home · Networks · Meanings of the Slavic rez of the genus zhiva. The magic of Slavic Rez Rod: features, Slavic script, for urgent help in the house. Slavic Rezes of Rod: how to improve in fortune telling

Meanings of the Slavic rez of the genus zhiva. The magic of Slavic Rez Rod: features, Slavic script, for urgent help in the house. Slavic Rezes of Rod: how to improve in fortune telling

Slavic Rezes Roda- the oldest predictive system preserved in the Russian North in the Arkhangelsk region. Even in the twentieth century, when Slavic pagan traditions were destroyed first by Christianity and later by Soviet power, northern knowledgeable grandmothers retained sets of wooden dice for fortune-telling. Today, on the basis of these sets, the system of predictions on the Slavic Rezas of the Rod has been restored and described.

In the Russian North, “Slavic Rezes of Rod” are known as a set of wooden dies with carved signs, used for predictions. For the first time, 40 Slavic Res are described in detail by the Northern Fairy Tale publishing house in the book “What do the Gods Know? "

The history of the book is as follows. Northern Vedara Olga Boyanova learned traditional prediction from her grandmother. A grandmother from an ancient Pinega family knew northern conspiracies, knew how to treat various diseases, and predicted the future with amazing accuracy with the help of Slavic Res Roda. Over time, Olga Boyanova piece by piece collected the information she knew about the Slavic Rezas. The book “What do the Gods Know?” combined the knowledge that was received from the Pinega grandmother and that which was found in ancient tales, northern myths, drawings on household utensils, northern embroidery and house carvings.

A magical legend about the origin of the Slavic Res

Let's also share the northern myth about how the Slavic Rezes of the Rod appeared. They say that one day the Slavic Gods saw that people were defenseless against misfortunes that could befall them in the future. The methods of fortune-telling that existed among people did not provide complete answers to questions; they only made it possible to predict “yes or no,” “whether the year will be fruitful or dry,” “whether the girl will get married this summer.”

Rod, the Creator of the Slavic World, convened other Gods for council. The Magi were also invited to the meeting. Rod painted magical signs on wooden dies, each of which is inextricably linked with one of the Slavic Gods. Each God has his own character, his own lessons. Whose die will be in your hand when you take Reza out of the bag - he answers the question, tells you what to do. Bags with Slavic Rezas were distributed to the magicians so that they could teach people a new way of prediction. This is how the knowledge about the Slavic Rezes of the Family developed in the North.

What do Slavic Rezes look like?

Externally, the Slavic Rezes of Rod are closer to the Scandinavian Runes than to Tarot cards. What matters are the signs associated with the Slavic Gods, and not the bright pictures on the cards. The signs themselves differ from the Scandinavian Runes. Slavic Rezas resemble northern embroidery patterns rather than letters of the alphabet.

IN set for prediction 40 Res. The cuts are divided according to the degree of magical influence. The Creator Gods have the greatest power: Makosh, Svarog, Lada, Veles. They are followed by the Elder Gods of the Slavs. After that come the Lesser Gods and Other Gods, among whom we even meet small Gods, for example,

Next to the “Northern Tale” are people who do not need to be introduced to the Native Gods. As a rule, the participants in our spiritual round dance have already consciously come to understand their folk roots. This is where our current aspirations for beauty and goodness grow. The meaning of the Slavic cuts of the Family, as a way of communication with the Native Gods, is also clear to all of us. But still, many of us have to explain all this to others - at least to those who are ready to listen. At the Northern Fairy Tale school, meetings are held with Fortune Tellers and Fortune Tellers in order to create a clear story about the Native Gods and the meanings of the Slavic Res of the Family. This article is about the first part of such an explanation for beginners.

Do you want to ask the Native Gods about the Future?

Do you want to know the Future? Peek in time? Touch the secret of the Gods? It's possible. For those who turn to the Native Slavic Gods. The significance of the Slavic Res of Rod lies precisely in the fact that we turn to them for knowledge about the past, present and future. Do you know any of them? Usually they remember God Perun - a proud warrior, brave and dangerous, like the lightning that he wields. They know Svarog - Heavenly Father. This is God the Blacksmith, God the Judge. From the blows of his hammer on the Alatar stone, Gods are born. And if this spark hits someone, God’s spark is ignited in a person, then an unbearable desire to create is born in that person’s chest! Have you ever felt the gift of Svarog the Father within you? Then the stars burning in the sky light up in your eyes, and the whole world becomes bright and blissful. Or maybe you remember the Goddess Makosh? Makosh - the Goddess of Fate, who began to be revered alone at the beginning of time and was forgotten last? The one who, even before your appearance in this world, intertwined your Destiny. What is your destiny? White or black? What happened to you? What will happen?

