home · Measurements · How to find out that you have been damaged. How to independently determine the presence of damage and the evil eye. Simple ways to check whether I've been jinxed or not

How to find out that you have been damaged. How to independently determine the presence of damage and the evil eye. Simple ways to check whether I've been jinxed or not

The evil eye is a negative effect on an object that penetrates its protective energy field, as a result of which energy exchange is disrupted. The object can be either a living creature or an object, when interacting with which a person or animal may suffer. It is sometimes difficult to immediately understand that you have been jinxed, because individual symptoms can be ignored or attributed to something else.


The main signs of the evil eye

The first signs may appear a few minutes after the evil eye is applied. Severe fatigue suddenly sets in without any particular reason. This indicates that there is a hole in the energy shell through which vital energy is escaping.

With the development of many diseases, it all begins with minor symptoms that cause the patient barely noticeable discomfort. But even minor symptoms develop into a serious illness. The effects of the evil eye progress over time in the same way. Fortunately, negative affect is fairly easy to diagnose.

In addition to depletion of strength, the evil eye in adults has the following manifestations:

  • lack of appetite;
  • nightmares or insomnia;
  • isolation;
  • negative reaction to sunlight, loud sounds and bright colors;
  • depressed mood;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • rash, unpleasant body odor, dandruff, age spots on the face, dark circles under the eyes;
  • total bad luck in any area of ​​life;
  • strange foreign objects (magical and ordinary) appear in the apartment, as well as many insects;
  • feeling odors that are not really there;
  • depression, obsessive thoughts of suicide.

Symptoms of self-evil eye

Nobody thinks anymore what it means to knock on wood three times and spit over your right shoulder, saying “so as not to jinx it.” This is done when sharing good news or bragging about how well things are going. Initially this was the way.

The self-evil eye is harm caused to one’s energy field, in most cases unconsciously. Just like the evil eye, it affects the physical and mental state of the wearer.

The self-evil eye has the following symptoms:

  • fatigue, problems sleeping;
  • constant distraction and inattention;
  • intolerance to bright light and loud sounds;
  • decreased immunity and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • depressed mood, apathy, depression.

How to determine the evil eye on a child?

The evil eye of a child manifests itself differently at different ages. But despite the fact that the signs of the evil eye of a baby differ from the signs of the evil eye of a teenager, they still have the same nature.

The evil eye of a child has the following signs:

  • decreased social activity, refusal to communicate with friends and family;
  • refusal to eat;
  • digestive problems;
  • unreasonable anxiety;
  • high and unbreakable temperature;
  • causeless crying (in a newborn);
  • sudden onset of phobias.

Simple ways to check whether I've been jinxed or not

Not everyone has the opportunity to contact a specialist with this issue. There are many proven ways to diagnose the presence of the evil eye yourself. As a rule, this can be done at home, without spending a lot of effort and using improvised means.

Determining the evil eye using gold

Noble metal is capable of remembering the aura of its owner and serves as an information carrier. If you wear gold jewelry on your body for some time, it will have time to read the information.

In order to check the energy field for negative influence from the outside, you should:

  1. Read “Our Father” or any other prayer against the evil eye over the decoration.
  2. Swipe the jewelry across your cheek.
  3. If after this a white mark remains, then everything is in order, but red indicates the presence of the evil eye.

Ritual with a church candle

Church paraphernalia will help to recognize damaged energy.

When performing the ritual, you need to bring a lit candle to the area of ​​​​one of the chakras. If the candle flame flickers and smokes, it means that the person is under the evil eye. Also an alarming signal is disgust or strong reluctance to buy church candles, much less light them.

A believer can determine the evil eye in the following way:

  1. Light 3 church candles.
  2. Read over them “Our Father,” “Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos,” or “May God rise again.”
  3. If during prayer the flame sways and smokes, it means the person has been jinxed.

Recognizing the evil eye using an egg

The egg will help determine the type of evil eye and the intentions of the person who brought it on.

