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Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary “The Wisdom of God Sophia. Sophia, the wisdom of God

The Icon of the Mother of God “Sophia the Wisdom of God” has the unique ability to bestow peace and tranquility in the home, to fill with wisdom to solve all life’s affairs.

The meaning of the icon of the Mother of God “Sophia the Wisdom of God”

King Solomon, before ascending the throne, was not particularly intelligent or brave. God promised to give Solomon everything he asked, and the king asked for neither gold, nor troops, nor peace in the country, but only wisdom. How little and how much. Thanks to the wisdom given by God, Solomon's kingdom became the richest in human history.

How often do Christians suffer because of their own philosophies, not trusting all situations and problems to God. The Almighty Creator has given mankind eternal Wisdom, His Son Jesus Christ, knowledge and faith in Whom will lead to the riches of the glory of the Lord in the life of everyone who calls on His name.

In the parables of Solomon, a prophecy is written, the meaning of which is impossible for uninitiated Christians to understand. Proverbs 9:1-2 says that wisdom built a house on seven pillars, slaughtered a sacrifice, and prepared a feast. Next comes the calling that you eat and drink in her house to walk in the way of reason. Jesus Christ is the wise foundation of our lives. By accepting the Holy Gifts at Communion, we accept His Flesh and Blood, cleansing our soul and body, filling our spirit with the holiness of the Lord.

The icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God” can be described and its meaning can only be understood after reading the Word given by the Creator. The Orthodox Church celebrates the Nativity of the Most Pure Mother of God on September 21, and on this day they also celebrate the day of the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God” in Kyiv.

Icon "Sophia the Wisdom of God"

In the interpretation of the Church Fathers, there is no consensus on the meaning of the image of wisdom. Some of them, including St. Augustine and St. Ambrose, believe that Jesus Christ central figure This image, according to Saint Ignatius the God-Bearer, is the Mother of God. It is safe to say that the holy face is an encrypted image of a spiritual sacrament that gives hope for a future eternal life.

History of the origin of the Holy Image

The image of the Virgin Mary takes its name from the ancient Byzantine capital of Constantinople. Here Emperor Justinian the Great built the Temple of Hagia Sophia according to a vision given to him by an Angel, based on parable 9:1.

Interesting! Wisdom - in Greek Sophia, the Lord put this name into the mouth of the young builder of the temple.

Having carried out many excavations, historians have not been able to find the original source of the holy image. Some theologians claim that this image captures the unity of the Holy Trinity, for wisdom is translated into French as Trinity.

Kiev image of the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God”

At first glance at the Kiev holy face, a feeling of lightness, holiness, and airiness appears.

Based on the words of the parable, “house” means the Mother of God, whose image is located in the very center. The pillars of the Church are the gifts of the Creator and the prophets. Above the Mother of God there are saints and the Trinity in a crescent-shaped halo. The feet of the Virgin Mary stand on new month located on the clouds.

Icon of the Mother of God “Sophia – the Wisdom of God” (Kiev)

The raised hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary symbolize protection Orthodox Church, are a wall for evil spirits and problems. In the bosom of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Child is depicted, whose left hand holds a symbol of power - an orb, and whose right hand is raised for blessing.

The shining halo of the central figure depicts the Holy Spirit under the cover of God the Father, Who is protected by the archangels:

  • Michael with a fiery sword;
  • Uriel holding lightning;
  • Raphael, carrying peace in a vessel;
  • Gabriel holding a blooming lily;
  • Selaphiel fingering his rosary;
  • Jehudiel - keeper of the royal crown;
  • Varahail with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

Seven steps lead to the pulpit.

Important! Only by being filled with faith, hope, love, purity, humility, grace and glory written on the steps can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

The foundation of the Lord's economy are the forefathers.

We recognize Moses by the 10 Commandments that he holds in his hands.

Nearby we see Aaron, Moses’ faithful companion, who held his hands during prayers.

David was called a man after the Creator's own heart.

Prophet Isaiah, to whom God revealed the future coming of the Mission in the greatest completeness.

Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Daniel - great prophets of the Old Testament, conveying God's messages to the Jewish people.

The canopy is supported by pillars on which the gifts are written; they are spoken of in the book of Revelation:

  • wisdom;
  • adviсe;
  • fortresses;
  • visions;
  • piety;
  • fear of God.

In the holy image, all drawings are multiples of seven. Seven is the number of the Lord's fullness. The estimated time of painting of the Kyiv image dates back to the end of the 17th century. The Kiev Holy Face is miraculous; all miracles are recorded in the temple books.

Distinctive features of the lists of a unique icon

There are several icons with this name in the world; they are different in their images, but have same value- in the center of the whole world is Wisdom, the Lord's economy, the Most Pure Mother of God and the Savior.

No less famous among Christians is the Novgorod icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God,” which has the same meaning, but has characteristic differences.

Icon of the Mother of God “Sophia – the Wisdom of God” (Novgorod)

This image clearly expresses that Jesus, He is depicted in the center, is Wisdom represented in female form. The red tunic, fiery wings of Wisdom, the scepter and scrolls in her hands speak of the power of the Almighty, which conquers the whole world.

