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About the veneration of Sophia, the wisdom of God, in Byzantium and in Rus'. Sophia the wisdom of God

During the time of the founder of Russian monasticism and the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Saint Anthony (+1073), the faith was more correct than today because the closer to today, the less primary source evidence lost due to destruction by time, elements and wars .

Unfortunately, all written sources about that time have reached us in a rewritten and edited form. The same situation is with architectural structures. Most of the temples such as the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra were either destroyed or restored, i.e. distorted by the clergy. But fortunately, two temples of the 10th-11th centuries were miraculously preserved. in the city of Chernigov, built under Anthony, who personally dug caves on Boldina Mountain. The stones, paintings, masonry have preserved what was originally depicted on them. And here’s a surprise, under the whitewashed temples, whitewashed priests, we see complex swastika patterns, pagan symbols that have nothing to do with Christianity. So the main image of the Boris and Gleb Cathedral is not Christ, but Semargl - the son of God Svarog, ancient Russian runes. Nearby is the Spassky Cathedral with the symbols of the Family.

“Perunitsa” is laid out above the central entrance to the temple. Obviously, these two temples were dedicated to the Svarozhich brothers - Semargl and Perun. And here is the Dmitrievsky Cathedral in Vladimir, XII century. On the dome are pagan:
The cross is “KOLOkryzh”, the pagan duck Gamayun instead of the Christian dove, and above the central entrance is depicted not Christ, but DazhdBog, the son of God Perun, as evidenced by the letters: “Yes” and “B”.

Who were the founder of Russian monasticism, St. Anthony and Prince Mstislav under whom these temples were built? Two-believers? No. Saint Theodosius, a disciple of Anthony, writes in his will that two-belief is a sin. You cannot mix God with Satan! And in general, could the holy fathers depict idols in Christian churches? After all pagan gods for Christianity they are idols. Or maybe the faith was different?

In the Boris and Gleb Church, there is an Omphalus supposedly used in Christian worship. But it looks more like a complex mechanism or a diagram of some kind of energy device. The Slavs here use the Old Russian 4 and 16 digit systems of measurement, where the unit of measurement is the “sig” rune. From here Russian word"jump" Scientists were surprised to learn that 1 sig. = 1/300 billionth of a second. On modern language it means "to teleport".


Christian chroniclers lie with such impudence that they don’t even notice it. For example, according to the Novgorod Chronicle, Prince Oleg died in 912 and was buried in Kyiv, and in the Laurentian Chronicle, Oleg died in 922 and was buried in Ladoga, but both chronicles are recognized as authentic! The same story with the origin of Princess Olga, 4 chronicles and 4 different answers. In the “Tale of Bygone Years,” which is considered the foundation of Baptism and the history of Rus', the Jews say to Prince Vladimir: “For our sins, the Lord ... gave our land to Christians.” But the phrase “he gave our land to the Christians” could not be heard in 988 because the first Christian cities in Palestine appeared only in 1096. Catholics in the “Tale of V.L.” called "Germans from Rome."

The term “German” Catholics appeared only in the 16th century, and before that Catholics were called Frisians and Latins. It turns out that “The Tale of Bygone Years” is a tale written in the 16th century. (Andrey Rachev). According to the same chronicle "The Tale of Bygone Years", Princess Olga was the first ruler of Rus' who accepted Christianity in Constantinople from Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus himself. The Emperor allegedly personally gave her a new name at the Epiphany, Helen.

However, in the Byzantine chronicle “On the Ceremonies of the Byzantine Court,” written by Constantine VII, a direct participant in those events, the reception of the Russian princess Olga is described in detail, but not a word is said about her baptism, or about her new name Helen. An episode is mentioned when the Byzantine king, marveling at her intelligence and beauty, wanted to marry Olga, but the princess rejected the claims, proudly noting that “she is a pagan and cannot become the wife of a Christian.”

And if according to Orthodox Church Olga still converted to Christianity, then why didn’t she marry Konstantin? Princess Olga was a pagan all her life and by her nature could not betray the faith of her ancestors and the faith of her beloved husband Igor. There is not a single authentic evidence that Princess Olga changed her native faith. And the fact that only in 1547, 600 years after the death of Princess Olga, the Russian Orthodox Church declared Princess Olga a Christian and, for allegedly introducing Christianity in Rus', canonized her as an equal-to-the-apostles saint, testifies to the fact that the Church has not dared for centuries to such a lie. The memory of Princess Olga as an uncompromising pagan was too vivid. (historian Simonenkov V.I.).

The temple built by Princess Olga in honor of Sophia the Wise, which today is considered Orthodox Church, in fact, has nothing to do with Christianity. After all, few people know that Sophia the Wise was a pagan Mother of God, who was revered in Rus' thousands of years before the birth of the Jewish Virgin Mary. For example, the image of the pagan Mother of God Sophia, the same as the image of Sophia depicted on the fresco in the Kiev temple, was found on a silver vessel from the Scythian mound Chertomlyk. And this is 3-4 thousand years before the birth of Christ and his mother Mary.

