home · Measurements · How to assemble a match house without glue. How to make a matchstick house using glue. First we build the walls of the match house

How to assemble a match house without glue. How to make a matchstick house using glue. First we build the walls of the match house

Matches - real construction material for crafts with children. You can use them to build various children's crafts. For example, small fairytale house, in which little people from the land of children's fantasy can live.

How to make a house out of matches with a child? For the first time, it’s better to start with a simple model so that you don’t lose interest in creativity.

For children's crafts we will need:

  • matches,
  • PVA glue,
  • thick colored cardboard.

How to build a house from matches

1) Take a sheet of colored cardboard or any thick paper. We place two matches in parallel on this sheet, first remove the sulfur from them so that the shed has an even “foundation”, and it itself subsequently stands upright and does not tilt like an old wreck. We place two matches on this “foundation”, dripping a little glue onto the places where the second row of matches will lie.

2) And we continue to lay matches until we reach the desired height.

3) As soon as you consider that the height of the shed is sufficient, you can safely prepare to lay the ceiling.

4) We begin to lay the ceiling from the middle of the last laid tier of the erected walls, having previously coated the topmost matches with glue. Alternating matches as shown in the figure, so that the ceiling is more or less even.

6) At the edges we leave a free space of about the size of a match head so that there is something to secure the roof to.

7) So, let's move on to making the roof. We count out 19 matches and place them, alternating: serka on the left, serka on the right, serka on the left, and so on, until all 19 matches are laid.

8) Place two matches, previously cleared of sulfur, across the resulting match flooring and coat them with glue.

9) This procedure: laying 19 matches, laying crossbars, applying glue, must be repeated again, because the roof consists of two identical parts.

10) Take one half of the roof and lay it on flat surface and use any hard object to remove sulfur from one side.

11) This is done so that both parts of the roof can be connected into a single whole.

12) Speaking of walls. We turn the already well-dried “walls” on their sides and coat the outermost matches of the laid ceiling with glue.

13) Well, now the most exciting moment: we take our gable roof and install it on the walls.

All you have to do is wait until the glue dries completely. For this craft, PVA glue was used, since after it dries it becomes transparent and is practically invisible on the glued surfaces.

Matches are a real building material; with their help you can build many interesting crafts, starting from cups and ending with layouts worldwide famous buildings. And a spectacular house of matches can be built either with or without glue.

Match house without glue

In order to build a structure in the shape of a cubic house with a roof with your own hands, you will need the following list of materials:

  • 3-5 boxes of matches;
  • mobile platform (CD box, book, board);
  • large coin (2 Russian rubles or 5 Ukrainian kopecks);
  • toothpick, tweezers, or thin knife;

The length of the matches matters. Before work you should measure it. With a length of 40 to 45 mm, we base the algorithm on the number 6; for a longer length, it can be replaced with the base number 7.

Stages of work:

  1. Two matches are laid out on the platform parallel to each other at a distance of 2/3 the size of one. They will serve as the basis and will be removed from the structure during the work.
  2. Based on the algorithm of 6 basic matches, they are laid out on the existing 2 perpendicularly and in the center of the main ones. The heads must alternate.
  3. The next tier of the house is laid according to the same principle, but perpendicular to the previous six.
  4. A well is built on the existing base. This is a square, which is laid out alternately with two parallel sticks with an overlap of approximately 5 mm.
  5. According to this principle, 6 rows are built (4x6 = 24).
  6. The top row is laid out according to the example of points 2 and 3 - 6 matches pressed against each other with alternating heads, 2 levels, crosswise.
  7. A coin is placed on the top row of the house; it will act as a support for the finger. At this step, you need to install vertical matches. The first four fit into the existing holes in the corners of the cube. Next, they are inserted with their heads up between all the horizontal ones. A vertical match should go through both the top and bottom rows. You can help push the “logs” of the future house apart using a toothpick or tweezers. As a result, at the top of the cube you get a square of vertical match heads.
  8. When examining the house, it will become noticeable that matches are missing in some places; they will need to be carefully placed in their places. The structure should hold together without glue and not fall apart if the previous steps are followed correctly.
  9. The house turns over, and that same square of heads becomes the foundation for it.
  10. The next step will be to make the outer walls of the house; they are obtained by placing matches between the outer projections of the upper and lower floors. After filling the structure evenly, the house needs to be crimped, the same must be done with the horizontal rows.
  11. Vertical “logs” need to be inserted into the holes formed in the corners. Let's fill in the gaps.
  12. We find the outer vertical row of the house and push them up from the side of the foundation so that the middle match is the highest, and the side ones are lower as they decrease to the sides. We get triangles on the sides and sides for the roof.
  13. We lay out horizontal “logs” between the sticking out matches. Each row is reduced by 2 sticks from the sides, so you can form a roof that ends with the top two matches.
  14. The penultimate stage is laying the “tiles”. The inclined matches are placed between the side vertical ones in the cube of the house and their heads cross each other at the very top of the roof.
  15. In order to make a smoker, 4 matches are broken off and inserted into the roof in the shape of a square. For strength, the house needs to be compressed again.

