home · Installation · How does insulin affect the body? The effect of insulin on the development of obesity The effect of insulin on the human body

How does insulin affect the body? The effect of insulin on the development of obesity The effect of insulin on the human body

Receptors for insulin are found mainly in the liver, muscle and adipose tissue. They consist of 2 α-subunits, located outside the cell and being the recognition part, and 2 β-subunits, which penetrate the cell membrane through and have tyrosine kinase activity. Insulin binds to α-subunits, increases the activity of tyrosine kinase of β-subunits, which leads to phosphorylation of proteins inside the cell: proteins transporting glucose, proteins transporting potassium and phosphate ions into the cell, hexokinase, glycogen synthetase and others, which leads to changes in metabolic processes. The insulin-receptor complex then enters the cell, where it disintegrates. The receptor is reintegrated into the membrane, and insulin promotes the absorption of amino acids by cells, activates the functions of the ribosomal protein, and is then digested by lysosomes.

Insulin + receptor



GLUT 4 synthesis

(glucose transporter, system of facilitated diffusion of glucose)

Enzyme activation

Increases glucose uptake by tissues


Pyruvate kinase


Glycogen synthetase

Locking in glucose



glucose (glycolysis)

Education is increasing



Physiological effects of insulin.

    Hypoglycemic effect: increases glucose transport across cell membranes, activates glucose phosphorylation, increases glycogen synthesis, inhibits glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.

    Effect on fat metabolism: activates the formation and deposition of triglycerides, inhibits the conversion of fatty acids into keto acids, reduces lipolysis by inhibiting intracellular lipase.

    Effect on protein metabolism: increases the synthesis of proteins from amino acids, inhibits the conversion of amino acids into keto acids.

Insulin use:

    For the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Children develop type 1 diabetes mellitus, caused by the destruction of pancreatic β-cells and absolute insulin deficiency (autoimmune, idiopathic).

Insulin dosing: depending on the level of glucose in the blood, glucosuria, acetonuria. 1 unit of insulin utilizes 2.5-5 g of sugar. More precisely: 1 unit of insulin reduces glycemia by 2.2 mmol/l (normal fasting glucose level = 3.3-5.5 mmol/l) or 0.3 - 0.8 units/kg body weight per day.

First, take the maximum number, then the dose is selected individually. When selecting an insulin dose, blood glucose levels are measured up to 7-9 times a day. Children's sensitivity to insulin is much higher than that of adults.

Insulin use regimens.

– traditional: short-acting insulin is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly 4-5 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

– basal-bolus (intensified): short-acting insulin 30 minutes before meals + injections of intermediate- and long-acting insulins, they provide a basal level of insulin, but do not eliminate postprandial hyperglycemia, which is eliminated by short-acting insulins (best of all - Humalog).

    Insulins are also used

– to increase appetite in case of underweight,

– as part of polarizing therapy,

– for type 2 diabetes mellitus,

– for schizophrenia (comatose therapy).

Side effects:

    Hypoglycemia(more severely tolerated than hyperglycemia):

Tachycardia, sweating, tremor, nausea, hunger, dysfunction of the central nervous system (confusion, strange behavior), encephalopathy, convulsions, coma.

Help: easily digestible breakfast, sweets. For coma, IV 40% glucose solution.

    Lipodystrophy at the sites of insulin injection – disappearance or increase in subcutaneous fat deposition. It develops as a result of the administration of poorly purified insulin, when the technique of administering the drug is violated (cold, superficial administration (needs to be deep subcutaneous)) and injection into the same place. Insulin is absorbed most quickly and completely from the subcutaneous tissue of the anterior abdominal wall, more slowly from the shoulder area, the front surface of the thigh, and very slowly from the subscapular area and buttocks. More than 16 units of insulin are not injected into one place, once every 60 days.

    Allergic reactions(itching, rash, anaphylactic shock). This is the result of poor purification of insulin, preservatives, animal insulin. It is necessary to transfer the patient to a less immunogenic drug (human insulin), prescribe antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids.

