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Athletic gymnastics for health. Summary of a lesson in athletic gymnastics. Phases of athletic gymnastics training

There are different types of training in athletic gymnastics. Each cycle of training with dumbbells, kettlebells or a barbell allows you to achieve your goal. You should begin performing complexes of varying complexity after the initial, basic stage has been mastered.

Set of exercises

The goal of the basic complex is to master exercises that allow you to qualitatively work out the main muscle groups. A set of exercises is performed three times a week, three sets of each exercise. The weight of the dumbbells should be selected so that the last repetitions are given with noticeable effort.


1. Perform circular actions with your arms bent at the elbows in front of you (4 – 6 times).

2. Rotate the body to the right and to the left (4 – 6 times).

3. Bend forward until your toes touch your hands (4 – 6 times).

4. Half-split squats (4 – 6 times).

Main part

1. Exercise to develop biceps.

Perform arm-to-shoulder curls while standing. In the starting position, dumbbells are held at the outer side of the thigh, with palms facing you. When lifting the projectiles, the hands turn outward, in the final position the palms are directed towards “yourself”. Perform 8 to 10 times.

2. Exercise to strengthen the triceps.

Bench press with triceps or dumbbells while lying down. In the initial position, your arms should be bent at the elbows, your palms facing away from you, and the dumbbells should be in the area of ​​your head. Extend your arms at the elbows, trying to keep your forearms motionless 8 to 10 times.

3. Development of the pectoral muscles.

1) Bench press (dumbbells) lying from the chest with a wide grip. This exercise is considered basic; it develops not only the pectoral muscles, but also actively affects the muscles of the arms and deltas. In the starting position, your arms should be bent, elbows pointing to the sides. When performing a dumbbell press, the palm should be directed away from you. Performed in 10 repetitions.

2) Raising your arms with dumbbells in front of you (“butterfly”) while lying down has an accentuated effect on the pectoral muscles. When raising your arms, you should strive for the full range of motion.

4. Exercises to develop the abdominal muscles.

1) Pulling your knees to your chest is done while sitting. When performing this exercise to develop the lower abdominals, a dumbbell is held between the feet. Tightening the knees is performed depending on physical fitness from 15 to 30 times.

2) Body lifts, performed while sitting with the legs fixed (“Roman chair”), allow you to effectively load the middle and upper parts of the abdominal muscles. When performing lifts, the dumbbell is placed on the shoulders or chest and held with the hands. Performed from 15 to 30 times.

5. Development of the posterior bundle of deltas and muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Raising dumbbells to the sides while standing at an incline. In the starting position, the arms are freely lowered, palms facing the center. Dumbbell flyes must be performed for 10 repetitions.

6. Development of the latissimus dorsi muscles.

Performing barbell (dumbbell) rows while standing on an incline. The exercise should be performed in 10 repetitions in each approach.

7. Development of shoulder muscles.

Simultaneous presses of dumbbells or kettlebells from the shoulder while standing develop the middle bunch of deltas and affect the triceps muscle of the arm. Presses are performed 10 times.

8. Exercises to develop leg muscles.

1) Squats with a barbell or dumbbells on the shoulders are basic exercises and are performed 12 to 15 times.

2) Performing leg extensions with an apparatus secured to the foot with a belt will allow you to actively work the front of the thigh. The exercise is performed sitting, 15 repetitions.

3) Leg curls with a dumbbell attached to the foot allow you to develop the muscles of the back of the thigh and are performed 15 times.

The basic complex of athletic gymnastics is performed for 1.5 to 2 months, and then you should move on to the next stage of training.

How to do the exercises.

If you're new to lifting, don't start with a difficult program. You need to choose fairly moderate weights. During training, you must abandon any exercise that causes even slight pain: reduce the weight by 25-30% and try to lift the apparatus again, gradually increasing its weight. As a rule, performing this exercise without discomfort will be provided that the weight of the apparatus is gradually increased. Some beginners have weak muscles in certain parts of their body. You need to be prepared for mild muscle pain after the first few sessions. This means that the exercises have impacted muscles that have been under strain for a long time and that they have been stimulated to grow.

After several sessions, the pain will completely disappear. In athletics, proper breathing is important. If you hold your breath while exerting yourself, you can lose consciousness and get seriously injured if you fall. Therefore, you need to adhere to the following rule: inhale when you lower the weight, and exhale when you lift it. After 1-2 weeks of consciously following this rule, you will do it automatically. Generally speaking, you need to inhale during the relaxation phase, for example, when squatting, you need to inhale, when you lower yourself into a squat, exhale when you rise to the starting position. You need to strive for smooth and rhythmic exercises. Make sure that all exercises performed represent a complete action. Completely relax and tense the muscles involved, with a full range of motion. In exercises where the weight is lifted above the head, it is much easier to maintain balance if you fix your gaze on the wall above eye level.

How to train.

Exercise alone does not increase muscle mass. First you need to train every other day: on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays or on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. You need to train regularly three days a week for the first three months. After this, you can increase the number of classes to 4 - 5 times a week. Consistency in training is the key to success. How to get the best results from the training:

Make sure you get enough sleep and rest;

At first, train three times a week, every other day;

Exercise at the same time every time;

Eat good quality and properly prepared food, rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and unrefined carbohydrates;

Drink more clean water;

When to train.

You can train at any time, day or evening. Most bodybuilders train in the evenings, after school or work, although many train either in the morning or during the day. You need to choose a time when you can exercise regularly on each training day. Much depends on the state of the body during the day. The most important factor in athleticism is consistency. Conducting regular classes is an indispensable condition.


Most beginners, in order to look more impressive, crave quick results, and sometimes they do not follow the sequence, instead specializing in “pumping up” individual muscle groups. You should never neglect training weaker muscles or any other part of the body. The purpose of specialization is to bring lagging muscle groups to a general level. It takes a minimum of six months of systematic training before lagging areas are discovered. From this time you can begin to specialize them, but in no case earlier.

Forms of performing exercises.

The weights should be moved through the full range of motion for each repetition of the exercise. Otherwise, you will deceive yourself and will not be able to fully develop the muscles being trained. In the first 3-5 months of training, it is absolutely necessary to perform each repetition cleanly, i.e. without the help of other parts of the body. This means that you cannot push with your legs or tilt your torso to bring the weight to the final position. Relying on such deception robs the working muscles and removes a significant portion of the load they need to grow faster. Beginner athletes resort to making the exercise easier, while they need to concentrate on accurately performing repetitions in each approach. The key is to develop the right habits from the very beginning. It is important to form a mental muscle connection during the training. Concentration ensures that all muscle fibers are used, the correct form of movement is maintained and there are no injuries.

Training tempo

Rest between sets should be 60-90 seconds. A fast training pace will keep your body warm throughout the session, with a lower risk of injury and increased blood flow to your muscles.

Another aspect of training tempo is how quickly you lift and lower the weight. As a rule, when performing an exercise, for example, with a barbell, 2-3 seconds are spent on lifting and 4 seconds on lowering the projectile. Why is it important to train at this pace? By performing exercises slowly and evenly, you, as it were, develop a training “rut”. By learning to control your movements, you become able to focus and load the exact muscles you are training. This will help avoid injury and develop large, powerful muscle fibers that, with the help of the nervous system, will get used to intense work. Once the correct technique for performing the exercises has been formed, you can try to train at a faster pace. Before this, it is not recommended to train too quickly so as not to lose control of movements, sacrificing the correct style of doing the exercises and not injuring yourself.

Initial burdens.

The initial weight of the weights will be quite acceptable for the average woman. If you very quickly learn to choose the appropriate weight for training weights, then it should be used only for the first steps in athleticism. After some time, it is possible to challenge yourself to a rep max (the maximum weight of the apparatus with which you are able to perform one repetition without the help of other muscle groups or without too much strain). Once it is determined, begin to vary the training weights. Alternatively, you can first train with a weight of 60% of your maximum. Later, you can vary the number of your repetitions and the weight of the apparatus so that you periodically train with a weight of 70-80% of the maximum. As you gain strength and physical fitness, you will be able to periodically train with weights up to 90% of your maximum weight. However, you need to remember to gradually increase the load.

How many repetitions?

Specific training results depend on the number of repetitions. A low number of repetitions (1-5) develops mainly strength and power, a medium number of repetitions (8) ensures an increase in muscle volume, improves muscle definition and local endurance, while a high number of repetitions (more than 15) develops muscle endurance and their relief, and to a lesser extent - an increase in muscle volume. When performing a high frequency of repetitions (20), training in a circular manner without pauses for rest between approaches, the endurance of the cardiovascular system is trained. You need to train comprehensively, which means doing a variety of sets and reps for physical fitness and development.

Adaptation to training.

To avoid muscle pain and injury, you need to adopt a weight training program gradually. In the first workout, you need to perform only one approach to each of the selected exercises. It is necessary to perform one approach to the selected exercise in the first week of class. During the first month, you also need to do one approach to each exercise. It is necessary to adhere to the rule of one approach to each exercise and gradually achieve two complete approaches (in the second month). If you feel like you need 4-8 weeks to work full time, you need to give yourself that time. Don't try to do more sets until your strength and endurance levels have increased enough to handle heavier loads. Be careful when adding weight to any exercise in the first three weeks of training.

Too gradual an increase in the number of approaches or the weight of the weights will inevitably entail incorrect mastery of the exercise technique, which can lead to injury. Every time you start a new program, give yourself a week to get used to the new training loads. If you follow these guidelines, you will experience minimal muscle pain and progress towards the physique you want. Warm-up and calming exercises also help to avoid painful phenomena; to restore muscle tone, you can also take a cold shower.

Increasing the load.

There are four rules with which you can progressively increase the intensity of training. These rules should only be applied once you have completed the basic exercises and programs and have six months of hard core training under your belt.

1. Increasing the weight of the equipment used in each exercise;

2. Increasing the number of repetitions with a selected weight in each exercise;

3. Maintaining the weight of the equipment, the number of approaches and repetitions in each exercise, reducing the duration of rest pauses between approaches;

4. Increasing the number of approaches to each exercise.

Psychological factors.

There are rules that will help you get the most out of your classes. To do this, you need to learn how to develop muscles that work at their maximum as you perform any exercise. Athleticism has as much to do with mental strength as it does with muscular strength. When performing the exercise, you should mentally trace the movements. Continue to do this all the time, even after you have mastered the technique of doing the exercises. During your workout, focus completely on working your muscles. Imagine them breaking through your skin as you completely relax and then tense them through the full range of motion. If you can't imagine this during a workout, watch yourself in the mirror. When you master the art of full concentration, you will progress even faster. Learn to distract yourself from all external influences and focus only on the sensations in your muscles during each approach. You need to see your goal - a strong body with a beautiful figure. To achieve this, you must use the technique of creative imagination, program your subconscious mind for success. The best time to do this technique is at a time of day when you can completely relax and think about the physique you want to achieve. Take about 15 minutes before your workout, during your lunch break, or before going to bed and imagine yourself as a beautiful woman, with a beautiful figure and a strong physique. Imagine every part of your body that transforms during physical activity. Imagine what a beautiful figure and strong physique you have, which no other person has had before. If you learn to do this successfully, you will eventually develop the body type you have imagined. Use this technique more often to become the first in any activity.

Training partners.

Some athletes prefer to train alone, while others enjoy training with a partner. You need to make a choice according to your temperament. Training alone usually attracts reserved and uncommunicative women, while sociable and sociable women prefer to train with a partner. When training alone, you act in full accordance with your own needs, while you always have to make some concessions to your partner. On the other hand, a partner can help you perform complex techniques correctly. She will always provide you with some moral support. A training partner will sometimes motivate you to do a workout you might otherwise skip, make you work harder, and push you to new and greater heights.

Personalization of training.

The best method for beginners is to continue training without increasing fatigue or injury, and at the same time have an understanding of how the muscles function and respond to exercise. Approximately 4-8 weeks after the start of classes, the initial principles of intensive training will appear. On some days, you will feel like you have more energy and strength on one day than on other days. On unfavorable days, when you feel tired, reduce the intensity of your workouts to avoid overtraining and possible injuries. You need to be sure that the feeling of fatigue is not the result of simple laziness! Don't give in to laziness! If you realize that you have worries that require a lot of emotional stress, say, academic exams, or you are not able to provide enough hours of sleep or good nutrition, that is another matter. If you're feeling particularly strong on a particular day, your chosen exercise program may seem too easy! Therefore, it is important to vary your resistance training according to your energy level. Only by working on yourself can you consistently improve and maximize results. Each weight lifter selects the intensity for her workouts depending on her strength and energy. Athleticism is combined with exercises from athletics, sports games, scuba diving, swimming, cross-country skiing and other sports. Those involved in athletic gymnastics must be able to independently compose complexes of at least 5 exercises for various muscle groups and with various weights: barbell, dumbbells, disc, expander, rubber shock absorber, etc. It is not so difficult to create a mixed complex, which, for example, can include two exercises for the abdominal muscles, three exercises for the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and legs, one each for the muscles of the back, neck and forearms. The load is dosed so that the training affects a proportional increase in the muscles of all parts of the body. If a sharp lag in the development of individual muscles is detected, then a specialized complex only for this muscle group is included in the classes, or it is necessary to create a complex that would contain more exercises for insufficiently developed muscle groups. Athletic gymnastics can be done for 15 minutes or more. During the first and second weeks, each exercise should be performed with a dosage of one approach, in the third and fourth weeks - two approaches. Subsequently, in each exercise the number of approaches can be increased to six. There are many training programs in athletic gymnastics. Any training program is determined by two main components of loads: the number of approaches and repetitions. A set in bodybuilding refers to the number of repetitions performed by athletes lifting a certain weight. The recording is made as a fraction, where the numerator indicates the weight of the weight and the denominator the number of repetitions. Before starting classes, the student determines her maximum results in the basic movements in order to then correctly plan the choice of weight. After two weeks, the set of exercises should be changed so that, starting from the third week, each lesson includes two or three new exercises instead of two or three old ones. Every 3-4 weeks of regular training, increase the training weight whenever possible. In each exercise (about 0.5 kg.) Each exercise must be performed at least three times, and everything else must be done according to the general plan. There is no need to perform the entire complex with the same weights, which will turn into useless work. Exercises for each muscle group should be performed with weights of varying weights.