Would you agree to ask the Native Gods about this with love and respect?

People and Native Gods

A long time ago, a bright people lived on a free northern land. Anything happened - both grief happened and joy. But people remembered that they were descendants of the Gods, children and grandchildren. So they had gifts that one can only dream of now. Each of them heard the voice of Nature, the songs of trees, wind and clouds. They knew how to turn to Mother Earth, Mother Goddess - Cheese Earth, and receive from her bodily strength and protection from any adversity. They went to the banks of the river or the sea and received from Mother of Water - Agidel strength of life, openness of feelings and cheerfulness, they thanked her for this. They could rub their palms together and call Semargl Svarozhich, God of Fire, the giver of power over your life. They could stand up to their full height and call Stribog - the violent God, the God of Air. He brought them knowledge, love and joy. Here they are, the natural Gods who are next to us, in this obvious way, we just have to call them by name, given by the Family.

The meaning of these Slavic cuts of Rod is in the gifts that Nature gives us: earth, water, fire and air.

These people lived in large clans, strong families, according to their conscience. Men were strong and women were kind. They lived a long time, raised children, and did what they loved. They themselves were wizards - some did a little magic for themselves and their families. Others have already done more magic. But they all kept a strong connection with the Native Gods. The native Gods here could help their children and grandchildren if any need arose. Yes, how can you not help if they ask for advice or persuade you to help. But people were also “mustachioed”: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself,” - this has been said since those times.

Native Gods helped people live a happy life.

The meaning of the Slavic rez Roda - in connection with the Native Gods

Native Gods were revered by many. After all, the Motherland that God Rod created in the middle of the dark Chaos is made up of different worlds. After God Rod created Nature, he created the worlds: Rule, Reality and Nav. Gods appeared in these Worlds - dark and light; merciful, hard-working, spontaneous, freedom-loving; Gods of Action and Gods of Peace.

The meaning of these Slavic cuts of the Family is in the opposition between Order and Disorder.

There are Gods of Navi - the world into which our ancestors go and those who guard our worlds from the penetration of Chaos, senseless and merciless. This is the same as the Gods Rule, dear, Gods created by the Family. The Slavic magic of good turns to them if necessary. The black sorcerers, the evil ones, don’t turn their thoughts to them - they call on the destructive power of Chaos-Utgard. And the Navya Gods together with our Ancestors in Navi. These gods are the farthest from us with their worries; our real lives are too short. If you call them, they will not respond soon and not immediately, in response to many persistent persuasion.

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Slavic cuts of Rod,

The meaning of these Slavic cuts of the Family is in the protection that we receive from the Navi Gods and Ancestors.

There are Gods of Rule, they tell us the rules of our world order and the rules of how we need to live - not to bother. The gods know what is true and what is false, how a person will live his life, what he will learn. Here, as above, so below, everything becomes unified and acquires a common mind, taking the right path. This is a place of enlightenment, where reason and imagination merge together, like streams into a deep river.

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The meaning of these Slavic cuts of the Family is in the rules that we receive from the Gods of Rule and Ancestors.

Our world is great and diverse. So the Gods are all different. But this is what they have in common: they all want the best for people. Sometimes this goodness comes through disappointments, trials and even losses. But you have to go through this in order to rise through difficulties.

There are many Native Gods; in the Slavic cuts of the Family we turn to 38 Gods and two Absolutes.

Everything that the Native Gods send us is good. And they can also reveal to us a vision of the Future, if this knowledge does not harm us and does not interfere with the will of the Creator.

You can find out what will happen to you from this time until the next solar break. You can look further. So do you want, Questioner, to ask the Native Gods with love and gratitude about what will happen?

Purchase the Slavic cuts of Rod and find out in the Interpreter the detailed meanings of the Slavic cuts of Rod.

