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Literal translation of Ganesh Gayatri Mantra. Gayatri mantra for relaxation is a very beautiful meditation formula. Gayatri Mantra: what is it

Main Mantras.

Shakyamuni Buddha Mantra


Mantra of His Holiness the Dalai Lama


Mantra of Avalokiteshvara (Chenrezig)


Tara Mantra




Translation: "We meditate on the splendor of Ishvara, the creator of the universe, worthy of worship, the embodiment of knowledge and light, the remover of all sins and ignorance. May he enlighten our minds."

The Gayatri Mantra is the mantra of all mantras. This is a universal mantra in all respects. Gayatri is the mother of the Vedas, the destroyer of all sins. According to yogis, there is nothing more purifying than Gayatri, neither on earth nor in heaven. She sends down excellent health, beauty, activity, vitality and magical power. It cleanses karma, heals physiological and psychological ailments, eliminates failure and helps achieve victory over life's adversities. Gayatri purifies the mind, bestows eight siddhis (paranormal abilities), and makes a person strong and intelligent.
The tutelary deity of the Gayatri Mantra is Savitri. Therefore it is also called Savitri Gayatri Mantra.
The Gayatri Mantra should be performed three times: morning, afternoon and evening. Repeated three times a day, it brings great benefit and liberation.
A person can repeat the Gayatri Mantra in his mind in any position - sitting, walking and even lying down.
There are five main pauses in the Gayatri Mantra, namely: after OM//BHUR BHUVAH SVAH//TAT SAVITUR VARENYAM/BHARGO DEVASYA DHIMAHI//DHIYO YO//NAH PRACHODAYAT. While repeating this mantra, you should take a short pause at each of the designated places.

There is also a whole class of gayatri mantras of various deities. For example, Shiva-gayatri, Brahma-gayatri, etc. Gayatri mantras consist of 24 sounds-syllables, not counting the syllable OM. In general, the Gayatri Mantra can be translated as follows:

May we comprehend (name of the deity).
To do this, we will meditate on (name of the deity).
May (the name of the deity) encourage us to do this.

Example of Gayatri Mantra.



Binja mantras are "seed mantras", usually consisting of one or more syllables. It is believed that they are stronger than ordinary mantras because they carry, so to speak, the very essence of concentrated power, the energy of a particular deity. Therefore, in order to increase the power of mantras, binja mantras are often added to them, either at the beginning or at the end.
Binja mantras usually do not have a verbal meaning, but always point to specific gods or goddesses or mahabhutas (natural elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether). Some binja mantras are shortened forms of longer mantras.
Each god or goddess has his own binju.

The greatest of all binja mantras is the syllable AUM. It contains all other binja mantras.
According to Indian mythology and yogic teachings, our entire world came out of the sound AUM, resides in it and disappears in it. Thus, AUM is the universal sound, the common grain from which all other sounds come. The letters of the alphabet are only an emanation of the syllable AUM, the root of all letters and sounds; it is, as it were, the matrix of all sounds. AUM is the symbol of the god Brahma.
The AUM mantra clears the mind, opens energy channels and enhances vital energy, expands and cleanses the aura. In case of strong nervous excitement, it is a calming mantra. Gives power to everything it is aimed at. In addition, the AUM mantra strengthens all other mantras. Therefore, it is recommended to combine the recitation of other binja mantras with the AUM mantra. For example, AUM HUM, or AUM GAM.

This Binja Mantra is a Fire element mantra and is astrologically associated with the North Node of the Moon. RAM is an excellent mantra for attracting protective light and divine grace. It gives strength, support, calm and peace. Helps with mental disorders. This binja mantra is a calming and fear-dispelling mantra. But at the same time, it is a very powerful mantra, stimulating the digestive fire and charging the body with indomitable energy. It is used to replenish psychic energy, as well as to invoke the protection and patronage of divine light. It opens the aura for the divine mind and protects against the influence of the lower forces of the astral plane. A very powerful protective mantra. According to the teachings of yogis, it burns all sins and the consequences of karma.


This binja mantra is associated with the goddess Mayaya, also known as Bhuvaneswari. This binja mantra is a cleansing, calming and fear-dispelling mantra. It gives energy, joy and ecstasy. Promotes any detoxification process. This binja syllable is known as tantric pranava, in other words, the sound HRIM occupies the same position in the teachings of tantra as the syllable AUM occupies in Vedanta.

This binja mantra is associated with the god Shiva and therefore is one of the best mantras for repelling negative influences directed at you: pathogenic factors, negative emotions and even black magic. In addition, it helps strengthen the digestive fire. The Binja mantra HUM is used to replenish wasted mental and vital energy. It is also often used to expel asuras (demons); it is one of the best cleansing and calming mantras. HUM is the mantra of fire, it can neutralize any negative influences. This Binja Mantra awakens the Kundalini energy.