Wisdom is the queen of the Lord's house, she sits on the throne and rules the world. On the left we see the Mother of God with the image of the Child on her chest, on the right is John the Baptist, to whom God first revealed His Son, revealing the Holy Spirit over Him in the form of a dove.

As in the previous Kiev image, seven pillars are depicted on the holy face. This image is crowned by a golden throne, on which lies the open Book of Life, a symbol of the Creator, who knows all our affairs. On either side of the golden throne are angels kneeling.

This list of the Mother of God and Savior has been known since the 16th century, although the Novgorod temple was built in 989. Since the end of the 16th century, lists of Christians who received healing near the miraculous face have been kept.

Orthodox Christians worship the Holy Face of Sophia, the Wisdom of God, in Russian cities such as Moscow, Vologda, Novgorod, Tobolsk and others.

What to pray for in front of the icon

Faith-based prayers bring quick answers. Only a deep study of the meaning of this face can instill trust and hope of receiving an answer in the heart of the person asking. We should think carefully about the role of wisdom and trust in God in Christian life, ask the Creator to bestow these qualities in order to bring harmony to your Orthodox life.

With deep reverence, Christians ask for the gift:

  • mind;
  • success in school and at work;
  • bringing back the minds of those who have become clouded in their minds.

By the Lord's grace, a rare icon can be purchased for home use, so that it can become an assistant in resolving family disputes, a guardian of the family from the troubles of evil plans.

Advice! Before reading the prayer, it is necessary to conduct an “audit” of one’s sinfulness and repent, because only sincere appeals will receive an answer.

Incomprehensible and All-sung by the Wisdom of God, Sophia the Preeminent, virgin souls, that is, the Only Begotten Son, the Word of God, accept this prayer song from our unworthy and vile lips. Even if the essence is written: the song is not beautiful in the mouths of sinners, but the thief was saved by one word, the publican was justified with a groan, and the Canaanite daughter was healed with a mother’s petition, because You, Lord, are Good and Lover of Mankind, having enlightened the one who comes into the world, and you forgive the sins of the sinner, and with reason Thou fillest the foolish, and the wise, and the souls thirsting for good words with Thy teaching, as Thou didst drink the Samaritan woman with living water, Thou makest the fornicator chaste, Thou openest paradise to the thief, for Thou art the Giver of all good things, and the Giver of understanding, and the Guardian of the life, O Christ our God, and We send You glory and praise, honor and thanksgiving and glorification and worship with Your Beginning Father, and with Your Most Holy, and Good, and Life-Giving Spirit, and with Your Most Holy and Immaculate Matter, Our Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, now and ever , and forever and ever. Amen.

Icon of the Mother of God “Sophia - the Wisdom of God”

Sophia - the Wisdom of God - an icon known since ancient times in Rus', comes down to two types: Kyiv and Novgorod. On both of them, the central person is the Lord Jesus Christ, as the personification of Divine Wisdom, about whom the Book of Proverbs of Solomon says: “ Wisdom built Her own House, hewed out its seven pillars"(Proverbs 9:1). These words of the wise Solomon contain an indication of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, whom St. ap. Paul calls " God's Wisdom"(1 Cor. 1:30), and the word House means the Most Holy Virgin Mary, from Whom the Son of God was incarnate. The icon is evidence of the fulfillment of this prophecy.

The Kyiv icon depicts the Mother of God surrounded by archangels. Above Her head is God the Father, and in Her hands is the baby Christ. The Mother of God is under a canopy supported by seven pillars. The Novgorod icon depicts the Mother of God standing in prayer before the Savior. God the Father reigns over the canopy, which is also on seven pillars. By praying to the Canon of Sophia - the Wisdom of God, a Christian receives the grace-filled gifts of God for the eternal salvation of the soul and healing from bodily illnesses.


Reading order according to the charter

Troparion, tone 4

In the oil and ineffable wisdom of God, the power of Sophia, preeminent, in the most honorable temple, in the fiery Throne of Christ our God, in Thee dwelt ineffably the Word of God, and the flesh became, invisible and appeared, and inviolable, departed from Thee and with men alive, catching the enemy, and men freeing from the ancient oath. We pray to the Lady, who have burdened us with cruel sins, to have mercy and save our souls, and as a child-loving and merciful Queen, look upon Thy people, and with compassion, stand from the misfortunes and cruel sorrows, and preserve our cities unharmed, where they are now your name the most holy, gloriously glorifying. (Twice).

Glory, even now. (We repeat the troparion).

CANON, tone 4

Song 1. Irmos

With an unspeakable command, you received the swimmer on foot, and you dried up the impassable sea, the people of Israel, converted from Egypt, I sing the original song to You, Lord.

Chorus: Wisdom Sophia of God most eminent, save us Thy sinful servants (bow).

And the wisdom of God is the source of all speech, from the face of the Lord is my advice and affirmation, who is the Only Begotten Son, the Word of God. With the words of a lover I love Me, and those who seek Me will find grace.