When using an egg to diagnose the evil eye or damage, it is important to use an egg with a live yolk, so it is best to take a rustic one.

For the ritual you will need:

  • transparent glass;
  • water from your home;
  • egg.

The ceremony should be carried out as follows:

  1. Fill the glass with water, leaving some space for the egg.
  2. Break the egg quickly so as not to damage the yolk.
  3. Pour the contents into water.
  4. Relax, drive away all bad thoughts, press your chin to your chest.
  5. Place the glass on the crown.
  6. Sit in this position for 3 minutes without moving.
  7. Carefully remove the glass from your head without disturbing the water.
  8. Examine and analyze the appearance of the white and yolk.
  9. You need to take a close look at the consistency of the egg, the degree of its coagulation and how it lies at the bottom of the glass. Are there inclusions, spots and veins?
  10. After the ceremony, you should wash the contents of the glass down the drain, saying, “Let it go back to the person from whom it came.” Amen.".
  11. If damage is detected, throw the glass away from the house. If not, wash thoroughly.

Based on this, you can accurately diagnose the evil eye or damage using the instructions below:

  1. The water remained clear, and the white and yolk had their usual appearance - there was no evil eye.
  2. The protein reaches out to the surface of the water in ribbons - the victim has an evil eye for failure. If the protein forms something like a web, the evil eye or damage was caused by a non-professional.
  3. Black spots in the yolk or white mean the evil eye, which was brought on by the use of cemetery soil, to death. Red clots are damage caused by a ritual using blood. Dark gray, brown or green spots are a very strong, but not fatal, evil eye.
  4. If the yolk looks like boiled, but the white is no different from the usual one, the evil eye is cast with the intention of depriving one of moral strength and driving one into depression. The yolk around the edges looks like boiled, and the white has a lot of bubbles - an evil eye designed to doom the victim to torment, but leave him alive.

You can learn more about this method from the video channel “Women's Secrets from VIDVICE”.

Ritual with 6 matches

Matches are a constant attribute in conducting magical sessions; they have a sacred meaning and help to reveal the essence of things.

For the ritual you will need:

  • transparent glass;
  • pure water;
  • 6 matches;
  • candle.

To perform the ceremony you need:

  1. Pour water into a glass and light a candle.
  2. While reading “Our Father,” light 2 matches from a candle at the same time.
  3. Continuing to read, cross the matches over the water.
  4. After finishing the prayer, throw them into the water.
  5. Repeat the procedure two more times, then take a closer look at the behavior of the burned matches.
  6. If they float on the surface, there is no damage to the energy shell.

The matches are half-sunk, hanging in floats, this means that there is an evil eye or the evil eye itself. But if the matches sank, it means that the person is seriously damaged.

Determining the evil eye using St. John's wort

St. John's wort has many healing properties. In the Middle Ages, people believed that St. John's wort could protect against evil spirits and witches, so for hundreds of years this plant has been endowed with magical properties. They used it to tell fortunes, it was used to ward off bad dreams, it was kept at home for the purity of the aura. St. John's wort is able to identify the evil eye in one of the residents of the house.

To do this you need:

  1. Place a branch of fresh St. John's wort in the corners of the room.
  2. Watch how quickly the plant fades.
  3. If it's slow, it means there is no evil eye. But in this case, you should not throw away the St. John's wort, as there is a risk of throwing away good energy at home along with it.

Ritual with wax and water

Wax is used in many rituals, as it is able to accurately convey information and answer questions in detail.

You can use both paraffin wax and beeswax. Beeswax is a very powerful magical item, used in rituals since ancient times, so it is better to use it.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • melted wax;
  • container with spring water;
  • assistant.

Diagnosis of the evil eye using wax is as follows:

  1. Place a container of water over the head of the supposed bearer of the evil eye.
  2. While reading the Lord's Prayer, slowly pour the wax onto the water.
  3. Examine the figures formed by wax.

