home · Appliances · Alexander Nevzorov undertook to judge Vladimir Solovyov’s statements about Yuri Dudya. Soloviev attacked Dudya: “Your desire to suck up to the authorities of Tatarstan shows that you are just looking for sponsors! Dud replied to Solovyov

Alexander Nevzorov undertook to judge Vladimir Solovyov’s statements about Yuri Dudya. Soloviev attacked Dudya: “Your desire to suck up to the authorities of Tatarstan shows that you are just looking for sponsors! Dud replied to Solovyov

Well, how did you get on? Walked on air FM. He sometimes lets out monologues there.

Solovyov is a mouthpiece for propaganda. Not Levitan of course, but: "Yes, I'm rich!". What's shameful? Such values: Happiness is in money. And Dud is noticeable. In a year. They want him too. And he also wants, like Solovyov, not to become an ideologist, but to become rich.

In a recent interview with Posner, Yura, as a teenager emerging from puberty, truly consolidated his strength. And it worked. In two days - 2.5 million views. And there will be more than 5 million.
Although the previous interview with Face- disgusting from the first minutes.
However, Solovyov has 300 thousand doesn't pick up.

A Russian comes home after hard and low-paid work...
There are two topics on TV: “There is war in Syria.” “In Ukraine, it’s even worse.”
What to watch? In whose submission?Of course - this is a reason.

Now the essence of the “scandal”. Dud about the series “Sleepers”:

- One of the most talented Russian directors made a shameful piece of propaganda, realized with a serious delay what he had gotten himself into, and yesterday announced that he was leaving cinema. I have no doubt that the words about ending my career are a flash in the pan; It’s hard to get out of the cinema, like from the mafia.

- And while all the Facebooks on the planet are [completely on point] executing director Bykov, I want to say: Yuri, I believe that what you will do next is only #for ****; If you need any help, you can definitely count on me.

How are modern films made? More precisely, TV series.
If earlier money was allocated and withdrawn. Today, first they launder and steal, and with the rest they “create”. The series came out weak, just enough for the crumbs that were left for filming.
But Bykov and the actors did a great job!

Vladimir Solovyov reacted to Dudya’s prank. A good oral word, with theatrical emotionality, as he knows how. Well, don't meddle in adult affairs, son!

Sexually intense MP V.Milonov, who has been fighting with for many years, also went for a ride:

“I don’t understand at all why Solovyov pays attention to this stub.” Dud is an ordinary pimply scoundrel. He has no talent. So he’s trying to pull out his insignificant blok with obscenities and drugs. Nobody is interested in Dud. I looked, well, it’s some kind of nonsense. And now he will swell with pride, Solovyov himself scolded him. For Liberoids, this is a wake-up call: it means this pimple is theirs.

The current popularity is simplicity and truth.
Dudya succeeds. Sometimes with swearing- it is for idiots. Mostly without.
And for others it’s getting worse and worse. They get tired of “Visiting a Fairy Tale” on the main channels.

Calm down boyvsWake up uncle.

Some: Yes, I'm rich! And in the evenings “On First”, with audiences of several tens of thousands.
Others want to become rich. Millions are already watching them.
Third, just for fun,


The famous propagandist Vladimir Solovyov once again criticized one of the most popular and young journalists, Yuri Dud. His program, which appears only on the Internet, receives more views than many television programs. However, Solovyov is sure that Dud is a bad journalist.

Publicist Alexander Nevzorov noted that his relationship with both Solovyov and Dud is not very good. Therefore, his opinion can be considered objective. According to Nevzorov, this conflict shows the real balance of power in the media and makes it clear who is playing for whom and how lately.

Accusing Dudya, Solovyov forgot one simple thing - that he himself, Solovyov, is not a figure, he is not some kind of valuable phenomenon in itself. At some point he imagined himself as a journalist, forgetting that he was the fruit of the channel, that he rose only in the ratings of the channel, and in the case of “Russia 1” this is not just a lack of ratings, but this is the total inevitability of the channel, which is imposed on a very submissive and undiscriminating population. Without broadcasting capacity, without multimillion-dollar investments in equipment, support, editing, pictures, graphics, there is no Solovyov, this is understandable,” says the publicist.

Nevzorov emphasized that any large channel can make any number of Solovyovs in a couple of months, but this will not happen with Dud. The young journalist is not supported by the television concern that created him; he achieved his success on his own.

Yuri Dud visiting Ivan Urgant. Youtube screenshot

Russian YouTube star Yuri Dud, looking like an average hipster, felt at ease and relaxed when visiting Ivan Urgant. Urgant himself, on the contrary, seemed unusually tense.