It turns out that, as in the case with Chernigov churches, The Kiev Temple of Sophia the Wise was also a pagan, not a Christian temple, dedicated to the Slavic, pagan Mother of God Sophia. The famous icon painting researchers Pavel Florensky, the artist Grelo and other historians testify that the frescoes of the pagan Mother of God Sophia the Wise in Constantinople and Kiev only in later times began to be signed with the name of the Jewish Virgin Mary. Even today there are no inscriptions with the name “Mary” on the ancient icons of Sophia the Wise.

Another proof that Sophia the Wise is a pagan Mother of God is the fact that in paganism, Sophia the Wise was always depicted in the form of a woman, the Mother of the World, Mother Earth. And the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church, by its official decision of 1722, prohibited painting “the image of the wisdom of God in the person of a certain maiden.” This put many temple priests in a hopeless situation - what to do with the masterpieces of ancient painting depicting Sophia the Wise. And then the priests began to put up a blasphemous inscription that this was supposedly the Virgin Mary.

The name of the Goddess Sophia began to be used by the Orthodox to drive the broad masses of the Slavic people into Christianity. It was believed that the veneration of the ancient pagan Goddess Sophia the Wise would help Christian Orthodoxy at least partially gain a non-Jewish face, since it was necessary to worship mainly Jewish gods: the Jewish God Yahweh, the Jew Jesus Christ, the Jewish Virgin Mary, the Jew Saul (Apostle Paul) and so on. To obscure the Jewish essence of the faith, temples, icons, and prayers were created dedicated to Sophia the Wisdom of God. Even Veliky Novgorod was considered the Republic of Hagia Sophia, where Her pagan laws of the Veche and democracy were in effect.

Judeo-Christian philosophers and theologians vied with each other to prove that the Pagan Sophia the Wise should be understood as the Wisdom of the Jew Jesus. (1 Cor. 1:24). But having failed to overcome the pagan roots of Sophia the Wise, the viceroy of the Jewish god on earth, Prince Ivan the Terrible, and the Moscow clergy undertook a crusade to eradicate “Sophia’s sedition.” One third of the residents of Novgorod were killed. Instead of Slavic democracy, they established a Christian system and way of life, implying the indispensable presence of kings, shepherds, shepherds, slaves, etc. And already in the 17th century. Patriarch Joachim forbade depicting Sophia the Wise as a woman.


Many are content with the explanations of the universe set forth by the Jewish prophets in the Judeo-Christian Bible, according to which our World was allegedly created by the god of the Jews, YHWH, in 5509 BC. This date was officially approved in the Orthodox Church on VI Ecumenical Council 681. However, the most ancient Vedic (pagan) materials discovered in the repositories of the Mahatmas of India (4 thousand BC), claim that our world was created not 7521 years ago, but billions of years ago and people did not come from ADA (ma) and Eve. These ancient pagan beliefs came into fundamental conflict with the Judeo-Christian religion, which did not need intellectual people like gods, but slave people who must blindly obey the authority “whatever it may be,” as the Gospel of Rom.13 teaches. :1. Eph6:5, 1 Peter 2:18, 1 Cor 7:21.

However, with the development of science, genetics, flights to Mars and other planets, the discovery of various objects in the bowels of the earth and in the depths of the oceans, prove the validity of the Vedas. Today the main Slavic-Aryan Vedas(from the word “to know”)

1. Santi Vedas of Perun are 40 thousand years old.

2. “Indian” Rig-Veda and “Iranian A-Vesta (about the Slavic campaign in India and Iran 10-25 thousand years ago)

3. Passages from the Vedas of a later period. According to Tibetan sources, the ancient Vedas contain ancient knowledge Mira and they open up to the world gradually.

Alexander the Great and Hitler hunted for the Vedas, and any mention of the Vedas was destroyed by the church as pagan books or discredited by “official” science. For example, back in 325, at the First Ecumenical Council in Constantinople, Christians decided to impose the death penalty on everyone found in possession and reading of pagan i.e. Vedic books and manuscripts. For what?

Through the efforts of these "enlighteners" in 363, the libraries of pagan books of Emperor Augustus were burned. - In 385, the famous Library of Alexandria was burned. Christian fanatics drowned Roman baths with manuscripts for a week. The world's treasuries were subjected to similar vandalism. - Etruscan (Russian) library in Rome.
- The libraries of Vedic books of Yaroslav the Wise and Ivan the Terrible disappeared without a trace.

In 1227, the Novgorod Chronicles record the burning of four pagan Magi-readers for
storage of pagan books.

In 1438, the “Holy Rules of the Divine Law of the Holy Apostles” were published, prescribing for the storage and reading of pagan books: “burn with fire or rake a living person into the ground.”

In 1490, Saint Gennady, Archbishop of Novgorod, ordered: “to burn their godless books on the heads of convicted heretics.” Even the Nazis did not engage in such entertainment.

Saint Joseph of Volotsky “burns alive in cages” dissidents at the Council of 1504.

In 1676, the Orthodox Church destroyed more than 800 Old Believers monks in one day.

At the Church Council of 1682 in Pustozersk, the dissident archpriest Avvakum was burned along with his wife Anastasia, children and a dozen pagan book readers.

