home · Appliances · Reading: compose a fairy tale about who ate the cabbage. Folklore festival “Autumn gatherings - skit party. Excerpts from a children's book about vegetables

Reading: compose a fairy tale about who ate the cabbage. Folklore festival “Autumn gatherings - skit party. Excerpts from a children's book about vegetables

Fairytale Health Guide
A. Lopatina and M. Skrebtsova

Target group:

For children from 5 years to 12 years,
parents, teachers, educators

The books are intended for everyone who wants to heal themselves and their children with the gifts of the earth. In the “Fairytale Health Guide” series, fruits, berries, vegetables, grains, nuts and honey will tell you about their healing and nutritional properties in entertaining and kind stories. The second volume will help you make friends with vegetables- real health pantries that replace potions and pills. In addition to fascinating tales, conversations and games, the book contains many original recipes vitamin kitchen, selected in such a way that children can prepare them without the help of adults. And, of course, as in our other books, the heroes of fairy tales are always ready to come to the aid of their neighbors - and even those far away... There is already a shortage of such heroes in modern children's literature!

Functional purpose:

Enrichment and activation of vocabulary, development of healthy eating skills, development cognitive activity, expanding ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, developing communication and partnership skills.

The book helps children think about their physical and spiritual health, about the magnificent gifts of nature that surround them at every step.

A collection about the values ​​of vegetables in the form of interesting fairy tales, necessary for every mother and grandmother. A reference book for any person who cares about their health and the health of their family. An indispensable guide to everyday use housewives. Vegetable menu. After each tale, you will be presented with easy recipes using this vegetable.

Functional purpose:

skill development healthy eating;
emotional-volitional development;
enrichment and activation of the vocabulary;
development of verbal and logical thinking, imagination, attention;
development of cognitive activity, fine motor skills
.. . and sensorimotor coordination;
expanding understanding of the benefits of vitamins and
.. . treatment natural means,
development play activity, communication and partnership skills;

Technical specifications:

Authors: A. Lopatina, M. Skrebtsova,
format 60x84/16, number of pages: 224


Pumpkin (read a fairy tale)

  • Visiting Aunt Pumpkin
  • Magic pumpkin
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Pumpkin cutlets
  • Pumpkin pilaf
  • Pumpkin dessert


  • Advice in Korneplodia
  • Salad "Merry"
  • Raw food cabbage rolls


  • New friend
  • How did cucumbers appear on earth?
  • Salad “Refreshing”
  • Cucumber Sandwich Mix
  • Sandwich with cucumber “Summer”
  • Cucumber soup
  • Dessert “Unusual”

Vegetable pumpkins

  • Zucchini and squash
  • Zucchini stew
  • Zucchini and apple salad
  • Zucchini cookies
  • Zucchini Sandwich


  • Smart carrot
  • The Legend of Carrots
  • Why do gnomes love carrots?
  • Carrot Pie
  • Carrot salad with oranges
  • Carrot smoothie
  • “Dessert” salad
  • Carrot salad with plantain


  • Brave traveler
  • Radish, carrot and apple salad
  • Radish with cheese
  • Savory dessert
  • Radish and nut pancakes


  • Tale about a turnip
  • Raw food salad
  • Baked turnips with cheese sauce


  • How did the radish appear on earth?
  • Radish salad with cottage cheese
  • Salad "Spring"


  • In the tomato kingdom
  • How a tomato and a man became friends
  • Miracle Powder
  • Pie with tomatoes
  • Tomato pots
  • Tomatoes with cheese and herbs
  • "Red Caviar" from vegetables


  • Seven sisters
  • How cabbage spread across the earth
  • Salad "Snow White"
  • Pancakes with cabbage
  • Cauliflower with kefir
  • Cabbage cutlets


  • Vegetable families
  • life savior
  • Good potato
  • Potato apothecary
  • Second bread
  • Potato salad with nuts
  • Vitamin potatoes with dill
  • Potato and pumpkin pancakes
  • Potato and onion salad
  • Three brothers
  • Onion family
  • Salad “Mystery”
  • Salad from onions and drain
  • Onion salad with nuts
  • Onion caviar
  • Arabic salad
  • Green onion salad with plums
  • Green onion salad with cottage cheese


