home · Other · The meaning of wax divination. Fortune telling on wax. The meaning of the figures. Fortune telling with wax and water - correct interpretation of figures, with photos

The meaning of wax divination. Fortune telling on wax. The meaning of the figures. Fortune telling with wax and water - correct interpretation of figures, with photos

Wax fortune telling

Wax casting or wax divination is one of the most ancient methods of divination. The technique of this fortune-telling is simple; the only difficult thing about it is the interpretation of the figures, which can be called a whole science.

Few people succeed in fortune telling the first time, only the most persistent and inquisitive. Melted wax poured into water freezes in the form of specific figures, which should be recognized by their mysterious outlines, carrying a symbolic meaning that requires solving.

By analyzing various figures cast from wax, you can obtain data that is hidden in everyday life; it is no coincidence that wax castings have been used since ancient times to obtain information in magic and healing

Wax fortune telling has been known since the times of the ancient civilizations of Greece and Egypt, during which Babylonian sorcerers, like modern magicians, poured molten wax into water and then deciphered the meaning of the resulting figures.

The main advantage of the technique is ease of execution and a minimum of paraphernalia. So fortune telling with wax requires the presence of a large candle, a box of matches, and a watch with cold water. Yes, symbols and wax figures are not easy to decipher, but they are easy to obtain.

Preparing for fortune telling

When choosing items for fortune telling, be extremely careful. The candle should be large and burn for at least an hour. Only from this amount of wax can a sufficient amount of information be obtained.

Before fortune telling begins, you need to find out the question that interests the person or you personally. The color of the candle that you have to buy in advance depends on this question. A red or pink candle is suitable for matters of a love nature, a green one for health, and a gold-plated one for finances. If you have several questions at once, you can light several candles at the same time, leave them burning for about an hour, and when they are completely melted into wax, start fortune telling.

Wax casting

When the candle burns out, fill a bowl or cup with cold, but not ice-cold, water. Try to choose a bowl of a color that contrasts with the color of the candle; the best option is a white bowl. This way you can easily see the drawing. Before pouring wax, ask a question, and then start pouring wax into the water.

After you use wax and a specific figure is formed on the water, wait until it hardens completely and examine it from both sides - external and external. Think about what reminds you of what you see. When you understand the figure, you will need to find its interpretation in an article or on the Internet, since it is simply impossible to present the entire list of possible symbols.

What you need to know about the fortune telling procedure

The wax divination procedure and the meanings of the figures is an interpretation of many wax divination practices. People believed that water did not lie, and with this faith they poured various melting substances into it - from wax to tin, which revealed to the fortuneteller many secrets that answered the most intractable questions.

Today, the wax pouring ritual is gradually evolving into simpler techniques based on the use of cards, mirrors, rings and other things. At the same time, wax casting continues to be the most accurate method of fortune telling, allowing one to obtain specific information.

The wax reads information about your destiny the moment you hold it in your hands and transmits the prediction only to you and no one else.

Fortune telling with wax was most popular among young girls on Christmas Eve, Christmas and Epiphany, the purpose of which was one - marriage and all related issues: the number of children, relationship with the husband, the husband’s appearance, his occupation, etc.

This practice was used not only among the people, it was also very popular among fortune tellers. Women of all ages poured wax for themselves, their friends or daughters.

Main stages of wax casting:

  1. Prepare a wide container of water. For a stronger effect, a mirror is often placed at the bottom of the container.
  2. Melt the candle and pour it onto the water in the center, this way you can get an accurate and complete picture.
  3. Record the resulting signs and decipher the wax images.

It is difficult to tell fortunes with wax for those whose imagination is not the strongest character trait. To do this, try to concentrate as much as possible and see any of the waxy ugliness floating in your bowl.

How to interpret figures

When the wax is still pouring, pay attention to those figures that are formed at the very beginning, memorizing them. Also remember the shapes into which the first characters are converted. This is important because it can tell about the sequence of events in your life or about the person being told fortunes. In this way, a person will be able to draw the right conclusions and see the current situation more clearly.

When all the wax is poured out, you will be able to see the result of the hidden situation or the answer to the question asked. You can interpret the resulting figure in different ways: by highlighting individual figures, by seeing the overall unified picture, by paying attention to details or specific images.

Taking into account all the elements, without exception, you will be able to correctly interpret fortune telling and get the overall picture.

In the old days, it was believed that water would not lie, and if you poured a quickly cooling substance on it - be it tin or candle wax - it would instantly give the fortuneteller knowledge of what was to come.