The devata (goddess) of this binja mantra is Mahalakshmi - the goddess of wealth, luxury and material wealth. Pronouncing this seed syllable promotes prosperity, well-being, health, beauty and the development of creativity. This binja mantra has the properties of the planets Moon and Venus, therefore it can strengthen the feminine principle and bring into harmony the mental and energy currents in the human body. This mantra also helps to increase vital energy and sexual power.

It is known that one’s energy potential can be enhanced by attracting currents of certain planetary influences.


To strengthen the influence of your planet, on the waxing moon (1st - 15th lunar days) perform japa of the corresponding binja mantra associated with the planet that prevails in your horoscope or is the ruling planet of your zodiac sign:

SUM - Sun
COM - Moon
AM - Mars
BOOM - Mercury
GUM - Jupiter
NOISE - Venus
SHAM - Saturn
RAM - northern lunar node
KEM - southern lunar node.

It must be said that mantras dedicated to any deity are essentially veneration of this God. And they can be performed both in the form of “prevention” or worship, and for a specific magical purpose. For better attunement, appropriate incense, musical accompaniment, preliminary fasting and concentration on the image of the Divine can be used. External ritual actions are not obligatory, the main thing is purity of spirit and the desire to find unity with the divine.

Below I will give a number of mantras that are dedicated to specific Deities and can help in developing your energy and consciousness. To do this, it is not necessary to be a zealous follower of Eastern teachings, to believe in the ancient gods literally (as children believe in a grandfather in heaven) - after all, they are nothing more than the personified forces of the Cosmos, a window into the depths of the inner “I”. Naturally, mechanical repetition of formulas will give only minimal effect, and openness of the heart and the desire for harmony are extremely important. The higher a person stands on the stages of spiritual development, the more fully he will be able to reveal the power of these sounds.


Surya is the god of the Sun ("surya" - "sun"). One of the main deities of the Vedas. Lord Surya is worshiped during harvest festivals. He gives a happy life. Repeating the surya mantra brings health, long life, activity, and gives the body vital energy.
Mantras dedicated to the god Surya eliminate all diseases of the body and create a pure and powerful aura around a person, preventing painful vibrations from penetrating into the human body.















Saraswati (“fluid, graceful”) is the goddess of arts and sciences (sometimes Saraswati is correlated with the goddess Matangi). She is called upon to achieve excellence in any form of art, craft or science. This goddess bestows wisdom, increases the ability to concentrate and improves memory. Gives a person the art of oratory and leads to enlightenment. Repetition of Saraswati mantras bestows divine wisdom and sanity. Develops creative abilities. Goddess Saraswati is associated with water (Saraswati is the name of one of the three main rivers in India), so mantras dedicated to her are cleansing. They bestow vitality, cure diseases, and eliminate imbalance through cleansing of negative vibrations.







The goddess Durga (“unattainable, incomprehensible”) is usually depicted as having ten arms, riding on a lion. She is a demon slayer. Durga is approached to bestow strength, health and remove all unclean things. In Indian mythology, Durga represents all the forms and forms of the Divine Mother, that is, she represents the Divine Mother herself. Each of the gods gave Durga some kind of weapon. Therefore, Durga is called upon both for protection and for the destruction of everything that interferes with further development. Mantras dedicated to the goddess Durga do not so much destroy negative forces in the literal sense, but transform and transform them. Durga brings victory over obstacles, pain and suffering. One of the most popular and revered goddesses of the Indian pantheon.







And, finally, about pronunciation technique

Mantras are read as you exhale, breathing should be even and measured. While chanting the formula (a guttural, somewhat monotonous sound), it is advisable to meditate and reflect on the Deity or power associated with this mantram. Mantras are usually vibrated, a process similar to the pronunciation of the Kabbalistic names of God in ritual magic. Here AUM turns into AA-A-A-UU-U-U-M--M-M.. After all, in essence, a mantra is a sound spell, and provides an effect from just one utterance. If there is intention. But, of course, the best result will be if you know well who you are addressing and are familiar with the philosophy and history of Hinduism. All this will help to better tune in to the cosmic Channels.

The practice of meditation and recitation of mantras is gaining more and more popularity around the world. Mantras are sacred texts (special words) in Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism. Reading these texts allows the meditator to heal his physical body from diseases, clear his mind of negative thoughts, connect with his spirituality, and gain wisdom.

Mantras help heal the soul and body

The essence of the chant

The Gayatri mantra is one of the most powerful and famous among all existing Vedic mantras.

It is included in the scriptures of Hinduism in the ancient literary language of India (Sanskrit). These scriptures are called Vedas. References to the Gayatri Mantra also appear in Hindu religious texts such as:

  1. Bhagavad Gita is the main scripture of Indian philosophy, consisting of 18 chapters based on philosophical conversations between God Krishna and the hero Arjuna on the battlefield of two clans;
  2. Harivansha is an important religious text in Sanskrit by the greatest Vedic sage Vyasa;
  3. Manu-smriti is a collection of Indian moral laws and regulations, created by the first king of the world, Manu.

