home · On a note · An ex-boyfriend gives a gift in a dream. A man gives flowers, interpretation of a dream book. I dreamed about a present in a dream

An ex-boyfriend gives a gift in a dream. A man gives flowers, interpretation of a dream book. I dreamed about a present in a dream

Receiving gifts in a dream is a sign that you will be unusually happy. The gift promises business people successful financial transactions. Sending someone a gift means losing an opportunity to solve your problems. It is also possible that you will receive reproach from someone, which will annoy you. If a young woman receives a wonderful gift in a dream, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person. Receiving birthday gifts in a dream promises you rare luck in everything. If you yourself give a gift in a festive setting, this means that in reality you do not have due respect for this person.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse Gift

Receive - your affairs will improve

Freud's Dream Book Gift

The gift symbolizes not just the desire to establish sexual contact, but the desire to enter into a long-term relationship, possibly even marriage. If you are the giver, then it is you who are striving for such contact, and if they give it to you, it means that they want to establish such contact with you.

Modern dream book Gift

To dream that you receive gifts is a sign that you will always have money to pay for necessary expenses. You will also be extremely lucky in commerce and matters of the heart. Giving gifts is an omen of displeasure that you will cause in someone. In addition, expect failures in business. If a young woman dreams that her lover sends her wonderful, expensive gifts, then she will successfully marry a rich man with whom she will have complete understanding.

Esoteric dream book Gift

You - if the donor is known to you, expect troubles or troubles through him: if he is unknown, then someone wishes you harm and with his energy strikes you with what is called the evil eye. If you choose someone, you are on the verge of financial losses, do not commit rash acts. Making a gift with your own hands means your material well-being is in your hands.

Dreams to make wishes come true Gift

life will improve in all respects, a streak of luck will begin. Imagine how guests gather for a luxurious holiday, in the center of which you are. You are honored, no matter what the occasion. You stand in the center of a huge hall and accept gifts. Suddenly everyone makes way, silence reigns, the doors open, and a huge, elegantly decorated box is brought into the hall. It is so big that several people carry it at once. The box is placed in front of you. You untie the ribbons, they help you open the box - and in it you see exactly what you have been dreaming about for many years. You are happy and grateful for the gift.

Your personal dream book Gift

Seeing in a dream how they give you gifts means unsurpassed success in commercial affairs and in love relationships. Moreover, you are not destined to find yourself in a situation with a lack of money and the inability to pay for yourself. If you give gifts in a dream, then you are causing displeasure to someone close to you. Moreover, business failures are possible. If a young woman sees in a dream how her beloved gives her beautiful, expensive gifts, then in reality she will have a rich, decent husband.

Muslim dream book Gift

In a dream, it indicates joy, love, sympathy and reconciliation between people who have broken off relations with each other.

Even in a dream, it is pleasant to receive a bouquet from a gallant gentleman. However, in dream books this plot is interpreted ambiguously. In some cases, it can anticipate the appearance of a worthy, attractive admirer, a long-term passionate romance, or a proposal to create a marriage union. In others, it warns of quarrels, separation, and disappointment. Why do you dream when a man gives flowers?

Waiting for love

In a dream, did a man literally shower you with flowers? Such a “million red roses,” unfortunately, does not promise a passionate romantic relationship, a devoted, ardent admirer. At least until the dreamer understands: the demands she places on her suitors are extremely high, and she needs to be a little more tolerant and lenient. It is useful for the sleeping beauty to soberly evaluate her merits, the dream book hints.

Do you dream that a fan presents armfuls of flowers that he collected in the meadow? It turns out that cute daisies and cornflowers in a dream symbolize pure friendly relationships.

Remember the song “yellow tulips are the messengers of separation”? So in midnight dreams, they, as well as yellow asters and daffodils given by a man, predict separation from a person dear to the heart for a long time.

Habit, convenience

Feelings have cooled down, it will not be possible to revive them, which is why I dreamed that a young man was giving a single or withered flower. No matter what efforts you make, you can’t return your former passion, the dream book summarizes.