Solo. God laid the foundation of the earth with His wisdom; He prepared the heavens with His wisdom; He laid the clouds as a garment, and formed the light of the morning; but the gates of hell, when they saw it, were afraid.

Glory. In this heart let us seek the wisdom of God, which came from the Most Pure Virgin into the flesh, so that our feet may not stumble, and we will not be afraid of the fear that has come upon us, and the aspirations of the wicked.

And now. It is worthy of Thee, as the heavens have been animated, the heavenly most pure divine settlement, and appear brightly adorned, as the All-Immaculate Bride of the Queen and God, and the Lady of all creation.

Catavasia: Protect Thy servants from troubles, O most eminent wisdom of God, Sophia, as we diligently resort to Thee, to the merciful Savior and Master of all, the Lord Jesus (bow). Lord have mercy (three times with bows).

Song 3. Irmos

Strengthen the thunder and build up the spirit, strengthen me, Lord, that I may sing to Thee chastely doing Thy will, as holy as our God.

Solo. The Lord will be on all our paths, and will strengthen our feet, so that we may not stumble, if we acquire His wisdom, and He will embrace us and give a blessed crown to our heads.

Solo. Sophia gives us the gift of good things, the wisdom of God, and instructs us in the right way of our mother-in-law, so that if we follow that path, we will not stumble. And we keep it in our belly forever.

Glory. Whenever we become discouraged, let us seek the wisdom of God, called Sophia, who will give us great joy, and will save us from all hostility and show us the animal way.

And now. The face of the theologian from above is a multitude of angels, going to Zion with an omnipotent beck, worthy of the Lady, serving Your burial, and together rejoicing and singing a funeral hymn, rejoicing the ever-Virgin Bride. Confusion.

Glory, even now. Ipakoi, voice 8th. B Let us all give birth to You, the Virgin Mary, for You are inconceivable and Christ our God will be contained. Blessed am I, Thy helper. Pray for us day and night, and the powers of the kingdom are strengthened by Your prayers. Thus we cry out to You in gratitude, the Lord rejoices with You.

Song 4. Irmos

I heard Thy Christ’s glorious sight, for He is immortal and God, made like a mortal man. And for this reason, I glorify Your power.

Solo. A certain woman sought the wisdom of God, and after that she went forth, but became a harlot of chastity, and turned darkness into light, and put to shame the tormentors, and inherited eternal life.

Solo. The wisdom of God is dearly loved, as it is a sacrament to behold by all man, but there is absolutely nothing to it under heaven; let us preserve it, like the apple of our eye, and rest us on the Day of Judgment.

Glory. And with the ineffable wisdom of the word, all God, who according to Sophia’s vision was composed, may preach that on the high edges, and for that sake we will find grace and mercy on the Day of Judgment.

And now. At Thy repose, Mother of God, Thy most spacious body, pleasing to God, the angelic hosts with sacred wings covered the veil with trembling and joy, crying out to the breast, rejoicing, the unbrided Bride. Confusion.

Song 5. Irmos

The people of the unpunished lawbreakers of the Jews will take pity, and the fire will engulf Your adversaries, Christ, as if You were harmed by the resurrected flattery.

Solo. To the end of the universe and everything on it, and the heavens and heavens are the foundation of wisdom, as it created us all. By this the kings reign and the mighty hold the earth, and the wise men write the truth.

Solo. People of the earth, honor the wisdom of God called Sophia, you will reign forever and live. This corrects the path of salvation for us, but those who do not honor it will find themselves in the depths of hell.

Glory. The measure is flattering, the zealous man speaks an abomination to the Lord of wisdom. The standard of righteousness is pleasing to Him, and the lips of the pious learn wisdom.

And now. With condemnation of the chosen ones, we surprise the Maiden with the singing of Thee. From the beginning, everything is sanctified by God, accepted by everyone, and this truly is revealed to the Mother of God, the all-sung one. Confusion.

Song 6. Irmos

In the abyss of life, my deeds, I sank into the depths. But as from the whale Jonah I cry to Thee, from the depths of my evils lift me up, I pray to the Son of God the Word.

Solo. The beginning of wisdom is to acquire foolish faith, so that by it we may inherit good things, let us not give sleep to our eyes, and let us seek the wisdom of God, let us not deviate on our right hand or on our backs, so that we may be saved like from the snare of a chamois.

Solo. Oh, let our eyes see the wisdom of the Mother of God, in whom God the Word ineffably dwelt, and from her he took flesh without thought and was born. Today the apostolic countenance at the repose of Thy flows through the air, singing the original song, blessed is our God born from You.

Glory. May people honor the wisdom of God, the named Sophia, and embrace us. He will destroy the captivity of our sins, and give a crown to our heads, and we will take care of him like a lustful bee, and we will be glorified by all.

And now. Life, which was once a temple, you have enhanced everlasting life, but through death you have passed on to life, even having given birth to a composite life. We are raised up from the depths of evil by crying out to You, praying to the all-singing Lady. Confusion.