Video tutorials: matchstick house without glue

Using glue

For beginner craft lovers, and especially for children, you can make a glue version. It does not have a complex design and is very fast.

For it you will need:

  • thick colored cardboard (preferably green);
  • 1-2 box of matches;
  • PVA glue;

2 matches are placed on the cardboard parallel to each other at a distance of 2/3 of the length of one “log”, 2 more are placed on top of them perpendicularly. Each joint is smeared with a drop of glue. Thus, a well is formed.

The height of such a house is determined depending on your desire. A dense row is laid out on the top row, forming the lid of the well. The material needs to be coated with glue.

In order to make a roof for the house you will need 19 sticks, we place them separately horizontally, with the gray side facing out, the heads should protrude 5 mm. We fix it with two perpendicular matches on glue. We repeat the procedure with another 19 matches. We form a roof from two planes (we cross the ends) and secure the roof to the house with glue. This is how easy it is to make a house out of matches. The cardboard base can be cut out in the shape of a clearing and decorated with applique.

What to do in free time and entertain the children? Of course, construction. Our parents also built all sorts of houses and structures from scrap materials. Modern children can build any building and even vehicles from the constructor. But all this is not as durable and simply uninteresting than matchstick buildings.

Necessary materials

Before you start making crafts, you need to collect everything in advance necessary materials. So, for crafts we will need:

  • Matches (each craft requires a certain number of matches).
  • Glue (if necessary).
  • Sheets of regular cardboard or CD boxes.
  • Coin.

Stages of creating a match house

By using step by step instructions for a match house you can build a simple and original craft. Before you start work, you need to be patient, be careful and attentive. In addition, perseverance will not be superfluous, which is what today's children lack.

For those who are planning to make such a house for the first time, instead of a disc box it is better to prepare thin layer plasticine or salty dough. This will prevent the construction from being destroyed initial stages construction due to trembling hands.

The design of this craft is not as complicated as many people think. Everything is quite simple if you know where to start:

Other crafts made from matches

In general, even some adults, not to mention children, cannot make such a house. But besides this, you can make other crafts. For example, a match cube. It is unlikely that you will need to explain the diagram of the cube step by step, since the stages of construction are more than simple. But other crafts are difficult to make without instructions.

In addition, if you want your house to please you, you can paint it and glue it so that over time it does not crumble when dropped or moved to another place.

Such a hobby as crafts from matches is popular among children. It is more interesting and exciting compared to modern coloring books, games with gadgets and other activities that do not develop the child at all. So imagine, fantasize and build!

You don’t yet know how to make a house out of matches, create from these wooden elements paintings? Watch the master classes, which are illustrated with 57 photographs!

How to make a house out of matches?

