home · Networks · Libra woman's gemstones by date of birth. Which stone suits Libra - choose the ideal talisman. Main characteristics of Libra according to the horoscope

Libra woman's gemstones by date of birth. Which stone suits Libra - choose the ideal talisman. Main characteristics of Libra according to the horoscope

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac. A distinctive character trait of people born under it is the ability to convince their opponent that they are right. They can defend their opinion in any situation. Thanks to this quality, they often realize themselves in such fields of activity as peacekeeping missions, law and diplomacy. In any controversy, the last word, as a rule, goes to Libra. They know how to give reasons and arguments that will convince others of the correctness of Libra’s judgments.

It is important for Libra to feel that people need them. They always strive to help everyone and sometimes they do not do it from the bottom of their hearts. Libras suffer from frequent mood swings for no apparent reason. It is difficult for them to make any definite decision. The fact is that they always weigh the pros and cons and often they turn out to be equal. Libras are pleasant conversationalists. In communication, they shine with their intelligence and sense of humor. It is easy to communicate with such people, so they usually have many friends.

We will tell you which stone is suitable for Libra to wear as a talisman, and which minerals are contraindicated for them.

Precious and semi-precious stones for Libra should be chosen not only according to the horoscope, but also taking into account the date of birth. Here's how to do it:

  • For Libras born from September 24 to October 2, Venus gives its protection. Such people are friendly towards others. The distinctive features of their character are tenderness and gentleness. Therefore, sometimes it is difficult for them to make firm decisions when necessary. Stones for Libra are diamond, malachite, quartz, lapis lazuli, amethyst and.
  • Libras born from October 3 to October 13 are favored by Saturn. Such people give themselves completely for the sake of their favorite business. Moreover, they do it selflessly. They do not demand respect or material rewards in return. It is important for them simply that their work is useful. The patron stone for Libra in this case will be: ruby, zircon, emerald, tourmaline, amethyst, etc.
  • Libras born from October 14 to 23 are protected by Jupiter. Such people appreciate what they have without asking for something more in return. They are mostly refined natures, connoisseurs of beauty. In this case, the following stones - talismans - may be suitable: sapphires, and diamonds.

Common talisman stones for Libra


is the best talisman for Libra. For those representatives of this zodiac sign who lack hardness, this mineral gives it. Thanks to him, Libra will learn to make strong-willed decisions and take a tough position on certain issues. In addition, a diamond helps you choose the right path in life. This stone also protects the owner from any negativity directed against him.

Good talismans for Libra are. They contribute to the development of the gift of eloquence and help to convince others of the correctness of their judgments, while preventing quarrels and scandals from arising. Aquamarines help you find harmony with yourself. In addition, such stones attract good luck. They help you achieve your goals, no matter what obstacles arise along the way.

The zodiac sign Libra is the most doubtful zodiac sign. Tourmaline will help them get rid of this character trait. Thanks to him, Libra will learn to make firm decisions on certain issues without hesitation. In addition, it gives peace and helps to find harmony with oneself.

For the sign of Libra, it will be a good talisman. It attracts good luck, helps you achieve your goals, and bestows happiness and a positive attitude.

Another amulet for this zodiac sign is opal. It gives self-confidence, helps to make the right decisions and charges the owner with positive energy, which relieves apathy and depression.

Libra is also suitable for wearing a talisman such as beryl. It will protect against any negativity, help you find loyal and devoted friends and strengthen family relationships.

When choosing stones according to your zodiac sign, you also need to take into account who will wear it: a man or a woman. The fact is that there are minerals that are suitable only for representatives of the stronger sex or the weaker sex. We will talk about them further.

Stones for Libra women

According to the horoscope, a stone such as coral is well suited for Libra women. It is considered the best talisman for the fair sex of this sign. helps to avoid age-related changes in appearance for a long time. In addition, it bestows wisdom and helps to make the right decisions in certain situations. Coral also protects against evil witchcraft and any negativity directed against the owner.

Libra is suitable for the fair sex. This stone attracts happiness and love, adds the missing firmness to one’s character and helps one make responsible decisions independently.

If Libra women have problems with eloquence, then they should wear a stone such as. It will help you develop your oratory gift, as well as choose the right path in life. In addition, the stone helps to achieve harmony with oneself and with the outside world.