Hindus believe that the Gayatri mantra is an invocation of the deity Savitar because his name is mentioned in the text. In Vedic mythology, Savitar is the sun god. After his name, the mantra is often called Savitari. But there is also an opinion that the embodiment of the mantra is the Hindu goddess Gayatri - one of the wives of the god of creation Brahma.

The mantra consists of 24 syllables taken from the collection of religious hymns of the Rig Veda. The poetic size of the sacred text has the same name Gayatri and, according to the canons, consists of three lines of eight syllables.

Since ancient times, the structure of Indian society was built on classes. There were four classes or so-called varnas: three higher varnas (brahmana priests, kshatriya rulers and warriors, vaishya artisans) and one lower varna of servants - shudras. For a long period in Indian history, the chanting of the Gayatri mantra was part of Upanayana. Upanayana is the ceremony of initiation of a young man from the highest varnas into adulthood and the study of the Vedas. However, after a while, chanting of sacred texts became possible for women and representatives of the lower varna. In the modern world, anyone can read mantras, regardless of age, gender and faith.

The highest goal of chanting the Gayatri Mantra is to purify one’s consciousness, liberation from attachment to material things.

Gayatri Mantra in Sanskrit


The emergence of the sacred song Gayatri is associated with the name of one of the Vedic sages Vishvamitra. He is one of the seven greatest rishis - sages to whom the gods revealed the Vedic hymns.

The ancient Indian texts of the Puranas, which describe the history of the world from creation to extinction, say that throughout all time only 24 sages were able to understand the meaning of the Gayatri mantra and use all its power.

With the help of the power gained through faith and the Gayatri mantra, Rishi Vishwamitra could create a double copy of our universe and subjugate any weapon.

Meaning and Meaning

Before the beginning of the main mantra comes the sacred syllable Om, which in the Hindu and Vedic canons is the “word of power.” It is followed by the formula maha-vyahriti, which sounds like Bhur Bhuvah Svaha and is a sublime address to the earth, air and heaven.

The original text of the Gayatri mantra is as follows:

  1. Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha
  2. Tat Savitur Varenyam
  3. Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
  4. Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat.

Transcription in Cyrillic:

  1. Om bhur bhuvah suvaha
  2. Tat savitur jams
  3. Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
  4. Dhiyo yo nah prachodayat.

Literal translation of individual parts of the mantra and their meaning:

  • Om – basic sound vibration, sacred syllable;
  • Bhur – physical, material world;
  • Bhuvah – astral, subtle world;
  • Svaha – heavenly world or land of the Gods;
  • Tat – Supreme being;
  • Savitur – source of life, solar deity;
  • Varenyam - venerable, desirable;
  • Bhargo – spiritual light;
  • Devasya – divine;
  • Dheemahi - we meditate;
  • Dhiyo – mind or spiritual intelligence;
  • Yo- which;
  • Nah – ours;
  • Prachodayat - will enlighten.

Since the ancient language Sanskrit has a very complex synthetic grammar, there are different translations of what the text of the Gayatri mantra means. Here are some possible meanings of the mantra:

  1. “We meditate on the Divine Light of the Sun of spiritual consciousness. Let it illuminate our minds as the shining sunlight dispels darkness”;
  2. “May that essence of Lord Vishnu manifesting as the Sun make my mind abiding in His divine Self in all actions and deeds and at all times!”;
  3. “We meditate on the all-revered power and glory of Him who created the heavens, the earth and the underworld, and Who guides our minds!”


Hindus consider the Gayatri Mantra to be universal and perfect. Its text contains enormous spiritual power. What can this mantra do:

  1. Leads a person to truth and enlightenment, develops the sixth sense - intuition.
  2. It heals the physical body, gives it beauty, and prolongs life.
  3. Helps avoid damage or the evil eye, cleanses karma.
  4. Relieves the mind and consciousness of negative energy, develops intelligence.
  5. Gives well-being.

Anyone can meditate. There are no rules limiting or prohibiting meditation. It can be practiced at any time of the day in any convenient place. But to improve the effect, there are a number of recommendations that are practiced by Hindus and Buddhists who have dedicated themselves and their lives to connection with the Divine.

  1. Perhaps the most important condition is the emotional and mental state during meditation. It is necessary to pronounce the holy text with a feeling of love and gratitude to God; this is not easy for many people right away, so experienced monks advise continuing to meditate in a calm state, listening to your feelings, and love and gratitude will come with time;
  2. The ideal time for meditation is when day and night meet (Sandhya Kaalam), that is, before sunrise and before sunset.
  3. Meditation before eating will allow you to clear it of negative energy.
  4. You can read the sacred text both out loud and mentally. For mental meditation, it is necessary to master the art of purifying the mind so that nothing distracts from the process, so beginners are advised to pronounce the words of the mantra out loud - this way it is much easier to concentrate on it.
  5. According to established traditions, various rosary beads with 108 beads are used for meditation.