  • Garlic healer
  • Garlic caviar
  • Simple garlic sauce
  • Garlic oil
  • Garlic puree


  • How Signor Eggplant treated his teeth
  • Eggplant caviar with tomatoes
  • Eggplant puree
  • Eggplant and bean salad
  • Eggplant baked with cheese


  • Legume family
  • Prince Pea
  • Pea sandwich seasoning
  • Pea soup with cheese
  • Bob the Soldier
  • Finnish bean porridge
  • Bean salad
  • Singing Bean
  • Bean salad with nuts
  • Bean soup with vegetables
  • Bean salad
  • Bean and potato salad
  • Lentil savior
  • Pumpkin-lentil porridge
  • Lentil soup
  • Magic Soybean
  • Soya's Journey
  • Soy-apple salad
  • Soybean salad with potatoes and onions


  • Parsley and Peter
  • Parsley salad
  • Parsley dressing


  • Salad girl
  • Green salad with beans
  • Green salad with olives


  • Bouquet of dill
  • Dill sauce
  • Potatoes with dill sauce


  • Named pepper brothers
  • Peppercorn
  • Red hot pepper
  • How hot peppers became sweet
  • Roasted peppers with garlic
  • Stuffed pepper

Healing vegetables

  • Vegetable hospital
  • Vitamin seasoning
  • Blood purifying salad
  • Cleanser
  • Against sore throat
  • Health mayonnaise
  • Anti-inflammatory agent
  • Vegetable cafe
  • Vitamin breakfast menu
  • Quiz about vegetables


Excerpts from a book for children about VEGETABLES: -


Healthy image life is the ability to wisely use the vitamin storehouses of the earth. We pass by these magical storerooms and suffer from it ourselves. However, it is never too late to change the situation. Especially if there is a baby in the family - the one for whom everything is just beginning.

If you want your children to be healthy, the “Fairytale Health Guide” will definitely help you. In addition to fascinating tales, conversations and games, you will find recipes for vitamin-rich cuisine. On the one hand, they are simple, on the other, they are designed to maximize the preservation of vitamins and microelements in food. The recipes are selected in such a way that children can prepare them without the help of adults.

We begin to think about our physical and spiritual health when our body cannot cope with the loads and stress that surround us at every step, and then we turn to help healing powers gifts of nature. But if we had become acquainted with them in childhood, many problems might not have affected us. Love and HEALTH to you!!

Read excerpts from the book "Fairytale Health Guide" (about vegetables)

"Vitamin Table Recipes" - Find out FIRST
New HEALTHY Recipes.

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. They planted cabbage in the garden. The cabbage has grown into cabbage, broad-leaved, and it is not enough to harvest the cabbage. They began to ask the goat to help the misfortune: “Dear little goat, collect cabbage from the garden for cabbage soup and salt. Guests, children and grandchildren will come, we will treat them to cabbage soup, feed them pies, give us money, we will go to the market, we will buy you a red sundress from the merchant "Egor, let's take some new boots. You'll have fun walking and wiping your girlfriends' noses!"

The goat answers the grandfather and woman: “Collecting alone means getting tired quickly. Ask the rooster for help.” They began to ask the rooster to help the misfortune: “Great cockerel, help the goat collect cabbage in the garden for cabbage soup and salt. Guests, children and grandchildren will come, we will treat them to cabbage soup, feed them pies, give us money, go to the market, buy the goat a red sundress and "We'll get her new boots from the merchant Yegor, and a full jug of grain for the cockerel. You'll have fun walking around and teasing the chickens!"

The rooster says to the grandfather and woman: “It takes two people to collect - you get tired quickly. Ask the cat for help.” They began to ask the cat to help the cat in trouble: “Little cat, help the goat and the cockerel collect cabbage in the garden for cabbage soup and salt. Guests, children and grandchildren will come, we will treat them to cabbage soup, feed them pies, give us money, we will go to the market, buy the goat a red sundress "Yes, we'll get her new boots from the merchant Yegor; for the cockerel - a full jug of grain; and for you, little cat, you'll have a pot of sour cream and a ball of wool. You'll have fun playing and scaring the mice!"

The goat, the rooster and the cat started working in the garden, walking and talking:

"Me-me, ko-ko, mur-mur.

Grandfather and grandmother

Let's collect the cabbages.