Suitable for Libra women carrying a baby. It will provide protection to the mother and her baby and will help the woman during childbirth.

In addition, during pregnancy, Libra women are recommended to wear lapis lazuli. It relieves depression, depressed mood and has a positive effect on the mental state of the expectant mother.

Stones for Libra men

If we talk about which stones are suitable for Libra men, then, first of all, astrologers recommend that they wear zircon. It helps develop the gift of eloquence and gives confidence in one’s own abilities. also attracts money luck. With its help, you can improve your material well-being in a short time. In addition, zircon helps to make the right decisions and take responsibility even in difficult situations.

Another stone for Libra men is. It gives self-confidence, calms and allows you to get rid of the negativity that has accumulated during the day. In addition, it helps to recognize lies and deception, attracts money and helps improve your financial situation.

Colorless and yellow sapphires are suitable for Libra men. They improve brain function, help build a career and increase self-esteem. In addition, such stones provide protection from any negativity.

As for which stones are not recommended for Libra, regardless of gender, these are, and.

People of any zodiac sign need protection and Libra is no exception. Stones - talismans - can best provide this. The main thing is to choose the right option for yourself and believe in its magical properties.

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac (September 23 - October 23), which belongs to the element of Air and is under the auspices of the planet of love Venus. These are calm, balanced and peace-loving people with a disarming smile that can melt any heart. They always strive to achieve harmony, try not to conflict with others and outwardly look absolutely serene. But the scales of Libra are not always in balance, and at such moments, representatives of this sign lose faith in their strength, fall into confusion and depression, and cannot work normally and communicate with loved ones. To eliminate indecision, the tendency to constant fluctuations and extremes, they need protection and support. A correctly selected Libra talisman will make their life much easier, charge them with positivity, and protect them from enemies and negative thoughts.

Specifics of the talisman for the zodiac sign Libra

Any object can serve as an amulet for a person, but choosing it is not as easy as it seems - it must have special properties that will allow it to perform the necessary functions to the fullest. The energy of the talisman should not conflict with the energy of its owner, but complement and nourish it, closing the gaps that are formed under the influence of negative factors. For representatives of the sign of Libra, the best amulets are those that carry the energy of its rulers - the elements of Air, the planets Venus and Chiron.

Talisman stones

Semi-precious and precious stones are the most common talismans, which not only carry powerful energy, but also look very aesthetically pleasing.

Women can wear them in the form of any jewelry, men - in the form of cufflinks and bracelets. In addition, the stone can simply be placed in a wallet or pocket - in any case, it will be reliable protection from enemies and a support in difficult situations.

Stones-amulets for Libra women

The fairer sex is suitable for:

Stones for men

For representatives of the stronger sex:

Flowers and plants as amulets for Libra

As an amulet for Libra, you can use indoor plants, each of which has no less powerful energy than stones and other objects. You need to choose the right flowers and place them where a person is most often - living talismans will charge him with positivity and help him in all his endeavors.

Will generously thank the owner for proper care

In character and energy, this plant resembles Libra themselves like no other - it needs constant care and attention. Hydrangea is a strong amulet that will protect its owner and his home from the evil eye, depression and depressive thoughts. It is perfect for representatives of the sign who are prone to excessive dreaminess, or, conversely, too down-to-earth natures - the influence of this flower perfectly helps to balance contradictions and find harmony.

Bell pepper

Improves mood and increases Libra's income

A bright and cheerful plant that will not only be an excellent interior decoration, but will also significantly improve the atmosphere in the house. It transforms the negative energy of irritability and dissatisfaction into positivity, optimism and acceptance of the world around us.

Capsicum represents well-being and material success, and is especially suitable for creative people who dream of receiving practical benefits from their hobby, or increasing their fees.

Helps in solving family problems

The plant carries the energy of airy Mercury, a planet that gives the ability to quickly make the right decisions and navigate difficult situations. It will relieve representatives of the Libra sign from unnecessary doubts, anxieties and worries, harmonize the atmosphere in the family, eliminate minor quarrels and reduce the aggressiveness of household members. Fatsia especially favors people whose activities involve travel or business trips.