Glory, even now. Kontakion, tone 4. P we see people and see the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Mother of God. We call it the wisdom of God, the appearance of Sophia, before the temple was animated, the Only Begotten Son and the Word of God. This, then, shines like a ray of light in His most holy temple, and our hearts rejoice those who come with faith, and who look with fear and reverence at this most pure icon. Thinking in our hearts, that truly the wisdom of God is the village, and His mysteries are looked upon. We see a vision of Her fiery, and we worship (bow) as Her true and immaculate virginity in her birth and after her birth. Again, from Her came the divine fire, burning away corruptible passions, and enlightening our souls and creating pure things. By whom the Father created forever, the same wisdom and word and power will be called, the radiance of glory and the image of the Father's hypostasis, we pray and fall down, kissing this most honorable icon of the wisdom of God to the Mother, and crying out loudly: O merciful Lady, save Thy servants from the violence of the devil, from the presence of a foreigner, for You are the giver of all good things, flowing to You with faith and asking for great mercy.

Ikos. In the firmament my mind and thoughts are good, God the Father Almighty. For I dare to glorify the world’s Intercessor and the Immaculate Virgin Bride. Thou didst call her virgin soul Thy divine church, and for the sake of Thy incarnation Thou didst call Sophia the wisdom of God, and Thou didst command the name of Tsar Ustinian to create a church in that name. And to the blessed Cyril the philosopher, after the appearance of the Maiden chosen by the name Sophia, that is, the wisdom of God, you bestowed. You imagined the image of Her face as fire-like, and from Her came the fire of Your Divinity, that is, Your Consubstantial Son, scorching our bodily passions. You gave the wing to the disembodied heavenly powers, and you placed the royal crown on Her head. Thou hast placed the scepter at Her right hand, and into Her shuits the unknown hidden secret, It is incomprehensible to know even an angel. The reeds are in Her ears, the life of an angel, revealing the resting place of Your Holy Spirit. The girding of Her loins, the eldership of the holiness. Nose should be placed on the stone, as if you would establish Your Church on it. The image of Thy Christ with His head is bowed down by heaven, and the sight of the carnal sacrament is revealed, as if He were the Son before the age of Thy Father's radiance. The same one was born in the same age from the most immaculate Virgin, without a seed, and in all Toy’s likeness was united. For this reason, we all cry out, for truly the wisdom of God is the companion, and the canopy of heaven, and the Giver of all good things, and the Patroness of those who flow to Her with faith, and those who ask for great mercy.

Song 7. Irmos

You have three burdens in Babylon, having turned the command of torment into violence, and thrown into the middle of the fire, cold, blessed be the Lord God of our fathers.

Solo. The hand of the elect will hold back the wisdom of God, since it is better to eat silver and gold on the top of the walls, and sit down at the gates of the mighty, and boldly say: Rejoice with me, you who seek Me.

Solo. With the glory of God's wisdom they will inherit, for it gives long life and years of life, and adds peace, and corrects all good things, and preserves the path of life for us.

Glory. By speaking the truth, the so-called Sophia will inherit the wisdom of God, for her blessing is more than wine, and the stench of her world is more than the aroma of all. Let us seek her, let us follow her, and grant us justice and truth.

And now. At the sacred repose of the divine Ty and the incorruptible Matera, the most worldly powers on high, rejoice with those who are on earth singing to You, blessed art thou, Lord God of our father. Confusion.

Song 8. Irmos

O Lord of all things, having formed the wisdom of all things, firmly established the earth as if it weighed the bottom, established the walk on the immeasurable waters, and with the same cry all chanting, bless the works of the Lord without ceasing.

Solo. With Ophia the wisdom of God, named by the Lord Himself, to King Ustinian in the creation of this wonderful temple, revealed by an angel, with the same cry chanting Ti, bless all the works of the Lord without ceasing the Lord.

Solo. And the Lord commanded Israel to build a tabernacle in Siloam, and to keep it honestly, since even more so is the most honest animated tabernacle, not created by Bezalel, but made by God Himself, called Sophia. God the Word Himself has dwelled in us; bless all the works of the Lord without ceasing.

Glory. Mystical grapes, the temple of Sophia of the wisdom of God, that is, the womb of the most pure Mother of God, from Him came the divine fire, burning our soul-smothered passions. Bless all the works of the Lord continually.

And now. Oh, above the mind of miracles, the Virgin and Mother of God, having entered into the tomb to show the Paradise that is coming to him, today we rejoice and sing and say, bless all the works of the Lord without ceasing the Lord. Confusion.

Song 9. Irmos

The most pure mystery of God is in You, the most pure mystery of the Virgin is manifest, for God became incarnate from You for mercy, and with the same we magnify You as the Mother of God.

Chorus with a bow. E When the perplexed king built the church of God in what name, then an angel appeared to the youth sharpening the weapon in the form of a smith, saying: swear in the name of Sophia the wisdom of God, in Her name this church will be built.

Solo. But when he saw the phenomenon, he became extremely joyful, and carefully concerns himself with the perfection of the chosen church of God, and for the sake of guilt the crown of wisdom is bestowed, and the king is condemned first in piety.