Guests - cabbage soup, pickles,

We get gifts and fun.

Chu, chu, chu?

The bells are ringing -

These are the guests coming

The carts are grinding,

They are bringing gifts for everyone and they will give them to us.

The goat began to tear up the cabbage with her horns, whip and throw the cockerel, and roll the cat into piles. The grandfather chopped the cabbage, the woman put it in barrels and sprinkled it with salt. Glorious work is when there is friendship and hunting!

Legends about cabbage

TO Apusta has been known for so long that many legends and traditions are associated with it.

P According to one of the ancient Greek legends, the tears of the Thracian king Lycurgus, whom Dionysus brutally beat with vines, turned into cabbage. And this story began with the fact that Lycurgus, an ardent opponent of alcohol and the cheerful god Dionysus, considered the creator of wine and beer, once attacked him and his retinue during a trip, then many bacchantes who accompanied Dionysus died. For which Dionysus decided to take revenge on Lycurgus.

WITH Lycurgus's forests, falling to the ground, turned into previously unseen plants, round like a head. Those present gave them the name “kaptum” - head.

D Further developments of events are interpreted differently in different legends. According to one of them, Lycurgus, who did not recognize the divine origin of Dionysus and the spread of wine drinking, expelled him from his country with a whip. To escape, Dionysus threw himself into the sea, where he was saved by the sea goddess Thetis. Homer mentioned this; according to him, Zeus punished Lycurgus with blindness and unexpected death for this.

WITH According to later authors, after the expulsion of Dionysus, Lycurgus fell into madness, he saw grapevines everywhere. And once, in a rage, he cut off his leg with a sword, mistaking it for a vine; according to other sources, believing that he was cutting off a vine, Lycurgus killed his son Driant with an ax and mutilated his body. According to legend, Lycurgus, angry at the excessive consumption of wine, ordered to uproot all the vineyards and plant them with cabbage. Because of the blasphemous madness of Lycurgus, the Thracian land ceased to bear fruit, and then people took him to Mount Pangea and gave him to be torn to pieces by wild horses.

IN 5th century BC e. Aeschylus wrote the trilogy "Lycurgy", from which only fragments have survived to this day.

IN Perhaps this legend appeared because in Ancient Greece cabbage was a symbol of sobriety, and the Greeks themselves believed that it relieved intoxication and said: “Eat cabbage before drinking and you will not get drunk; eat it after and you will disperse the hops.” And here's what grape vines deviate away from the cabbage planted next to it, that’s a fact. However, as well as the fact that cabbage does not grow well next to grapes.

E Another legend about the origin of cabbage is associated with the name of the supreme deity of the Romans - Jupiter. According to ancient Roman legend, cabbage grew from large drops of Jupiter's sweat that rolled down to the ground while he was pondering two contradictory sayings of an oracle.

By the way, it was believed that Jupiter patronized agriculture and the grape harvest holidays - Vinalia - were dedicated to him.

IN In Norway, cabbage is mentioned in legends dating back to the 12th century.

The story of the ruler and the cabbage

WITH beamed and completely interesting stories related to cabbage. In the prime of life and glory, Emperor Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletian, the same one who believed that Carthage should be destroyed, renounced power and went to his estate in Salona (modern Split), where he began growing cabbage. And when, during political difficulties in his homeland, they came to him with a request to become emperor again, he refused, arguing: “If you had seen the kind of cabbage I grew, you would not have offered me nonsense.”

TO By the way, he developed several new varieties that he liked to brag about...

G they say, in Ancient Rome another two hundred years after Diocletian they celebrated Cabbage Day, which fell on May 1 - it is assumed that it was on this day (May 1, 305 AD) that the emperor renounced power.

G They say that Alexander the Great fed his soldiers cabbage leaves before battle to maintain vigor and eliminate fear.

IN In Sweden, cabbage is protected by law in the property protection statute issued in 1327 by King Magnus.

WITH The Slavs also had the “Cabbage” dance, a type of round dance.

IN “Cabbage parties” were popular among actors - fun evenings for a small circle with performances and cabbage pie.

IN these days cabbage is called money (rubles or dollars): “Today I have cabbage (I have money)”; “Chopping cabbage (or mowing, digging, etc.) means earning currency.”