The appearance of the wax will tell you whether there is a negative effect on energy:

  1. If the wax plate has a flat and smooth surface, then there is no evil eye.
  2. Uneven and porous - there is an evil eye, and it is always caused by the same people.
  3. Wax lined up in a cone indicates severe damage or even a curse.

Checking for the evil eye in church

As a rule, not only the physical shell, but also the spiritual body of a person suffers from the evil eye or damage. If for no reason he began to feel uncomfortable in museums, theaters, or exhibitions, this is an alarming sign. To check yourself for the evil eye, it is worth visiting a church.

In a holy place with pure energy, a person wearing damage, the evil eye or the self-evil eye will experience the following emotions:

  • panic;
  • fear;
  • anxiety.

To accurately check yourself for the presence of the evil eye, you can do the following:

  1. Ask the priest to sprinkle your head with holy water
  2. If there is damaged energy, holy water will act as an irritant, which will increase anxiety or even cause a panic attack.
  3. If the candle flame sways when a prayer is read, there is an evil eye.


    This video talks about how to understand that you have been jinxed. Video provided by the Witchcraft Lessons channel.

If the usual way of life suddenly collapses, good health is replaced by a series of illnesses, and a good mood gives way to apathy and irritability, it is possible that damage and the evil eye have their effect. How to determine that a “black streak” is the result of someone’s evil thoughts? And is it possible to independently recognize the signs of the evil eye and damage?

It is enough to be attentive

“To defeat the enemy, you need to look him in the eyes” - this is what the ancient Eastern wisdom says. The same applies to damage and the evil eye: before plunging headlong into the fight against misfortune, you need to make sure that it was the evil forces that caused endless troubles and misfortunes.

Magic experts identify several main symptoms:

  • Constant, almost never-ending headache
  • Depression and indifference to everything happening around
  • Lack of desire to do things you love
  • Distance from loved ones
  • Extraneous “voices” in my head
  • Feeling powerless, irritable, exhausted

Those who do not know how to understand that you have been jinxed are advised to listen to themselves: in addition to health problems, there is often a desire to “drown your sorrows in wine” and even drugs; Frequent thoughts of suicide are possible. These conditions are a manifestation of symptoms indicating that there is induced negativity, and it must be dealt with immediately.

This is interesting: How to protect yourself from the evil eye or envy?

Symptoms of the evil eye in the fairer sex

As you know, representatives of the fair half of humanity are more susceptible to outside influence than strong men. The energy biofield of women can be destroyed faster. Ladies can find out on their own whether there is a “curse” on them - to do this, they need to analyze the last weeks of their life and determine what has changed in their usual rhythm.

Direct and indirect signs of damage or the evil eye in women:

  • sleep disturbance, nightmares (especially if there were no problems with falling asleep and dreaming before);
  • rapid fatigue and loss of strength. Even those women who have always been highly efficient and energetic notice that their former activity is no longer there;
  • An indicative symptom that helps determine whether there is an evil eye is the ability to look into the eyes of interlocutors and even the reflection in the mirror. Those who notice that their eyes begin to constantly water, and it becomes very difficult to withstand prying eyes, should think about the reasons for what is happening.

Women who do not understand the issues of energy-informational influence and do not know how to independently determine the evil eye and damage often experience sudden changes in mood, rapid weight gain or loss, deterioration of the skin condition and deterioration of appearance in general.

A special type of negative impact can be. Even successful beauties and smart women are capable of losing their charm in a matter of days if there is a place for damage and the evil eye in life - it is simply necessary to fight them in order to return to the usual state!

The stronger sex can also suffer!

Despite the fact that men have a fairly powerful biofield, it can also fall under the influence of evil eyes and evil thoughts. To find out for yourself whether you have the evil eye or damage, you need to learn to hear and analyze your inner feelings.