The plant is positive not only externally, but also energetically

Indoor pineapple is a plant with pronounced positive energy and the ability to bring positive changes to life. It helps to eliminate internal barriers, get rid of prejudices and routine, and find new, original solutions to old problems. The plant will be very useful for Libra, who are prone to depression, sudden mood swings and apathy - its vibrations will quickly normalize the nervous system and emotional state.

Garden and wild plants

Fresh flowers protect against bad mood

Representatives of the sign who are fond of gardening and love to decorate their home with bouquets and living arrangements are recommended to choose the following plants:

  • freesia;
  • rose;
  • chrysanthemum;
  • violet;
  • marigold;
  • azalea;
  • tulip.

When choosing flowers as a talisman, representatives of this sign are advised to opt for exotic representatives of the fauna world - they carry the energy of mystery, harmony and purity that are inherent in all people born under the sign of Libra, especially women.


It has been noticed that long-lived trees carry strong energy

Thanks to the powerful energy that accumulates over many years, trees can also serve as an amulet for humans. Trees that are suitable for Libra as a talisman include:

  • cherry;
  • alder;
  • olive;
  • hazel;
  • Rowan;
  • maple.

Olive will help Libra in solving everyday problems, rowan will promote career success, and maple will protect against stress and depressive thoughts. In order to make a talisman from wood, it is enough to keep a piece of wood, a twig or dried fruit on your desktop.

Animal mascots

Libra's living mascots are primarily birds, since they most closely correspond to the element of Air. The goose and dove are best suited for representatives of this sign - in order to receive their support, it is enough to carry a bird feather with you. The goose will give them calmness and self-confidence, will not allow them to “soar in the skies” too much and will return them to real life. The dove is a symbol of peace that will protect Libra from any negativity and enemies, and will give strength to solve problems and conflicts.

Indecisive, insecure people can carry with them a peacock feather, which is always proud of itself and does not have the slightest doubt about its attractiveness.

Another living talisman that is perfect for people born in October is a donkey. At first glance, this animal seems stupid, but in fact it has a keen intuition, and will gladly share this quality with its owner. In addition, donkeys are extremely hardy and know how to survive in any conditions, which won’t hurt Libra, who often has poor health.

Representatives of the sign Libra also need the endurance of donkeys.

Other amulets by date of birth

As a talisman, you can choose not only a stone or a tree, but also other objects suitable for energy. One of the important conditions for choosing an amulet is that its owner should like it and evoke exclusively positive emotions in him.


Air signs, which include Libra, should give preference in everyday life to discreet pastel colors, as well as all shades of green and blue. They will bring calm and comfort into the lives of representatives of the sign, help them cope with difficulties and problems, and give them a charge of positivity.


Sometimes bronze combined with precious stones looks more impressive than gold

White gold and bronze suit Libra better than other metals - talisman stones are best worn framed from these materials. They are non-aggressive, but carry the energy of material well-being and stability. Decorations and costume jewelry should be small, since things that are too massive can negatively affect the emotional state of the representatives of the sign.


Often women wear pendants with the image of their sign

A figurine or image of scales is an ideal amulet for people born between September 23 and October 23. They will help you cope with fears and doubts, attract money energy, and give you peace and stability. It is better to choose scales with bowls located on the same line - such a thing will bring harmony to the life of its owner and will balance its contradictory sides.


The sign of Libra is ruled by the planet of love, Venus, so heart-shaped jewelry is suitable as an amulet for its representatives. It will give single people good luck in love, instill confidence in their attractiveness and attract the attention of the opposite sex, and for those who have a permanent partner, it will help make relationships purer and more sincere.


Such a figure, like a circle, a figure eight, symbolizes infinity

The wheel has the correct shape and symbolizes the infinity of all processes on Earth. Libra can always carry a small wheel with them as a talisman - it will protect its owner from negativity and unnecessary doubts in resolving important issues, and will sharpen intuition and practicality.

Winged insects

Butterflies and dragonflies are the personification of the air element, purity and beauty, so they are perfect for Libra as a talisman - they will relieve depression, give energy for new achievements and good luck in business. People who are prone to loss of productivity and laziness can choose a bee for themselves - a symbol of health and hard work. An important condition is that you cannot carry dead or dried insects with you, only images or figurines.