Educational institution

"Gomel State University named after Francis Skaryna"

Correspondence faculty

Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture

Course work

Physical education and health system - athletic gymnastics

Performer: student of group FK-51 S.V. Chernenko

Scientific supervisor: S.A. Ivanov

senior lecturer of the department of TMPC

Gomel 2016


Coursework 46 pages, 16 sources used,

drawing, 6 applications.

Keywords:athletic gymnastics, activity, exercises, exercise, bench press, squat.

Object of study:people of all ages who strive to create a harmoniously developed body and improve health.

Research method:analysis of scientific and methodological literature.

Purpose of the course work:reveal the essence and content of the physical culture and health system of athletic gymnastics.

Results:athletic gymnastics is a system of versatile strength exercises aimed at developing strength, forming a proportional figure and improving health. Athletic gymnastics improves health and eliminates many physical defects (stooping, sunken chest, incorrect posture, underdeveloped muscles, etc.). An exercise regimen combined with a balanced diet allows you to get rid of excess fat deposits or gain weight in cases where it is necessary.

Practical significance:


1. Theoretical and organizational foundations of athletic gymnastics

1 The concept of athletic gymnastics

2 History of the emergence and development of athletic gymnastics

1.3 Athletic gymnastics in the Republic of Belarus

1.4 The purpose and objectives of the physical education and health system - athletic gymnastics

1.5 Basic concepts and types of athletic gymnastics

2. Structure and content of athletic gymnastics classes

Means, methods and techniques for performing athletic gymnastics

Medical and pedagogical control during athletic gymnastics classes


List of sources used

Appendix A Exercises without weights and objects

Appendix B Strength exercises on mass-type equipment

Appendix B Exercises with objects of a certain gravity and elasticity

Appendix D Exercises with standard weights

Appendix E Strength exercises performed in pairs

Appendix E Exercises on simulators and special devices


Relevance of course work.Athletic gymnastics is a system of versatile strength exercises aimed at developing strength, forming a proportional figure and improving health. The subject of training is motor activity of a general developmental orientation. In the process of mastering this activity, not only physical natural abilities are improved, but also consciousness and thinking, creativity and independence are actively developed.

Athletic gymnastics classes contribute to:

1) Assistance in acquiring knowledge in the field of physical culture, in-depth knowledge of individual topics and sections of sports physiology, biomechanics and methods of training athletic gymnastics through elective classes;

) Development of mental and physical qualities, such as will and determination to achieve a goal, hard work, attention, speed of reaction and others;

) Developing the ability to independently plan one’s activities;

) Development of observation and self-esteem;

) Formation of a culture of communication, mutual assistance and responsibility;

) Formation of sustainable interest and need for physical culture.

Purpose of the course work:reveal the essence and content of the physical culture and health system athletic gymnastics

Coursework objectives:

1. Analyze the theoretical and organizational foundations of athletic gymnastics;

2. Reveal the structure and content of athletic gymnastics classes;

Describe the means, methods and techniques for conducting athletic gymnastics;

To characterize medical and pedagogical control during athletic gymnastics classes

Practical significance:The material presented in the course work can be used for comprehensive physical training and health promotion in general.

1. Theoretical and organizational foundations of athletic gymnastics

.1 Concept of athletic gymnastics

Athletic gymnasticsis a system of gymnastic exercises aimed at developing strength qualities and the ability to “use them.” Athletic gymnastics is a traditional type of gymnastics with a health-improving and developmental orientation, combining strength training with comprehensive physical training, harmonious development and promotion of health in general.

Athletic gymnastics is intended for a wide variety of people (young and old, boys and girls), but for practically healthy people, since the exercises used are associated with significant muscle tension and a corresponding load for those involved. Therefore, keeping this circumstance in mind, athletic gymnastics should be considered first of all as a developmental means of physical education, and only secondarily as a restorative means.

Athletic gymnastics satisfies people's desire to have strong and beautiful muscles, sculpted (and not just huge) muscles. In addition, it expands motor experience, develops the habit of systematic physical exercise, serves as a means of active recreation, and effectively stimulates the desire for self-expression through the beauty of the body.

In practice, there are a large number of different teaching aids that use the term “athletic gymnastics” in a broad sense as sets of strength exercises, but do not define them as a type of gymnastics. Meanwhile, in fact, it turns out that they are only indirectly related to athletic gymnastics as one of the types of health improvement. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the words: “athleticism”, “athlete” and “athletic gymnastics”.

"Athleticism"- a direction in physical improvement, pursuing the goal of achieving a high level of strength development and high results in “sports-type” strength exercises.

"Athletic gymnastics"- a more comprehensive concept that reflects a system of health-improving and developmental influences with the aim of strengthening human health and improving his vitality. Athletic gymnastics has its origins in the ancient world. However, in our country, due to various “methodological distortions” that led to a one-sided impact only on the strength sphere of those involved, a certain “not too healthy” perception of hypertrophied figures, as well as the “politicization” of strength exercises of athletes as conductors of “alien ideologies”, officially - At the All-Union Scientific Conference, athletic gymnastics was recognized as one of the general developmental sports only in 1968. The expediency of distinguishing it as an independent type, having “noble goals” and solving a range of vital tasks was confirmed. The high importance of athletic gymnastics has been tested by time, although there is a constant non-antagonistic penetration of health and sports motives into each other. The specificity of the goals of various strength training also determines the presence of various forms of training, systems and schools of strength improvement. Currently, bodybuilding, bodybuilding, powerlifting and arm wrestling are the most popular.

Body-building - a system of strength exercises aimed at increasing muscle volume, forming sculpted muscles and building a harmoniously developed figure with proportional but hypertrophied muscles. Competitiveness is one of the main features of bodybuilding: at various competitions and, mainly, championships of different countries, regions, and world championships, the best bodybuilders are determined and awarded the resounding titles of “Mr. America”, “Mr. Universe”, etc. Competitions are held according to certain rules, but in general, “strength harmony” is assessed. In accordance with this training goal, a fairly specific system is built, including exercises to increase muscle volume, other exercises to build muscle relief; exercises are performed in accordance with a specially developed methodology according to special principles (for example, the J. Weider system or in another transcription - Weider - has 28 basic principles for constructing strength training) and with a fairly clear periodization of preparation for competitions.

Body-buildingidentified with bodybuilding because it uses the same principles and rules. Perhaps, if we evaluate it according to available sources of literature, bodybuilding was the first stage in the development of bodybuilding, its progenitor. However, a very significant detail cannot put an equal sign between them: bodybuilding is aimed at increasing the volume of individual muscle groups, does not pretend to build a harmoniously developed body, therefore in bodybuilding only competitions are held in which (this also has a right to exist) they are assessed “the widest back”, “the most voluminous hips or neck”. However, in general, bodybuilding could be called bodybuilding, but not include in this concept the so-called power pumping of individual muscle groups.

Powerlifting- a type of physical exercise that develops maximum strength capabilities, manifested in three types of movements - “powerlifting”: bench press, squats with a barbell on the shoulders and “row” of a barbell in a forward leaning position. In accordance with such tasks, special exercises are used that ensure, unlike bodybuilding and bodybuilding, the achievement of maximum results in movement, and not in static tension.

Arm wrestling- power martial arts on the hands (“who will pull who?”), - is carried out in a sitting position on a chair, gripping a special handle with your free hand. Wrestling is carried out with one and the other hand, so wrestlers must have a fairly symmetrical development of the strength of the left and right muscles. Despite the fact that the main task is to “put the hand” of the opponent, a very large load falls on the muscles of the back, pelvic girdle and legs. Therefore, an arm wrestler must have a fairly harmonious development of strength, which is achieved by using a special system of strength exercises.

For the four types of athleticism mentioned above, the specific sports technique of tension and movement is very important - to which athletes devote special attention.

Despite the uniqueness of the forms of strength training shown above, they are united by the presence of narrow tasks, the local focus of strength manifestations, the limited overall physical and functional impact and the potential for injury.

Athletic gymnastics improves health and eliminates many physical defects (stooping, sunken chest, incorrect posture, underdeveloped muscles, etc.). An exercise regimen combined with a balanced diet allows you to get rid of excess fat deposits or gain weight in cases where it is necessary. The exercise system trains the cardiovascular (muscle mass is often called the second heart) and other vital systems of the body, through the development of muscles, it actively and beneficially affects the functioning of internal organs, making the body muscular and beautiful. Allows you to specifically manage your physique, thanks to exercises with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, your own weight (push-ups, pull-ups on a horizontal bar), on special exercise machines. Helps achieve a high level of strength, develop endurance, strengthen the nervous system, eliminate or sharply reduce the harmful effects on the body of so-called risk factors. For women, these classes allow them to gain grace, bring their figure to perfection, and contribute to faster postpartum recovery of the body. Gymnastics solves youth leisure issues, distracts them from bad habits, instills self-discipline, it is a means of active recreation and the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The positive effects of athletic gymnastics are multiplied if you combine strength exercises with endurance exercises (running, skiing, swimming<#"justify">Athletic gymnastics is one of the health-improving types of gymnastics, which is a system of gymnastic exercises of a strength nature aimed at the harmonious physical development of a person and solving specific particular problems of strength training. The impact of strength gymnastic exercises on a student can be both general (on the body as a whole) and local (on a muscle group, part of the musculoskeletal system). Hence, the effect of classes can be supportive-tonic or developmental. At the same time, the basic principles and methods of organizing gymnastics classes are preserved both when compiling a separate complex of athletic gymnastics, when planning a specific training, and when organizing a system of athletic gymnastics classes (cycles, stages, periods).

Athletic gymnastics, as a system of exercises with weights, exercises with heavy objects were considered natural movements back in the 4th century BC. Only those athletes who could lift the massive load that lay in the main square of Athens took part in the competitions of this period. The ancient Romans also developed special exercises with objects to develop muscles, combining them with gymnastic and acrobatic elements. Already at that time, educated people defended the ideas of harmony of body and spirit, giving preference to aesthetic education. Ancient Greek sculptors developed canons of beauty, which were based on the optimal proportions of the human body. And those who did strength exercises tried to comply with these canons.

Ancient physicians were the first to note the healing properties of strength exercises for developing joints, regulating breathing, and strengthening weakened muscles. The manual for medical students and doctors suggested the use of weight-bearing body movements for health purposes.

The origin of athletic gymnastics in Russia as a system of exercises with weights for the sake of improving health, correcting deficiencies in physique and posture is associated with the name of the doctor V.M. Kraevoy. In 1885, in St. Petersburg, he organized the “Circle of Athletic Lovers,” which based its work on the principles of combining natural movements (walking, running) with specially selected exercises for the arms, legs and torso, using hardening procedures.

12 years later, the St. Petersburg Athletic Society opened, reorganized in 1898 into the St. Petersburg Cycling and Athletic Society. In addition to men's strength sports competitions, women's championships have also begun to be held in Russia. Considering the great interest of the people in strength sports, a bi-weekly illustrated magazine of athletics and sports “Hercules” began to be published, the motto of which was a call that is still relevant today: “Every person can and should be strong.” In 1903, the Russian athlete Evgeniy Sandov’s book “Body Building” was published, which described exercises with dumbbells performed on the principle of gradually increasing the load. In subsequent years, years after the revolution, athletic gymnastics is still considered an important means of physical culture.

During this period, there is a special interest in strong people with hypertrophied muscles, capable of demonstrating to the public bloated “ball biceps” in the circus arena.

Soon, really strong wrestlers, weight lifters, chain breakers and weight lifters entered the arena. Numerous championships of wrestlers and weightlifters began to be held, which made it possible to get acquainted with truly strong, strong athletes. We are well aware of the names of Ivan Poddubny, Pyotr Krylov, Ivan Zaikin, Alexander Zass, Ivan Lebedev and others.

All physical exercises at that time were conventionally divided into athletics, sports and gymnastics (Ivanova, 1990). Athletics included special exercises for developing maximum strength, sports combined exercises that were done for pleasure, and the concept of gymnastics combined exercises for the muscles of the neck, torso, arms and legs, as well as exercises on gymnastic equipment and therapeutic gymnastics.

Similar circles were created in Moscow, Kyiv, Riga and other cities. Kyiv doctor E.F. Garnich-Garntsky founded the Kiev Athletic Circle in February 1895. The Kiev Athletic Society at that time educated excellent athletes-record holders of Russia and the world, winners of All-Russian championships and Olympiads - K. Pavlenko, F. Grinenko, G. Chevaidze, S. Tonkopei, M. Uritsky, P. Latushkin, V. Merny, O Krasovsky and others.

