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French oracle cards how to tell fortunes. Fortune telling with French cards. What are French cards?

To start fortune telling, click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about who you are predicting for. Hold down the deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Divination French Oracle Assessment of the situation. This alignment will allow you to easily and naturally understand the situation around the querent. It is carried out using a French oracle deck, so do not be surprised that all the interpretations of the cards will be strikingly different from those we are used to. Here are completely independent interpretations of the cards that were developed by Erna Drusbeke, a French soothsayer; in addition, this deck was called the Parisian Sibyl. All interpretations are very concise and should not cause you any difficulties. This online fortune telling is very simple, only four significant cards are used here, but it must be remembered that in this oracle, the upright and inverted positions of the cards have different interpretations.

Technique for performing online fortune telling:

This prediction is made using a French oracle deck. In it, all the cards correspond to the cards of a regular playing deck, but have a completely different interpretation; in addition, the forward and reverse positions of the cards differ and, accordingly, they are interpreted differently. On this page The interpretation of all the French oracle cards is given. You can familiarize yourself with them for your own fortune-telling. Before the schedule, tune in and concentrate well

From this article you will learn:

    What are Oracle cards

    What can you learn from Oracle cards?

    How to tell fortunes using Oracle cards

    Which decks of Oracle cards to buy

Since ancient times, people have tried to predict the future and used a wide variety of symbolic systems to do this: from looking at stars and clouds to fortune telling by the flight of birds or coffee grounds. However, the most popular fortune-telling tool has been “Oracle” cards for several centuries. They are used by gypsies to predict people success, love, changes in life, illness, etc. Nowadays, there are a huge number of decks of Oracle cards: astrological, psychological, associative and thematic, oracles of animals, stones, etc.

What are Oracle cards and how do they differ from Tarot?

What does the word "oracle" mean? The Great Encyclopedia defines it as follows: “An oracle (from Latin oraculum) is in ancient times one of the means by which a person tried to enter into direct communication with a deity. The sayings of the Oracle were considered revelations of the deity. All Oracles can be summed up under three categories: predictions were received either in the form of maxims, or in the form of symbols, or in the form of dreams.”

Card Oracles are symbolic systems. The structure of different decks of Oracle cards may vary, which distinguishes these cards from the Tarot, which must contain the major and minor arcana. Oracles have a completely different number of cards. They depict scenes or symbols from a single set.

Thus, in the Oracle of Numbers there are 32 cards, and each of them consists of two halves - a number and a Kabbalistic sign. Madame Lenormand's Oracle deck contains 36 cards, the content of which are characters (for example, Horseman) or abstract images (Ship, Clover). The Gypsy Oracle contains 52 cards, all of which are story-based. But this is not the limit: the Simbolon Oracle has as many as 78 cards (this deck combines astrological images and other symbolic subjects).

In terms of accuracy of predictions, Oracle cards are not inferior to Tarot. However, there is one significant difference: the strict symbolic system of the Tarot is not obvious and convenient to everyone; Oracles are simpler in this sense. To interpret the meanings of Oracle cards, it is enough to recognize the plots and images on them, while to use Tarot cards you need to have a good understanding of all the symbolism that they cover.

The problem with some Oracle decks is that they are superficial. These maps reflect the external outline of events rather than the deep essence of what is happening, so with their help it is impossible to obtain comprehensive and accurate answers to the questions posed. Unlike Oracle cards, Tarot reveals the entire chain of causes and consequences, starting from the energy level and ending with the event level.

If you want to bring a little magic into your daily life, turn to your own feelings and intuition when reading Oracle cards. It’s not scary if at first it seems that intuition is silent and does not participate in what is happening. To begin, take the entire deck in your hands, hold it, listening to your own feelings. The one of the decks that will be more “lively” and “warm” for you is yours.

Fortune telling with Oracle cards: interpretation and rules

Fortune telling cards of the “Oracle” type have become a real breakthrough in the field of predictive techniques. In order to lift the veil of secrecy over the future, it is necessary to make a layout and then interpret its result (the meaning of the symbol is usually written on the card itself). Cards are not a blind weapon, but a rather capricious entity that can remain silent without giving an answer. If fortune telling is unsuccessful, put it off for another day, do not persist, be patient.

Oracle card decks typically contain 33 cards, one of which is a client card. Cards can be upright or upside down, and this also matters (as, for example, in Runes).