Slavic talismans

The wisdom of the ancient Slavs is also capable of protecting and helping in solving problems

The ancient Slavs believed that people born in mid-autumn entered the palace of the Boar, whose patron was the god of order and justice Ramkhat. The patron tree of the Boar is a pear, and the amulet is a swastika against the background of an image of the sun or star, enclosed in a circle. It symbolizes the harmony of nature, the unity of the elements, the powerful energy of goodness, and will give its owner keen intuition, the ability to make the right decisions and overcome any obstacles.

How to make an amulet yourself

You can acquire an amulet in different ways - buy it, receive it as a gift or by inheritance, but the most powerful are considered to be artifacts made by yourself, since they initially carry the energy of the owner. For Libra, it is best to choose light, airy natural materials - for example, paper or fabric (linen, cotton). You can cut out a small heart from paper or sew it from fabric and stuff it with cotton wool.

Before starting the process, you can take a shower to wash away all the negativity, sit for a while in a calm environment or listen to pleasant music to relax as much as possible. The finished talisman should be placed under the pillow for the whole night, after which it can be used for its intended purpose.

Video: How to make a good luck talisman with your own hands


To activate the talisman, you need to perform a small ritual addressed to the powers of the patron element of the zodiac sign. For Libra, this element is Air. The item needs to be placed in the palm of your hand, the other one folded into a tube and blown on the amulet, taking deep breaths and exhalations so that they coincide with the heartbeat. Mentally you need to ask the forces of nature for protection and support, wait a little, and then also mentally thank the patrons.

How to wear it correctly

The Libra talisman is best worn on the body, but can be placed in a wallet, on a desk, next to the bed, or anywhere else where a person spends the most time. Libra is responsible for the fourth, heart chakra, so the amulet is best worn closer to the heart (on a chain or in a breast pocket), on the left hand or ring finger. You should not give your personal amulet into the hands of strangers, as it can “re-tune” to another energy, and in general you should show it less to strangers. From time to time, the talisman needs to be cleaned of accumulated negativity - rinsed under running water or left in a place where the wind will blow through it, and recharged.

If the amulet has cracked, fallen into pieces, darkened, etc., do not be afraid - this means that it has taken on a large flow of negativity, protecting its owner. In this case, it is recommended to deactivate the item - it is best to burn it and gratefully scatter the ashes to the wind, and then make a new amulet.

People born under the sign of Libra, like the symbol of their constellation, are often subject to hesitation, self-doubt and extremes, depending on which cup weighs in at a certain moment. A correctly selected or made amulet will help its representatives find harmony and tranquility in life, balance contradictory character traits and help them easily overcome obstacles that arise along the path of life.

Libras need amulets that can make them stronger and more decisive. Talismans should symbolize harmony and universal balance. When choosing an amulet or amulet for representatives of the sign, it is worth considering that they strive for the ideal. Therefore, talismans for them must be flawless, tastefully decorated and fit into the interior or wardrobe. It is very important for the sign that the amulet be beautiful. Practical value is not so important.

Talismans for Libra according to their zodiac sign may have the following properties:

The patron saint of Libra is Venus, so things made in the shape of a heart suit them. Talismans for this zodiac sign can be made from almost any material. In this case, form prevails over content. A precious pendant or wooden figurine in the shape of a heart makes Libra brave, proactive and resourceful.

Books are not just talismans for representatives of this zodiac sign. A good library or favorite work can be a great source of energy for Libra. By reading a book, the sign relaxes, gains wisdom and gets rid of the effects of stress.

For a Libra man, a figurine or image of Cupid or the Old Norse god Odin is suitable as a talisman. This will make him more courageous, decisive and purposeful. It is useful for a Libra woman according to her zodiac sign to have a bowl in the house: a real one made of bronze, in the form of a drawing or engraving. Such talismans will help preserve beauty and protect against diseases.

The lucky number for representatives of the sign is 6. It often occurs in their life, foreshadowing pleasant changes. Any number that is divisible by 6 or contains a six will also be favorable. The numbers 2, 5 and 9 bring good luck to Libra. The destiny number of the sign is two, so it is advisable to plan important events on dates containing this number.

The sign loves paired items or symmetrical two-piece items. An image of scales or real apothecary scales with bowls will become a strong amulet for representatives of this zodiac sign. They protect them from the negativity of their enemies, help them cope with their own doubts and balance positive and negative character traits.

Suitable metal is bronze. You can use it to make a heart-shaped bracelet or pendant.

