home · Lighting · Conspiracies for the New Year. Conspiracies and rituals for the New Year, New Year's Eve, Old New Year, Chinese New Year

Conspiracies for the New Year. Conspiracies and rituals for the New Year, New Year's Eve, Old New Year, Chinese New Year

New Year's Eve is the best time to make a wish, get rid of financial problems, call good luck into your life, and improve your personal life. This tradition has existed for many centuries. Even people who do not have deep esoteric knowledge will be able to carry out conspiracies and rituals for the New Year. They can be done at home.

New Year's Eve is a time to invite good luck into your life and improve your personal life.

To improve the quality of life, you can make various talismans that will be imbued with the special magic of New Year's Eve. It could be the most ordinary things

  • magic money to attract financial well-being;
  • talisman ring to attract good luck;
  • a pendant that helps preserve youth and beauty;
  • a comb with which you can see your betrothed in a dream.

It is very important to perform magical rituals with a great mood and faith in success. Only in this case can you achieve a good result.

On New Year's holiday you can attract money with the help of rituals

New Year's magical rituals to help attract wealth and mutual love

New Year's holidays are a special time. These days are filled with positive energy of great strength. Practicing magicians do not miss the opportunity to use the beginning of the year to achieve certain goals with the help of mysterious forces.

New Year's strong rituals will allow you to live the coming year without shocks and misfortunes. You just need to “program” it correctly. Follow all the conditions of the ritual, and only happy events will be present in life.

Some ancient rituals and signs are known to almost everyone. For example, it is difficult to find a person who would not know that you need to make a wish while the chimes are striking, announcing the beginning of the new year. Below are the most powerful rituals that will help you make the most of the magical New Year's Eve.

The most famous ritual for the New Year is making a wish during the chimes.

Love New Year ritual

Love conspiracies for the New Year 2019 will be very effective if you think through the sequence of their execution in advance and prepare all the necessary items for their implementation. This ritual should be held on December 31 near the main city Christmas tree. It is intended for those who want to find their soulmate and find the happiness of mutual love.

When rituals are held for the New Year, a special atmosphere is always felt. In addition to hope, joy and expectation of a real miracle arise in the soul. With this mood in mind, you need to carry out the next ritual. For it you will need

  • a sheet of red or scarlet paper;
  • ballpoint pen or marker;
  • hole puncher;
  • willingness to change your life and accept true love into it.

For the ritual you need to make confetti

In small handwriting on a piece of paper, write in detail how you would like your lover to be. Describe his appearance, character, financial situation, profession, etc. Do not forget to describe what you do not want to see in him, but only in such a way that you replace the character traits that are unpleasant for you with the opposite ones.

For example, you don't like angry or too shy people. Write - my betrothed must be kind and sociable. If you could never live with a boring person who is always dissatisfied with everything, write on a piece of paper - he should be cheerful, with a light character. This will be your message to higher powers.

After reading carefully what you wrote, use the hole punch to turn the paper into confetti. If you don't have a hole punch at hand, use scissors to cut it into small pieces.

For the ritual you need to go to the city Christmas tree

Collect everything you cut into a bag. Then, after dressing warmly, go to the main city Christmas tree. Try to scatter your magical confetti over the area, and they should also fall on the tree itself. Don't forget to look around, maybe your soulmate is already here!

A magical way to decorate a Christmas tree

New Year's ceremonies and effective rituals also affect the forest beauty herself. You can involve your family for this ancient ritual or perform it alone.

The most beautiful balls of red, green, gold, white and blue are chosen. For each of them they make a special wish, which must come true in the coming year. The colors are distributed like this

  • red – love;
  • yellow – luck;
  • white – health;
  • green – well-being;
  • blue - success in business.

For each ball on the tree you need to make a separate wish

You can choose other colors, the main thing is that you make a separate wish for each ball. The Christmas tree will not be removed until January 15th.

There are many signs and ancient rituals for the New Year's forest beauty.

Invite your loved ones to perform a ritual on the garland when you decorate the Christmas tree. Let your family make a wish. Then turn on the lights on the tree and say׃

“The lights come on - wishes come true!”

The magic increases at night, so always decorate your Christmas tree after sunset.

Decorating the New Year tree using ritual should be done after sunset

Energy amulet

Rituals for the New Year can be carried out even when the fun is in full swing. If you feel an unprecedented surge of strength and are in a great mood, make an energy amulet that will help you remember this state throughout the next year.

On New Year's Eve, magic is saturated with positive energy and increases. You need to accumulate it and tie it to some object. It should be small in size so that it fits freely in the palm of your hand.

To carry out New Year's rituals, a brooch, ring, pebble, shell or any other item is suitable. Hold it in your palms, sit comfortably and close your eyes. Try to absorb the festive noise, fun, music playing, and the roar of fireworks outside the window for three to four minutes. That is, everything that accompanies New Year's Eve. Remember the feeling of joy and festive mood that overwhelms you. Then mentally reach for the object held in your hands and convey your feelings to it.

The object in the palms must be mentally conveyed all the most positive emotions

Make a wish during the chimes

The most famous holiday ritual is associated with a New Year's wish. Every person has done it at least once in their life. Such powerful New Year rituals really work if done correctly. The main feature of this ritual is that it is performed at the turn of the old and new years.