He gives almost the same advice to a lady to whom in a dream her lover presented an artificial flower. The only difference is that in this case the relationship has long since outlived its usefulness, but the couple continues to run a joint household because of established habits and everyday conveniences. So is it worth wasting precious years simply vegetating next to an indifferent, spiritually and physically alien character?

But if in your night fantasy a young man hands you a flowerpot with a flowering plant, you can rejoice! According to the dream book, this is a sign that in reality a new feeling is arising in you, and it is mutual, bright, joyful. This will be mutual love, which, if the dreamer wishes, will allow you to create a strong union for many years.

ABC of floristry

To correctly understand why you dreamed that you were given a bouquet, you need to remember what plants it consisted of.

  • Suppose you dreamed that a man was holding out a bouquet of daisies. Then take a closer look, your admirer is probably really too indecisive and modest.
  • But asters in the night phantasmagoria are a symbol of unfulfilled dreams, unfulfilled hopes.
  • It would seem that harmless primroses are received in a dream on the eve of a stormy scandal or quarrel.
  • But forget-me-nots prophesy moments of joy in your personal life.
  • Dahlias are a sign that promises good luck and success.
  • Strict lilies suggest in a night dream that in reality something will have to change.
  • It’s easy to guess why roses were dreamed about. These flowers, both in dreams and in reality, are associated with passionate feelings.

  • However, if you see sunflowers, then you are simply in the epicenter of stormy love passions.
  • Narcissists are often seen in dreams by people for whom the main thing is an impeccable appearance. After all, they are sure that there is no one more beautiful than them in the world.
  • Wonderfully smelling hyacinths in spring, according to the dream book, anticipate separation.
  • What are the field weeds - cornflowers - dreaming about? An excellent sign suggesting that the sleeping woman’s business will go uphill!
  • But intoxicating jasmine is a warning about a fleeting amorous connection.
  • Pretentious peonies are a sign that you will be lucky in love.

In the spotlight

Miller believes that a luxurious bouquet composed of different flowers predicts success for a sleeping woman with members of the opposite sex. The number of her admirers will be almost the same as the number of inflorescences in the florist’s work.

Donor's identity

The identity of the person who presented the flowers will also help to decipher the secret of night fantasies. If he is well known to the sleeping woman, then after waking up she will receive from this gentleman a rather unexpected proposal, which, by the way, promises certain benefits.

It is wonderful when the role of the donor is played by a young man who is attractive to the dreamer, because the dream book states that in reality she will be connected with this character by strong mutual feelings.

A new attractive admirer will appear, which is why I dreamed that the bouquet was presented by a stranger.

The magic of numbers

Did a stranger give you fresh, beautiful flowers? An excellent omen that promises joyful changes in your personal life. You will meet a new love or unexpectedly renew your relationship with a former lover.

Three scarlet flowers in a dream, presented as a gift in a dream, in reality will turn out for you in the fact that the gentleman will offer his hand and heart.

It wouldn't be bad if he gave you three white ones. As the dream book assures, it is too early to think about a wedding, but you will spend many wonderful moments with this character.


Events take place at school, it’s my birthday, my mother came to me to pick me up from my last lesson, and my classmate runs up to me and gives me a gift, it’s a red box with some kind of design and a pink bow, I unwrapped it and found it there. cakes and I'll take care


I had a dream several times that I was sitting on the bed with the guy I like, he said “this is for you” and gave me a dark blue, slightly elongated box. I say “thank you,” open it and wake up. what would that mean? The emotions were joyful. I am 14 years old, my name is Dasha.


