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Yulia Baranovskaya said that Arshavin became a Barcelona player. Photo. The only Russian Messi. Arshavin close to retirement

Yulia Baranovskaya shared the good news with subscribers - there is a new player in the Barcelona Football Academy named Arshavin.

Photo: DR Instagram

Quietly, we are talking about the youngest son of Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin - Arseny. The boy decided long ago to follow in the footsteps of his famous father and become a professional football player. Although Arshavin Sr. does not take part in the upbringing of three children from Yulia, the caring mother of the kids is trying to provide them with a happy childhood and fulfill their cherished desires. So, in October it became known that 6-year-old Arseniy was accepted into the prestigious sports school of FC Barcelona in Russia - BARÇA Academy Moscow, and yesterday, on November 1, he was solemnly presented with the uniform of the player of this club.

It should be noted that all three children of Yulia Baranovskaya chose something to their liking: the eldest son Artem is the soloist of the Fidget ensemble, daughter Yana is already taking prizes with the Todes ballet dance group, and the younger Arseny decided to opt for football. Judging by the social networks of the TV presenter, her children grow up very friendly and help the famous mother in everything. The family often travels and attends social events together.

Although her own father left the family a long time ago, Yulia tries to instill in her heirs respect and love for Andrei Arshavin, although publicly more than once in relation to her former lover. It is possible that now, when the youngest son, who began to take his first steps in big-time sports, the famous athlete will be able to give him a couple of fatherly lessons and professional master classes. It is interesting that Andrey Arshavin dreamed of playing in Barcelona for a long time, it seems that now his father's dreams can be realized by his son.

Recall that the TV presenter had been in a relationship with football player Andrei Arshavin for almost nine years. Although their relationship was never officially registered, three children were born in their family - Artem, Yana and Arseniy. The father of the family left the family when little Arseniy was not even born. In November, Arshavin will celebrate two years of marriage with his current wife Alisa Kazmina, with whom she is raising her daughter Yesenya.

The agreement will not be renewed. On November 11, the football player is solemnly celebrated. Surely the ceremony will be touching, and it will be sincere. I am sure that neither the fans in Alma-Ata, nor the club management, nor the Arshavin there will be no regrets about the time spent together.

In the two and a half years that Andrei was in Kazakhstan, he scored 30 goals and gave more than 30 assists. He did it all in his own style - quickly, beautifully, unexpectedly. With every movement he showed that in his life the most important thing is still football.

I open YouTube, watch a cut of his best moments and see everything for which he was loved in St. Petersburg, then in all of Russia, and then in England.

Here he is, over and over again, accurately shooting at the touch - either into the corner, then into the nine, then under the support goalkeeper. Thoroughbred, Western-style (in a good way) delivered strikes. Here he gathers two or three opponents around him, finely moves his legs, as if he does not know what to do next, and suddenly throws him over the goalkeeper with an invisible movement with a scoop. But at speed it opens, with a defender on its back it flies one on one, abruptly stops the ball, sending the guardian to the buffet, and instead of punching it, it suddenly rolls to the partner - it remains just to hit the empty goal. This is all Arshavin. First thought, then action. Unbanal, exclusive football player. Even after 35.

In Russia in recent years, a sluggish discussion has either arisen or faded again - and whether to return Arshavin V ? And the more dreary the national team looked (and let's not forget - before the 2018 World Cup, it often looked dreary), the more was the request for Arshavin. Well, or people like him.

Although, of course, the second Arshavin not yet. There are different, talented, even outstanding football players, but it was the players of Andrey's type that did not appear. As, for example, in Argentina there is no second. I can imagine how angry the haters are now Arshavin, they say - "compared", but accept it. In modern Russian football, in style and functionality, no one is closer Arshavin To Messi No. And it probably won't be soon.

Don't believe me, listen to the professionals.

This is what my good friend said - already after he left Russia, that is, he ceased to be an interested person.

This is an exceptional player. Andrew can create a moment out of nothing. If you get into a decent football society in Europe and say the word "Russia", they will immediately answer you " Arshavin". This is the main association of a European person with Russian football. He was incredibly popular abroad. Why? Probably not because he was just a nice guy. He was recognized for his talent and skill.

