for you, run around the outer circle.

You can set a goal for yourself, for example, for training to run 10 laps. And you can start with 1-2 circles at an average pace.

The running program for beginners at the stadium should take into account the time of year, the characteristics of the body and the climatic conditions of the region.

Jogging can be practiced in forests, park areas, quiet and peaceful places. If you're going to be running around your area, it's okay, but in the morning, when there aren't too many cars on the roads. The air in the morning is not as dirty as in the afternoon or evening.

In some countries, special places are provided for runners. Comfortable non-slip paths pass through green forests. There is fresh air and the sound of birds. All this is very impressive.

When to run and how many times a week

The most important thing about running is listening to your body. Try running in the morning, afternoon, evening. Decide when you feel most comfortable. Naturally, the experiment should be accompanied by a serious desire to start running in principle. It won't work through force.

Definitely, running in the morning helps you wake up and energizes you for the whole day. And in the evenings, oddly enough, on the contrary, it helps to fall asleep.

When choosing a time to run, keep the following tips in mind:

  • You can not run completely hungry and too full, that is, on a completely empty and full stomach.
  • Don't drink a lot of water before running. It is better to either take small sips as needed throughout the workout or drink after, but not in one gulp.
  • Try not to run in the rain or ice.
  • It is also undesirable to run in severe frost. But if this is typical weather for your region, there is no choice - you have to run. Or you should prefer classes on a treadmill in the gym.
  • Postpone your workout if you are sick. Colds, malaise, fever. Any condition that is different from the norm is a contraindication.
  • If you are hypertensive, check your blood pressure before running. Do this after your workout as well. Then compare the results. So you can determine for yourself the optimal intensity of the run. Large pressure surges should not be allowed.

You can run 3-6 times a week. Morning runs lasting 15-20 minutes can be done 6 times a week. If you work out 3 times a week, extend your run to 30-40 minutes. Focus on these numbers if you want to run 4 or 5 times a week.

Five rules of running

For beginners, it is important to do everything right, then jogging will become for you not only a useful activity, but also a pleasure.

Proper running is systematic and dosed. You can't run a sprint or marathon for the first time. You need to approach everything gradually, thoughtfully. Next, we will give the basic rules on the basis of which you can create a competent running program for beginners.

Rule 1: The first workout is the shortest

When you first go out to run, limit yourself to 10 minutes of jogging. Walk at a brisk pace for 3-5 minutes first, then go for a run. Your heart rate will increase significantly and your breathing will become faster. Maybe shortness of breath will appear - gradually you will get rid of it.

If you find it difficult to run, reduce your speed to a minimum, but run. While you feel the strength in yourself - do not go on walking. Let you run slower than you would walk - anyway, you need to run. If you feel that your heart is jumping out and you are choking, it's time to take a step. After you catch your breath, try running again.

Jogging for beginners should always be dosed.

After a critical load “through I don’t want to” your body may fail. And if the muscles hurt unequivocally, even in the case of the right approach, then there should be no other unpleasant sensations (pain, temperature, etc.).

Rule 2: breathing technique

For beginners, running can seem like a very grueling process. Most often this is due to improper breathing.

To start running, you need to learn the breathing technique. This will keep you out of breath for longer and will also help you get into training mode more easily.

In short, you need to make inhalation and exhalation equal in time and distribute them over 3-4 steps when it comes to jogging. That is, we stretch the inhalation and exhalation for an equal number of steps. It’s too early for you to know about sprinting - there the breathing technique is a little different.

The main thing is to keep the rhythm. If you do not have enough oxygen, take 3-4 deep breaths. Should help.

You need to inhale through the nose, and exhale through the mouth - remember this golden rule. If you breathe through your mouth, you will quickly realize that your throat is dry and you do not have enough air.

Rule 3: if you're tired, don't move

If you're just tired (feeling muscle fatigue, but your breathing and heart rate are within normal limits) and you're taking a step, consider that your results this day are no better than the last time. You won't make progress that way. You need at least a little, but work through fatigue.

If you decide to take up running, be prepared to overcome yourself. Especially if your goal is to lose weight. Since this will require long regular runs.

Running classes for beginners should take place in comfortable conditions. But already in the first workouts, force yourself to sweat for at least 30 seconds, that is, run some distance through “I don’t want to”. When it comes to jogging, it won't hurt you. But, in no case, do not speed up in the first few runs if you have not run for a long time.

Rule 4: Training Regularity

Fitness and running require stability, it is not recommended to skip classes. If you're determined to start training hard, you need a running plan. Needs to be compiled. For example, you will run three times a week, every other day. Sunday will be a holiday. Decide on the duration of the runs, indicate this in the plan. And follow your plan if your health permits. If you have a cold, stop running until your recovery date.

The task of running for beginners is to achieve the desired goals. And it doesn’t matter if it’s weight loss, endurance or something else. But these goals cannot be achieved quickly - it will take time and perseverance. So be patient.

Running is, in fact, the same exercise, only long in execution time. Therefore, starting a run without first studying the technique means exposing your body to unjustified risk.

Here's a quick reminder:

  1. The stride length should be comfortable, you should not take huge steps. They should be slightly larger than when walking. If you are very tired, you can reduce the stride length to a minimum, barely mince, but do movements similar to running.
  2. We gently put the foot on the heel, transfer the weight to the socks and push off the surface with the toe.
  3. We do not raise our knees high, we do not overwhelm our heels.

Rule 5: no need to endure pain

If something hurts you (leg, stomach, heart - it doesn’t matter), the action plan is this - take a step, slow down gradually and stop. If the pain is gone, try to continue the workout. If not, today you will have to complete the training and deal with the cause of the pain.

Running should be fun for you. If you experience too much discomfort, look for ways to make it less.

Running for beginners does not require special training. Just start practicing, keep the system and stability, and you will succeed!