In the old year, just before the chimes strike, you need to have time to remove the gold ring from your hand, and with the first strike of the clock you need to throw it into a glass of champagne and make a wish. Drink the sparkling wine down and then put the ring back on your finger. Now not only will your cherished wish come true, but you have also made a talisman out of your jewelry.

After the ritual, the ring becomes your talisman

New Year's conspiracies

New Year's Eve is truly one of the most energetically powerful nights; it absorbs a surge of positive emotions from millions of people. That is why experienced magicians try to make various talismans and amulets during these hours. For example, magic money or a love magnet. Any person who wants to change their life for the better can perform an effective magical ritual.

Ritual to preserve youth and beauty

Conspiracies and rituals that can be performed for the new year 2019 will help improve your health and maintain an attractive appearance for a long time. An hour before the New Year, light three red candles. Stand in front of the mirror, bring a teaspoon of honey to your lips and whisper

“On three sides there is day, on the fourth - night. To become young forever, I will seal my age with sweet honey! Amen".

A spoon of honey is enough for a beauty ritual.

After this, you need to eat the honey, and then wash it down with a few sips of red wine. This New Year's ritual will help maintain youth and health. A powerful ritual absorbs the special atmosphere and hopes of many people, dissolving them in a spoon of honey.


Signs and ancient rituals also include the rite of forgiveness. Even in the old days, our ancestors believed that in the past year we need to leave all grievances behind and start the next year with a clean slate.

Light a church candle. Look at her fire and forgive everyone who has offended you. Forgive yourself for not doing everything you wanted or for something else.

A church candle is required for the amulet spell ritual

Thank the Lord for every day you have lived in the past year. Ask for his support in future affairs, ask for health for yourself and your loved ones. Walk around your home with a lit candle clockwise. Then say

“Merciful God, protect us from troubles in the new year, protect us from illness, save us and preserve us! Amen".

Put out the candle and continue preparing for the holiday.

Wealth plot

To make a talisman that will attract financial well-being to your home, save the first little thing that you are given for change in the new year. This will be your magic money, which needs to be put in a secluded place.

On the first new moon of the year you need to take this little thing and read the following plot׃

“As the month grows in the night sky, so will my money grow.”

Read every night until the moon is full. After this, the money is hidden in a bag of red cloth and put away in a secluded place.

The charmed money must be placed in a red bag

Rite for good luck

Even a person unfamiliar with magic understands well that magic increases at night and therefore rituals are best performed in the evening.

This ritual will help improve your financial situation, achieve a promotion and attract success into your life. In the evening, three or two hours before the New Year, go outside. Choose a secluded place close to home. Place any banknote on the ground and, looking at the sky, read the following spell׃

“The red sun rises in the east, the scarlet dawn rises in the east, at the hour of midnight a blue star rises in the sky, a high star, a happy star. The star shines from January to December Twelve months in a row, Twelve months in a row. I, slave (Name), stand under that star, I walk from east to west along roads, along paths, along milestones. I will not go astray, I will reach the trail of the year with happiness. Amen to my word. Amen to the star, Amen to good fate. Amen".

The ritual for attracting money requires leaving a bill on the ground.

After this, bow to all four cardinal directions. Start from the east. The bill should remain on the ground, and you leave and don’t look back.

Conspiracy to make a wish come true

To make sure your wish comes true, you can carry out an effective old conspiracy. This ritual to fulfill wishes and attract good luck will work in the new year 2019.

Exactly 14 days before the New Year, buy a small piece of expensive green fabric. It can be velvet or brocade. Definitely something that was associated in past centuries with wealth and luxury. Sew a small bag from the purchased material, and use the rest to decorate sofa cushions; sew from the remaining piece a pot holder for the kitchen, a newspaper holder, or some other thing needed in the house.

In the ritual to fulfill a wish, a green velvet bag is used

The main thing is that a piece of purchased brocade does not lie idle at home.

On the evening of December 31, a few hours before the New Year, go to the decorated Christmas tree and carefully tear off as many needles as you are old. Make the three most important wishes for you. After this, hide the needles in a green bag sewn in advance. Read the conspiracy over him

“My great desire will be fulfilled by the spirit of the Lord’s help, for the Lord helps those who ask for help. Help will come in unknown ways, and my desire will become reality, events will acquire a path for fulfillment, and the Spirit of the Lord will give me what I ask of Him. Amen".

Keep this talisman throughout the year, then you can make a new one when December 31st comes again.

Several New Year signs

On the eve of the New Year holidays, every insignificant detail takes on special meaning and can play an important role in your life. Pay attention to the world around you, fate may give you some sign.

To attract money in the New Year, place a few bills under the tree.

1. If you break a toy while decorating the Christmas tree, don’t be upset. This promises profit or increased income in the near future. When you throw away the pieces, make a wish.

2. Buy a new broom a few days before December 31st. On New Year's Eve, tie his hand with a red satin ribbon - the year will bring financial well-being.

3. When the chimes strike, you should have a large bill in your pocket or purse. Touch it with your hand. This will be your money talisman.

5. If you want to spend a whole year without knowing financial troubles, put a few large bills under the Christmas tree.

All these signs will definitely come true if you believe in the magic of New Year's Eve! Use this time to ensure that the new year brings only happy moments into your life. Magic these days is poured around you - all you have to do is touch it with your heart.

If you want to lift the veil of your future a little on New Year's Eve and find out what good, and maybe bad, awaits you ahead, then you have come to the right place. Our article will present several options for fortune telling for all occasions. All these magical rituals have one thing in common - they are all performed on New Year's Eve.