Specialists who developed methods for increasing strength and forming beautiful muscles had their followers. V.F. Kraevsky developed an original system of “body building” and strength development, O. Zass proposed a method for developing strength using chains (this system of isometric exercises by the author was published in 1924), O.K. Anokhin is the author of the dumbbell gymnastics system, etc. In 1897, the first All-Russian weightlifting championship was held, where participants competed in five exercises with weights: bench press, snatch and jerk with two hands, clean and jerk with one hand, as well as in voluntary exercises .

At the turn of the century, athletic magazines “Hercules”, “Beauty and Strength”, “Russian Sport” and others were published in Russia, promoting strength exercises. Printed leaflets were published with images of famous athletes.

In 1912, weightlifting clubs and circles united into the All-Russian Weightlifting Society, and L. Chaplinsky was elected head. Three sports developed under the name “weightlifting”: weight lifting (barbell and kettlebells), boxing and all types of wrestling. A unified competition program was approved for weightlifters: snatch and clean and jerk with opposite hands, weight push (less than 10 kg), and for teams - tug of war. Athletes began performing in five weight categories: up to 60; up to 67.5; up to 75; up to 82.5 and more than 82.5 kg. In 1919, instead of the All-Russian Weightlifting Society, the Moscow League was created, which led the development of this sport. Participants were divided into five weight categories and assigned 5 competitive exercises. In 1923, the first USSR championship was held in Moscow.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a specific type of exercise with athletic weights began to develop in Europe, which was called “bodybuilding.” Its founders can be considered Frederic Müller (1867-1925), who had the stage name Evgeniy Sandow. He made a circus career as a circus athlete and became a famous bodybuilder of his time. He developed a program of exercises with dumbbells and rubber shock absorbers, and summarized his own training experience in the textbook “Body Structure” (1904). The first textbook on bodybuilding was published in London, the translator conveyed the literal content of the title of the book by E. Sandow, as a result of which a new English word “bodybuilding” arose (English body - body, building - to build).

Those who engage in bodybuilding set themselves the goal of building beautifully developed muscle mass and highlighting the relief with the help of strength exercises. Since 1901, international bodybuilding competitions have been held in countries such as the USA, Canada, England, France, Belgium, and Germany. Bodybuilding is the most developed in America, thanks to the active work of John Weider (athlete, coach, businessman). In 1940, he began publishing the basics of weight training, which later turned into the very popular bodybuilding publication “Muscule and Fitness” throughout the world. In addition, its activities extend to the production of sports equipment for bodybuilders, the production of food products and clothing for them.

In 1946, under the leadership of D. Weider, the International Federation of Bodybuilding was created (hereinafter it has the abbreviation - IFBB), within which work began on the recognition of bodybuilding as an Olympic sport and the fight against the use of prohibited hormonal drugs by athletes. Since 1965, under his leadership, world championships among professionals have been regularly held.

The winners of these competitions receive the title “Mr. Olympia” and are awarded a statuette depicting the famous bodybuilder of the early century E. Sandow. For the first time, the title “Mr. Olympia” was received by the American athlete Larry Scott, the eight-time winner of this honorary prize (1984-1991) was the black American Lee Haney, the seven-time winner was Arnold Schwarzenegger (1970-1975, 1980), the six-time winner was Dorian Yates (1990-1995).

In 1964, an athletic gymnastics commission was created within the structure of the USSR Weightlifting Federation, whose task is to promote and popularize bodybuilding as a form of general physical training for young people. Numerous athletic clubs and sections began to be created in the country, and the first competitions were held. At the same time, the media called “athletic gymnastics” a “phenomenon of bourgeois culture.” In the early 70s, by decision of the USSR State Sports Committee, it was banned. The first bodybuilding club in Ukraine was opened in 1969 in Zaporozhye by L. Zhabotinsky. The first Ukrainian championship was held in May 1972 in Berdyansk. The first champions in their weight categories were: V. Ponomarenko, O. Ryndin, B. Levchenko, A. Gorshkov. In 1974, Ukrainian athletes took part in an international tournament in Tallinn, where the Zaporozhye national team became the champion.

In the mid-80s, the athletic gymnastics commission intensified its activities again, and new competition rules were developed. In 1987, under the patronage of the USSR Weightlifting Federation, the Athletics Federation began to function, and Yu. Vlasov was chosen as its head. This federation at that time united two sports: powerlifting and bodybuilding.

In 1988, the 1st USSR Athletics Championship took place, where the Ukrainian national team won the team victory. In the same year, the USSR national team took part in the World Championships in Australia. 1990 was a new stage in the development of bodybuilding. Athletes who were involved in powerlifting separated from the Athletics Federation. As a result, two new federations appeared - the Bodybuilding Federation of Ukraine (UF BB) and the Powerlifting Federation of Ukraine. These sports have become very popular among young people. Thus, the traditional international tournament “Golden Chestnut” has been held in Kyiv since the early 90s. Ukrainian athletes have repeatedly won prizes at international competitions. In bodybuilding, the most titled among men are: S. Otrokh (European champion 1991, world champion - 1994 and 1995), O. Zhur, O. Protas, O. Ostatsov and others, among women - respectively: V. Chepiga (world champion 1997 ), I. Petrenko, T. Ionenko and others.
The program of bodybuilding competitions includes a new sport for women - fitness. In powerlifting, the most titled athletes are: V. Naleykin (three-time world champion), V. Ivanenko, Y. Spinov, Y. Zabolotny, brothers Dmitry and Alexey Solovyov and others. New federations have developed their own charters, rules of competitions, are searching for additional sources of funding, improving methods of commercial and publishing activities, manufacturing and advertising inventory and equipment, holding demonstration competitions and performances, etc.

.3 Athletic gymnastics in the Republic of Belarus

The end of the 90s of the twentieth century was marked in our history by the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the socialist government system. The former Soviet republics began to build their statehood in a new capacity. On June 27, 1990, the Supreme Council of the BSSR adopted the “Declaration of State Sovereignty of the BSSR” and since September 1991, the modern name of our country - the Republic of Belarus - was officially approved.

Physical education has become an integral part of the state policy of sovereign Belarus. From the first steps of its existence, the Republic of Belarus has been carrying out organizational reform of physical education and sports activities. Subjects of physical culture management were created. The state apparatus is represented today by subjects of special competence - the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, regional departments and city (district) departments of physical culture and sports. The leading role in the development of sports and the preparation of a sports reserve is given to public management entities, among which the dominant position belongs to the Republican (regional) federations and associations for sports, the Republican (regional) physical culture and sports society "Dynamo" (FSO), the Republican (regional) physical culture -sports clubs (FSK), National Olympic Committee (NOC RB), etc.

The directions of physical culture in modern Belarus are diverse. One of the most numerous (in terms of the number of participants) and socially significant is the physical education and health area.

Athletic gymnastics in our country today can be divided into two areas - mass recreation and sports, each of which has its own characteristic features and characteristics.

One of the most famous figures in sports science, Professor I.M. Cherkizov-Seraini wrote: “Athletic gymnastics is one of the most effective means that has a comprehensive effect on the human body. The abundance of exercises and the ability to finely dose loads makes this important means of healing accessible to people of all ages. And the aesthetic side of athletic gymnastics brings it closer to true art ",

1.4 The purpose and objectives of the physical education and health system - athletic gymnastics

The study of the theory and practice of physical culture in our society leads to the conclusion that currently there are negative trends in the development of certain aspects of the morpho-functional state and motor preparedness of people. This conclusion is a consequence of the analysis of certain indicators, which include the number of people regularly involved in physical education, indicators of the level of physical activity, physical fitness, morbidity and life expectancy of citizens.

Statistics indicate low physical activity of people - physical inactivity in society reaches 80%. It seems logical to conclude that the physical fitness of the population is not high enough, since the latter is a reflection of the level of locomotor activity, the volume and quality of which affects the morpho-functional state of organs - the material substrates of physical abilities. Against this background, conditions are created that contribute to an increase in the number of patients.

For those people who have chosen the health-improving path of using the method of athletic gymnastics, it is important to understand the essential characteristics of not so much the medical as the physical education form of recovery. A clear representation of the components of health that can be controlled in the system of training sessions allows a person to purposefully influence some components of the psychophysical state, changing his physique and physiological content in accordance with the desired.

It is clear that recovery is a process of improving health. But what does the term health mean? It is important to consider this category in detail due to the fact that in recreational athletic gymnastics, good health is the main planned result, the goal of the training process.

There are quite a large number of definitions of the concept of health. It is appropriate to note that currently the term “health” has more than 60 definitions. Thus, in philosophical literature, the concept of “health” is defined as the full-blooded existence of a person, as a result of which his life and activity are perceived as the natural self-development of his inherent properties and qualities.

In hygiene, health is interpreted as the absence of risk factors for diseases or the body’s resistance to them, as well as the elimination of possible threats.

In biology, the view of health shows certain interactions of the organism with the environment and its adaptation to it in the process of ontogenesis.

The psychological formulation of health comes down to overcoming and denying illness as a strategy for human life.

The information approach to development understands health as a person’s ability to maintain age-appropriate stability in the face of sudden changes in the quantitative and qualitative parameters of the triune flow of sensory, verbal and structural information.

From a modern legal point of view, health is a biologically prosperous state of a person. Prosperous biological functioning is the normal course of all psychophysiological processes in the human body. Any negative change in the body that interferes with its successful biological functioning is considered physical harm. This understanding of health is present in judicial practice when considering cases of organic harm to a citizen. Moral suffering refers to harm in relation to the moral component of the individual. The moral aspect from a legal position seems to be of secondary importance, based on the complexity of determining the extent of moral harm caused.

In orthodox medicine, health is understood as the body’s ability to optimally adapt to the external and internal environment. This is the natural state of the body, characterized by its balance with the environment and the absence of any painful changes. Health is divided into individual, group and public. The state of the body at the age of 21-23 years is characterized by the best adaptive indicator, i.e. best physical health.

Athletic gymnastics is an integral part of athleticism. The term “athleticism” denotes a direction in physical culture associated with the development of predominantly strength abilities and aesthetic properties of an athletic physique, used in special competitive exercises or everyday life. Along with athletic gymnastics, powerlifting and arm wrestling are components of athleticism.

Powerlifting is a sport that develops maximum strength capabilities through three exercises: the bench press, the barbell squat, and the barbell deadlift.

Arm wrestling is a power struggle with hands on a table, with one hand gripping a special handle.

In general, health-improving athleticism and other health-conditioning physical education systems today are called fitness by many specialists, i.e. physical exercises to form and maintain the proper level of motor, functional and morphological readiness.

Turning to history, it is worth noting that the trends dividing athletic gymnastics into sports and mass recreation areas arose in the second half of the 80s. XX century.

The practice of sports athleticism has been quite well studied and, to a certain extent, systematized in the theory of physical education. Regarding the health-improving part, it can be argued that many aspects of the methodology of athletic gymnastics in this direction have been insufficiently researched and developed.

The health-improving orientation of the method of athletic gymnastics is characterized by three main features: firstly, a commitment to the effect of improving the morphological state of the body, correlating with the criteria of moderate athletic proportions of the human physique; secondly, targeting the effect of normalizing the mental, locomotor and functional state in accordance with the criteria of biological development of people of different ages and genders; thirdly, the implementation of the achieved effect of performance and quality of physique in the practice of everyday life.

Accordingly, the methodology of athletic gymnastics for health purposes, in contrast to the competitive direction, does not include such tasks as the maximum possible development of muscle mass, its relief and separation to the detriment of general physical fitness; predominant use of maximum physical activity, causing tension in biological systems above normal age-sex indicators; achieving the maximum possible results and their implementation in competitive conditions.

The quintessence of the content of athletic gymnastics is exercises that increase the strength abilities of the human body. Strength exercises tend to cause the effects of pronounced structural and functional adaptation of the muscular system. At the same time, the functions are improved faster than the forms of the organs used. The consequence of this is an increase in a person’s performance, and then a significant aesthetic transformation of the physique, since striated muscle tissue, located on the skeleton, determines the contours of the body.

In the classification of Yu.V. Menkhin and A.V. Menkhin, athletic gymnastics for health purposes is a type of conditioning training, that is, a specially organized process of muscle work that allows a person to achieve high physical condition, which should be understood as a sufficient level of development of physical qualities, a good state of the immune system, high performance and the presence of “reserve capacities” body.

The basis of conditioning training is formulated by Professor L.P. Matveev, the principle of the health-improving orientation of physical education practice, which provides not only compensation for physical inactivity, but also the possible complete optimization of the physical condition and development of a person so that the functional reliability of the body is preserved and increased, its adaptive capabilities are expanded, and the degree of its resistance to adverse environmental influences is increased.

In accordance with the principle of biological expediency in conditioning training, in particular in athletic gymnastics for health purposes, loads should not exceed the functional capabilities of the body. At the same time, the exercises must be intense enough to have a healing effect and ensure a high level of general physical performance of a person. The effectiveness of conditioning training, like sports training, is determined by the size of the loads, their intensity and nature, while motor activity here is always within the permissible optimum.

Conditioning training involves such a minimum of time for physical exercises that would allow for maximum positive changes in a person’s physical development.

