home · Other · Theon's name is Orthodox. Teona is the magic of influencing the fate of the owner of the name. Famous people named Teona

Theon's name is Orthodox. Teona is the magic of influencing the fate of the owner of the name. Famous people named Teona

Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses exist also to expand your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Compatibility of the name Theon, manifestation in love

Teona, for you, marriage is like a long-term partnership. You are capable of the most sublime love and the most sincere affection, but do not tolerate attacks on your freedom in any form. And as soon as you feel that the bonds of marriage are turning into fetters on your feet, you react violently and unambiguously, introducing an imbalance into family life. If your partner has the common sense not to focus on your marital responsibilities, coexistence can be long, calm and happy.


You strive for freedom with all your heart. Any framework and restrictions weigh on your soul, constraining its movements like shackles. You need space. Therefore, when choosing between stable well-being and the undivided right to dispose of yourself, you always choose the latter.

Whenever fate provides you with the opportunity to somehow diversify your life, you without hesitation give up what you already have in favor of something new, still unknown. “Being overgrown with moss” is clearly not for you. You move through life easily, adapting to any circumstances. The process of movement itself is what your soul craves.

You just have to remember that “a hundred friends” will never replace one “heart friend”. Your reluctance to establish a stable relationship, to “settle” for a long time on one attachment, may subsequently become the reason for the formation of a complete vacuum around you, loneliness, which will be difficult for you to come to terms with.

Therefore, try not to miss the moment when freedom ceases to bring joy.

Nowadays it has become fashionable to call children names that no one has remembered for many years. Many parents want their child to be different from everyone else, so they try to name the baby something original, looking for euphonious names that are rare in modern life. One of the rarest names for girls today is the melodious, surprisingly tender name Theon.

The origin of the name Theon, or Thea, is Greek, and its meaning is interpreted in different sources in several versions - divine wisdom, goddess, divine, the thought of God. Moreover, initially there was only a male version - Theon, and only much later did girls begin to be called by the name Thea, Thea, Thea - the full Theon. Most often it is found in Georgia, but the claim that its roots are Georgian is definitely wrong.

Since childhood, little Thea has shown talent - she can extinguish conflict situations completely effortlessly. Reasonable baby has a calming effect on even the noisiest children. She is very curious and often wants to know everything at once, so parents should help their daughter navigate the choice of interests.

The meaning of the name Theon for a girl is expressed in the fact that she is usually a fairly obedient child, but somewhat restless. In order for Theo to be able to concentrate on the task at hand in life, as a child she needs to be told how to choose one goal from many, how to set priorities. Thea always has a lot of friends and acquaintances.

With age, Theo's strong character as a fighter for justice becomes more and more noticeable. Moreover, she knows how to pull herself together in stressful situations without succumbing to panic and despair. Not very trusting by nature Thea, however, attracts many different people - with her charm, ease of communication, and readiness to help at any moment.

Teona Kontridze (Georgian actress)

Thea is a born leader; she knows how to quickly and effectively set her surroundings in the right optimistic mood. Avoiding hateful scandals, Thea knows how to find simple compromise solutions in the most difficult situations. However, if a person appears in her environment who is capable of meanness and lies, Thea knows how to confront the insolent person very harshly, and breaks off the relationship without regard to potential problems.

Thea is ambitious and attaches great importance to her achieved status, trying to live up to it in all respects - not only as a professional in her field, but also as a woman. Having achieved a certain position in life, Theo will never allow himself to be careless in his relationships with people, in their appearance, in organizing the life of their family. Moreover, Thea very often sets herself tasks that seem simply fantastic to others. However, the more complex the goal, the harder Thea moves towards it, surprising her loved ones with unprecedented determination.

The meaning of the name for the health of its owner

Throughout her life, Thea has been tirelessly taking care of her health. If she does not play sports professionally, then There are definitely activities in her routine either fitness, or yoga, or swimming, or something else beneficial to health.

The meaning of the name for marriage and family

Thea has a unique charm that invariably attracts a variety of men. The girl knows how to maintain smooth relationships, without alienating, but also without encouraging her fans.

Teona is very freedom-loving. For a long time, she will prefer short-term novels, closely focusing on other aspects of her life. Most likely Thea will choose a man as her husband who will not limit her freedom, demanding that all attention be given to the family, because a career for a woman is one of the main goals in life.

Actress Teona Dolnikova with her lover, actor Maxim Shchegolev

If mutual understanding is reached, Theo will perfectly combine his work life with housekeeping and raising children. She will keep the house in perfect order, despite all her busyness.

