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Cool games for New Year's corporate parties. New Year's games at the table

Usually, the brightest and most memorable corporate events are holidays with fun competitions and skits, in which all employees of the company can express themselves. We hope that the games and competitions offered to your attention will help you in organizing a corporate vacation.

Game "Jump into the New Year"

A ribbon is pulled in front of the players, symbolizing the junction of two years. As soon as the presenter calls the number “three”, everyone makes a jump into the “new year”, that is, they jump over the ribbon.

New Year is my favorite holiday,

How beautiful, look.

We'll jump into the New Year together,

As I say: one - two - five...

New Year comes at midnight

Look at the clock

How the arrows come together

Let's jump together: one - two - one!

Round dances around the Christmas tree...

Come on, Christmas tree, burn!

Our Christmas tree will light up

When he hears: one - two - seven!

We are tired of waiting for a long time,

It's time to say "three".

Those who didn't jump are a cucumber!

Whoever jumped, well done!

Hot snowball competition

Explain that: I have a snowball in my hands, it is not ordinary, it is hot. Whoever holds this snowball will melt. Everyone stands in a large circle. The snowball (make a big one from padding polyester) is played to the music. The music stops, whoever has the snowball remains melts (i.e. is removed.) And so on until the last participant. The latter is given the title of Snowman, or Snow Queen. Not stressful and fun.

"Sew on a button"

2 teams of 4 people each participate. The teams stand behind each other. Large fake buttons (4 pieces for each team), made of thick cardboard, lie on the chairs, next to the teams. At a distance of 5 meters from the teams there are large reels on which a rope 5 meters long is wound, and a knitting needle lies. At the command of the leader, the first participant unwinds the rope, threads it into a needle (knitting needle) and passes it to the next participant, the second player sews on a button and passes the needle to the third participant, etc. The team that completes the task first wins.


The game involves 2 people. To play the game you need 2 chairs, which are located at a distance of about 10 meters from each other, 10 balloons in two colors (for example: 5 red and 5 blue), 2 empty plastic bottles. At the signal from the leader, 2 “shepherds” must drive their “sheep” (balls of a certain color) into their “caves” (chairs) with plastic bottles. This needs to be done quickly, without “losing” a single “sheep.”

"Balloon Dance"

The game involves 5-6 people; a balloon is tied to the left leg of the participants. Participants must dance to the music and try to burst their opponent's balloon with their right foot. The game continues until the participant has one ball left.

"Musical vinaigrette"

The game involves 6 people, i.e. 3 pairs. To modern music, couples need to dance “gypsy”, “lezginka”, tango, “lady”, modern dance. Based on the audience's applause, the best couple is chosen.

Game "The main thing is that the suit fits"

To play you will need a large box or bag (opaque) in which various items of clothing are placed: size 56 panties, caps, size 10 bras, glasses with a nose, shoe covers, wigs, etc. funny things.

The presenter invites those present to update their wardrobe by taking something out of the box, with the condition not to take it off for the next half hour.

At the presenter’s signal, the guests pass the box to the music. As soon as the music stops, the player holding the box opens it and, without looking, takes out the first thing he comes across and puts it on himself. The view is amazing!

Competition “Next year I will definitely...”

Each of those present takes pieces of paper and completes the phrase in three versions - “next year I will definitely...”, the pieces of paper are put into a common container, mixed and in three sittings they are pulled out of the container by those present and read aloud. For example, a young man’s statement that I will definitely give birth to a child next year, etc. causes great joy among others... The success of the fun depends on the imagination of the participants...

The player is asked to cover himself with a blanket. Then they report that those around him have made a wish for the thing that is on him and offer to guess what it is. For each incorrect answer, the player must remove the named item. The secret of the game is that the correct answer is a blanket, and the player, as a rule, does not know about it.

For convenience, the blanket can be supported by someone else.

Locker rooms

Volunteers are called - 2 boys and 1 girl. And so 2 or 3 teams. The task, at the command of the presenter, is to put on the girl as quickly as possible and as many clothes taken from the guys. Even socks and underpants count. As a result, imagine this picture: there is a girl dressed from head to toe in men’s clothing, and two naked guys! The degree of their nudity is determined by the degree of their modesty and the size of the prize for the winner!