Next to the “Northern Tale” are people who do not need to be introduced to the Native Gods. As a rule, the participants in our spiritual round dance have already consciously come to understand their folk roots. This is where our current aspirations for beauty and goodness grow. The meaning of the Slavic cuts of the Family, as a way of connecting with the Native Gods, is also clear to all of us. But still, many of us have to explain all this to others - at least to those who are ready to listen. At the Northern Fairy Tale school, meetings are held with Fortune Tellers and Fortune Tellers in order to create a clear story about the Native Gods and the meanings of the Slavic Res of the Family. This article is about the first part of such an explanation for beginners.

"> It’s strange to even think that four years ago the Slavic ones were known only to some heirs of the northern Clans! They carefully kept what they inherited from their grandmothers! great-grandmothers! tablets with signs of Slavic Gods.

There were also sets made of bone, a traditional northern ornamental material. And so, through the works of Olga Boyanova and the Northern Fairy Tale publishing house, the Slavic ones became widely known. At this moment, more than 12,000 people, having Slavic Rezes of the Family, have the opportunity to tell fortunes and communicate with the Native Gods. I’ll tell you what the “Northern Fairy Tale” shop now has, and what’s in store for what.

Slavic Rezes of the Rod: where to start studying?

The first thing that stands before the eyes of those who want to delve into this old northern oracle is the book “What do the Gods Know? "

You can’t do without the book “What do the Gods Know?” -
this is the basis of the Slavic Res Rod.
This book can be purchased

Boyanova Olga - “What do the gods know? Book of Slavic fortune telling" (download)

Here is its content:

The book “What do the Gods Know?” contains a wonderful northern fairy tale - a legend about the emergence of the Slavic Rez Rod, and of course, the very explanation of what kind of oracle this is, how to tell fortunes with its help, and layouts that help you see the past, present, and future. The explanations are very detailed, several sheets for each of the forty Res.

What are Slavic Rezes Rod?

These are forty traditional signs-symbols with the help of which Fortuneteller addresses the Slavic Gods. This is their material form. They can be on paper or wood, even carved from bone. This can be seen immediately as soon as you see the offers in our store.

in the form of a deck of cards
Slavic Rezes of Rod for fortune telling
in the form of wooden dies

But it is quite difficult to explain what Slavic as a fortune-telling system is. It's easier to say what they are not! These are not tarot cards, even though they may look like a deck of cards. These are not runes (Slavic or Scandinavian), despite the fact that they may look like dies with signs printed on them. This is a completely original Slavic oracle that directly turns to the Slavic Gods for knowledge about the past, present and future. And, of course, the meaning of Slavic Rez Roda and the interpretation is completely different from the methods of fortune telling listed above. It is precisely in order to understand this that the book “What do the Gods Know?” was written. This is a self-instruction manual, when studying which it becomes clear how to question the native Gods and how to interpret the answers received.

Slavic Rezes of Rod: how to improve in fortune telling?

The second is in comprehending northern fortune telling. An amazing feature of the Slavic Rez Roda is their belonging to ritual Slavic fortune-telling. Fortune telling on them means observing the ritual of fortune telling. Here is an altar cloth oriented to the cardinal points, and a twirl of the elements, and a wax candle, and water opened with a knife... If you want to better understand Slavic fortune-telling, then you need the book “What Do People Know?” In addition, it contains 54 (!) layouts, which are different variants of one original Holistic layout. And it’s also difficult to talk about this briefly; it’s easier to read the entire book, 500 pages thick. And these are not all the secrets of the Slavic Rez Roda!
The book "What Do People Know?" is
continuation of the book "What do the Gods Know?"
and a higher level of understanding
this Slavic oracle,
high awareness of Slavic fortune telling
Rod's cuts.
Warning: First you need

  • The Tale of the World Tree

  • Parting words from the author

  • Explanation of the Whole Layout

  • 54 warehouse options

  • Slavic northern fortune-telling rituals

Slavic Rezes of Rod: is there magic in them?

There is, and what kind of one! Ancient, northern, charming, with appeals to the elemental Gods, and the lords of Rule and Navi! Slavic is a powerful means of communication with our native Gods, a triumph of our natural connection with them, the flowering of our magical abilities.
Many secrets are revealed in the book" The magic of Slavic Rez Rod", all of them are quite accessible to those who, with pure thoughts, wish happiness for themselves, their loved ones and the whole world.

Everyone who performs magical rituals with the help of Slavic Res Rods knows that this is the light magic of goodness,
Book " The Magic of Slavic Res Rod" will introduce
you with amazing opportunities,
that a person receives which
appeals to the Slavic Gods with a request
about fulfilling your aspirations.
Warning: First you need
study the book "What do the Gods Know?"