Children in cabbage

IN It is possible that with the recommendations of Egyptian doctors of the era of Ramses I (1295 - 1294 BC), “in order for children to grow healthy, they should be fed with cabbage,” the tale began that children are found in cabbage...

IN Tales of children found in cabbages were widespread in France.

N and in Rus' it was believed that children were brought into the cabbage by a hare, revered by our ancestors for its high fertility. And cabbage because its leaves resemble diapers...

TO By the way, in Russia a child born out of wedlock was called a cabbage boy.

Customs associated with cabbage

  • In Austria, they did not eat cabbage on December 26: according to legend, on this day Saint Stephen found refuge from his persecutors in a cabbage field, hiding among the heads of cabbage.
  • In Austria, before the wedding, the bride had to go to the kitchen, where they prepared sauerkraut for the wedding table, salt it and hear from her mother the instruction that family life In no case should she “salt” her husband.
  • In Germany, cabbage was used to tell fortunes about one's betrothed. If a wedding was planned in the fall, in the spring cabbage and rutabaga were planted in one hole in the garden bed, while whispering the names of the bride and groom. The wedding took place only if both plants grew well, otherwise the proposed union was abandoned.
  • In French Brittany, as a sign of disagreement with the matchmaker's proposal, entrance doors put in a head of cabbage.
  • On the night before All Saints' Day, they used cabbage to tell fortunes. Girls with eyes closed They went to the garden where the cabbage grew and picked a head of cabbage. Then they examined him carefully and, based on whether the head of cabbage was large or small, whether its stalk was straight or crooked, they determined whether the husband would be handsome. By the amount of soil stuck to the roots they judged how rich he would be, and by the taste of the head of cabbage - he would be good or evil.
ABOUT Especially many traditions were associated with cabbage in Rus'.
  • On Annunciation (April 7), cabbage was awarded special signs. Even during the last cabbage harvest, the peasant put off the first head of cabbage harvested until this time. Now he needed to be examined carefully. It was believed that seeds could be found in it that would withstand any frost, which means that the cabbage produced from them is not afraid of the cold. They also collected seeds from the queen heads.
  • On the day of Irina the seedling (May 18), cabbage seedlings were planted.
  • On the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord (September 27), the harvest was completed and the “cabbage gardeners” began to celebrate.
  • On Sergei-Kapustnik (October 8) they chopped cabbage. One of the traditions that existed in Rus' was the collective cutting of cabbage on the basis of mutual assistance. This was the most widespread form of neighborhood revenue (cleanup) in the village, in which main role young people played, turning a tedious task into a folk festival.
Cabbage rituals
  • To ensure that the heads of cabbage were born tight and large, Belarusian women on Christmas Eve, and Russians on the day of Tatyana Kreshchenskaya twisted balls of yarn as tight and large as possible.
  • During Christmas dinner in Poland (in the eastern part) they always ate cabbage and at the same time the eaters squeezed each other's heads with their hands.
  • In Slovakia, cabbage seeds were sown strictly before sunrise and on the waxing moon, in Transcarpathia they took the seeds into their mouths before planting, and in Poland they tied their heads tightly with a scarf.
  • In order for cabbage to grow well, in the North of Russia and Siberia, women and girls ran naked across the field when planting.
  • Ukrainian women (Chernigov region) planted cabbage in white shirts, exposing their thighs, so that the cabbage was white, strong and tight.
  • In East Prussia, in order for the heads of cabbage to grow densely, the soil was trampled down after sowing, and a large stone was left nearby.
Professor of sour cabbage soup

AND The expression “professor of sour cabbage soup” is well known.

In Gilyarovsky’s essays “Moscow and Muscovites” the meaning of these “sour cabbage soup” is explained. Sour cabbage soup is an old Russian honey-malt, highly carbonated (rich carbon dioxide) soft drink. Unlike kvass, the infusion of the original wort and further fermentation took place in sealed champagne bottles, since it was so carbonated that another container would simply burst. The preparation of this drink required great skill, therefore, the person who was able to prepare it was held in high esteem, and he was called the “master of sour cabbage soup.”TO Thick cabbage soup is constantly mentioned in northern fairy tales. The drink was also used in cooking: it was added, for example, to soups.

P Later the phrase lost its original meaning, and “master” was replaced by “professor”, and the phrase acquired its modern meaning...