In 1685 The “pious” Patriarch Joachim celebrated Easter by burning about ninety schismatics who were seen keeping and reading pagan books.

And how many unfortunate women and men were burned at the stake, declaring them witches just because they used Vedic books on collecting medicinal herbs. All this is consistent with the Judeo-Christian Bible in which Christian god directly commands “worshippers of other Gods (i.e., dissidents and infidels) should be exterminated... and their temples destroyed.” Book of Exodus 22:20. Christ Himself commands: “Bring my enemies, those who did not want me to reign over them, here and kill them before me” Luke 19:27, “Burn them, stone them, put them to the sword” Deuteronomy 13:1- 18, 17:2-7.

All this clearly confirms the total purge of history carried out by the Christian religion and the Church. Therefore, today opponents of the Vedas say that there are supposedly no ancient originals of the Vedas. However, there are no ancient originals of the Bible written during the time of Moses. There is only a list of the Bible, this is the Sinai list from the end of the 4th century, but already AD. There are several more passages from the Bible in the Dead Sea Scrolls of the 1st-2nd century. BC. and it's all. But the sources of the Vedas are much more numerous and ancient than the sources of the Bible.

For example, in 1875 in Romania, on the site of a Slavic temple, the Vedas (Santii Dakov) were found. These are 400 gold plates, some of which are exhibited in museums in Romania. Their age is more than 2 thousand years. There are also many individual Vedic texts dating back millions of years (see below). And so, unlike the Bible, where there is not a single date or exact Knowledge, the Vedas say that the name of our planet is Midgard-Earth. It revolves around Yarila the Sun, which is included in the constellation Zimun (Ursa Minor) as the eighth star.

The constellation Zimun is located in one of the arms of the galaxy, which has the shape of the Swastika. And since we are in the galactic arm of this Heavenly Swastika, then our entire galaxy (its ancient name Svasti) is perceived by us as the Milky Way.

The icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God” is extremely rare and difficult to find, although there are several churches where this image rests in one of the most honorable places.

Description and meaning

In the image “Wisdom Sophia of God» the idea of ​​​​the reincarnation of the Mother of God, allowing one to contemplate Her wisdom, is laid down. The image of Wisdom on this icon belongs to Jesus, who gave his life for the salvation of people, since that is what he is called in the apostolic epistles. In addition to the Mother of God Sophia, John the Baptist is depicted next to the Son of the Lord, who accompanied the Savior throughout His earthly life. Christ is surrounded by disciples listening to his sermons.

The Mother of God is dressed in a beautiful tunic, her head is covered, and she stretches her palms forward. Seven winged archangels are visible above Virgo standing on the crescent moon. Each of the seven light essences holds one of the symbols of holiness in their hands:

  • Michael has a sword with a flame instead of a blade;
  • Uriel has a lightning bolt pointing downwards;
  • Raphael has alabaster (an alabaster vessel for storing incense, in this case, myrrh);
  • Gabriel has a blossoming lily flower;
  • Selaphiel has a rosary;
  • Jehudiel has a royal crown;
  • Barachiel has flowers, and he himself is located on a white board.

The face of God the Father and the Holy Spirit are visible above all. You can also read the words “I established Her feet” coming from the mouth of God the Father, apparently addressed to the image of Sophia (Wisdom).

Under the feet of the Mother of God there is a church where secret Old Testament records are kept. The icon has an ambo (raise in front of the iconostasis), which includes seven steps with inscriptions that carry the deepest meaning for every believer:

  1. Purity of thoughts;
  2. Glory;
  3. Nobility;
  4. Humility before the Lord;
  5. Love;
  6. Hope;
  7. Faith.

“Sophia” was even mentioned in the book of Solomon, where it was noted that the main purpose of the image is to remind all Christians for what purpose the Savior came to people and from whom He was born.

The entire icon is supplemented with the inscription “Create Wisdom for Yourself a House and establish seven pillars.”

From the history of writing icons

The original purpose of writing was to explain the idea of ​​the trinity of God, his ability to appear in three persons at once: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

According to some historians, the choice of name for this image was not accidental, since it most accurately matches its meaning. The first of the meanings given by the name Sophia is “Wisdom”, and when translating the word from Greek to French it turns out to be “Trinity”.

The source of the image was previously kept in the temple of Constantinople, but in our time no one can say anything reliably about it, although for many years archaeologists have carried out excavations trying to find this particular icon. Information about its iconographic sources was also not found.

In addition, many believers are still trying to figure out for themselves why a female figure was chosen to depict the Divine Wisdom symbolized by Jesus. But the answer is still not found.

According to Athanasius of Alexandria, the image of Wisdom is applicable not only to the Virgin Mary, but also to other manifestations of spiritual life. In particular, this may refer to the church, saints, or even imply the human soul, which is the guardian of the Wisdom given by God.

Archbishop Ignatius of Voronezh noted that the Temple of Sophia, like Divine Wisdom, resides in the heavenly palace along with God and his angels. But he also spoke about the presence of Wisdom in all worlds visible and invisible to man, in human souls, the church, on earth and in heaven equally.

