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Auxiliary historical disciplines related to the history of economics. Auxiliary historical disciplines. Special historical disciplines. The importance of auxiliary historical disciplines

Today there are about 2.5 thousand different sciences in the world. Most of them can be divided into two categories: natural (studying the laws of nature) and humanitarian (studying human society). Some sciences originated in ancient times, others appeared relatively recently. History is a humanitarian discipline that dates back more than 2 millennia. Her father is considered to be Herodotus, a scientist who lived in Ancient Greece in the 5th century BC. He is the author of the treatise "History", which describes the events of the Greco-Persian wars and the customs of the people who lived in those times. The work of Herodotus is the oldest piece of literature containing reliable information about the development of society.

The importance of auxiliary historical disciplines

The subject of historical science is the study of the past of human society and the determination of the patterns of its development. Modern scientists examine past times from various angles: they study everyday life, the domestic and foreign policies of states, their culture, diplomatic and financial relations, the activities of political and public figures, and so on. Auxiliary historical disciplines facilitate the study of the human past. These include archaeology, numismatics, heraldry, sphragistics, paleography, metrology, chronology, etc. A lot of interesting information was obtained thanks to historical geography. Without a thorough study of the listed sciences, it is difficult to understand the past of mankind.

Ancient excavations

Archeology is a science that studies the history of ancient people using preserved monuments (cemeteries, sites, settlements, weapons, household items, jewelry). To search for objects, scientists first conduct field research, then it is the turn of excavations. Found archaeological monuments are carefully studied in laboratory conditions: they are classified, their age and scope of application are determined. Objects recovered from excavations are of great scientific importance as they help shed light on the origins and development of human society.

The concept of paleography

Paleography is a discipline whose object of study is ancient writing and everything connected with it. Ancient texts written on papyri, parchment and paper are the most important sources of information containing descriptions of real events centuries ago. However, not a single ancient handwritten material will be of interest to historical science if it is not deciphered. Paleographers study the text, determine its author, the date of writing, as well as the age and authenticity of the document itself.

With the development of this auxiliary discipline, scientists were able to study the history of the Ancient World in much deeper and more detail. For example, about the social revolution in Egypt that occurred in 1750 BC. e., was learned from a manuscript found at the end of the 19th century in the Saqqara necropolis. A detailed study of the document showed that it dates back to the 18th century. BC e. and describes real historical events.

Heraldry and sphragistics, their connection

The science of coats of arms is called heraldry. In ancient times, all noble persons and families had their own emblems. Later they began to appear in cities and states. The shape of the coats of arms, the drawings and inscriptions applied to them had their own deep meaning, corresponding to the established foundations of society. A specialist only needs to look at the sign offered to him to determine what clan or state it belonged to and what its appearance indicates. Ancient manuscripts were often decorated with coats of arms, so deciphering them requires knowledge not only of paleography, but also of heraldry.

The science of coats of arms has a close relationship with sphragistics, a discipline that studies seals and their display on different surfaces. Sometimes it is also called sigillography. Initially, it was an integral part of diplomacy, which deals with determining the authenticity of historical documents, but gradually separated from it and became an independent discipline. The close connection between heraldry and sphragistics lies in the fact that the same images were used in the manufacture of coats of arms and seals.

Numismatics and metrology

When studying auxiliary historical disciplines, you must definitely pay attention to numismatics - the science of coins and their circulation. The study of ancient money can convey to modern people information about destroyed cities that have not survived to this day, important historical events and great people of past eras. When minting old coins, the same symbols were used as on seals and coats of arms, so here too there is a connection between individual historical disciplines.

Metrology is the study of measures of weight, area, volume and distance used in the past. It helps to analyze the features of economic development of states in different eras. Since the names of measures of weight and money counting in ancient times often coincided, metrology should be studied together with numismatics.

Historical chronology and geography

Historical geography will help determine the places of origin of ancient civilizations, the directions of migration of peoples, the boundaries of countries and cities, changes in climatic conditions and their impact on the settlement of people. Old maps that have survived to this day allow us to more deeply understand the atmosphere and events of ancient eras.