New Year's conspiracies that are spoken on New Year's Eve

For love. If you want to find out who your husband will be, where the groom will come from, or something like that, then you can use New Year's fortune telling for this purpose. Girls have long loved all kinds of fortune-telling and conspiracies related to their personal lives, because with their help you can bewitch a guy, find out your husband’s name, or make a man stop loving you.

For wealth. With the help of all kinds of conspiracies read on the night of the New Year, you can attract money into your life. To do this, they usually use coins and say special magic words on them.

For the future. You can also find out what the coming year will be like for you in general and make sure that everything works out in your favor with the help of magical rituals and specifically on New Year’s Eve. There can be a wide variety of variations of fortune telling, and all of them are passed on by our ancestors from generation to generation.

For great luck in business. If you are doing your own business and want it to develop successfully and bring good income, then in this case you can use magical rituals. With the help of New Year's spells for good luck, you can attract success and prosperity to yourself.

New Year's spells for wealth

For a coin. If you want to become richer in the coming year, then read a special plot. You will have to whisper the words onto a coin with a face value of 5 or 10 rubles. You will need to carry this coin with you everywhere and always; it will certainly attract good luck to you in money matters.

On the coin you need to read these words: “ Bring me, money, incredible riches. Let money come to me like a wide and endless river, and let it bring joy and happiness with it. May all my needs in the coming year be met and all my desires be fulfilled. Yes, forever and ever everything will be this way and only this way! My word is strong and indestructible, may everything I ask come true, and may this coin make me richer!»

Then put the coin in a secluded place, for example, in a secret pocket of your outerwear. May this coin bring you wealth. The main principle is that strangers should not see her.

To wallet. You can say magic words on your new wallet to also bring good luck in money matters. Buy a red wallet and read these words on it: “ I call upon wealth. Let this new bright wallet make it so that from now on I will never experience need. Amen

Then you need to sprinkle this wallet with holy water three times and put it under your pillow. In the morning, move all the coins and bills into it and from now on go with this wallet always and everywhere.

New Year's conspiracies rituals to attract money

On the money tree. If you have a plant such as a money tree in your house, then you can cast a magic spell on it and attract a lot of money to yourself in this way.

Before the spell, the tree needs to be watered, and not just with holy water. Then you need to whisper these words to this plant exactly at midnight: “Grow, grow, tree, and bring me good luck in matters of money. Let my house be filled with money just as your leaves are filled with strength and health. Let it be this way and no other way!”

It is advisable to place this plant in the kitchen. This way, it will work more efficiently and bring a lot of money into your home.

For new clothes. If you whisper a magic spell for new clothes, this will also help to increase the amount of money in your home. Buy a jacket, dress or some other item of clothing, and be sure to be white. On New Year's Eve, put these clothes in front of you and say a special spell.

The words of the conspiracy for a new robe are as follows: “ I bought new clothes, but I want them to bring me financial success and prosperity. Let this blouse (skirt, dress, etc.) become my talisman and attract a lot of money to me. May my word remain strong and indestructible!”

Then put these clothes on yourself and have fun in them on New Year’s Eve. After this, before going to bed, put the robe under your pillow, and in the morning the enchanted item can be put in the closet. Wear these clothes more often, then they will bring you a lot of money.

New Year's toast spell for health

If you sincerely wish that your family and friends will be healthy in the coming year, then read a special spell for health during the chimes on New Year's Eve.

Pour champagne into glasses, add about a teaspoon of holy water to each of them and say this toast to health: “May the coming year bring us health and not cause trouble. Let our home be filled only with positive energy and let our souls become warm and cozy. Just as these glasses of sparkling wine are full, so may everyone living in this house be full of strength and energy in the coming year. Let it be so!"

Spell for husband's love on New Year's Eve

On my husband's shirt. If your task is to strengthen love on the part of your husband, then there is a special conspiracy for this. Take the shirt that your husband wears most often and cast a magical and very powerful spell on it that will certainly excite a wave of feelings in your man.

These are the words you should say: “I want to awaken intense passion in my chosen one and make sure that the love for me in his heart never fades away. Let his heart beat even stronger when he looks at me and let the flame of sincere love for me never go out in his soul. My word is strong and tenacious, and let it be so in reality!”

Then ask your husband to wear this shirt more often, and you will see that his love for you becomes stronger and stronger. You will notice that the man you love has become more attentive and more caring towards you. The conspiracy will begin to operate from the first day of pronouncing this conspiracy.

For a glass of champagne. You can also read the magical captivating words over a glass of champagne on New Year’s Eve. Then you will need to give this glass to your beloved man to drink. You need to read the plot without your husband telling you.

You need to say these words: “Let the blood play in my beloved, as the bubbles play in a glass of this drink, and let my heart burn with fire from love for me. My word is strong and tenacious, may the ardent fire of passion in my beloved man not go out, and may he love me all his life.”.

For my husband's wedding ring. In this case, the spell should be read on your husband’s ring, but you must make sure that your loved one does not see you reading the magical text above his wedding ring. If you manage to do this, then your husband’s heart will flare up with the same love for you.

You need to read this plot: “Just as a given ring has no end, so may my husband’s love for me have no boundaries and may it be endless and very lasting. Yes it will be this way and no other way. Amen!"

This plot must be read three times in a row, while the ring should be held in your palms, warming it with love. After the magic words have been spoken, feel free to ask your husband to put on the ring and be sure that he will soon fall in love with you with a new frantic force, as he once did a long time ago.

