home · On a note · How to make apple marshmallow recipe. We prepare very tasty homemade apple pastille. Apple pastille with sugar in the oven

How to make apple marshmallow recipe. We prepare very tasty homemade apple pastille. Apple pastille with sugar in the oven

A store-bought dessert with the same name is a pathetic illusion of homemade apple marshmallow. This is not at all the delicacy that Pushkin, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky loved and mentioned in their works. It is not known when the original Russian dessert began to be prepared in the villages. But in the 18th century, pastille factories were already opened in Russia. Today we are getting acquainted with the easiest recipes for making it for the winter.

Before the revolution, there were three centers in the country that were proud of their unique recipes for making marshmallows - Kolomna, Rzhev and Belev, in the Tula province. Pastila glorified Russia. In many European capitals, in London, Paris, Vienna, Russian shops selling dessert were popular. Based on the marshmallow recipe, the French came up with marshmallows.

How to make apple marshmallow at home

It’s not difficult to prepare homemade marshmallow, you just need to know some nuances so as not to spoil the preparation. Taste, color, airiness depend on the quality of the apples.

  • The most delicious dessert, dried in the sun. But this is long and quite troublesome. In the sun, the delicacy will dry in 2-3 days. But you will have to take it out in the morning and hide it at night.
  • Many cooks use modern drying assistants. These are gas ovens, electric dryers, convection ovens. Products dry much faster.
  • To prepare marshmallows, it is important that apples contain a lot of natural gelling substance - pectin. Sour varieties meet this requirement.
  • After baking, grind sweeter varieties of fruit into puree and boil a little, making it as thick as possible.
  • Apple mass can be thickened artificially. For this purpose, gelatin and agar-agar are added. The industry now produces special crystals for cooking jelly “Confiturka”, “Zhelfix”, containing natural pectin.
  • If you are making baked apples, bake the whole fruit. The core is removed afterwards, since many apples darken when cut. In particular, Antonovka is an ideal variety for making marshmallows. You can bake in halves, then place the apples cut side down.

How to tell when pastille is ready

It is advisable not to miss the time when the workpiece is completely ready. If you don't dry the marshmallow completely, it will become like viscous toffee. Overdried one will also not give you pleasure; it will crumble, reminiscent of chips.

The finished apple delicacy is easily separated from the parchment. The plates are soft, elastic, easy to bend and twist.

Apple pastille in the oven with sugar

Find a wild one, it's sour. Or choose sour garden apples for marshmallows. The preparation at home is made from oven-baked fruits.

You will need:

  • Fruits – 2 kg.
  • Sugar - a glass.

How to cook:

  1. Pour some water onto the bottom of the baking sheet. Arrange whole apples.
  2. Preheat the oven to 170 o C. Bake the fruit for 40 minutes. For large fruits, increase the time slightly.
  3. Cool slightly, wipe with a sieve. Discard the pulp and place the puree into the pan. Drain off excess juice.
  4. Juicy apples require boiling; Antonovka can be left without cooking. Cook over low heat, stirring the contents occasionally.
  5. When the mass remains a third of the initial volume, turn off the burner. The puree should become golden and thick.
  6. Beat the mixture with a blender or mixer. She will lighten up.
  7. Continuing to beat, add sugar. When the sand has completely dissolved, proceed to the next stage of preparation - drying.

Drying marshmallows in the oven

  1. Preheat the oven to 40-50 o C. Place parchment paper or foil on a baking sheet and grease with vegetable oil.
  2. Spread the apple mixture in a centimeter layer.
  3. Dry with the oven door slightly open. Total drying time is about 6 hours.
  4. I usually dry for 2 hours. Then I turn off the oven. Without removing the baking sheet and without closing the door, I leave it for about half an hour. I check the pastille for readiness. If necessary, turn on the stove again and continue drying. Once you get the hang of it, you can judge by eye how much time you need to add.
  5. After drying the top layer, turn the marshmallow over. Continue the process until the second side is completely dry.
  6. Cut into shaped pieces, sprinkle with powder, and store in a jar or cardboard box.

Apple marshmallow without sugar - homemade recipe

It will appeal to everyone who counts calories, monitors their health, and diabetics. The recipe is classic, since in the villages they used to prepare dessert without sugar; it was too expensive.