Among the auxiliary historical disciplines it is also worth mentioning chronology - a science whose subject of study is time calculation systems and ancient calendars of different peoples. It also determines the dates of events that occurred and the sequence in which they occurred.

The above sciences are studied in detail in the history departments of universities. In higher educational institutions, courses are taught in auxiliary disciplines; archeology, historical geography and other sciences are taught separately. A large amount of literature on the topic is published today for students. There are textbooks, teaching aids, and monographs here. G. A. Leontyeva, “Auxiliary Historical Disciplines” is the most popular book among history students. This textbook consists of several parts, each of which is devoted to a separate science. In it you can find information about heraldry, chronology, paleography, metrology and other sciences. Thanks to the easy presentation of the material, students can comprehensively study auxiliary historical disciplines. The textbook is considered the most modern today; it allows you to gain in-depth knowledge of the subject, which will subsequently help a person carefully examine all materials and objects.

Story(from the Greek historia) means a narrative, a story about the past, learned, explored. Interest in history, which has existed among all peoples since ancient times, is explained by the need of a person to know the past of his family, clan, country, humanity. It has long been recognized that without knowledge of history it is impossible to understand the present and foresee the future.

Initially subject of history were famous heroes, rulers of states, the history of royal dynasties and wars. As historical knowledge became richer, ideas about the tasks and subject matter of science also changed. History, forming as a science, strives to comprehensively reflect the past. In the process of studying the past to recreate its full picture, historians study not only events and facts, but also archival documents, household items, the natural environment, and even colloquial speech. The history we are now studying is the history of people and ideas. The life and development of ideology are inseparable from the history of mankind.

Analyzing historical events, historical science uses the following methods:

1) comparative-historical. This method allows us to identify the general and special in historical phenomena, as well as establish their regularity, typicality, and development trend;

2) statistical and mathematical, which allows us to consider human society as a single complex system of relationships;

3) structural-systemic, which allows you to establish the relationship between socio-economic, cultural and other phenomena of social life;

4) retrospective. This method is based on the creative search of a research scientist who, in his search, goes from later historical materials to earlier ones, reconstructs the past with the help of archaeological, linguistic and other data.

Studying the course “History of Russia” is determined by important social history functions like science. The most significant of them are: cognitive, or intellectual and developmental; educational; political, or practical-political; ideological.

Cognitive function consists in the very study of various aspects, phenomena, facts and events of the origin and functioning of the Russian state at various stages of its history in a chronological framework from the 9th to the 20th centuries. inclusive. Only by knowing the history of your country can you understand its place and role in world history.

Educational function studying the past is expressed in the ancient aphorism: “History is the teacher of life.” Based on historical examples, people are brought up in respect for goodness and justice, freedom and equality, and other enduring human values. Knowledge of the history of the Fatherland forms high moral, ethical and civic qualities and at the same time helps to understand the vices of society, their influence on the destinies of countries and peoples.

Political function history allows us to determine the development trends of Russian society and the state; based on a theoretical understanding of the experience of previous generations, it helps to develop a well-founded political course and make correct, optimal political decisions.

Worldview function history is determined by the fact that its factual side is the foundation on which the science of society is built. Knowledge of the past equips people with an understanding of historical perspective and forms a truly scientific view of the world, society, and the laws of its development.

Modern historical science is organically connected with such special historical sciences as archeology, paleography, heraldry, numismatics, etc. Historical sections include all other sciences and arts. Their development makes cumulative historical knowledge more complete and objective.

To the number auxiliary historical disciplines include: paleography, metrology, chronology, sphragistics (seals), heraldry, numismatics, genealogy, onomastics, diplomacy (analysis of official documents), epigraphy, etc.

The tasks and research techniques of source studies and auxiliary historical disciplines are intertwined and interrelated. But if any auxiliary historical discipline always considers only one type of historical source and uses only “its” methods for its analysis, then source studies covers the entire complex of sources, using the conclusions of any of the auxiliary historical disciplines.