It is extremely difficult for a person to understand, let alone accept, such ambiguity. But only through this can one comprehend the mysteries of spiritual life. That is why so many pilgrims flock specifically to the images of Sophia.

Copies of icons

In Rus' there were very few editions of Sophia; now there are a little more of them, but two of them retain their significance for Orthodox people for several centuries now.


One of the most ancient lists of icons is the Kiev Icon "Sophia the Wisdom of God". The image originally came from the Byzantine Church of Justinian, and is now located in the famous St. Sophia Cathedral.

The meaning of “Sophia” of Kyiv differs to a certain extent from the generally accepted one. Here there is a symbolic image of the path between the earthly and heavenly worlds. In addition to the archangels, there is an image of the forefathers of the human race.

On both sides of the seven steps there are biblical heroes:

  • Moses (on his tablets there is a command to honor the Word of God);
  • Aaron (brother of Moses, first Jewish high priest);
  • King David;
  • prophet Isaiah;
  • prophet Jeremiah;
  • prophet Ezekiel;
  • Prophet Daniel.

In the image, one can clearly see the repeated emphasis on the symbolism of the seven. For this reason, the second name of the icon is “Seven Pillars”. The prototype of the Mother of God here is Oranta - the patroness and protector. As for the images on the pillars, they themselves and their symbolic meaning were taken from the book of the Apocalypse.


Another image, similar to the Kyiv one, is located in Novgorod and also has its own differences. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the Mother of God and John the Baptist pray on it, standing before the Savior. Therefore, the type of Novgorod edition is defined as Deesis.

This wooden frame is framed with a gilded silver chasuble. Central figure The composition on it is not the Blessed Virgin, but the Lord Pantocrator, dressed in royal robes (podir), a crown and a jeweled belt. His right hand (right hand) clutches a scepter crowned with a cross, and with his left palm he presses a scroll to his chest. Wings of fire are visible from behind God’s back, and he himself sits on a golden throne supported by seven pillars.

In the hands of the Forerunner there is also an unrolled scroll, on which is written “I testify.” Above the fiery-winged Almighty is the Savior, raising his hand in a blessing gesture.

At the very top of the image you can see a throne made of gold, on top of which lies an open book, symbolizing the presence of God. On both sides of him are kneeling angels (three on the left and on the right).

The background of the icon is blue, it should symbolize the firmament decorated with stars. The Novgorod copy of “Sophia” is revered as miraculous. The beneficial power of the image has documentary evidence in the form of historical records. According to them, already in 1542, a woman suffering from an eye disease received forgiveness and healing from the “Wisdom of God”.

It is interesting that “Sofia” first appeared in Novgorod only in the 15th century, although the Novgorod church dedicated to it was rebuilt back in 989 (and the Kyiv church in 1037).

Every year on the day of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Novgorod and Kiev icons attract thousands of Christians, hoping to receive help in business or healing from illnesses from the wise Heavenly Queen.

What to pray for

Presence Icons "Sophia the Wisdom of God" will have a place in any home, since it helps preserve family well-being. You can pray to her at any time your soul desires.

It would be good if a special holy corner with a lamp and candles was set aside for “Sophia” and other images. Most often this face of the Mother of God is addressed to:

  • resolve disputes;
  • save the family from problems and troubles;
  • protect the house from the arrival of spiteful critics and call into it well-meaning people with pure thoughts.

According to all those praying in front of the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God,” the Blessed Mary does not leave a single request unattended; each one receives an answer in the form of a sign, an event, or simply a resolution to the situation.

To address the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God,” you can learn a special prayer, but then you must know it accurately and read it correctly. This prayer is an appeal both to our patroness and intercessor, the Mother of God, and to the Lord God. With the right attitude, the person praying can gain the wisdom needed to make the right decision. The benefit of the Blessed Virgin will help smooth out not only family conflicts, but also resolve work problems.

When asking for help, you should not wait for a “voice from heaven”; most likely, knowledge will come as if from within; you just need to learn to hear and understand what you hear.

In prayer to Holy Virgin It is permissible to ask not only for your own well-being, but also to wish health and happiness to any Orthodox believer who strives to fulfill the commandments and knowledge of the teachings of Jesus, who wants to gain a little wisdom.

Days of veneration:

  • “Sophia - the Wisdom of God” (Novgorod) - August 28/15 (new/old style);
  • “Sofia – the Wisdom of God” (Kiev) – September 21/8.

One of the oldest icons, it appeared as a temple icon in the St. Sophia Cathedral of ancient Novgorod, founded in the middle of the 11th century. Among the many icons common in Rus', she unusual appearance always brought some confusion into the minds and made us think about many things.

Why did it cause fierce controversy among clergy and philosophers? And why were some even almost anathematized because of her?

Looking at the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God,” you immediately ask the question: “Next to whom are the Mother of God and John the Baptist standing in such reverent respect?” It is difficult to answer this question, because the Church rejected the knowledge of the early Christians, who were called Gnostics, as heretical. It was Father Pavel Florensky who was accused of Gnosticism, who in the 19th century glorified the image of Sophia. And the philosopher Vladimir Solovyov dedicated the following quatrain to her:

Know this: Eternal Femininity is now

In an incorruptible body he goes to earth.