If Thea has to choose between a man and a career, she will recklessly choose a career. Thea pays maximum attention to children, instilling in them determination and responsibility. Most likely that Thea will get married once and for all, trusting her intuition, which will not let her down.

Meaning of the name for career and hobbies

Thea takes her work activity very seriously. Often she chooses creative professions, because he thinks creatively and always achieves his goals. She will make a wonderful artist, actress, and designer.

Teona Tsitsakishvili (dancer)

In addition, Thea outstanding analytical skills– she will make an excellent leader, systematically and efficiently organizing the work process, which requires precision and painstakingness. It should be noted that any work that Theo undertakes to do will be done with high quality and within a strictly defined time frame.

Famous names bearers

  • Teona Dolnikova– Russian actress and singer;
  • Teona Kumsiashvili– Georgian singer;
  • Teona Koroshinadze– Georgian singer;

Teona Kumsiashvili

  • Teona Kontridze– Georgian actress;
  • Theona Etheria– Abkhaz designer;
  • Teona Bakradze– Georgian football player;

Teona Dolnikova

  • Teona Todadze– Georgian football player;
  • Teona Bostashvili- Georgian swimmer.

Dear readers, have you met in your life the owners of the rare name Theon, enchanting with its sound? Are you trying to choose a beautiful name with positive potential for your girl? If you prefer a more familiar framework, then pay attention to the never-going-out-of-fashion design. Or do you prefer bright names that give their owners incredible fortitude, such as ? Or the alluring, sweet-sounding one that is becoming more and more common today? Let us know if the article was interesting to you.

What name should I choose for a girl? For many parents, the main criterion is uniqueness. But do not forget that it must have a decent characteristic and be harmonious. There are many such names. One of them is Theona.

Meaning of the name

Teons are often called girls in Georgia. Due to the popularity of the name, it is quite common to come across the statement that this country is its homeland. In fact, Theon's name is of Greek origin. It was masculine at first, Theon. But later a female version appeared - Theona. The meaning of the name, according to one version, must be sought in the word theonos - “divine wisdom, divine understanding, divine thought.” Another version says that Theona was the result of the fusion of two words: theos and fanes (“gods” and “appearance”). The third translation of the name sounds like “goddess, divine.” If you look closely at all the interpretations, the meaning that Theon carries within itself will become obvious. The meaning of the name is inextricably linked with God.


The owner of this name (the Christian version is Feona) is very sociable and friendly. She is always surrounded by a large number of friends and acquaintances. She doesn't love and doesn't know what loneliness is. He values ​​honesty, decency, and openness in people. The owner of this name will not communicate with a selfish, hypocritical, deceitful person. She may even demonstratively turn away and walk away from an unpleasant interlocutor.

This girl doesn't like quarrels. She is very flexible, it is difficult to argue with her. She tries to smooth out unpleasant situations immediately and avoid scandals. If the conflict cannot be avoided, then he looks for a compromise that will suit both warring parties, or simply avoids the scandal. Moreover, it acts softly, unobtrusively.

Theona's friends and acquaintances appreciate this quality in her and often invite her to resolve a controversial situation. She makes an excellent independent referee.


Teona is a creative person. She is able to build a career doing what she loves. However, she may not have enough determination and perseverance to succeed. You should learn to concentrate on one thing and not get scattered over trifles. If Theona tries, she will achieve good results and make her life comfortable and financially independent. Creativity is the best career path for a person like Teona.

The meaning of the name should not be underestimated. It carries a secret meaning. Knowing it, you can better understand another person or yourself.


Some famous women are named by this name. This is Teona Dolnikova, Teona Kontridze, Teona Kumsiashvili.

Theon's name. The meaning and character of the owner

The name plays a huge role in a person’s fate. The path of life and character depend on its meaning. Let's look at the sonorous name Theon: its meaning, origin, professional talents, with whom it is better for the owner to connect her life. We advise you to read the article if you want to name your daughter this beautiful Greek name.

Theon's name: origin and meaning

It is believed that the name is of Georgian origin, but in fact it has Greek roots. It comes from the masculine Theon. A little later, the female name Theon was born. The meaning is to be found in the Greek word theonos, which means “thought of God.” There is another version, if you follow it, the name comes from the union of the words theos and fanes. They are translated as "god" and "appearance". There is a third option, and it is interpreted as "goddess".

Numerology of the name

The number of the name is four. Women named Theona have a technical mind. There are many scientific workers among them.