    Swelling of the brain, lungs, internal organs.

    Increase in body weight ( obesity).

    β-cell atrophy, insulin resistance(develops when the need for insulin is more than 2 units/kg body weight, when administered more than 60 units per day).

Diabetic coma.



    Lactic acidotic

Electrolyte shifts, metabolic disorders, loss of consciousness, depressed reflexes, anuria, hemodynamic disorders.

Differentiation is difficult: i.v. 40% glucose solution.


    IV drip of short-acting insulin (10-20 units) + glucose as needed.

    Additionally, 5-10 units of insulin subcutaneously or intramuscularly when monitoring glucose levels.

    Infusion therapy - isotonic solutions of sodium chloride, potassium chloride.

    When the blood pH is less than 7.0, sodium bicarbonate solution is given intravenously.

    Cocarboxylase to reduce the level of ketone bodies.

Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus type 2

Oral hypoglycemic agents are prescribed, which are not used in pediatrics.

Oral hypoglycemic agents

Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas. It takes part in various parts of metabolism and is responsible for maintaining energy balance in the body.

If there is a lack of insulin production, type 1 diabetes mellitus develops and, if you do not start injecting insulin, the person faces death. In type 2 diabetes, insulin production can be normal or even increased, but the tissues do not perceive it. In such cases, insulin is harmful, its administration is not indicated and even dangerous.

Excess insulin in the blood can cause the development of the so-called metabolic syndrome - obesity, high blood pressure, excess cholesterol, fats and glucose in the blood. The same disorders can accompany the administration of insulin without indications - for example, for muscle growth in athletes.

Useful qualities of insulin

Insulin is released when glucose enters the blood, so every meal stimulates the release of this hormone.

Normally, it ensures the delivery of nutrients to cells, which provides conditions for their existence.

In the body, insulin performs a number of functions that ensure vital functions. The benefits of insulin in the body are manifested in the following actions:

  • Reduces blood glucose levels and enhances its absorption by cells.
  • Increases muscle tissue growth by stimulating protein production in cells.
  • Prevents muscle breakdown.
  • Transports amino acids to muscle tissue.
  • Accelerates the flow of potassium, magnesium and phosphates into cells.
  • Stimulates glycogen synthesis in the liver.

The effect of insulin on fat metabolism

Sugar level

The harm caused by insulin in the development of lipid metabolism disorders has been most studied. It leads to the development of obesity, in which weight loss is difficult.

Fat deposition in the liver leads to fatty hepatosis - the accumulation of fat inside the liver cell with subsequent replacement by connective tissue and the development of liver failure. Cholesterol stones form in the gallbladder, leading to disruption of the outflow of bile.

The deposition of fat in the subcutaneous fatty tissue forms a special type of obesity - preferential deposition of fat in the abdominal area. This type of obesity is characterized by low sensitivity to diet. Under the influence of insulin, the production of sebum is stimulated, the pores on the face expand, and acne develops.

The mechanism of negative action in such cases is implemented in several directions:

  • The enzyme lipase, which breaks down fat, is blocked.
  • Insulin prevents fat from being converted into energy, as it promotes the combustion of glucose. Fat remains in accumulated form.
  • In the liver, under the influence of insulin, the synthesis of fatty acids increases, which leads to the deposition of fat in the liver cells.
  • Under its action, the penetration of glucose into fat cells increases.
  • Insulin promotes the synthesis of cholesterol and inhibits its breakdown by bile acids.

As a result of these biochemical reactions, the content of high-density fats in the blood increases, and they are deposited on the walls of the arteries - atherosclerosis develops. In addition, insulin helps to narrow the lumen of blood vessels, stimulating the growth of muscle tissue in the vascular wall. It also prevents the destruction of blood clots clogging the vessel.

With atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease progresses, brain tissue is affected with the development of strokes, arterial hypertension occurs, and kidney function is impaired.