Where did I go last year

This game requires three to four people. They turn their backs to the guests. Sheets of paper are attached to their backs, on which the names of institutions, organizations, and public places are written. For example: bathhouse, police station, railway station, and so on.

If the party is private, close people have gathered, you can be naughty and, without holding back your imagination, diversify the list (toilet, maternity hospital, etc.).

Participants should not see what is written. Each of them is asked questions in turn. How often do you visit this place? Do you go there alone or accompanied by someone? What are you doing there? Is admission to this place free or do you have to buy a ticket?

Since the participants do not see what is written on their backs and answer at random, ridiculous and funny mismatches and inconsistencies arise.

Russian roulette

A very effective prank. That is why it is carried out only once. Repeatedly organizing it in an auditorium where at least one person is familiar with the nuances of the game detracts from the experience.

Men present at the evening are invited to demonstrate their ability to be romantic and reckless. As once in knightly tournaments, each of them can dedicate participation in this competition to their beloved lady.

The men stand in a row. The hostess approaches each one in turn, holding a vase with eggs in her hands. Boiled eggs, except for one. Each man must take an egg and break it on his forehead.

Here you need a certain courage and courage - what if you end up with a raw egg? Real Russian roulette!

The situation becomes more tense the fewer eggs remain in the vase.

Usually it is the ladies who are very worried about the preservation of the decent appearance of the “tournament” participants. They begin to give advice on how to get up and break more conveniently; hand out napkins.

The game, of course, requires certain props, but given that the New Year's table is set almost everywhere, there should be no problems with its preparation. The number of eggs is determined by the number of people present at the party.

The secret is that there are no raw eggs in the vase. They are all hard-boiled.

Auction “Pig in a poke”

During the break between dances, you can hold a silent auction. The presenter shows the participants the lots, wrapped in wrapping paper so that it is not clear what is inside. To provoke the audience, the presenter jokes about the purpose of the item.

The auction uses real money, and the starting price of all lots is quite low. The participant who offers the highest price for the item buys it.

Before being given to the new owner, the item is unwrapped to satisfy the curiosity of the public. It is advisable to alternate funny and valuable lots to increase the excitement of the public.


A volunteer is selected. One presenter takes him away and explains that he will have to depict a kangaroo with gestures, facial expressions, etc., but without making a sound, and everyone else must guess what he is depicting. At this time, the second presenter tells the audience that now the victim will show a kangaroo, but everyone must pretend that they do not understand what kind of animal is being shown to them. It is necessary to name any other animals except kangaroos. It should be something like: “Oh, so it’s jumping! So. It’s probably a rabbit. No?! Strange... Well then it’s a monkey.” After five minutes, the imitator will really resemble a maddened kangaroo.

Marksman pen

You will need two tin cans, 20 coins. Two couples are called - a gentleman and a lady. Now gentlemen have a jar attached to their belt. Ladies are given 10 coins. Ladies move 2 meters away from gentlemen. At the presenter’s signal, the lady must throw all the coins into the gentleman’s jar. The gentleman helps her by rotating his waist (if he has one). The pair with the most coins in the jar wins.

As a rule, the brightest and most memorable corporate events are holidays with fun competitions and skits in which all company employees can express themselves. We hope that the games and competitions offered to your attention will help you in organizing a corporate vacation.

Leap into the New Year
A ribbon is pulled in front of the players, symbolizing the junction of two years. As soon as the presenter calls the number “three”, everyone makes a jump into the “new year”, that is, they jump over the ribbon.

New Year is my favorite holiday,
How beautiful, look.
We'll jump into the New Year together,
As I say: one-two-five...
New Year comes at midnight
Look at the clock
How the arrows come together
Let's jump together: one-two-one!
Round dances around the Christmas tree...
Come on, Christmas tree, burn!
Our Christmas tree will light up
When he hears: one-two-seven!
We are tired of waiting for a long time,
It's time to say "three".
Those who didn't jump are a cucumber!
Whoever jumped, well done!