As for the meaning of Oracle cards, it consists of several components:

    Card suits (diamonds, crosses, etc.).

    The general meaning of the card (9 inverted worms, for example, symbolize sadness, straight ones - joy).

    Exact value. For example, for nine hearts in an upright position, the adjacent card gives information about what kind of joy awaits you. If it has a cross suit, then it will be joy caused by unexpected receipt of money.

Thus, two cards provide information:

    The speaker is the one you are interpreting.

    Neighboring – located next to the speaker and clarifying her meaning. The card lying to the right of the speaker will have more weight.

The basic rules for fortune telling with Oracle cards are as follows:

    We select a client card - a person who addresses his question to the Oracle.

    We carefully shuffle the cards. To do this, you first need to hit the deck, then split it with your left hand, then split it into two halves again and mix it again.

    The day of fortune telling affects the result. On Monday it is better not to touch the Oracle cards, but Friday (especially falling on the 13th) is a very good day for fortune telling. The first of January, the 13th of each month and your birthday are also suitable: the predictions will be deep and accurate.

    For fortune telling, you can only use your individual deck of Oracle cards. It, like a toothbrush, cannot be passed on to other people.

    Fortune telling is done alone. At least not surrounded by people who are skeptical about predictions - in this case the cards will be silent.

    But a cat, on the contrary, is a wonderful companion and assistant in fortune telling. It's better to guess when the cat is in the room. If she showed interest and walked through the cards, see where exactly she stepped.

    To communicate with Oracle cards, sit in a comfortable, quiet place with dim lighting.

    You can also make wishes with the help of fortune telling Oracle cards. To do this, on February 2, you need to put a card under your pillow before going to bed, whose symbolism reflects your desire.

Oracle cards: layouts and some fortune telling techniques

Four Aces Oracle

Ask a question that has a clear answer: either “no” or “yes.” Take the top 13 cards from the deck. Set aside the aces you find among them and the client card. Repeat the entire procedure three times.

Interpretation of the result:

    The dropped four aces in combination with the client card indicate great luck, for which you do not have to make any effort.

    Four aces, but without a client card, is also a great success, but with the participation of other people.

    Three aces along with the client card indicate that you will have to try a little to achieve success.

    It's just that three aces are interpreted as a very low probability of luck.

    Two aces in combination with a client card are an opportunity for success in the distant future.

If there is no clear answer from the Oracle cards, you should postpone fortune telling for a while and ask the question of interest later.

Little Oracle of Laetitia

Take two cards, then set aside the one that goes with the client's card. Repeat these steps two more times. As a result, you should get three cards from which you can predict life events in the next three days. To interpret them, consult an interpreter.

Oracle of Flowers

For this fortune telling, 32 Oracle cards are taken (without the client card). A pile of cards is thrown face down, then nine cards are selected from it, turned over and laid out according to the suits in the order in which they were removed. These cards will be talking.

Then the next nine cards are removed and placed next to each of the speakers. These are adjacent cards.

Formulate questions for each suit. Take a talking card of the required suit and read its meaning from the interpreter. After this, refer to the adjacent card to clarify the result.

Great Oracle of Laetitia

This method is similar to fortune telling with the Oracle of Flowers, only you need to remove not nine, but thirteen cards. After the cards are revealed, they are laid out in the order they were removed in a circle (there should be no groupings). The cards are then sorted by rank. The speakers will be the first six cards on the left, and the neighboring ones will be the last six cards on the right. The talking and neighboring cards should be laid out according to the following scheme:

1-13 2-12 3-11 4-10 5-9 6-8,

the seventh card should be in the center, surrounded by six pairs of other cards.

Processing of the results consists of interpreting the talking cards and subsequent clarification of their meanings based on neighboring cards (only their suit is taken into account). The central card is a surprise. It can also be interpreted by drawing another card from the pile, which will become a pair for it.

Oracle for the future

Predicting the future is not at all difficult if you have a deck of Oracle cards at your disposal. Here is one of the simplest methods of fortune telling:

    shuffle the deck and remove the top card;

    then pull out a pair of cards;

    when faced with a client’s card, put aside the card that is paired with it;

    do this three times;

    interpret the three cards set aside according to the interpretations that are written directly on them.