Among the most common wax figures are:

  • Letters or numbers - are interpreted individually; they indicate specific names or dates;
  • A straight line indicates the beginning of a very important matter;
  • Dot – financial profit;
  • Angel - help in solving the problem will come from above, which means there is absolutely no need to worry;
  • Caterpillar or worm - avoid frivolity, take care of loved ones;
  • Dragon - the current situation requires willpower from the fortuneteller, which will help his plans come true;
  • The hedgehog is a person or the relationship is very “prickly”, you need to try to be softer;
  • A woman is a homewrecker or a new friend, it all depends on the context of the question or situation;
  • Cat - friends will betray you;
  • Chicken - positive in family life;
  • Leo – speaks of strength, reliability and confidence;
  • A man is a friend, groom or new life partner;
  • Spider - portends cunning on the part of others, from which you will have to defend yourself;
  • Child – the birth of a child or a new business, project;
  • Fish – a comfortable feeling in living conditions;
  • Elephant - wisdom;
  • Dog – loyalty to friends or colleagues;
  • An owl is a bad sign that foretells failure, difficulties and illness;
  • Duck - luck and success in all endeavors;
  • Arch – development of the situation and transition to a new life, to a new stage, a new level;
  • Tower - marriage;
  • Fan - dismissal or divorce;
  • Mushroom is a surprise;
  • Home – moving or good changes;
  • Star – luck and career growth;
  • A book – new ideas or a stage in life;
  • Cross - troubles and problems;
  • Ladder - promotion up the career ladder, career.
  • Car - trip;
  • Ball or circle - instability, a person is fixated on one problem;
  • Knife – breakup of relationships, scandals and quarrels;
  • Points – reconsider your attitude towards a given question or situation;
  • Horseshoe - luck, success;
  • Flower - the fulfillment of a dream or desire;
  • Cup - harmony;
  • An egg is a new idea or dream.

Tell me when casting with wax there is a mountain with cones and waves around it, what does this mean.

Text of your review: what do the letter v and number 2 mean?


There is a two-faced person next to you. And friendly towards you.

Hello! When cast with wax on water, the result was wood. Tell me please, what does this mean?

Someone is taking your energy.

When casting with wax, the result was a woman's face with large bulging eyes. Please tell me what this means?

But I ended up with something strange, more like an embryo! But I'm not sure!

Hello! I wanted to know what the left foot print means

A slander in the back. Moreover, a negative message.

I cast the child, it turned out to be an even pancake, but when they turned it over like a trunk and it goes to this pancake, what does this mean, please tell me?

Didn't understand. In theory, this comes out negative. Remind me how old the child is?

the demon poured out with his mouth open and frozen

and the cross on the hill

A real tri-demensional male penis poured out in a ring (in a circle)?!

Do you need to let the candle burn for an hour, and then melt it down and pour it out?

Olesya, no, melt it down right away.

Please tell me that a fish is made from wax and there is a baby on it. How to decrypt? Thank you in advance

Ksenia, in general, this is an addition in general, we’re not just talking about pregnancy.

Hello. I got the number 18.

Hello!! I lost the front part of a frog - two legs and a head

Envy from the outside.

Helicopter with a girl and a scarf in her hands

Please tell me how to solve the fortune-telling, there is no such meaning on the Internet. I clearly got the shape of a man and a woman passionately making love! I’m married and everything is great in our family; we don’t have children yet.

Lina, you’re in a marriage where everything is great. A man and a woman can no longer be closer than during intimacy. That is, according to fortune telling, it is a good promise for the future.

Death with a Grim Reaper, as in the films - happened during fortune-telling... For my husband. There seems to be a figure standing on the pancake, a braid is visible... and next to it is a pile of something. Tolley is a cancer sign according to the horoscope, two fish maybe... I am a cancer.

I also lost a skeleton with a skull. hmm

Hello, when pouring it on wax, the wax completely crumbled, like cottage cheese in water. What could this mean?

Poor quality wax, with impurities. Or did he remain firm in doing so? I don’t quite understand, I’ve never seen anything like this.

Hello! Please tell me how to correctly interpret the figure. The image of a lady on her knees and with an outstretched hand. She took the quarrel out of herself and her husband.

The impact came from a woman who is offended by you.

Hello, what does the cross mean?

May mean influence through a Christian egregor.

Fortune telling with wax is one of the oldest Slavic traditions. For a long time, all unmarried girls were looking forward to the start of Christmastide - holidays that began on Christmas (January 7) and ended with Epiphany (January 19). The most favorable day for looking into the future was considered the night before Christmas. According to folk legends, it is at this time that the line between our and the other worlds is thinnest.

In addition, special attention should have been paid to the choice of place for fortune telling on wax. In the time of our great-grandmothers, there was a belief that all kinds of evil spirits lived in the bathhouse, so it was most often chosen for the ritual. It is also believed that spirits live in all sorts of passages (doorposts, thresholds, corners, etc.). The most powerful such magical transitions are crossroads and midnight.

The meaning of fortune telling with wax is that you turn to the most powerful conductors of information - water and wax. This ritual turned into a whole esoteric science, which is called “keroscopy” - from the Greek “keros” (“wax”). Therefore, you need to use natural beeswax, as well as purified water (previously it was melted snow, but now distilled water is suitable).

Do you want to know what fate has prepared for you? To do this, you don’t have to have superhuman abilities - melted wax will tell you what to expect from the near future! And it’s very easy to “read” the signs of fate. You can learn this in just 5 minutes. The choice is yours: either waste it, or read our article and lift the curtain on your own future.