Metal jewelry enhances Libra’s confidence and teaches them to make decisions independently and quickly.

Also, bronze, as an energetically strong metal, attracts money to its owner and restores self-confidence during periods of depression.

Libra reacts negatively to wearing cobalt jewelry. Another suitable metal for them is copper. But one can wear its sign only during periods of doubt about one’s own strength or beauty. Libras benefit from having some gold jewelry. Metal helps achieve financial well-being and gives strength for new achievements. Another useful metal is silver. It improves health and protects against damage.

Libra has a patron tree. The main one is olive. This tree is especially suitable for those born on September 23-24. A twig, fruit or a drawn plant helps in difficult situations, improves the speed of reaction and thinking. Libra can carry a piece of wood or olive bark with him.

Hazel is a suitable tree for representatives of the sign born between September 23 and October 3. A plant, objects or furniture made from its branches brings comfort and tranquility to the life of Libra according to the zodiac sign. Rowan is the patron tree of Libra, whose birthday falls between October 4 and October 13. A sprig or a bunch of berries helps with work, improves your mood and attracts happiness.

Libras born from October 14 to October 22 can use maple as a talisman. This tree has a positive effect on the psychological state of the sign and strengthens physical health. Such a patron from the plant world does not allow Libra to get bored alone, attracting friends and lovers to them. Any tree suitable for the sign can be used for interior decoration or furniture making.

The sign has a main plant mascot. This is a rose. The flower not only pleases the eyes of Libra, but helps them get into the right frame of mind, calm down after a hard day and raise their self-esteem. A plant suitable for Libra most often has a neat shape, lush flowers of small size. These include chrysanthemum, hydrangea, lilac and orchid.

The sign most often chooses a medium-sized animal with a calm disposition. In addition, the pet must be beautiful, because Libra has good taste. A suitable animal for representatives of this astrological period is a decorative dog (Italian Greyhound, Chihuahua, terrier, lapdog) or a long-haired cat (Persian, Norwegian Forest, Siberian). This sign loves to communicate and needs a sociable animal. A talking parrot, a playful dog or a nimble hamster will do.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about talismans and amulets according to the horoscope for the sign of Libra. Not only natural precious stones can become effective amulets for zodiac signs. Each symbol of the zodiac circle has other magical artifacts that are associated with success and strength, giving their bearers protection, luck, strength of character and chances to get what they want. Of course, the zodiac sign Libra also has such items.

What talisman is needed to attract money and luck to the zodiac sign Libra?

Everyone wants to avoid troubles and disasters on the path of life (further, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to set up a talisman to help achieve the desired results). And everyone wants success and luck to accompany them. It is believed that a person’s well-being depends on the efforts he puts into it. But this is only partly true. There are different forces at work in the world, and magical power is one of the most powerful and unknown.

Possessing this power, knowing how to concentrate and direct it, you can influence the events of the physical world. For this, there are various rituals, and magical objects - talismans, amulets and amulets that are used according to the horoscope, are nothing more than a variety of such tools.

People born under the astrological sign of Libra can correct an undesirable situation with the help of a protective talisman or personal amulet. And you can protect yourself from the evil of the human world, from the evil eye, curses and manifestations with the help of amulets for the horoscope sign Libra. Magical items - protective amulets and talismans for good luck according to the signs of the zodiac, can significantly improve the life of their wearer. But you need to choose the amulet correctly.

The most popular classification of magical assistants, powerful talismans and amulets according to the signs of the zodiac is considered to be the classification according to the signs of the zodiac circle. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, think that it is very convenient. Talismans are chosen depending on the date of birth, taking into account the individual characteristics of a person born in a particular sign. I'm a magician Sergei Artgrom, I'll tell you what amulets for the zodiac sign Libra What kind of strong talismans and protective amulets are recommended for representatives of the air trine?

What should be the amulets of the zodiac sign Libra?

Magical artifacts - amulets and birthday talismans allow their wearer to develop and enhance positive characteristics. At the same time, negative traits, thanks to the power of practical magic, can be subjected to the necessary correction. Depending on what features of your personality you want to work on, what you want to change in yourself, choose magic items.

Is it possible to buy ready-made talismans and amulets?