Sew on a button
2 teams of 4 people each participate. The teams stand behind each other. Large fake buttons (4 pieces for each team), made of thick cardboard, lie on the chairs next to the teams. At a distance of 5-6 meters from the teams there are large reels on which a 5-meter long rope is wound and a knitting needle lies. At the command of the leader, the first participant unwinds the rope, threads it into a needle (knitting needle) and passes it to the next participant, the second player sews on a button and passes the needle to the third participant, etc. The team that completes the task first wins.

The game involves 2 people. To play the game you need 2 chairs, which are located at a distance of about 10 meters from each other, 10 balloons in two colors (for example, 5 red and 5 blue), 2 empty plastic bottles. At the signal from the leader, 2 “shepherds” must drive their “sheep” (balls of a certain color) into their “caves” (chairs) with plastic bottles. This needs to be done quickly, without “losing” a single “sheep.”

Dance with a ball
The game involves 5-6 people. A balloon is tied to the left leg of the participants. Participants must dance to the music and try to burst their opponent's balloon with their right foot. The game continues until the participant has one ball left.

Musical vinaigrette
The game involves 6 people, i.e. 3 pairs. To modern music, couples need to dance “gypsy”, “lezginka”, tango, “lady”, modern dance. Based on the audience's applause, the best couple is chosen.

The player is asked to cover himself with a blanket. Then they report that those around him have made a wish for the thing that is on him and offer to guess what it is. For each incorrect answer, the player must remove the named item. The secret of the game is that the correct answer is a blanket, and the player, as a rule, does not know about it. For convenience, the blanket can be supported by someone else.

This is me, this is me, these are all my friends
1. Who sometimes walks with a cheerful gait with vodka?
2. Tell me out loud, which of you catches flies at work?
3. Who is not afraid of frost and drives like a bird?
4. Which of you will grow up a little and become a boss?
5. Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
6. Which of you, so wonderful, always drinks vodka barefoot?
7. Who completes the work task on time?
8. Which of you drinks in the office, like at today’s banquet?
9. Which of your friends walks around dirty from ear to ear?
10. Which of you walks on the pavement with your head upside down?
11. Which of you, I want to know, likes to sleep at work?
12. Which of you comes to the office an hour late?

Where did I go last year
This game requires three to four people. They turn their backs to the guests. Sheets of paper are attached to their backs, on which the names of institutions, organizations, and public places are written. For example: bathhouse, police station, railway station, etc. If the party is private, close people have gathered, you can be naughty and, without holding back your imagination, diversify the list (toilet, maternity hospital, etc.). Participants should not see what is written. Each of them is asked questions in turn. How often do you visit this place? Do you go there alone or accompanied by someone? What are you doing there? Is admission to this place free or do you have to buy a ticket?
Since the participants do not see what is written on their backs and answer at random, ridiculous and funny mismatches and inconsistencies arise.

Khristoforovna, Nikanorovna
You need space to run, at least a little. We divide everyone into 2 teams, put 2 chairs, and hang scarves on the chairs. On command, the first players run, run to a chair, sit down, put on a scarf, say: “I am Khristoforovna” (or “I am Nikanorovna”), take off the scarf, run to their team, the second player runs, etc. The faster team wins. The losing team sings ditties.

Gifts from Santa Claus
Call 5-6 people. They must illustrate with movement the words of the presenter. The winner is the one who shows all the movements better.
Santa Claus brought gifts to the family.
He gave dad a comb.
Show him with one hand how he combs his hair.
He gave his son skis.
Show him how he skis.
He gave his mother a meat grinder.
Show her how she twists the meat.
He gave his daughter a doll.
She bats her eyelashes and says “Mom.”
And he gave his grandmother a Chinese bobblehead that shakes its head.”
All movements are performed simultaneously.

Long arm
Place the glasses with the drink on the floor at your feet and walk as far as possible. And then get your glass without leaving your place and without touching the floor with your hands and knees.