New Year's toast as a conspiracy

For good luck in the new year. To attract success and prosperity to your home, you should read the following conspiracy-toast while the chimes are striking: “Let the chimes strike this night and let them add good luck and luck to our home in any business and endeavor. Let joyful laughter always be heard in our home because everything turns out smoothly and successfully. Let it be so, as I say!”

Here's to health in the new year. In order to bring health into the house for all family members, say the following conspiracy-toast: “May we live a healthy life in the coming year, and may no ailments overcome you and me in the near future. Just as our glasses of sparkling wine are full, so may our bodies be full of health in the coming year. Let it be so!”

For wealth in the new year. If you want to become a richer person in the coming year, you can also read a certain conspiracy. His words are: “May the coming year bring us a lot of money, and may we not experience any need or sorrow this year. May our home be full of food, beautiful things and luxurious items. Let it be this way and nothing else! My word is strong and tenacious!”

New Year's signs and conspiracies for 2019

Good omens. They say that if you want the mistress of the coming year, that is, the Pig, to be favorable to you and not give you unpleasant surprises, then you need to appease her. Be sure to place a figurine of a pig in the center of the table on New Year's Eve; the hostess of the year will certainly appreciate it.

Prepare dishes that your pig likes. For example, she likes all kinds of vegetable salads, fruit dishes and a variety of desserts. You can also cook fish and chicken. Baking on the New Year's table is also welcome when welcoming 2019. All this will appease the Pig, and your year will be successful.

It is best to celebrate the New Year 2019 in pastel colors. The ideal color for your outfit is pink or yellow. The mistress of the year likes this color scheme the most, because it matches her.

It is also considered a good omen to celebrate the New Year in a clean apartment, and you need to put things in order 3-4 days before December 31st. If you do the cleaning on New Year's Eve, you will wash all the luck out of your home.

Bad omens. The pig doesn’t like wild New Year’s celebrations with fights, hysterics and scandals, so don’t make too much noise when welcoming 2019. If a serious quarrel occurs on this holiday, then such unpleasant situations will occur in your home throughout the year.

You cannot celebrate the New Year outside the home, because this will also anger the mistress of this year. Gather together with your close family circle and celebrate the beginning of 2019 quietly and without unnecessary luxury. It is better to celebrate this holiday with dear people, and not in an expensive restaurant, with black caviar and overseas champagne.

It is also considered a bad omen to cook pork dishes for the New Year's table. Otherwise, the Pig will be very angry with you and will try in every possible way to ruin the coming year for you. You risk living 2019 in terrible need, illness, lies, betrayal and hypocrisy. So think very carefully before you decide to put pork cutlets or anything else made from this type of meat on the table.

New Year's conspiracies and amulets

Protecting your home from enemies. On New Year's Eve, you can make a talisman with your own hands to protect your home from enemies. Take a thick piece of bread and say the following protective spell on it: “I am putting up the most powerful defense for my home, so that not a single enemy comes close to me. May this crust of rye bread bring me frantic strength that will help me overcome any enemy. May the magical power be with this piece of green in my house, may it protect me from severe misfortune. Let it be only this way and no other way.”.

Then, after the magic words have been spoken, take this enchanted piece of bread into a chintz bag and place it close to the heat source to dry it until it becomes a cracker. After the bread piece dries, you can hang it closer to the front door. This will be excellent protection for your home from everything bad.

Amulet for good luck in love. If you have been completely unlucky in your love relationships lately, then this can be easily corrected with the help of magic. Take a gold or silver ring and read these words on it: “Just as a ring is endless, so let endless love reign in our home. Let every member of our family live in love and harmony with their soulmate and not know any sorrows or betrayal. May my words be strong and unshakable. Amen!"

After the words are spoken, give this ring to the one who most now needs love and care from the opposite sex. If the ring does not fit in size, then you can simply wear it around your neck, hanging it on a chain, or put it in a secret pocket and wear it secretly from prying eyes.

Amulet from envious people. If there are people around you who are very jealous of you, and you are afraid of their negative impact on your life, then in this case a magical amulet will come to your aid. It's very easy to create. To do this, you only need a dove feather. It is this feather that will bring protection from enemies and envious people if you whisper a magical spell on it.

So, take a feather and say these words to it: “Let such a feather drive away all troubles and sorrows from me, may it not allow my envious people to spoil my life. May this pen be filled with magical power, may it protect me from evil people and their thoughts. My word is strong and indestructible, let it be so, and nothing else!”

You should always carry the feather with you so that not a single bad person who envies you can do anything bad to you. If you want to protect your home from envious people, then place the resulting amulet closer to the threshold of your house, thus protecting your home.

With these conspiracies and amulets you can protect yourself and your family from misfortunes in 2019. You also learned how, with the help of magical rituals performed on the night of the New Year, you can improve your destiny for the better.

You think dark night, silence and solitude. You are wrong. New Year's conspiracies have a very high chance of coming true!

And the reason is simple.

Why on New Year's Day?

It is most beneficial for new magicians to ride the flow of general energy. This, of course, can be done when there is pitch darkness all around. That is, everyone is shaking and afraid, and the energy is off the charts.

But it is better to use big holidays.

New Year is an amazingly magical time! People are not just happy, they are positive and friendly. They still have hopes.

Please note: this is one of the most powerful magical energies!