A number of scientific works have noted that athletic gymnastics uses methods and means that are largely identical to the content and logic of bodybuilding. We can agree with this, but it must be emphasized that the leading goal of bodybuilding is to maximize muscle mass, improve its relief and develop abilities for specific competitive posing. In turn, health-improving athleticism should be focused on creating motivation to improve health, comprehensively improving a person’s physical fitness for the practice of life, for which it is necessary to include in the training structure a variety of general preparatory exercises, which include aerobic exercise to improve the cardiovascular and respiratory systems . This content of the training process corresponds to the concept of somatic health, in which one of the important components that determines the degree of health-improving training effect is the magnitude of the aerobic capabilities of the human body.

At the same time, according to I.V. Belsky, some elements in the bodybuilder training system are valuable and can be effectively used in athletic gymnastics for the purpose of versatile training of athletes.

V. Wisniewski in his work reasonably argues that the use of bodybuilding methods in the system of athletic gymnastics is justified. This position is justified by the similarity of objectives, that is, the planned effects that those involved in athletic gymnastics for health purposes and bodybuilding strive for. The bodybuilding system has a good empirical basis. In this regard, the use of bodybuilding means and methods seems legal under the following conditions: a) refusal to use anabolic steroids and other pharmacological agents; b) inclusion of a larger volume of general developmental exercises; c) decreasing the load level from maximum to submaximal and below; d) the use of exercises with reduced gravitational load.

When analyzing the bodybuilding methodology, a number of its advantages are noted. On the one hand, the means and methods used in this system are based on the patterns of functioning of the body, biochemical and physiological processes. On the other hand, bodybuilding methods, substantiated by a number of foreign experts, reflect some training principles developed by the famous domestic scientist L.P. Matveev:

The principle of unity of general and special training of athletes in the bodybuilding system, including exercises to increase the level of general physical fitness, was introduced by foreign specialists.

The principle of gradual increase in the volume and intensity of the load, included in the methodology of bodybuilding, is manifested in the recommendations of experts to start training with low loads, gradually moving to higher ones.

The training system for bodybuilders includes general preparatory, special preparatory, main and transition periods. This structure is based on the principle of cyclicity.

In training bodybuilders, a variety of training tools and methods are used in accordance with the athlete’s level of preparedness, goals and objectives. This provision reflects the principle of individualization.

Today, for many coaches and athletes, the term “bodybuilding” is equivalent to the concept of “bodybuilding”. However, according to Yu.V. Menkhin and A.V. Menkhin, the famous Western bodybuilding system has a significant difference with bodybuilding. Bodybuilding classes promote harmonious hypertrophy of all major muscles, and bodybuilding training is aimed at increasing the volume of individual muscle groups. Thus, competitions that evaluate “the widest back,” “the most voluminous hips,” or the neck are considered bodybuilding competitions, but not bodybuilding competitions.

To have material success in life, physical and spiritual well-being, you must be a sought-after member of society from an economic point of view. The ability to work effectively in training and professional activities is very important. Researchers have found that one of the factors for increasing labor productivity is comprehensive physical fitness, a high level of performance and physical development. The physical in the individual performs a unique function of the mechanisms by which his social functions are carried out. Developing these mechanisms is an important task in athletic gymnastics for health purposes. VC. Balsevich and V.A. Zaporzhanov note that the full implementation of personal potential is largely causally determined by the physical condition, performance and resistance to human diseases.

V.V. Petrovsky reasonably believes that, unlike sports, where the organization and methodology of the process are determined by the leading goal - achieving the highest possible record result, in physical education and health classes with training regimes the goal is to achieve average-age results in the development of motor qualities, increasing the functional capabilities of the body at the lowest cost time, energy and funds. The same idea is emphasized by specialists Zh.K. Kholodov and V.S. Kuznetsov. The general goal of sports training is to use physical activity to achieve maximum results in the chosen sport. The main goal of health training is to increase or maintain levels of physical performance and health.

This health-improving form of physical training is widely used all over the world. With its help, problems of preventing diseases, optimizing functional state, increasing life expectancy and improving its quality are solved.

In the theory and methodology of physical education, the principle of health-improving orientation deserves attention - one of the main provisions regulating activities in the practice of mass physical culture. Its meaning is that physical exercise should promote health. The principle determines the organization of physical education in such a way that it solves preventive and progressive developmental problems. The key to the health-improving effectiveness of physical education is also the skillful adherence to the principle of accessibility and individualization of loads, means and methods in the process of health-improving training.

To achieve a true health-improving effect in the process of physical education, it is necessary to use means and methods that have received scientific justification for their health-improving orientation. Regardless of the use of forms of physical education, a prerequisite is to ensure the regularity and unity of medical, pedagogical and self-control.

Based on the concept of L.I. Lubysheva, in the current critical situation in the social sphere, athletic gymnastics can become the most important factor that can help a person adapt to changing environmental conditions. The physical culture of an individual naturally combines not only the biological principle, but also the social one. Awareness of the negative factors affecting health in the course of social life, and ways to protect against them by means of physical education, leads to an increase in the adaptive capabilities of the individual.

It is known that adaptation is the process of adaptation of a living being to the external environment or changes occurring in the organism itself, as well as the result of achieving compliance of the morphofunctional state with the conditions of activity that the environment creates for it. The main point of this process is the relationship between the function and the genetic apparatus of the cell. The newly acquired quality of the organism is manifested, first of all, in the fact that it cannot be damaged by the factor to which adaptation was acquired. It is these reactions that are the essence of health promotion in the process of health-improving physical exercises. However, in order for a stable adaptation to form, reinforcement, repeated external influences, and training are necessary. Systematic physical exercise has a beneficial effect only with sustained repetition of training sessions with adequate loads.

According to the adaptation theory of P.K. Anokhin, the mechanism of action of physical exercises is the excitation of adequate afferent and motor centers, mobilization of muscles, hemodynamics and respiration, forming a single functional system responsible for the implementation of this motor reaction. In athletic gymnastics, the main external influences that cause adaptive changes in the body are adequate strength loads and a set of secondary exercises to develop basic physical qualities and functional properties.

When building a physical culture and health process, one of the forms of which is athletic gymnastics, it should be taken into account that the muscular and nervous system ceases to respond to external influences that have become habitual. According to available scientific data, intensive development of physical qualities under the influence of training occurs over about 9 months in people with a low level of physical fitness and 3.5 - 4 months with an above-average level of fitness, and then slows down. The body stops responding adequately to the efforts of the student. The law of diminishing returns comes into play. This is very important information for the practice of health training. If you do not take into account the discovered patterns and continue to “load” in an effort to improve your performance, then the possible result will be overtraining and disappointment in the results. It is known that the body’s ability to adapt to stress is not unlimited. There may be situations when rest in the form of several weeks of reduced loads is insufficient.

It is advisable to build health-improving training in athletic gymnastics in such a way that the optimal period of development of strength abilities, during which exercises of a different orientation are also performed, is replaced by a fairly long period when strength abilities are only maintained, and the main attention is paid to the development of other qualities: endurance, flexibility, speed and motor coordination.

This periodization of conditioning training meets the requirements of social and biological expediency for physical education. Complete physical education and self-education are possible only with the optimal development of various physical qualities, which serves as the first prerequisite for high overall performance and good health. In conditions of limited time, it is ineffective to simultaneously develop various qualities, especially those that are mandatory for everyone, such as strength and endurance.

1.5 Basic concepts and types of athletic gymnastics

The high importance of athletic gymnastics has been time-tested, although it constantly involves non-antagonistic penetration of health-improving and sports motives into each other.

The specificity of the goals of various strength training also determines the presence of various forms of training, systems and schools of strength improvement. Currently, bodybuilding, bodybuilding, powerlifting and arm wrestling are the most popular.

Bodybuilding is one of the sports whose main goal is the maximum possible development of all muscle groups and building the proportionality of the body according to certain standards. The correctness of proportions is assessed during bodybuilding competitions.

As a sport, bodybuilding originated about 100 years ago. The main idea of ​​bodybuilding is the ability to build an ideal body from any “material”. It doesn’t matter what success the athlete achieved - whether he squeezed more or less weight. What matters is the result - what his body looks like, whether all muscle groups are worked out evenly and proportionally, whether the ratio of muscle and fat is optimal.

The second name for bodybuilding is bodybuilding, that is, body culture. That is, the result of bodybuilding is not indicators of strength and endurance, but muscle size in the first place. Bodybuilding is divided into professional and amateur. Bodybuilding competitions are held all over the world, where the performance of athletes of various weight categories is assessed according to several main criteria.

The most important role is played by the bodybuilder’s nutrition, training schedule and proper sleep. Careful counting of calories and proteins, taking special nutritional supplements is the only way to achieve tangible results. Supplements include nutrients (vitamins, minerals, proteins, proteins, etc.) that constantly growing muscle mass requires. Schemes and recipes for consuming supplements are developed by specialists.

Bodybuilding brings changes to almost every aspect of a person’s life. If you engage in this sport seriously, you will have to forget about bad habits, find time for regular training and carefully monitor your diet - all this requires enormous effort and self-discipline, you will have to sacrifice your usual activities and hobbies.

Bodybuilding is, first of all, a healthy lifestyle, adherence to a daily routine, high-quality and nutritious nutrition, and as a result, increased immunity, excellent physical shape and a good mood. But, also, we should not forget about the unpleasant moments - in order to grow muscles, you need to bring them to the point of exhaustion, and yourself to a state where you want to scream in pain, but continue training. But any pain goes away, and beautiful and well-developed muscles remain.

Bodybuilding is hard and persistent work, the result of which is satisfaction with your appearance and increased vitality.

Bodybuilding is identified with bodybuilding because it uses the same principles and rules. Perhaps, if we evaluate it according to available sources of literature, bodybuilding was the first stage in the development of bodybuilding, its progenitor. However, a very significant detail cannot put an equal sign between them: bodybuilding is aimed at increasing the volume of individual muscle groups, does not pretend to build a harmoniously developed body, therefore in bodybuilding only competitions are held in which (this also has a right to exist) is assessed “the widest back”, “the most voluminous hips”, etc. However, in general, bodybuilding could be called bodybuilding, but not include in this concept the so-called power pumping of individual muscle groups.

Powerlifting (English: powerlifting; power - strength + lift - lift) is a strength sport, the essence of which is to overcome the weight of the heaviest weight possible.

Powerlifting is also called powerlifting. This is due to the fact that it includes three exercises as competitive disciplines: squats with a barbell on the shoulders, a barbell bench press on a horizontal bench and a barbell row - which together determine the athlete’s qualifications.

Squats are one of the main, basic movements, a high result in which often leads to victory in competitions. It is performed as follows: first, the athlete stands facing the racks on which the barbell is located, then takes a step forward and positions himself so that the barbell rests on his shoulders. Having fixed it, the athlete removes the barbell from the racks, takes a step back and prepares to perform the exercise. This is followed by a signal from the judge, upon which he begins to lower himself, bending his legs at the knees and hip joints. You should squat so low that your thighs are at least parallel to the floor, otherwise the judges may not count the attempt. As soon as the “extension” is completed, the judge gives the command and the athlete can rise. The exercise is considered completed and the attempt is counted if everything is done technically correctly, the depth of the squat is sufficient, and there were no gross violations.

Like the squat, the bench press is a basic exercise that is so popular that it has even been separated into its own discipline, and bench press competitions can now be held in isolation. Before the exercise, the athlete must take a position in which he remains throughout the entire exercise: lying on his back, shoulders and buttocks touching the bench. The soles and heels of the shoes are firmly placed on the floor, and the hands grasp the barbell. It should be noted that the grip width should be no more than 81 cm - very wide grips are strictly prohibited. If the height of the bench for a competitor is too high, the rules allow the use of either special footrests or barbell discs stacked on top of each other. As soon as the athlete has taken the starting position and is ready to perform the exercise, the judge gives a command, after which the barbell is removed from the racks. Then it slowly lowers to the chest, and after a short delay (1-3 seconds), again at the judge’s command, it rises up - the actual press occurs. The barbell can also be placed on the racks at the request of the judge.

After doing the squats and bench press, it’s time for the deadlift. There are two different styles of performing it: regular deadlift (classical), when the athlete grabs the barbell with a grip wider than the shoulders, and sumo, when the legs are wide apart and the grip is much narrower than in the classic version. At the initial stage of the exercise, the legs are bent at the knees, the back is arched, the gaze is directed forward and slightly upward. At the command of the chief judge, the athlete begins lifting the barbell, mainly straightening his legs at the knees, and then using his back. By standing with the barbell and fixing it in the hips, the exercise can be considered half completed. Now you can lower the barbell, but under no circumstances throw it, otherwise the attempt will simply not be counted.

In powerlifting, unlike bodybuilding, strength indicators are important, not body beauty.

During the performance, the performance of athletes of the same weight category is compared. The assessment is based on the total maximum weight taken in all three exercises. If the results are equal, victory is awarded to the athlete with the least weight.