Where and what Oracle cards to buy

Oracle "Golden Dreams Lenormand"

The famous fortune teller and psychic Madame Lenormand developed her own method of card fortune telling. Her Golden Dreams deck has become very popular and has been actively used for many decades. The secret of the success of this Oracle is that it is not only able to predict the development of events, but also helps to make a decision in a difficult situation.

A modern version of the Lenormand Oracle was illustrated by digital artist Ciro Marchetti. Each of these maps is a real little masterpiece, combining exquisite detail and original imagery of plots. For those who are just starting to get acquainted with the Lenormand Oracle or already have some idea about it, the Marchetti deck is an ideal option.

This edition of the deck takes into account all the principles of the classic versions of the Lenormand Oracle, but by increasing the number of cards from 36 to 47, the predictive capabilities of the deck are significantly expanded. 11 new cards have been added to the traditional set of cards, namely Well, Bridge, Compass, Mask, Magnifying Glass, Owl, Dice, Man, Lady, Labyrinth, Time.

Oracle "I Ching"

Each of us would like to know how to achieve success, gain knowledge and spiritual strength, live every new day at the peak of feelings and possibilities, what changes fate has in store for us around the next turn.

To find answers to these questions, the I Ching oracle was created in ancient China, the “canon of change” - a philosophical concept, ritual and technique for predicting the future. The classical I Ching involved drawing sets of lines, solid and broken, and throwing a coin to create a hexagram - a set of six lines, which is then interpreted in a certain way.

The I Ching, embodied in a deck of cards, simplifies the fortune telling procedure and makes it more understandable and convenient for a person of the European tradition, accustomed to Western mantles. To find out your destiny, you no longer need to perform a Chinese ritual; you just need to draw an Oracle card.

Oracle Rumi

Rumi's Oracle Cards will allow the reader to connect with the divine and experience love and beauty. This is a conversation through dance movements, not words.

The authors of the deck were inspired by the poems of a Sufi poet and philosopher named Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi, who lived and worked in the 18th century. The images reflected in the cards of this Oracle originate in the mystical whirling dance practiced by the dervishes, and which, according to Rumi, helps to throw off the shackles of the material world and soar to the spirit.

Oracle by Suzanne Kipper (Fin de Siecle Kipper)

This deck of Oracle cards has a long and interesting history. The idea of ​​its creation belongs to Suzanne Kipper, a very gifted fortune teller, who at some point needed her own author's cards. She illustrated maps in a style typical of 1870s Germany, where she lived. The oracle turned out to be very popular (no less than the Lenormand cards).

This Oracle was later creatively reinterpreted by artist Ciro Marchetti, who created the third version of the Mystic Kipper in the style of Victorian England. Oracle cards by Marchetti are distinguished by a clear system of interpretation, an abundance of interesting details, and subtly and luxuriously painted interiors and portraits. This makes this deck of Oracle cards very popular.

Runic Oracle “Legends of the Northern Roads”

The Runic Oracle deck of cards, based on Legends of the Northern Roads, provides an excellent opportunity to get acquainted with the runic predictive tradition through cards. Its authors are Anna Simonova, a tarot reader, and Dmitry Shevtsov, a Russian artist. The deck contains 25 cards, including an “empty” rune, which can be used or not used at the wish of the person doing the fortune-telling. These Oracle cards come with instructions in Russian.

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One of the most interesting fortune telling on cards is on French cards. What kind of cards are these and how can you tell fortunes with them?

What are French cards?

Like Spanish cards, French fortune telling cards come from the Arcana of the Tarot.

Spanish cards were already known throughout Europe when the game of piquet was invented in France during the time of Charles VII (1422-1461).

We offer fortune telling using French cards using a picket deck (32 out of 52 French cards): from a full deck you need to remove cards from twos to sixes inclusive in all four suits.

Fortune telling on French cards

"Three Aces" layout

  1. Only three aces are taken from the deck - hearts, spades and clubs.
  2. They are placed in front of the Questioner, who must shuffle the three cards and place them face down on the table.
  3. Then choose one of them. She will answer the question.
  • Ace of spades. The answer is negative. An error or failure in resolving an issue.
  • Ace of clubs Shows that small changes are needed to achieve what you want.
  • Ace of Hearts. A clear “yes” in response to the question asked.

Fifteen Cards Layout

♦ The questioner draws 15 cards from the deck, which are stacked into five piles, each containing three cards from left to right. Meanings of cards in the layout:

♦ the first stack indicates the present;

♦ second - on emotional life and family;

♦ third - on friends and acquaintances;

♦ fourth - on ideals and goals;

♦ fifth - for a message or warning to the Questioner.