At the beginning of this game, the host of a corporate party challenges two men to participate in a boxing match. Participants put on boxing gloves; several guests, holding hands, mark the boundaries of the boxing ring. The presenter escalates the situation, as if holding a real boxing match. After a short warm-up, the opponents converge in the center of the ring. The judge announces the rules of the fight. After that, he gives the participants the same candy and asks them to remove the wrapper as quickly as possible.

Hang the toy on the Christmas tree
Participants with their Christmas tree decorations go out to the middle of the room. Everyone is blindfolded and everyone is rotated several times around their axis. The task of each participant is to go in the direction where, in his opinion, the tree is located and hang a toy on it. You can't fold it. If the participant chooses the wrong path, he is obliged to hang the toy on what he “bumps” into. To create confusion in the ranks of the participants, women can be evenly distributed around the room and stand in their way. The winner is the one who hangs the toy on the tree and the one who finds the most original place for the toy.

Guests are divided into 3 groups. They sing the phrases:
“There are soaked brooms in the bathhouse” (in a low voice).
“The spindles are not crushed” (high).
“But the sponges are not dried” (low).
All: “Mistress, lady, lady-madam.”

Whose ball is bigger
Whoever inflates the biggest balloon without it bursting wins.

Each dancing couple holds an apple or a small ball between their foreheads. The musician changes melodies from slow to fast. The dancers' task is to hold the apple. The last one sounds is “Apple”, and you are invited to dance in a squat position.

For accuracy competitions, it is best to use a factory-made Darts game. A simpler option is to throw markers or felt-tip pens (with the cap open) from a distance of 3-5 m at a target drawn on a sheet of paper attached to the wall. You can come up with a humorous meaning for each number that determines the degree of attitude towards work. The most accurate participant receives a prize. The marker should be intended for drawing only on paper, then accidental traces of it can be easily washed off with alcohol.

New Year celebrations traditionally begin a little earlier than the calendar date. So, in the last weeks of December, many enterprises and institutions organize fun corporate parties - with incendiary competitions, games and other entertainment. In addition, kindergartens and schools hold matinees where children receive delicious gifts from Father Frost and Snow Maiden.

Very little time will pass, and now we will listen to the chimes with bated breath, making our cherished wish on New Year's Eve. Then follows a series of holidays and weekends, when each house receives guests, and also visits relatives and friends. Of course, a generously laid table is considered an integral part and “highlight” of the program of such events.

However, people gather together not only for delicious food and drinks - the holiday should become a bright and unforgettable event. We propose to include in the script the best cool and funny competitions for the New 2019 Year of the Pig (Boar) - for a cheerful company of adults or children. We will be happy to share ideas and videos of table “sedentary” and active entertainment and fun New Year’s games. Happy New Year to you!

Many employees plan a festive scenario for their colleagues long before the New Year. But now more and more organizations are ordering a professional presenter. If the organization is young and just developing, then you can organize a corporate event on your own.

Competitions for the New Year 2019 - New Year's games and entertainment for children and families

New Year is the most “family” and sincere holiday that unites close people. Thus, the Yellow Earth Pig patronizes the home and children, and simply loves fun entertainment. If you want to respect the future mistress of the year, spend New Year's Eve at home, in a cozy home environment. We have selected the most fun competitions - you can come up with a lot of interesting fun for the New Year 2019! Children, adults or the whole friendly family can take part in such New Year's games.

A selection of New Year's competitions, games and entertainment for the New Year of the Pig (Boar)

To hold this competition, you will need a certain number of Christmas tree decorations - one less than the number of participants. Cheerful music plays, to which children “walk” near the table with bright toys. Suddenly the melody stops, and everyone must grab one toy - the one who does not have time is out of the game. The most agile player is declared the winner, who will get the last “prey”. However, as a consolation prize, eliminated participants can be given sweets or a toy pig - a symbol of 2019.

There are several people in the room - adults and children, relatives, friends. The essence of the competition is that the selected blindfolded player must “guess” each of those present. To complicate the task, the main character can wear mittens. All participants take turns coming up for “identification,” which is not so easy to do in mittens. Such a New Year's competition always causes a lot of laughter and fun, helping to establish a relaxed, spiritual atmosphere.