In the unfading light of the new goddess

The sky merged with the abyss of water.

Some priests agreed with them, to whom the secret of this icon was revealed.
However, the bulk of the clergy tried to find a different explanation, declaring the figure on the throne to be simply an Angel carrying the Word of Christ! So the icon, which found life in other churches of Rus', began to acquire new features, according to this interpretation. The most famous version is from Kyiv. It has a completely different inner meaning. The incomprehensible things that violate the accepted dogmas of the Church have been eliminated. And it does not arouse excessive curiosity.

Let's take a look at Pavel Florensky's work “The Pillar and Statement of Truth”:

“The central figure of the composition is an angel-shaped figure in a royal dalmatic, with barmas and an omophorion. Long hair it does not curl, but falls on the shoulders. Her face and hands are fiery in color, behind her back are two large fire-like wings, and on her head is a golden crown in the form of a battlement. In her right hand is a golden caduceus, in her left is a closed list, pressed to her heart; near the head there is a golden halo, above the ears there are toroki or “rumors”. This is Sofia. She is represented sitting on a double mutaka, which lies on a magnificent golden throne with four legs and supported by seven fire-shaped pillars. Sofia's feet rest on a large stone.

The entire throne is located in a golden octagonal star, located against a background of blue or greenish concentric rings, dotted with golden stars. Sometimes, however, there is no eight-pointed star at all. On the sides of Sophia, on separate pedestals, stand reverently: on the right is the Mother of God, on the left is John the Baptist. Both of them have halos, but not gold, but greenish-blue. The Mother of God supports with her hands a greenish sphere with stars, in which is the Infant Savior, surrounded by a hexagonal star. In his left hand the Savior holds a scroll, and with his right hand he makes an oratorical gesture - something that was previously taken for a nominal blessing. The Forerunner also makes the same movement with his right hand, while left hand he is held by an unfolded scroll with the inscription: “Repent...”. Above Sofia is the All-Merciful Savior, waist-length, with a cross-shaped halo. And this figure is placed in a hexagonal star surrounded by a starry background. Even higher is a star rainbow like a ribbon. In the middle of it there is a four-legged golden throne with instruments of the Lord’s passion and a book - the so-called “preparation of the throne.” On its sides are kneeling Angels, six in number, three on each side. Sometimes there are only four Angels; but then above the throne is depicted God the Father, sitting with raised hands on a throne with a semi-cylindrical back.

The head of God the Father is surrounded by an octagonal halo, the corners of which are alternately red and green. On the sides of this throne there are then two more kneeling Angels. Before giving a final interpretation of the described icon, I will note some particulars that suggest an explanation.

Wings of Sofia- a clear indication of some special closeness to the heavenly world. The fiery nature of the wings and body is an indication of spirituality, the fullness of spirituality. The caduceus in the right hand is an indication of theurgic power, psychopompia, mysterious power over souls. A rolled up scroll in a shuitz, pressed to the organ of higher knowledge - to the heart - is an indication of the knowledge of unknown secrets. Royal decoration and throne are an indication of royal power.

Crown in the form of a city wall- a common sign of Mother Earth in her various modifications, perhaps expressing her patronage of humanity as a collective whole, as a city, as civitas. A stone underfoot is an indication of firmness of support, steadfastness. Toroki or “hearings” behind the ears, that is, a ribbon that supports the hair and frees the ears for better hearing - an indication of the sensitivity of perceptions, of Openness to suggestions from above: toroki is an iconographic symbol to designate the organ of Divine hearing.

Finally, the celestial spheres surrounding Sofia, filled with stars, - an indication of the cosmic power of Sophia, her rule over the entire universe, her cosmocracy. The turquoise-blue color of this environment symbolizes the air, then the sky, and then the spiritual sky, the heavenly world, in the center of which Sophia lives. After all, the blue color tunes the soul to contemplation, to detachment from earthly things, to quiet sadness about peace and purity. The blueness of the sky - this projection of light onto darkness, this border between light and darkness - it is a deep image of the heavenly creature, that is, the image of the border between Light, rich in being, and Darkness-Nothing, - the image of the Smart World. That is why blue is a color that naturally belongs to Sophia and, through Her, to the Bearer of Sophia, the Ever-Virgin.

Further, in the composition under consideration, attention is drawn to: firstly, the clear distinction between the personalities of the Savior, Sophia and the Mother of God; secondly, Sophia is under the Savior, that is, in a subordinate position, and the Mother of God is before Sophia, that is, again in a subordinate position. So, the Savior, Sophia and the Mother of God are in consistent hierarchical subordination. The same inequality between them is indicated by the difference in their halos.”

This rather large passage explains much of what may be incomprehensible to people less knowledgeable in the intricacies of iconography.