Three Cards Layout

♦ After the question is formulated, the deck is shuffled and shifted.

♦ Three cards are taken from the deck and placed on the table. They will give the answer to the question posed.

♦ If the Questioner has new questions, the remaining cards are shuffled and shifted. Next, three new cards are laid out on the table.

♦ The Questioner also has a third opportunity to receive a prediction - to do this, he again shuffles and moves the remaining cards, and then takes out the last three.

♦ There are now nine cards on the table. They are mixed and shifted, and then laid out in the order in which they were after mixing.

♦ The interpretation of the nine cards will give the Questioner a method for resolving the situation that worries him.

The meaning of French cards in fortune telling


Characteristics of the suit. The suit is considered lucky. Describes emotions, love, feeling, marriage, friendship, family. Also indicates all kinds of fulfilled hopes.

  • Ace of Hearts. Very good news, family happiness and love.. Reversed position: change, travel, happiness.
  • King of Hearts. A noble, fair-haired man.. Reversed: a man with a deceitful heart.
  • Queen of Hearts. A supportive, trustworthy blonde woman. Reversed: A divorced woman, a widow, or a woman who is simply unlucky in love.
  • Jack of hearts. Lover or friend. Reversed: A lover who cannot be trusted.
  • Ten of hearts. Happiness and luck. Reversed: great surprise, the beginning of something new.
  • Nine of Hearts. The wish will come true. Reversed: problems on the road.
  • Eight of Hearts. Travel, wedding, invitation. Reversed: Unwanted love.
  • Seven of Hearts. Joy. Reversed: boredom and fatigue.


Characteristics of the suit. All cards of this suit are considered cards of success in the material and business spheres.

  • Ace of clubs Good fate, good news, necessary financial documents... Reversed position: not exactly good news.
  • King of Clubs A good dark-haired man who inspires confidence. Reversed: slight concern.. queen of clubs. A dignified, dark-haired woman with good feelings. Reversed: A woman not to be trusted.
  • Jack of Clubs Lover with dark hair. Reversed: Lover not to be trusted.
  • Ten of Clubs Luxury, prosperity, luck.. Reversed position: problems.
  • Nine of Clubs Unexpected finances... Reversed: minor problem.
  • Eight of Clubs A dark-haired person will bring joy and good luck. Reversed position: problems in love.
  • Seven of clubs. Minor money problems... Reversed: financial problems.


Characteristics of the suit. Cards of this suit indicate events that affect life outside the home. Also describes effort.

  • Ace of diamonds. Money, jewelry... Reversed: bad news.
  • King of Diamonds. Powerful blond man.. Reversed position: deception, betrayal.
  • Queen of Diamonds. An unfriendly, envious blonde woman. Reversed: deceit.
  • Jack of diamonds. Official, courier.. Reversed position: a person with whom it is difficult to find a common language.
  • Ten of diamonds. Important changes in life.. Reversed position: dangerous changes that do not bring anything good.
  • Nine of diamonds. Unexpected news.. Reversed position: problems between lovers.
  • Eight of diamonds. Love adventure.. Reversed position: separation.
  • Seven of diamonds. Gossip, criticism.. Reversed position: slander, quarrels.


Characteristics of the suit. Cards of this suit speak of dangers, misfortunes, losses, enemies, betrayal and failure.

  • Ace of spades. Satisfaction offers. Reversed: bad news, disappointment.
  • King of spades. A dark-haired man who cannot be trusted. Reversed: enemy.
  • Queen of Spades. An elderly woman with dark hair.. Reversed: a very cunning and insidious woman.
  • Jack of spades. Ignorant young man. Reversed: traitor.
  • Ten of spades. Solitude, difficulties.. Reversed position: health problems.
  • Nine of spades. Failure, misfortune.. Reversed position: unhappy friend.
  • Eight of spades. Disappointments, bad news.. Reversed position: squabbles, quarrels.
  • Seven of spades. Change in plans. Reversed: Poor approach to problems.

Welcome to the world of Lenormand fortune telling! If you are not yet familiar with Lenormand cards, with the help of the information posted on the site, you will very quickly learn to understand their language and interpret the meaning. If this oracle is already familiar to you, then here you will find not only traditional, but also new layouts, as well as ways to interpret cards, the versatility of which will allow you to clarify the situation in any area of ​​life. Despite the apparent simplicity of the images on the cards, they contain a deep meaning that you can comprehend as you become more familiar with fortune telling.