Jokes for corporate parties for the New Year 2019

Scenes can be either pre-rehearsed or unexpected. The most interesting thing is that unexpected scenes turn out to be much more interesting and funnier.

Options for scenes for corporate events:

  • Knight. The host chooses the most beautiful man and woman. The woman stands on the chair, she is a long-haired princess. In addition to the man, 2 more men participate in the scene. One plays the role of a knight, the second a knight's horse and cloak. At the same time, the knight tries to remove the princess from the chair, but he is sitting on a horse, and he is wearing a cloak. The office employees are delighted with the scene.
  • Teremok. For the scene you will need all the participants in the fairy tale, as well as costumes. Moreover, women play male roles and vice versa. It is necessary for the presenter to read a fairy tale, and for the characters to enter a large box or fenced area, like a mansion. You can give participants the words of each character on a piece of paper in advance.
  • Fly Tsokotukha. The fairy tale is also being remade in a new way. Participants are selected from the audience; these are the main characters, as in the fairy tale. The scene is supplemented by clippings from modern songs that fit the meaning of a specific segment of the fairy tale.

The coolest competitions for a fun company - for the New Year 2019, video

With the New Year 2019 approaching, I want to arrange a bright and unforgettable holiday. Today we will make adjustments to the usual New Year's scenario - in the form of cool competitions and games for a cheerful company of adults and children. The perky and cheerful Pig welcomes an active pastime, so it’s better to prepare cool competitions for the New Year 2019 in advance. On our pages you will find several original ideas for New Year’s competitions, as well as an interesting video with holiday entertainment.

The New Year is just around the corner, and the time for widespread corporate events is approaching. And even at home, many groups of friends will probably want to diversify their vacation with games. And now is the time to pick up competitions for the New Year 2019.

Remember: what is ideal for a small group of vacationers is not at all suitable for a large corporate event. And you can afford more at home than in the same restaurant.

New Year's competitions for home holidays

In small companies, it is worth giving preference to those New Year competitions that involve the inclusion of everyone present so that no one gets bored. And it’s not that difficult to place 5–7 people in one competition.

Take care of the prizes in advance. Even an adult wants to receive some kind of material proof of his victory. Let it be the most ordinary sweets, tangerines or simple souvenirs with the symbol of the year. At the end of the evening, participants can count who has collected the most prizes. This is also a lot of fun.

New Year's melody

For this competition you will need several identical bottles into which water is poured at different levels. It turns out to be a kind of musical instrument. The bottles are placed on the table, and guests are invited to use an ordinary spoon to perform any New Year's melody on these bottles. The winner is the one who, according to the general opinion, extracted the most similar melody.

Anecdote with a beard

Each person in the company takes turns telling a joke. If one of the others says that he knows this joke and really continues it, then the narrator is given a cotton beard. In the end, the one with the shortest “beard” wins. And the “bearded” one can be appointed Santa Claus.

Find a Christmas tree

Another very fun competition for the New Year. To do this, you will need to purchase a car fragrance in the shape of a Christmas tree in advance. They usually have a very strong, specific smell. It is hidden somewhere in the room, and guests must find the item by smell.

Hold the snowflake

This competition will again require some cotton wool. You need to make some kind of small and light snowflake. It should be possible to hold it suspended by air flow. A snowflake is thrown up, and the participants must blow on it from below, preventing it from falling. The winner, naturally, is the one whose snowflake falls to the floor later.

New Year's gift

3 people can participate in this competition at the same time. The gender of the participants does not matter. One of the three is placed in the center of the room. It will be a New Year's gift. The other two are placed on opposite sides of the “gift” and blindfolded. One is given ribbons in his hands, he must tie bows on the gift by touch. The second one should also untie them by touch.


This competition is designed for a fairly warm company. A piece of paper that is long but not too wide is placed on the floor. A roll of standard wallpaper is ideal. Next, women are asked to cross the “stream” without getting their feet wet, that is, to walk along its two banks with their legs spread wide apart. The first time women try to do this with their eyes open, the second time - with their eyes closed.

