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Interesting facts we don't know. Interesting facts we didn't know about

It would seem that we are adults, we graduated from school and have seen a lot in life. But life is still such an amazing thing that, despite our age and apparent wisdom, we do not know everything. And this is wonderful, because what’s the point in going further if you don’t learn anything new?

Here are 26 simple facts from Everyday life, which you will definitely be surprised to learn. Surely you didn’t even suspect such basic things.

1. If you fold a piece of paper 42 times, it will reach the moon.
2. Try breathing and swallowing at the same time. You can't.
3. It is also impossible to chuckle if your nose is pinched.
4. Coconuts are killed every year more people than sharks. It's the same with cows.
5. This is what poppy seeds look like under a microscope (photo above).

6. North Korea and Finland are separated by only one country.
7. New York is actually located south of Rome.
8. And Scotland is north of Alaska.

9. The probability that you are drinking water that contains a water molecule that was in the body of a dinosaur is almost 100%.
10. There are more tigers in Texas than in the whole world.

11. There are fewer atoms on Earth than there are ways to shuffle a deck of cards.
12. There is a unit of measurement butt load (butt translated as “barrel”), equal to almost 500 liters.
13. There is enough iron in our body to make a 7.5 cm nail.

14. When the first Star Wars movie came out, people were still guillotined in France.
15. Anne Frank and Martin Luther King were born in the same year.
16. Shakespeare and Pocahontas lived at the same time.
17. And Charles Darwin and Abraham Lincoln were born on the same day, month and year.

18. The British have a name for the lint that accumulates at the bottom of your pockets - gnurr (“gne”).
19. Cambridge University is older than the Aztec Empire.
20. Beethoven and George Washington lived at the same time. Moreover, Beethoven was born when Washington was 38 years old.
21. The cartoon “Monsters, Inc.” was released closer to the time of the fall Berlin Wall than by 2016.

22. A million seconds is 11 days. A billion seconds is 33 years.
23. Cleopatra lived closer to the invention of the iPhone than to the construction of the Cheops pyramid.
24. Every two minutes we take more pictures than all of humanity did in the entire 19th century.

25. Diamond rains occur on Saturn and Jupiter.
26. Human DNA is 50% identical to bananas.

The wonders of nature continue to amaze. Moreover, the most unusual phenomena can be found close to home, seen in the most ordinary things. It’s enough to look around carefully, stop, embrace nature and feel...

1. The black swift is considered the most record-breaking bird. The bird can fly for about 2.5 years. At the same time, she eats food and mates. This bird also has a high horizontal flight speed of 180 km/h.

2. Brown algae is considered one of the longest. Its length can reach 200m.

3. The largest in the world is the Madagascar hissing. Its length can be from 5 mm to 10 centimeters.

4. In Germany there is one of the smallest five-star hotels, the width of which is 2.4 meters.

5. The most expensive cheese in the world is Pule. The cost of this cheese is $1300 per kilogram. Manufacturers explain the reason for this cost by saying that the ingredients of the cheese include donkey milk, which costs 40 euros per liter.

6. The oldest father in the world is 96 years old and lives in India. Despite his age, the man is glad that he had a second child and considers it a blessing.

7. The tallest man in the world is Sultan Kosen. His height is 2.5 meters, and his foot length is 36.6 cm.

8. 43 meters - the length of the longest cigar in the world. It may well become an original gift for February 23, birthday or other holiday for your beloved man. Although you can find more unexpected surprises, for example, in the online store Surprise Everyone. The main thing is that the gift should be a completely unexpected surprise.

9. Hair on the head can live by gravity for 10 years, while on eyebrows and eyelashes - no more than 4 months. Hair grows 0.4 mm per day. Hair growth is most effective in the evening, and least at night.

10. Icotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate hydrin is an active participant in plant synthesis

11. The longest name of a Russian substance contains 55 letters Tetrahydropyranylcyclopentyltetrahydropyridopyridine.

12. A hippopotamus can eat 40 kg of grass per day. The maximum amount of grass they can eat per day is 200 kg.

13. A kangaroo jumps 12 meters long and 3 meters high.

14. 25 large power plants are needed to run refrigerators in the United States.