How to tell fortunes with wax?

So, let's move on directly to wax fortune telling and its interpretation. For the ritual you will need:

  • bowl or pan filled with cold water
  • about 50 grams of beeswax
  • small bowl or bowl for melted bee product

Before starting fortune telling, the wax should be melted. It is most convenient to do this in a water bath. This process will take from 20 to 60 minutes depending on the size of the piece. But prepare in advance everything you need for the ritual, because melted wax hardens quickly.

In addition, think in advance about the question you want to ask otherworldly forces. It can relate to love, material well-being, or any other topic. The main thing is to clearly formulate the question in your head.

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There are several more rules that are important to follow when performing fortune telling:

  • There should be absolute silence in the room. It is best to guess completely alone, but you are allowed to invite women with whom you are related by blood: mother, grandmother, sister, etc.
  • Before the ritual you need to wash, put on clean clothes and let your hair down.
  • fortune telling is an appeal to otherworldly forces, so you need to get out from under the protection of religion: for example, remove icons or remove the pectoral cross.
  • During the test, you cannot cross your arms and legs - it is believed that because of this you can close yourself off from information. For the same reason, you need to remove things that seem to surround you: belts, rings, bracelets and possible others.

If you have followed the above rules and prepared everything you need, it’s time to find out your future.

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Place a bowl or pan of cold water in front of you. Take a bowl of melted wax in your right hand. Close your eyes, free your mind from extraneous worries and mentally ask a question of interest. Then tilt the bowl of wax and pour the contents into the water. The bee product will instantly harden, taking on a unique shape. It will be the long-awaited answer to your question.

Read about the interpretation of wax fortune telling in the next paragraph of the article.

You can purchase wax directly from our apiary "Sviy honey":

The meaning of the figures

Each figure has its own meaning. We will give you examples of the most common “signs of fate” and their interpretation. If you don’t find what you are looking for in our list, don’t be upset. Just connect logic and you will understand what this or that form says.

Interpretation of fortune telling figures on wax:

  • angel - it's time to take the initiative and take life into your own hands. Perhaps it’s time to leave your parents’ home or change your long-tired job?
  • a butterfly always brings good news. Such a sign could mean a new relationship for you, an imminent marriage, the birth of a child, or climbing the career ladder - in any case, it will bring you happiness.
  • bow - you should pay attention to relationships with loved ones. Tie this bow tightly and it will become your salvation in difficult times.
  • damn - promises to be careful in love relationships. Take a closer look at your chosen one. Perhaps his intentions are not as serious as you think.
  • mushroom - life promises you good health and longevity.
  • guitar - attention, a real romantic adventure awaits you soon! So prepare in advance, you never know how the evening will end.
  • the dove is the messenger of peace. Perhaps you will soon resolve a serious conflict or restore a long-standing relationship.
  • tree - soon you will need all your stamina and willpower. Difficulties loom on the horizon - be prepared to meet them with dignity.
  • house - such a sign means strength in family relationships. Sometimes it also means the imminent acquisition of your own home.

  • hare - be careful, danger! Be careful in your dealings with people. Your intuitive fears are not in vain.
  • star - Your cherished dream will soon come true. So feel free to ask fate for whatever you want!
  • snake - You underestimate your enemies. They are much more dangerous than they seem at first glance.
  • the key is an approving sign of fate. Everything you have in mind will definitely succeed.
  • wheel - fortune is on your side, so feel free to take risks!
  • The ring is the most desired prediction for every girl, which means an early marriage. Perhaps your boyfriend is already thinking about how to propose to you.
  • ship - Changes await your life. Whether they will be good or bad - only a fair wind will tell.
  • crown - a prediction with two sides of the coin. On the one hand, you will soon be endowed with power, which brings with it prosperity and luxury. On the other hand, you will be entrusted with great responsibility associated with this power.
  • a cat is a sign of treachery, betrayal. It is unknown which side of the barricades you will find yourself on.
  • the cross is a messenger with bad news. Someone around you will suffer a serious illness or even death.
  • circles (3 or more figures) - soon you will experience an improvement in your material well-being. Be attentive to job offers or other signs of fate.
  • leaf - Your well-being causes the envy of someone in your immediate circle. Be prepared for anything, even the most insidious intrigues weaving against you.
  • a baby means the happy birth of something new: be it a child or a new project at work.
  • scissors - soon you will have to mercilessly cut off the past. It may be hard, but it is necessary for a bright future.
  • clouds - it’s time to remember old unrealized dreams. Perhaps you have dreamed of becoming a singer since childhood? Or have you long wanted to quit your unloved job to become a writer? Right now!
  • fire - soon temperament and spontaneity will prevail over you. But remember that fire is not to be trifled with. This can either lead you to a new passionate relationship or destroy your entire life.

