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How to make a tractor from a Lada with your own hands? Some aspects of the rework

It is difficult to find a car enthusiast who would be satisfied with everything in his car. There is always something that needs to be adjusted, altered, adjusted to suit your requirements. A competent approach to tuning will help make your car unique and allow you to get real pleasure from your trip.

Interior tuning

Engine tuning

The engine can be changed without increasing its volume. It is only necessary to increase the cylinder diameters to 76 mm, while the stroke must be reduced to 66 mm. The standard center-to-center distance laid down by the car's designers allows you to change the capacity of the engine tank. An overhead camshaft can be added.

Stove tuning

Improving the stove is aimed at improving the air supply, that is, the operation of the fan. It is worth replacing the “original” fan motor with a more powerful one. This will increase the amount of air supplied. The downside will be noisier operation, but heat transfer will increase significantly.

Heating system

Over time, the following problems arise with the heating of the VAZ 2101: loud operation of the fan, leaking radiator, loose fit of the air supply cover. The first thing to do is coat all connections between the heater and the air duct with sealant. You can replace the fan motor with a similar one with a rolling bearing.


An elegant look and ease of use will be added by installing LED lighting. You can install a new trim, matching it to the color of the upholstery. Some even install a torpedo from foreign cars.

3D tuning VAZ 2101

This type of tuning provides a unique opportunity to do everything you ever dreamed about with your car. By installing a special program, or working online, you can “try on” car spoilers, bumpers, moldings, headlights, etc. The purpose of this “trying on” is to see how it all looks before it is installed. Real tuning of a VAZ 2101 with your own hands is not a cheap task, so the result must meet expectations. The user-friendly interface of 3D tuning programs will allow you to take a comprehensive approach to the selection of parts.

Suspension tuning

If modifications have been made to the engine, then the standard suspension should also be modified, otherwise the car will roll heavily when cornering. In order to lower the suspension slightly, it is necessary to use shortened stiff springs. It is recommended to replace rubber bushings with polyurethane ones: they are more reliable and durable. You can install a double stabilizer, which will reduce the speed of the car's response to steering and speed up the suspension's response to road irregularities.


The headlights can be upgraded by painting the backing or mask. In addition, you can tint the headlights and install LED strips. Some change the color of the standard backlight. Angel eyes headlights are popular among drivers. They are an LED strip mounted in the headlights of a car. This type of illumination is used both at night and during the day. The car looks more stylish and modern with it. The color range is very diverse.

External tuning

The overall appearance of the car is greatly influenced by wheels, the choice of which is currently huge. They are stamped, cast and forged. The latter are ideal for our roads: durable, lightweight and inexpensive. Alloy wheels have a more interesting design. You just need to pay attention to the rubber profile: it should be taken higher, because this will soften the impacts on the rim and suspension.

You can give your car an unusual look by using automatic window tinting, which can be done using electric tinting and installing double-glazed windows with tinted glass. The difficulties are that some changes will need to be made to the window lifting mechanism, and such pleasure is expensive.

Carburetor tuning

To improve performance, it is necessary to convert the throttle valve drive from vacuum to mechanical. This will allow the car to accelerate faster and more smoothly. The primary chamber diffuser needs to be larger. In order for the engine to have enough air and fuel at high speeds, it is necessary to install a second carburetor. This improves both torque and power.

Tuning the trunk of Kopeyka

Refinement of the trunk of the VAZ 2101 will make it more functional and practical. To secure items, you can add a net by attaching it with Velcro or hooks. In addition, you can make a partition in the trunk that will prevent the cargo from dangling. Some owners install a raised floor and add LED lighting. You can put a spoiler on the trunk lid.

Radiator grille

The seemingly simple grille that runs the entire length of the front of the car looks quite stylish. When choosing a new grille, you should pay attention to the size of the cells. On the “native” side they are quite large and do not protect well from debris and fluff.

Rear and front bumper

To make your car look more aggressive and sporty, you can choose a voluminous bumper, which will also improve the aerodynamic properties of the car.

Many farmers are interested in how to make a tractor from a Zhiguli with their own hands. Farms or owners of large plots of land need the help of agricultural machinery. However, not everyone has a large amount of money, because a factory tractor costs a lot of money.

In many farms you can find old Zhiguli cars that have already served their purpose, but have a chance for a second life. Based on this machine, you can create a homemade Zhiguli tractor, which will have the same characteristics as purchased copies. And the engine can be taken from a VAZ 2109 or VAZ 2106 model.

How to make a mini-tractor from a Lada with your own hands

Let's look at how to make a homemade tractor from a VAZ, what materials and tools will be needed. First of all, you need to complete drawings and diagrams of all structural components. To make a mini tractor with your own hands, you need exact dimensions of parts and calculations. Each component must be described separately. And you need a drawing of the assembled tractor. What the homemade tractor with the VAZ 2106 engine will look like depends on the diagrams and drawings made.