It is precisely this that even the most inexperienced sorcerer can use to achieve his goals. You just need to throw a bridle on this huge stream so that it all turns in your direction!

It is important to approach rituals correctly.

Imagine that you have the chance to ride the strongest horse in the world.

He does not resist, but only waits for the moment when you turn your gaze to him. It’s not given to others, but it desperately wants your attention.

You should approach the New Year holidays with these thoughts. Then everything will work out.

New Year's conspiracies should have a positive meaning.

They should not conflict with the general rejoicing. Keep this in mind when you decide to try it.

And further. New Year's conspiracies are pronounced not only on the night of January 1st.

Remember, there are several dates for different nations to celebrate the holiday. These are the ones you should use. (For example, Chinese). But it is necessary to create scenery appropriate to the people who are celebrating.

Health spell

Let's start with the most important thing for any person - health. It is a mistake to consider it not the most important thing in life. Those who think so have probably not yet seen the root.

New Year's fortune telling for health should be used by all people. So society as a whole would become much cleaner and brighter.

  1. Prepare three for New Year's Eve.
  2. They will need to be lit and placed in front of the mirror.
  3. Make yourself comfortable with him too.
  4. In your hands you should have a jar of honey and a spoon (silver).
  5. Read the words:

“The world wanders for another year. He fills the world with himself. The old year is flowing away. That's why this night is dark. The sickness flow away with him, into the damp earth, into the dark night, away from my body. I fill my mouth with sweetness, I gather health into myself. I woo youth, I will seal your lips with honey! Amen!"

Now take a spoonful of honey into your mouth and pass the jar to a friend, family member (or guest).

Surprisingly, New Year's conspiracies are good because they are recommended to be used, so to speak, collectively.

Let as many people as possible take part in this. This will make them work better!

On request

All the chimes are listening and clinking champagne, and you carry out other actions.

Multimillion-dollar rejoicing will become your personal magician and will accomplish even what is in principle impossible.

Try it at least once. Then you will always celebrate the holiday like this!

We'll have to prepare.

You will not listen to the chimes, but to the ringing of bells. A few moments before twelve, turn it on.

Turn off the lights and light the golden candles.

Think through your desire in detail. Not: “I want love,” but “I want Vasya to adore me, to say so on the first of January, giving him a bouquet of roses...” Do you understand? Those. More specificity in desires is required.

As soon as the New Year comes into its own, say the words:

“I step on earth as a heavenly aurora. I embody my will in it. My desire turns into reality. All obstacles turn to dust! As I planned, it will return in reality. Only the dawn of the new year will dawn!

And here is another ritual without spells and bells.

When you begin to make a wish under the chimes, you need to touch the left lobe with the index finger of your right hand. Then everything will come true as expected!

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From whom: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You can’t buy your children extra toys or new clothes, nor can you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Over the past year, we have done excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

Don't mix up the order!

And if you want something that cannot be avoided to happen, do the opposite.

Put the ring on the index finger of your left hand and touch your right earlobe, thinking about how to destroy unfavorable circumstances.

For wealth

An hour before midnight, you should hang all the cash you have in the house on the (live) Christmas tree. At the same time they say:

“The Christmas tree is the fruit, the offspring is for me. I don’t give money, I borrow. The year is coming, it’s measuring out for me. Not an arshin, not an altyn, but a bag of wealth. Amen!"

When the year comes, go outside and treat everyone with sweets.

Please note: the magician should not allow himself a drop of alcohol this night. They will ruin the entire effect of the ritual.

And the more people receive sweet gifts from you, the more money there will be in the coming year. Even if you give gifts to people all night, it won’t hurt.

For big money

This ritual requires. If the matter is serious, then you will have to meet the year by the river.

  1. At midnight, start throwing into the water.
  2. Read about every conspiracy. There should be thirteen of them.

And the words are:

“Beyond the sea in the depths of the mountain, my treasure awaits for the time being. I gather the spirits of water, I form my army. Go my soldiers, get the gold from the grotto. Bring it to me, turn everything around. Just as water flows in a river to the sea, so wealth is not too lazy to flow to me. Will be there every day! Coin to coin, bill to bill! Without deception and lies. Such is my lot! Amen!"

It is allowed to perform this ritual at home. Just create a flow of water artificially in the bathroom.

Then collect the coins and throw them into the river. True, this option does not have much power. Therefore, look at the situation yourself.

For good luck

  1. On New Year's Eve, put fruit on the table. Be sure to buy beautiful ones.
  2. And as soon as the chimes strike, cut one in half, saying:

“To success, to luck, to happiness!”

Count how many grains are visible? You will have so much this year.

Winter holidays are always filled with mystery and magic, so New Year conspiracies and rituals for the Old New Year on January 13 are always relevant for those who want to attract wealth, luck, and love to themselves and their loved ones. Every January day has strong energy, so rituals can and should be performed at this time.

Preparation for rituals

People have always noted the importance of proper preparation for performing conspiracies and rituals, without which any magical action will be absolutely useless.

  1. It is necessary to observe a one-day fast, which involves only a few sips of water, helps to cleanse the body and spirit of the conspirator.
  2. It is important to read a prayer before performing rituals.
  3. It is advisable to carry out the conspiracy on Wednesday, as this will ensure the success of the ritual.
  4. Preparation - coins for ransom. The next morning after reading the plot, they are lowered into flowing waters.
  5. It is necessary to exclude alcohol on the day of the conspiracy and the day before, since the person must be in a sober mind.
  6. All quarrels that arise before the ceremony must be resolved.
  7. Thoughts must be cleared of bad thoughts.
  8. You cannot read conspiracies in a bad mood.