15. There are about 5 thousand different languages ​​in the world.

16. Diarrhea is not such a harmless disease - in 1900, about a third of all people died from it.

17. A bald eagle can build a nest that weighs about a ton.

18. Oak boards and iron nails cannot be compatible. Wood contains substances that can corrode iron.

19. A grizzly bear can reach speeds of 60 km/h.

20. The smallest alphabet is Hawaiian, which contains only 12 letters.

21. In order for a village to be called a village, it must have a church.

23. The largest coral reef is the Great Barrier Reef, which is located in Australia. Its length is about 250 km wide.

25. The baby blue whale has the highest weight gain per day. So, in one day he is able to gain up to 100 kg of weight.

26. The widest part of Highway 401, which is located in Canada, has 18 main lanes and 4 additional ones.

Incredible facts

No matter how much knowledge you have, there is always something interesting in the world that you could learn about today.

6. The most a big wave, which we rode on, was height with 10-story building.

7. Hearing - the fastest of feelings person.

8. Since the rotation of the Earth’s axis has slowed down, dayduring the time when dinosaurs lived,lasted approximately 23 hours.

9. On Earth more plastic flamingos than real ones.

10. To cook eggs on the sidewalk, its temperature should reach 70 degrees Celsius.

11. 54 million people alive today they will die in a year.

12. Charlie Chaplin once participated in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition and took 3rd place there.

13. Most entries off-screen laughter in comedy shows was recorded in the 1950s. So many of that audience are no longer alive.

14. Antarctica – the only continent where corn is not grown.

15. Lighters were invented before matches..

16. Napoleon was not short. His height is 170 cm, which was considered average height for the French in those days.

17. Best time For nap between 1 and 2:30 p.m., since at this time the body temperature drops.

18. Children don't feel salty taste up to 4 months.

19. Male pandas perform handstand, when they urinate to mark a tree.

20. If only The earth would be the size of a grain of sand, The sun would be the size of an orange.

21. The Dead Sea is not completely dead. Microbes halophiles live in its salty water.

22. The first horses were the size of Siamese cats. These were the smallest horses that ever lived.

23. Only about 100 people in the world can speak Latin fluently.

The Black Sea washes over seven countries; many tourists flock to its shores during their holidays to swim and relax to their heart's content. A variety of Black Sea resorts are happy to welcome everyone. But what do we know about this sea? Are there interesting facts that we don't know about? Of course have. Let's get to know them in this article.

A sea with many names

Only this sea has had a huge number of names throughout its history of existence. As soon as they didn’t call him. Its very first name was given by the ancient Greeks - Pont Aksinsky. translated it means “inhospitable sea.” It was along it that the Argonauts, led by Jason, sailed in search of the Golden Fleece. It was very difficult to approach the sea, since its shores were inhabited by hostile tribes who fiercely guarded their territory. In addition, there was little information about Ponte Aksinsky, and navigation in those days was not established. Later, after the development and conquest of the coast, it was renamed Pont Evsinsky, which meant “hospitable sea.”

An interesting fact about the Black Sea is that it had many more names that were given to it by different peoples: Cimmerian, Akhshaena, Temarun, Tauride, Holy, Blue, Surozh, Ocean. And in Ancient Rus', until the sixteenth century, it was called Russian or Scythian.

Why is it Black?

There is no clear answer to this question, but there are two hypotheses that hold true. The first says that the reason for this name is hydrogen sulfide. This substance has the property of covering with a black coating metal objects, falling to a depth of more than 150 meters, for example, an anchor. When the sailors picked him up, they saw that he had turned black. This quality of water gave the name to the sea in the future.

The second hypothesis is that in ancient times parts of the world were designated by color. White color meant south, and black meant north. In Turkish, for example, the Mediterranean Sea is called the White Sea, that is, located in the south.

Dangerous and healing inhabitants of the sea

Do you want to know interesting facts about the Black Sea and its inhabitants? For example, about a shark that can help fight cancer? The katran shark lives in the middle waters of the Black Sea. It is small, less than a meter in length, but very dangerous. There are spikes on her back. But vacationers should not be afraid of them: the marine life is afraid of noise, so it does not swim to the shores.

These dogfish sharks are actively used in pharmacology, since their fat has excellent healing properties, and their liver contains a substance that can cure some forms of cancer.

In addition to the mentioned sharks, the Black Sea is home to about 2,500 different animals, among which there are very dangerous ones, such as the sea dragon. On its dorsal fin there are poisonous prickly spines that can be fatal. Another dangerous inhabitant of the Black Sea is the scorpion fish.

There is an interesting fact about the Black Sea in Russia, which says that on August nights it glows like a neon lamp. This happens because it is at this time that sea candles—algae that are capable of bioluminescence—accumulate near the surface of the water. Thanks to this property, the sea sparkles in the dark.