How to make:

  1. Wash the fruits, divide into parts, removing the seeds. Cut off the peel or leave it, it's up to you.
  2. Pour water into the pan until the bottom is covered by about an inch.
  3. Fold the apples. On low heat, start boiling the mixture with the lid closed.
  4. Slowly bring to a boil. Simmer until the pieces become soft. It is impossible to indicate the exact time; it depends on the type of fruit and the degree of ripeness.
  5. If the apples are juicy, a lot of juice will appear. Drain it and rub the apples through a sieve. Drink apple juice, it contains many vitamins. Instead of a sieve, you can use a blender, this will speed up the process.
  6. How to dry. Line a baking sheet or wide cutting board (I sometimes use it for cutting dough) with parchment or cling film.
  7. Grease with sunflower oil so that the finished pastille can be easily separated.
  8. Spread a thin layer of puree. To ensure the marshmallow dries quickly, make a layer of no more than a centimeter.
  9. When the top layer dries, turn the workpiece over and dry it completely. If the weather is good, the delicacy will be ready after 2-3 days.
  10. Divide the dessert layers into parts. Many people immediately cut into pieces of any shape - squares, strips. Be sure to sprinkle with powdered sugar. Store the marshmallows in glass jars.
Attention! Using any of the suggested recipes, you can make a delicious marshmallow roll at home. To do this, sprinkle the dried elastic layers with powdered sugar and roll them into a roll. Cut into pieces and hide in a jar.

Recipe for airy apple soufflé with protein

They say that the French invented marshmallows. It is known for certain that they took a Russian recipe for apple marshmallow as a basis. They improved it a little by adding protein, resulting in a delicious treat.

I offer our version of marshmallows - in the form of a soufflé. A type of dessert is, the recipes of which I have already introduced. A simplified version is given here.

  • Ready applesauce – 0.5 kg.
  • Egg white.
  • Granulated sugar – 150-200 gr.

Step-by-step preparation of pastille:

  1. Bake the fruit in the oven as described in the first recipe.
  2. If you are not satisfied with the consistency of the puree, it is a bit liquid, reduce it a little until it reaches the correct thickness.
  3. Beat the mixture, adding sugar in portions.
  4. Beat the egg whites separately.
  5. Combine and continue working with the mixer. You will see stable peaks, the workpiece is ready.
  6. How to dry, also read in the first recipe.

Honey apple marshmallow - a simple recipe

Having learned how to make simple marshmallows at home, you can move on to more complex recipes.

Honey dessert is best made in small shaped molds.


  • Fruits – 2 cups.
  • Honey - a glass.


  1. Bake the fruit until soft. Make a puree. Strain in a sieve, removing the core and skin. Measure, there are so many glasses. Beat with a mixer.
  2. Whisk honey in a separate bowl. If the product is candied, dissolve it in a water bath.
  3. Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly again.
  4. Place in molds in a 2-3 centimeter layer.
  5. Dry in the oven, placed on a baking sheet. Temperature – 40-50 o C.
  6. Glue the finished pieces together in pairs, coated with honey.

Video with a step-by-step description of making homemade apple marshmallow. Good luck with your preparations!

Apple marshmallow is the best sweet for a healthy diet; it’s very easy to prepare it at home: classic or custard.

Apples – 1100 g
Sugar - 60 g
Water – 50 ml
Vegetable oil - for greasing parchment

To prepare apple marshmallow at home (in the oven), you will need a minimum of ingredients - in fact, the apples themselves, and preferably green ones, they contain more pectin. I usually make marshmallows from Semerenko apples, adding just a little sugar and water. If you take apples that taste sweeter, then you don’t even need to add sugar.

First, wash the apples and cut them into slices, removing the cores.

Now put the apple slices in a saucepan or stewpan.

Add water.

Cover with a lid and place on low heat. The apples should soften, this will take 20-30 minutes. When they look like in the photo, remove the pan from the heat, let the apples cool a little so as not to get burned, and carefully drain the resulting juice. You can simply drink it, because it is very tasty and resembles not even juice, but jelly.

Now the apple slices need to be peeled. You can do this through a sieve, grinding the whole mass in parts or removing the peel from each slice separately with a spoon.

Pour sugar into the resulting applesauce and again put it on low heat and boil the puree for 15 minutes. Then we turn it into a homogeneous mass using an immersion blender.