Rituals for the Old New Year

The entire first half of the month up to and including the 13th is considered energetically filled. But according to tradition, the most powerful conspiracies for good luck, wealth and love are carried out starting on the evening of January 13th. When cleaning up after a festive feast, you should carefully take the tablecloth and shake the crumbs out the window, saying three times:

“How many crumbs are on this tablecloth, so much happiness and money will be in my house.”

You should not ignore the bones of the meat. On the first day of January, they bury themselves under a tree near the house and say:

“As a tree grows and gains strength, so good things are brought into the house; just as a tree lives, I drink love and good luck.”

Pancake spell

While preparing pancakes, a love spell for the old New Year is read out. To attract a betrothed, a woman must bake a lot of treats, dress beautifully and invite many guests to the house. During preparation, the following love spell words are pronounced:

“Blinok, find your mouth, bake treats, and suitors swarm around me like bees, look at me beautiful and don’t take your eyes off.”

Attracting a man

Attracting the attention of a man can be done on the night of January 14, the Old New Year holiday. To do this, you need to put on new clothes, let your hair down and, at midnight, light three candles of different colors: gold, red and white, tie them with thread. They are placed in a crystal saucer with water over a round mirror, then they say:

“Power of red fire, turn the feelings of the narrowed on me, so that love is like hot fire, like clear water, like a deep mirror. As soon as the red flame reaches the water, the affair will be crowned with success, and the betrothed will wish to get engaged. Amen".

Beauty slander

When in need of beauty, girls and women resort to magic. One of the conspiracies is read in bed on the night of the holiday:

“Early in the morning I will get up from my warm bed and go to clean water, with parental permission. I will draw water that is more expensive than rings, redder than gemstones, more important than any cups. The true beauty lies in that water. I will wash my face, white and clear, with this unusual water, I will be beautiful for the suitors who will swarm around me, for husbands, for elders and old women. I will be warmer and more ruddy than the sun, brighter than its hot and blinding ray. Everyone will like my beauty. I, servant of God (name), will take possession of the hearts and souls of people and may I remain in them. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual for money for the New Year

A week-long conspiracy for the old New Year for money is carried out while taking water procedures on the first of January. On the night of the holiday, rosemary, orange, bergamot and a spoon of honey are added to the bath. For a successful outcome of the case and more money, the correctness of the plot being read is important:

“As water flows from me, so a sea of ​​money washes me, as the water of the Euphrates and Tigris flows, so soon good things come to me.”

Rituals are accompanied by the lighting of candles, which enhance the magical effect. The most successful colors for attracting money are gold and green.

Reading for water

There is another version of the ritual for financial security. Early in the morning, January 14th, you need to collect clean water from a spring or well (you can use consecrated water) into a small container. Having folded your fingers to make the sign of the cross, dip them into the water and cross it while reading the following text:

“I, servant of God (name), will rise early in the morning and bless everything that the Lord has created, all living creatures, all the air and mountains, waters and earth, the moon and the red-beautiful sun. I will bless all the days, coming and coming, I will pray to our Lord. My God, creator of everything that we see and feel, bless with your power the new year that we are leading from your incarnation in the name of the salvation of the human race. Allow, Lord, my and other families to live this year in peace and quiet, strengthen the church and human faith, which you yourself brought to earth. Reward me and my loved ones with peace and longevity, health, wealth and clean air, save and preserve Your servant (name) from all evil and misfortune, guide me on the true path. Gold and silver, bread and sunshine for this house, and Your peace. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words of the prayer are said twelve times for each month. Only after this the palm is removed from the cup, the person crosses himself and sprinkles water on every corner of the house, ending at the threshold.

The spell for good luck is pronounced on New Year's Eve, on the 1st, then its power is great. Exactly at midnight, the following words of the ritual are pronounced: “The past year brings problems away, but the new year is in a hurry and brings prosperity, health and good luck.”

If you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from the influence of negative energy, then fire will come to the rescue again. Early in the morning, on the 13th day of the month, they go around each corner of the house with a burning candle and say three times:

“Great fire, help and protect against failures! Burn all disagreements and problems with your power, do not leave a single trace of evil and badness.”

Magical effect at Christmas

A ritual for good luck has also been carried out on Christmas since time immemorial. In the evening, on the eve of the holiday, turn off the lights at home and leave only one necessary light source - a lit candle at the eastern window, stand near the first star and say three times:

“The Star of Bethlehem shines brightly and generously, announcing the happiness of birth to the world. Little Jesus comes into this world, a great blessing awakens. And fortunately this will affect me, God’s servant (name), but luck will not turn around.”