Paleography– an auxiliary historical discipline that studies the external signs of handwritten sources (writing signs, graphic features, handwriting, material on which they write, writing instruments, manuscript decorations, paints, inks, watermarks, format, binding of manuscripts).

Numismatics– a historical discipline that studies coin production, the history of monetary systems and monetary circulation. It got its name from the Greek word “nomism” (coin) in the Middle Ages.

Sphragistics(from the Greek word “sphragis” - seal) - an auxiliary historical discipline, the main object of study of which is seals.

Heraldry(from the Latin word Heraldus - herald) the main object of study is the coat of arms - a symbolic insignia of individuals, surnames, clans, regions, cities, states. The main, but not the only task of heraldry as an auxiliary historical discipline is the attribution (determination of ownership) of coats of arms.

Metrology(from the Greek words “metron” - measure and “logos” - science, teaching) - an auxiliary historical discipline that studies various measures in their historical development and mutual connection.

Chronology(“chronos” - time) is an auxiliary historical discipline that studies time systems and the history of their development.

Historical onomastics– study of the history of proper names.

Toponymy– geographical names

Ethnonymy– names of peoples

Anthroponymy– personal names.

Archeology -(from archaeo- and Greek lygos - word, teaching), a science that studies the historical past of mankind from material sources.

Auxiliary historical disciplines are subjects that study certain types or individual forms and contents of historical sources.

We can include the following sciences as auxiliary historical disciplines:

Heraldry- special historical discipline, studying coats of arms, as well as the tradition and practice of their use. It is part of emblems - a group of interrelated disciplines that study emblems. The difference between coats of arms and other emblems is that their structure, use and legal status comply with special, historically established rules. Heraldry precisely determines what and how can be applied to the state coat of arms, family coat of arms, and so on, and explains the meaning of certain figures.

Sphragistics- an auxiliary historical discipline that studies seals (matrices) and their impressions on various materials.

Initially developed as a part of diplomacy, dealing with determining the authenticity of documents.

Historical metrology- an auxiliary historical discipline that studies the measures used in the past - length, area, volume, weight - in their historical development. Often units of measurement did not form the metric system; they are classified as traditional measurement systems. Historical metrology studies the history of the genesis and development of various measurement systems, the names of individual measures, their quantitative relationships, and establishes their real values, that is, their correspondence to modern metric systems. Metrology is closely related to numismatics, since many peoples in the past had measures of weight that coincided with monetary units and had the same name.

Numismatics- an auxiliary historical discipline that studies the history of coinage and monetary circulation.

Social functions of numismatics: identification of numismatic cultural monuments; the study of characteristic facts, connections and processes that contribute to a more in-depth understanding of history and fill gaps in historical science.

Chronology- auxiliary historical discipline, establishing dates of historical events and documents; sequence of historical events in time; a list of any events in their time sequence.

Historical geography- an auxiliary historical discipline that studies history through the “prism” of geography; It is also the geography of a territory at a certain historical stage of its development. At the moment, there are 8 sectors of historical geography:

Historical physical geography (historical geography) is the most conservative branch, studies changes in the landscape;

Historical political geography - studies changes in the political map, political system, routes of conquest;

Historical geography of population - studies ethnographic and geographical features of population distribution in territories;

Historical social geography - studies the relationships of society, the change of social layers;

Historical cultural geography - studies spiritual and material culture;

Historical geography of interaction between society and nature - direct (human influence on nature) and reverse (nature on human);

historical economic geography - studies the development of production, industrial revolutions;

Historical and geographical regional studies.

Archival studies- a scientific discipline that studies and develops theoretical, methodological and organizational issues of archival affairs and its history.

Archeology- a historical discipline that studies the historical past of mankind from material sources.

Ethnography- part of historical science that studies ethnic peoples and other ethnic formations, their origin (ethnogenesis), composition, settlement, cultural and everyday characteristics, as well as their material and spiritual culture.