Consequences of increased insulin in the blood

Insulin is a tissue growth stimulator, causing accelerated cell division. With a decrease in insulin sensitivity, the risk of breast tumors increases, and one of the risk factors is concomitant disorders in the form of type 2 diabetes mellitus and high blood fat, and as we know, they always go together.

In addition, insulin is responsible for retaining magnesium inside cells. Magnesium has the property of relaxing the vascular wall. When insulin sensitivity is impaired, magnesium begins to be excreted from the body, and sodium, on the contrary, is retained, which causes vasoconstriction.

The role of insulin in the development of a number of diseases has been proven, while it, while not being their cause, creates favorable conditions for progression:

  1. Arterial hypertension.
  2. Oncological diseases.
  3. Chronic inflammatory processes.
  4. Alzheimer's disease.
  5. Myopia.
  6. Arterial hypertension develops due to the action of insulin on the kidneys and nervous system. Normally, under the action of insulin, vasodilation occurs, but in conditions of loss of sensitivity, the sympathetic part of the nervous system is activated and the vessels narrow, which leads to increased blood pressure.
  7. Insulin stimulates the production of inflammatory factors - enzymes that support inflammatory processes and inhibits the synthesis of the hormone adiponectin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  8. There are studies showing the role of insulin in the development of Alzheimer's disease. According to one theory, the body synthesizes a special protein that protects brain cells from the deposition of amyloid tissue. It is this substance, amyloid, that causes brain cells to lose their functions.

This same protective protein controls insulin levels in the blood. Therefore, when insulin levels increase, all energy is spent on reducing it and the brain is left without protection.

High concentrations of insulin in the blood cause the eyeball to elongate, which reduces the ability to focus normally.

In addition, frequent progression of myopia has been noted in type 2 diabetes mellitus and obesity.

How to increase tissue sensitivity to insulin

To prevent the development of metabolic syndrome, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • Limiting foods high in cholesterol (fatty meat, offal, lard, fast food).
  • Reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates by completely eliminating sugar from your diet.
  • The diet must be balanced, since insulin production is stimulated not only by carbohydrates, but also by proteins.
  • Maintaining a meal schedule and avoiding frequent snacking, especially sweet foods.
  • The last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime, since a late dinner provokes the release of insulin and harm in the form of fat deposition.
  • If you have increased body weight, carry out fasting days and short-term fasting (only under medical supervision).
  • Introducing foods with sufficient plant fiber into the diet.
  • Mandatory physical activity in the form of daily walks or therapeutic exercises.
  • Insulin preparations can be administered only in the absence of its production - in case of type 1 diabetes; in all other cases, this leads to the development of metabolic diseases.
  • During insulin therapy, constant monitoring of glucose levels is important to avoid overdose.

There are many myths around insulin - in the video in this article they will be successfully refuted.

The hormone insulin is produced by the pancreas in response to food intake. It helps the body use energy from food by sending nutrients to cells. Once the digestive tract has broken down carbohydrates into glucose, insulin sends the glucose to storage sites - muscle glycogen, liver glycogen and fat tissue.

Agree, it would be great if our muscles were fed with carbohydrates, but insulin doesn’t care where to direct them. Slim people can benefit from this by stimulating its production after exercise to build muscle, but overweight people should keep levels stable most of the time.

You should not be afraid of insulin, because in addition to its anabolic functions (building muscle and fat cells), it prevents the breakdown of muscle protein, stimulates glycogen synthesis, and ensures the delivery of amino acids to the muscles. Its main function is to maintain safe blood sugar levels.

Problems begin when insulin sensitivity decreases. For example, a person regularly eats sweets and gets fat. He gets fat not because of insulin, but because of excess calories, but insulin is constantly at high levels in his body - it constantly battles with blood sugar, trying to lower it to a safe level. Obesity itself puts a strain on the body and changes the lipid composition of the blood, but increased secretion of insulin affects the pancreas in such a way that its cells lose sensitivity to it. This is how type 2 diabetes develops. Of course, this does not happen in a week or two, however, if you abuse sweets, you are at risk.