Cover the baking sheet with parchment and grease with a small amount of vegetable oil. This will make it easier to remove the finished pastille from the parchment. Spread the applesauce in an even layer on the parchment paper.

Place the baking sheet in the oven and dry the marshmallow at 130 degrees for an hour and a half, opening the door a little while drying. To do this, I simply place a spoon between the door and the oven itself.

The finished apple marshmallow looks like this. While it's hot it will be a little soft, just leave it at room temperature and it will cool and harden. To make it easier to remove from the parchment, cut the parchment together with the marshmallow with scissors.

Now, prying on one side, remove the marshmallow from the parchment paper and roll each piece into a roll.

These are the apple marshmallow rolls we made.

Recipe 2: Homemade Belevsky apple pastille

  • apple – 800 gr
  • sugar - 170 gr
  • powdered sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • egg white - 1 pc.

So, first of all, let's prepare applesauce. To do this, you will need to bake fresh apples in the oven or microwave. This time I used the oven, so I baked the apples whole. By the way, thanks to this the pulp will not darken and the puree will be light.

You need to bake apples for about 30 minutes (depending on the size of the fruit) at 180 degrees. But, again, look at the readiness of the apples: when pierced with a fork, the pulp should be completely cooked and become very soft. You see, some even burst - this is normal.

Now, while the apples are still hot enough, we get the pulp. To do this, it is convenient to use a fork to hold pieces of fruit and a spoon to remove the pulp.

Punch it with an immersion blender or rub it through a sieve to get a homogeneous, smooth puree. We measure exactly 500 grams. If there is any left, just eat it yourself or give it to your little one. My son helped me in the kitchen while preparing marshmallows, so he happily ate the leftover puree and also licked the bowl - a very tasty and natural homemade delicacy.

Stir and leave the puree with sugar until it cools completely. You can stir the mixture for a couple of minutes, then the sugar will dissolve very quickly in the warm puree.

When the applesauce has cooled completely (you can put it in the refrigerator to speed up the process), transfer it to a large bowl and add one egg white. Remember that when whipping, the mass will greatly increase in volume, so the dishes should be spacious.

Beat the puree with the egg whites with a mixer at high speed for about 5-7 minutes, maybe more (I don’t know what the power of your mixer is). The main thing is that you get a snow-white fluffy mass, quite dense - like marshmallow.

Now this airy apple mass will need to be dried. To do this, take a rectangular pan with sides (about 20x30 centimeters) and cover it with baking paper. Spread the snow-white cream and smooth it with a spatula. Approximately 1 cup of the workpiece should be left to lubricate the layers - just leave it in the refrigerator.

You need to dry the apple marshmallow in a slightly open oven at 100 degrees for about 3-4 hours. You will see how the mass becomes creamy and settles a little. In addition, it will stop sticking to your fingers.

Turn the finished apple marshmallow over onto another sheet of parchment paper. To ensure that the sheet that was in the mold can be easily removed, just moisten it a little with water and wait about 5 minutes. Then it can be easily removed. Otherwise, you will not delete it without loss.

Using a sharp knife, cut the layer of loose marshmallow into 3 equal parts. Just be careful, since the marshmallow is very tender, it seems to be riddled with air bubbles.

Remember, we left about a glass of applesauce whipped with egg white - now we need it. Coat three layers of marshmallow with the mixture.

When the marshmallow has cooled completely, rub powdered sugar into it. We don’t sprinkle it, but rather rub it in with our fingers.

Well, actually, this is the whole recipe for homemade Belev marshmallow. The result is an apple-pre-apple, very tender, sweet and aromatic delicacy. Of course, you'll have to tinker, but it's worth it!

Recipe 3: simple apple pastille “White filling”

  • apples (“White filling” variety) – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • water – 100 ml.

First, let's prepare the products. Apples can be of any degree of ripeness (except for completely green ones, they should not be used). Let's wash them, cut out the core, and remove problem areas. It is better to use bottled water for marshmallows.

Cut the apples into pieces as desired (cutting is not important in our recipe). Place it in a metal ladle and fill it with the required amount of water.

Then put the mixture into a blender container. By starting the device, we get homogeneous applesauce.