At first I dreamed that several people gave me gifts. My old classmate gave me cream and something else, unfortunately I don’t remember. Then one of my fans who is now in England (but this is not my boyfriend) gave me a ring, such a thick gold one with a row of small white pearls. Then I dreamed that my beloved was talking to me, finding out something from me, posing as someone else. Then he was offended by me for something, apparently because he learned from me. Then I see him in the guise of a little white mouse. I feel sorry for her and I started washing this mouse under running water. Then my beloved and I make peace. He must go to some distant country like Egypt or India. And what I dreamed next defies any logic at all. ...I'm standing on the shore of the bay. There are some people nearby. And a coffin so red and yellow floats in the water. I find out that some woman is being buried. Her daughter, 8-10 years old, is standing on the shore. Then the coffin fell on one corner and sank. And at that time I stood looking at it and thought that my beloved was about to travel somewhere far away. That's basically the whole dream. I beg you to explain it to me


I was in the room of my relatives in the village. The house belongs to my uncle who had already died, I remembered this in a dream. I was not alone in the room, but with my friend. I saw a closed door, but as soon as I looked it opened and A box of gifts was brought into the room. A guy brought gifts, which I didn’t remember. In the dream, I knew that I had a dominant role and had the right to choose a gift. I looked into the box, it was large and made of cardboard. There were many objects in it, but I didn’t remember them. I don’t remember who, but in my opinion the man gave me a music box. It was lying on top, but I didn’t choose it, they gave it to me .taking it, I opened it and it began to play. The melody was pleasant, calm. I closed the box, and when I opened it again the melody did not play. I was interested in this, I began to look at it. The box was beautiful black with gold stars, but inside it was not hollow , but when filled, it had little space and was covered with gold fabric. I remembered this well because I understood that it was not real gold and it confused me. I decided that if it didn’t work, then I would store my jewelry in it. Then I became interested in what my friend chose. I became jealous, suddenly her choice was better. I don’t remember what they gave her. Then I decided that I needed to figure out why the box wasn’t working. I opened it and saw a mechanism inside. It was a clock mechanism and since I studied to be a watchmaker, I realized that I could repair it myself. I clearly remember that the cause of the breakdown was the wheel, which came out of place, but I was surprised that the wheel was plastic, and not metal, as it should be. Then I again I became interested in what was happening to my friend, but at that moment they gave us flowers. I received a bouquet, which at first seemed beautiful to me, and then I again became interested in what bouquet they gave my friend and saw that she had just red roses, not very long, but with large buds and, in my opinion, there were seven of them. I was upset that again she got the best, and I didn’t have a bouquet, but more paper than flowers. In the dream, I felt ashamed of my thoughts and I thought that my gift was good and the bouquet was beautiful bright and original.


My husband gave me a gift that was sent from another person, from my former lover. It was a brown hat and a cake. I was incredibly happy. There was no jealousy from my husband. I am 23 years old, female. I really loved the one who gave me the gift.


We came to visit a friend on the eve of a holiday. The scene takes place in a dimly lit room. She gives me a gift and congratulates me on the holiday. I think I'm giving her a gift too. And I have a feeling that this is not what she would like to receive. My daughter runs past and she draws attention to her slippers. “Katya was given beautiful slippers made of rabbit fur.” I can clearly see a slipper on a child's foot. I am 28 years old, female.




I’m 16 years old, I dream that I’m walking around some halls with some middle-aged (relatively 40-45 years old) person. We have a nice conversation, and I feel very good. And then he says that he wants to give me a gift and points on the brown tiles on the floor., and then I see the gift itself, I don’t know what it is, but I’m immensely happy, I see myself from the outside. And when I wake up, there’s such a charge of energy, such a mood for everything good!!! I walked under the impression of this dream.. In my opinion, he was my fiancé or something like that. I don’t even know what category to classify him in, probably miracles..


I'm relaxing in a luxury hotel, somewhere abroad, sort of like in America, but not exactly. It's my birthday. It’s not morning anymore, and no one congratulates me (and I’m relaxing with friends). I'm upset. And here I am, dressed up, going up to my room. The room is on the top floor and I'm walking up the stairs. The staircase is very luxurious - large, made of marble and wood, with carpet runners. And so I climb it, but it’s not easy for me, I have difficulty finding the next flight of stairs, but as a result I overcome it, go into my room, and there is a surprise for me, my friends are standing with gifts. Each gave a separate gift. The gifts are different, but all brilliant. Some kind of handbag, hairpin, something else, but all with sparkles. One more thing. Those friends in the dream are not really friends, although they are people I know. All but one are foreigners.