Cabbage as a symbol

  • The ancient Greeks considered cabbage a symbol of sobriety.
  • In China, Chinese cabbage is a symbol of wealth (money), as the word cabbage has the same pronunciation as the pronunciation of the word money or wealth - tsai. Cabbage dishes are always included in the menu in China. New Year's table as hope for a favorable future in financially New Year. Severirs in the form of cabbage, especially jade sculptures, are also popular in China.

  • Cabbage is a classic ritual food of Indian Brahmins. Here cabbage leaves appear as images of a multiplicity of worlds or metaphysical planes, located one below the other or one after the other as they approach the inner center. The stalk is like a column or axis. So under the many shells in a cabbage head is hidden vertical axis. Brahmins see this as a clear symbol of the relationship between subject and object in metaphysics.
  • Cabbage was often endowed with marriage symbolism. In Rus', for treason, a guy cut the cabbage from the garden of the cheating girl. In Belarus, a head of cabbage (together with goose and buckwheat chaff) was placed on the table in front of the parents of the dishonest bride after the wedding.
  • Zaporozhye writer Alexander Vyzhenko, in his treatise on love “Beloved Ukraine,” claims that ancient Ukrainians considered cabbage a symbol of love.
  • In Feng Shui, the meaning of the cabbage symbol is “one hundred types of luck.”
F cabbage plays and in various dream books, moreover, interpretation of dreams with cabbage seen in different dream books different and very contradictory.

More about cabbage

Olga Petrovna Savelyeva, teacher at MBDOU “ Kindergarten No. 50" Cheboksary


About Kapus KapustychI, Princess of Brussels Sprouts and Cucumber

Just think how great God’s light is! People, animals and birds, all sorts of herbs and ants live in it, apparently and invisibly.

In a certain Kingdom, in a vegetable garden state, there lived Tsar Cabbage Kapustych I. And he had a daughter, Brussels Cabbage. What a life she had: Kapus Kapustych I pampered her with all sorts of superphosphate fertilizers and abundant watering, she grew up in the sunniest place in the garden. Freedom, and that’s all! But the Princess never smiled, never laughed, as if her heart was not happy about anything.

It was bitter for the Tsar Father to look at his sad daughter. Then he opened his royal chambers to everyone who wished to be his guest.

“Let everyone,” he says, “try to cheer up my Tsar’s daughter Brussels Sprouts; whoever succeeds, she will be his wife, and I will grant him half of my garden kingdom. This is my sovereign word!

As soon as he said this, the vegetable people began to boil at the royal gates! Suitors arrived from all over: Prince Carrot, Bell Pepper, Signor Tomato and Overseas Eggplant, the famous merchants Turnip and Rutabaga, even the peasant Zucchini came running, leaving his large family (he, of course, was more interested in half the kingdom, not the Princess). The feasts began, honey flowed, buffoons, fun, but the princess still did not laugh, she sat sad, shed tears and did not even look at anyone.

And suddenly, out of nowhere, a young Cucumber galloped up on a big grasshopper: handsome, stately. The Princess of Brussels Cabbage looked at him, fell in love with him, and couldn’t take her eyes off him. Meanwhile, Pea the Buffoon ran past and scattered his round children under the young man’s feet. The cucumber stumbled, waved its arms funny and plopped down on the ground. But it didn’t hurt him at all, it was just funny. He laughed with such a fervent laugh that the Princess could not resist. They laughed like that for an hour, looking at each other.

Brussels Sprout was not only beautiful, but also a very smart Princess. So she refused to marry a stranger who did nothing but make her laugh. “Can you guess my riddles? I’ll be your wife, but if not, go wherever you look, away from my garden,” said the Princess, “here’s your first riddle!”

She has a lot of clothes
The clothes have no fasteners.
If any of the clothes
Suddenly he prepares a salad,
Will definitely find it in it
There’s a whole warehouse of vitamins.”

The good cucumber scratched the back of his head, thought and said: “Maybe it’s cabbage?”

Yes, right. Do you know, well done, what vitamins cabbage contains? No? “So I’ll give you a hint,” said the Princess, “Cabbage is rich in fiber, easily digestible proteins, organic acids, glucose, fructose, and nitrogenous compounds. The vitamin composition is unique in its own way. It contains most of the B vitamins, nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), E, ​​A, U, C, H (biotin, vitamin B7), folic acid(AT 9). Mineral composition includes: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, sulfur, chromium, zinc, iron, manganese. That's it! Well, now the second riddle!