Ancient drawings, mosaics, bas-reliefs, written sources indicate that already in ancient times in Egypt, Iraq, China and Greece, men demonstrated their strength; this moment can be considered the starting point of the history of powerlifting. During the last years of China's Chu dynasty (1122-249 BC), those conscripted into the army were tested, which included testing their ability to lift heavy weights. There is a well-known addiction to exercise in ancient Greece. There is a lot of evidence of incredible strength achievements. For example, the great Greek athlete Theagenes (3rd century BC), at the age of nine, moved a bronze statue a considerable distance. The people of the province of Croton were distinguished by their great physical abilities, where the most famous strongman in Greece, Milo, appeared. Milo lifted a four-year-old bull onto his shoulders and walked with him around the entire circumference of the stadium at Olympia. In his youth, Milo trained in this way: every day he lifted a calf onto his shoulders and walked with it all this way. As the bull grew, Milon’s strength also grew, so it is not without reason that he is considered the progenitor of the basic principles of strength development - a gradual increase in loads, systematicity and focus on the future.

Armwrestling (Handwrestling or Armwrestling); from English Arm sport, arm wrestling, where arm is the forearm) are a type of martial arts. During the match, the hands of the same names of the competitors are placed on a hard, flat surface (usually a table), and the palms are clasped together. The task of a competitive armwrestler is to press the opponent's hand to the surface. A number of time, technical and tactical restrictions are imposed on the participants in the fight.

Despite the fact that arm wrestling is not an Olympic sport, arm wrestling is very popular in many parts of the world.

It is the oldest sport that was revived in the 1960s in the USA. In September 1962, the first World Wrestling Championship was held in Petaluma, California - this is how this wrestling was called (English Wrist-wrestling, literally “wrist wrestling”).

In the 1990s, this sport became widespread in Russia - it began in this country in 1989 with a match between the USSR - USA - Canada. Then all Russian athletes, with the exception of Olympic weightlifting champion Saltan Rakhmanov, lost their fights. The conclusions were correct, and over the past years Russian athletes have achieved outstanding success. The first world champion from the USSR was Kharkov resident Dmitry Bezkorovayny in the 50 kg weight category. Many times the Ukrainians R. Babaev and A. Pushkar, as well as the Russians A. Kuznetsov, I. Turchinskaya, Victoria Gabagkova, Ibragim Ibragimov, Kazbek Zoloev, Mairbek Zoloev, A. Yunkov, Alan Karaev and others became world champions. Thanks to regular victories at the World and European Championships, Russia has secured a leading place in this sport. The legendary multiple world champion Alexey Voevoda, who moved from armwrestling to bobsleigh undefeated, also played a big role in the development of this sport. At the moment, his “successor” is Denis Tsyplenkov, who is also a world champion in arm wrestling.

For the four above-mentioned types of athleticism, the specific sports technique of stress and movement is very important - to which athletes devote special attention.

Despite the uniqueness of the forms of strength training, they are united by the presence of narrow tasks, the local focus of strength manifestations, the limited overall physical and functional impact and the potential for injury.

Athletic gymnastics, which is based on the method of strength training, uses the full arsenal of basic gymnastics, as well as elements of sports training. While maintaining the basic principles and methods of traditional gymnastics, in athletic gymnastics the impact of a strength nature can be local or generalized (involving almost all muscle groups), tonic or developing; at the same time, three strength qualities can be selectively developed (slow, or “press” strength, fast, or “explosive”, and static) and the types of strength endurance derived from them.

The most important distinctive feature of athletic gymnastics is that, through special exercises, the student develops the skills and abilities of power movements of his own body in various modes of power work. None of the systems described above provides this. Meanwhile, such skills and abilities are very important in human life support.

athletic gymnastics activity recreational

2. Structure and content of athletic gymnastics classes

When constructing a training session, it is divided into four parts: introductory, preparatory, main, final.

In the introductory part, it is necessary to create a working environment, set tasks for students, and create a clear idea of ​​the content of the main part. The duration of the introductory part is about 5 minutes.

The preparatory part of the lesson includes general and special warm-up. The purpose of a general warm-up is to activate (warm up) the muscles of the musculoskeletal system and the functions of the main body systems closely related to physical activity, especially the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Typically, this involves slow running and gymnastic exercises for all major muscle groups. A special warm-up prepares the body for specific tasks in the main part of the lesson, when special preparatory exercises are performed that are similar in coordination of movements and physical activity to the upcoming motor actions in the main part of the lesson. The duration of the preparatory part is from 15 to 30 minutes (depending on the preparedness of the students and the nature of the upcoming task).

The main part of the classes is simple and difficult. Simple is characterized by the same type of activity (for example, cross-country running at 3000-5000 m, two-way basketball, football). In the complex part, various exercises are used, sometimes requiring additional special warm-up (for example, when moving from jumping to strength exercises).

The main difficulty when conducting a complex main part of classes is to determine the order in which various exercises are performed. It is recommended at the very beginning of the main part to learn the technique of physical exercises of greater coordination complexity. It is advisable to plan training loads for the development of physical qualities in the following order: exercises for speed of movement, then for strength, and at the end of the lesson for endurance. The main part takes up an average of 70% of the time.

In the final part, the functional activity of the student gradually decreases and the body is brought into a relatively calm state. This is achieved through slow running, walking, and relaxation exercises.

If necessary, in the final part an analysis of the work done is carried out, tasks for self-preparation are determined, etc.

Conclusion.Athletic gymnastics satisfies people's desire to have strong and beautiful muscles, sculpted (and not just huge) muscles. In addition, it expands motor experience, develops the habit of systematic physical exercise, serves as a means of active recreation, and effectively stimulates the desire for self-expression through the beauty of the body.

3. Means, methods and techniques for performing athletic gymnastics

The means of athletic gymnastics include six groups of gymnastic exercises, differing in the nature and conditions of execution.

The first group - exercises without weights and objects - include overcoming the resistance of your own body or its part. These can be forceful movements or static tensions with greater or lesser tension in the antagonist muscles. For example, bending and straightening your arms in a lying position, or holding tense arms in a position to the sides, or holding a position slightly bent with your pelvis supported and your arms raised up, etc. (Appendix A).

These exercises are suitable for various groups of participants, do not require special preparedness, and are simple in organizational terms.

The second group is strength exercises on mass-type apparatus, partially borrowed from gymnastics all-around and again consisting of moving one’s own body. The features of this group of exercises are due to the use of various devices (“projectiles”) and the variety of situations used. On the crossbar, rings, parallel bars, pommel horse with handles - you can perform exercises hanging and upright, in mixed positions; quickly and slowly, focusing actions on slowing down or accelerating movements, holding static positions, as well as all sorts of combinations of them, using a variety of muscle groups or loading them according to a given pattern at the same time. In addition to traditional all-around equipment, ropes and hanging poles, a gymnastic wall and hanging supports can serve as lifting and lowering of the body or its links, flips up and down, etc. in active or active-passive modes (Appendix B).

The third group is exercises with objects of a certain weight and elasticity: medicine balls, expanders, etc.

The characteristics of each object determine the nature of the exercise with it, the possibilities of manipulation, and the degree of tension. At the same time, a new form of exercise appears - pair-group and new methods of its use: game and competitive (Appendix B).

The fourth group - exercises with standard weights: dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells. A characteristic feature of these exercises is the strict dosage of the weight of the projectile. Exercises with dumbbells contain various symmetrical and asymmetrical movements of the arms in combination with bends, turns, lunges, squats, etc. - allowing you to involve a large number of muscle groups in the work and achieve a sufficient load of the overall impact (Appendix D).

Exercises with kettlebells are generally similar to exercises with dumbbells. Their specificity lies in the fact that with a normal grip the weight is located outside the support area, which causes it to rotate, counteracting which requires great effort. In addition, the significant weight of the kettlebell (from 16 to 30 kg) reduces the choice of types of exercises, although, in addition to the usual lifting and lowering, throwing and catching the kettlebell with one and two hands, throwing with arms and legs are also used. Barbell exercises require the use of guidelines developed for weightlifting. For the purpose of health improvement and general strength training, in addition to the barbell itself, you can use its elements: bar, discs, locks. Therefore, they are not limited to classic triathlon (press, snatch, clean and jerk), but use a whole group of movements in a wide variety of forms and positions. An important point when selecting weights is the level of development of the “weakest” muscle group - the selection of weight sizes begins from there. In this case, the number of repetitions of the exercise should not be less than 3 - 4, and for “maximum” weights with 1 - 2 repetitions in A.G. .exercises are not used.With large weights, the duration of rest between approaches (it should ensure recovery to the level of the post-warm-up state), the number of exercises, their nature and modes become important.

The fifth group is strength exercises performed in pairs and threes. These are simple and accessible exercises that do not require special technical preparedness and are performed under artificially complicated conditions. The interaction of partners, in this case, is structured in such a way that one of them creates a certain resistance to the action of the other, who overcomes it using a given method (Appendix E).

The nature of resistance when performing exercises in this group can be as follows: slight constant overcoming of resistance; active opposition, turning into the opposite action of one of the partners. In paired strength exercises, it is important to be able to maintain the degree of resistance throughout the entire action or purposefully (according to instructions) change it.

The sixth group - exercises on simulators and special devices. Typically, in athletic gymnastics, “block-type” simulators are used, which allow you to adjust the load by changing the weight of the load (degree of resistance) and include various parts of the body in turn, taking certain positions (Appendix E).

The functionality of any simulator depends primarily on the following requirement: with optimal design dimensions, it should be possible to use as many working positions as possible. Exercises on simulators should begin with small muscle groups, gradually moving to large muscle formations, the pace of execution is average, sudden movements are excluded.

To ensure the proper effect of strength training in athletic gymnastics, an auxiliary group of exercises is used. It includes all the means of basic gymnastics aimed at stretching and relaxation, as well as at developing “associated” physical qualities (flexibility, agility, speed), and, if necessary, switching to easier work and active rest. This “strength break” helps replace passive rest and increase the overall load with faster recovery. The series of exercises used differ from the place of application (part of the lesson), the total load, the nature and variety of exercises. However, they are made up of just a few movements or actions that are repeated for no more than 8 minutes.

Since athletic gymnastics is based on the method of strength training, you should know its basic principles.

Strength is considered as a result of the work or interaction of the human motor apparatus with the environment and therefore can serve as a quantitative expression of this work. Force can be considered as a “source of movement”, the physiological mechanism of which makes it possible to perform work of a different nature.

Therefore, the development of strength is, first of all, the functional improvement of the leading systems of the body. One of the indicators of muscle strength is their volume and mass. Muscle hypertrophy is ensured by two main mechanisms: a) improvement of the process of controlling muscle activity, an increase in the number of myofibrils in muscle fibers, the density of their packing, as well as an increase in the mass of mitochondria, glycogen reserves and other organelles;

b) acceleration of protein synthesis in cells due to the supply of amino acids, increasing the concentration of anabolic hormones in the blood, free creatine in muscle fibers, etc.

In A.G. It is customary to distinguish several forms of manifestation of strength: maximum voluntary strength, explosive strength and strength endurance. The most significant in A.G. Muscle mass and the capacity for sustained effort are recognized - the development of which the exercises are aimed at.

The method of athletic gymnastics and the choice of strength training modes are determined by the following patterns:

a) single or repeated impacts on the practitioner’s body determine the nature of trace processes, i.e., the effect of a particular exercise depends on appropriate reinforcement due to repetition of the exercise, which retains traces of the previous performance;

b) possible adaptation (habituation) to repeated exposure is considered as an undesirable phenomenon; therefore, it is necessary to timely periodically change the conditions and nature of the exercise and increase the level of requirements;

c) threshold values ​​for intensity and duration of impacts require the selection of maximum and minimum load limits. In general, in athletic gymnastics, the direction and load of exercises are determined through combinations of their main characteristics, expressed by the specificity of actions, the number of repetitions of actions in one approach, the number of approaches and the sum of actions in them, the duration and nature of rest and its relationship with the characteristics of work.

For athletic gymnastics, a number of age groups can be roughly distinguished: 12-15 years old, 16-18 years old, 19-30 years old, over 30 years old. At the same time, for beginners, 3 lessons a week for 20-30 minutes are considered sufficient; more prepared ones (most often older ones) can increase either the duration of the lesson (up to 45-60 minutes) or their number (up to 4 - 5).

An average load for a beginning teenager developing abdominal muscle strength could be the following exercise model: from a lying position on your back, hands behind your head, raising your torso to a sitting position; execution mode: 8-12 repetitions in one approach - 1-2 minutes of rest - 8-12 repetitions, 3-5 approaches in total.

Depending on the specific task of strength training and individual characteristics, the “exercise formula” changes:

for maximum strength: weight of weight (resistance) - 90-95% of the maximum, 1-4 strength actions per approach, 3-4 approaches, rest for 2-4 minutes between them;

to increase muscle volume: weight of weights - 70-80% of the maximum, 8-12 repetitions of movements per approach, number of approaches - 3-6, rest between them - 1-2 minutes;

for the development of strength endurance: weight of weights 50-70% of the maximum, 20-50 repetitions of movements per approach, number of approaches 2-4, rest - from a minute to three (before the final approach, if there are more than three).

Athletic gymnastics is characterized by a conditional determination of the magnitude of power tension - by the number of repetitions of the movement in the approach (one repetition is one). This is where the concept of “repetitive maximum” (“RM”) or the maximum possible repetition of a movement comes from.