Increased insulin secretion blocks the breakdown of internal fat reserves. As long as there is a lot of it, you will not lose weight. It also reduces the use of fat as an energy source by diverting the body to carbohydrates. How does this relate to nutrition? Let's consider.

The body produces insulin in response to food intake. There are three concepts that help control its level - the glycemic index (GI), glycemic load (GL) and insulin index (AI).

The glycemic index measures how your blood sugar levels rise after you eat a carbohydrate food. The higher the index, the faster the sugar rises and the more insulin the body produces. Low GI foods tend to be lower in dietary fiber (whole grains, greens, and non-starchy vegetables), while high GI foods tend to be lower in dietary fiber (processed grains, potatoes, sweets). So, white rice has a GI of 90, and brown rice has a GI of 45. During heat treatment, dietary fiber is destroyed, which increases the GI of the product. For example, the GI of raw carrots is 35, and boiled carrots are 85.

Glycemic load allows you to find out how a specific serving of carbohydrate food will affect the body. Scientists from Harvard found that the larger the portion of carbohydrates, the higher the spike in insulin. Therefore, portions should be controlled.

To calculate the load, the formula is used:

(GI of the product / 100) x carbohydrate content per serving.

Low GL - up to 11, medium - from 11 to 19, high - from 20.

For example, a standard 50 g serving of oatmeal contains 32.7 carbohydrates. The GI of oatmeal is 40.

(40 / 100) x 32.7 = 13.08 - average GN.

Similarly, we calculate a serving of ice cream ice cream 65 g. The glycemic index of the ice cream is 60, serving 65 g, carbohydrates per serving 13.5.

(60 / 100) x 13.5 = 8.1 - low GL.

And if we take a double portion of 130 g for calculation, we will get 17.5 - close to a high GL.

The insulin index shows how this hormone increases in response to. The highest AI is found in eggs, cheese, beef, fish and beans. But you remember that this hormone is involved in both the transport of carbohydrates and the transport of amino acids. Therefore, this parameter should be kept in mind by people suffering from diabetes. For others it is less important.

Foods with a low glycemic index will not only reduce insulin secretion, but will also provide nutrition due to their fiber content. Such products should form the basis of a diet for someone losing weight.

Removal of dietary fiber and heat treatment increase the GI of food, when fiber in the diet and the presence of fats slow down the absorption of foods. The slower the absorption, the lower the rise in blood sugar and the lower the production of insulin. Try to eat, don't avoid vegetables and...

Portion control is important. The larger the portion, the greater the load on the pancreas and the more insulin the body releases. In this case, it may help. By eating fractionally, you will avoid a high glycemic load and hormonal surges.

Excess of any food leads to obesity, and obesity often causes diabetes. It is necessary to create and control the quality and quantity of carbohydrates in it. People with poor insulin sensitivity should eat fewer carbohydrates and more protein and fat within their caloric intake.

You can determine your sensitivity subjectively. If you feel alert and energetic after eating a large portion of carbohydrates, then your body is producing insulin normally. If you feel tired and hungry after an hour, then your secretion is increased - you should.

A calorie deficit, fractional meals, choosing low-GI foods, portion control and carbohydrate control will help you maintain stable insulin levels and lose weight faster. However, if you suspect diabetes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The hormone insulin and its role in the body are closely related to the functioning of the endocrine system. It includes several endocrine glands, each of which is necessary to maintain human health. When malfunctions occur in at least one of the glands, all organs suffer.

Insulin is a well-studied hormone with a peptide base, which includes several amino acids. If insulin levels decrease or increase, an important function of the endocrine system is disrupted - maintaining blood sugar levels.

The most impressive and scary factor that has made the hormone so “popular” is the annual increase in the number of people diagnosed with diabetes.