Glory. For our salvation, the only begotten Son and the Word God's temple Having created for herself, in the most holy womb of the Virgin Mary, Sophia the name wisdom of God, who is a virgin soul. In the same way, we magnify You as the Mother of God.

And now. Receive from us the original song of the Mother of the Living God, and the luminous Ty and the divine grace of autumn, the victorious princess and peace for Christ-loving people, and forgiveness of sins, and giving salvation to souls. In the same way, we magnify Theotokos. Confusion.

Deserver: In the Lady's Lady, accept the prayer of Your servants, and deliver us from all need and sorrow. You are the Mother of God, our weapon and wall. You are the intercessor, and we resort to You, and even now we call on You for prayer, that you may deliver us from our enemies. Let us exalt You, all the immaculate Mother of Christ our God, South of autumn the Holy Spirit (bow to the ground). T is holy, and according to “Our Father”. Prayer of Isusov: G Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. A min. We read the troparion (written at the beginning of the canon). Glory, and now - kontakion (written according to the 6th song of the canon). G Lord have mercy (40 times). Glory, even now.

Prayer to Sophia the Wisdom of God

The incomprehensible and all-sung wisdom of God, Sophia, is the eminent, virgin soul. In other words, only begotten Son and Word of God, accept this prayer song from our unworthy and vile lips. Even if the essence is written, the song is not beautiful in the mouths of sinners, but the thief was saved by one word. The publican was justified by groaning, and the daughter of Canaann was healed by her mother’s petition. Because You, Lord, are Good and Lover of Mankind, You enlighten those who come into the world, and forgive the sins of sinners, and fill the ignorant with reason, and make wise the buoyant, and give water to the thirsty souls of good words with Your teaching, like the Samaritan woman, with animal water. Make the fornicator chaste. You open Paradise to the thief. For Thou art the giver and understanding of all good things, and the guardian of life, O Christ our God. And to You we send glory and praise, honor and thanksgiving, and praise, and worship, with Your beginningless Father, and with the Most Holy and Good and Life-Giving Spirit, and with Your Most Holy and Immaculate Matter, the Lady Theotokos, and the ever-Virgin Mary. Now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen.

Most honorable Cherub... Glory, even now. Lord have mercy (twice), Lord bless (with bows).

Let us go: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy most pure Mother, and the holy Wisdom of God Sophia, the most eminent, and for the sake of all the saints, have mercy and save us, for He is Good and Lover of Mankind. A min. Lord have mercy (three times). Initial bows.

Memory Icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (Kyiv) takes place in the Orthodox Church on September 21 according to the new style.
This iconographic image of Sophia, the Wisdom of God, has its own distinctive features and is widely revered among believers. The holy image depicts the Most Holy Theotokos with Her Divine Son. Sophia or the Wisdom of God in the name of the icon designates the Lord Jesus Christ, who in Holy Scripture The Old and New Testaments are named by these words. The wise King Solomon in his Proverbs uttered the following words: “Wisdom created for herself a House and established seven pillars” (9: 1). The temple of God and the habitat of the conceived Savior was the womb Holy Mother of God, That's why Mother of God and is called the House of God. In the apostolic epistles, when speaking about the Savior, He was also called in one place the Wisdom of God (1 Corinthians, 30) of Christ. These words contain an indication of Christ, the Son of God, Who in the apostolic epistles is called “the Wisdom of God” (1 Cor. 1 , thirty).
The iconographic composition itself is evidence of a fulfilled Old Testament prophecy. On the icon we can see the temple in which the Most Pure Virgin Mary is located. She is wearing a tunic, and the head of the Mother of God is covered with a special veil. The Most Holy Theotokos stands under a canopy that rests on seven pillars. The Lady holds her hands directed in different directions, with her palms turned towards the worshipers. The feet of the Mother of God rest on the crescent moon. In the arms of the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted the Divine Infant Christ, Who right hand presents a blessing and holds an orb in his left hand. On the cornice of the canopy, under which the Most Pure Virgin stands, are written the words from the Book of Proverbs of Solomon: “Wisdom created for herself a house and established seven pillars.” Above the canopy you can see a non-canonical image of the Holy Spirit and God the Father in the form of an old man, from whose mouth come the words: “I established Her feet.” On both sides of the Mother of God stand seven Archangels of God, whose wings are spread. Each of the Heavenly servants has their distinctive signs in their hands: Archangel Michael holds a flaming sword in his hands, Archangel Uriel has a downward-pointing lightning in his hands. Archangel Raphael is distinguished by the fact that he carries with him an alabaster vessel with fragrant myrrh. The above listed archangels are depicted on the right side of the Most Holy Theotokos and Her Divine Son.
On the left side stands the Archangel Gabriel, in whose hands is a lily flower. According to Church Tradition, it was with this flower, symbolizing the purity and immaculateness of the Most Holy Theotokos, that Archangel Gabriel greeted the Blessed Virgin when he told Her the joyful news of the incarnation of the Son of God from Her. Next comes Archangel Selaphiel, in whose hands are a rosary, denoting a special prayer for the human race. Archangel Jehudiel is depicted with a royal crown in his hands, and Archangel Barachiel holds flowers on a white piece of cloth.
The foot of the Mother of God is a cloud and a crescent moon, and under them there is an ambo, to which seven steps lead. On this staircase stand seven Old Testament righteous men, who symbolize the Church of Christ on earth.
Each step of the pulpit has its own special inscription, which denotes one of the main Christian virtues, the fulfillment of which leads to the Kingdom of Heaven: faith, hope, love, purity, humility, goodness, glory. The seven pillars depicted on this icon also have their own designs associated with the text of the Revelation of St. John the Theologian.

