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Wallpaper glue kleo ultra 50. Universal wallpaper glue Kleo Ultra

Kleo Ultra 50 - adhesive for glass wallpaper, textiles, vinyl and non-woven fabrics. Produced in the EU, packaged in packs of 250 g. One such package is enough for 18 sq.m. surfaces at least, and if applied rationally and the absorbency of the canvases is low, it will be enough for 25 sq.m. If it is non-woven wallpaper and not glass wallpaper, then this same pack will be enough for 40 sq.m.

After gluing the walls, there is no need to remove stains - dried Cleo Ultra glue is transparent. It is completely safe for people and pets, but fungus and mold will not like it. Another plus - glass wallpaper can be painted without fear chemical reaction wallpaper glue with any paint.

Features of using Kleo Ultra 50 glue

Branded double packaging, guaranteed airtight. If you need to cover a large area with wallpaper, you should take the mixture in double packs (500 g) - diluted with ordinary clean water. A single package (250 g) is mixed in 3.5 liters of water, for non-woven ones - 5 liters. For double packaging, the volume is 7.5/10 l, respectively. If a whole team gathers to glue the wallpaper, you can stir the glue, calculating the volumes in the following proportions: 1:15 dry mixture and water for glass wallpaper, 1:20 for non-woven fabric.

This is done like this: a measured amount of water is immediately poured into the container, and the glue is added gradually. It is necessary to stir continuously, it is better to pour it towards the edge of the container. It is recommended to mix in volumes that are multiples of a single package - so as not to leave open packages. After pouring out as much as you need, you should wait 5 minutes, and then mix vigorously until a homogeneous consistency. It is very easy to understand that the mixture is ready for use - by the absence of lumps.

Kleo Ultra 50 consists of modified starch and an antifungal additive, so precautions when handling it are minimal: do not use as food, keep away from children. Should be stored at a humidity no higher than 75%. The water may be cold, but it is recommended to dilute it in water room temperature.

You can store the glue in its finished state for up to 10 days. In the process of gluing the canvases to the surface, their orientation is easy to correct if it doesn’t work out right away.

Wallpaper adhesive Kleo Ultra 50 is an ultra-resistant material designed for gluing glass wallpaper, washable textile wallpaper, and cork. decorative covering. Ideal for heavy embossed wallpaper, ensures fixation and retention of the canvas on the wall, eliminating slipping, deformation or wrinkles. Supplied ready-to-eat, packaged in 10 kg buckets.

The adhesive is designed specifically for wallpaper on a fiberglass core, providing a strong connection and increased adhesive properties when working with non-standard material. Apply with a regular paint brush. It has a thick composition that adheres well to the surface and quickly fixes the sheet in the desired position. Suitable for working with wallpaper of standard and increased width, gluing walls made of concrete and plastered surfaces.

Advantages of Kleo Ultra 50 glue

The adhesive is supplied completely ready for use and has optimal quantity binders that provide adhesion and fixation of the canvas and the wall. Also, the features and advantages of the material include:

  • Increased adhesive properties, suitable for any mineral surfaces;
  • Improved adhesive strength, used for heavy wallpaper;
  • Economical consumption - profitable solution for large volumes of work;
  • For application, you can use a roller or brush; it can be used in combination with machine methods for gluing the surface.

The adhesive is intended for use in rooms with standard humidity levels. Dries quickly at room temperature.