While working on the drawing, you should consider the following points:

  • it is necessary to determine the location of the gearbox;
  • the engine must be covered with a protective casing;
  • where will the fuel tank be installed?
  • if you shorten the tractor frame, then a homemade mini tractor from a VAZ will consume less fuel;
  • The front suspension should be reinforced.

If you decide to create a tractor from a VAZ 2109 or VAZ 2106, then as a result of the work done you will get a fairly powerful unit that will cope with many agricultural jobs and help care for your garden and plants.

So, we begin the actual development and assembly of a homemade tractor based on the VAZ. A mini-tractor can be made with an engine from a VAZ 2019 or VAZ 2106, or borrow additional parts from other car models.

For example, the gearbox can be borrowed from a GAZ-53, the rear wheels can be taken from an MTZ-82 tractor, but the front wheels can be removed from an already inoperative or unnecessary walk-behind tractor or cultivator.

You can also buy them in the store. You can take the steering and driver's seat from any Zhiguli model, or make it yourself. The front and rear axles are taken from the Zhiguli unit.

See » Characteristics and design of the MTZ-80 universal tractor

Stages of work on making homemade products

The next thing to do is to highlight the individual stages of work:

  1. The kinetic scheme is an important stage in creating a mini-tractor with a VAZ engine.
  2. Creating a tractor frame. It can be made from channels and corners. All frame joints are carefully welded. Now you should inspect the metal for rust and coat the frame in several layers with a metal primer.
  3. They are starting to finalize the project's chassis. It is imperative to check the brake system and, if necessary, replace its components.
  4. Wheel installation. If you are going to install large wheels in diameter, then you need to take care of the axles and brakes by altering their design.
  5. After this, the engine is mounted on a previously prepared frame, which has already completely dried after painting with primer, the protective casing for the mini tractor from the VAZ is welded and mounted.
  6. They install the seat, steering and create platforms for mounting attachments.

But you don’t have to make platforms for hanging, but just make a snow dump. But you still need to attach a 50 kg counterweight at the front so that the unit does not tip over under heavy loads at the rear. You also need to attach headlights of your choice.

A hole for a trailer would also come in handy. With its help you can hitch a cart or other cargo. The next important element, without which the VAZ 2106 mini-tractor will not move, is the battery. You can use a regular car battery. For it, you need to weld or make a storage compartment out of plywood. It is better not to attach the battery tightly in place, but to make it removable so that it can be charged. After all, it is much more convenient to take the battery and bring it to the garage than to drive the car. Think through every detail to create a mini tractor with a VAZ gearbox with a Zhiguli engine.

It's no secret that agricultural work takes a lot of effort and time. Some save themselves from such loads by buying walk-behind tractors, cultivators or mini tractors. But, unfortunately, many do not have the opportunity to purchase such equipment, so they are looking for ways to make it themselves. Today there are plenty of options for its manufacture; the main thing is to have at least minimal technical skills and abilities. Now we will talk about one of these methods, namely, we will tell you how to make a mini tractor from a Lada with your own hands.

Principles and all the nuances of homemade products

Making a mini tractor from a VAZ is not that difficult. The main thing is to understand what you are doing and strictly adhere to all diagrams and drawings. Now we will tell you in more detail about all stages of the work.

Mini tractor drawing

As mentioned above, the drawing and diagram of the future unit is of great importance during manufacturing. After all, if you lose sight or memory of something, it will be very difficult to restore the entire structure. Be sure to consider the following nuances when starting to draw and calculate diagrams:

  • the engine should be located in front of the driver's seat;
  • the motor must be covered with a manufactured casing;
  • a shortened frame will make the equipment compact and economical in fuel consumption;
  • if you reduce the frame, do not forget about the displacement of the bridge;
  • decide on the location of the fuel tank;
  • remember that the front suspension needs to be strengthened;
  • be sure to indicate changes to the chassis.

The project implementation consists of the following stages:

  • Work on the kinetic scheme.
  • We make the frame.
  • We make the body.
  • Installation of the engine and other systems.
  • We fasten the steering.

Now let’s look at what specific parts will be needed for the job using the example of a VAZ engine model.

With an engine from VAZ 2106

A mini tractor from Zhiguli 2106 will please its owner with good endurance and will become an indispensable assistant for performing various types of agricultural work. To make such a unit you will need not only an engine from this brand of car, but also parts from other faulty cars, namely:

  • you can borrow a gearbox from a GAZ-53;
  • We take the front and rear axles from the Zhiguli, only in this case it will be necessary to adjust everything to the dimensions of the homemade product;
  • the steering and driver's seat can be borrowed from a VAZ 2106;
  • the rear wheels will be given to us by MTZ-82, and the front wheels can be used from a motor-cultivator or walk-behind tractor.