It’s possible, but making your own talisman for your zodiac sign is always welcome. Especially if you are not lazy to work on yourself, develop your spiritual and magical power, and know how to charge talismans. In the old days, items of Power were made by magicians and sorcerers. This practice also applies in the modern world. So, go for it - make magical helpers for yourself or ask knowledgeable people to do it.

Having learned about the strengths and weaknesses, and the sharp edges of the character of people of the Libra horoscope sign, you can begin to select artifacts that will have a positive impact on the goals of the representatives of this astrological horoscope. The main task of birthday talismans for the zodiac sign Libra should be the task of harmonizing relationships with people and oneself.

What talismans bring good luck to the sign of Libra - figures and metals

To solve this most important problem, a figurine depicting scales is suitable. Amulet for the zodiac sign Libra as good as it gets. It is desirable that such a figurine be made of copper, bronze or gold. Silver also works well. The ruling planet of this horoscope sign is Venus, and copper is the metal of Venus, the planet of love.

Venus is not the only planet that patronizes the horoscope sign Libra.

They are also under the tutelage of the Sun, Mars and Saturn. These planets have their own metals - gold, steel, lead, which are usually used to make various magical objects - talismans, strong protective amulets, Slavic amulets by date of birth for representatives of the zodiac sign Libra.

Copper, which conducts the powerful energy of the planet Venus, symbolizes naturalness and eroticism. This metal has healing properties. To get out of a depressed state, it is recommended to wear copper jewelry. However, it is worth considering that copper intoxicates and puts you to sleep. Therefore, if you prefer ancient amulets with solar signs as magical assistants, remember that this metal cannot be worn for a long time.

But, since at the moment we are talking about such an amulet based on the date of birth, like a figurine in the shape of scales, which is not forbidden to stand on the desktop, then it may well be copper and bring success in love and business.

Talisman for the horoscope sign Libra in the shape of a heart.

The heart as a sign of good luck for the zodiac sign Libra is perfect for you. A heart-shaped medallion made of bronze is believed to be a powerful, highly effective magical item. Therefore it is often considered as amulet for men of the Libra sign. A feature of the character of people born under this constellation, which undoubtedly refers to the weak, negative side of character, is indecision and timidity. In addition, Libras often have difficulty making independent decisions. Bronze helps people of this sign to become resistant to the negative influence of others, gives its bearer confidence and stability, despite his changeable character.

Magical items made of silver - boxes, caskets, figurines, jewelry.

And for those representatives of the Libra horoscope sign who are discouraged, sick or stuck in negative energy, silver is perfect.

People often ask what is the best talisman in a state of spiritual and physical weakening?

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, answer: any magical object made of silver. These can also be silver figurines recommended for the Libra horoscope sign as talismans, amulets, or amulets for women or men's talismans (miniature boxes, caskets, figurines in the form of scales, hearts, wheels); and silver jewelry.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

The strong magical properties of this noble metal will purify thoughts and energy, and improve the internal state of a person born in this constellation. And, in addition, silver will help heal wounds of the physical body more quickly. It is not for nothing that in the old days Slavic amulets for women were made of silver. It gives strength, resilience, and assistance during pregnancy and childbirth. And, of course, a silver amulet for a woman with the horoscope sign Libra bestows feminine attractiveness and charisma on its owner.

What amulet to buy for success in life

A miniature wheel, worn in the form of a pendant, can become a very good amulet that will bring true luck and success in any business to the life of a representative of this sign. In other words, the wheel can become good money amulet for the zodiac sign Libra. And, since I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, am talking specifically about the functions of an amulet that attracts good luck, then this item will provide protection to its wearer.

The wheel will protect its bearer from the outside, as well as from unnecessary doubts. It will teach you to trust your intuition and make sober, rational decisions. The wheel can be an effective magical amulet for a woman of the sign of Libra, as well as for a man of this constellation. You need to carry such an amulet with you at all times.

But how to activate the talisman and amulet in the form of a wheel?

In the usual way, like any other magical object - through a witchcraft ritual, or through endless interaction, i.e. through constant contact with a magical artifact.

Talismans of financial luck for the zodiac sign Libra

Apart from the good luck attracting wheel, what are the effective money talismans for the Libra sign that will bring constant financial luck to the people of this sign? Libra belongs to the elemental trine of Air. For all air signs - Libra, Aquarius and Gemini, a talisman made of crystal or glass is perfect. These materials are great for attracting financial luck into the lives of air signs.