A rosary with 108 beads is used for meditation.

Using the Rosary

The use of such a spiritual attribute as a rosary came from ancient Indian culture. When pronouncing the mantra, you need to move one bead in your hand after each repetition of the sacred text. Thus, reciting a mantra 108 times is one round of meditation. An exception is the Meru bead, which is used to connect rosaries. Usually it is much larger than the others and is not taken into account when iterating over them.

Buddhists and Hindus consider the number 108 sacred, as it has a number of spiritual meanings. For example:

  • God has 108 different names and each one means something special;
  • there are 108 major Upanishads (ancient religious treatises in Hinduism);
  • the number 108 also means infinity;
  • God has 108 gopis devoted to him.

Depending on the material and the specifics of the religion, there are a large number of varieties of beads for meditation. The most popular of them are Vaishnava beads made in Thulas or Nima (the preferred material is sandalwood, juniper, etc.) and Shiva beads made from rudraksha seeds. There are rosary beads made from human or animal bones.

In the modern world, there is a technical analogy to the classic rosary made of beads - electronic rosary or, as they are also called, an electronic counter.

This is a small device that fits on your finger. Electronic rosary beads have a display showing the number of prayers said, a button for counting them, and a button for resetting them.


Particular importance during meditation is given to body position, because the circulation of energy in the body depends on it. Thanks to the harmonious distribution of tension throughout the body, you can learn to manage the energies within it.

There are many asanas, that is, positions, in meditation, but there is a set of rules that should be followed when choosing any of the asanas:

  • the back should be in a straight position - do not hunch or bend too much in the lower back;
  • the neck should be straight;
  • lower your chin a little;
  • with rare exceptions, knees should touch the floor;
  • the facial muscles should be in a relaxed state.

The main and most powerful asana is Siddhasana. Hindus believe that those who have mastered this asana ideally do not need to study the other tens of thousands of asanas. The legs are crossed so that the genitals are between the feet. This is an example of a perfect body position during meditation.

The second most popular is the Lotus pose or Padmasana, during which the feet are placed on opposite thighs. Performing this pose in the first stages may cause discomfort, especially if the stretching is poor, but the pain goes away after some time after starting the practice.

The third asana is Virasana. Translated from Sanskrit it sounds “like a hero’s pose.” This position consists of a person sitting on his knees and spreading his feet slightly, lowering his buttocks between them.

For each of these asanas there is a so-called lightweight version for beginners to practice meditation. For example, the Half Lotus pose or Ardha Padmasana, in which only one leg is placed on the opposite thigh, while the other remains on the floor. Or a simplified version of Virasana - Vajrasana, during which a person sits with his buttocks on his heels.

Padmasana - lotus pose

Great Performances

Since Gayatri is the most famous mantra, it has been performed many times by both spiritual leaders and musicians.

Sai Baba

In Hindu philosophy there is such a thing as Avatara - this is the name given to the deity who descended to earth in human form. Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is considered the avatar of our time. He died in 2011, and many people from all over the world come to his ashrams to learn the teachings of the religious leader and miracle worker.

Deva Premal

Another of the greatest performances of the Gayatri Mantra belongs to the German singer Jolanthe Fries, known under the pseudonym Deva Premal. The peculiarity of Iolanta’s work lies in the combination of traditional meditative and modern music.

In the nineties, the girl lived in the Osho Ashram, studying reflexology and massage. There she met a famous British singer named Andy Mithen. She began singing at his concerts at ashrams as a backing vocalist, and after performing the Gayatri Mantra, she felt that she had enough strength to start her own musical career. Thanks to the Gayatri mantra, the extraordinary music of Deva Premal was born, which instills love for Hindu culture.


Gayatri Mantra is a universal Vedic mantra that has great spiritual power and has gained popularity outside of India. It is an appeal to the solar deity. For best effect, it is recommended to repeat this mantra every day.

ॐ भूर्भुवः स्वः ।
तत् सवितुर्वरेण्यं ।
भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि ।
धियो यो नः प्रचोदयात् ॥

oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ
tat savitur vareṇyaṃ
bhargo devasya dhīmahi
dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt

Om Bhur Bhavah Suvaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dhimahi
Dhiyo Yo Nah Prachodayat

There are many types of practices for spiritual development: prayer, meditation, yoga and others. One of them is mantras, a specifically Indian phenomenon. In fact, the Vedas themselves, considered the revelation of God, are a collection of sacred texts consisting of mantras.