The meeting was almost historic. On the air, two realities came face to face - the Internet and television.

Previous clashes, if they happened, were exclusively in the grotesque genre with freaks and other Diana Shurygins. And now viewers see a young, lively man who, in the eight months of his video blog’s existence, has gained a hundred million views. And this despite the fact that Dud is engaged in the most television business - talking with all sorts of different people.

The “Dudya effect” is a funny thing. It seems that success is now rewarded not by presence, but by absence on TV. His programs are traditional, that is, Posner-like. He carefully prepares for the broadcast and conducts classic in-depth interviews. The only deviation from the canon is generous swearing, sometimes motivated by the plot, sometimes not so much. Dudya has a lot of professional problems with drama, and with the severity of reaction, and with editing. But he has drive, multiplied by the freedom of themes, characters, angles - that is, everything that is not, and soon will not be at all, in the box.

His task is to tell the “boys” about important adults who are vying for their attention. When the guys are seasoned, like Zhirinovsky, Rodnyansky, Martirosyan, Navalny, it turns out boring and predictable. Those who are shrouded in a cloud of cliches are difficult to call to revelation. But he has no equal in interviews with people of his generation. Neuromonk Feofan, who crossed bast shoes with electronic music; good actor Alexander Pal, whose bottomless eyes resemble Sergei Bodrov; rapper tired of fame, purulent and suffering rapper Guf (an interesting gentleman who served time for hard drugs) - such a TV portrait gallery could not have been dreamed of.

Urgant crowned the pairing of two realities with a video about what the “vDud” project would look like on Channel One. Here the program would be called “Wicket of the Soul.” Quiet piano music, a melting candle, touching intonation, tears and sobs brought great joy to the minimalist Dudu.

Life is the best screenwriter. No sooner had the gate of the soul slammed shut on one channel than it immediately swung open on another. All that falsehood of the “little man”, which was so bitingly parodied on the First, turned into the truth of life on “Russia” under the name “The Fate of a Man”. Author and presenter: Boris Korchevnikov. He, who fell victim to the sudden transfer of Andrei Malakhov, finally received his compensation. They decided to start the project with a genuine titan, that is, with Vladimir Solovyov. The meeting with the beautiful Korchevnikov was literally shaking. The eyes are moistened with delight, the voice trembles with happiness. Dostoevsky’s character with the telling surname Lebezyatnikov seems to be copied from him, capable of turning into a caricature everything he sincerely serves.

While the presenter was in a swoon of respect, Soloviev himself began to open the gates of his multifaceted soul. Without naming who cannot be named on TV, he answers Navalny’s questions about wealth and real estate. And everything turns out so smoothly for him. Why rich? I work a lot. Why a villa on Lake Como? Because I have a big family (!!!). Yes, I love my country, but patriotism is not a written undertaking not to leave. Yes, I help a lot of people, but it’s immodest to talk about it. Yes, he is talented, but my main gift is to see the talent of others, so I launched Satanovsky, Mikheev, Kulikov into orbit (for these three heroes of detective analytics - special thanks from the grateful viewers).

The master takes the weight. YouTube screenshot

The Renaissance power of Solovyov needed physical confirmation, and it did not take long to arrive. An 80-kilogram tire was brought into the studio, which was placed on the shoulders of Vladimir Rudolfovich. So he and the tire did push-ups on the floor until they stopped him.

Solovyov's physical power is inseparable from his spiritual power. He writes books, conducts master classes, sings. And in the studio he sang: “Only a loved one can have such extraordinary eyes.”

Korchevnikov’s work is endless. The life and fate of Kiselev and Mamontov have not yet been immortalized, but others will follow. For example, Ernest Matskevichus has already caught up and started making documentaries. There was such a movie about Soros, it’s called “Quantum of Destruction” - it makes your blood run cold. The adept of mobilization journalism found, found in the thick of modern history the culprit of all our, and not our, troubles, and hit the bull's eye. And don’t forget to tell Korchevnikov about the founder Dobrodeev - there is a fate of Shakespearean proportions.

Yuri Dudu should definitely watch the premiere of the Rossiya channel. At least in order to understand who he will turn into, moving from one reality to another. It seems that he has a lot of proposals, there is something to think about. I would just move Dudya from the Internet to TV for one moment. The key scene of “The Fate of Man” is full of deep symbolism.

Solovyov takes Korchevnikov in his arms (after the splint) and freezes for a moment. How nice it would be if at that very moment Dud asked them the final question of all his interviews: what will you say to Putin when you find yourself in front of him?