Representatives of the stronger sex can hear strange voices in their heads (sometimes even dead people), see hallucinations, and experience a strong degree of irritability towards their wife, children and parents. An addiction to bad habits - alcohol, nicotine, drugs - will help determine whether there is damage and the evil eye.

For those who were previously addicted to harmful habits, the craving for them increases significantly, acquiring the proportions of a real disaster!

How can you tell if a child has been jinxed?

Some people, in their anger and envy, do not disdain anything and even bring negativity to the smallest, defenseless and innocent children. It is not surprising that in ancient times, a child under one year of age was hidden from strangers and not shown to others unless absolutely necessary.

How to understand that a child has been jinxed? What needs to be done to recognize the negative impact and quickly begin to break the evil spell?

First of all, parents should be wary of an unreasonable and sudden rise in temperature. If there is no cold, cough, or runny nose, and the baby complains of feeling unwell, you should take a close look at other symptoms that may be present.

Does a cheerful and friendly child often have a bad mood? A kind and affectionate baby has become irritable and hysterical? Is he afraid of his family and friends? Refuses to play with your favorite toys? It is quite possible that all of these are symptoms of the evil eye in a child.

Young children are very sensitive to negative energy coming from outside, so an increased degree of attention needs to be shown to them. The simplest thing you can do is attach a simple English letter to your child. Simple but effective.

Special rituals to identify the presence of a negative program

Sometimes the mood is at zero, and health leaves much to be desired, but these signs of damage and the evil eye in men and women seem insufficient. How to find out whether you have been jinxed or not, with the help of special rituals and ceremonies?

In many countries, the old folk method is very popular, for which you will need the following equipment:

  • Glass of clean water
  • Fresh raw egg

You need to carefully place a glass of water on your head and hold it with your hands so that the liquid does not spill. An assistant - always a close and “trusted” person - must break a fresh egg and pour it into a glass, while carefully monitoring the integrity of the yolk. If you have no one to rely on, you can use a mirror and carefully carry out all the manipulations yourself.

After one or two minutes you can evaluate the result. If the water remains clean and clear, and the yolk falls evenly to the bottom, then there are no symptoms of external negative influence. If the egg behaves incomprehensibly: the yolk has separated, and white threads or bubbles are extending upward from the white, then all the signs of damage and the evil eye are present, which can be immediately recognized. At the same time, the number of threads and bubbles directly demonstrates the “degree of severity” of the situation: the more threads, the stronger the negative effect.

Another important nuance that you need to pay attention to is the “behavior” of bubbles and threads - they will help to recognize the intentionality of evil intentions. After some time after surfacing, do the threads sink to the bottom? It makes sense to say that the damage was done on purpose, and the person who did it wants to hide his unseemly act.

The wax will tell the truth...

You can adopt one more ritual. Beeswax needs to be heated over a plate of cold water. When the wax becomes liquid, you need to carefully pour it into a plate and wait a couple of minutes. The resulting image, drawing or figure will help determine whether there is an evil eye.

An even, uniform pattern indicates that there is no damage to the person. Complex, torn, uneven figures, in turn, indicate interference in the consciousness of extraneous negative energy. In this case, you need to start “cleansing” procedures as soon as possible.

How to check yourself for the presence of the evil eye

There are many different ways to test a person for the presence of induced negative energy. The first thing you need to pay attention to when you suspect an evil eye is the physical and spiritual state of a person. Even in the initial stages, negative energy quite actively influences its victim, which manifests itself as constant fatigue, depression, loss of strength or exacerbation of old diseases.

In this article:

The evil eye is a directed blow of negative energy against a person’s biofield, which is formed due to negative thoughts, emotions and feelings. This form of negative magical program is dangerous precisely because it does not require special harmful rituals to appear; it is formed regardless of a person’s desires and any of us can become its target.

Every person during his life repeatedly becomes not only a victim, but also a source of negativity. That’s why today many people are interested in the question of how to check themselves and their loved ones for the evil eye.