  • hourglass - it’s time to show character and finally make an important decision that you have been putting off for a long time.
  • stripes - such a sign is a harbinger of a long journey. Perhaps you will soon be on a long business trip, vacation, or even moving.
  • rose is a sign of love. Pure, sincere and mutual. If your heart is not yet filled with passionate feelings, then you should expect this soon.
  • hand - such a sign can promise different things, depending on its position. For example, an open palm means that you have real friends and you can rely on their support. A clenched fist indicates hostility and aggression towards you.
  • fish - she is silent, but listens. You should do the same. Talk less, listen more to the advice of wise people. They will guide you on the right path.
  • heart - of course, means love. But which one? Clear contours of the figure are a good sign; your relationship will be happy. But the distorted form does not promise anything good - perhaps your heart is broken or you should be careful about this.
  • arrow is a clear answer to your question. The tip turned up means a firm “yes”. The lowered or tilted end of the arrow tells you “no”.
  • man means exactly what he depicts. Soon a new person will knock on your life. Who he will become for you - a friend, lover or teacher - time will tell.
  • egg - a new round of life. It can mean anything: internal changes in you, the birth of a child, or a new step on the career ladder.

It is not necessary that the shape that the wax takes will exactly reflect this or that figure. She can only resemble her. Here it is important to show imagination and the ability to “read between the lines.”

Video "About fortune telling with wax"


Wikipedia: Yuletide fortune telling, Wax

Wax fortune telling helps predict the near future and prepare for troubles. When divining on wax, a bird is a harbinger of future changes in life. The meaning of the symbol is influenced by the fortune-telling hand and its position.

Fortune telling hand

Depending on the gender and marital status of the fortuneteller, the bird on the surface of the wax takes on different interpretations. For men, such a symbol promises professional growth if their work involves travel or creativity. In family relationships, the fortuneteller will be able to support the marriage, although scandals with the spouse may occur.

For a young man without a partner, the figure indicates an imminent marriage. In the near future, he will meet a girl with whom he can build a serious relationship.

If a woman has formed a bird on the surface of the water, she skillfully combines work and home. This sign predicts an early pregnancy. The bird falls to overly talkative girls.

For unmarried people, when used for wax fortune telling, the bird promises a trip or vacation abroad. There is a chance that while on vacation the girl will meet her love.

For pregnant women, this figure portends an easy birth. If the bird is headless, the baby may have problems with the blood vessels. A figure with a large beak indicates a risk of miscarriage.

Bird breed

Wax figures do not always have such clear contours as to reveal the breed of the bird. However, sometimes you can make out the wings or beak characteristic of the species.


An owl portends illness to the fortuneteller or his loved ones. Its characteristic feature is unpredictability. The cause of the disease is a virus or bacterial infection.

In the future, this disease will become chronic or lead to complications. When this sign appears, the vaccination course is repeated and the immune system is strengthened.


The most common meanings of eagle are:

  • rapid career growth;
  • cronyism or help from a superior employee;
  • deterioration of relations with parents, increased control on their part.

In a married couple, the eagle portends a struggle for leadership. In such conflicts, the girl will be inferior to the man in power energy.


The sparrow portends travel and a change of home. The wax sparrow is a sign of gypsies, traveling theater and long-distance drivers. For people of these professions, the symbol guarantees safety on the road.

The figure is also interpreted as a waste of time. In the near future, the fortuneteller or his loved ones will be prone to frivolous behavior.


The parrot says that the fortuneteller neglects intuition. He follows the advice of strangers and is not capable of initiative.

Another meaning of the parrot is stereotypical thinking, denial of individuality, fear of extraordinary individuals.

The flock foreshadows emigration. The fortuneteller will have to change culture and traditions.


Hummingbird indicates nervous exhaustion of the fortuneteller or his loved ones. The cause of moral decline is a constant feeling of anxiety.

Such concerns are usually unfounded. If the wax has taken the shape of a hummingbird, it is better to take a walk in the forest or go to the sea.


The dove was always responsible for the messages. Cast in wax - a messenger of good news. The bird also represents freedom from financial difficulties and the fulfillment of dreams.


The meaning of the symbol changes depending on the state of affairs. A married couple faces conflicts and misunderstandings due to the fact that one of the spouses refuses to take responsibility for their actions. Scandals can lead to divorce.

For those who are looking for living space, the stork is a good messenger. The new home will be cozy and warm. For girls planning a wedding, the stork promises a child.

Crow or raven

The raven is surrounded by bad superstitions. This is a harbinger of illness, quarrel and even death. The scandal will most likely be provoked by a vile girl.

The raven will bring wisdom to the fortuneteller in making decisions. For students, this sign guarantees successful passing of exams.


The interpretation of the sign varies depending on the characteristics of the fortuneteller. Common meanings:

  • there is a chance to earn money and become famous, but you will have to put in a lot of effort;
  • a sudden meeting with an unpleasant person;
  • a pregnant girl will most likely give birth to a boy.


The duck promises good luck to those who own a private business or are engaged in trade. For lovers, it means a long and stable relationship.

However, the sign also warns of intruders. More often this involves selling information or backbiting.