Money is an important aspect of life for every modern person, but family well-being, health and peace are more important. The New Year's charm-amulet for this was created by Natalya Stepanova. It sounds like this:

“Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I take possession of the lunar seal, I sign with the rays of the sun and the wide vault of heaven. Amen. Let me take twelve stars in my hands and announce twelve names: Hazael, Zaaphiel, Barahit in the north, Gabriel, Raphael, Yehudil in the south, Sariel, Uriel, Jophiel in the west, Michael, Sariel, Jerimiel in the east. To them I will sentence seven more heavenly names—names of witnesses. Whoever takes my shield of God on purpose will not lift it or carry it away, but it is as heavy as our land itself. No one except me will take it, take it away, or steal it. Cover me, shield, me, God’s servant (name), my neighbors (names of all your loved ones), my home and everything that is in my possession. Michael, resurrection angel, Gabriel, angel of good, evil angel, Shavaiot, Oeh, planet angel, Commander of the heavenly guard Raguel. I will cover myself on Monday, I will pray on Tuesday, I will bless myself on Wednesday, I will cover myself on Thursday, I will protect myself on Friday, I will protect myself on Saturday, on Sunday I will receive salvation for a whole year. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Texts to read before the New Year

New Year's conspiracies are aimed at leaving everything bad and exhausting in the past year, not getting sick, filling your wallet with money, finding a decent job and becoming even happier. In 2013, on New Year's Eve, December 31, the following conspiracy to prolong youth and improve health was relevant:

“The clear day is located on three sides, and the dark night is on the fourth, and cold water flows away from the damp earth, just as all illnesses leave my body, and pure thoughts come with water as clear as the sky. I will become young with a spoonful of sweet honey. Amen".

Afterwards, eat a spoonful of honey and wash it down with warm water.

Charms to attract good luck were relevant in 2015, also on New Year’s Eve, December 31st. To carry out one of these rituals, a church candle is lit and the following is voiced:

“Great Lord, accompany me on my journey in the coming year and protect me from illnesses, give prosperity and happiness to me and my neighbors, my family and home. Give silver and zloty, great goodness to every home. Give me peace and quiet peace, so that You and I do not part. Archangel Michael and all the good angels, and the protection and guards of heaven, do not let suffering come into our home and hearts, protect us from all troubles, from fire and water. Save and preserve me, the servant of God (name) from evil and evil spirits. Let it be so. Amen".

New Year's wealth rituals were popular during the 2017 and 2018 Chinese New Year. Many people often ask for well-being and money, you need to know some of the rituals. According to the signs, the first little thing that you have after January 1 must be saved and a ceremony must be performed during the new moon phase by putting the money in a clay pot. During the waxing moon phase, read the following:

“My profit is growing, just as the moon is growing, just as the moon is shining in the sky, so is the money in my wallet. Let it be so. Amen".

Consequences of conspiracies

Rituals related to white magic usually do not entail negative consequences, but with gross violations of preparation and implementation, both unpleasant and disastrous consequences may occur. In a team, you can lose respect and surround yourself with envious people, career failures, lack of money, and also become a victim of the strong magical influence of another conspirator or professional magician.

The impact on health may be even more detrimental: your health will worsen or a serious illness will occur. You should not perform dark rituals, this may negatively affect your future destiny. In addition, you cannot turn to light and dark forces at the same time: the former will not be able to help, the latter will become even more angry.


New Year's rituals to attract all the benefits should be carried out in accordance with general rules and regulations, so as not to invite trouble into your home. It must be remembered that conspiracies are pronounced by heart and in strict sequence according to the appropriate instructions. Ask the Lord for happiness in the New Year and be sure that you will find it.

New Year conspiracies are a great way to attract prosperity, love and everything you want into your life. New Year's conspiracies involve complete cleansing of the soul from the negativity accumulated over the year. The main thing in performing rituals is complete cleansing; if you cannot forget old grievances, not a single ritual will work, and troubles will only increase. The pre-New Year and New Year period is considered the most successful for performing all kinds of magical actions.

How to preserve youth and beauty

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • three red candles;
  • warm blessed water;
  • a tablespoon of buckwheat honey.

An hour before the chimes strike, stand in front of the mirror, light candles and take a spoonful of honey. Read the plot:

“Life-giving moisture nourishes the earth, washes away all illnesses and sorrows. A drop of sweetness on my lips, my eyelid is sealed in the bins.”

After pronouncing the words, eat honey and drink it with warm water. This simple ritual can significantly improve your health, preserve youth and beauty. Particularly effective if applied annually.

Spells to attract benefits

This ritual should only be performed on the day of December 31st. New Year's Eve will strengthen your plot if the soul is completely cleansed of negative emotions. First you need to carry out a cleansing ritual. To do this, take a shower and wash with your favorite shower gel and sea salt. Standing under streams of water, imagine that it washes away all adversities and they, along with the dirt, go into the drain.

After your shower, pray at the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“Nicholas the Wonderworker, you are God’s ruler. I submit my will to your judgment. I know that mental torment is the path of purification. So help all my relatives and enemies. Let my soul be cleansed of filth, and my thoughts from bad thoughts, so that in the New Year I, the servant of God (name), will not know grief, and may not suffer from want.”

Spell on the ring

Strong spells for rings on New Year's Eve can attract luck and prosperity into the life of any person and fulfill their most cherished desires. To make a wish come true, you will need a gold ring, maybe even a wedding ring. First you need to hide it in a box with multi-colored threads. The ring should lie in the box with the balls for a day.

Before the chimes strike, 20 minutes before, looking at the night sky, say the words:

“Different threads were intertwined, red and blue, green and white. My wildest wishes come true that night, a miracle begins. The star fell, and I picked it up, brought it into the house, and put it on the window. Now she will shine for me all year and bring happiness to my house.”

After the charm words, quickly find the ring in the box. Put it on your finger and try not to take it off. Then return to the guests, drink champagne and make many wishes, all of which will certainly come true.