Historiography is an auxiliary historical discipline that studies the history of historical science. Historiography tests how accurately the scientific method is applied when writing a historical work, focusing on the author, his sources, the separation of facts from interpretation, as well as on the style, author's preferences and the audience for which he wrote this work in the field of history.

Historical computer science- an auxiliary historical discipline that studies the methodology of using information technology in the study of the historical process, the publication of historical research and the teaching of historical disciplines, as well as in archival and museum affairs.

Lesson Objectives

1. To activate the necessary knowledge of students from the history course of grades 5-6.

2. Develop skills in defining and explaining concepts, analyzing and working with documents, diagrams and tables.

3. Give students the opportunity to be creative.

Lesson plan

I. Historical sources.

II. Auxiliary historical disciplines.

III. Language family.


I. Historical sources

At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher informs students that during the lesson they will become familiar with new concepts and terms: various types of historical sources, auxiliary historical disciplines, the concepts of “language family” and “language group”.

Students are given the task: in the process of studying a new topic, activating the knowledge acquired in history lessons in previous years, select examples of various types of historical sources and explain which auxiliary disciplines study them.

The teacher introduces the concept historical source and together with the students draws up on the board Scheme 1 “Classification of historical sources”. It offers different types of sources and students select examples. The results of the activity are recorded on the board and in students’ notebooks.

Historical sources- the entire complex of objects of purposeful human activity that directly reflected the historical process and captured individual facts and accomplished events, on the basis of which the idea of ​​a particular historical era is recreated, hypotheses are put forward about the causes or consequences that entailed certain historical events.

Scheme 1. Classification of historical sources

Questions and assignments for students

Determine by ear what type of sources the texts of the documents below belong to.

No. 1. Chronicle (fragments)

“In summer 6635 (1127). By order of Prince Vsevolod, construction began on the stone church of St. John in Novgorod...

That same summer there was a strong snowstorm on the land, and on the water, and on the mansions for two nights and four days. That same summer... the frost killed all the rye in the fall, and there was famine for the whole winter. An octopus of rye cost half a hryvnia.”

No. 2. Charter 1257-1259.

“I, Prince Alexander, and my son Dmitry with the mayor with Mikhail, and with the thousand Zhiroslav, and all the Novgorodians, make peace with the German ambassador Shivord, and with the Lyubetsk ambassador Gidrik, and with the Gothic ambassador Ostan. From now on, Novgorodians are guests on the German shore, and the Germans are guests on the Novgorod shore without dirty tricks ... "

No. 3. Birch bark letter

“From Boris to Nastasia. As soon as this letter arrives, immediately send me a servant on a stallion, because I have a lot to do here. Yes, send a shirt, I forgot my shirt.”

No. 4. “The Word about the destruction of the Russian land”

“Oh, bright and beautifully decorated, Russian land!

You are famous for many beauties: you are famous for many lakes, revered rivers and springs, mountains, steep hills, high oak forests, clean fields, wondrous animals, various birds, countless great cities, glorious villages, monastery gardens, temples of God and formidable princes, honest boyars, many nobles. You are filled with everything, Russian land, oh true Christian faith!”

No. 5. Charter of the Grand Duke

Vsevolod Mstislavich - Yuryev Monastery. 1125-1137

“I, Grand Duke Vsevolod, gave Saint George the Terpuzh churchyard of Lyakhovichi with land, and with people, and with horses, and forest, and bortni, and traps on Lovat... And then I gave it to Saint George forever...”

No. 6. The story of the life and courage of the blessed and Grand Duke Alexander

“...This prince Alexander was born from a merciful father, and most of all - a short one, the great prince Yaroslav and from his mother Feodosia.

... And he was handsome like no one else, and his voice was like a trumpet among the people, his face was like the face of Joseph, whom the Egyptian king made the second king in Egypt, and his strength was part of the strength of Samson, and God gave him the wisdom of Solomon, courage is like that of the Roman king Vespasian, who conquered the entire land of Judea.”