  1. IN winter period, The Black Sea remains almost 90% unfrozen.
  2. The only large peninsula washed by the Black Sea is the Crimean peninsula.
  3. There are no ebbs and flows in this sea, since the waters Atlantic Ocean only in small quantities fall into it.
  4. The Black Sea currents are very interesting: they resemble two whirlpools, with giant waves that look like glasses. The waves reach 400 kilometers. These whirlpools are named after the oceanologist who first described the currents - “Knipovich's glasses.”
  5. Another interesting fact about the Black Sea is that ancient Taman cities hid at its bottom. This happened due to the fact that the sea is increasing in volume very quickly - 25 centimeters per century.
  6. The mountains around the sea are also growing, but not so quickly - about 15 centimeters per hundred years.
  7. About 7500 years ago, on the site of the Black Sea there was a freshwater lake with its inhabitants. As a result of a cataclysm (flood or earthquake), a fault occurred in the soil, and water entered the lake. sea ​​water, flooding it and killing its inhabitants. Their remains, accumulated on the seabed, emit hydrogen sulfide, which turns all the metal black and prevents sea inhabitants from descending to a depth of below 150 meters. According to some sources, the flooding of this lake could be the same flood from which Noah escaped in his ark.

These are the interesting facts about the Black Sea that exist in our history.

This selection will definitely expand your horizons. Look!

Why are eyebrows needed?

This is a natural “headband” that we inherited from our ancestors. Eyebrows prevent acrid sweat and raindrops from rolling down from your forehead directly into your eyes. There is a possibility that the invention of umbrellas and hats, as well as the ruthless evolution over the coming millennia, will remove eyebrows from the list of organs necessary for survival and procreation. Because of this, women of the fourth millennium will no longer need to track discounts on plucking and styling on beauty salon Instagrams.

How does dirt appear in the navel?

The accumulation of dirt in the navel is - no joke - the most mysterious physical process on the human body. Austrian chemist Georg Steinheiser studied the formation process and composition of “umbilical mud” and published the results of his scientific research in 2010. It turns out that during the day, the hairs around the navel collect fibers from clothing and push them inside, where they mix with dust particles, beads of sweat and microscopic particles of skin, falling into clumps. To combat this scourge, says Steinheiser, you can either shave the hair around problem area, or by getting a piercing: the metal will repel dirt and there will be nothing to pick out in the shower in the evenings.

What does the subway smell like?

Creosote is a special chemical used for lubrication. wooden sleepers and other details of the metro. In the quantities in which it is in the air at stations, it is non-toxic and does not cause any unpleasant effects, except for reactions in allergy sufferers. In the subways of other cities (New York, Tokyo, London and even CIS cities - Minsk and Kyiv) this characteristic smell is not present.

If the mother of Russian cities is Kyiv, then who is the father?

First, we need to figure out why Kyiv is still a “mother”, despite the masculine gender. The pre-revolutionary spelling of Kyiv is “Kiev”. Solid sign at the end in the 19th century it did not sound at all, but denoted the hardness of the previous consonant sound. But in IX it was pronounced as an unstressed “o” (for example, like the first two “o” in the word “milk”). During the reign of Prince Oleg, who called Kyiv “the mother of Russian cities,” the word was read as “Kieva” and belonged to the feminine gender. The pope of Russian cities, according to historians, is Novgorod. It was built before Kyiv, and served as an important trading hub - it was the beginning of the legendary route “From the Varangians to the Greeks.”

Do penguins have knees?

There are two sets. The first is the so-called tarsus, which looks like a backwards-turned knee, which almost all birds have, and a real functional knee that connects the femur and tibia.

The problem is that the penguins' tarsus is too close to the foot, and the knee itself is too close to the body. Therefore, the lower legs of penguins look like a solid, rigid structure.

Where does the excavated soil go after the construction of the metro?

She doesn’t disappear anywhere without a trace. Depending on the quality of the resulting soil, the soil is sent either for processing and disposal in technical enterprises, for example, on construction projects Moscow and the region, or, if it good quality, for landscaping parks and forest areas.

What dreams do blind people see?

People who are blind from birth actually see dreams that do not have visual images. Dreams may include sounds, smells, and touches. different combinations, but they won’t even have color or light elements. People who have lost their sight during their lifetime experience normal dreams. Their brightness decreases year after year: colors disappear and images blur, until eventually they fade to zero.

Why do traffic police officers have striped batons?