Next, put the apple mass back into the ladle and, stirring, boil it down to 1/3 of the original volume. This should take from 1 to 2 hours (depending on the intensity of the fire and the amount of liquid). During this cooking period, the puree boils strongly, splashes in different directions, turn the heat to low and stir the mass often.

Then put the amount of sugar into the saucepan with the puree and cook the contents for another 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Next, turn off the fire.

Now our mass needs to be dried until ready. This is best done in an electric dryer. Cover the entire inside of the container with high-quality food parchment. It is very important to lubricate it with vegetable oil so that there are no problems with removing the finished marshmallow.

Place the slightly cooled apple mixture from the ladle onto the parchment in a thick layer (12–15 mm). Let's turn on the drying device. After about five hours, our apple marshmallow will reach its optimal level of readiness. The first sign of this: the apple layer is easily separated from the paper and holds its shape.

Apple pastille in the dryer turns out to be quite dry, but not overdried, holds its shape well and curls easily.

Cut the marshmallow into strips 5–7 cm wide and roll into tubes. You can start tasting.

Recipe 4: homemade sour apple pastille in the oven

Belevskaya pastila, which is easy to prepare at home.

  • sour apples - 1.3 kg;
  • sugar - 80 gr.;
  • egg (white) - 1 pc.;

Wash the apples, cut them into halves or quarters (so they will fit more tightly on the baking sheet) and cut out the center and tail. There is no need to remove the peel. Place the apple slices on a baking sheet lined with foil. Place in the oven at 150°C until done (45-60 minutes)

Cool the baked apples and grind them in a blender. I got 960 grams of finished puree. Apple marshmallow can be made without sugar, but if the apples are sour, you can add sugar, but not much.

I added 80 grams of sugar to the puree, half directly into the puree, and half into the whipped egg whites. The white should be whipped into a strong foam, as for meringue; if desired, add sugar and beat until it dissolves. With protein and sugar, the structure of the marshmallow is a little porous and, in my opinion, better than without them.

Gently mix the puree with the egg whites and pour onto a baking sheet lined with foil. We send the applesauce to dry in the oven set to the lowest heat. If you have a fruit dryer, then making marshmallows is very easy for you.

Every housewife knows her oven, so she can adjust the temperature and time. The main thing is to make sure that the pastille does not burn. I dried mine intermittently: 2 hours in the oven, then completely cooled, then again 1 hour in the oven, cooled, then turned it over and back into the oven for 30 minutes.

The almost finished marshmallow releases well from the foil.

I have a baking tray measuring 20 by 35 cm. The thickness of the marshmallow is approximately 0.4 cm. The weight of the finished marshmallow is 220 grams.

Recipe 5: how to make apple marshmallow in powdered sugar

  • Apples - 5 pcs.
  • Sugar - 170 g
  • Egg (egg white) - 1 pc.
  • Powdered sugar (to taste)

Place clean apples on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for about 30 minutes. Preheat the oven at 180-200 degrees. The skin of the apples should crack, the flesh will become soft - which means it’s time to remove the apples. Baked apples must be cooled, then peeled and cored. Transfer the apple pulp into a sieve.

We rub the apple pulp through a sieve, you can also use a blender.

Add sugar to the applesauce and mix, then let the puree cool a little and add egg white to it. Whisk the mixture for approximately seven minutes. The volume of the mixture should increase three times, but in principle it will be enough to double it.

Transfer the resulting mixture into a fireproof form (the form must be selected so that it is about 20 cm by 30 cm in size), leaving one glass in order to then coat the marshmallow. put in the oven preheated to 70 degrees C for 8 hours.

Remove from the oven, let the marshmallow cool, then carefully remove it from the mold, transfer it to a cutting board and cut it into rectangles with a well-sharpened knife.

We lay the marshmallows one on top of the other in a rectangular stack, coat each layer with the reserved cream, then dry it in the oven again for another two hours, at the same temperature of 70 degrees.

We take the pastille out of the oven, cut off the edges that are not even with a knife. Then roll the marshmallows in powdered sugar in a separate bowl.

Place the marshmallow ready to serve on a dish and bring it to the table. It goes very well with tea and milk.