Spells for mutual love

If you have the opportunity to celebrate New Year's Eve with a person who has long won your heart, but he himself does not pay attention to you, it’s time to win his favor. You need to ask the guy to pass you an apple from the New Year's table, from hand to hand. Don’t eat the fruit, but hide it so that no one notices. Later put it under the Christmas tree.

When the chimes strike, make a wish that your loved one will always be there. Before leaving, take the apple, and at home wrap it with a red woolen thread and say the following spell:

“Sadness, longing eats me up for my beloved (name). I want him to at least know my name. Just as an apple dries up, so my dear one will dry up to me in thoughts, body and heart.”

Hide the fruit in a warm place and wait for it to dry. You will feel the effect of the ritual as soon as the apple begins to dry out. Already in the first days, your lover will become interested in you, and then it’s up to you.

How to bring wealth into your home

Well, who doesn’t want to attract wealth into their life? Many people, on New Year's Eve, December 30, conduct a special ritual to attract money to their home. They take freshly baked bread, tear off a piece and sprinkle it generously with salt, saying: “Like bread on the threshold, so the misfortunes have fled, the troubles have evaporated. I eat bread and salt, but my wealth increases.” After this, the charmed piece of bread should be eaten with great pleasure, part of it should be divided among your family, and the crumbs should be fed to the sparrows.

After the New Year, the first change you receive for change in the store needs to be hidden in a clay vessel and wait for the new moon. On the first new moon, begin the ritual. The pot of money should be kept in a dark room. During the waxing moon, read the money growth plot every night:

“Just as a little month is small and daring, so my little change will turn into great wealth. Penny by penny, I’ll add them up quietly. As the month grows, so does my profit increase.”

To enhance the effect, each time during a conspiracy, add a little little things to the pot. On the full moon, around midnight, you should bury your wealth so that no one will ever find it.

Protective conspiracies

On New Year's Eve and January 7th, the Nativity of Christ, amulets are often read. which can protect a person from any misfortune along the way, from enemies and damage. On the morning of December 31st, you need to go to church and light candles at the altar of the Blessed Virgin Mary, stand for a while at her icon and read prayers, ask for the protection of your family and friends.

On New Year's Eve, look at the sky, look for the brightest star and focus all your thoughts on it. Think about the people closest to you, imagine them happy and healthy. When you are ready, say the spell in a half-whisper:

“Guiding star, light the way for everyone who is dear to me. Protect, amulets from misfortunes, from any misfortunes, on land, on water, in the air. Do not burn them in fire, do not drown in water. Let any misfortune bypass their home and never come to visit them. Amen".

Charms and amulets before the New Year have been used by mothers and wives for several centuries to protect children and husbands. A spell for protection when a person has a long journey ahead:

“Most Holy Mother of God, help me protect my beloved son (husband) from bad weather, from wind, from fire. May all doors open before him, may all barriers be dispelled.”

Before reading the conspiracy speeches, pray to the Mother of God. This plot should be read before leaving and during the absence of a loved one.

Drying at a distance

Before the New Year, you can improve your relationship as a couple. This plot will help strengthen the feelings of a couple who, due to circumstances, are constantly separated in different cities. 21 days before Christmas Eve, begin the ritual. It will require:

  • salt;
  • photo of your loved one.

The ritual is performed in the morning on an empty stomach. Take a photo of your loved one and concentrate on his image. Pour a little salt and move your index finger over the photo and read the spell text:

“With my hands I will take away trouble from you. I dare all women to see me alone. Just as I miss you, so do you.”

Every time you go to bed, look at the photo and wish your loved one good night. Such a ritual helps strengthen relationships and make feelings stronger. Conspiracies before the New Year can work real miracles. Perhaps on New Year's Eve, your loved one will even propose marriage.


To attract wealth and good luck to your home, you need to appease the owner of the year. For example, in 2015, the author of one of the articles on fashion recommended that women wear green dresses for the New Year. Sheep are herbivores, so clothes of this color can be used to appease the mistress of the year, but it was recommended to put red dresses away in the closet.

In 2017, women and men had complete freedom of choice. The Rooster loves bright, extraordinary people and patronizes those who are creative. To achieve success in business this year, it was recommended to wear the most extravagant outfits and not put chicken on the festive table.

To recharge with energy and feel confident in the new year, astrologers recommend that women give preference to brown and yellow. This choice will help you get rid of stress and, when the time comes to make an important decision, show prudence. Astrologers advise men to dilute dark suits with bright shirts and accessories, in the form of gold or amber cufflinks, as well as interesting belts and ties.

Final part

The most powerful magical rituals are carried out before the New Year, on New Year's Eve and Christmastide. Magic sparkles in the air these days. This is the brightest period of the year. The time has come to leave behind everything that happened and step forward with new strength, as if overcoming another obstacle.

New Year's magic has been used by people for many years. All rituals before the New Year are aimed at cleansing the soul. It is customary to celebrate Christmas Eve in new clothes in order to attract something new into your life and recharge yourself with positivity. Astrologers recommend wearing clothes in yellow and brown shades in 2018. Yellow is the color of the sun, which saturates a person with vital energy and strength for new beginnings.

Before the New Year, it is recommended to completely clean your home of accumulated negative energy and unnecessary things. Throw away all the trash without regret, and boldly step forward. Don’t regret what you’ve done, let go of your worries and grievances on all four sides, this will help make room for new sensations and positivity.