Unintentional Negative Program

The negative energy that forms around a person due to negative thoughts and feelings can cause harm not only to any person around him, but also to himself. In magic there is even a term “self-eye”. The existence of the possibility of unknowingly inducing a negative magical program on oneself makes the evil eye an even more dangerous and unpleasant phenomenon.

Evil eye on yourself

Most often, the evil eye on oneself arises due to lack of self-confidence, due to a pessimistic view of things, for example, a person constantly repeats that he is unlucky in life, and that nothing will ever be good for him, nor in work or in personal life.

By constantly thinking about this, we not only create a significant amount of negative energy around ourselves, but also reduce the strength of the natural protective field.

Ultimately, the amount of negativity will exceed a certain limit, the biofield will not withstand it and all the accumulated negative energy will settle on the person. This situation can be called self-evil eye.

The evil eye on oneself is a very unpleasant phenomenon, but it is quite easy to prevent its occurrence. It is enough to think in a positive direction, believe in yourself and your strengths. With the right direction of thoughts, you can independently create a positive energy program around yourself that will strengthen your biofield and strengthen your defense against any negativity.

Evil eye on your loved ones

Word and thoughts are material

Negative energy that forms around a person can harm not only himself, but also all his loved ones. As an example, we can consider such a common situation when a mother scolds her daughter, says that the young girl has a terrible character, that because of him she will never succeed in life, that she will never find a husband, etc. Each word carries a charge of energy, and therefore the girl can really have many problems in the future, in particular, in her personal life. We must remember that any of our words and even thoughts can influence the world around us and, of course, our loved ones, and therefore we need to wish only the best for our relatives, and never try to scare them with troubles in the future.

How to check if there is an evil eye

There are many different ways to test a person for the presence of induced negative energy. The first thing you need to pay attention to when you suspect an evil eye is the physical and spiritual state of a person. Even in the initial stages, negative energy quite actively influences its victim, which manifests itself as constant fatigue, depression, loss of strength or exacerbation of old diseases. If one or more signs are present, it is imperative to carry out one of the available diagnostic procedures.

Checking for the evil eye using an egg and a glass of water

This is one of the most common and reliable methods for diagnosing the presence of negative energy. Take a regular glass glass and fill it with cold tap water. After this, you need to break a fresh chicken egg into a glass (the egg must have a living embryo, so you should use products from the village).

It is very important not to damage the yolk, since it is on the basis of its condition that we will draw a conclusion about the presence of negative energy.

Now sit on a chair and place a glass of water on your head, you can hold it with the fingers of one hand. You need to stay in this position for 2 to 5 minutes. After the specified time has passed, remove the glass from your head, place it on the table and carefully examine its contents; any presence of a negative magical program will be visible immediately.

If the egg in the water has not changed and looks completely normal, we can say with confidence that there is no negative impact on you, and the cause of illness or failure must be looked for somewhere else. If thin white threads rise from the protein to the surface, similar to the tentacles of a jellyfish, then this indicates the presence of a negative magical effect. With a more careful examination of the state of the white and yolk, a more accurate conclusion about the superimposed negative can be made.

Thin white threads emanating from the protein indicate the presence of a weak negative effect, it could be the evil eye or weak damage caused by a beginner in magic. You can easily and quite successfully fight such negativity on your own using any available means, from daily reading of prayers to the use of the simplest amulets and amulets.

After carrying out this method several times, you will be able to confidently diagnose the negative

If there are black dots and/or bubbles on the white threads, and the yolk looks like boiled, then you are dealing with a fairly powerful negative. This could be a strong or inveterate evil eye, or damage caused by a person who understands magic. In any case, you need to start fighting such negativity as soon as possible, and you should use the most effective means, or seek help from a professional.