The head is on a leg,
Green clothes.
It’s impossible to count how many there are!
Maybe ten, maybe five!
They grow thickly!
What is this?

I know I know! It's cabbage! - Cucumber shouted.

Well done! And finally, the third and final riddle!

This noblewoman can be colored.
Early, middle, late... Light
And the fat one is violet-colored.
Tell me, who doesn’t know this beauty?
It can be eaten stewed or eaten raw!
She wears a hundred clothes, it's called...

It's cabbage, cabbage! - all the vegetables shouted in unison, - Hurray! To our Tsar-Sovereign Kapusta Kapustych I, his daughter Brussels Kapusta and their entire large family!

The Princess agreed to marry the young Cucumber. Guests began to congratulate the newlyweds and bestow valuable gifts. And Tsar Kapus Kapustych I kept his royal word: what he promised, he gave.

This is how cabbage and cucumbers now grow in our gardens in sunny places, and we always water them very generously. We make them delicious salads, simmer, salt and marinate. And cabbage soup without cabbage, no cabbage soup; and potatoes without pickled cucumbers are not as tasty!

Tatiana Petrova

"Autumn gatherings - skit."

Target: to introduce children to the festive culture of the Russian people.


To introduce children to the traditions of Russian cuisine and related works of small folklore forms

Introduce Russian folk costume,

expand children's knowledge about the traditions and customs of the calendar and ritual holiday "Pokrov", "Cabbage"

To consolidate concepts about the types and genres of oral folk art;

To develop the emotional and sensory sphere of children, imaginative thinking, creative imagination, expressive speech;

Cultivate the ability to comprehend folk wisdom, hidden in the word.

Preliminary work. Learning riddles, proverbs, sayings and nursery rhymes with children, listening to Russian folk tunes, looking at Russian folk costumes, toys of folk craftsmen, memorizing Russian folk games and round dances

(children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle)


Rain fell on the rowan bunches,

A maple leaf circles above the ground

Ah, autumn, again you took us by surprise

And again she put on the gold outfit.

1st child:

Cobwebs fly by

With spiders in the middle

And high from the ground

Cranes fly by

Everything is flying, this must be it

Our summer is flying by.


Cheerful painter at random

Sprinkled wonderful colors,

And the forests are in autumn outfit

It attracts us like a good fairy tale.


And where is Autumn, we don’t understand,

Why doesn't she come to us?

Probably with the rain together

Everything brings beauty.


I wanted to gild her

Birches, lindens, maples.

So as not to miss anything

Paint the color green.


Autumn has come

Our garden has turned yellow.

Leaves on a birch tree

They burn with gold.

Don't hear the funny ones

Songs of the nightingale

The birds have flown away

To distant lands.

Song “Leaves are spinning”


Let's call Autumn

Let's sing her a song together.

Children perform a song. At the end, Autumn enters the hall.

Song “Golden Leaf” - exercise with leaves


Are you talking about me? I'm so glad!

I bow to you to the ground, friends.

Well, hello! Did you call me?

And I came to your holiday,

Although things didn’t go away,

But I still found the time.


Thank you, my dear friends,

I'm so happy and grateful.


Autumn, dear, sit down.

Sing and have fun with us.

The children will sing a song

They will read poems about you.

Song "About Autumn"

Autumn: Well done! You know how to sing and dance.

Tell me, how many months does autumn have? Do you know the name of these months?

Leading: Let's tell Autumn about the autumn months.

Children read poetry:

September came first!

Rain and falling leaves brought with it.

October has arrived behind him.

The Pokrov holiday began to play.

October is not an easy month

The autumn table is not empty!

The harvest has been gathered in the fields,

Weddings were fun!

And then November will come

He will bring winter too!


Autumn, we are glad that you came.

What did you bring us?

Autumn: I have a basket in my hands,

It contains autumn gifts.

Everything that I am rich in,

Brought it for the kids

Song – round dance “Gifts of Autumn”

Autumn: Well, it’s time for me to say goodbye,

Return to the autumn forest.

I still have work to do.

Goodbye, kids!