Everyone forgot about my birthday, including me. The girl who hates me reminded me and gave me an egg. My beloved gave me a limp bouquet of roses, a cross and a pendant with the image of the Mother of God, wrapped in newspaper. Anna, will turn 22 on July 19 I'm getting married soon.


Hi all. Dream (with serial beginning): I arrive at my apartment in Moscow. General excitement - meeting my mother, brother, his wife, their daughter. I open my suitcases, and there are no gifts for my loved ones (by the way, I didn’t find such a symbol in the dictionary). I remember that I had them, but in my haste I apparently forgot them. I’m thinking about how to get out of the situation, I rummage through my suitcase and find the same gifts there, sent to me at different times. I'm perplexed. How did they end up here, this is one thing, and secondly, I still can’t give them away, they’re mine! They are many, many chocolate bars. Everyone, it seems to me, is pretending that everything is fine and nothing special has happened, but I understand that it’s impossible to be such a forgetful mug, I continue to rummage through my suitcase and take out some gifts - silver teaspoons. Then I go up to the crib where my brother’s baby daughter is lying. She is not sleeping, I take her in my arms, wondering if there will be contact between us, which I really want and which is important to me, she smiles at me, becomes very animated and I understand. that she liked. The girl had a lot of hair on her head.


Zosia! Well, have you really forgotten that “gifts” from “mom” are a bait that is thrown at you in order to drain your life energy at your expense. Remember your dream about a generous payphone. Remember your lesbian dream about cakes swirling in the air. Or do you still doubt their results?! But even if you discard them, look at what you see now: You see that “mother and brother” gave you chocolates. Chocolates are erotic information. Well, what the hell can eroticism be like with mom and brother! Not to mention the fact that a chocolate bar, in the current context, is a pathetic sop, indicating only that you wasted your time and nerves, which in this very context does not fit into any goal at all. “Gifts” are cheese in a mousetrap. In your case, you should have dreams about updating your house, apartment, car, or, in extreme cases, your actions on the ship (the ship also indicates involvement in the Mathein matrix). You know what these images mean. Have you ever had such dreams? No!!! As far as I remember, in one of the first dreams of the collection you were forcibly pulled onto a ship with nets. The network is an information trap. Then your dreams only got worse and worse - mom, dogs, dandelion soup, coconut milk (this is absolutely chaos!), doctors, flirting with the boss (read from the super-ego), buses, cakes, lesbian variations, war, market traders , payphone, disasters and now chocolates again. Zosya, can’t you see that this is a walk in circles? OK. Now look what you gave in return for chocolates. You gave away the silver spoons. Any metal means energy. These were your spoons - your life energy. These are your personal losses. At the expense of which “they” will drink THEIR tea (you are “visiting”, after all). In other words, they will parasitize at your expense. Yes, of course, a “gift” to “mom” and even “brother” from you, for a person who dreamed of a “mom” and (or) “brother” is a provocation by you of his (their) personal losses, but in any case you unequal exchange, because information (any image of food) and energy are not at all the same thing. Do you really think that chocolates from “mother” and “brother” are somehow significantly different from standard mechanical payphone tokens or lesbian cakes? If you really continue to trust your “mother” and (or) “brother”, take a look at the lesson on vampirism: “people who become victims dream of babies.” A baby is a helpless creature - these are the same chocolates, cakes and tokens - this is still the same worm person who can only bring worries, expenses and anxiety. “The baby has long hair”, “she likes me” - well, of course! You are completely losing yourself for the sake of someone else’s prosperity. Is SUCH contact very important to you? You already react mechanically to “gifts”. This is the true payphone effect. However, this is not your fault and was not to begin with. “Gifts” (cakes, chocolates, tokens, etc.) are when in FORMAL speech you hear or see unifying words - “we”, “us”, “us” - this is the 25th frame, which, unnoticed for you, penetrates into consciousness in addition to Your will. This is hypnosis. And until you learn to disconnect from these words, you will be sitting on a chocolate needle, the consequence of which will inevitably be dreams about tornadoes, earthquakes and disasters. And further. What was in your suitcase? I can assume that underwear and clothes. Even according to Meneghetti, who is vigorously preached here, “clothes” are “examples of the behavioral culture of others,” “underwear” is “a disguise of eroticism with elements of schizophrenic aggression,” “children” are underdeveloped instincts, and the “city of childhood” is a “generalized a sign showing a present situation in which past events are interpreted in order to understand the present day.”