The most typical methods in strength training in athletic gymnastics are:

method of repeated efforts - implying continuous performance in one approach or in alternating approaches of a given number of movements of a certain nature;

maximum effort method - as work in certain load zones, for example: maximum load in terms of the magnitude of effort, near-maximum load with 2 - 3 repetitions, heavy load with 4 - 7 repetitions, moderately heavy - with 8 - 12 repetitions, medium - with 13-18 repetitions, small - with 19-25 repetitions, very small - with 25 or more repetitions. Naturally, such magnitudes of repetitions of the exercise are associated with a corresponding decrease in the level of one-time effort, and it certainly does not correspond to the maximum that the student is currently capable of, namely, that which can be manifested with a specific number of repetitions. Small levels of load are typical when training strength endurance, and large and extreme levels are typical for increasing the volume of muscle mass.

Some experts believe that using the repeated maximal effort method, in addition to increasing strength, also leads to an increase in muscle mass. Therefore, a regimen with 5-6 repetition maximums is recommended as the optimal option - to increase strength, and with 6-12 - to build muscle mass.

Conditions for organizing athletic gymnastics classes.

Based on the above rules and patterns of strength training, some conditions have been formulated that determine the characteristics of classes and their effective organization:

the desire for extreme fatigue of the muscular system in each lesson influences the increase in the intensity of metabolic processes, first of all, protein synthesis, which determines the growth of muscle mass;

when performing exercises in a lesson or in a series, it is important to take into account the optimal combination of work and rest;

complexes of exercises must include exercises for both local muscle load and general impact, involving a significant number of muscle groups;

strength-oriented exercises must be combined with stretching exercises for the same muscle groups and supplemented with relaxation exercises, movements for accuracy and dexterity;

when selecting exercises, you should focus on the main muscle groups: neck, shoulder girdle, arms, front and back surfaces of the body and legs, without being carried away by the local load of any flexor or extensor;

to assess the initial level of preparedness of the student, the ratio of weight and height indicators, assessment of the topography of the body muscles and individual links, testing the degree of development of strength qualities using dynamometry and motor tasks (usually the number of repetitions of control movements) are used;

To perform the exercise correctly and effectively, rationalization of breathing is required; it can be ensured by the selection of comfortable poses, as well as special motor tasks, the implementation of which develops the skills of correct - “technical” and economical breathing, which helps to increase the effectiveness of the exercise.

Features of nutrition during athletic gymnastics training.

Rational nutrition is considered in athletic gymnastics as one of the important factors ensuring the success of training. The main task of nutrition is to provide the body with energy-producing substances, vitamins and minerals (for training and for recovery).

To organize a balanced diet, it is important to know:

There are many nutritional standards, all of them have their own rationale, addressing specific situations, taking into account three functions of the body: creating an energy reserve, ensuring metabolism and building cells and tissues. Therefore, for organizing nutrition, it is important to establish its content, volumes and ratio of constituent elements;

Intense muscular work causes increased protein metabolism in the muscles, and their synthesis usually lasts for 2 - 3 days, but not more than 96 hours, i.e. the process is quite slow;

The duration of the process of restoring energy expenditure depends on the magnitude of the load and the structural characteristics of the muscles, so it is variable;

The estimated calorie content of the daily diet in athletic gymnastics is close to the parameters recommended for gymnast athletes. So, if a student weighs 70 kg, the total calorie intake should be 5000 kcal, i.e. within 65 kcal per kilogram of body weight. In this case, the ratio of nutrients is determined by their percentage of the total calorie content of food: proteins - 20, fats - 28, carbohydrates - 52, plus natural vitamins, minerals and 2.5 - 3 liters of liquid;

The construction function of proteins determines their norm: 1.5-2 g per kg of body weight per day; the main source of proteins are products of animal origin (meat, cottage cheese, fish, chicken eggs, milk, cheese, caviar, etc.) and plant origin (beans, peas, soybeans, buckwheat, lentils); for fats, the norms are close to those shown for protein, and carbohydrates should be 6 - 9 g per kg of body weight per day;

In addition to the basic diet, special “feeding” preparations are essential, for example, nut-protein concentrate “OBK”, “Univers” (35 g protein, 24 g fat, 21 g carbohydrates), artificial vitamin complexes: “Unicap”, “Oli” -govit”, “Selmivit”, etc.

In general, since there are no universal norms, diets and diets, but there is a certain “nutrition formula”, the selection of food rations should be carried out based on the training load (planned and transferred), the degree of preparedness of the trainees and their individual characteristics: morpho-functional and psychological.

Recovery in athletic gymnastics

All restoration measures are aimed at replenishing energy potential, rehabilitating the state of functional systems and ensuring a high level of mental capacity - the result of which can be an increase in the level of general and special performance, prevention of overtraining, and good health.

In addition to the methodologically competent and rational structure of the lesson and adequate nutrition, recovery aids play a positive role in solving these problems.

Massage and hydromassage. Effective for accelerating recovery processes in muscles and for preventing injuries. A general massage can last up to 60 minutes, a private (local) massage - up to 15. It is recommended to carry out the massage 5 - 10 minutes before the lesson and 20 - 30 minutes after it. Massage is also possible between approaches to an exercise, especially when they are associated with extreme and near-extreme (in magnitude and duration) stress. When choosing massage methods and its duration, you should take into account the nature of the upcoming load, the emotional state of the practitioner, and the degree of fatigue. It is possible to combine massage and self-massage techniques with water procedures and hydromassage.

Thermal procedures - dry air baths, saunas, steam rooms, baths, showers. The mechanism of their effect is based on an increase in the temperature of the body, tissues and blood - which accelerates biochemical processes, helps to increase the vascular bed, open the skin pores and remove metabolic products through them, as well as relaxation (and therefore rehabilitation) of the muscular and nervous systems. After a heavy load, hot procedures should not be used; their temperature should be moderate. It is advisable to combine thermal procedures with contrasting cold influences (shower, dipping) - which, due to the consistent expansion and contraction of blood vessels in the muscles and skin, will further improve and restore metabolism.

Bar influences. This recovery tool requires special technical equipment. By changing negative and positive barometric pressure, metabolism in the muscles of the limbs improves (and therefore their functional state), and performance is restored. The usual procedure lasts 12 - 14 minutes, is applied once a day, and is used 4-5 times a week.

Laronization. By influencing the respiratory tract with negative air ions using special devices, they achieve an improvement in the functional state of the body and, indirectly, accelerate recovery processes. The procedure can be used daily for 10 minutes. The treatment and rehabilitation course and prevention can last for 3-4 weeks.

Ultraviolet irradiation. Sunbathing or special physiotherapeutic procedures such as “sollux”, applied according to a fairly strict method, help improve phosphorus-calcium metabolism, produce vitamin D, “cleanse” the skin, and generally increase the level of functionality of the body, restoring its functionality.

Electrical stimulation. This method uses pulsed modulated currents, conducting them through special electrodes to nerves or muscles. At the same time, purposefully, “without the participation of consciousness” of the person exposed to the influence, and therefore excluding his possible inhibitory reactions, they purposefully change the state of the muscles, restoring their functional potential, or increasing strength. With the help of electrical stimulation, a therapeutic effect is also achieved - injured muscles are restored.

Conclusion.Athletic gymnastics, to one degree or another, can and should be a complement to other types of physical education - running, swimming, football, martial arts, etc. Men and women, adults and children can practice. As you get older, such activities are even more beneficial than for younger people. Strength training prevents the development of osteoporosis. Athletic gymnastics can help in the prevention of various diseases, weight regulation, figure correction, as a means of general physical and special training.

4. Medical and pedagogical control during athletic gymnastics classes

One of the main directions of the social policy of our state is the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population. The most important means of achieving this goal is health-improving physical culture and sports. Rational use of physical activity can increase the duration and improve the quality of human life. Monitoring the health status of those involved in physical culture and sports is the main task of medical control and sports medicine specialists in the country.

The main forms of work of a sports medicine doctor are medical and pedagogical control, medical examination (current, staged, in-depth), medical support for competitions and training camps, medical and sports consultation, educational work, scientific work.

Medical and pedagogical control - the main form of work of a sports medicine doctor - is a set of medical and pedagogical activities carried out jointly and in agreement by a doctor and a coach, in order to achieve maximum sports results and preserve the health of athletes.

In a doctor’s practice, medical and pedagogical control should be divided over:

athletes of high sportsmanship;

mass athletes;

disabled people (Paralympic athletes);

sports veterans;

athletes of various age and gender groups (young, elderly, men, women) and levels of training (including those with existing diseases).

For everyone involved in physical education and sports, it is mandatory to have access to classes from a therapist (pediatrician) from the local clinic, as well as (if necessary) an extract from the outpatient card. Medical workers should be very attentive both to the examination of suitability for physical education and sports at the outpatient level, and when preparing medical control cards in the relevant sports and fitness institutions. A deep and complete collection of anamnesis and its subsequent analysis makes it possible to prevent the development of pathological conditions associated with health-improving work. During a subjective examination and somatometric study, special attention should be paid to the condition of the musculoskeletal system (flat feet, scoliosis, deformities of the pelvis and limbs, etc.), body composition (degree and localization of fat deposits, proportionality of muscle development, etc.), general anthropometric characteristics (height, weight, vital capacity, dynamometry), the presence of traces of surgical interventions, past diseases.

Dynamic monitoring of exercise tolerance using the heart rate/BP control method is most accessible with regular medical observations. The use of the general hemodynamic index (GHI) - an express index of the integral assessment of hemodynamics at rest - seems to be the most promising. OGP is calculated using the formula OGP = average blood pressure + heart rate (units), where average blood pressure = diastolic blood pressure + 1/3 pulse blood pressure. There is an inversely proportional relationship between the level of functional readiness and GGP: the higher the GGP, the lower the functional state of the athlete. Based on changes in GPP during the training microcycle, one can judge the adequacy of the performed volume of loads to the level of physical readiness of the student.

Based on the dynamics of changes in blood pressure and heart rate during exercise and the recovery period, the type of reaction of the cardiovascular system to physical activity is determined (normotonic, hypertonic, hypotonic, dystonic).

Assessing the external signs of fatigue allows the doctor to identify from the group of exercisers those individuals who primarily need an in-depth diagnostic search. The main signs of fatigue are hyperemia of the skin, excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis), shortness of breath, lack of coordination (exercise technique), behavioral disorders (inadequate reaction to the current situation, partners, decreased motivation, etc.). The speed and degree of their manifestation is assessed.

Cardiointervalography (CIG) is recognized throughout the world as a modern method of medical monitoring in sports, which allows one to evaluate the autonomic component of heart rate regulation. The essence of the method is that the recorded instantaneous values ​​of RR intervals are statistically processed using a special program. The Polar heart rate cardiac monitoring system allows you to visualize heart rate when performing physical exercises, set minimum and maximum work heart rate values, save and analyze the dynamics of tolerance to training load volumes.

ECG monitoring is an integral part of rational monitoring in sports and fitness. The cardiovascular system, the limiting link in human adaptation to physical activity, bears a significant load. Thus, mobilization of blood circulation during maximum sports loads leads to an increase in the minute volume of blood flow by 5-7 times. Incomplete recovery (for objective and subjective reasons) is the main etiology of the development of overstrain of the cardiovascular system.

Mobile laboratory diagnostics in elite sports are most often represented by biochemical express control devices Reflotron (“dry biochemistry”) and lactometers. Ease of use, mobility and disability of the specified hardware allows one to evaluate the main biochemical markers of exercise tolerance practically in the field.

Thus, pulse tonometric control, ECG and ECG control with strict individual maintenance of medical documentation in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Belarus should be mandatory at the primary level of medical control in sports.

Athletic gymnastics can be recommended for healthy young people, provided that the training process is optimized and athletic exercises are combined with endurance training (running, etc.). People of more mature age can use only certain exercises of the athletic complex aimed at strengthening the main muscle groups (muscles of the shoulder girdle, back, abdominals, etc., as a supplement after endurance training in cyclic exercises.

Conclusion.Medical preventive measures play a big role. It is necessary to give recommendations on a balanced diet and daily routine for those involved in athletics.

In order to objectively determine the prospects of athletes and timely identify shortcomings in their training, it is advisable to regularly (at least 1-2 times a year) conduct comprehensive testing of athletes.

Despite the improvement of the technical base of medical control, the growth of professional skills of instructors and coaches, the leading link in achieving maximum health and sports results is the human factor.


Athletic gymnastics is a system of versatile strength exercises aimed at developing strength, forming a proportional figure and improving health. Athletic gymnastics improves health and eliminates many physical defects (stooping, sunken chest, incorrect posture, underdeveloped muscles, etc.). An exercise regimen combined with a balanced diet allows you to get rid of excess fat deposits or gain weight in cases where it is necessary. The exercise system trains the cardiovascular system (muscle mass is often called the second heart) and other vital systems of the body, through the development of muscles, it actively and beneficially affects the functioning of internal organs, making the body muscular and beautiful. Allows you to specifically manage your physique, thanks to exercises with dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells, your own weight (push-ups, pull-ups on a horizontal bar), on special exercise machines. Helps achieve a high level of strength, develop endurance, strengthen the nervous system, eliminate or sharply reduce the harmful effects on the body of so-called risk factors. For women, these classes allow them to gain grace, bring their figure to perfection, and contribute to faster postpartum recovery of the body. Gymnastics solves youth leisure issues, distracts them from bad habits, instills self-discipline, it is a means of active recreation and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The natural desire of people for physical perfection and recovery encourages specialists in the field of physical education to search for new means and methods of achieving these goals.

Health-improving athletic gymnastics involves conducting classes in any conditions: in the gymnasium with and without apparatus, in the park, outdoors and at home, on school grounds and “Health” campuses. You can do without weights and special training devices, using your own weight and isometric exercises.