To create it you will need only 3 items:
  • matches;
  • plasticine;
  • coin.
This structure is made with your own hands without the use of glue, it will be durable anyway. Great way keep yourself busy on the road or while away the time on long autumn and winter evenings.
  1. Place 2 matches parallel. Pin them on work surface using plasticine.
  2. Place 8 matches on top, perpendicular to the data, so that the heads and tails peek out from both sides of the first two matches. Lay these “beams” at the same distance at home.
  3. The first tier is ready. The second also consists of eight matches, we lay them perpendicular to the first layer.
  4. Place 4 matches on top, around the perimeter.
  5. In total, you need to complete 6 such fragments, consisting of 2 rows of 8 and one of four matches.
  6. The creation of the frame of the building is completed with 8 matches laid parallel to each other and 6, which you place perpendicular to them. Here's how to make a match house next.
  7. To make the frame strong, press its fragments from above with a coin and from below with your hand. Holding the workpiece in this way, stick 4 matches in the corners of the house, and then around the entire perimeter.
  8. Place a coin inside the “logs”, press on it so that the structural elements are pressed tightly against each other, and the heads of the vertical matches are well defined. Insert 6 matches between them, and the same number perpendicular to the data.
  9. Here's how to make a matchstick house next to form the roof. Stick 4 matches into the corners of the frame, and then into top part each wall has 7 more pieces.
  10. We place matches horizontally in the resulting roof box so that in each subsequent row there are fewer of them than in the previous one, and a triangular roof begins to form.
  11. There will be 6 matches left on one side and as many on the other side gable roof, while their heads will cross each other, and the reverse sides of the matches will be held on vertically placed “blocks”.

Here's how to make a matchstick house without glue.

Such a structure will become an original gift, and it is made from cheap material. If you liked this idea, don’t stop there, see what else you can make from matches. Such wooden objects look great, and you can organize a home display by placing them on a table or on shelves.

What can you make from matches?

Once you know the answer to this question, you will be able to make not only a house, but also many other interesting things. Do you want to have a whole composition made of wood? Then see how to make a well and a fence from the same material.

For this you will need:
  • matches;
  • stationery knife;
  • wood glue;
  • thin brush;
  • toothpick;
  • board;
  • thin thread.
Follow the following instructions:
  1. First prepare your matches. Place one at a time on the board, cut off the heads with sulfur. Instead of throwing them away, they can be used for firecrackers.
  2. Place 4 matches, forming them into a square with ends extending beyond it. To do this, place the first one, place the second one perpendicular to this one, but so that at the point of their contact the end of the first one extends 5 mm.
  3. The edge of the second will come out the same amount and in the same way when you connect it to the third match. Using this technique, fold all 4 parts, gluing where they meet.
  4. In total you will have 9 rows of “beams” for the well house. In each subsequent one, the edges of the matches should come out so that with these elements of the previous one they form an angle of 90°.
  5. To make pillars supporting the roof of the well, place 2 matches parallel at a distance of 3 mm. Cut the third into 2 pieces, glue one to the top and the other to the bottom to connect 2 paired elements. Make another similar column.
  6. Insert a toothpick into the hole formed on one and the other side, having first wound a thread around it. Glue to the posts. Bend the toothpick on one side to create a handle for rotation.
  7. Making a roof. Place 2 matches in parallel, stick 13 matches on them perpendicularly, placing them close to each other. Also create the second half of the gable roof. Connect them by threading the top of two matches into the first slope, and the top of the other two into the second. At the bottom, glue a match horizontally on both sides so that the roof appears triangular from the side.
  8. Next to the well, place a fence made of two parallel matches, to which several more elements in the form of a picket fence are glued perpendicularly.

If you want, fashion a bucket out of plasticine or make it out of a thimble and attach it with bottom side ropes.

You can make a cart out of matches and add it to the landscape of village life.

To work you will need:
  • matches;
  • knife;
  • glue;
  • cloth
First you need to cut off the sulfur from all workpieces. To make a wheel, bend the match in three places, so we give it a rounded shape. Do the same with the second wooden stick.

Now we will make an axle for the wheel. The first one will be the longest; this is necessary to connect the structure. Place the second axis so that it is perpendicular to this one.