No. 7. Birch bark letter

“Bow from Yakov to his godfather and friend Maxim. Buy me, I bow, some oats from Andrey if he sells them. Take the letter from him and send me some good reading..."

“In summer 6635 (1127). There was no peace... neither with the Suzdal, nor with the Smolyans, nor with the Polvchans, nor with the Kievans. And all summer long the great octopus cost seven cuts.

In summer 6669 (1161). It was hot all summer, and everything burned, and in the fall frost killed all the wheat... Oh, there was great sorrow and need among the people.”

No. 9. Epics “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin.”

“Hey you are, good fellows!
I saw Tugarin Zmeevich,
Is he, Tugarin, three fathoms tall,
There's a red-hot arrow between the eyes,
The horse under him is like a fierce beast.”

Select historical sources from the list above and divide them into groups. Enter the results of your work in Table 1 “Historical Sources”.

The teacher draws the columns of the table on the board, and the students draw them in their notebooks. Then the teacher distributes cards with the list proposed below, and the children complete the task independently. It is possible for one student to complete the task in parallel at the board. After independent work, it is necessary to organize a check by calling one or two students in order to promptly identify errors made during the work. At the end of the work, the teacher must conclude that the historical source is connected with human activity, and the children must write it down in their workbooks.

Table 1. Historical sources





Are not

Drawing in a cave

Letter written on a clay tablet

Text of the law on stone

Birch bark letter

Ancient temple

Pot shards

Ruined Fortress



City name

Human skeleton

Dormant volcano

Bones of a prehistoric animal

Dry river bed


Drawing in a cave human skeleton extinct volcano story of a participant in a past war bones of a prehistoric animal letter written on a clay tablet ancient temple dried river bed text of a law on a stone coin shards of dishes destroyed fortress name of the city button birch bark letter.

II. Auxiliary historical discipline

Preliminary Questions

How do scientists obtain historical information?

What sciences study historical sources?

Students express their guesses. Then the teacher is on the blackboard, and the schoolchildren draw graphs in their notebooks Table 2 “Auxiliary historical disciplines”, which is filled in as the teacher explains the material. When compiling a table, students are asked leading questions that activate the knowledge gained from courses in the history of the Ancient World and the Middle Ages.

Table 2. Auxiliary historical disciplines


Subject of study


(Greek palaios- ancient,
grapho- writing)

Explores the external features of handwritten and printed sources in their historical development (handwriting, writing signs, features of their style, writing tools, material, ink, etc.)

(Greek archaios- ancient,
logo- word, teaching)

The science that studies the historical past of mankind from material sources

(Greek chronos- time)

The science of time systems

(lat. heraldus- herald

Studies coats of arms as a historical source

(Greek onoma- name, titles)

The science that studies proper names, the history of their origin and transformation. Has several sections:

Toponymy - the science of geographical names.

Anthroponymy - a science that studies personal names of people.

Ethnonymy - a science that studies the names of peoples.

Theonymics - a science that studies the names of gods, etc.


(Greek “nomisma” - legal tender, coin

The science of coins and the materials and tools used to make them

(Greek sphragis- seal)

The Science of Seals

(Greek “metron” - measure)

The science of measures of weight, length, volume, area

(Greek “genealogy” - genealogy

The science of the origin and relationships of individual and entire families

Auxiliary historical disciplines- a collective name for a number of scientific disciplines that study certain types or individual aspects of form and content historical sources.

The teacher consolidates the acquired knowledge with the help of the tasks given below.

Questions and assignments for students

Listen to the passage and determine which auxiliary historical discipline studies the highlighted words?

Blacksmiths forge tagans
On Taganskaya Sloboda,

Blacksmiths for a bathhouse stove
A copper vat is cast.
Old baker on Basmannaya
Bakes bread - "basman".
And in Kalashny Lane
For the boyars and for the king
Baker bakes
Rolls, bagels, buns.
On Rybachaya in Slobodka,
By the name Berezhki,
Fishermen launching boats
To the expanse of the Moscow River.
Axes are sharpened in slaughterhouses
On Myasnitskaya Sloboda,
In Rawhide wet
In the fast Yauza water.