Form money talisman for Libra by date of birth, whose main task is to attract cash flows, a pyramidal or cone-shaped one is chosen. A small glass or crystal pyramid placed in the center of the room will accumulate positive energy, as well as the energy of money and well-being.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you what talisman Libra needs to attract and stabilize the family budget:

  • miniature scales – figurine or piece of jewelry
  • a wheel that can be worn as a medallion or kept on your desktop as an element of interior decor
  • figurine in the shape of a pyramid

Which plant talismans bring good luck to the sign of Libra?

The plant kingdom has its own magical helpers and protectors, as well as money talismans based on the dates of birth of the zodiac sign Libra. It is best to give preference to a person of this astrological constellation:

  1. roses,
  2. violets
  3. and marigolds (calendula).

Stones for Libra are not difficult to choose if you know some secrets. In addition to the zodiac sign, you also need to take into account the person’s birthday, gender and many other factors. If you choose the right stone, it will help in all areas of life.

Stones for Libra are not difficult to choose if you know some secrets

When determining suitable stones, it is necessary to take into account the decade of birth. There are 3 main groups:

  1. Libras born between September 23rd and October 1st. This is the first decade. This sign of Libra is characterized by having their head in the clouds - they often dream, but at the same time they need a lot of communication. They are characterized by gullibility. They treat other people well. The following may be suitable for them: jade, lapis lazuli, malachite, amazonite, moonstone and tiger's eye. Agate, amethyst, and jasper also have a good effect.
  2. Libra born between October 2 and October 13. This is the second decade. This zodiac sign is distinguished by prudence. These people are very modest. Most suitable for them: topaz, tourmaline, chrysolite. Also – various forms of quartz.
  3. Libra born between October 14th and October 23rd. This is the third decade. Libras have well-developed creativity. They carry out traditions. Emerald and sapphire are recommended for this zodiac sign Libra. You can also wear tourmaline, topaz, ruby. In addition, you can use zircon, aquamarine and chrysolite.

You need to select stones according to your zodiac sign, based on your date of birth. Then the effect will be even stronger. In this case, the Libra stones for each day will be different. For example, on September 24 it is recommended to give aquamarine. The symbol of October 1 is a pomegranate, and if a person was born on October 23, then it is best to give him topaz as a talisman. But, regardless of birthday, all Libras are advised to be careful with stones that have a bright red tint.

Not all semi-precious and precious stones are suitable for Libra. It is not recommended to choose jet. This black stone is capable of causing misanthropy, which is not at all typical for Libra, who is distinguished by his love of humanity. Because of this, people (Libra according to the horoscope) have difficulties in life and depression.

Onyx and hematite are also not suitable. The first makes a person less emotional, restrains all experiences inside. And Libra is prone to this even without onyx. This mineral is capable of accumulating energy, not only positive, but also negative. As a result, a person simply cannot cope with it. Of course, you can periodically wear hematite, since it is capable of fulfilling a person’s desires, but only if the latter knows what he really wants. In addition, hematite cannot be kept with you for too long.

It is not recommended to use opal all the time. Although it belongs to the group of Libra talismans, it is still not suitable for long-term wear. This is especially true for female representatives. In addition, the coil is contraindicated.

Libra is the opposite of Aries, so all its talismans are also not recommended for use. This applies to sardonyx, rhodolite, carnelian and bright red stones.

Stones and talismans for Libra (video)

Talismans for Libra

Who is suitable for Libra is not difficult to determine. It is imperative to take into account the person’s character traits and what the mineral affects. The following stones can be distinguished:

  • Lapis lazuli. This is the best talisman for Libra. It will make a person more successful, assertive, and decisive. To do this, you must have jewelry with such a mineral. Thanks to this, a person will become more confident. His best qualities will be revealed. If you can’t find a common language with a company for a long time, then lapis lazuli will strengthen friendships and help you find a soul mate. By the way, jewelry with lapis lazuli will set you up not only for work, but also for relaxation. The stone removes emotional stress and absorbs all negativity. That is why it is recommended to clean it at least once every 2 weeks - put it in running water for 20 minutes.
  • Topaz. Also a wonderful mascot for Libra. It gives wisdom, attracts money and luck. Makes a person decisive and helps cope with emotions. In addition, topaz can stimulate aspirations.