Place four small pieces that will become the radii of this circle. Make the second wheel in the same way.

Glue them together with one match. Use the same technique to perform the second pair of wheels.

Now you need to connect these two blanks with three crossbars.

Let's start making the following fragments, which will tell you how to make matches an excellent building material for home creativity. For each of them, take two matches, place a small fragment of this material in the center, connecting the elements with glue. The second part is identical to this one.

Now place these two blanks in parallel, connect them with three matches, as in the photo. We glue two matches to the resulting part, placing them slightly diagonally.

There is very little left, and soon you will learn that you can make such an interesting cart from matches that will become an almost exact copy of the real one. We glue two diagonal pieces of wood together using a third one. We perform the same manipulation on the other side of the part.

Glue one matchstick on both sides of the cart and flip it over to the other side to fill each side with three small wooden sticks.

You can place the top of the cart on the wheel part and place a new home exhibit wooden creativity next to others.

After you've done a lot of useful things, you'll still have empty boxes, but you can put them to use.

The child will be simply happy if, together with him, you make a train like this, in which you can put small toys.

Here are the items that were taken for this creativity:
  • match boxes;
  • glue for cardboard;
  • toothpicks - 9 pcs.;
  • wine corks - 2 pcs.;
  • several matches;
  • threads;
  • scotch;
  • cotton wool;
  • thick needle.
Let the adults cut it wine corks in circles. From one you should get 8 wheels. Using a needle, make paired holes in the matchbox and in the center of the wheels. Match the blanks and connect them using toothpicks.

Make other cars in the same way. Connect them with a thread and a needle.

In order for the carriages to withstand the weight of the toys placed in them, take a strong thread, it is better to use yarn for this.

Now you can make a steam locomotive. To make it, glue an inverted box to a ready-made carriage, connect them together with another one, which needs to be placed on its small side.

To make a pipe that produces safe smoke, place several matches next to each other and place a toothpick in the center. Place some cotton wool on top of the pipe and wrap it all with tape to secure it. Attach this finishing touch to the locomotive by inserting a toothpick into its cardboard surface.

The kids will be interested not only in this idea. If you tell them what can be made from matches, they will be happy to make a funny picture. Depending on the age of the child, it can be simple or more complex.

How to make a portrait, a picture from matches?

If the child is small, before giving him matches for creativity, cut off the sulfur from them. After all, the baby can taste it, and the substance is very harmful.

Once the wooden sticks are ready, you can begin. So, for this picture you will need:

  • matches without sulfur;
  • sheet of cardboard;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • paints with a brush.
First, draw the outlines of your future masterpiece on cardboard. If a child wants to create such a donkey, then let him cover its body with matches, placing them all vertically and tightly to each other. The neck of the animal is done in the same way, but matches are taken of different lengths.

Once the donkey is created, have your child paint over the background of the picture. You can glue a few small branches, and the masterpiece is ready.

See how to make a house out of matches so that it is flat.

The walls are square, the roof is rectangular. For trees, a trunk is first made, then branches are laid out from matches.

For older children and adults there is a very interesting idea. After reading it, you will learn how to make a portrait from matches.

You will need a lot of them and it is necessary preliminary preparation, since it is necessary to remove sulfur. To do this, matches are placed in a basin of water and the unnecessary parts are washed off. further work spraying Then they need to be dried.

Using an awl or other sharp object, make 4 holes in the box, it is important that they are at the optimal distance. If it is small, then all the matches may not fit, and if it is too large, then the formed cube will become too loose and crumble.

Next, you need to make some kind of well, the walls of which consist of seven rows of matches.

Fill in inner part blanks, placing matches here around the entire perimeter. We align them with a coin, after which we remove this cube from the box and, very carefully, so that it does not crumble, we squeeze it on all six sides.

We place this square blank on its side and fill the top side with a horizontal row. We also decorate the other three sides.

During this work, do not forget to carefully crimp the cube so that the wooden components fit more tightly to each other.