The contrasting black and white coloring is equally noticeable both in the city and in the field at any time of the day and in any weather. The traffic police came to the idea of ​​painting the batons black and white 77 years ago. Before this, back at the beginning of the century, until traffic lights appeared and the flow of cars grew to the modern endless traffic jam for the entire city, traffic controllers first made do with completely white and then red and yellow wands, similar to the lightsabers from “ Star Wars" Then the USSR launched a bold but unsuccessful experiment: for several years they made do with white gloves and a special set of gestures. It was after the fiasco of this venture that the traffic controllers were given the famous black and white sticks.

What is the most popular word in Russian?

A special organization of linguists monitoring the state of the Russian language found out in 2014 that the most popular word in Russian - the interjection “damn”, which is used in speech even more often than the pronouns “I” and “you”. This says a lot about the state of modern Russian speech.

Will a gun fire in space?

It will definitely shoot once. A bullet, devoid of air friction, gravity and other obstacles, will fly for a very long time and very far (quite likely millions of kilometers) until it falls into the gravitational zone of a star or extinguishes inertia in another way, but the shooter will have to fight with the recoil from shot, spinning around its axis and coping with nausea and disorientation. The second, third and other shots may well not happen: in order for some parts of the pistol to work as required, they need air gap, compensating for friction of parts. So every shot in space will render the gun unusable a thousand times faster than on Earth.

What causes "butterflies in the stomach"?

Adrenalin. For the brain, falling in love is very little different from other types of stress, such as grief or danger. This is why lovers eat little and sleep poorly. As soon as a person sees a loved one, the brain recognizes this as a stress signal and begins to pump adrenaline through the vessels. Please note: you most likely experienced the same sensations in your stomach before an important exam or before an important interview.

Why don't people sneeze in their sleep?

First, you need to understand how people sneeze: the brain receives information about irritation, transmits a signal to the chest muscles to fill the lungs with air, closes the holes in the throat and gives a signal to exhale. The air ends up exploding through the nasopharynx. You can’t sneeze in a dream because problems occur at the very first stage: the brain receives a signal about irritation, but due to the fact that nervous system works in a suppressed “sleep” mode, and cannot do anything about it except wake up the owner if the irritation is strong enough. And then, you won’t be able to sneeze immediately after getting up: the nervous system has not yet entered working mode.

Why are some dreams so difficult to remember?

During sleep, norepinephrine is not released - a hormone that, among its other duties, is responsible for fixing memories in long-term memory. An interesting detail: norepinephrine is released during fulminant stressful situations: injuries and burns, as well as in cases of serious nervous shock, anxiety and fear. This is why nightmares and disturbing dreams are much more memorable than good dreams.

Why do some drinks taste bad after brushing my teeth?

The toothpaste contains sodium lauryl sulfate. It is added as a foaming agent, which makes brushing your teeth easier and distributes the paste more evenly throughout the mouth. The substance is not considered harmful, but may cause an allergic reaction or irritation. Another thing is that upon contact with the tongue, sodium lauryl sulfate suppresses the receptors responsible for sweetness. In addition, the component temporarily destroys the phospholipid layer, which suppresses the bitterness of food. So it turns out that the taste of food and drinks that a person consumes immediately after thoroughly brushing his teeth changes beyond recognition and not for the better.

Why does ice cream hurt my forehead?

The effect is called “brain freeze” and is observed in a third of people living on earth. Unpleasant pressing sensations in the forehead or behind the ears are caused by the fact that from the cold in the mouth (specifically in the palate), the brain is “scared” that the cold will soon reach it, and begins to urgently pump warm blood to itself. Because of this, blood flow is disrupted for some time, and unpleasant sensations arise in the head. In science, the effect is called sphenopalatative ganglioneuralgia. You can make warning stickers and use them to mark ice cream in stores.

What happens to the pages of deceased people on social networks?

In most cases - nothing. Automatic removal pages after a certain period without activity in many in social networks still no. For example, pages on Facebook, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte remain forever. However, Twitter deletes a profile in which no new posts have appeared for more than six months. In other cases, pages change status. Facebook allows you to turn a user profile into a “memorial”. To do this, you need to send a copy of the death certificate to the network administration. The status of the page will change - the inscription “In loving memory of...” will appear, and you can continue to leave comments and entries on the wall. When changing status, access to personal correspondence is not transferred to either relatives or other close people. Your secrets will definitely remain yours forever. A single solution to the problem of the social network has not yet been developed, but in the coming years it is already worth having in stock: around 2050, the number of pages of the dead will be equal to the number of profiles of the living, and then the ratio will change in favor of the dead.