The famous priest Father Sergius Bulgakov adhered to approximately the same interpretation of the Sofia-Novgorod icon. For his philosophical writings about the essence of Sophia as correlating with the nature of the Holy Trinity, which manifests precisely the nature of the Holy Spirit, he was condemned by the Decree of the Moscow Patriarchate of August 24, 1935. He was ordered to abandon such sermons.

A lot of time has passed since then, and today it is possible to understand what was still unknown and not revealed in the recent past.

Let's look at the statements about Sofia by some famous people.

Aristotle called Sophia - “The Primordial Soul of the World.”

King David in one of his psalms, even a thousand years before Christianity, he placed all hopes for eradicating the machinations of Satan on Sophia the Wise: “Oh, Wisdom of God Sophia! Great and Wise are Your plans! Reign, Sophia! Humanity believes: You are the only key to victory over the wisdom of Satan."

Maximilian Voloshin, admired by the work of washing out the smeared ancient icons Sophia the Wise, wrote the following lines:

From under vestments and pious scabs

You showed your true face,

The bright face of the Wisdom of Sophia,

A ray of hope in a sad fate,

And in the future - the face of Russia itself.

And here is what researcher V.I. Simonenkov writes about Sofia:

“The Apostle John (John the Theologian) recognized Sophia as the Mother of God. Among the codices found in Nag Hammadi were three apocrypha of the Apostle John, along with Berlin papyrus No. 8502; it was possible to reconstruct one, which had the effect of an exploding bomb. The Apostle John claimed the incredible that he had a manifestation of the Most High Essence, from which it was revealed to him that the creation of our world was carried out by Archon Sophia the Wise.

The Virgin Mary, just like the Mother of God, is Sophia incarnate... In Bethany, in the house of Lazarus, Mary Magdalene, as a representative of the royal family of Benjamin, performed the traditional sacred ritual of anointing Jesus as the messiah. In accordance with Jewish traditions, it was a woman of royal blood who performed the rite of anointing for the kingdom, at the same time becoming his wife-queen.

According to the book "Dead Sea Scrolls", anointing for the kingdom can only be carried out by a representative of the family of priests - messiahs who issue spiritual labels for the kingdom. So just royal blood is not enough here. But the royal blood, together with the incarnated Sophia, is the woman who can “give the kingdom into her hands.”

Let us now return to the icon. Let us pay attention to two points: in Sophia’s hands there is a certain rolled up scroll, and at the very top - above the LORD Himself! - golden throne with the Book!

It is likely that this is the Book of the Destiny of the World. In the hands of Jesus we also see the Book. It can be assumed that the scroll contains information for people that will be revealed in due time.

So, let's try to decipher what was revealed in this icon.

It is known that in iconography everything is subject to strict laws: the sizes of figures, angles, colors of clothing and all other details of the image. We see that on the throne there is a female figure, larger than the Virgin Mary and John. This speaks about the status of this Woman. The throne, wings and halo reveal Her belonging to both the earthly world and the Heavenly world. We can say that this is the Goddess embodied in the physical world! Just like Jesus was incarnated in his time. And the scroll in the hands of the Goddess says that She will bring people Knowledge from the Creator. And this Knowledge will help people on their way to the divine world and paradise!

This is such a complex icon, the harbinger of the Epoch we have entered - the Era of the Mother of the World, brought to the planet by the Divine Woman. She is the one at whom the entire Divine world looks reverently. The one who looks and sees each of us. The one we should set our sights on.

The icon of the “Wisdom of God Sophia” is considered very rare, so it is almost impossible to find it in many churches, but there are a certain number of churches where this icon takes its place of honor.

Who is in the center of the icon "The Wisdom of God Sophia"?

The icon “The Wisdom of God Sophia” is nothing more than the reincarnation of the Mother of God, showing all of Her is Christ himself, who, by sacrificing himself, was able to save all of humanity. On the icon you can see not only Sophia, but also Christ himself, next to him is John the Baptist, who was always next to Christ throughout His entire life. earthly life. Also in the icon you can see the disciples of Christ who carefully listen to His teachings. It is written about in the book of Solomon. The image on the icon once again reminds all believers why the Son of God came to this earth and from whom exactly He was born.

The Kiev Icon of Sophia the Wisdom of God helps to overcome many troubles. It depicts a temple in which the Mother of God stands in a beautiful tunic and with her head covered. Hands extended forward. Under the icon there is the inscription “Wisdom, create for yourself a House and establish seven pillars.” She also has the Holy Spirit on her. On both sides, the Mother of God is surrounded by seven archangels.

What do the archangels look like on the icon?

“Sophia the Wisdom of God” also includes images of the archangels who were always next to the Son of God Jesus Christ. The archangels are drawn with wings, and each of them holds a certain sign of holiness. located with right side, in his hands is a flaming sword. Uriel holds the lightning, which is lowered down. Raphael has the apavastre of the world of everything near him. On the left side there are also the faces of the archangels. First on the left is Gabriel, who is holding a blossoming lily flower in his hands. Selafiel holds a rosary. Jehudiel is depicted with a royal crown, and Barachiel has flowers in his hands and is on a white cloth.