In Slavic magic Rez Roda are used
not forty res, as in fortune telling.
This is where magic is created with twenty
one Slavic Reza Rod.

What Slavic Rezes of Rod are used for magic?

Much has already been said about Slavic Rezakh Rod. But the most important thing, in my opinion, is this. The oracle, in which the signs of the Gods connect those living today with other worlds, and reminds us of our past, of our Ancestors and Gods - is already more than fortune telling. Slavic people who help to communicate their aspirations to God’s World and receive an answer are already more than a simple material object. In us, who use this tool for fortune telling and magic, the knowledge of our kind awakens - and this, in my opinion, is the most important thing that can and should happen to us.

Be happy!
Irina Ivanova,
"Northern Tale"
Source -

Online fortune-telling on Slavic Res Roda

Slavic Reza Roda is an unusually truthful, time-tested oracle, consisting of forty cards depicting Slavic Deities. Our Slavic ancestors believed in their strength and help, they believed in the power of the Family. And now we still feel like an integral part of nature, and if we listen a little more carefully to ourselves, take a closer look at the world around us, we will see many signs and tips necessary in everyday life. The Slavic oracle of Roda will teach us to see and understand these important signs-tips of Mother Nature herself.

Fortune telling on Slavic Rezas of the Family - The True Face. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out how others perceive you, who you are in society, what your dreams and ambitions are, as well as your true face, which you hide from everyone

Fortune telling on Slavic Res of the Family - Conflict. This alignment will show how you perceive the situation and how your partner perceives it, what mistakes you make in relationships, what you are willing to sacrifice for the sake of reconciliation, and also how the conflict will end, what consequences it entails

Fortune telling using Slavic cuttings Roda - I want change. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will find out how strong your desire for changes in your personal life is and what you are ready to do in this direction. You will learn how you can attract love into your life and what are the prospects for meeting your destiny over the next year

Fortune telling on the Slavic Res Roda - Supposed acquaintance. With the help of this fortune-telling, you will get answers to the most exciting questions: who will be your next chosen one, who will be his profession, what are the main qualities of his character, shortcomings, advantages, what will he think about your first meeting, what impression will you make on each other, and also - what is the prospect of the relationship

Fortune telling by oracle Slavic Rezes Roda - For a day. This simple, universal daily layout will show the main events and situations of the coming day. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what surprises may happen, what the main tasks of the day are, what you can gain or lose, and what this day will bring you in the end

Fortune telling by oracle Slavic cuttings of Roda - Why? This layout will help you determine the source of the problem, find out what is blocking its solution, and also understand what is affecting the situation at the present time, what needs to be done and what the result will be.

Fortune telling by oracle Slavic cuttings of Roda - Motives of relationships. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what attracted your loved one, what he expects from you, how he perceives you, what he values ​​in you, what he found in you and did not find others, what he thinks about your relationship, what he would like from you, and also - what you will get from the relationship, satisfaction or disappointment

Fortune telling by oracle Slavic cuttings Roda - Career. This layout will show your current professional situation, potential career opportunities, what you must do to achieve success, what to focus your attention on, what to avoid, what will be your further development in the professional field

Fortune telling by oracle Slavic Res Roda - Mask. This layout will show what the person you are interested in is like, what he thinks about you, what his true intentions are and how he presents them, what positive and negative things he can give you, whether he is capable of meanness, and also advice on how to behave with this person

One of the most interesting fortune telling systems is the Slavic Rezes of the Family

The wisdom of centuries, ancestors, or simply the wisdom of one great sage-creator.

Are you interested in predictions? Want to know what will happen and why? Here is a great opportunity for you to learn the most interesting practice of fortune telling. It is designed for those who try different types of fortune-telling systems and are interested in Slavic fortune-telling magic.

You will have a bag or deck with 40 cards/circles - Rez, if you call it correctly. Fortune telling and the mantic system itself are pieced together from many sources. It is based on an ancient Slavic myth about how the need arose to reveal the Secret of Secrets to people and teach them to predict their future. And every cut is filled with magic, the special magic of the Family.

How do you see God answering you, what does his image tell you? Perhaps you felt some special reaction or even heard his words? Listen to your thoughts and trust yourself. And the past, present and future will be revealed to you. That's what tradition says.