The number 4 is a symbol of stability, but the parents of the little owner of the name should know that she needs to be guided towards high goals. The modesty of a girl named Theon plays a huge role in her life. Despite the fact that the four brings stability, it can lead an unassuming person to poverty. Develop self-confidence in the girl, tell her how important it is to go to victory. Otherwise, the reliable Theona may remain in the shadow of her successful friends, whom she once helped.

If parents manage to develop ambition in a girl, then thanks to hard work, assertiveness and consistency in actions, she will be able to achieve heights in her career. Teona has a wonderful sense of humor and a rich imagination.

Name meaning by letter

Every letter in a name has a meaning. When choosing a name for your daughter, consider how you will call the girl affectionately. The owners of the name are usually called Teshami at home. Let's look at the meaning of each letter of the name.

T – creative spirit, emotionality, subtle mental organization.

E – sociability, well-spoken.

O – innate optimism, spiritual sphere, religiosity.

N – hard work.

A – selfishness.


We looked at the meaning of the name Theon. The character of the owner is the next point of the article. All Theons are reliable friends. With them, as they say, it’s not scary to go on reconnaissance missions. You can always rely on women with this name. Their main features: conscientiousness, stability, reliability. Their motto in friendship is: “An old friend is better than two new ones.”

Any technical specialty is suitable for Theons. Among them there are also excellent lawyers, economists and doctors.

A woman named Theon will be a wonderful wife and mistress. Its meaning is imposed on it by religiosity and spirituality. Girls bearing this name do not waste money, cook well, and love to receive guests. They are wonderful mothers, their children are raised in the best traditions and are always well-groomed.

Teona will have a strong marriage with Boris, Yuri, Nikita, Igor, Konstantin. Relations with Vadim, Victor, Alexander will develop worse.

Theon's name is not in the church calendar. The priest Feon of Thessalonica, whose memory is revered on April 17, is the patron saint of the owner of the name.


Theon(Greek Θέων) - Greek name.

Known carriers:

  • Theon of Alexandria (lived around 380) - ancient Greek mathematician, father of Hypatia.
  • Theon of Smyrna (2nd century) - ancient Greek philosopher.
  • Theon (Elius) of Alexandria Aelius Theon; III century) - teacher of rhetoric, author of manuals for stylistic exercises.
  • Max Theon (English) Max Theon; 1848-1927) - Polish kabbalist.
  • Theon Greyjoy is a character in the fantasy novels A Song of Ice and Fire (1996) by American writer George R. R. Martin.

Theon. What is the meaning and origin of the name Theon?


Theon. This name is of ancient Greek origin. There are two options.

  1. From the masculine - Theonos (divine wisdom).
  2. From the masculine - Theophanes, formed from the basics of theos (gods) and fanes (phenomenon).

In both cases, the meaning of this name is considered to be related to divine origin.

The name Theon is very popular in Georgia, but the name is of Christian Greek origin, translated as “Divine Understanding” and is a symbol of reliability. You can rely on a person with this name, he is reliable, enjoys authority, knows what he wants.

At first the name was male - Theon. Perhaps the word comes from theonos - the thought of God, divine wisdom. Or from the merger of two words -theos and fanes (gods and appearance). In any case, the word is inseparable from God. The female name Theona can mean: divine, goddess.

Nowadays, parents all over the world call their daughters the beautiful name Theon; it is very common in Georgia. Among the modern famous bearers of this name are Teona Kontridze, a Georgian jazz singer, and Teona Dolnikova, a Russian singer and actress.

Valery Matsyuk

The owner of the name Theona can certainly be proud of a very beautiful and euphonious name.

The female name Theon has a rich history. This name is of ancient Greek origin and goes back to the word theonos, the translation of which is usually interpreted as “divine wisdom.” It is also possible that this name was originally an everyday abbreviation of another ancient Greek name, Theophanes, formed by the fusion of two bases, theos - “gods” and fanes - “appearance, appearance,” and subsequently became an independent full name. In Ancient Greece, the name Theon was masculine; for example, it was borne by two outstanding astronomers and mathematicians Theon of Smyrna (first half of the 2nd century) and Theon of Alexandria (335-405). Over time, like many other names, ancient Greek masculine names could acquire a feminine version, while the original masculine version could be forgotten, as happened, for example, with the Latin name Nataliy or the Old Russian Lyudmil.

According to church foundations, the heavenly patron of a particular person is the saint whose memory in the calendar falls on the birthday itself or follows this date; it is this day that is called the name day. There is no female name Theon in the church calendar, but Saint Theona of Thessaloniki (April 17), the hieromartyr Theona the Magus (January 18) and the warrior-martyr Theona of Nicomedia (May 2) are mentioned in it.