Athletic gymnastics is not a panacea. But its value both for society and for almost every individual person is much higher than sports and rhythmic gymnastics combined, and even more so, strength gymnastics, that is, weightlifting.

Athletic gymnastics classes can be used as a material form of organized physical activity, the foundation of a healthy lifestyle. This motor form can cause very significant changes in a person’s physical development, useful not only for solving sports problems, but also for health purposes. To do this, it is important to know the essential characteristics of health-improving training and be able to use this knowledge in building the training process of athletic gymnastics with a health-improving orientation.

The famous Russian language researcher V.I. Dahl wrote in the “Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”: “An athlete is a big man, a strong man, a hero...” This predetermines the direction of athletic gymnastics: first of all, the tasks of ensuring health should be solved, and only then strength and physique.

List of sources used

1 Stewart, M.R. Think. Bodybuilding without steroids! / M.R. Stewart. - M.: Wider sport, 1997.- 58 p.

2 3atsiorsky, V.M. Cool bodybuilding / V.M. 3aziorsky. - M.: Terra-sport, 2000. - 178 p.

3 Cherednichenko, S.A. Bodybuilding and powerlifting / S.A. Cherednichenko. - Donetsk: Small enterprise "Abris", 1992. - 207 p.

Andreev, V.N. Athletic gymnastics. Methodical manual / V.N. Andreev. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 2005. - 127 p.

Zakharov, E.N. Encyclopedia of physical training: Methodological foundations for the development of physical qualities / E.N. Zakharov, A.V. Karasev, A.A. Safonov; under general ed. A.V. Karaseva. - M.: Leptos, 1994. - 132 p.

Belsky, I.V. Athletic gymnastics student. Methodical recommendations / I.V. Belsky. - Mn.: 1987. - 46 p.

Wider, D. Bodybuilding fundamental course / D. Wider. - M.: Wider Sport, 1993. - 53 p.

Shaposhnikov, Yu.V. I want to become strong / Yu.V. Shaposhnikov. - M.: Russian book, 1992. - 128 p.

Belsky, I.V. The magic of bodybuilding / I.V. Belsky. - Mn.: 1994.- 306 p.

10 Yagodin, V.V. Athletic gymnastics: textbook / V.V. Yagodin. - Ekaterinburg, 1993. - 78 p.

11 Akopyants, M.B. Strength plus grace: athletic gymnastics for / M.B. Akopyants. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1990. - 159 p.

13. Letunov, S.P. Medical control in physical education / S.P. Letunov. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1961. - 167 p.

#"justify"> Appendix A

Exercises without weights or objects

1. I. p. - o.s. 1 - 2 - raise your arms forward and up, turn your palms inward, move your right leg back onto your toes and bend slightly; 3 - 4 - i.p.; 5 - 8 - the same in the other direction.

I.p. - o.s. 1 - 2 - tilt the head back to failure; 3 - 4 - i.p.; 5 - 6 - head tilt forward; 7 - 8 - and. P.

I.p. - o.s. 1 - 2 - head tilt to the right; 3 - 4 - and. P.; 5-8 - the same in the other direction.

I.p. - o.s. 1 - 2 - turn the head to the right; 3 - 4 - and. P.; 5 -8 - the same in the other direction.

I.p. - o.s. 1 - 4 - circular movements of the head to the left; 5 - 8 - the same in the other direction.

I. p. - hands to shoulders. 1 - 2 - two circles with arms bent forward; 3 - 4 - the same back; 1 - 4 - alternate circular movements forward; 5-8 - the same back.

I.p. - o.s. 1 - 2 - circle with arms to the right; 3 - 4 - the same to the left.

I. p. - stand with your hands behind your head. 1 - 3 - three springy bends, trying to touch your knee with your head; 4 - i. P.

I. p. - wide stance with legs apart. 1 - tilt to the right, clap at the heel; 2 - i. P.; 3 - 4 - the same to the other leg.

I. p. - stand with legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - bending the left, tilt to the right, left hand up, right behind the back; 2 - 3 - two springy tilts to the right; 4 - i. P.; 5 - 8 - the same in the other direction.

I. p. - stand with legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the body to the right (do not lift your heels off the floor); 2 - i. P.; 3 - 4 - the same in the other direction.

I.p. - o.s. 1 - swing the right leg, clap under it; 2 - i. items 3 - 4 - the same in the other direction.

Squat at a medium pace. 10 - 15 times.

I. p. - o. s., hands on the belt. 1- oblique lunge to the right; 2 - i. P.; 3 - 4 - the same in the other direction.

I. p. - o. s., hands on the belt. 1 - deep right lunge; 2 - 3 two springy swings; 4 - push with the right to return to i. p. 5 - 8 - the same on the other leg.

I. p. - crouching emphasis. 1 - lying position; 2 - emphasis lying legs apart; 3 - lying position; 4 - i. P.

I. p. - arms bent, hands into fists. On each count, jump to the right, left, forward, backward.

Appendix B

Strength exercises on mass-type equipment

Push-ups on wide bars

1.I. p. - The back is rounded, the elbows are pressed to the body, the back and legs are on the same line in a vertical position. Bending your arms at the elbow joints, lower yourself down and return to the starting position.

Push-ups on standard parallel bars

1.I. p. - The back is rounded, the elbows are spread to the sides, the legs are bent at the knees and raised towards the body. Bending your arms at the elbow joints, lower yourself down and return to the starting position.

Wide grip pull-ups

1.I. p. - Hanging, hands shoulder-width apart. Pull yourself up using the force of your forearm, without swinging your lower body. Touch your chest to the bar and slowly return to the starting position.

Close grip pull-ups

1.I. p.- Hanging, with a narrow grip with your palms facing inward. Pull yourself up using the force of your forearm, without swinging your lower body. Having reached the top point, bend your back harder and touch the crossbar with your chest and slowly return to the starting position.

Exercise on a gymnastic wall

1.I.p. - Hanging on the gymnastics wall facing the hall, hands shoulder-width apart, heels of the feet pulled towards the floor, toes up, chin pulled towards the chest. Hang for up to 4 minutes.

2.I.p. - Hanging on the gymnastics wall facing the hall, hands shoulder-width apart, heels of the feet pulled towards the floor, toes up, chin pulled towards the chest. The same swing of the legs to the sides is strictly parallel to the wall with a fixed position of the arms and body.

3.I.p. - Hanging on the gymnastics wall facing the hall, arms shoulder-width apart, legs slightly raised, chin pulled towards the chest. The same rotation of the legs to the left, to the right.

Appendix B

Exercises with objects of a certain gravity and elasticity

1. I. p. - legs apart, ball in front in lowered hands. 1 - 2. - Raise the ball forward - up. Bend over, take your left leg back onto your toes. 3 - 4 - and. P.

I. p. - stand on your knees, bend forward, rest the palms of your straight hands on the ball. 1 - 3. - Springy bends down until your chest touches the floor, without bending your arms. 4. - I. p.

I. p. - sitting legs crossed with a ball at the chest. 1. - Turn your torso to the left while simultaneously straightening your arms forward. 2. - I. p. The same in the other direction.

I. p. - lying on your back, the ball is sandwiched between the feet of straight legs, arms to the sides. 1 - 2. Sit down, clasp your shins with your hands, do not touch the floor with the ball and feet. 3 - 4. - I. p.

I. p. - lying on your back, legs strongly bent at the knees and spread shoulder-width apart, the ball in half-bent hands behind the head on the floor. 1 - 3. Make a “bridge”, raise your left leg, bent at the knee, up. 4. - I. p.

I. p. - legs apart, ball in bent arms behind the head. 1- 4. - Circular rotation of the body to the left - forward, to the right - back, holding the ball behind the head. The same in the other direction.

I. p. - basic stance, ball at the chest. 1. - Push the ball up, stand on one knee. 2. - Catch the ball with straight arms above your head. 3. - Bending your arms, lower the ball behind your head. 4. - Throw the ball up, stand up, catch the ball, return to and. P.

I. p. - legs apart, ball at the chest. 1-2. - Straightening your arms forward, quickly bend down, bring your hands with the ball between your legs back to failure and throw the ball up. 3 - 4. - During the flight of the ball, quickly straighten up, turn around and, catching the ball with both hands, return to i. P.

9. I. p. - main stance, the ball lies at the toes of the feet. 1. - Jump forward over the ball. 2. - Jump backwards over the ball. 3. - Jump over the ball to the left. 4. - Jump over the ball to the right.

I. p. - legs apart, the ball is sandwiched between the feet. 1. - Sharply bending your legs forward, throw the ball up. 2. - Catch him with your hands. 3. - I. p.

Moving forward, push the ball from the shoulder with your right and left hands, catching it as you go, 30 - 40 seconds. at an average pace.

Appendix D

Exercises with standard weights

1.I. p. - standing, dumbbells in hands with an underhand grip (palm facing forward), one arm bent at the elbow, the other lowered down. Alternate flexion and extension of the arms. When bending, tense your muscles and bring the dumbbells to your shoulders. When extending, fully straighten your arms at the elbows. Breathing is voluntary. One cycle consists of performing the exercise with the right and left hands. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

.I. p. - standing with your arms to the sides, dumbbells in your hands with an upward grip. Alternate flexion and extension of the arms. Bring dumbbells to your shoulders. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

.I. p. - standing hands with dumbbells to shoulders. Alternately squeezing the dumbbells up. Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible. The head and torso are not mobile. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

.I. p. - standing, arms with dumbbells lowered down. Raise your arms up to your sides. Stretch your arms as high as possible. When lifting, inhale; when lowering, exhale. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

.I. p. - standing, arms with dumbbells lowered down. Alternately raising straight arms forward. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

.I. p. - standing, arms with dumbbells down. Lunge with the left foot with the same throw of the right hand forward. I. p. Also with the right foot with the same throw of the left hand forward. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

.I. p. - lying on your back, dumbbells in your hands along your torso. Slowly raise your arms up and move them back. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

.I. p. - standing, arms with dumbbells lowered down. Tilt of the body to the left. I.p. - Also to the right. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

.I. p. - standing on your toes, legs together, arms with dumbbells down. Deep squat. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

10.I. p. - standing hands with dumbbells at the top. Bend forward, touch the dumbbells to the floor. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

Appendix D

Strength exercises performed in pairs

1.I. p. - standing with your back to each other, hands down; B holds A's hands. 1. - Place your left foot on your toes, raising your right arm, tilt to the left. 2. - I. p. The same in the other direction.

2.I. p. - standing facing each other, legs apart, leaning forward, hands on shoulders. 1. - Spring forward tilt. 2. - Turn left. Also with a turn in the other direction.

.I. p. - standing with your back to each other, hands up. 1. - Lunge forward with your left, lean back. 2. - I. p. Same with the other foot.

.I. p. - standing with their backs to each other, hooking their hands under the elbows. 1. - Sit down. 2. - I. p.

.I. p. - standing with their backs to each other; hands on your partner's shoulders. 1. - Swing your left leg to the right - forward. 2. - I. p. Same with the other foot. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

.I. p. - sitting on the floor facing each other, holding hands, legs bent at the knees, resting on the feet. 1. - Straighten your left leg up. 2. - and. p. 3 - 4. - The same with the right foot. 5 - 6. - Straighten both legs up. 7 - 8. - i. P.

.I. p. - sitting facing each other, legs apart, resting with feet; right hand grip. 1. - One partner leans forward (the other leans back). 2. - I.p. 3. - Lean in the other direction. 4. - I. p. The same, grip with left hands.

.I. p. - lying down, legs apart; B holds A's legs at the waist. 1. - A bend your arms, B - sit down. 2. - I. p.

.I. p. - And while on your knees, left hand forward, right hand up; B standing facing him, left leg in front, right leg holding A’s left hand. 1 - 2. - Bend back. 3 - 4. - I. p.

I. p. - standing facing each other; B holds A's left leg at the waist. 1 - 3. - Jumping on the right leg; changing the position of the legs. 4. - and. n. The same on the other leg.

Appendix E

Exercises on simulators and special devices

Exercise machine for developing the muscles of the upper back

1.I. p. - Standing with your back to the simulator, holding the rod of the block device in your arms straightened upward, bending your arms at the elbow joint with your elbows fixed.

2.I.p. - Sitting, the rod of the block device in bent arms. Reverse grip chest row.

.I. p. - Standing, the rod of the block device in straight hands. Pull down with straight arms.

Block-lever exercise machine for the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle.

1.I. p. - sitting, arms spread to the sides and elbows bent at right angles. The forearms rest completely on the armrests. Bringing and spreading hands.

Block-lever simulator for the development of deltoid muscles

1.I. p. - Sitting, grab the handles with your arms bent at the elbows. Raising and bringing your arms up from the sides.

Training device for developing abdominal and back muscles “Roman chair”.

1.I.p. - Sitting on a “Roman chair”, hands behind your head, straightening, turn your body to the left, to the right by 90°.

2.I.p. - Sitting on a “Roman chair”, hands behind your head. In a slow motion for 20-30 seconds, straighten up to a horizontal position, then bend over in 10-15 seconds.

.I. p. lying on the right thigh on a “Roman chair”, legs secured, hands behind the head. Unbend the body and return to the starting position. Same on the left thigh

Lever trainer for developing the front and back of the thigh.