Leading: On the rubble, in the light or on some logs,

Gatherings of old and young gathered.

Here are the beautiful maidens, good fellows, sitting.

So let's have fun and welcome the generous autumn!

We continue the holiday with you

And the hostess is waiting for us to visit her

(the autumn curtain changes to the hut, the children go into the hut, they are met by the Mistress)

Leading: Receive, Mistress, guests.

Mistress: Hello, guys! Nice to see you in good health! Come in, take your seats! Make yourself at home!

Peace to you, dear guests, you came at a good hour -

I was preparing such a warm welcome for you.

There will be games, there will be dancing, there will be good songs,

After all, once upon a time, gatherings were a celebration of the soul.

Mistress: Guys, October 14th recently passed Great holiday Intercession Holy Mother of God, in memory of the miraculous phenomenon Mother of God. She extended her cover over the praying people and saved the inhabitants of the city from foreign invaders. This is one of the most beloved Orthodox holidays among the Russian people.

Mistress: Regular girls' get-togethers began with Intercession. Collected last harvest Cabbages were also cut from the fields. And cheerful parties in honor of cabbage - cabbage - began in Rus'. A mandatory treat on the tables were cabbage dishes - pies, pies, sauerkraut.

Look what cabbage I grew. White, sweet! I planted it in the spring, looked after it all summer, and kept telling.

You, cabbage, be born

And she was white and she sang,

And she was white and she sang,

And even with the tyn.

This is how she grew up

Leading: But you can’t prepare all the cabbage in one day! So there was a tradition of calling friends and neighbors for help.

Cabbage evenings came to us,

On horses, on sables, on foxes, on ermines.

You are gossips, my dears,

You will come to work for me,

Help me chop the cabbage,

Help me calm her down.

Come out mommies, help me cope with the cabbage

(mothers come to the table and imitate pickling cabbage)

Mistress: In Rus' they salted cabbage with carrots, cranberries, and lingonberries. The cabbage turned out delicious and beautiful, it was nice to serve it on the table!

Leading: Do you want me to teach you how to salt cabbage?

Finger game "Cabbage"

What's that squeak?

What's that crunch?

What kind of bush is this?

How can there be no crunch?

If I'm a cabbage.

We chop and chop cabbage.

We three, three carrots.

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,

We press and press cabbage.

Mistress. Now let's mix and try. Show, delicious cabbage or over-salted, and I’ll guess.

Plays with children. (children show with facial expressions)

Well done! So we salted the cabbage. The cabbage turned out delicious, we will eat it with potatoes in winter.

Presenter: Start a round dance about our white cabbage, good fellows, so that it will produce well this year too!

Round dance "I'm watching, I'm watching, I'm twisting the cabbage"

I see, I see, I see the cabbage, yes

I see, I see, I see the cabbage.

The fork's bud was curling,

The fork's bud was curling.

The fork bud has developed

Mistress: Do you know the proverbs about cabbage, as people say?

Children - proverbs:

"Bread and cabbage will keep you away from hunger"

“There is bread and cabbage - the table is not empty”

“September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage”

“October is a cabbage season, it smells like cabbage”

“Love cabbage - forget about illnesses” –

Mistress: Yes, people said correctly that cabbage will both feed and heal.

Leading: Do you hear? Someone is knocking on our door.

Who came to us here?

Goat– child: It’s me, the goat Methodius.

Leading: For what kind of business?

Goat: Helping the watchmen

I protect the cabbage

I protect every leaf

Leading: Why cabbage all of a sudden?

But not radishes and onions?

Goat: I don’t know how to guard an onion,

And radishes make me lose weight.

And cabbage is good

And she needs guards.

Because it's the most delicious

Very tasty - cabbage leaf!


Hey girls are laughing

Isn't it time to sing ditties?

And the boys will also get up,

They won't leave the girls alone.


Come out quickly, girlfriend,

We'll shine in public

And perky ditties

Let's sing about cabbage.

She let the goat into the garden,

To guard the cabbage.

The goat came to her for tea.

I ate cabbage by accident!

My cabbage is good

And I'm not bad either!

I’m sitting in the garden bed with her -

I'm waiting for the groom

Boys from all over the yard

They sat on the porch.

There are stubs on their teeth

White crunchy.

Helping mom at home -

Nice deal.