The Greek titanide Theia may have become the “progenitor” of the interesting and sonorous female name Theon. This name is sometimes written as Teona or Feona. And in translation the name means “goddess”!

Theon's name is Catholic, but most popular in Georgia. In Russian and in a number of other European countries, this female name sounds differently: Dorothea or Dorofey. Although scientists argue that these names are not synonymous. There is also a name Fairy, Feona. Catholics often call girls Feons. But it is interesting that in Catholic church calendars male martyrs are baptized with this name.

It is believed that Theon's name is close to the name Dorothea. And in the Orthodox version and to the names: Theodosius, Fedora. There are also synonyms for this name: Diana, Athena, Dosithea, Alana and even Bozhidara, (Bogdana). Oddly enough, all these female names are deciphered with one meaning - divine, bestowed by God.

The only exception is Fiona. This name has a completely different origin.

In everyday life, family and friends can address Teona as Teo, Tycho, Tea, Tee, Teose.

The influence of a name on character and destiny

A girl, a woman named Theona, knows how to combine seemingly incompatible things. Theona manages to keep everything under control, to do as she wants, but at the same time she takes into account the wishes of those around her. In a word, the owner of this name is a born diplomat. She knows how to keep other people's secrets and be a loyal friend.

Teona learns quickly and easily. But he prefers that area of ​​​​knowledge that has practical, universal application. In her youth, a girl with this name often changes her preferences, she searches for her own path, acquires a lot of knowledge and skills. Theona can study the history of different cultures. At the same time, she realizes that each of them is unique and interesting in its own way. Therefore, Theona looks for what is reasonable and useful in all of them, and then successfully applies it in practice.

Tactful and self-possessed, Theona never makes harsh verdicts and does not consider her opinion to be the only correct one. A girl with that name is an excellent conversationalist, an excellent speaker. She has a rare gift: she knows how to quickly switch from one thing to another or focus the audience’s attention on what is important at the moment. Theona doesn't know what boredom is. A person with such a name will always find something to do to her liking.

One can envy Teona's composure and confidence. A girl with this name knows how to clearly define priorities and set goals. She cannot be led astray. Doubts and hesitations are alien to her. Teona is also quite ambitious. This is also one of the components of its success.

The uniqueness of Theona is that she knows how to analyze, but has excellent intuition. Success awaits her in the field of marketing and business. Teona will make an excellent leader, strategist, and analyst.

A lady with a similar name will “find herself” by taking up science and creativity. Teona does not compromise with her own conscience and completes any task efficiently and accurately.

Theona is always on the lookout. This concerns, first of all, her internal freedom. She constantly lacks a certain sense of flight, looseness. Theon is attracted to everything new and unknown. At the same time, Theona sometimes worries about her future; she is afraid of the unknown. When taking any important step in her life, Theona worries until she notices positive results.

People around her consider Theona a polite woman, a fair and honest person.

When choosing a husband, Theona is looking for a man who would be her equal partner. But at the same time, Theona sometimes wants to feel like a weak woman who can hide behind the back of an accomplished, self-sufficient husband.

A woman named Teona is a wonderful housewife and devoted wife. But she will never give up her professional aspirations. Teona will be able to choose the right strategy, one that will allow her to find time for children, a spouse, housekeeping and keep up with work.

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This feminine name is believed to be of Greek origin and, according to one version, comes from the word theonos, which translates as “divine wisdom.” According to the second version, the decoding is as follows: it is a compilation of two words: theos (gods) and fanes (phenomenon). The name was transferred to Christian, including Orthodox, culture as Feona. Common among women of Georgian nationality.

Teona celebrates her name day on January 3, April 20, August 23. It is now fashionable to give such a name to a child at baptism.


Name options: Feona, Theia, Thea, Theia, Thea, Dorothea, Feya.

Diminutive forms: Thea, Thea, Thea, Teosya, Theo, Tiko.

Paired male name: Theon.


As a child, a girl named Teona has a calm and balanced character; she is quite gentle in communication, friendly and flexible. Her sociability, friendliness and ability to find compromises in complex issues from an early age give her significant authority in the eyes of not only her peers, but also adults. Moreover, Tea can calm down any, even the most noisy, dispute, without resorting to forceful methods, only through persuasion and kind words.

Thanks to these qualities, the owner of this name is often approached by close people, friends, and colleagues with a request to act as an arbiter in a particular conflict. And she honorably fulfills the role entrusted to her. A baby, and then a teenager, always has many friends and acquaintances; loneliness is not her path; it is in communication that she shows all her best qualities.