(N. Konchalovskaya.
"Our ancient capital")

The teacher reads the text, students listen carefully and after reading answer the question posed. ( Onomastics.)

What information can a historian gain from studying street names?

What auxiliary historical discipline are we talking about?

1) In the red field
Lion on its hind legs
A yellow beast with a smile on his lips,
Corps of power in the shadows, -
On your hind legs!
Quiet Majesty
And in the eyes of deceit there is kindness,
Lion-man's guise,
The beard flows in rings.
He is not destroyed by fire,
There was not only one barbarian attack,
Holds the lion in the front paw of the right
Silver cross.

(S. Podelkov “Coat of arms of the city of Vladimir”)

2) I saw the coat of arms... - primordial:
Seated warrior on horseback
Dragon Spear Slayer
On a deep red canvas.

(V. Gerasimov. “Coat of Arms of Moscow”)

III. Language family

The teacher introduces a new concept and offers students scheme 2, which they transfer to their notebooks.

Scheme 2.Language family

Language families

Language groups

Scheme 3“Language families of the East European Plain” must be previously prepared by the teacher.

Scheme 3.Language families of the East European Plain

To reinforce the material, the teacher draws on the board table 3“Language groups” and fill out the left column together with the class.

Next, two options for work are possible: either students fill out the table while the teacher reads the list of peoples given below, or they do the work independently - on a card that they receive on their desk. One of the schoolchildren is doing work at the blackboard.

Upon completion, an oral check and correction is carried out.

Questions and assignments for students

Which language group do the following peoples belong to: French, Germans, English, Latvians, Finns, Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Italians, Spaniards, Estonians, Hungarians, Khanty, Uzbeks, Tatars, Lithuanians, Mansi, Russians, Ukrainians, Swedes, Danes, Romanians, Belarusians, Czechs, Tajiks, Norwegians, Afghans, Slovaks?

Table 3.Language groups

Homework. Create a crossword puzzle on this topic.

Tatiana PETROVA,
history and social studies teacher
Municipal Educational Institution of Multidisciplinary Lyceum,
Vyatskie Polyany, Kirov region.

Topic 3



    Basic and auxiliary historical disciplines.

    General auxiliary disciplines.

    Special auxiliary disciplines.

1. Basic and auxiliary historical disciplines

Modern Russian historical science is a complex, branched complex of interrelated disciplines. Currently there are more than 50 of them, but their number is constantly increasing.

In historical science, according to the subject of study and functions, two groups of disciplines are distinguished: basic and auxiliary. The main disciplines are directly involved in the study of the development of human society from its inception to the present. Auxiliary disciplines are a complex of sciences that create conditions for solving scientific problems in the main disciplines, that is, all auxiliary disciplines perform a service function in relation to historical science itself.

Historical science itself is divided into a number of branches according to 5 criteria.

    By era (history of primitive society, history of the ancient world, history of the Middle Ages, history of modern times, modern history).

    By continent (history of Asia and Africa, history of America, history of Europe, history of Australia and Oceania, etc.)

    By individual country (history of Russia, France, England, etc.)

    By ethnicity (history of the Slavs - Slavic studies).

    By nationality (domestic and foreign history).

Auxiliary historical disciplines are also divided into two groups - general and special. General auxiliary disciplines solve general, universal problems of any scientific and historical research. Special auxiliary disciplines solve narrow specific problems and most of them are specialized branches of source study.

2. General auxiliary disciplines (6)

Currently, in historical science there is a distinction 6 general auxiliary disciplines.

1. Historiography. It is divided into general historiography and problematic. General historiography studies the history of historical science from its inception to the present. General historiography examines the evolution of various scientific schools and concepts in historical science, and examines the scientific activities of individual historians. Problem historiography studies the history of specific scientific problems: it examines the process of their emergence and formulation in scientific literature, the process of resolving these problems, and determines the degree of study of problems that have not yet been solved in science.