Recipe 6: dietary apple pastille at home

  • 2 dozen medium-sized apples (any flavor, even sour)

Wash the apples for marshmallow and cut out the core. I cut them into 4 pieces and clean them, but you can do it in other ways. For example, if the knife is long and sharp, pierce the apple right through and “circle” the core in a circular motion until it falls out. Or, if there is a special knife on the farm, use it!

Place the apples on a dry baking sheet and bake in the oven for 20-30 minutes. If the top or bottom of the apples “sticks” a little, it’s not scary.

Grind the apples with a blender. If it comes with a bowl, just add them in portions (if necessary, you can add a little boiled water). If the blender is submersible, you need to put the apples in a deep saucepan and beat them for about 10 minutes. The final mixture turned out to be lumpy, but still suitable for making apple marshmallow.

Place a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet and spread a thin layer of applesauce on it. It can be “spread” thicker around the edges than in the center.

Dry the apple marshmallow according to the recipe in the oven over low heat for 2-3 hours. Important: since you don’t end up with a lot of product, I would recommend using several baking trays at once (if you have them). Or you can take one baking sheet and one silicone baking mat (place the mat on a wire rack in the oven). Can you set the desired temperature in the oven yourself? It should not exceed 100 degrees.

Recipe 7: homemade apple pastille with honey

A simple recipe for apple marshmallows at home, with the addition of spices.

  • apples (sour) – 1 kg
  • honey - 2 tbsp.
  • cinnamon, vanilla - to taste

Wash the apples thoroughly, remove the peel and seeds, and cut them into small slices.

Bake the apples in the oven for 40 minutes until soft at a temperature of 160-170 degrees with 100 ml of water.

Puree the baked apples using a blender and set them to boil over low heat.

Beat the finished puree with a mixer until light (3 minutes). This way we will saturate the apples with air bubbles, and the marshmallow will turn out more elastic and manageable.

Add honey or sugar and spices to the finished applesauce to taste.

And beat until the mass becomes homogeneous again. If you added sugar, make sure that all the grains melt, otherwise the apple paste will tear when dried.

If you are preparing apple marshmallow for children or want to diversify your healthy diet, do not add sugar to the marshmallow; it will be just as good with honey.

Spread the sweet applesauce in a thin layer on greased baking paper.

The thinner the layer of apples, the faster the marshmallow will dry.

Dry the marshmallow in the oven at 100 degrees with the door open.

Drying time takes approximately 2-3 hours depending on the thickness of the marshmallow layer.

Do not close the oven door; the steam from the puree must escape, otherwise your pastille will simply burn.

After 2-3 hours, check: the marshmallow should stop sticking to your hands (only if you didn’t use honey, then it will still remain a little sticky), become thinner and can be easily removed from the wax paper.

Remove the finished apple marshmallow from the sheet, cut it into squares and roll it into rolls.

Making marshmallows is an excellent way to preserve a large harvest of apples, plums, and other fruits. But apple marshmallow, I must admit, turns out to be the most delicious, special, with a memorable taste. Pastila contains a minimum of sugar, which is good for maintaining your figure. And most importantly, for its preparation you can use a variety of fruits (which should be incredibly pleasant for gardeners) - spoiled, overripe, unripe, fallen to the ground. We will make a classic thin marshmallow, the taste of which has been known to us since childhood, when such marshmallows were sold by neat grandmothers-dacha owners, rolled into rolls and wrapped in clean paper.

To prepare such apple marshmallow, it is best to take apple varieties with sourness, for example, the Antonovka variety or others. Because such apples contain a large amount of pectin, and the marshmallow made from them will be more healthy and well-gelled. So, step-by-step preparation of thin classic marshmallow (if desired, you can make it “plumpier”).

Step 1. We wash the selected apples for making marshmallow, place them on a baking sheet (you can put them in a slow cooker, in a saucepan), add a little water to the container with the apples so that they do not burn and bake or simmer them over low heat until soft.

Step 2. Cool the fruits, wipe them together with the peel on a sieve, you can grind the apples in a blender.

Step 3. The puree obtained after processing with a sieve or blender must be boiled in a saucepan, stirring, for half an hour.

Step 4. Cool the applesauce and strain out the juice, otherwise the marshmallow will take a long time to dry and will settle too much.

Step 5. Now beat the applesauce, you can add sugar to it to taste. Only a little sugar is needed (some housewives do not add it at all), otherwise the mass will be viscous, and this will affect its final taste. Beat the puree until the mass becomes lighter and increases in volume.