Mechanism of insulin production

The hormone is produced in the endocrine cells of the tail of the pancreas. Clusters of these cells are called islets of Langerhans in honor of the scientist who discovered them. Despite the small size, each the insula is considered a tiny organ with a complex structure. They are responsible for the release of insulin. Here's how insulin is produced:

  1. Production of preproinsulin. The pancreas creates the basis for the hormone preproinsulin.
  2. Signal peptide synthesis. Together with the base, a preproinsulin conductor, a peptide, is produced; it delivers the base to endocrine cells. There it is synthesized into proinsulin.
  3. Maturation stage. For some time, the processed components settle in the cells of the endocrine system - in the Golgi apparatus. There they mature for some time and break down into insulin and C-peptide. During laboratory diagnostics, the peptide is often used to determine the activity of the pancreas.
  4. Relationship with zinc. The insulin produced interacts with the mineral ions, and when blood sugar rises, the hormone is released from beta cells and begins to lower its level.

If the level in the body is high, then the synthesis of the hormone in the pancreas decreases. Glucagon is produced in the alpha cells of the islet of Langerhans.

Action of insulin

The main effect of the hormone is the regulation of metabolic processes in the body. It affects everything: the absorption of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, as well as the breakdown of other substances. Without the help of insulin, cells will not be able to receive glucose.

Under the influence of the substance, the permeability of cell membranes increases, and glucose is freely absorbed into them. In parallel, insulin converts glucose into a polysaccharide - glycogen. It serves as a natural source of energy for humans.

Hormone functions

Decreased performance

Due to stress and eating habits, insulin can not only increase, but also decrease. It is a mistake to believe that this is a normal condition that is not dangerous to health. They start the process of lowering the hormone:

  • fatty foods rich in carbohydrates and calories - the insulin produced by the gland is not enough to absorb incoming foods. This leads to intense hormone production, which quickly wears out beta cells;
  • chronic tendency to overeat, even healthy food in huge quantities will not be useful;
  • lack of sleep negatively affects the production of hormones, especially if a person consistently sleeps for 4-5 hours;
  • overexertion, hard or dangerous work that stimulates the release of adrenaline;
  • decreased immune system functions, infectious lesions;
  • a sedentary lifestyle, causing physical inactivity, in which a lot of glucose enters the blood, but it is not processed properly.

To understand exactly how insulin affects human health with diabetes, you need to consider the process of interaction between glucose and the hormone.

Insulin and glucose levels

In a healthy person, even in a situation where food does not enter the body for a long time, the sugar level is approximately the same. Insulin continues to be produced by the pancreas at approximately the same rhythm. When a person eats, food is broken down and carbohydrates enter the blood as glucose molecules. Here's what happens next:

  1. The liver receives a signal and the stored hormone is released. By reacting with glucose, it lowers sugar levels and turns it into energy.
  2. The gland begins a new stage of producing insulin to replace what was spent.
  3. New portions of the hormone are sent to the intestines to break down sugars that are partially processed.
  4. The unspent glucose balance is partially converted into glycogen, which goes into a resting state. It is contained in muscles and liver, and is partially deposited in adipose tissue.
  5. Some time after eating, sugar begins to decrease. Glucagon is released into the blood, and accumulated glycogen begins to break down into glucose, stimulating the rise of sugar.

Insulin is an essential hormone, the level of which is closely related to the daily functioning of the body. Its violations lead to diseases that shorten a person’s life by several decades, complicating it with a host of unpleasant side effects.

The course of such a multi-stage and complex process as metabolism is influenced by various biologically active substances and hormones, including, which is produced by special islets of Langerhans-Sobolev, which are located in the thickness of the pancreas. It takes part in almost all metabolic processes in the body.

What is insulin?

Insulin is a peptide hormone, very important for normal nutrition and cell function; it is a transporter of glucose, potassium and amino acids. It is designed to regulate. Therefore, after eating, an increase in the amount of this substance in the blood serum is recorded in response to the production of glucose.

The process of normal cellular nutrition without insulin is impossible, and this hormone is essential. Insulin is a protein hormone, so it cannot penetrate the body through the gastrointestinal tract, since it will immediately be digested, like any protein.

How does insulin work?

Insulin is responsible for energy and has a complex effect on metabolism in all tissues. It is able to influence the activity of many enzymes.

Insulin is the only hormone that can reduce blood glucose levels.