Troparion, tone 1:
Eternal Wisdom, Christ our God, / bowed the Heavens with His divine gaze, / you deigned to dwell in the womb of the Pure Maiden, / destroying the mediastinum of enmity, / you sanctified our nature / and you opened Your Kingdom to us; / for this sake of You, our Creator and Savior ,/ and who gave birth to Thee,/ who served the mystery of our salvation as the Pure Virgin, we orthodoxly magnify.

Kontakion, tone 4:
Let us pray, Orthodox people, / to the wisdom of God / and we see miraculous icon The Most Pure Mother of God, / We call Sophia, the Wisdom of God, after her appearance, / before the temple was animated by the Only Begotten Son and the Word of God. / This shines like a ray of light in Her most holy temple / and our hearts rejoice, those who come with faith / and look with fear and reverence at this most pure icon, / thinking in our hearts, / as truly the Wisdom of God is the village / and His sacraments, / for the hope of the faithful / we see Her fiery imagination / and worship, as Her true and most immaculate virginity / at Christmas and after Christmas again ;/ from Whom the Divine Fire came forth,/ burning up corruptible passions/ and enlightening our souls and creating pure things,/ with whom the Father created the eyelids,/ the same and Wisdom, Word and Power will be called,/ the radiance of glory and the Image of the Father Hypostasis./ And again therefore we pray / and, falling down, we kiss the most honorable icon of the Wisdom of God to the Mother / and we cry loudly: / O Merciful Lady, / save Thy servants from the violence of the devil, / from the presence of foreigners and internecine warfare, / for You are the Giver and Patroness of all good things / to those who come to You with faith and asking for great mercy.

We magnify You, / Most Holy Virgin / God-chosen Youth, / and honor Your holy image, / through which you bring healing / to all who come with faith.

Incomprehensible and All-sung by the Wisdom of God, Sophia the Preeminent, virgin souls, that is, the Only Begotten Son, the Word of God, accept this prayer song from our unworthy and vile lips. Even if the essence is written: the song is not beautiful in the mouths of sinners, but the thief was saved by one word, the publican was justified with a sigh, and the Canaanite daughter was healed with a mother’s petition, because You, O Lord, are Good and Lover of mankind, enlightening those who come into the world, and forgiving the sins of sinners, and with reason You fill the foolish, and make wise, and the souls that thirst for good words with Your teaching, like the Samaritan woman, you water with living water, you make the fornicator chaste, you open paradise to the thief, for You are the Giver of all good things, and the Giver of understanding, and the Guardian of the life, O Christ our God, and We send You glory and praise, honor and thanksgiving and glorification and worship with Your Beginning Father, and with Your Most Holy, and Good, and Life-Giving Spirit, and with Your Most Holy and Immaculate Matter, Our Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, now and ever , and forever and ever. Amen.


This image appeared in Byzantium. It was to this image that the Justinian Temple of Sophia of the Wisdom of God in Constantinople was dedicated, which was built by divine inspiration: Sophia also appeared to the builders of this temple, indicating the dimensions and proportions of the temple (according to legend, Sophia as a Fiery Angel appeared to the son of one of the builders, commanding to name the temple Her name). It was the visit to this temple by the ambassadors of Prince Vladimir, according to the chronicles, that finally convinced them to accept Christianity according to the Byzantine model. “The beauty is as if God Himself is here with people.”

In addition to the Great Sophia of Constantinople, the St. Sophia temples are known in Trapusent, Chersonesos, Nicosia (Crete), and in Bulgarian Sofia, where the name of the temple was transferred to the city itself. In Rus', the St. Sophia Cathedrals, huge and magnificent, were built soon after the baptism - in Kyiv and Novgorod. St. Sophia churches have survived to this day in Moscow, Vologda, Polotsk, Grodno, and Tobolsk. Researchers believe that there were many St. Sophia churches in Rus', but over time many were renamed Assumption.

The special veneration of Sophia in Bulgaria and Rus' was further strengthened by the fact that, according to legend, Kirill, one of the two enlighteners of the Slavs and the creator Slavic alphabet- the Virgin Sophia appeared, who inspired him, and to whom he was devoted all his life. Sophia was also therefore understood as a special patroness of the Slavic peoples. Especially in Novgorod, which was least subject to Byzantine control, the veneration of Sophia reached its maximum flowering by the 15th century. This veneration gave the Novgorodians a consciousness of both their spiritual independence from subordination to Constantinople, and their spiritual height and creative development generally. Sofia, in the eyes of the Novgorodians, was a special Divine being and patroness of the city. From Novgorod, the veneration and image of the Fiery Sophia gradually moves to Moscow. “Where Sofia is, there is Rus',” they said at that time.