Step 6. Cover a baking sheet or simple cardboard boxes with clean kitchen parchment (for baking products). We spread the apple mixture on it to the thickness of the marshmallow. Here it is to the taste of the housewives. I want pieces 2-3 cm thick - that means this is the thickness you need to place the mass on a baking sheet. If we are planning a marshmallow, which we will then roll into rolls, then we spread the mass five mm thick.

Step 7. Dry the marshmallow at home, in the apartment. If possible, expose it to the sun during the day. You need to dry the marshmallow naturally for just a couple of days. If in the oven (ajar and at 100 degrees), then six to seven hours of drying the marshmallow will be enough. After drying the marshmallow, turn the parchment sheet with it upside down.

Check the resulting pastille. It should be dry and firm to the touch. If the marshmallow is damp, dry it some more.

I suggest you prepare apple marshmallows at home for the winter - the recipes are so simple that they are loved by many housewives. So much so that many have long acquired the status of “family” ones. Sometimes it mistakenly seems that beautifully packaged store-bought sweets that are in abundance are made according to very complex recipes that are inaccessible to us. This is wrong!

What we buy now under the same name is a pitiful imitation of the dessert that Dostoevsky and Chekhov loved and Lazhechnikov described in his novel “The Ice House.” And in the famous cookbook of S. A. Tolstoy, number 151 there is a recipe for “Tolstoy Pastila”.

Did you know that pastila is our invention, a national Russian dessert, and in the good old days it was called “canned food”. We owe the uniqueness of Russian apple marshmallow to the fact that in ancient times it was prepared from sour varieties of apples, in particular Antonovsky, sour “wild” apples, which did not grow in Europe.

It is known that there are three centers for the production of apple marshmallows in Russia. The oldest is Kolomna, where, according to monastic documents, it was there, in the 14th century, that they first began making this tasty delicacy. And in 1735 the first pastille factory was opened.

In 1903, Emperor Nicholas II arrived in the city of Kolomna on a visit. The owner of the Kolomna pastila factory, Chuprikov, was given the great honor of meeting him at the railway station! According to the tradition that has been going on since the time of the great Catherine II, during the ceremonial meeting the emperor was served the famous Kolomna marshmallow.

Another center, the ancient city of Rzhev, became famous for the fact that marshmallows were produced there “of a more aristocratic nature,” as Prince Meshchersky wrote in the middle of the 19th century.

The third center was the ancient city of Belev, in the Tula region; apple marshmallow made it famous throughout the world at the end of the 19th century. The recipe for Belevsky apple marshmallow was invented by the merchant Ambrosy Pavlovich Prokhorov. In more detail, I will introduce you to the recipe for the famous marshmallow.

Previously, there were several types of marshmallows - airy, dense and crispy. The airy one, now known as Belevskaya, was whipped with sugar and egg white, honey was added to the dense one, which added air bubbles. A large amount of sugar and proteins are placed in the crispy one, thanks to which it tastes like meringue. This is exactly what Dostoevsky, the Great Sweet Tooth, was rumored to love.

With the beginning of the 20th century, nuts, cocoa, cinnamon and even hops began to be added to marshmallows. This is how apple marshmallow appeared under the self-explanatory name “Sobriety”. It also included mint and lemon zest. The creators of “Sobriety” seriously argued that with its help you can recover from drunkenness. Miracle marshmallow was awarded the Grand Gold Medal at the Paris World Exhibition in 1907.

Apple marshmallow from Russia was known abroad and loved throughout Europe. In London, Vienna, Paris and other European capitals there were Russian shops selling sweets from our country, including marshmallows.

Apple marshmallow at home

If you don’t want to consume extra calories and spoil your teeth, prepare your own at home. Of course, it will take a lot of time, but the effort is minimal, since the lion’s share of the trouble is drying the product.