Now about how many matches you will need. Approximately 150 pieces will be used for one cube. In total you need to make 30 of these figures. Place them next to each other so that the heads of the unwashed matches with sulfur are at the edges. Then they will form a beautiful frame.

Connecting the squares is very easy. Stick 4 matches along the edges of the first and second, press slightly so that these two figures begin to fit tightly to each other. Create the first row this way.

Then, also, connecting the elements with four matches, build a canvas for the picture.

To make a matchstick portrait next, print out the image. This could be a favorite hero, a friend, or a self-portrait. Print the image in black and white using checkered paper. If this is not possible, then simply line the photo by drawing rows with a ruler and pencil. The lines delimiting a square measuring 10 by 10 cells should be more distinct.

This is what the portrait should look like on the grid. For example, let's create the appearance of Paul Walker from matches.

Looking at the alignment, place the matches with the sulfur heads first where there are dark fragments in the photo. This will highlight them and you can take a portrait.

All that remains is to disguise the joints of the cubes so that these places look more neat, and you can put your work in the most visible place and be rightfully proud of it!

If you still have any questions, watch the three videos. From the first story you will learn how to make cubes for the base.

The second shows how to connect these fragments into a whole canvas.

The third plot will teach you how to transfer the image you like onto a stencil and lay it out from matches.

This craft is a very ancient craft that our parents and grandmothers dabbled in. It was considered very, very cool to be able to make such a house.

When the crisis is over, and you need to do something with the bags of salt and matches stockpiled at one time, I advise you to start making houses like this... It’s cool to set them on fire later)

So, we will need:

  • Several boxes of matches
  • Box for CD/DVD discs
  • Two-ruble coin

Instead of a CD box, you can take anything similar or nothing at all. Just on the "platform" future house You can easily move and twist without fear of falling apart.

We take the first 2 matches, place them parallel at a distance of a couple of centimeters from each other.

We make a flooring of eight matches on them. The match heads all point in the same direction. The distance between the matches should preferably correspond to the thickness of the matches.

We make another flooring on top, also from eight matches, but perpendicular to the previous flooring.

We lay 4 matches on top in a well, so that the heads in each layer are directed in different directions, as in the photo below.

In the same way, we lay seven more similar rows of 4 matches in a well. We direct the heads in the same way as in the previous step.

Here's what we got on this moment:

We lay a flooring of eight matches on the well in the same way as the very first lower flooring.

On this flooring of eight matches we lay another one perpendicularly, but this time of six matches. We'll add the remaining two later.

Insert 4 matches vertically into the corners of the resulting “grid”. Needed places in the photo below are circled in red. First, you can cover the entire structure on top with a coin and press it with one finger so that the matches do not fall apart. It will be more convenient this way. Although you can completely do without a coin.

When installing vertical matches, for convenience, you can correct and guide with an auxiliary match. At the bottom, these matches should be installed in the same way as at the top, that is, in the corners.

At this moment, our future house is still quite flimsy and could fall apart if we are careless. Don’t be alarmed if your top matches “move in” and “move apart”. Everything will get better a little later.

Now we also insert vertical matches around the perimeter. We lower them to the very bottom, so that all the heads on top are at the same level.

So far we have this result:

We carefully take out the coin, we won’t need it anymore. You can do this with tweezers like I did or with a match.

Now our house has solid walls. To make it stronger, you need to squeeze its walls, ceiling and floor with your hands from all sides. Now you can carefully pick it up and it won’t fall apart. Although the design is not yet very reliable.

We twist our house of matches and carefully crimp it on all sides. The better we crimp it, the stronger it will be in the future. We also align all the matches so that everything is even and neat and nothing sticks out anywhere.

As a result, we turn our house upside down, that is, we put our house upside down so that the former “foundation” is on top.

Let's strengthen the walls - vertically from the outside we launch a new layer of matches with their heads up.

We continue to strengthen the walls and now also run a new layer of matches along the walls outside, but this time horizontally. Pay attention to how to position the match heads. They should intersect alternately, and not close to each other. Look at the photo for more details.

Now we stick the missing four matches into the corners.