Stages of work

  • We carry out a thorough inspection of the frame. If there is rust, remove it with sandpaper and apply a primer in 2 layers.
  • According to the diagram, we shorten the frame, having first cleaned the place where it was cut. After welding, all seams are cleaned and degreased, primed and treated with an anti-corrosion coating. If there is no ready-made frame, it can be made using channels and corners.
  • We are working on the chassis. First of all, we check all the components and carefully inspect the brake system.
  • When replacing car wheels with more bulky ones, you will need to install appropriate brakes and axles.
  • We install the engine.
  • We weld the protective casing.
  • We install the seat and steering.
  • We attach attachment points for future use of attachments.

This step-by-step approach is suitable for creating a mini tractor from a VAZ of any brand: VAZ 2101, VAZ 2109, VAZ 2106, with an internal combustion engine VAZ 2101. So draw a diagram of the mini tractor of your dreams and get to work.

A Zhiguli tractor, assembled with your own hands, can save the situation when a special machine is required to work in the field. This is felt especially strongly by farms (both small and large) and summer residents who have a plot of more than 10 acres. It is worth noting that in villages there are often old cars that have outlived their useful life. However, they can be brought back to life in a new role.

A homemade Zhiguli tractor allows you to solve absolutely all problems in the field and does not require special spare parts and components - standard AvtoVAZ spare parts can be found in any corner of the former CIS. The only drawback that a homemade Zhiguli tractor will have is that the fuel is relatively expensive gasoline (almost all industrially produced tractors run on diesel fuel), which makes such homemade products more expensive to operate, but this drawback is covered by cheaper spare parts Lada, and most importantly - low cost of production.

The VAZ-2121 Niva is best suited for making a tractor; you can make a good mini tractor from a UAZ. In the latter case, it is possible to use a diesel engine, which makes its operation more economical (that is, the disadvantage of such a modification is actually eliminated). However, in the absence of a Niva or UAZ, you can use engines from other models: VAZ-2101, VAZ-2103, VAZ-2104-2105, VAZ-2106, etc. You can purchase engines from the latest Zhiguli models on the auto parts market - they are more economical than their predecessors, which will significantly save energy resources during operation.

Some aspects of the rework

When the need for a tractor arises, you can always realize the idea of ​​your own version of this machine from scrap materials. At the same time, the cost of rework will be significantly lower than the cost of the finished product. Thus, a mini tractor from Niva will be the optimal assistant in the garden, since the car has a 4x4 drive formula. However, there are some legal points to keep in mind:

  1. If an old car is purchased, re-registration should be carried out in accordance with current laws. The same applies when transferring a car under a gift agreement.
  2. After re-registration, it is necessary to notify traffic police officers about the planned alterations. At the same time, they are required to provide a mechanism for returning license plates from an old vehicle (car).
  3. Upon completion of the manufacture of the mini tractor, it is necessary to register the new vehicle (tractor) and obtain a license plate. Moreover, if this vehicle will be used only in rural areas, then a simplified procedure for registering this vehicle can be carried out.

However, people do not follow these instructions and actively use their modifications for their intended purpose. To be fair, it should also be noted that law enforcement officers often turn a blind eye to these offenses, since they are insignificant (especially if the tractor does not leave the village territory and does not become involved in a traffic accident).

But in order to avoid and significantly reduce the likelihood of problems with law enforcement officers, it is recommended to undergo the re-registration procedure. If a homemade tractor with a VAZ engine is used only on one plot of land, it is recommended to first write off the car’s engine number and body number - this will simplify the engine identification procedure in the future (if problems arise with traffic police officers).

What is a mini tractor

A mini-tractor is understood as a multifunctional universal machine that can perform a fairly large number of tasks on small plots of land such as cultivating an agricultural plot, sowing, harvesting and some utility work. Among the work performed can be noted: arable work on light soils, cultivation with harrowing, inter-row cultivation of crops, spreading fertilizer on the site, haymaking and grass cutting, clearing the territory of snow, debris, rubble, using a mini tractor as a bulldozer when filling holes and leveling surfaces .

Another task of a mini tractor is to transport various loads. When installing additional equipment (modules) on the tractor, it can solve a number of other tasks: woodworking, drilling, hole digging, etc.

The layout of the mini tractor is almost the same as that of its larger brother, but the main difference is the internal combustion engine of lower power. Typically, mini tractors use internal combustion engines with a capacity of 8 to 50 hp. With. However, a mini tractor with a VAZ engine (from a car, for example, VAZ-2106) will be more powerful, although it is made in small dimensions. According to the classification of the state traffic inspectorate, tractors that have an engine power of more than 50 hp. pp., are subject to registration.