The central figure of Sophia with a fiery red face and wings, in red and gold royal robes and a crown, with a scepter and a scroll in her hands, sitting on a throne, is the personification of both the Divine royal creative power, surrounded by a halo of God’s Glory, and pure Divine Virginity, overshadowed by the Holy Spirit.

The seven pillars on which the Throne of Divine Wisdom is established are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: “The Spirit of the Lord: the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and strength, the Spirit of knowledge and piety and the Fear of the Lord...” (Isaiah, 11, 2-3). The stone under the Virgin’s feet is the cornerstone of faith in Christ and the foundation of the Church. “For no one can lay any other foundation than that which is laid, which is Christ” (1 Cor. 3:11).

Christ, as the head of the Church, is depicted above the Fiery Sophia, the organizer of the Church. He gives the bishop's blessing. The connection of the circle of Glory with Sophia in the center and the circle of Christ’s Glory graphically forms a figure eight, which symbolically expresses an endless single connection and movement.

The lower part of the icon is essentially a traditional deesis composition - a prayerful coming before the Lord. Our Lady as personification earthly Church and how God’s promise of the incarnation of the Son of God is fulfilled is depicted as the Great Panagia - the All-Holy One with the sign of the Savior on her chest. John the Baptist, as God's witness, is depicted with a scroll of his testimony about the Savior. Figuratively, they together represent women's and men's service to God.

The very top of the icon is an image of heaven with a throne erected on it with the Eternal Gospel - Etymasia (from the Greek prepared) - a symbol of the expectation of the Future Age, the coming Judgment and the Second Coming of Christ.

Icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (Kiev)

This icon occupies a special place in the Russian Orthodox Church. The icon depicts the Mother of God and the Hypostatic Wisdom incarnate from Her - the Son of God. By Wisdom, or Sophia, of course the Son of God, about whom in the Book of Proverbs of Solomon it is said: “Wisdom built for herself a house and established seven pillars” (9: 1). These words contain an indication of Christ, the Son of God, Who in the Apostolic Epistles is called “God’s Wisdom” (1 Cor. 1:30), and the word “House” contains an indication of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, from Whom the Son of God was incarnate. The image of the icon testifies to the fulfillment of the prophecy. The icon of Sophia of Kyiv depicts a temple and the Mother of God standing in it in a tunic, with a veil on her head, under a canopy supported by seven pillars. Her arms and palms are spread out, and Her feet are planted on the crescent moon. The Mother of God holds the Eternal Child, blessing with her right hand, in the left hand of the Child there is an orb. On the cornice of the canopy are inscribed the words from the Book of Proverbs: “Wisdom created for herself a house and established seven pillars.” Above the canopy are depicted God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. From the mouth of God the Father come the words: “I established Her feet.” On both sides are depicted seven Archangels with outstretched wings, holding signs of Their service in their hands: on the right side - Michael with a flaming sword, Uriel - with lightning lowered down, Raphael - with the alabaster of peace; on the left side - Gabriel with a lily flower, Selafiel - with a rosary, Yehudiel - with a royal crown and Barachiel - with flowers on a white plate. Under a cloud with a crescent moon, which serves as the foot of the Mother of God, a pulpit with seven steps is depicted (depicting the Church of God on earth) with the Old Testament seers of the embodiment of Wisdom standing on them - the forefathers and prophets: King David with the Ark of the Covenant, Aaron with the frozen rod, Moses with the tablet, Isaiah with a scroll (“Behold the Virgin shall receive with child” - Is. 7:14), Jeremiah with a rod, Ezekiel with the closed gates, Daniel with Mount Uncut. On each of the seven steps of the pulpit there are inscriptions: faith, hope, love, purity, humility, goodness, glory.
The seven steps of the ambo are established on seven pillars, on which are inscribed images taken from the Apocalypse and their explanation as gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to the prophet Isaiah (11:1-3): The book with seven seals is the gift of wisdom, the seven-branched book is the gift of reason, “one stone with seven feathers" - the gift of advice, the seven trumpets of Jericho - the gift of strength, the right hand with seven stars - the gift of knowledge, seven golden vials full of incense (the prayers of the saints) - the gift of piety, seven lightning bolts - the gift of the fear of God.