The flamingo characterizes a fortune-telling person as a dreamer and romantic. A flock resting on the water indicates the presence of secret admirers. However, all candidates are not worthy of attention: they are too frivolous.


Wax fortune telling interprets the rooster as a person’s readiness for change. In the near future, the fortuneteller will be able to complete a task that he has been putting off for a long time. This includes obtaining a higher education, starting a business, or starting a family.


The chicken indicates financial stability in the near future. There will be no problems related to money, but you will not be able to earn a large sum.

For a married couple, chicken promises understanding and prosperity. The sign will help resolve conflicts between generations.


A fortuneteller who gets an ostrich does not know how to accept responsibility. Such people are afraid of the truth and try to avoid conflicts.

If the wax has formed not only a bird, but also an egg, a pregnant woman will appear in the immediate environment, hiding her position.


A liberated firebird with a lot of patterns promises happiness. For sick people, the sign prophesies recovery. For the poor - sudden wealth.

However, for people who are dishonest, fortune telling predicts poverty and hunger.

Bird position

Depending on the location of the bird during wax divination, the meaning of the figure changes. Known interpretations:

  • On a branch. The fortuneteller has an unstable financial situation due to unnecessary spending. Unforeseen expenses will arise in the near future: repairs, credit, or acute illness.
  • In the nest. There will be a period of waiting in life. The diseases will become chronic. For girls, the sign promises pregnancy.
  • In flight. If a person is haunted by poverty, the sign predicts getting rid of financial problems. In any other situation, fortune telling promises major failure or disappointment. To achieve the goal, you will have to retreat for a while to accumulate strength.
  • Keeps its head under its wing. The figure indicates attachment to home and relatives. A person does not want to start his own family.

Other factors

The meaning of the wax figure is also influenced by the external features of the sign. Among them are the following.

If you have taken up wax fortune-telling, the meaning of the figures is the primary information that you need to familiarize yourself with. After all, the whole essence of this fortune-telling lies in the designation and interpretation of wax symbols. The classification of these figures and their meanings is discussed later in the article.

Fortune telling with wax - the meaning of figures of an abstract nature

Many different methods have come down to our time, using which you can find out your past, future, and get answers to your questions. For this they often use, and of course. Today this is probably the oldest and most popular method of divination.

This is a very difficult way to get answers to questions, and before you start fortune telling, you need to familiarize yourself with the various rules and methods.

Or a regular piece of wax. There are many ways as to whether illuminated candles can be used - there is no ban on their use.

If you decide to take on, the interpretation of the figures will help you correctly decipher the result.

To begin with, it’s worth focusing on the most popular symbols, after which you can begin to decipher all possible figures. At first, it is advisable to print out information about the symbols and keep it handy at all times during the ritual. It doesn’t matter which wax divination method you use, these wax figures designations will be relevant in any case.

  • Straight lines indicate that very soon you will have a chance to create something new. It is possible that you will be offered a place in another company, you will have to introduce a new project, perhaps a new hobby will appear. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say whether this activity will be successful or not, but other symbols that appear will help to obtain more specific information.
  • The appearance of small bubbles talks about monetary rewards, salary increases and receiving bonuses. The more points, the more money you will receive.
  • One circle indicates that the individual is too fixated on one issue or problem. At the moment, it will still not be possible to solve it, so you shouldn’t constantly think about it, because changes are not expected in the near future.
  • Ovals indicate the dreaminess of the individual, he has some new ideas. In order to implement them, you will have to work hard.
  • If any numbers or letters, then the interpretation will depend entirely on what question was asked. Perhaps these are the first letters of the first and last name, the first letter of the month, the number with which some important event will be associated, and so on.

Fish figure

When fortune telling on wax, figures of living creatures often appear. The meaning of such symbols is very important, because if you manage to interpret what the wax is saying, you will easily get the answer. Many experienced practitioners say that it is necessary to rely on the standard meaning of wax figures when doing fortune telling. But don’t forget about your intuition; it will help you correct your answer.

  • Caterpillar or worm- be more serious, loved ones need your wise advice.
  • Hedgehog, porcupine- all troubles occur solely because of your attitude to life and character. Try to be less “prickly” and then people will be drawn to you.
  • Snake- enemies, the appearance of a rival, beware of deception. In some cases, it symbolizes temptation, but you should under no circumstances give in to it, as you could end up in a very unpleasant situation.
  • Chicken- life will be calm, measured, marriage and the birth of children are possible. Life will be full of comfort and harmony.
  • Swan, duck- receiving good news, your personal life will finally improve, Fortune will accompany you in all matters.
  • a lion- the individual is undoubtedly reliable, confident in his abilities, he is powerful and authoritative. You can trust such a person, because he knows exactly what he wants.
  • Spider- be careful, as your enemies are spreading a lot of rumors about you.
  • Ghost- you will hear from people with whom you have not communicated for a long time.
  • Owl- chronic illnesses, fraud, troubles, everything will fall out of hand.
  • Angel- be sure that the Higher powers will come to your aid in a difficult situation. If you believe, do not lie and are honest, then the angels will protect you from any evil.
  • Dwarf- the time has come to take the first step towards, time for reconciliation.
  • The Dragon- in order for everything to work out as it should, you need to make every effort. Try to arm yourself with patience.
  • Woman- girlfriend or lover. To understand whether to trust this person or not, use fortune telling on the situation.
  • Man- if the fortuneteller is male, then competitors; if female, then a fan.
  • Child- new hobbies, self-realization, starting new projects.