The minitractor itself will not perform the above tasks; for this it is necessary to install additional devices and units: mowers, plows, graders, etc. Some people also make them themselves, but there are also industrial samples of such units.

If you have an engine and a frame with a chassis from a car, you can make a mini tractor with your own hands quickly and cheaply. However, if you don’t have an old car, then it makes sense to purchase an industrial mini-tractor; their cost is low, about 2-5 thousand dollars. An old car will cost almost the same.

However, if you decide to convert an old car into a tractor, you should use the tips given below.

Self-production of a tractor from SUVs (Niva, UAZ)

The first thing you should do after receiving a used car for conversion is to remove the engine from it, rebuild it and carry out other preventive maintenance. This will significantly increase the service life of this engine. The same should be done for other components of the car (transmission, chassis, etc.).

It is important to have detailed diagrams of the future mini tractor, because some elements may then be difficult to find from memory.

When drawing up a diagram, you should remember that the engine should be located in front of the driver’s “seat” (similar to the tractor arrangement). However, to avoid additional costs and significant rework, it can be left in its original place. You should think about how to cover it: make a casing or use a ready-made one from an old tractor, having previously “optimized” it for your model.

To reduce fuel consumption and make the tractor more compact, it may be necessary to shorten the frame. At the same time, it is important to remember that it is necessary to scald it according to the future dimensions. It should also be remembered that if the frame is reduced, it may be necessary to move the bridge. All these structural alterations must be taken into account when drawing up drawings.

Next, you should determine the location of the fuel tanks. Typically the fuel tank is located behind the driver's seat to ensure quick access. It should be remembered that the front suspension needs strengthening. Changes that will affect the chassis should also be made to the drawings. It is optimal to replace the car wheels with wheels of larger diameter to ensure better maneuverability of the tractor. However, such a replacement will cause a sharp increase in power consumption for rotating the wheels and moving the tractor.

When the drawings are ready, you should begin implementing the mini tractor project.

Execution of work

First you should do a thorough check of the frame. All rusty parts must be sanded down to bare metal (remove rust), then primed in 2 layers. If necessary, the frame is boiled.

Further, if you need to shorten the frame, you must first remove the coating from it at the cutting site, apply markings and divide it using a grinder or a gas cutter. After that, new stiffeners are welded at the cutting site (usually the trimmed frame is cut into metal, which can be used in the future). If necessary, the bridge is also moved.

It should be remembered that welds must be cleaned, welded areas must be degreased, then primed in 2 layers or a special anti-corrosion coating applied.

This will significantly increase the service life of the product by providing additional protection for the metal. If you don’t have a ready-made car frame, you can weld it yourself, using channels and angles for this purpose.

You should make a tractor with your own hands carefully and carefully, since any vehicle is a source of increased danger, and a mistake in its manufacture can be fatal for the driver or a random person.

The next stage of manufacturing is installation of the chassis. Since the described version uses a frame from a car, it is more logical to take the chassis from the selected car. It is important to check all components and its functioning. Particular attention should be paid to the braking system, because the safe operation of the vehicle depends on it.

It should be remembered that when replacing car wheels with wheels of larger diameter (for a tractor or mini tractor), the brakes from the old chassis system will not work. It will be necessary to purchase new hubs of the selected diameter (the diameter of the hub depends on the diameter of the wheel). It may be necessary to replace the axles if the hubs and wheels are significantly heavier than the previous ones, but this is required extremely rarely, since the wheels for a mini tractor are not significantly heavier than the wheels of SUVs, and in addition, domestic designers have built a large margin of safety into their cars.

In order for a mini tractor, assembled on its own, to perform the functions assigned to it, an already rebuilt engine is installed on it. It makes more sense to install it in the same place where it stood. At the same time, it is important to weld a protective casing for it, because a standard car body will not be able to provide it with proper ventilation - the engine will work with increased load, and it needs additional cooling. To do this, in addition to installing the radiator, you should open the engine from the sides - this will be quite enough to ensure cooling. The mini tractor with the engine is almost ready, all that remains is to install the driver’s seat, controls and determine the mounting points for additional units.

Next, you should place the controls in a convenient place. Their installation location is determined at the design stage according to personal desire. The driver's seat is also installed there. To do this, you can use both car seats and homemade ones. After which the place is closed with a makeshift cabin. To make it, you can use metal left over from the car body.

The last stage is the installation of mounting points for additional equipment. They are usually installed at the front and rear of the tractor.


Mini tractors are made from other VAZ models in a similar way, the only difference is the need to strengthen the frame.

It should be remembered that before making a mini tractor, you must first coordinate the modification with law enforcement agencies - this will avoid problems in the future.