All of them are located above the head of the Mother of God, who stands on a cloud. Beneath it there is a church with secret records from Old Testament. Also on the icon there is a pulpit, consisting of seven steps. Each of them is signed. A believer will be able to read these words:

  1. Faith.
  2. Hope.
  3. Love.
  4. Humility before the Lord.
  5. Nobility.
  6. Glory.
  7. Purity of thoughts.

It is believed that it should be in every home, as it is responsible for the well-being of the family.

When do they pray before the icon of “Sophia the Wisdom of the Mother of God”?

The clergy say that you can pray in front of the icon at any time; this should be done when the person’s soul requires it. Every home must have a holy corner where there are images, a lamp is lit and candles are lit.

If there is an icon of the “Wisdom of God Sophia” in your house, then we can say with confidence that there will be no disputes in it, it will be possible to avoid various troubles in the family, and a favorable soil for complete trust in every person who crosses the threshold of the house and comes with pure thoughts.

Few people know what power the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God” has, what believers pray for in front of it, but everyone who has ever encountered it knows for sure that all requests that are made in front of it in prayer remain heard by the Lord God.

Where is the oldest icon "Sophia the Wisdom of God" and what does it mean?

Today there are many copies of icons, but one of the oldest is in Kyiv, in the famous This image has come a long way, since it was once brought from the Church of Justinian in Byzantium.

The icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God” located here has a slightly different meaning, since it is a kind of road between the earthly and heavenly worlds. In addition to the archangels, our forefathers are depicted in heaven. Biblical heroes are located on the seven steps. So, on the fourth step there is Moses with tablets with an inscription calling to honor the Word of God. After Moses, Aaron and David are also depicted. On the left are the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel.

What other icons of “The Wisdom of God Sophia” exist?

It should be noted that the Kiev image is not the only one of its kind; there is also the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God of Novgorod,” which has its own distinctive characteristics. It depicts the Savior, in front of whom stands the Mother of God and John the Baptist in prayer.

The main figure in the icon is the Lord Pantocrator, who is wearing royal robes, and behind God’s back are wings of fire. The Lord is on a throne, which is supported by seven pillars, surrounded by a blue background, symbolizing the heavens with the stars.

It is considered miraculous, and there are records in history when people were actually able to be cured with it. Every year on the feast of the Assumption Holy Mother of God Thousands of believers gather near the Kyiv and Novgorod icons, asking for help in solving problems.

What to talk about and ask for in front of the icon?

The holy scripture says that the Lord God hears all the prayers that a person says, therefore, in front of the icon “Sophia the Wisdom of God” is said special prayer, which you must know and read correctly. It is addressed to the Mother of God and the Lord God himself. Everyone who prays in front of an icon must clearly understand that Wisdom is the fullness of the knowledge that a person has about God.

The icon allows a person to ask the Lord God to give Wisdom in order to accept correct solution in various matters. It is also believed that it can help resolve conflicts not only within the family, but also at work. When saying a prayer, a person can feel how the decision comes on its own, only one must learn to hear God’s promptings and listen to His teaching.

In front of the icon, you can ask for health and happiness to every Orthodox Christian who fulfills all the commandments and strives to know the teachings of God, to receive a piece of wisdom and understanding from Him.

Interpretation of the prayer said in front of the icon

If there is an icon of “Sophia the Wisdom of God” in the church, the corresponding prayer should be said. It is important to remember that it is read in such a way that the believer understands perfectly what is being said. Let's explain some words in prayer in front of this icon. “Incomprehensible and All-Sung Wisdom” means that a person does not fully understand all the Wisdom given by the Lord God to him, and cannot use it correctly, as Jesus himself commanded us.

“Save with one word” - here it is necessary to understand that only all of humanity can be saved. At the same time, there are words in the prayer that indicate that even the most sinful person can earn forgiveness if he believes in God. “You fill the foolish with reason, and make them wise” should be understood as the fact that the Lord God himself is trying to enlighten people on earth and instill in their souls the aura, as well as the wisdom that He himself possessed.

From the history of writing icons

The icon “The Wisdom of God Sophia” was originally painted as an explanation of the fact that God can exist in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Some historians argue that the name Sophia was not chosen in vain, since it most closely matches the name of this icon. For example, Sophia most of all personifies Wisdom, as it is also indicated in the Holy Scriptures. If you translate the word Sophia from Greek to French, it will mean Trinity.

The icon of Sophia appeared in the temple of Constantinople, but it has never reached our time. Archaeologists for a long time excavations were carried out in order to find exactly this image, but, unfortunately, practically nothing is known about the sources of the iconography. Many believers still argue why Sophia is depicted as a female figure, because by her is meant nothing other than the Wisdom of God?

But the answer to this question remains a secret. Among the many options, the one that is most revered by Orthodox Christians is the Kiev and Novgorod icon “The Wisdom of God Sophia.”

The role of the icon in the spiritual life of Christians

Athanasius of Alexandria said that not only the Mother of God, but also all other manifestations of spiritual life can appear in the image of Wisdom. For example, it could be a church, saints, or even just human soul, because in everyone in whom God resides there is this Wisdom.