The meaning of inanimate symbols is also very important when casting wax.

  • Arch- life will be eventful, full of unusual adventures.
  • Tower- a quick marriage, possibly with an unloved person.
  • Fan- do not commit rash acts, as this will lead to big problems, and you may lose the support of relatives or work.
  • Wreath- for a man, a quick marriage, for a woman - joy, happiness, but marriage is not expected soon.
  • Rope- troubles.
  • Branches- upward - development, success. Directed downwards - sadness, troubles.
  • Eye- enemies are constantly watching you, when enemies appear. Don't close your eyes to what is happening, someone is trying to deceive you.
  • Mushroom- sudden good news.
  • House(large building) - troubles. A small cozy house - a wedding, purchasing your own home.
  • Heavenly bodies- happiness, everything will work out.
  • Book- there is a chance to start all over again.
  • Cross- a series of troubles, but if you overcome the problems, a happy future awaits you.
  • Ring- marriage.
  • Crown- Delight.
  • Ladder- promotion, success, implementation.
  • Mill- gossip.
  • Bridge- search for a compromise.
  • Knife- treason.
  • Clouds- fraud, a lot of doubts.
  • Glasses- it is necessary to look at the situation in a new way.
  • A loop- debts.
  • Leaves, berries- money will flow like from a cornucopia.
  • Horseshoe- happiness.
  • Transport- long trips are possible.
  • Cup, glass- happiness and success.
  • Candle- quick marriage.

Using such interpretations of wax fortune telling, you will be able to accurately determine your future and get answers to any questions you may have. Follow all the rules so that higher powers agree to lift the veil of secrecy.

So what about girls? Are you ready to tell fortunes for the New Year holidays? Anyone can tell fortunes with wax. This is a very exciting activity. You need to melt some of the wax and pour it into cold water. You will get some shape. After cooling, you need to examine it and understand what is depicted there. You can not only tell fortunes with wax, but also interpret your dreams. Interesting? We also have the meaning of dreams according to the week)

Wax fortune telling is an ancient form of fortune telling.
Figure meaning:
Angel- this is a harbinger of changes that you must make in yourself. Now you are overly infantile and passive and are constantly waiting for outside help. Perhaps you have become accustomed to this position since childhood, when every speck of dust was blown off of you. However, the time is coming to acquire independence and responsibility, the time to learn from numerous past mistakes. You should seriously engage in introspection and prepare to take initiative. Someone will help you a lot. Good news in love.

Automobile- the wax has frozen in the form of a car - fate itself is sending you on a new path, which should become happy. New opportunities, a new way of life are already waiting for you! The car, as it were, very transparently makes it clear: the time has come to change yourself, stop standing still, don’t let yourself be taken over by laziness and apathy. In addition, it is also a bright sexual symbol.

Stork- a wonderful symbol denoting happiness in family life and the birth of many children. You can confidently spread your wings and, side by side with your lover, rush towards the bright horizons of life. In addition, the figurine of a stork promises creative people such amazing bursts of inspiration and moments of insight that can be resolved by the birth of masterpieces.

Arch- You will move from one situation to another. The arch can also foreshadow a journey.

Butterfly- Big changes. If accompanied by complex figures, it may indicate an unreliable or deceitful person.

Drum- Important news. A good time to express opinions.

Tower- Means a wedding or a calling from above.

Bouquet- A very favorable sign, indicating celebration, happiness, gifts. He can also talk about the wedding.

Letters- Clearly visible ones mean good news, unclear ones mean bad news; if there are dots next to the letters, then this means money.

Boomerang- a boomerang is also a boomerang in wax. This means that the recklessness of your actions will come back to you and will have extremely unfavorable consequences. Soon you will feel the effect of a boomerang - you will learn the consequences of recent actions, good or bad.

Bottle- Refrain from excesses.

Bull- You are in danger, be careful.

Vase- Peace of mind.

Wreath- If the wax pours out in the form of a wreath, this is a sign that predicts the imminent arrival of something very desired, long-awaited and very joyful. The event will most likely be directly related to family life. A wreath can serve, for example, as a symbol of upcoming marriage.

Fan-Flirty relationships.

Rope-Wax rope is an unkind sign, foreshadowing difficulties in life. It’s even worse if the rope has knots (this indicates health problems) or loops: they promise difficulties related to money. Scales. You need to bring your state into balance. If the scales are accompanied by a sword, we can talk about a lawsuit.

Fork- Some people shouldn't be trusted because they don't tell the truth.

Grape-You can turn your talent into money.

Balloon- Temporary difficulties.

Crow- this is a warning symbol made of wax: it’s time for you to gather your courage, because troubles lie ahead.