Moreover, when the first of them overcomes the “stream”, the rest should be outside the room. When the woman finishes the test, but her eyes have not yet been untied, one of the men present lies down on the “stream”.

The woman's eyes are untied. She sees a man and, naturally, is embarrassed. The next woman is now invited to participate. The first one sees how the competition actually went, calms down and laughs.

In my pants

This is exactly the rare case when ordinary newspaper headlines can be useful. Journalists now compete especially zealously for originality. Cut out the most unexpected ones and put them in an envelope. Then this envelope is passed around in a circle. Each participant takes out one headline and says “and in my pants...” and reads the headline from the piece of paper he pulled out.

New Year's competitions for a small company in a restaurant

This case has its own characteristics. Funny competitions for the New Year in a restaurant can be quite moving, but not too much so as not to damage the furniture and dishes. Therefore, you should not involve everyone present in competitions at once. It is better to involve 2-3 people. Competitions are also welcome, allowing you to have fun without leaving the table. In this case, you can have fun even where there is no special agreement for this.

Congratulations in alphabetical order

Invite guests to take turns congratulating those gathered and making toasts, but not just like that, but in alphabetical order. The first one says a toast with the letter “a”, the second one with the letter “b” and so on. The fun, naturally, begins towards the end of the alphabet, around the letters “th”, “s”, as well as hard and soft signs. The winner is the one whose congratulations or toast turns out to be the most fun.

The original involves a competition with a fake, hand-drawn pie, on each piece of which predictions are written or drawn. Thus, a drawn penny portends wealth; the heart, of course, is love; envelope - news, news, and so on.

You can also hold a competition with a real pie, each piece of which contains such a prediction. Fortune telling and predictions are invariably successful. People always want to know what awaits them in the future. And even if the fortune telling is comic, it brings a lot of pleasure


An ideal competition for the New Year in a restaurant. Firstly, guests don’t have to get up anywhere, and secondly, it’s quite fun and interesting. Remind your guests of the plots of several famous fairy tales, invite them to choose one for themselves and retell it, but slightly changing the genre. It could be a detective story, a thriller, a romance novel. If desired, you can spend several rounds, changing tales and changing genres. In each round, the winner is the author of the most interesting version.

Two oxen

Two participants are selected. They stand with their backs to each other, and a rope tied in a ring is thrown over them in the manner of a harness. A chair or table with a prize is placed in front of each participant at a distance of several meters. The task of the participants is to outweigh their opponent and be the first to grab their prize.


For this cool competition for the New Year, you will need some delicate product: jelly, jellied meat, soufflé. The task of the participants is to eat their portion as quickly as possible using matches or toothpicks. This competition is good because it does not require getting up from the table and is quite fun for both participants and spectators.


Another “sedentary” competition. Each participant is given a pen and paper, where he must write down all New Year's dishes, for example, starting with the letter “n”. When the lists are ready, the participants read them out one by one. The one whose list is longer wins.

This competition could be slightly modernized. Participants do not make preliminary lists, but simply name their dishes one by one. We can't repeat ourselves. Anyone who finds it difficult to answer is eliminated. The last one standing wins. This competition is very good at awakening the appetite, and it is convenient to conduct it, for example, between appetizers and hot dishes.

New Year's competitions for corporate events

Corporate events usually involve the presence of a large number of people who barely know each other in one place. It is here that employees of different departments meet for the first time, who in ordinary life have no contact with each other, or are even at enmity. Therefore, competitions for New Year’s corporate parties should unobtrusively bring people together. Here team entertainment, pair competitions and the like are used.

Chief Accountant

Various banknotes in a variety of currencies are drawn randomly on the poster. Banknotes must be recognizable. The participants' task is to count the bills starting from the first and ending with the last. Moreover, all currencies must be counted simultaneously: 1 ruble, 1 dollar, 1 euro, 2 euros, 2 dollars, 2 rubles. The winner is the one who never gets lost.


