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Set up internet on LG TV. Connecting your TV to the Internet

Often, after purchasing their first SmartTV, users wonder how to connect the TV to the Internet via cable. This issue is especially relevant for inexpensive TVs that are not equipped with a Wi-Fi module.

We connect the TV to the Internet via a cable from the router

If you have a router and want to use it to connect your TV to the Internet, then in addition to the TV itself and the router (of course, the router must be configured and in working condition), you will need a network cable. The network cable must be long enough for you to install it in a convenient way, and the cable must be crimped on both sides. If these two conditions are met, then you can proceed directly to connecting the TV.

Step No. 1. Connect the network cable to the router.

First, we need to connect the network cable to the router. This is extremely easy to do. We simply plug the cable into any of the free LAN ports. It will be difficult to miss and plug it in the wrong place, since the WAN port (which is used to connect to the Internet provider) should already be occupied.

Step No. 2. Connect the network cable to the TV.

Step No. 3. Check the Internet.

If at the time of connection network cable the TV was turned on, a message about connecting to a wired network should have appeared on the screen.

If the TV was turned off, then you can go to SmartTV and open the browser. If the pages load, then the TV’s connection to the Internet via cable was successful.

Below we will look at a few common questions that may arise when connecting a TV.

What to do if the TV is already connected via Wi-Fi

If your TV is already connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi, it may not respond to a cable connection. In this case, you need to click on the “Settings” button on the remote control and go to “Network - Network Connection”.

There you can change wireless network to wired and thus switch to using cable.

How to set static IP addresses on TV

If to connect your TV to the Internet via cable you need to manually configure the connection and set static IP addresses, then this can also be done. To do this, you need to go to the network selection window, as described above, and click on the “Manual” button.

After this, the screen will appear manual settings networks. Here you can specify a static IP address for the TV, as well as a subnet mask, gateway and DNS.

How to find out the MAC address of a TV

The need to find out the MAC address of the TV may arise in different situations. For example, if you want to connect your TV not through a router, but directly to an Internet provider.

So, in order to find out the MAC address of the TV, you need to click on the “Settings” button on the remote control and go to “Network - Network Status”.

After this, a window will open with information about the network status, where the MAC address will be indicated, as well as other information about the connection.

You can also find out the MAC address of the TV by going to “Settings Support - Info.” about the product/service"

Most modern televisions are no longer just repeaters of analogue or digital television, they now have such features as Smart TV, communication using Skype and much more. But most of the new functions that have appeared are based on one primary thing - access to the Internet from the TV. It is thanks to Internet access that you can fully use Smart TV, watch movies from the Internet, chat on Skype, add and use other TV functions. How to set up Internet on TV, the primary task that arises immediately after its purchase. In this article I will show in detail how to connect a TV (suitable for any TV - LG, Philips, Samsung, Sony, etc.) to the Internet using a network LAN cable.

Almost everything modern televisions have functionality that allows them to access the Internet. All that remains is to connect it and configure it. There are two ways to connect your TV to the Internet:

1 Using a network cable;

2 With wireless connection Wi-Fi.

Connecting a cable to a TV is not as simple as it might seem at first, since you need to understand where this cable comes from and where one of its ends is connected. And here there are two options:

1 Network cable is connected to the router;

2 Network the cable is coming from the entrance (provider cable).

Let's look at each option in more detail.

Connecting the TV to the Internet using a network cable from your provider.

This method does not require any additional devices and initially it may seem that everything is simple, but this is not entirely true. The thing is that the providers I use various technologies connections, such as PPPoE, L2TP, Dynamic IP, Static IP. The settings that need to be made on the TV for the Internet to work there depend on what technology your provider uses. You can find out what technology your provider uses by looking at the contract with the provider or calling technical support. Next, I propose to analyze each of the connection technologies:

Dynamic IP. If your provider uses Dynamic IP, it requires minimal effort from you:

1 Connect the network cable from your provider to the TV;

2 Make sure your TV is using Automatic search for network settings.

As an example, I will describe how to do this on LG TVs with WebOS.

Press the "Settings" button on a regular remote control.

If you have a remote magic remote control, press the "Input" button.

Select the gear icon.

Then select "Network" - "Wired Ethernet Connection". There you should see the words “Connected to the Internet”, if so, then congratulations, you have set up the Internet on your TV.

If you see the message “No Internet connection via Ethernet”, select this connection and make sure that it is set to receive network settings automatically.

Static IP. With this connection method, you need to find out from the contract with the provider your network settings and register them in the TV settings. We do everything step by step:

1 Connect the provider’s network cable to the LAN port of the TV.

2 Go to the TV settings and enter the network settings of the provider.

For example, on LG TVs, click the "Settings" button, select from the menu - "Network" - "Wired Ethernet connection",

Uncheck "Automatically" and enter the IP address, mask, gateway, DNS issued by your provider.

PPPoE, L2TP. Unfortunately, very few TVs allow you to set up the Internet if your provider provides the Internet using PPPoE technologies,L2TP. And for most, the way out of this situation is to use a router to connect the TV to the Internet.

Setting up the Internet on the TV when connected via a router.

For this method, it is necessary that the Internet is already configured on the router (you can find out how to configure the router in other articles on our website). Connect one end of the cable to any LAN port of the router.

The other end of the cable goes into the TV.