1.I.p. While sitting, legs are bent and resting on the weight bolsters of the lever device. Straightening the legs.

2.I.p. - Lying on your chest, legs straight, the back of the calf in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon is placed under the weight rollers of the lever device. Leg bending.

Similar works to - Physical education and health system - athletic gymnastics

Bodybuilding or bodybuilding is the process of building and developing muscles through weight-bearing exercise and high-energy nutrition, with a high content of nutrients, in particular proteins, sufficient for hypertrophy of skeletal muscles.

Athletic gymnastics is a system of gymnastic exercises aimed at developing strength qualities and the ability to “use them.” Athletic gymnastics is a traditional type of gymnastics with a health-improving and developmental orientation, combining strength training with comprehensive physical training, harmonious development and promotion of health in general.

Athletic gymnastics is intended for a wide variety of people (young and old, boys and girls), but for practically healthy people, since the exercises used are associated with significant muscle tension and a corresponding load for those involved. Therefore, keeping this circumstance in mind, athletic gymnastics should be considered first of all as a developmental means of physical education, and only secondarily as a restorative means.

Athletic gymnastics satisfies people's desire to have strong and beautiful muscles, sculpted (and not just huge) muscles. In addition, it expands motor experience, develops the habit of systematic physical exercise, serves as a means of active recreation, and effectively stimulates the desire for self-expression through the beauty of the body.

In practice, there are a large number of different teaching aids that use the term “athletic gymnastics” in a broad sense as sets of strength exercises, but do not define them as a type of gymnastics. Meanwhile, in fact, it turns out that they are only indirectly related to athletic gymnastics as one of the types of health improvement. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the meaning of the words: “athleticism”, “athlete” and “athletic gymnastics”.

“Athleticism” is a direction in physical improvement that pursues the goal of achieving a high level of strength development and high results in “sports-type” strength exercises.

“Athletic gymnastics” is a more comprehensive concept that reflects a system of health-improving and developmental influences with the aim of strengthening human health and improving his vitality. Athletic gymnastics uses six groups of special exercises.

The first group - exercises without weights and objects - include overcoming the resistance of your own body or its part. For example, bending and straightening your arms in a lying position, or holding tense arms in a position to the sides, or holding a position slightly bent with your pelvis supported and your arms raised up, etc.

The second group is strength exercises on mass-type apparatus, partially borrowed from gymnastics all-around and again consisting of moving one’s own body. The features of this group of exercises are due to the use of various devices (“projectiles”) and the variety of situations used. On the crossbar, rings, parallel bars, pommel horse with handles - you can perform exercises hanging and upright, in mixed positions; quickly and slowly, focusing actions on slowing down or accelerating movements, holding static positions, as well as all sorts of combinations of them, using a variety of muscle groups or loading them according to a given pattern at the same time.

The third group is exercises with gymnastic objects of a certain weight and elasticity: medicine balls, expanders, etc. The characteristics of each of the objects determine the nature of the exercise with it, the possibilities of manipulation, and the degree of tension.

The fourth group - exercises with standard weights: dumbbells, kettlebells, barbells. A characteristic feature of these exercises is the strict dosage of the weight of the projectile. Exercises with dumbbells contain various symmetrical and asymmetrical movements of the arms in combination with bends, turns, lunges, squats, etc. Exercises with kettlebells are generally similar to exercises with dumbbells. Their specificity lies in the fact that with a normal grip the weight is located outside the support area, which causes it to rotate, counteracting which requires great effort. Barbell exercises require the use of guidelines developed for weightlifting. For the purpose of health improvement and general strength training, in addition to the barbell itself, you can use its elements: bar, discs, locks. An important point when selecting weights is the level of development of the “weakest” muscle group - the selection of weight sizes begins from there. In this case, the number of repetitions of the exercise should not be less than 3-4, and exercises for “maximum” weights with 1-2 repetitions in athletic gymnastics are not used. With large weights, the duration of rest between approaches (it should ensure recovery to the level of the post-warm-up state), the number of exercises, their nature and modes become important.

The fifth group is strength exercises performed in pairs and threes. The interaction of partners, in this case, is structured in such a way that one of them creates a certain resistance to the action of the other, who overcomes it using a given method. The nature of resistance when performing exercises in this group can be as follows: slight constant overcoming of resistance; active opposition, turning into the opposite action of one of the partners

The sixth group - exercises on simulators and special devices. Typically, in athletic gymnastics, “block-type” simulators are used, which allow you to adjust the load by changing the weight of the load (degree of resistance) and include various parts of the body in turn, taking certain positions. mExercises on the simulators should begin with small muscle groups, gradually moving on to large muscle formations, the pace of execution is average, sudden movements are excluded.




Perhaps no other system of physical exercise in our country and abroad has gained as many adherents in recent years as athletic gymnastics. This is explained not only by people’s desire to improve their figure, but also by the emergence of an entire industry engaged in the production of modern exercise equipment, a variety of sports equipment, and special food products. There is an athletic gym in almost every health center.

The main means of athletic gymnastics are strength exercises with external resistance (weights). First of all, these include exercises with barbells and dumbbells. A standard barbell weighs 22.5 kg, and the discs for it have a weight difference of up to 1.5 kg. Dumbbells are either solid or collapsible. Leg weights are also used, which are attached to the feet or ankles. The necessary elements are a multi-purpose bench with a barbell support and an adjustable backrest and barbell rack.

Along with free weights, all kinds of block devices, expanders and strength training equipment are used. Exercise machines are the most injury-free and provide stress on a strictly defined muscle group.

On the other hand, free weights allow for a much greater variety of movements and the inclusion of many muscles. For example, when lifting a barbell, most of the muscles of the body are immediately involved, which ensure not only lifting the load, but also maintaining balance. In this regard, exercise machines are truly effective only in combination with a barbell, dumbbells and block devices.

Among the large number of strength exercises, we can identify a group of the most effective for the development of certain muscles (Table 5).

The exercises presented in and other strength exercises must be performed in compliance with certain rules.

  • Firstly, this concerns breathing: inhale when lowering the weight, exhale when lifting it. You should not hold your breath when your muscles are tense.
  • Secondly, the weight moves smoothly and rhythmically through its full amplitude.
  • Thirdly, all repetitions are performed “purely,” that is, without the help of other parts of the body (kicks, body bends).

Phases of athletic gymnastics training




Athletic gymnastics classes include three phases (parts):

  • warm-up;
  • strength exercises (the main part);
  • the final part.


Warming up is especially important because it reduces the likelihood of injury and allows you to work your muscles through the entire range of motion.

General warm-up usually consists of warm-up exercises - light jogging, cycling and other similar exercises for a few minutes.
In a special warm-up Stretching exercises are used, in particular, repeated static exercises (stretching).

  • leaning forward from a stance with arms spread between fixed supports;
  • placing the feet behind the head until they touch the floor from a supine position;
  • bending forward with your toes touching your toes, etc.

Stretched position achieved in 2-3 s and maintained for 7-10 s.
The exercises are repeated three times.
After stretching exercises within 5-10 minutes, jumping rope, push-ups, and bends are performed.

Strength exercises

Strength exercises, volume and intensity of the load in the main part of the lesson are selected taking into account the preparedness of the trainees and the objectives of the training cycle.

Final part

The final part consists of calming exercises, such as slow running followed by walking or swimming. It takes 5-10 minutes.

Determination of the volume and intensity of load in athletic gymnastics




There are many methods of athletic training. All of them are based on the use repeated and maximal effort methods and differ mainly in the order of the exercises and the distribution of the load in individual sessions and training cycles.

First a harmonious system of athleticism developed by Canadian trainer Joe Weider. Athletes such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Franco Colombo and others trained under his leadership and were repeatedly awarded the highest professional title in athletics, Mr. Olympia. The system is intended for beginners and more experienced athletes; it addresses issues of nutrition, recovery, and exercise motivation.

It contains

  • introductory
  • separate, as well as
  • power and
  • muscle building program.

Introductory program

The introductory program lasts 3 months with three classes per week. Each lesson uses a separate set of 12-16 exercises and works all major muscle groups.

In the first month the load volume is planned in such a way that weight-bearing exercises are performed in one set of B repetitions.

In the second month Two approaches of 8 repetitions are already being done using the same weight in both approaches. In the third month, two hikes are also performed, but in the first of them there are 5 repetitions with a weight close to the maximum, and in the second - 9 repetitions with a lighter apparatus. Rest between sets - 1-2 minutes. Each lifting of the projectile takes 2-3 s, and each lowering takes 4 s.

If after three months the introductory program continues to bring good results, then you can continue to study it. If the growth of muscle mass slows down, then you need to take a week’s break and start training according to a separate program.

Separate program

The separate program is designed for 2-3 months with four classes per week.

On the first day of the weekly cycle A set of 11 exercises is used for the muscles of the upper body.
After a day of rest on the fourth and fifth days complexes for the upper and lower parts of the body are again used, but the composition of the exercises in them changes slightly.
Sixth and seventh days are reserved for rest.

In all complexes, exercises are performed in three sets of 9 repetitions (with the exception of exercises such as lifting the torso from a lying position, bending to the side with a dumbbell and others, which are repeated 30-50 times).

A special feature of this program is the use of so-called super series. The essence of this technique is that two exercises for antagonist muscles (providing movements in the opposite direction) are performed in a row without a pause. For example, the super series consists of the bench press and the standing barbell curl.

After completing the split program, classes can be continued if the growth in results does not stop, or you can move on to easier training aimed at maintaining the results obtained. If the goal is to achieve great success in athleticism, then you need to turn to the following program.

Strength and muscle building program

The strength and muscle building program is designed for 2-3 months with three to four sessions per week. Each of them uses a set of 12 exercises. Exercises are performed in 4-5 sets of 6 repetitions. In the last repetitions, some help from a partner or additional movements is allowed.

The “pyramid” technique is also effective:

  • in the first approach, 15 repetitions are performed with a weight of approximately 60% of the maximum;
  • in the next few approaches, the weight of the projectile gradually increases to 80% of the maximum, and the number of repetitions decreases to 5-6, after which you can return to the starting position.

When training in a strength program, the ability to properly build your diet is especially important. If the increase in body weight due to muscle mass occurs slowly, then you need to consume more protein and high-calorie foods.

In all of the listed programs, the weight of the weights, i.e. the intensity of the load, is selected in such a way as to ensure the recommended number of repetitions and approaches. Naturally, as training increases, it becomes possible to perform more repetitions. In this case, after 2-3 weeks of training, it is necessary to increase the weight of the apparatus (by 1.5-3 kg for the upper body and by 4.5-9 kg for the legs) and return to the original number of repetitions. Then everything is done again. In this way, a progressive increase in the intensity of the load occurs.

Systematic principle

In athletics, it is very important to observe one of the basic principles of sports training - the principle of systematicity. Both annual, monthly and weekly training cycles are planned. For example, having received appropriate initial training, you can do a separate program for 5 months, a strength and muscle-building program for the next 5 months, and work on muscle definition for the last month and a half.

Formation of relief muscles, unlike volumetric training, has its own characteristics:

  • the number of classes per week increases to six, and different muscle groups are worked on different days;
  • exercises are performed in three sets of 12 repetitions;
  • Rest between sets is less than 1 minute.

The cycle ends with two weeks of rest. This order corresponds to the standard periodization scheme for year-round training.

Most effective in monthly cycles alternating three weeks of heavy training and a week of light training. Classes are designed in such a way that exercises for slowly developing muscles, for example, the quadriceps femoris, are carried out at the beginning of the lesson. In general, it is necessary to strive for a wide variety of exercises and not use the same complex for a long time.

Individual characteristics

When doing athletic gymnastics, you need to take into account your individual characteristics, in particular, your body type. As a rule, people with hypersthenic and normosthenic types achieve great success, although asthenics also develop muscles.

The same exercises and load parameters can cause intense muscle growth in some people, but have no noticeable effect on others. In this regard, the training process should be carried out in such a way as to make the best use of the proposed programs, experimentally create new options based on them, and switch from one program to another in a timely manner.

Table of strength exercises for muscle development




Table 5 Strength exercises for developing the muscles of the trunk, upper and lower extremities


Bench press of a barbell or dumbbells (straightening the arms) while lying on a flat, horizontal bench and an inclined bench with your head down; dips Upper, middle and lower pectoral muscles
Row of a barbell, dumbbells or block device to the chin Trapezius muscles
Bent-over barbell or dumbbell rows; pull to the stomach and down on a block device; pull-up on the bar Median and lateral sections of the latissimus dorsi muscles
Deadlift (lifting a barbell by extending the torso) with bent and straight yogas; straightening the torso while lying across the bench face down Muscles that straighten the trunk
Raising the body from a lying position; incline leg raise Abdominal muscles
Press a barbell or dumbbells above head level; row of barbells or dumbbells to the chin Deltoids
Curling arms with a barbell or dumbbells while standing; the same with the emphasis of the hands Biceps brachii muscles
Straightening your arms with a barbell by extending your elbows while lying down (French press); bench press with a narrow grip; push-ups on uneven bars Triceps brachii muscles
Bending the arms at the wrists with a grip of the bar from above and below; bending the elbows with an overhand grip of the bar Forearm muscles
Squat with a barbell on the back, on the chest; vertical and incline leg press Quadriceps femoris
Deadlift with straight legs Biceps femoris
Calf raise with barbell on back Triceps surae muscles