2. Source study – This is a science that studies all types of historical sources, gives their classification, and develops a methodology for source analysis. In source studies, general source studies and problematic ones are also distinguished. General source study - the entire complex of sources on the history of Russia. Problematic source studies studies a set of historical sources on a specific topic, gives their classification and characteristics into groups, determines the analysis methodology, and conducts internal and external criticism of the sources. (Concepts of source, internal and external criticism).

3. Historical bibliography – is the science of methods of historical and bibliographic research, that is, methods of identifying literature on a given topic. Historical bibliography is also involved in the development of standards for the bibliographic description of literature in the scientific reference apparatus of research (footnotes and list of references), and develops GOST standards for the design of scientific reference apparatus of research.

4. Methodology. Methodology is currently understood as two sciences. Firstly, methodology is a science that studies the structure and laws of development of society, as well as exploring the general and natural in the development of various societies. In this sense, methodology completely coincides with theoretical or analytical history. Secondly, methodology is the science of methods of historical research.

5. Historical computer science. She studies and develops methods for using computer technology in historical research, and also develops special computer programs for historical research (creation of specialized databases on various problems of historical science, development of computer models of historical processes).

6. Historical terminology. The subject of study is the conceptual-categorical apparatus of historical science, that is, the system of categories and concepts used in historical science - philosophical categories, general sociological concepts, specific historical concepts, as well as concepts of all auxiliary historical disciplines.

3. Special auxiliary disciplines (36)

Independent disciplines (6)

    Chronology (subject of study – time counting systems in various historical eras).

    Metrology (subject of study – systems of measures: length, weight, volume).

    Historical geography (the subject of study is the physical, economic and political geography of the past. The most important problems are the study of the dynamics of territorial changes in states, the study of issues about disputed territories).

    Historical cartography (subject of study – history of cartography and geographical maps as a historical source).

    Historical demographics (subject of study: population dynamics and migration processes of the past).

    Historical linguistics (subject of study – ancient languages ​​as a historical phenomenon).

Specialized branches of source study (30 disciplines)

Documentation complex

    Documentation – document as a social phenomenon

    Archaeography – methodology for identifying and publishing historical sources.

    Archival studies – document storage system, state archive system.

Palaeographic complex (paleography and sciences that emerged from it)

    Paleography (subject of study – ancient texts as a historical source).

    Codicology (subject of study – ancient handwritten books as a historical source).

    Berestology (Novgorod birch bark documents as a historical source).

    Diplomatics (legal documents as a historical source).

    Filigree science (paper watermarks in ancient texts).

    Epistolography (letters as a historical source)

Numismatic complex (numismatics and sciences that emerged from it)

    Numismatics (coins, i.e. metal money).

    Bonistics (paper money and all types of securities).

    Faleristics (orders, medals, awards).

    Medallerica (medals of all types)

    Vexillology (banners, flags, pennants).

    Uniform studies (all types of uniforms, primarily military uniforms).

    Weapon science (all types of ancient weapons)

Other branches of source study

      Sphragistics (seals as a historical source).

      Heraldry (coat of arms as a historical source).

      Genealogy (history of childbirth, families, genealogical books as a source).

      Epigraphy (inscriptions on solid material as an article source).

      Epitaph (gravestone inscriptions as a historical source).

      Toponymy (geographical names).

      Onomastics (proper names as a historical source).

      Philately (postage stamps as a historical source).

      Philocarty (postcards as a historical source)

      Emblematics (all types of emblems and symbols).

      Archeology (material sources extracted from the earth).

      Osteology (spun out from archeology, the subject of study is

bone remains of people and animals as a historical source).

      Glyptics (the art of carving precious stones)

      Iconography (icons as a work of art and a historical source)

Methodical disciplines

An independent group of auxiliary disciplines in historical science, not related to either general or special :

    Methods of teaching history – methods of teaching history in the education system.

    Testology – history tests as a means and method of teaching, methods of their development and application.

    Heuristic – heuristic, that is, search methods of teaching in history teaching.