Go to your TV settings. On LG TVs, to do this, on a regular remote control, press the "Settings" button

or the "Input" button on remote magic controls

and select the gear icon.

Go to the menu "Network" - "Wired Ethernet Connection" and make sure that below this inscription it says "Connected to the Internet."

If this is not the case, check that the TV receives network settings automatically by selecting an Ethernet connection. Click the "Edit" button.

And check the "Automatic" checkbox.

Thus, without special effort, using a LAN network cable, you can set up the Internet on any TV (LG, Philips, Samsung, Sony, etc.).

Video of connecting the TV to the Internet using LAN, Wi-Fi.

Most modern SMART TVs are equipped with at least a LAN port for connecting it to the Internet via a router. At the same time, on TV you can not only surf the Internet, but also watch movies from computers connected to the same network. But not every apartment has a router yet, but I want to watch movies and access the Internet from the TV. What to do? You can connect your TV to your computer via the LAN connector directly. For this we need a network cable.
Comment: A slight difficulty may arise here - a regular “straight” ethernet cable may not be suitable, although modern network cards can somehow “reverse” the cable logically. Then you will need to try a reverse LAN cable (the so-called “Cross-over”).

We plug one end of the network patch cord into the computer’s network card:

The second is to the LAN port of the TV:

We check the indicators to see if the devices are linked. After this, we proceed to connecting the TV to local network. Let's start with the computer's network card.

Settings on the computer:

There are two options for the development of events:

First- it's simple connect the TV via LAN to the computer without Internet access. In this case, you need to register a static IP address on the network computer - let it be with a mask of

On the TV you will also need to register an IP from the same subnet - for example,

Second- This connecting the TV via a computer to the Internet. To do this, your computer or laptop must be connected to the Internet via WiFi or USB modem. Then we will simply use the mechanism built into Windows ICS- Internet Connection Sharing. It allows you to allow access to the global network to local clients. For this purpose in network connections select the one through which you are connected to the Internet and right-click on it. The connection properties window will open in which we are interested in the “Access” tab:

On it you need to check the box “Allow other network users to use this computer’s Internet connection.” Below you need to select “Local Area Network Connection” or “Ethernet” and click OK. In this case, there is no need to register IP addresses - neither on network card, nor on the TV - everything will be assigned automatically.

Settings on TV:

Everything is done very simply on TV. As an example, I'll look at an LG TV. On other brands, despite the external differences in the menu, the meaning of the actions is the same - just act in the same way.

Let's go to Settings and go to the section Net:

Select an item Network configuration. A special configuration wizard will open:

Then it all depends on which of the options you have chosen and configured on your computer. If we just connect the computer to the TV via a LAN port, then click on the “Set up connection” button and enter the IP address with mask .

If you took the second path using the ICS mechanism, then simply click on “Next”. Automatic network connection setup will start:

Click on “Close”. That's all - you have successfully connected the TV to your computer via the LAN connector.

Connecting your TV to the Internet has become fashionable in Lately. Agree, it’s much more convenient to watch movies directly from the Internet on a big TV screen! There are two ways in which you can connect your TV to the Internet: wired and wireless. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

You should start by buying a router. It is needed so that you can use the Internet channel without limiting yourself in the number of devices. Routers are very different, depending on the capabilities and supported technologies. A regular router will work only with the help of cables; its entire setup will consist of setting up the network. On the other hand, a wi-fi router supports a wireless network. The choice of one router or another is yours.

Wired TV connection to the Internet

What kind of TV you have at home doesn’t really matter. In all cases, the connection diagram will be approximately the same. First you need to set up your router so that the TV can find the Internet. The setting should be for IP addresses via DHCP. Once the Internet is automatically transmitted throughout your network, it’s time to set up the TV itself.

To do this, you need to go to the TV network settings, located in the menu. The TV can detect and find the network itself, and then connect to the Internet via installed router. To do this, go to the network settings menu, select “Cable connection” and click the “Next” button. Thus, the TV will try to independently set up a connection to both the network and the Internet. If the connection is successful, the TV will display the settings it received from the router.

If the TV itself cannot find the Internet, you will have to configure the network settings manually. To do this, you need to go to the network settings menu, select “Cable connection”. Next, find the IP settings and set the address to manual mode. Now you need to enter the IP, gateway, mask and the remaining necessary data using the television remote control. Last step– clicking the “Ok” button. Now, if you did everything correctly, your TV will definitely find the network and the Internet.

Wireless TV connection to the Internet

As in the first case, you can start connecting your TV to the Internet wirelessly by trying to connect automatically. To do this, select “Wireless setup” in the network settings. If the TV finds the Internet, then everything worked out. If it is not found, you should specify it manually through the “add network” item. Here you will need to provide the network name and security key. If a wireless network cannot be found, its settings are checked independently. This setup is similar to what was mentioned above when we looked at a wired connection.

You can also try connecting your TV to the Internet using the Plug & Access function. However, not all router models have it. This setup is more labor intensive. You will need a USB flash drive.

First you need to insert the USB flash drive into the wireless router. Now you should check the access point indicator. It's okay if the indicator flashes. Now you can remove the flash drive and insert it into the TV. The connection should be configured automatically.

We hope that our article with the diagram will help you understand the settings for connecting your TV to the Internet. As you can see, connecting the TV yourself is not difficult, the main thing is to approach the matter carefully and strictly follow the instructions.