Question mark- Indecision and uncertainty.

Volcano- Something must “explode.” Try to control your emotions.

Guitar-Harmonious relationships.

Eye- Be careful and careful: someone is trying to deceive you.

Head- this ingot of wax is a sign that you will soon rise to a new level of self-awareness or finally comprehend the true essence of some familiar person. One way or another, the result of this spiritual work will be amazing discoveries. Soon you will receive a position with great powers.

Pigeon- after some misunderstandings, the time comes for a harmonious relationship.

Mushroom- Unexpected event. If you see a heart nearby, we may be talking about new love.

Pear- Successful completion of any undertaking. Sometimes it can mean a happy love affair.

Door- in wax fortune telling, it says that one stage of life replaces another.

House- A very favorable sign. It has several meanings: moving to a new place of residence, happiness in the home, or a time when it is necessary to start new things.

Road with a fork- A new opportunity will open before you.

The Dragon- from wax warns, do not be afraid to be yourself, no matter how you appear to others, do as you see fit.

Chimney- Your plans are quite vague, there is a high probability of making a mistake.

Acorn- The beginning of a new enterprise or the birth of a new idea.

capital letter-Often a capital letter speaks of someone important to you. It could also be the first letter of a country that is of great importance to you or that you are planning to visit.

Lock- Something new awaits you, for example, a new relationship.

Snake- this figure can mean not only wisdom and strength, but also danger. The serious relationship you have with your chosen one is threatened by the intensification and deceit of your enemies.

Star- Your wish will come true at this stage.

Umbrella- If the umbrella is open, expect minor difficulties, if closed, be prepared to face problems.

Fireplace- Home and home comfort. Emotional warmth.

Square- Stability and comfort. But it can also indicate a tendency towards complacency.

Dagger- such a fortune-telling ingot on wax informs that the movements of the soul and feelings of your lover are so powerful that they can pose a danger. And it depends only on the strength of your feelings whether you will be able (mutual efforts may be required here) to direct this energy into a peaceful direction. Beware of false friends.

Birdcage- If the door is closed, you feel trapped. If you are open, difficulties will soon go away.

Key- a good sign that predicts that everything planned will come true, all goals will be achieved, you just need to believe in yourself. Expect changes.

Book- The acquisition of knowledge. If the book is closed, it means secret information. If it is open, then a new “page” will soon begin in your life.

Claws- if you have a figure of claws, then someone is not as friendly as they seem.

Wheel- This figure always means life cycles: one ends and a new one begins.

Bell- Unexpected news. Two bells mean a wedding.

Ring- Engagement, marriage or other special event. If there are dots next to the ring, a business partnership is implied.

Comet- Unexpected and sudden events.

Ship-Have a successful and happy journey.

Basket- If complete, it means a gift or good luck. If it's empty, you'll probably lose something. Sometimes it can indicate the birth of a child.

Box- Present.

Crown- Success and achievements. Could mean a promotion or a better job. Sometimes it means that a person is constantly in the center of public attention.

Wallet- Some kind of acquisition. If the figure is surrounded by dots, it means we are talking about money.

Crab- Beware of false friends. Trust your intuition.

Bed- You need rest. If you see a heart or star nearby, a happy relationship awaits you.

Jug- A sign of good health. May indicate a happy time with friends.

a lion- Force. You have more courage than you think.

Ladder- The circumstances of your life are changing for the better. Possibility of advancement through the ranks

Lines- Journey. Wavy lines can also indicate indecisiveness.

Leaves-Something is thriving in your life. A few leaves indicate great happiness.

Person or persons- A smile on the face speaks of happiness. An unpleasant face indicates enemies or rivals. Several faces foreshadow the coming holiday.

Boat- It can mean either a short trip, or symbolize that you were rescued from trouble in time.

Car- A short trip. Visiting friends.

Bag- in this case, you need to take a closer look at the volume of the bag. A full bag predicts that your income will increase significantly; Accordingly, empty can be regarded as a harbinger of losses.

Medal- Your efforts will be rewarded.

Broom- It's time to clean up. This can be understood both literally and symbolically.

Hammer- You must defend your opinion.

Bridge- If such an image is formed from the wax, then you can regard it as a recommendation to resort to a compromise as the optimal way out of the situation in which you find yourself. Stubbornly defending your own positions leads to defeat. You have the ability to smooth out other people's conflicts and negotiate quite skillfully, and if you apply it to yourself, you will prevent trouble. In addition to this meaning, the wax bridge tells that you have a secret desire to travel. Soon you will not only make a serious decision, but also successfully implement it. A broken or uneven bridge warns of a possible disease.

Hoe- Determination will help you overcome obstacles, but don't overdo it.

Man- Visitor. If his hand is set aside, he will bring a gift or a new opportunity.

Fly- Minor irritation. A pause in some pleasant situation.

Ball- The project is accelerating.

Handcuffs- in addition to other negative signs, may mean problems with justice. In another case, they indicate bad habits and dependence on them.