Most of us love to receive attention and, in particular, gifts. And if in reality this sign is a reflection of the attitude of a certain person, then how will the dream book interpret it? A gift has different meanings in different interpreters.

Which ones exactly, we suggest you find out further. But, before you decipher the plot of giving or purchasing a gift in a dream, you should remember its details. It is they who allow us to form the main meaning, which contains a message from the subconscious of a man or woman.

Basic meanings of dreams

Basically, a gift that one manages to receive in a dream as a sign of respect and honor is a positive symbol. Moreover, such pictures are dreamed of as a forecast of a happy future. For those who are business owners, receiving a gift in their dream means concluding successful agreements, signing profitable contracts in the near future. Below you can find out why you also dream of receiving a gift from a deceased person.

Dreams in which the dreamer simultaneously experiences emotions from signs of attention shown have the following meaning:

  • Receiving a surprise in a dream and experiencing joy at the same time is the personification of the attitude of the giver in reality.
  • A gift that causes unpleasant associations is a sign of expression of contempt from someone close to you.

Some dream books connect the plot with the gift featured in it, which has to be given or managed to be received, with the financial situation of the dreamer. Accordingly, to receive gifts is to accept material rewards in real life, and to give is to make investments.

In most cases, the item accepted as a gift is associated with the sympathy of one person or several people at once. Depending on who the donor was, one can judge his attitude. For a woman, a dream with a gift that she receives from a man indicates a guy from her real environment who feels sympathy. For married ladies, such paintings promise harmony in their relationship with their spouse.

For a man, a dream where he accepts an offering from a woman is a warning that a particular person has hidden intentions, but is in no hurry to express them. At the same time, a dreamed gift presented to a man from a man can symbolize an unplanned event. Perhaps such an event will undermine the dreamer's reputation if he fails to respond to it appropriately.

It may also be that in a dream the dreamer has to give many gifts. In this case, it does not matter to whom they will be intended. The main meaning of such a picture lies precisely in the generosity of the donor, which in real life will not be justified.

Versions for dreams with gifts include plots in which the dreamer is faced with the choice of a gift. In connection with the need to postpone financial expenses, he dreams of a picture in which he needs to choose a gift for someone. If you disobey advice and make investments, you can lose all your savings.

At the same time, Miller’s dream book has a different opinion on this matter. According to this interpreter, choosing a particular gift among many things is the real doubts of a person faced with a difficult choice. To prevent the consequences of a wrong choice, you should carefully consider all the pros and cons of each option for solving the problem.

In Miller's dream book for sleeping with a plot about a gift sent personally by the dreamer, there is also an ambiguous interpretation. Thus, sending it to the recipient can be interpreted as a loss of the opportunity to solve the existing problem with minimal losses. Also, such a plot can be deciphered as censure from a respected person.

Handing someone a gift during a festive event in a dream means in reality experiencing disrespect and contempt for the “hero of the occasion.” But to receive a gift on your birthday - Miller’s dream book considers such a plot as the favor of capricious fortune. Most likely, in the near future, luck will accompany the dreamer in any endeavor.

As for the versions for dreams about gifts that girls dream about, Miller’s dream book considers them omens of an imminent successful marriage. For girls who are not in a couple, such dreams can be interpreted as a meeting with their betrothed in the near future.