In any case, if the state of the egg in the glass indicates the presence of negative energy, the entire contents of the glass must be poured into the toilet and the words read:

The next day, try to buy 8 fresh eggs, they will be needed for cleansing rituals. Every evening you will have to refill the glass with water and break one egg into it. After this, the vessel should be placed at the head of the bed in which you will sleep. In the morning, check the condition of the egg in the glass; every day the negative energy should weaken and this will be reflected in the condition of the egg. After checking, pour the contents of the glass into the toilet and say

“Let it return to the one from whom it came. Amen".

How to check if you have the evil eye using coals

To check for the presence of the evil eye, fill a cup or glass with water and throw three coals into it. If the coals lie on the surface of the liquid, this indicates that there is no negative effect. If 2 or 3 coals sink to the bottom, it means that the evil eye really exists and you need to fight it as soon as possible.

Use charcoal

The water used for diagnostics can also be used to remove negative effects. To do this, the coals are taken out, and any known magical spell for cleansing or any prayer, for example, “Our Father,” is read over the liquid. After this, you need to drink a few sips of already charged water, and sprinkle the rest on your face and body.

If you believe Ozhegov’s dictionary, then damage is nothing more than a disease from witchcraft. Internet sites of all kinds of sorcerers and magicians say differently: damage is the name of damage to a person’s energy shell.

Be that as it may, damage is a purposeful magical effect on a person, the purpose of which is to cause evil.

Read on to learn how to recognize severe damage, what methods to combat it, and much more; we will tell you about everything in detail and without concealment.

Usually, damage is caused by sorcerers or magicians who have a large stock of specific knowledge, although the simplest damage can be done by an ordinary person in a state of passion or strong emotional arousal.

These damages differ from each other in the strength of their impact and the ability to detect them and remove them. The damage caused by ordinary people is easily diagnosed and eliminated. The work of a professional is much more difficult to recognize and eliminate, and only a similar professional or a holy father can do this.

Types of damage

Damage is done on:

  • failure;
  • death;
  • illness;
  • infertility.

These are the main species with many subspecies. Each type of damage can be caused in various ways and using various paraphernalia, as well as with or without the victim’s personal belongings. Correctly caused damage can ruin a business in a month or send a person to the next world, while doctors will not be able to make a diagnosis, and analysts will not be able to identify problems.

How to understand that you have damage

The person who has been damaged will notice it himself. Here are just general signs of damage: a sudden streak of bad luck, constant headaches, insomnia and nightmares, fear of the smell of incense or church, reluctance to wear a cross, the appearance of a large number of insects or rats in the house. Yes, many of these signs can be explained rationally, but when they appear abruptly and in aggregate, then all rationalism comes to naught. To accurately identify the presence of damage, you can conduct self-diagnosis.

The most accurate way to tell about the presence of damage is by magicians and fortune-tellers, who will not only identify this negative, but also remove it. However, there is a possibility that you will end up with a charlatan who will simply scam you out of money and will not help you in any way.

Therefore, you need to choose a specialist very seriously and rely on the experience of acquaintances and friends.

Another very effective way is to go to church to the Holy Father. Yes, most often the church denies witchcraft, but it never refuses help. They are unlikely to be able to diagnose damage in the church, but they will tell you how to get rid of the trouble that has befallen you.

You can also perform a self-diagnosis. So, you have at your disposal several proven and reliable methods for identifying spoilage.

  • First, run your gold wedding ring across your cheek. The presence of a black mark from the ring indicates the presence of damage. And the darker this trace, the stronger the damage.
  • The second method - for diagnosis you will need a small piece of black bread and a glass of water. Hold the bread in your hand for a short time, and then throw it into the glass. If the bread sinks, you can sadly admit that you have certain problems.
  • The third method is to drop olive oil into holy water. If the drop does not change its shape, everything is OK, but if it blurred or changed in any way, you have damage or the evil eye.
You definitely need to find the lining and get rid of it.

The damage could have been caused by both loved ones and complete strangers who came to see you and, before you noticed, gave you a “gift”. Look for a gift near the door frame. It could be a needle stuck into the wallpaper or any little thing that does not belong to you, but at the same time rests peacefully in a place that you cannot notice.