Some clever tricks for making apple marshmallow at home will help you make the delicacy even tastier:

  • Take sour varieties of apples, they contain more pectin - a natural gelling substance. The airiness, color and taste of the dessert depend on the quality of the apples.
  • If you have apples of other varieties that are not sour enough, after preparing the puree from apples baked in the oven, boil them a little in a saucepan so that the puree becomes thick. You can find out about the preparation recipes by following the link.
  • Nowadays, different thickeners are sold, and if it is impossible to achieve a thick, non-spreading puree with your apple variety, add a little to the mixture during cooking, making the marshmallow airy and porous.
  • Bake the apples whole, and only then remove the core - the antonovka quickly darkens when cut, and the pastille should be light in color - the best option. I have a selection of incomparable ones, follow the link - you won’t regret it.
  • The most delicious marshmallow is the one dried in the sun. But our craftsmen have adapted ovens, special dryers, and even heating radiators. It is convenient to dry on a baking sheet or a large cutting board, but ideally, the marshmallow is dried in the sun on a wooden frame covered with fabric.
  • If the delicacy does not separate well from the parchment, then it is not completely dried.
  • Be careful when drying: if you overdry the marshmallow, it will turn out like apple chips. Do not dry it completely - viscous toffee.

Recipe for apple marshmallows without sugar

You can prepare marshmallow without an oven and the recipe is in front of you. The delicacy is perfect for anyone who is counting calories and should not consume sugar due to health problems. By the way: earlier in the villages pastille was made according to this recipe, because sugar was too expensive.

Making homemade marshmallows:

  1. Cut clean apples, removing the core and any excess.
    Pour water about a centimeter high into the bottom of the pan. And add the chopped apples, filling the pan to the very top.
  2. Slowly bring to a boil over low heat and simmer, covered, until the apples are soft. Cooking time will depend on the variety and ripeness of the fruit.
  3. Drain off the excess juice (don't pour it out, it contains a lot of vitamins - drink for your health!). Chop the apples themselves. You can use a blender or strain on a sieve.
  4. Now you can proceed to the last stage - drying. The most common method is sun drying. On a baking sheet or cutting board (I have a very large dough board that covers half the table), spread parchment paper or cling film. Lubricate with a little vegetable oil so that the marshmallow can then easily separate. And add apple puree. Do not make the layer very large, 1 cm, otherwise the delicacy will take a long time to dry.
  5. In the sun, the dessert will harden within 2 - 3 days; at night, of course, it needs to be brought home. When the top is thoroughly dry, turn the layer of marshmallow over and dry the other side.
  6. If you like, sprinkle the finished marshmallow with powdered sugar, cut it into slices, squares, strips - as you like. Dessert is stored in glass containers or cardboard boxes.

Interesting! French cooks, in the 19th century, used the recipe for Kolomna pastila. But they improved it a little by adding whipped whites to the apple puree. This is how the now well-known marshmallow was born.

Apple pastille with sugar in the oven

To make homemade apple marshmallow with sugar, take sour apples (wild apples work well).

  • For 2 kilograms of apples you need one glass of sugar.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Place the apples on a baking sheet, pour half a glass of water into the bottom.
    Bake the fruit in the oven for 40 minutes at 170 degrees.
  2. Let cool slightly and rub into apple mixture.
  3. Place the resulting puree in a saucepan and begin boiling it. If you make marshmallow from Antonovka, then it is not necessary to boil it.
  4. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. And wait until it becomes 2/3 smaller in volume. You'll know it's time to finish when the applesauce is thick and golden brown.
  5. Drain off excess juice.
  6. At the next stage, you need to beat the puree with a mixer or in a blender. The mass will become lighter.
  7. Add sugar to the puree and continue whisking until all sugar crystals have dissolved.

Drying homemade marshmallows in the oven:

  1. Spread the puree on parchment paper laid out on a baking sheet (don't forget to grease it with butter so it doesn't stick) and place in the oven at 40 - 50 degrees.
  2. It will take a lot of time to dry - up to 6 hours, but sometimes less. You can do this: dry for 2 hours, opening the door a little, then with the door open, let it sit for a while and dry more, if necessary. At the end of drying, turn the layer of marshmallow over and dry it on the other side.
    All that remains is to cut the layer into pieces and place it in storage.

Apple marshmallow – soufflé with protein


  • Applesauce, ready-made – 500 gr.
  • Sugar – 150 – 200 gr.
  • Protein – 1 pc.

Preparation of air marshmallow:

  1. Bake the apples and puree them. If it is not too thick, boil it down.
  2. Beat the finished puree well in a mixer, then add sugar in small portions and beat thoroughly until stiff peaks form.
  3. Then add the separately beaten egg whites and beat the apple mixture again.
  4. Drying the marshmallow is carried out in the same way as in the previous recipe, I will not repeat it, everything is written in detail.