Mom was cutting cabbage

I ate carrots.

Ah, dear girlfriends,

Give me some cabbage.

I've been sunbathing all summer -

The garden is empty.

I am a daring strongman -

I bend a horseshoe with my hand!

Because I'm chewing

Carrots every day.

They sang ditties well,

Okay and okay.

And now we ask you,

May you clap for us!

Leading: And now it's time to play

Game "Pegs"(“I’m sitting on a pebble” b. n. m.)

I'm sitting on a pebble

I play with small pegs,

I play with small pegs,

I will build my own vegetable garden.

Ay-li, ay-lyuli, a garden for the city.

Girlfriends, take apart the pegs!

Girls choose boys and stand behind them, forming a circle.

The driver walks around the circle and approaches any pair.

Driver: Kuma, godmother, sell the pegs!

What's it worth?

A head of cabbage, a broom and a ruble of money.

Well, deal with each other and go to the bathhouse!

They shake hands and run in different directions. Whoever comes running first stands at the “peg”. The loser becomes the driver.

Leading: One, two, one, two

And the game is over!

Mistress: You can hear something crunching in the bushes.

Cabbage creaks in your teeth.

The hares came running to the garden bed,

And they killed the cabbage.

Sketch "The Tale of Cabbage"

(On the quiet sound of the music “Gatherings”)

Characters: Leader - child, Hares - 4 people, Cabbage, Hedgehog, Oak.

Leading: One day in the fall, just before dawn

Invited to lunch

Hares fashionista Cabbage.

Hare 1: Why sit alone and sad?

The soup is being prepared here

We will set the table for you!

Leading: The cabbage clasped its hands,

She smiled at the invitation...

Cabbage. Oh, how nice! Crunch-crunch!

The hares are preparing soup for me!

Leading: Cabbage took a long time to dress up,

Dressed in a hundred clothes...

Cabbage puts on a robe, vest, jacket, coat, everything green.

I just finished it by lunchtime...

Finally I went!

In a good mood

Cabbage walked along the path.

Cabbage: Crunch-crunch! Crunch-crunch!

The hares are preparing soup for me!

Leading: And towards you is a prickly Hedgehog.

Hedgehog: Where are you going?

Cabbage: Hello, Hedgehog! Crunch-crunch!

The hares are preparing soup for me!

Hedgehog:. Are you going to the Hares for lunch?

Oh, won't you end up in the soup?

Cabbage: You are prickly and stupid, stupid!

The hares are preparing soup for me!

Leading: And she went her way,

His own, showing off his clothes.

I met a mighty oak,

Cabbage was still surprised...

Oak: To the Hares! Well, go, go.

Don't get into the soup yourself!

Cabbage: You are powerful, but stupid, stupid!

The hares are preparing soup for me!

Leading: Here comes Cabbage to the Hares

And she sat down at the table with a crunch.

Cabbage: Good afternoon to you, khrup-khrup!

Serve up the soup, Hares!

Leading: Well, the Hares say...

Hare 1. Show off your outfit!

Take off your coat!

Nobody will take it!

X he wads up his coat and runs away with it.

Hare 2. It's warm here, no frost.

Take off your vest too!

He grabs the vest and runs away with it.

Hare 3. How dressed up you are! ...

Take off your jacket too!

He grabs his jacket and runs away with it.

Hare 4. Settle down, relax

And take off your robe!

He grabs his robe and runs away with it.

Leading: In vain Cabbage dressed up!

All that's left is the stalk!

Cabbage slowly walks away with its head down.

Leading adult: But cabbage is cabbage!

Should she remain sad?

Cabbage has come to us again!

She brought something else!

Cabbage and the Mistress come out with a tray, covered with a napkin, with pies.

Cabbage. Everyone in the world loves cabbage:

Hares, adults and children!

I can be of use to everyone!

I will be proud of this!

Mistress: While we sang and danced, played various games, pies with cabbage were baked. In the heat of the moment, you'll swallow a couple at once!

Leading: And our mothers are also housewives. They value and respect cabbage, and this is what dishes they surprise us with today!

Mistress: Thanks to our mothers for their work and diligence.

Leading: Shall we try, guys?

Gobble it up by both cheeks

Yes, remember Cabbage!

(group treat with cabbage dishes)