A mantra is a certain combination of sounds, endowed with power and capable of helping to achieve certain goals when pronounced correctly. Sound is important here - it is the sound qualities of the mantra, which contain a certain energy, that distinguish a mantra from a prayer. In prayer, unlike a mantra, the main thing is its meaning. And it can be expressed in any words and in any language. Mantras sound the same for everyone, regardless of nationality. In a mantra, it is important to pronounce the sounds correctly. If this is not the case, or if its power has not awakened, it will act as an ordinary prayer.

In this article we will talk about the mantra of all mantras - the miraculous Gayatri mantra. This is the most powerful and sacred mantra of the Vedas. It is believed that it contains their entire essence. Devout Hindus repeat this mantra every day. It is believed that behind each mantra there is a specific deity - a devata. Gayatri is addressed directly to Ishvara (God) of our Universe, who is called Savitar, which explains the great power of this mantra.

The word Gayatri (with the emphasis on the last syllable) literally means "that by chanting of which salvation is achieved." Another variant of the word Gayatra is “that which protects individual souls” (where Gaya is individual souls, Tra is to protect). That is, the very meaning of the word speaks about the highest goal of spiritual practice - salvation or liberation, and about the highest power of the mantra.

It is believed that it sends a person longevity, excellent health, beauty, well-being, prosperity, peace, vitality and magical power. Eliminates failures and fears, helps overcome obstacles, and fulfills your wildest desires. If you are sick, do not be lazy to regularly practice the Gayatri mantra and you will see the results yourself, verified. Moreover, Gayatri helps to get rid of negativity, the evil eye, and damage. It has great cleansing power. Yogis say that there is nothing more cleansing on earth than the Gayatri mantra. She is able to cleanse karma, free one from karmic debts and sins, and get rid of the wheel of birth and death. People who chant the Gayatri Mantra with love, sincerity, faith and devotion are protected from dangers.

And most importantly, regular repetition of this mantra leads to the development of spiritual intelligence. It gives a clear active mind, develops intellect, purifies consciousness, destroys delusions and illusions, gives wisdom and paranormal abilities. Gradually, with regular practice and correct pronunciation of the mantra, the mind of the one pronouncing it gets rid of everything superficial, impure, and a person can see the truth without distortion, without layers of consciousness. Gayatri is repeated to achieve universal consciousness and to awaken the power of intuition. She bestows spiritual enlightenment and many benefits.

How to pronounce Gayatri mantra and what it means.


(Om Bhur Bhuvah Svaha
Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayaat)

Its correct pronunciation is of great importance:
Bhur Bhuvah Suva-ha;
Tat Savitur Vare-unyam;
Bhargo-O Devasya Dhimahi;
Dhiyo-Yo Nahf Pracho-dayat.

Each word must be pronounced clearly and distinctly, with correct intonation, and pauses at the end of each line. You can listen to how Gayatri sounds on recordings, links to which are at the end of the article, below.

It will also be useful to listen to these recordings regularly, the more often the better. They have magical cleansing powers.

(OM) OM (DHIMAHI) We meditate (BHARGO) on the Spiritual Radiantness (VARENYAM DEVASYA) of This Delightful Supreme Divine Reality (SAVITUR) Source (BHUR, BHUVA, SUVAHA) of the Physical, Astral and Celestial Realms of Existence. (TAT) May That Supreme Divine Essence (PRACHODAYAT) enlighten (YO) which (NAH) our (DHYO) mind (so that we can realize the Supreme Truth).

Free translation: We meditate on the splendor of Ishvara (this is how the name of the heavenly Svarog sounds in Sanskrit - and Svarog), who created the Universe, worthy of worship, embodying knowledge and light, eliminating all sins and ignorance. May he enlighten our minds.

It is best to recite the Gayatri mantra 3 times a day, preferably at dawn, noon and sunset - at the most effective times of day for spiritual practices. Repeated three times a day, this mantra gives great benefit and increases its power. However, you can do this at any other time, even at night. But the best time for it is in the morning, before sunrise, and in the evening, before sunset. Usually it is said before eating (the food is cleansed of negative energy, if it was there from the bad thoughts of the person who prepared it, while pronouncing the mantra you need to take a sip of water), before taking a shower (the person is cleansed not only externally, but also internally). You can repeat the mantra anywhere and anytime, no matter what you are doing. For example, sitting in transport, while walking, etc.

Before meals, it can be repeated 3, 9, or 11 times. There are no restrictions on the japa (repetition of the mantra) of Gayatri, but traditionally it is repeated 108 times. Regular repetition of several malas (one mala is equal to chanting the Gayatri mantra 108 times) Gayatri daily will give great effect. At least one mala of japa (that is, 108 times, no less) should be done every day without a break. It is believed that this number is the minimum in order to utilize the energy of the mantra. When quantities must be counted, it harms the spontaneity of effort and, as a result, quality. The main thing here is not quantity, but concentration on the mantra, faith in it. However, the more times it is repeated, the greater the effect achieved. Therefore, so that counting the number of pronunciations of the mantra does not strain a person and does not prevent him from concentrating on the mantra itself and its meaning, it is worth purchasing rosary beads. The ideal option is a rosary with 108 beads. It is also believed that one who regularly repeats the mantra 108 times will soon receive enlightenment. And the one who repeats it 1008 times will achieve enlightenment in 40 days. Moreover, repetition should not be just mechanical, but concentrated, with love, sincerity and devotion.