What will they all say to Putin when they find themselves in front of him? Will they have time to open the gates of their souls in the allotted time?

In a recent interview, Nevzorov said that the presenter is just a “good artist” who “juggles” “flaming bonds” in front of the audience and “walks along the Kremlin’s line.” According to the St. Petersburg journalist, Vladimir imagined himself to be an important figure, although in fact he would never have become famous if not for the broadcasts on central television.


Alexander also spoke out in defense of journalist Yuri, whom Solovyov in the past called mediocre, and his project on YouTube a pitiful spectacle. “He lost his shores. At some point he decided that he was a journalist and had the right to vote and the right to evaluate,” Nevzorov said in an interview with the Ekho Moskvy radio station.

He admitted that he is on bad terms with Yuri, but at the same time considers him a free author who himself was able to gain popularity in conditions of fierce competition. Alexander noted that Vladimir would not have gained even a thousand subscribers on YouTube. “We take an aggressive and talkative loader, and he can be appointed Solovyov. But he cannot be appointed,” he concluded.

Later, Soloviev called all of Alexander Nevzorov’s statements nonsense, and noted that he could gather a large audience not only on TV screens, but also on the Internet. “(This is a person I, politely speaking, have not respected for a long time. Today’s speech is an attempt to smooth out the stupidity of the situation when he and Belkovsky managed to repeat some nonsense expressed on some Telegram channel, which is mine the performance in St. Petersburg was disrupted because no one came there. There were 1,600 people at that performance and there was a live broadcast on YouTube,” the NSN TV presenter quotes.

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Alexander Nevzorov on air “ Echo of Moscow” expressed his opinion about the conflict between Yuri Dud and TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov. Nevzorov declared himself an “absolutely independent arbiter” because he "on very bad terms with both".

Yuri Dud, journalist and host of his own show on the YouTube channel “ inDud”, repeatedly criticized TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov. On social networks, he expressed his opinion about the lack of professionalism of his colleague and called Solovyov “ corrupt".

Vladimir Solovyov, in turn, believes that Yuri Dud "for some reason I imagine myself to be a great journalist". According to Solovyov, Dud is so mediocre that he could not even work on the channel “ Match-TV. YouTube channel “ Vdud" he called it a "pathetic spectacle" that generates income.

Soloviev also advised Yuri not to collect gossip on the Internet, but to go study. But this makes little sense: Yuri Dud, according to Vladimir Solovyov, will never become a good, sought-after journalist. The TV presenter expressed hope that the journalist will someday lose his professional innocence and become a real man.

Alexander Nevzorov said about Vladimir Solovyov that he “lost his shores.”

“It’s not clear what excited him (Soloviev) so much about Duda... But the main leitmotif is that Duda is a bad journalist, so he should be deflowered.”, the publicist reasoned live, calling on the co-hosts of the program not to go into details of the “defloration process” that Solovyov is dreaming about.

The publicist also called himself the best arbiter in this conflict.

“In this situation, indeed, there is probably no better arbiter than me. An absolutely independent arbiter. I am on very bad terms with both one and the other - both Dud and Rudolfovich.”, - said Alexander Nevzorov.

“Without broadcasting capacity, without multimillion-dollar investments in equipment, support, editing, pictures, graphics, there is no Solovyov, that’s clear.”, says the publicist.

“You don’t need any abilities to juggle flaming staples in front of the public and clearly walk along the Kremlin’s line”. Further, Alexander Nevzorov notes that Solovyov does not have the right to “appoint someone as a good journalist,” since he himself, Solovyov, “Under free conditions, YouTube would not have gained even a thousand subscribers”.

The summary on the issue of Vladimir Rudolfovich’s professionalism was categorical.

“Soloviev simply lost his shores. At some point he decided that he was a journalist and had the right to vote and the right to evaluate.”, - concluded Alexander Nevzorov.

Dud is absolutely free, he is not anyone’s product. He makes himself with his own strength. And in the conditions of this fierce competition between critical, very poisonous YouTube and the absolutely free choice of the viewer, he wins."

“Any major channel - and we all know this - can do any amount of “ Soloviev" in a couple of months, if necessary, says Nevzorov. - We take an aggressive and talkative loader, and he can be assigned “ Soloviev", and he will be. But Dudem cannot be appointed".

The resume regarding Yuri Dud sounds like a compliment.

“He is a character in which his media value has a special touch of authenticity. The television concern that created him does not stand behind him. He is the author of his own fame.”.

Nevzorov does not advise Solovyov to “measure with pipettes” not only with Dud, but even with the most seedy YouTube blogger.