Archbishop Ignatius of Voronezh said that Wisdom and the Temple of Sophia are in heaven, namely on the Divine Throne, where there are angels and God. But at the same time, Ignatius argued that Wisdom is present everywhere, in all worlds, visible and invisible, in the souls of people, churches and in heaven, as well as on earth.

Understanding this can be so difficult for a person that all the mysteries and secrets of spiritual life can be revealed only before the icon of Wisdom. Therefore, millions of pilgrims annually flock to the temple and cathedral where this particular image is located.

Icons in Orthodox world have great significance and a history rooted in the deep past. The Icon of the Mother of God “Sophia - the Wisdom of God” is miraculous and is especially revered among Christians.

The first icon of the Mother of God “Sophia - the Wisdom of God” appeared in the fifteenth century in Novgorod, while the first temple consecrated in her honor was built in 989. In the Orthodox world there are two icons, one of which is called Novgorod, and the second Kyiv.

History of the icon

The miraculous icon is of great importance in the Orthodox world and is an exact copy of a Greek original from a church in the city of Constantinople. The holy image became famous for many miraculous manifestations, including the power of healing. According to surviving legends from the Novgorod chronicle, the icon healed a woman suffering from an eye disease. She humbly prayed to the Mother of God to gain health, and found it by believing in the Heavenly power of the Mother of God.

Where is the miraculous image located?

This icon can be found in many hamas and churches throughout Russia. In Moscow, Novgorod, St. Petersburg and other cities and villages. This image became widespread back in the 15th century, when a copy of the original was made. This icon became widespread both for the significance of the image present on it and for its miraculous abilities to heal, support and help all Orthodox Christians who turn to it.

Description of the icon

The image of the Kyiv Icon depicts the Mother of God with the incarnate Son of God, who is called Wisdom or Sophia. It is named after the parable of Solomon, in which he said: “Wisdom created for herself a House and established seven pillars”. This is a direct indication of the fulfillment of Divine prophecy, in which He is incarnated in the womb of the Virgin Mary and comes into the world of people. The Mother of God is on a dais in the temple, to which seven steps lead with written prophecies from the Apocalypse. The Eternal Child is depicted with his head raised in a gesture of blessing. right hand, and in his left hand there is a power. God is located on top of the Mother of God. On both sides are archangels with symbols of their divine service. The whole picture rearranges the greatness of the prophecies of the Lord and his appearance, foreshadowing changes in the Orthodox world. A skillful icon is painted according to the canons and brings spiritual awe to everyone who venerates it.

The Novgorod icon is different from its sister. It depicts the Savior, in front of whom are the Mother of God and John the Baptist. Both offer prayers to the Lord. The Savior has skillfully painted royal robes, and fiery wings are located behind his back. The Lord sits on the throne, which is supported by seven pillars of eternal wisdom.

How does a miraculous image help?

Anyone can pray in front of the icon whenever the soul requires it, and at any time. The clergy call on everyone Orthodox Christian during home prayers, light a lamp or candle in front of the icon, a symbol of the inextinguishable fire of true faith and the triumph of Orthodoxy. Prayers in front of the image can pacify raging emotions, prevent quarrels and conflicts between people, unite their thoughts and guide people on the true path, in which there is no place for evil and aggression.

Also, people suffering from various ailments resort to prayers in front of the image in the hope of healing, ask the Mother of God and the Savior for protection and protection from the negativity of the outside world, repent of what they have done and humbly ask for forgiveness of sins. Also, prayers in front of the image help people make the right and important decision if they find it difficult to stand at a fork in the road and don’t know what to do to achieve well-being and happiness.

You can offer prayers not only for yourself, but also for your relatives, as well as for all people living on earth. Words coming from the heart help heal spiritual wounds, fight the evil of temptation and other sins that try to block the path to the Lord for Orthodox Christians.

Prayers before the miraculous image

“The majestic and wise Mother of God, protector and patroness of the entire human race. Do not leave us, sinners, without divine protection and patronage. Grant us wisdom not to follow the shaky path that leads us into the abyss of depravity. Calm our souls that are in confusion. Do not let us, called Sophia, succumb to the temptations of the devil, but establish in our hearts God's Will, in which You established yourself with joy and humility, recognizing the Great Power and Grace of God. Amen".

“We magnify You, Eternal One, filled with Wisdom. You, who have let the Lord into your soul and into your womb, be glorified throughout the ages! We offer prayers to You with humility and ask You for protection, protection and healing of our souls and bodies walking on the mortal earth. As we all will come before the eyes of the Lord, let us answer for our sins. With repentance, we ask you to forgive us all our sins, committed voluntarily and involuntarily. Amen".

Dates of celebration of the icon

September 21 (8) marks the date of the celebration of the Kyiv Icon of the Mother of God. August 28 (15) marks the date of the celebration of the Novgorod Icon.

Righteous faith and sincere prayers will help everyone get rid of heavy thoughts and confusion. On the website you will find Orthodoxy">descriptions of other icons of the Mother of God that will help you solve pressing problems, guide you on the true path and become guides in christian world, where there is no place for anger and malice. We wish you happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and