When making predictions based on dream plots, you should not miss what exactly the gift in the dream was. So, having seen a night vision in a picture as a gift, an unmarried girl can expect to soon meet an interesting man. For a married woman, this same picture is a symbol of increased interest in her on the part of a man, her legal husband.

  • If you dream of a soft toy that someone plans to give to you in a dream, this object symbolizes a harmonious relationship. For people in a couple, this sign will be the beginning of a favorable period.
  • , presented as a gift to the dreamer, personifies his inner fears and experiences.
  • The dog presented in the dream picture is identified with favorable changes in the hero’s life.
  • To celebrate the joyful news of an upcoming celebration, you dream of books received as a gift. The event, which is planned for the near future, will be joyful and will bring a sea of ​​unforgettable emotions to the dreamer.
  • If someone decided to give you money in a dream with a wad of large bills, this may mean that in real life your dream will come true.
  • The dream book considers a phone received as a gift as a sign of news from distant lands. The news will be not only long-awaited, but also joyful.
  • To declare one's love one dreams of the scent of which in the night picture was rich and pleasant.
  • Don't be surprised if someone gives you a gift in a dream. Such an object is considered to personify the fulfillment of desires that you did not dare to talk about.

Who gave the gift in the story?

The personality of the hero, who is directly related to the objects from the dream, is also considered an important factor when drawing up interpretations of what a gift means in a dream. This can be not only a person you know in real life, but also a very extraordinary character - a deceased person, a stranger, etc.

If you accepted an object as a sign of attention from a deceased person, then this will mean the beginning of a new stage in life. Most likely, the dreamer will expect dramatic changes in the real world, because in dream books a dead person is associated with sudden changes.

If a deceased person gives a gift in the form of a bouquet of flowers, the dreamer in real life can count on the fulfillment of obvious and secret desires. In this case, it does not hurt to pay attention to the facial expression and emotions of the deceased:

  • The serenity of the deceased in the role of donor speaks of future favorable events.
  • The concern on the face of the deceased will indicate that your opinion is not always correct. The dream book’s advice in this case is to reconsider your attitude towards surrounding events and people.

If in a dream a lover/beloved presented a gift, in this case the decoding suggests a transition of the relationship to a new level. That is, now there will be more love, tenderness, and trust between partners.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

news; (for a woman) rich gifts - a happy marriage; you give it yourself - profitable business.

I dreamed of a gift

according to Miller's dream book

Receiving gifts in a dream is a sign that you will be unusually happy. The gift promises business people successful financial transactions. Sending someone a gift means losing an opportunity to solve your problems. It is also possible that you will receive reproach from someone, which will annoy you. If a young woman receives a wonderful gift in a dream, in reality she will be married to a wealthy and congenial person. Receiving birthday gifts in a dream promises you rare luck in everything. If you yourself give a gift in a festive setting, this means that in reality you do not have due respect for this person.

Why do you dream about a holiday?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

literally, depending on what is being celebrated; an incredible turn of events.

Why do you dream about New Year?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

at other times - satisfaction with the progress of affairs, fulfillment of hope, the quality of fulfillment depends on how it is celebrated in a dream, what feelings.

I dreamed about the New Year

according to Miller's dream book

Celebrating the New Year in a dream means prosperity in the future. For young people, this is a harbinger of a happy marriage. If you are tiredly thinking about the New Year's Eve and it does not make you happy, there may be complications in relationships with loved ones.

Why do you dream of giving?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

money - to exaltation; things are loss; deliverance.

Expert answers


I dreamed that I was at a wedding like a respected guest and the bride, I couldn’t see my face, in a white wedding dress without a veil, on my shoulders were expensive fox or mink skins, the skins were beautiful and well made, black and shiny, together with the groom, as if as a sign of respect, their bride takes it off his shoulders and gives it to me. What is this for? Then the dream ends. (Ganiev, Rustem)

Being a guest at a wedding in a dream means that in reality a useful acquaintance awaits you. Fur skins also portend acquaintance, however, they warn of the possibility of deception or betrayal.