To practice japa, you need to choose a quiet place, sit in a comfortable position, keep your back straight, and relax all your muscles. It is better to sit facing east or north. Then you can imagine a shining source of light (the Sun) in the center of your chest or in front of you, and in the center of this source the image of the goddess Gayatri (see in the picture). After this, you can begin reading the mantra. However, you can repeat the Gayatri Mantra in any other position - sitting, walking, or lying down. The mantra can be repeated out loud, whispered or silently. When pronounced out loud, physical sounds affect the physical body, when repeated in a whisper, on the subtle (etheric) body, and when spoken mentally, the mantra, accordingly, affects the mind. It is believed that a mental mantra is the most effective. If someone who wants to practice the mantra has a very restless mind, then it is best to start repeating the mantra out loud. Then after a while you can move on to mental repetition. And remember to keep your mind from wandering.

- the famous mantra of the Rig Veda (Vedas of Hymns), dedicated to Savita (Savitṛ), its seer (Rishi) is considered Vishvamitra, the Divine energy evoked by the mantra is named Savita, the size of the mantra is also called Gayatri (24 syllables in three lines, 8 syllables each in each).

This mantra is revered as the second most important mantra, after Pranava - the mystical syllable OM. The mantra consists of the prefix oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ, a formula taken from the Yajurveda and the gayatri verse of size 3.62.10 of the Rigveda.

Savitṛ (Savitri, Savitar, Savita) is the name of the Solar God, sometimes identified with the name Surya, sometimes distinguished from it, comprehended and personified as the divine influence and life-giving energy of the Sun, while Surya is identified with the Sun more specifically; The sun before sunrise is called Savitri, and from dawn to sunset visible above the horizon is called Surya. Savita appears to have a golden body and golden hair.


om– the mystical syllable OM.
bhū– earth (1st of 3 worlds)
bhuvas– atmosphere, sky (2nd of 3 worlds)
svar– outer space (the region between the Sun and the North Star), heaven (paradise) (3rd of 3 worlds)
tat- that, that
savitur devasya– Divine Savitur (Gen. sg. from savitṛ and deva)
vareṇyam– excellent (Acc. sg. from vareṇya - desired, excellent, best)
bhargo– brilliance, radiance, greatness, splendor
dhīmahi– let us settle (in), we will meditate, meditate (on) (1st pl. middle optative from dhā- put, record, including mind, attention)
dhiyaḥ naḥ– our prayers (Acc. pl. from dhi - thought, meditation, prayer; and naḥ - enclitic personal pronoun)
yaḥ pracodayāt- whoever inspires (Nom. sg. of relative pronoun yad; causative 3rd active optative by pra-cud- inspire, motivate, set in motion, promote)

OM - Bhur Bhuvah Svaha - then we will/must contemplate the best radiance of the Divine Savitur, let it inspire our thought.

SAVITUR- Savitar (born from Savitar); the life-giving force hidden behind the physical shell of the Sun, personifying Ishvara, who in turn himself represents Brahman.


1. A horizontal line before the beginning of a line indicates the fundamental tone.

2. A curly bracket, the tip of which also indicates the level of the fundamental tone, marks a pause.

3. The vertical shift of a line is equal to two semitones (or one tone), as shown in the key: where “0” is the fundamental tone, “2” above and below indicates a shift in the tone of the corresponding line by 2 semitones up or down.

4. The bar above the letter (U, I) indicates the length of the vowel; The sounds "E/E" and "O" are always long, although their longitude is not usually indicated. The sound "E/E" is similar to the English "e" and is pronounced like a cross between the Russian "e" and "e", closer to the latter.

5. Small “x”, in the combinations Bx, Dx, denotes an aspirated “x”, which sounds very weak.

6. The small "s" in the word "Bhuwas" indicates that it is an assimilated "X" sound (with a dot below). Small “u” and “f” indicate, respectively, the vowel and overtone of the previous sound.

7. "X" with a dot under the letter, so-called. visarga, pronounced like the Ukrainian "g" or the rough Russian "g", as in the word "aha".

8. “N” with a dot under the letter, so-called. cerebral "n" (like other cerebral ones: t, th, d, dx) is pronounced by turning the tip of the tongue back, and the lower side of the tongue touches the palate.

9. “M” with a dot under the letter is a nasal sound “m”. Similar to the English nasal "n" in combination with "ng"; sounds long in the nose, like something between “m” and “n”.