Signs of damage

Damage, affecting a person’s aura, partially destabilizes the connection between the astral body and the physical. This primarily affects a person’s health, mood and thoughts. A broken person perceives incoming information distortedly; he is suspicious, irritable, and touchy. The perception of the world of such a person is like a distorting mirror: everything is turned upside down, and sometimes even the most harmless remarks from the outside or incidents throw such a person off balance.

Under the influence of corruption, a person attracts negativity and troubles to himself, as he mistakenly chooses ways to solve his problems.

Signs of damage are similar to signs of the evil eye, but they are more serious and physical in nature. Damage disrupts a person’s aura, as a result of which there is a disruption in the connection between the spiritual and the material, which leads to loss of vitality. This loss can be expressed through headaches and dizziness, weight loss or sudden weight gain, deterioration in health, pale skin, hair loss, impotence, cancer and skin diseases, miscarriages, inability to get pregnant, the appearance of phobias and obsessive thoughts, etc.

Signs of damage also include increased irritability and isolation, profuse sweating of the palms, loss of strength, insomnia, body aches, apathy, and death of animals. The last points should not be observed in you from birth, but should appear suddenly and not go away. The list of symptoms of damage can take a long time, since in each individual case they are different. We have named only general features.

The most striking characteristic of strong damage is a person’s isolation in himself. Moreover, previously this person could be the life of the party and could not even live a day without communication. A person under the influence of corruption seems to distance himself from the energy-information flows of the surrounding world, trying to isolate himself and not perceive the positive.

If the “black streak” of troubles has dragged on for a long time, you should not immediately reward yourself with self-deprecating epithets - the cause of many problems is a negative magical program - the evil eye or damage. It’s easy to “infect” them: even a novice magician from among your enemies can do this, and even your relatives, having uttered an unkind word, can unwittingly do harm. How to find out if there is damage to a person, with the most detailed instructions for three proven rituals using means available to anyone, you will read in our article.

Signs that make you suspect damage

How to find out whether damage has been caused to a person, with a guaranteed result? Check if there are any suspicious events happening in your life.

If you are affected:

  • discovery of suspicious objects in the house, whose origin no one can explain (pins, needles, hair, threads and rags, bones, candle stubs, sand or earth);
  • troubles that began exactly after someone else’s gift;
  • painful thoughts and disturbing dreams, depression, depression, nervousness, auditory hallucinations;
  • loss of strength and constant health problems that are inexplicable from the standpoint of official medicine;
  • premonition of death or thoughts of suicide;
  • feeling unwell in church, sudden reluctance to attend, rejection of the smell of incense;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the chest or shoulders (something is pressing, bending to the ground), a feeling of chilliness in the chest and stomach;
  • loneliness or relationship problems;
  • inability to conceive a child;
  • a sharp change in the quality of communication with one or more loved ones (as if “turned away” the person);
  • loss of the pectoral cross;
  • unreasonable unfair situations at work;
  • inability to accumulate money or debts due to regular unexpected expenses;
  • theft, accidents, property damage.

If they try to harm your loved ones:

  • constant conflicts between you and relatives: scandals, insults or physical aggression;
  • successive illnesses in family members;
  • severe financial difficulties (unaffordable loan);
  • disobedience and overexcitement of children, frequent attempts to leave home among teenagers;
  • strange behavior of pets (aggression, fear);
  • problems in women’s personal lives (“the crown of celibacy” or unsuccessful marriages among representatives of several generations in a row);
  • suicide or several deaths in a row, especially if only the male part of the family is affected.

If you find similar signs in yourself, do not panic, but check if there is black magic on you using special rituals.

How to find out if there is an evil eye or damage yourself

Negative changes in the biofield may prevent you from receiving help. Did you mix up the time of your meeting with a magician, were delayed at work, couldn’t get there, or did an unexpected financial problem arise? This is due to the manifestations of evil magic. To overcome them, we will consider effective ways to independently determine the evil eye and damage, available at home, without turning to specialists.