  • Diamond. If you need to determine which signs are suitable for a diamond, then it is Libra. He will be a reliable talisman for a person. He is a symbol of moral purity. Vesom must have jewelry with a diamond - this is one of the main amulets. The diamond will work as a mirror shield, so it simply reflects all the negativity. In addition, it helps a person develop in the right direction.
  • Beryl. Whoever suits beryl is definitely Libra. This gem is the key to strong family ties. In addition, it allows you to improve relationships with relatives, friends, and colleagues. It will help a person to properly spend all his energy on various areas of life. Great for creative people and those who work hard mentally.
  • Tourmaline. It would be difficult to find a more suitable stone for Libra. He is able to develop intuition and helps make the right decisions. It eliminates the duality of nature, therefore, the longer a person wears jewelry with tourmaline, the more he perceives himself as a full-fledged person. Develops balance, saves from negative energy.

  • Sapphire. Since almost all Libras are very emotional, they are recommended to carry this crystal with them. This stone is capable of calming ardor. The person will become calmer and more resilient. It harmonizes the personality. In addition, if someone is sick, then you just need to hold the stone in your hands: it takes away the painful energy.
  • Amethyst. This stone promotes mental balance. The person will become calmer. Protects against negative energy. In addition, it will protect against nostalgia, which destroys the integrity of the individual.
  • Amber. If you need to choose the right thing in any area of ​​life, then it is best to wear jewelry with amber. Each zodiac sign has different jewelry and wearing options. For Libra, it is recommended to wear a ring with such a stone. It will help a person go in the right direction. Wear it exclusively on the second finger.

Gallery: stones for Libra (50 photos)

How to choose an amulet based on a person’s gender

According to the horoscope, Libra women need to wear tourmaline jewelry. It is quite difficult for representatives of this sign to cope with their personal lives, especially considering that in most cases they do not show their own emotions. But tourmaline will help you open your soul and teach you how to do this. Such a talisman is best suited for Libra women, especially if they are single. In addition, tourmaline is able to hide the variability of personality. The stone will bring good luck to a woman with any specialization, but it is especially recommended for teachers and doctors.

Libra women need the attention of other people. They definitely need communication and love. It is coral that will help a woman become more sociable. Products with such a stone can also strengthen family relationships. Coral protects love, it protects external negativity. In addition, wearing the stone close to the body improves the condition of the skin and overall well-being.

Malachite is suitable as a talisman for a woman. It promotes harmonization in all areas of life. The mineral increases self-esteem, makes dreams and plans come true. Thanks to him, you can fully realize yourself. Persuasiveness in speech develops, so that a person becomes more diplomatic and has oratory abilities.

You can also wear topaz. This crystal also helps in life. In addition, turquoise is recommended, especially for pregnant women. The mineral is able to protect both the woman and the baby. In addition, lapis lazuli can be worn during pregnancy. It has a positive effect on the psyche and prepares for motherhood.

This one is also suitable for Libra women. It preserves external beauty and reveals the inner world of a person, making him more attractive. This stone is most suitable for women who want to become mothers. The gem will prevent mental disorders.

It is important to know, which stones are suitable for Libra men. It is best to use yellow sapphires, but colorless options will also come in handy. They strengthen resistance to external negative influences and develop mental abilities. Working with your head will be more productive, which is very important for people of this sign. In addition, sapphires can make a person more courageous and decisive.

It is imperative to choose the right stones for Libra men. For example, chrysolite is excellent. It is able to calm and remove emotional stress. In addition, chrysolite is a talisman stone that will attract money to its owner, which is very important for Libra, who prefer financial well-being and complete comfort in life. But the gem will protect only honest people.

Opal is also suitable for a man. They prefer not to fight, but to adapt, so such a talisman will help them with this. It is not necessary to carry the mineral with you every day - you can simply look at it periodically - at least for a few minutes a day. It will make a person more decisive, and will help single men choose their mate.

Stones for attracting financial well-being (video)


Many people think about which stone is suitable for Libra. There are many options, but when choosing, you must take into account your date of birth, decade, gender and other factors. It is best to contact a specialist, but you can choose a good amulet yourself. The main thing is not only the choice of a suitable talisman, but also the correct handling of it.

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