The world of the Lenormand Oracle is filled with magic, and in order to learn to understand it, you have to overcome a long and adventurous path. Like the heroes of fairy tales and legends, each of us has to face various life situations that can cause fear, a sense of danger, doubt or confusion. Sometimes on our way we meet people, animals, various objects and places that protect us, protect us, shelter us and give us guidance. As soon as you find yourself in the mysterious world of Lenormand fortune telling, you will learn to control your own destiny. If you look closely at the cards, you will see that the images on them interact with each other, acquiring many additional meanings and providing a deeper vision of a given situation.

Origin of Lenormand cards

Fortune telling using the Lenormand system became widespread in Europe at the beginning of the 19th century and still remains popular in many countries around the world.

The fortune telling cards used in this oracle were named after the famous French fortune teller Mademoiselle Marie-Anne Lenormand (1772-1843), whose life was full of adventures. During the French Revolution, thanks to her extraordinary abilities in predicting fate, she won fame and respect from Parisian high society, in which she was called the Parisian Sibyl. She was always surrounded by rich and famous people, including the Empress Josephine, whom she advised before, during and after her marriage to Napoleon. However, the emperor was very outraged by the careless prediction of his divorce from Josephine. This divorce, according to Marie Lenormand, should have occurred due to the fact that Josephine was too old to bear Napoleon an heir. Without thinking twice, the emperor hastened to arrest Lenormand and imprisoned her so that the prophecy would not come true.

Despite the fact that the cards bear her name, Mademoiselle Lenormand is not their author. She used various methods of fortune telling for her predictions, including palmistry and Tarot. At first, like other fortune tellers of that time, she, like other fortune tellers of that time, used a picket deck consisting of 32 cards, which did not contain low cards with numbers from 2 to 6. Picket is a card game that has been very common in France and Italy since the 16th century . The popularizer of fortune telling on the picket deck was the influential French esotericist Jean-Baptiste Alietta.

The traditional Lenormand deck used today was created by Johann Caspar Hechtel and first published in 1800 for a family card game called The Game of Hope. Its essence was that the players took turns laying out 36 cards in the shape of a square on the playing field; the values ​​of two dice were used to move. The cards had numbering, images, and also included elements of a playing piquet deck, which included sixes. Thanks to this interweaving of images and elements of the picket deck, fortune tellers had an illustrated deck that combined the meanings of playing cards and symbolic images. It was this deck that began to be used for the most common type of fortune telling at that time - the Small Oracle of Lenormand.

The Lesser Oracle consists of 36 cards, each of which depicts only one symbol that has a specific meaning; but when interpreting it, the property of the corresponding playing card is also taken into account.

Lenormand fortune telling is a unique and accurate oracle, the simplicity of which allows it to be widely used to find answers to any questions. This fortune telling is very popular as a parlor entertainment, and is also used in the practice of gypsies and wandering people.

Oracle structure

The Lesser Oracle of Lenormand first attracted my attention several years ago, intrigued by the possibility of receiving more accurate predictions compared to Tarot cards. Based on my experience with many Lenormand decks, I can say that the more details depicted on the card, the more difficult it is to interpret. Simple and understandable symbols on fortune-telling cards more accurately convey the deep meaning and meaning inherent in them, which cannot be said about complex and intricate images.

It is not often that soothsayers make a reading for themselves, but at the same time this is an excellent opportunity to hone their skill in interpreting cards.

Teaching the basic principles of interpretation:

Description of layouts using examples:

Many predictors who prefer to work with Lenormand cards never cease to be amazed at how easy they are to understand. However, some beginners are concerned that they are not able to immediately connect to their intuition or inspiration, as happens when working with Tarot cards. Don't retreat! Once you remember the basic meaning of each card, you can quickly assess the situation and make connections between pairs and triplets of cards. In no time at all, you'll be able to instantly see the big picture, identify key messages, and interpret them with confidence.

The process can be compared to learning a foreign language: at first you will inevitably stumble when trying to say “hello” or “thank you”, but as your vocabulary increases, you will eventually begin to confidently formulate entire sentences. The more you practice, the faster you will master the language of Lenormand fortune telling and feel their charm.