miraculous icon of the Russian Orthodox Church, unknown in the West. It is found in many churches in Russia and comes down to two types: Kyiv and Novgorod.
The first icon of “Sophia - the Wisdom of God” appeared in Novgorod in the 15th century, although the first church in Rus' dedicated to it was built in 989 in Novgorod and the next one in 1037 in Kyiv.
The Fiery Angel is the central figure in the icon “Sophia - the Wisdom of God”. The angel sits on a golden throne with seven pillars. He is dressed in a long royal robe (podir) and girded with a precious belt. In one hand he holds a measure, with the other he presses a scroll to his chest. The hair falls over the shoulders, there is a crown on the head and a radiance around the head. The face, arms, wings and shod feet are fiery in color. An angel sits among a radiant celestial sphere dotted with stars. On its sides are the Mother of God with the Eternal Emmanuel in her bosom and St. John the Baptist with a scroll on which it reads: “I bear witness.” Above the head of the Angel is the blessing Christ the Savior, even higher is the “Prepared Throne” (Etimasia) - a symbol of the divine presence. On either side of Etymasia are kneeling angels on a “heavenly scroll”.
Who does the Fire Angel represent? This question was raised from the very appearance of the icon and so worried the minds of Ancient Rus' that there was even a proposal to remove it from church use.
To this day, there are three controversial interpretations:
1. The angel personifies the abstract concept of the Wisdom of God.
2. Angel - a symbol of the virginity of the Mother of God.
3. Angel - Christ, the Word and Wisdom of God, the Angel of the Great Council.
The first interpretation is based on the biblical text: “I, Wisdom, dwell in understanding, and the Lord made Me the beginning of His path” (Proverbs 8:36). St. John Chrysostom says that the Wisdom of God was collected in sacred books and thereby spread throughout the world.
The personification of Wisdom dictating to the Evangelists is found in manuscripts and on wall paintings in the Volotovo Assumption Church, but in such cases Wisdom is depicted not as a Fiery Angel, but as a female figure and without wings.
The second interpretation of the Fiery Angel is explained by the symbol of the Mother of God and the Mystery of the Incarnation, recognized with early centuries Christianity by Divine Wisdom. This interpretation, favored by monasticism, was included in the iconographic Original and led to the creation of a completely different image of St. Sophia of Wisdom in the Kiev Cathedral, where the Fiery Angel is replaced by the Mother of God.
According to the third interpretation, the Fiery Angel is Christ. Ap. Paul says: “We preach Christ crucified... Christ the power of God and God's wisdom... Jesus is to us Wisdom from God” (1 Cor. 1: 23-24, 30). St. Athanasius of Alexandria teaches that, according to Holy Scripture, the Son of God is the Wisdom of the Father. The fiery color of the Angel refers to the prophecy of Isaiah, according to which the symbol of Christ is a “burning coal”. “Our God is a consuming fire,” says the apostle. Paul (Heb. 12:29). St. John the Theologian in his Revelation describes the Son of Man “clothed in a robe and girded across the chest with a golden belt, His eyes are like a flame of fire, His feet... like red-hot ones in a furnace” (Rev. 1: 13-15). In the Khludov Psalter of the 9th century. the feet and face of the Savior are fiery in color.
The crown on the head of the Angel is the crown of Christ, the Son of God: “I have anointed My king over Zion” (Ps. 2: 6). The Angel's feet rest on the earthly sphere, denoting the Lord of the World: “Heaven is My throne, earth is my footstool” (Is. 66: 1).
The seven pillars of the throne are taken from the Proverbs of Solomon, where Wisdom says in the words of Christ: “Eat My bread and drink My wine” (9:5). Inscription on the scroll of St. John the Baptist standing next to the Fiery Angel clearly points to the Angel as the Savior to whom he “testified.”
On the Novgorod icon “Sophia - the Wisdom of God”, all the images of Christ the Savior are shown, as in many symbolic images: the Angel of the Great Council, the Eternal Emmanuel in the bosom of the Mother of God, the Incarnate Jesus Christ, giving a blessing and the “Prepared Throne” (Etimasia), personifying Christ - Judge at the Last Judgment.
In various monuments of the 14th century. as in prayers and in the Interpretive Paley, it is explained that Wisdom is Jesus Christ. On the paintings of the 16th century, in the golden chamber of the Kremlin Palace, above the image of Sophia the Wisdom there is an inscription: IS. HS.
In 1701, by order of Job, Metropolitan. Novgorod, in the setting of the icon of St. Sophia the Wisdom is inscribed with a troparion and kontakion dedicated to the “Son and Word God's Christ Savior." Under Tsar Theodore Alekseevich (brother of Peter I), the Greek teachers Ioannikis and Sophronius Likhud, invited by him, explained in their “Message” that the Fiery Angel of the Novgorod icon personifies Christ and His Divine Spirit. Their statement is hardly their personal opinion and must be based on the interpretation of the Greek Orthodox Church.
Responding to a request from the Novgorodians for an interpretation of the icon of Sophia the Wisdom, Zinovy, a monk of the Otensky Monastery, wrote: “Stop, brothers, insisting that you don’t know who Sophia the Wisdom is and to whom our church is dedicated. I tell you not from my own imagination, but from sacred sources: Sophia the Wisdom is the Son of God.”
The Fiery Angel also personifies Christ the Savior on another, little-known, icon “Beautiful with Kindness” of the 17th century. He holds a measuring stick with one hand, and in the other hand a scroll with the inscription “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me and He has anointed Me for Teaching.” On the sides of the Fiery Angel are the Mother of God and St. John the Baptist, above Him is the Old Testament Trinity in the person of Three Angels and, instead of Etymasia, at the very top is a sword with the inscription: “My sword in heaven descends for judgment.”
The icon of “Sophia - the Wisdom of God” is celebrated on the day of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary and on the Assumption.

Source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"

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