Method 1: how to find out from a raw egg whether there is damage to a person

This ritual works due to the special information structure of the egg. The embryo of a new life in him is similar to its already realized form - man. If you are affected by destructive magic, during the energy exchange during the ritual, part of the negativity will transfer to the egg. Changes in its structure, unlike your biofield, will be expressed in visual form.

To get a reliable result, get an egg from a domestic chicken, or at least from a farm. Factory-made won't do - it doesn't have the same energy. The egg must be very fresh.

During the waxing moon, do the following:

  • Take a half-liter jar or large glass, pour fresh cold water into it (tap water is fine) and leave it in a dark place for three hours.
  • Hold the egg in your hands, transferring your warmth to it, bring it to your chest and forehead, then hold it above your head for a couple of minutes. At this time, there will be an exchange between your information fields.
  • Using a sharp knife, crack the egg and pour its contents into the water.
  • Please note: if you damage the yolk when breaking the shell, the procedure must be started again, otherwise nothing will work.
  • Sit comfortably to avoid sudden movements and keep your head low. Place a glass or jar with an egg on the parietal area (if it does not hold steady, you can hold it a little) and remain in this position for five minutes.
  • After this, you can analyze the changes.

    If the yolk has not spread, and the water and white remain transparent, no negative program will affect you.

    Signs of damage are:

    • lowering the yolk under water, its “boiled” appearance or darkening;
    • stripes, flakes or threads extending from the protein;
    • air bubbles or cloudiness in the contents of the glass;
    • breaks with noticeable edges in the protein structure;
    • dark or black inclusions.

    Light cloudiness or white “cobwebs” indicate slight damage that can be removed yourself. Other signs indicate more severe influences.

    Method 2: how to find out whether damage has been caused using matches

    This folk method is good for individual home testing; the best time for it is Friday, at sunrise or sunset. The ritual is based on the cleansing ability of the flame: when a match burns in your fingers, the fire takes on part of your aura and transmits information into the charred wood.

  • Take a glass without edges and fill it with raw water, without adding it to the brim on your finger.
  • Cover it with your palms and hold it there for a few minutes, charging it with your energy. Then add a pinch of salt.
  • Mentally ask yourself the question of the presence of damage and light a match. It should burn almost completely in your hands, so as not to burn your fingers, grab it.
  • Place the burnt out match on the surface of the water. Repeat the procedure twice more.

    The result is interpreted as follows:

    • Matches floating on the water confirm that everything is in order.
    • If the matches are frozen in a vertical position or sank to the bottom, this indicates the action of a negative program. Its severity is determined by which part of the matches has undergone such changes: all or only some.

    Method 3: how to determine that the damage was done to the family

    The determination of damage done to the whole family is carried out in your common home. It is important that your relatives are nearby, know about your intentions and support them.

    During the ritual, silver is used - the material most susceptible to witchcraft influences. And the power of faith will help you “open your eyes.”

    To identify damage, purchase a new silver cross, preferably in a church store. If this is not possible, a piece of jewelry from a secular store, previously consecrated in the temple, will do. Choose a calm morning when all family members can be in the house for a complete energy reading. Light a candle in each room. Take the cross in your hands and, saying the “Our Father” prayer, go around the whole house. Repeat these steps three times. Choose one of the rooms where you and most of your loved ones will be comfortable during the day, and try to spend more time together. There the cross should lie in a visible place until the evening. At the end of the day, examine the cross. Even a slight darkening of silver indicates severe damage to the family.

    If you notice any of these signs in yourself, do not let negative thoughts enter your consciousness. No malware can overcome your strong intention to improve your life. The main thing is not to sit idly by, justifying your sorrows with the interference of ill-wishers. Having figured out how to find out if there is damage to a person, you can eliminate the influence yourself or decide to seek qualified help.