Knife- very soon disagreements can lead to alienation and severance of relationships.

Scissors- do not quarrel with loved ones, serious misunderstanding.

Monkey- Someone is deceiving you.

Clouds- dreams, quests, creativity are reflected in this symbol. You are able to rise into the clouds of dreams, you just need to listen to their call and follow them. All plans, even the most daring ones, are successfully implemented, and luck accompanies the implementation of all new ideas. The time has come when dreams are just a stone's throw away. Therefore, you can safely take out your childhood fantasies about grandiose achievements from your memory chest. Problems await you. If the cloud is surrounded by dots - worries about your financial situation.

Window-You need to look at the problem or relationship differently. Do not refuse the help of others in resolving this issue.

Glasses- Soon you will look at something completely differently.

Tent- An adventurous journey. In addition, it may mean that they are hiding something from you.

Coat- Breakup or end of relationship.

Parachute- A happy way out of an incident or difficulty.

Spider- Wait for the money.

Rooster- get ready for favorable changes in life, because... the wax rooster is the herald of events that will mark the beginning of them. The meaning of this good sign is not surprising, because these birds are the first to greet each day. The image of a rooster tells that harmony reigns in your family, you discuss current events and received news together, and make joint decisions.

Pyramid- You are seriously concerned about something that you must keep secret. Sometimes the pyramid speaks of a state when a person is torn between spiritual and material desires.

Horseshoe- Extremely happy fate!

Gun- Quarrel or possible danger.

Egg stand- Small problems go away.

Bird or birds- If birds fly, good news awaits you. Dots next to the bird indicate a scandal.

Bee- Busy and productive time.

Child or fetus- Starting a new business or creative project. Sometimes it can indicate the birth of a child.

Hand- A devoted lover or a reliable friend. If the hand is clenched into a fist, we are talking about a quarrel or revenge.

Airplane- Journey. If the nose of the plane is pointing down, this can indicate disappointment and dashed hopes.

Lamp (lamp)- You will reveal a secret or deal with an old problem. Sometimes the lamp speaks about studying in some courses.

Candle- Significant period.

Heart- Indicates long-term affection and love.

crescent moon- The beginning of something new.

Rocks- Difficulties await you.

Shell- Good news.

Dog- a symbol of a faithful comrade who is in your life. You yourself are one of those who know how to make friends and value these relationships very much. You try to help your loved ones and can safely count on the support of your comrades in any situation. Fortune telling invites you to take the chance and organize a team of like-minded people, because it is easier to achieve any result together. Devoted friend. If a dog is standing on its hind legs, it means someone needs help.

Owl- Illness or betrayal of a friend.

Sun- Happiness, creativity, success. Possible birth of a child.

Spiral- Fraud.

Arrow- The letter will bring bad news.

Cup-You feel bad and are easily offended. May indicate a person whose motives are quite clear. If there are a lot of glasses, we are talking about a celebration.

Chair- A new position awaits you in the near future.

steps- Success and promotion.

Feet- You need to make a decision.

Telephone - Important message. Sometimes it means that you are not yet ready to say what you think.

Ax- the wax that formed the figure of an ax suggests thinking about your relationships with others. You are an honest and uncompromising person, but acting sharply - just like an ax does - is not appropriate in every situation. It is not at all necessary to bluntly proclaim your views when this is not at all required. And you really need to feel sorry for your loved ones with whom you tend to be frank, without thinking that by doing this you are greatly burdening them. Additionally, this may mean that your relationship with colleagues is tense. It is likely that the conflict will come to the attention of the authorities, who may even call you on the carpet and have a conversation. Most likely, nothing good will come from this conversation for you. In some cases, the image of an ax foreshadows that you will soon cut the Gordian knot of accumulated problems in one fell swoop. Difficulty or dispute. If the ax doesn't have a handle, you have an impossible task ahead of you.

Magnifying glass magnifier- It’s a good time to think about the details.

Forefinger- The finger itself does not mean anything, the main thing is what it points to. If nothing else, your plans may fail.

Snail- Don't make hasty decisions.

Ear- Listen carefully to what others say. You may hear very important information.

Flag- fortune telling on wax and as a result the figure of the flag has the following meaning - that now the soul is filled with triumph and pride: your serious project has been successfully completed. It may also mean that in the near future you will meet old friends whom you have not seen for a long time. In addition, it is possible to marry a military man. A close relative may receive a trip to the military registration and enlistment office or go to a hot spot. For the military themselves, when fortune telling, the flag promises the receipt of the next rank, transfer, as well as a business trip to the combat area. In some cases, the wax banner indicates that there is a risk of injury and injury, so extra caution should be taken. Danger - be alert!

Fruits- Prosperity and good fate.

Vane-You are too susceptible to the influence of other people. Be objective.

Church- Inheritance. Can mean an oath, a promise, but not necessarily related to a wedding.

Numbers- They indicate the time. For example, the number two at the bottom of the bowl could mean two months; two weeks if it is in the middle; two days if near the rim. Sometimes numbers can talk about money.