Homemade apple pastille with honey

Honey marshmallow can be made in small molds, especially if there are few apples.

  • For 2 cups of applesauce, take 1 cup of honey.

We make pastille according to this recipe:

  1. Place the apples on a baking sheet, add a little water and bake until soft (you can use halves, but place them cut side up).
  2. Make the puree and measure the amount in glasses. Mash or beat the apples, then beat the honey with a mixer (heat the candied honey a little until it spreads).
  3. Combine honey and applesauce and whisk together thoroughly.
  4. Place in molds, tin ones are perfect for muffins, layer height 2 - 3 cm.
  5. Place the molds on a baking sheet and dry at 40 - 50 degrees for several hours.
    After drying is complete, fold the layers 2 at a time, one on top of the other, brushing them with honey.
In the dessert box:

If you, friends, have an eternal question: “what to do?”, Of course, with the apple harvest, prepare apple marshmallow at home. An amazing delicacy with an equally amazing history will reward you with a delicious taste for your long efforts. The video contains another step-by-step recipe. Be sure to check it out. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

Pastila is an ideal option for deliciously preserving and preserving the bouquet of aromas of collected seasonal apples for a long time. You certainly can't call her. On the contrary, you will get healthy food for children's snacks. It is liked not only by little children, but also by older children and adults. In addition, some pets eat this delicacy well.

Having prepared marshmallow according to this recipe at home, next year, as soon as you see fallen apples in the garden, you will certainly want to repeat your last year’s success. So…

There are several different methods for making marshmallows. In this case, the dish is prepared in the oven, which is present in every home. This method is great for making marshmallows from raspberries, peaches, plums and other berries and fruits that grow in your garden. You can experiment.

Required ingredients:

8 cups peeled, diced apples;

1 tbsp. cinnamon;

1 glass of water;

1/2 fresh lemon.

Making marshmallows at home

After peeling the apples and removing the core, cut the pulp into cubes. Choose those varieties of apples (according to acidity and sucrose content) that you like best in taste. This must be done so that the marshmallow has a pleasant taste and smell for you.

Note: You don’t have to throw away the skins, but dry them, chop them and then add them to black or - very tasty and healthy.

Place the diced apples in a saucepan. Add water. Bring the contents to a boil. Continue to simmer the mixture over low heat until the apples are soft. This takes about ten minutes.

Squeeze lemon juice into the pan and sprinkle cinnamon over the apples. At this stage, you can prepare the apple marshmallow directly in the pan using an immersion blender. But you can use a different type of blender or puree the stewed apples in a food processor.

Then you need to taste the resulting puree. If it is a little sour, add sugar or honey. If it is very sweet, add a little more lemon juice.

So, you have something like an apple-cinnamon mousse, with an excellent taste and smell. Now the decision is yours - eat it all at once or continue preparing the marshmallow. If you've resisted the temptation to eat applesauce, then there's another step ahead.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the apple marshmallow mixture onto it in a thin layer.

Place the baking sheet in the oven, on the top shelf. Set the minimum possible temperature - about 60-75 degrees. The layer of apples should dry and stop sticking to your fingers when touched. This will take approximately four to eight hours, maybe longer. It all depends on the set temperature and the thickness of the fruit layer. After removing the baking sheet from the oven, you can leave the marshmallow to ripen for about twelve hours, and only then cut it.

Cut off the overhanging ends of the wax paper and form a long roll from the apple ply and wax paper.

Using a sharp knife or scissors, cut the roll into individual portions.

Tie each portion with a cute string. This will give a festive look to your pastille.

Store homemade marshmallows in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

When you're ready to treat your guests to a new treat and try it yourself, simply untie the string, separate the marshmallow from the wax paper, and serve it on a plate.

Such cute sweet gifts perfectly lift the mood at any holiday, and not only. You get the whole autumn bouquet of aromas collected in such a small brown roll.

You have the right to deviate a little from the recipe and add your favorite fruits or spices - you definitely won’t spoil the taste. And if you don’t like something, your four-legged friends will be happy to help you “cover up the tracks” of a failed experiment with homemade marshmallows.