Since a separate room is most often rented for corporate events, you can usually afford mobile competitions here. For the Diver competition you will need two pairs of fins and two binoculars. Participants go to the start in twos, put on fins, take binoculars and, looking through them from the back, try to cover the distance as quickly as possible. This is quite difficult, so you should not make the distance too long, and especially difficult, with a lot of turns and obstacles.

Baba Yaga

The meaning is similar to the previous one. Participants place one foot in the bucket and hold it with their hand. They are given a mop in the second hand. Baba Yaga in a mortar with a broom is ready. It remains only to find out which of the two (three) is more agile and faster.


Team competitions are also good for New Year's corporate events. For example, the next one. Participants are divided into 2 teams and each of them is given a ball. First, the teams discover a new planet, that is, they inflate the resulting balloon. And then they pick up markers and begin to populate this planet. That is, draw residents on the ball. When the allotted time ends, the presenter counts the inhabitants on both planets. The team with the largest population wins.

Damaged phone and Associations

Don't forget about the good old, time-tested games. For example, a damaged phone. Participants sit in a circle or in a chain, depending on the capabilities of the room. In principle, you can play it without leaving the table. The first participant whispers the hidden word into the neighbor’s ear. Usually it is advised to do it quickly and indiscriminately. But in fact, no matter how you pronounce your word, there will be many people in a long chain who will hear it incorrectly. Whispering does not improve speech intelligibility. As a result, you need to compare the initial and final words.

The association game is not too different from telephone. In this case, the participants do not repeat the word they heard, but tell their neighbor their associations: Santa Claus - gifts - holiday, and so on.

The main thing is that the suit fits

This competition is best held towards the end of the evening, when the guests are already slightly drunk, have gotten to know each other and are ready for some really fun competitions. Prepare a bag in advance with various funny clothes: felt boots, scarves, scarves, family pants, diapers for adults, quilted jackets, glasses with a mustache, and so on. Contestants are seated in a circle and a bag of clothes is passed around while music plays. When the music stops, the person who still has the bag, without looking, takes out one item from there and puts it on himself. The winner is declared to be the one wearing the least amount of “competition” clothing. However, by the end everyone looks cheerful.


The participants are again divided into two teams and given 8 inflated balloons. Each team has its own colored balls. For example: red and blue. Letters are written on the balls with a marker so that the end result is the word “Snowman”.

You can make other words from these 8 balls. This is what the speed teams will do. The presenter asks questions, the answers to which can be laid out from the given letters. The team that completes the task faster earns a point. The team that scores more points than the opponent wins.

Paper dress

Participants participate in this competition in pairs. The man's task is to create a dress out of toilet paper for his female model. You can't use anything other than paper. But you can do whatever you want with it: twist it, plug it, tie it in a bow. The contestants retire to a separate room, then the girls come out and show off their outfits. Please note, the model must come out wearing THIS itself. The winners are chosen by the audience.

When choosing competitions for a corporate party, try to alternate between active and sedentary games. To begin with, select tasks that are calm and not too frivolous, allowing participants to get to know each other and relax. Towards the end, when people have already relaxed enough, you can allow yourself more daring competitions for the new year.


A corporate party is the easiest way to bring the team together and have a pleasant time. To maximally charge your colleagues with team spirit, you can organize fun competitions dedicated to the celebration of a certain date. We have prepared 5 ideas for competitions for New Year's corporate events that you will definitely be ashamed of!

Competitions for New Year's corporate party

You can add a New Year’s atmosphere to competition games with appropriate paraphernalia: New Year’s print on the balls, relay sticks in the form of licorice candies. You can ask your employees to dress in a certain style. Choose everyone's favorite movie or come up with your own story in which each employee will be an equal hero. - not a reason to miss out on fun, and even more so at a corporate event!

Remember: there is a very fine line between a New Year’s corporate party and the wedding of your cousin from the outback with a provincial toastmaster.

You can cross it with overly extraordinary competitions, a large amount of alcohol for adults and a low level of morality among employees. We are sure that your corporate party will be held in a friendly New Year's atmosphere if you listen to the advice on organizing competitions!