At the same time, Thea always intuitively feels who is worth communicating with and who is not. She simply does not allow mentally unscrupulous people who do not shy away from lies, hypocrisy and selfishness into her own social circle. But even such unpleasant personalities find it difficult to start a quarrel with Thea - she can simply turn around and leave the person she doesn’t want to talk to. But the owner of the name is always happy to have honest, decent and brave peers in her circle.

Success in studies and sports

The name Theon gives the girl the ability to achieve everything without effort, but she needs to learn to be more diligent and focused. She is easy to train and easily remembers new material, she can handle a program of any complexity, she can easily learn both a new language and technical sciences, and all thanks to the fact that she loves to study and learn new things. Often a girl devotes her activities to sporting achievements. But even if she is not a professional athlete, there is probably a place in her life for sports training or, at a minimum, yoga.

Fate in love, marriage and family

One of the characteristics of a woman is that her name gives her some special craving for freedom in all its manifestations. Thea simply cannot live within the framework; she constantly needs to destroy patterns and break stereotypes. If she is involved in creativity or scientific research, this is a very useful property that will only help her achieve success.

Despite her love for everyday stability, if the need arises to choose between her and the opportunity to decide her own destiny, a woman named Theona will undoubtedly choose the second option. The desire for new experiences that can add variety to life is not just Thea’s “weakness”, it is her lifestyle. One can never say about her that she is “bogged down in everyday life” or “overgrown with moss.”

Even the most difficult circumstances do not become an obstacle for the owner of the name Theon. True, a constant craving for something new, for events that change like pictures in a kaleidoscope, can take her far from the line behind which her feminine happiness is hidden. For a long time, Thea does not strive to enter into a serious and long-term relationship, limiting herself to short-term romances.

When Theon finally decides to start her own family, she chooses her future spouse, rather, not as an object of tender feelings, but as a person who is capable of a long-term partnership. It is of great importance to her that her husband will not encroach on her freedom and independence, and will not insist that she leave her career to run the household. If this happens, Thea may break off the relationship, no matter how tenderly she previously treated her partner.

A family union can be happy if Theona’s husband has the wisdom to provide his wife with such freedom - or her well-developed illusion. “Illusion” here is not a superfluous word at all, because, despite the outwardly “rebellious” character, it is important for a woman to benefit her family and friends and make them happy.

Name compatibility

Good Compatibility: Yaroslav, Arseny, Elisha, Guram.

The romance will go wrong with Nikita, Makar, Roman, Vladislav.

Characteristics in career

The owner of the name Theona prefers to control everything within her influence, arrange everything to her liking, but take into account the wishes of others. This is a creative nature, can keep secrets and be a good diplomat. She prefers to learn skills that will be universal in various fields. It is very important for a girl to find her own path, so she often changes classes, her knowledge is varied. She has a flexible consciousness, she respects many different cultures, without singling out one of them as dominant - in each she will distinguish both positive and negative aspects. This is a fairly correct critic, focusing only on facts, not making his own assessment as the only correct opinion.

Teona knows how to quickly switch her attention from one thing to another, move from one job to another, so it simply turns out that she has no time to be sad and bored, this girl can always find something to do. She understands her goals, makes an important decision in her life and follows her dreams, directly, directly, without worry and uncertainty, and by following a clear line of action, she can achieve success. Inner ambitions strongly motivate and guide this girl. The lady has an intuitive type of perception, but she also has analytical abilities. She can achieve success as a manager, business analyst, marketer. Creativity or the scientific field - it is not so important for her what exactly she will do, but she does not want to do it efficiently and successfully.


Teona is characterized by an increased interest in her health and a healthy lifestyle. Maybe that's why she has it quite strong.

Which girl is it suitable for according to the horoscope?

Zodiac: Virgo.

Patron planet: Saturn, Mercury.

The mystery of the name

The secret of Theon's name is that its owner is a real symbol of reliability. Over time, this personality trait acquires a clear direction under the influence of life circumstances. The chosen type of activity becomes an area of ​​application of opportunities precisely as a person on whom you can always rely. Sometimes it takes all physical and moral strength to maintain this status, and this means that a woman should beware of overload.


  • Stone: ametrine, red ironstone.
  • Color: dark green, brown.
  • Best day: Wednesday.

Famous people

  • Teona Dolnikova (born 1984) Russian actress and singer, winner of the Golden Mask.
  • Teona Kumsiashvili is a Georgian singer.
  • Teona Eteria is an Abkhaz designer.