Before starting the practice of japa, you must first memorize the mantra (with the correct intonation and pronunciation), understand the meaning of each word in it, as well as its meaning as a whole.

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The path of self-improvement and spiritual development is open to everyone. It may not be the easiest, but the reward that a person receives at the end is worth all the effort. In Hinduism, spiritual development is taken very seriously and children are taught to listen to sacred texts from an early age. Every child knows that our world arose from sound, and that is why it has the greatest power to create miracles. Do you want wonderful changes to happen in your life? Then tell the Higher powers about your aspirations through the powerful tool that is the Gayatri mantra. In Hinduism, it is considered the basis of the foundations, so it is used to comprehend universal wisdom, gain true knowledge and achieve enlightenment.

Gayatri Mantra: what is it?

This Vedic mantra, created in Sanskrit, is one of the most revered in Hinduism. The Gayatri mantra is dedicated to the solar deity Savitar. In Indian mythology, this god travels throughout the world, bestowing strength and durability, driving away evil spirits with his bright light. He also transports on his golden chariot the souls of those who were able to become righteous. The text of the most powerful mantra is dedicated to Savitar and his divine light.

The Gayatri mantra received its name in honor of the poetic meter in which it is written. It contains 24 syllables and is called Gayatri. However, according to another version, this mantra is named after the goddess Gayatri. The text of this mantra was mentioned, glorified and chanted in many ancient scriptures of Hinduism. It is also considered fundamental to the sacred Upanayana ceremony (rite of passage for the study of the Vedas).

Previously, the mantra was used only in Brahmanical rituals, which could only be performed by members of the highest varna (social group). However, the spread of the reform movement made it possible to expand the scope of this mantra. Now women (for example, performer Deva Premal) and representatives of other castes and countries can also listen and sing it. What became the basis for the popularity of this sacred text?

Possibilities of the mantra

The main purpose of the mantra is to give the human soul the opportunity to achieve salvation. Even if you listen to it performed by someone else, it will be able to influence your life, changing it for the better. The Gayatri Mantra is so popular that you can easily download it. At the same time, there is a choice in whose performance you will like it best.

But if you really want to get liberation, then listening to a mantra will not be enough. You need to learn how to perform it yourself during meditation. In India, for example, this text is sung morning and evening to get the best effect, namely:

  • longevity;
  • unfading beauty;
  • excellent health;
  • prosperity;
  • family well-being;
  • tranquility;
  • protection from failures and fears;
  • help and strength in overcoming obstacles;
  • fulfillment of the wildest desires.

It has been noted that the Gayatri mantra helps those who have poor health. Follow this text regularly, and you will notice how the illness will recede, your health will improve, and your resistance to disease will strengthen.

This is also a great way to get rid of negative influences from the outside (evil eye, damage, energy problems). The power of this mantra lies in the deep cleansing that occurs on the physical, energetic and karmic level. You just need to download it to get rid of karmic debts and get your soul out of the wheel of rebirth.

You can achieve any of the above goals if you listen and perform this great mantra with love, sincerity, devotion and faith in its power. Of course, to achieve results you will need to practice in its execution. But if you decide to download the mantra and learn not only the words, but also all the subtleties of execution, you can get what you dream of.

The spiritual development that each of us strives for is impossible without the initial cleansing of consciousness, thoughts and body from all negativity. Before filling the vessel with a new and clean one, it is necessary to empty the contents from it and wash it clean. The Gayatri mantra will help in cleansing the soul.

Mantras have long been considered the most powerful prayers and appeals, but unlike prayers, mantras require clear and repeated repetition. Changing even one sound does not give the results expected from reading the mantra. A mantra is a direct contact, a connection with the beyond, with the deity to whom the text of the “spell” is addressed. There are thousands of mantras for achieving important goals and solving painful problems. The main thing is faith in the deity to whom you turn through the mantra, concentration of the mind, peace and tranquility. And again - a clear repetition of sounds, words or syllables of the mantra, loudly and with expression. Subtle sound frequencies along with a pronounced vibration of the voice during pronunciation - all this, combined with concentration, achieves that very desired connection with the deity.

The strongest and most important of the Vedic mantras, possessing enormous power, is the Gayatri mantra. She came into the world in honor of the god Savitar. There is also an opinion that goddess Gayatri is the embodiment of this prayer vibration.

The text of the Gayatri mantra begins with the sound combination OM (AUM). A mystical phrase that opens the entrance to the Absolute, to the All-Encompassing. The text of the mantra is written in the Devanagari language, considered the proto-language of all earthlings. The original text of the Gayatri mantra has been preserved to this day in the most ancient sacred scripture of mankind - in the Vedas. In general, Gayatri is the mother of the Vedas.