Andrew is a person. He is not afraid of anyone. A player who can make a key decision in a match, and he is also ready to sacrifice his personal interests for the benefit of the team.

It is clear that there were other quotes. and career Arshavin this is not only a delight, otherwise they would have seen him off on November 11 not in Alma-Ata, but in London, or at least Petersburg. But specialists of the world (!) scale did not speak so respectfully about any other modern Russian football player. Yes, I recognized the talent. Now it is customary to praise. Genius was appreciated in Spain. In Portugal - . All of them are people of great talent.

But only Arshavin was able to turn his talent into real achievements. Winner of the UEFA Cup and Super Cup, player of a grand club from England, leader of the national team in a successful tournament. These are just facts. Who else has this set?

It’s a pity, because success could be even more significant, but the reverse side of talent, the dark side of personality, led Andrey to collapse.

Deaf stock, bitter disappointment Wenger, embarrassing videos from nightclubs - how extraordinary Arshavin was on the field, the decline of a star turned out so banal. It could all end like Kokorina- easily.

But at the most difficult moment, when fame, recognition and, most importantly, youth, are gone, Arshavin still chose football. Let in " Kairat"Albeit out of the focus of the national team and in general attention from Russia, but he honestly gave football what football gave him at one time. And the result was good - I'm rewatching the video from" Kairat"and I'm glad that Russia had such a player.

Andrey Arshavin's statistics in Kairat




Europa League


Raises three children from the ex-captain of the Russian national football team Andrey Arshavin. The couple broke up six years ago, but the TV presenter still instills in her sons and daughters a love of football. Yulia attends World Cup matches with her children, where they support the Russian team together.

Recently, the youngest son of Yulia Baranovskaya and Andrei Arshavin met with another famous football player - Vladimir Bystrov. The TV presenter published a video capturing the boy’s warm communication with his father’s colleague, and signed it: “Bystrov and Arshavin.”

The recording shows how five-year-old Arseny, dressed in a bright red T-shirt with the name and number of Andrei Arshavin on the back, hops next to Bystrov, holding his hand tightly. The video shows that the boy completely trusts the athlete. Yulia Baranovskaya accompanied the video with the song "Team of Our Youth", in which the lines sound: "Ambitious understudies will come, God forbid they play better than ours."

Arseny Arshavin and Vladimir Bystrov

Fans of the TV presenter admired the active and agile Arseny: “I love little Arshavin”, “A real fan”, “Such a jumper”, “Energizer your Arshavin”, “What a cool child Arseny”, “Cool, little Arshavin” (the spelling and punctuation of the authors here and further saved. - Note ed.).

football player Alexander Kerzhakov also responded to the video: "This is an improved copy, the elder did not dance like that." Julia answered the athlete with humor: “And Leps didn’t sing.”

Subscribers expressed their regret at the non-participation of Andrei Arshavin in the lives of children: “What a shame for this little kid, because he has a football player father who could be with him”, “It’s a pity that he’s not walking with his dad”, “It’s good that there are such friends who can take their son to football.”

Instagram.com/ `

The youngest son of Yulia Baranovskaya, Arseniy, inherited his father's football abilities. The telediva was even sincerely surprised that the boy boasted the same manner of handling the ball as his star father. And this is a reason for pride, and what a reason, because once Andrei Arshavin was considered one of the most promising domestic players.

The child attended the football section and enjoyed chasing the ball around the field, and recently his talent helped him get a place in a prestigious football school. Arseny Arshavin became a pupil of the official school of FC Barcelona in Russia.


“From today Arshavin in Barcelona”, - Yulia Baranovskaya shared the joyful news.


It is worth noting that this is indeed a turning point in the development of Arseny and from now on the usual routine of his life will undergo changes. The young football player will have intensive training three times a week and a Sunday game where he will have a chance to prove himself.

By the way, Arseny turned 6 years old at the end of August, and in order to please the birthday man, Yulia Baranovskaya organized the arrival of an honored guest -.