Idea #1

Let's start with typical team building sports games. You will need:

  • 2-3 large containers (can be made from fabric, wood and other available materials);
  • an equal number of New Year-themed balloons;
  • wooden sticks stylized as licorice candies using cardboard and sticky paper (for each team member).

Fill containers with balloons and place them in front of the teams (form teams of 5-6 people). Give each player sticks and explain the rules of the game. At the judge's signal, each participant must try to "fish" the balloon out of the container using only one "licorice" stick. Victory goes to the team that empties the container the fastest. Well, don’t forget about it - it will set a driving atmosphere and add fun!

Idea No. 2

Are you an employee of a reputable IT corporation and don’t quote fun sports games? Play Elias!

Rules of the game

Install the Alias ​​mobile app or buy a board game. Divide the employees into 2 teams (team of 2 people), solve the issue of priority using “rock-paper-scissors”. Within the team, you need to choose a person who will explain the words, and all participants will guess.

Hand the explainer your phone, press start on the timer and unleash your full linguistic potential. The explainer must interpret the hidden word (which only he can see on the phone screen) to the whole group. As soon as one of the participants guesses the word, the explainer begins the interpretation of the next one. For each word guessed, the team receives 1 point. The one who scores the most points in a period of time wins.

For particularly hot-tempered non-team players, invite them to act as judges and team supervisors. Let them monitor the timer and the honesty of the participants. Stop hints in the form of cognate words, the game of “Crocodile”, which with all the bends of its body is trying to convey the right word to the team. Waving your arms, mooing, and shouting encouragement to your colleagues also have little to do with playing.

Idea No. 3

It’s not in vain that we remembered “Crocodile”. A classic game that has a large number of admirers and an equally large number of haters. Not everyone is ready to demonstrate their acting talent at work, and thanks to “Crocodile,” the embarrassment goes away already in the second round of the game. Just in case, repeat the rules and enjoy the result.

If you are not confident in your abilities, do not play, drink something or encourage your colleagues to take part in new competitions that you can do. It will be awkward if you are asked to show the heliocentric model of the universe, and you cannot even verbally connect two words.

Idea No. 4

The game has a short, comprehensive name “Match”. Suitable for playing at the table. It is necessary that participants alternate by gender (male-female-male-female). Use a match with the sulfur removed in advance. Take the match with your lips and try to pass it to the next player. When the match has gone a full circle and returned to the first player, it should be shortened and the transfer continued.

If you don’t feel like playing spicy competitions with your colleagues, we suggest the next idea – a dance competition.

Idea No. 5

Among the many variations of dance competitions, it is difficult to choose just one. Remember your youth and play the beloved game of kindergarten students " who can sit on a chair faster?" Place a chair in the middle of the hall, move smoothly to the music, track the movements of your opponents, and as soon as the music stops playing, rush to the nearest chair. This is the case when you don’t have to give up your seat to the lady, but show speed and determination (just don’t use force).

Can dance on a newspaper or organize a limbo. Adapt to the general mood of your colleagues and ask about their desire or reluctance to participate in group dances.

Idea #6

Let's move away from active games and move the competitive emphasis to another plane. Invite your colleagues to come to the corporate event in a New Year's role. At the end of the evening, you can arrange a competition with an unlimited number of winners. Or organize a competition in the spirit of the Best New Year's dishes - it could be interesting! Pssst: take your pick - the exotic will definitely make you a winner!

The three traditional prizes should be rewarded with special gifts for their efforts, but don't leave the "losers" without a consolation, less valuable prize. Let everyone get a share of the New Year's fairy tale and celebration.

Money for gifts can be pre-collected from the team (if everyone agrees to dress up) or allocated from the company budget. Choose the winners by fair and impartial voting, applause, or collecting votes in a New Year's box!

Super important rule

Main– do not turn funny competitions into a reason for ridicule, bullying and quarrels. The main mission of a corporate party is to unite the team, create a friendly atmosphere, relieve tension and have a great New Year's Eve.