Indian Brahmins, all devout Hindus begin every day early in the morning at dawn with the Gayatri mantra. It can give a person many benefits, from deep cleansing to filling with unprecedented wisdom. Daily repetition of the mantra “pulls out” all the “dirt” and all the “garbage” from the soul and body. Mantra has a powerful purifying power. The body becomes light as a cloud, like feathers. The soul leaves the ground and flies upward, moving forward towards the sun, light, all-encompassing warmth and kindness. The Gayatri mantra cleanses karma, bleaches it clean, and on this blank canvas you can write whatever you want, reaching the highest level of interaction with the Universe. Gayatri endows the purified Mind, Consciousness and Subconscious with universal wisdom, harmony and perfection. Protects the soul from external and internal negativity, and leads to salvation. The power of the Gayatri mantra is so great that it eliminates damage and the evil eye, resets karma and cleanses from sins. The result will be spiritual enlightenment, a revival of intuition and the ability to see the truth.

Formula meaning

In general, Gayatri has 3 different meanings and 3 names. They all live in us.

Gayatri is the ruler of the sensory sphere,

Savitri - the lord of vital energy (means Truth),

Saraswati is the lord of speech.

That is, by reading the Gayatri mantra, a person purifies his verbal flows, thoughts and deeds, he brings all three semantic components to harmony and interaction.


This sound formula is conditionally divided into 3 parts, the first of which consists of “OM” (vibrating sound, entry into the Absolute, into the Universe), as well as three words-mantras. These are “BHUR BHUVA SUVAHA” denoting the physical, astral and mental worlds. This phrase also means the three deities who are responsible for these worlds. In general, the first four words of the mantra are pronounced by every brahman at the beginning of the prayer, thus bowing before the Divine reality.

The second part of the mantra - TAT SAVITUR VARENYAM BHARGO DEVASYA DHIMAHI - focuses the conscious gaze of the reader on God Ishvara, on his limitless power. Through the mental connection between the worshiper and Ishvara, the one who pronounces this formula feels the Grace of the Divine. The emphasis is on the word "dhimahi", used here in the plural and translated as "meditate". It means that the person asking cares not only about his own good, but prays on behalf of all living things on Earth.

DHIYO YO NAH PRACHODAYAT is the final part of the Gayatri prayer, which conveys the request-prayer to Ishvara. It contains a request to endow the reader with enlightenment, divine intuition (buddhi), and illumination of the mind. And again, “dhiyas” sounds like “our minds,” that is, the plural is used, which once again emphasizes the concern of the person asking for all living things, and not just for himself.

Due to the fact that the Vedas, as well as mantras, are written in the Vedic language Sanskrit (an ancient Indian literary language), there are a great many literal and literary translations. In two words, everyone translates as they want. However, all translations are the same in essence, although this should not affect the reading or chanting of the mantra. After all, the main thing is the thorough repetition of each sound of the mantra.

The Gayatri mantra, the meaning of which can vary, says that the all-pervading divine truth will touch the soul and consciousness during meditation. The person reciting the mantra asks the deity to send upon him the light of perfect wisdom.

Application of the mantra

First you need to choose a secluded, quiet place where you will not be distracted. Sit with a straight back facing the East or North. Relax your body, let go of absolutely all thoughts, start visualizing. Imagine that you see the Sun right in front of you, at chest level, and start reading. You can do it out loud and loudly, you can do it in a whisper or mentally. The last option is considered the most effective, but at the same time the most difficult. It is not easy to concentrate on reciting a mantra if you do not hear its sounds. So for starters, it’s better to read loudly and clearly.

Put love and faith in the deity into your words, this way the power of thought and conversion will work more effectively and quickly. After all, if you don’t believe, then there is no point in asking something from someone whose existence you are not even sure of. If you believe, but love is not enough, think about what you are grateful for in your life. You can include gratitude along with faith in the text of the mantra. Love will come later, at the next stage of spiritual development, when you feel positive changes in yourself and in your life.

The best time to chant or read the Gayatri mantra is Sandhya Kaalam - (the time before dawn, after sunset, as well as midday. . At these moments, the meeting of four times occurs.

The Gayatri Mantra is used daily and with faith in the heart, preferably five malas (circles). Each mal is 108 repetitions of the mantra, one circle. There are rosaries consisting of one hundred and eight stones or beads, just for counting one mal of reading or chant. If you are persistent in your desire to achieve purification and enlightenment, chant Gayatri for ten malas, which is about two and a half hours. The maximum result is continuous reading for forty days, ten malas in the morning, afternoon and evening. In addition, it is worth repeating the mantra 9 or 18 times before eating and bathing or showering. It would be a good idea to moderate your food intake and increase cleanliness.

Medicine or physical exercise only affects the skin, the tip of the iceberg, and does not help for a long time. The root cause, the root of any imbalance or disease is within us. Therefore, the poet should always take care of the purity of the inner, spiritual body. A clean energy field always attracts positive energy. By reading mantras daily, cleansing yourself, saturating yourself with Universal harmony and wisdom, you will certainly lead your life to success.