Attention! These are not Slavic runes according to Platov or other runologists. This is a completely different system.

Step in fortune telling 1: Getting to know the Gods

First you need to get acquainted with all the Gods and cuts in the deck. Each cut is dedicated to one God. But all together these Gods are distributed by level - higher and lower, and by rank - senior and junior Gods. Each card looks the same - a back with no clues and a front side with a picture of God. Handling cards also has its own rules that must be followed by those who turn to the cards for help.

You must contact with complete confidence that the Gods will be able to hear you. After all, appearing in the layout, Reza predicts the appearance of such a Future, which corresponds to the character of God and his actions, and Reza warns about the possible consequences in the life of the Questioner, which may appear after accepting such a Future. And each Reza offers a possible solution to the question you asked the Gods.

And the next steps depend on you and your opinion about the power of prediction.

Ask the Slavic Gods about the future today

Having studied the ancient Slavic system of fortune-telling, we can lift the veil of the future, which wanders so far in the distance. With the help of Slavic Res Rod, we will be able to ask questions and receive accurate answers to them. For some, this will be a unique find in fortune-telling, and for others, it will be a life-saving opportunity, an advisor, and even a friend!

What will happen on the course.

Day 1.

  1. Getting to know each other, setting goals
  2. The first exercise is to tune in to work, to the deck. Meditation.
  1. Introduction to the deck, structure, hierarchy, strength Res. Distinctive features in comparison with oracles and tarot.
  1. Where to start contacting Reza. Correct wording of questions. Range of topics answered by Reza
  1. How to clean the deck before the first fortune telling, after work, in what cases to do it or not to do it. Fire cleaning technique, water cleaning technique.
  1. Theory. Three worlds: Nav, Reality, Rule. The main idea of ​​each Reza, its vector. The character and destiny of God. Part one. Gods of abstract levels + Gods-Creators.
  1. Change activities for relaxation. Energy Exercise "Tree". Earth, Sky, Man.
  1. Study res. Elder Gods. Character, fate, interpretation.
  1. Working with the alpha state. Meditation in a “place of peace”, create your own temple, in the inner space.
  1. Younger gods.
  2. Other Gods.
  3. End of the first day: Reza A day for tomorrow for each participant.

Second part of the seminar.

  1. Feedback, perhaps someone will share unusual dreams or signs that came after one day of energy work.
  2. Meditation, alpha state, place of peace. Repeat, consolidate, see what has changed.
  3. Energy exercise "Okrest".
  4. Study Res. Characters of the Gods. The flip side, or why some Rezas can be interpreted in two ways.
  5. Examples of simple layouts with practice. How to consider and interpret Rezas (by strength, individually, all together)
  6. Are additional cards needed, how and when to formulate clarifying questions in the layout.
  7. Practice. Divide the group into pairs, give tasks: “Council of the Gods”, “State of the Asker”, “Card of the Day”.
  8. Three-cut layouts.
  9. Big deals.
  10. Meditation “Uniting Worlds”. Go to Nav for strength, to Prav for wisdom and find God the guide at the first stage, return to Yav. Gather all the Gods in your inner space.
  11. Exercise "Chamber".
  1. General meditation in a circle, thanksgiving to the Gods.
  2. Feedback, questions and answers.

Presenter - Slavyana (Anastasia Kuchina), tarot reader, runologist, astrologer, specialist in esoteric psychology, professional dancer, author and presenter of unique integral women's trainings (psychology, energy, dance therapy). Practices Reiki healing and Slavic healing “Ladki Zhivy”. I studied qigong for about 10 years, then switched to my native, but related technique - Slavic Zdrava. Teaching experience - 9 years, of which the last 6 have been actively consulting on Tarot.

On the maternal side, my great-grandmother was a herbalist, and my mother was a healer. Currently he studies and teaches Slavic practices, and the “Reza Roda” deck is one of his favorites in his work. He says about himself: “Meeting with Reza is one of the most important meetings in my life. I am happy that their wisdom is with us again, and that I can be involved in the transmission of the greatest knowledge of witchcraft and sorcery!”

Course fee 8000 rub.

A continuation of the study of Rez Rod is the course Magic of Rez Rod.

Be sure to sign up for the course. The master comes from Penza. We need to prepare handouts so that there is enough for everyone.

Sign up for the course.