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Methods of teaching RK courses. Teaching Russian as a foreign language. Programs for teaching Russian as a foreign language

The Center for Russian as a Foreign Language opened on the basis of the international language center Language Link in 1996, within walking distance from the Novoslobodskaya station. Based on recognized textbooks, methodologists have created the most effective Russian language teaching programs for foreigners. Training takes place in mini-groups of up to 6 people or individually. Although classes are conducted using a communicative method, teachers are fluent in English or Spanish so that students can get answers to all questions.

Programs include intensive courses lasting from one week to a semester, academic courses for university students studying Russian, and combined courses that allow you not only to learn Russian, but also to get acquainted with the culture and life in Russia. Students go on excursions, attend events dedicated to Russian culture, and taste national cuisine.

Language Link is a certified center for TORFL exams, citizenship test and comprehensive exams for patent, temporary residence permit or residence permit. You can also prepare for each of these exams in our centers in Moscow, St. Petersburg or Volgograd.

For those who want to teach Russian, there is a course on methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language: short and complete. Upon completion of the courses, certificates are issued in two languages, giving the opportunity to teach in private institutions.

Before moving to another country, I received an additional specialty “Teacher of Russian as a Foreign Language”. After analyzing the market, I discovered that this could be a good opportunity for me to work not remotely, but in the host country (and here I’m talking about). Of course, the most ideal option is to teach not Russian, but English - this is in great demand in almost every country in the world. But if you, like me, feel that for this you need a lot of effort and time, pay attention to Russian as a foreign language. Now I will tell you my experience.

More than anything else, I don’t like sitting through boring lectures and studying for a long time what can be learned quickly. Therefore, when I decided to study, the main criteria for choosing a place to study were:
- rather short training period,
- a certificate of training in English, which will be quoted abroad.

First of all, I looked at what was offered in Minsk, the city where I planned to stay for another 3-4 months. But right now training has not begun anywhere, and its duration everywhere was at least 6 months.

I started looking in Moscow and found the ideal option for myself. Completely distance learning with the issuance of a decent-looking certificate from Moscow State University - the same one that foreigners at least know. I studied at the Russian Language Center of Moscow State University (abbreviated as TsRL MSU) - I chose this option based on the appearance and text on the certificate, the duration of the course and the cost. By the way, due to the fact that the Russian ruble has fallen against the dollar and euro, in terms of these currencies, the cost of training, in my opinion, is extremely pleasant ($500 instead of 1000 before the collapse of the ruble).

The second option from Moscow State University is to study at the Center for International Education of Moscow State University (abbreviated as CMO MSU) - if you pay about twice as much, then there is the opportunity to also do an internship and receive not a certificate, but a diploma, but I decided that a certificate would be enough for me . Moreover, I have a diploma in a very similar specialty.

There is also the International Center for Russian as a Foreign Language; in their address they also indicate their connection to Moscow State University. But there aren’t really any reviews about them, and in general, I’m confused by the quick promises and the slightly crumpled approach, in my opinion.

This is what one of the sheets with tasks and a piece of my notes looks like (it wasn’t necessary to keep it, but it’s easier for me):

About the course: assignments and deadlines

The course I took was stated to take three months, but you can complete it a little faster. The main task is to complete two tests with a practical task at the end of each. In my subjective assessment, the first is more difficult than the second. The test tasks are written very competently - for each question there is a list of books indicating specific pages where you can find the answer. A broader list of references, also indicating pages, is given at the beginning of each section. Essentially, if the goal is just a diploma, tests can be done fairly quickly. I also wanted to gain knowledge, so I tried to read all the suggested sources and wrote a short summary - each test took me a month.

My concerns

When I signed up for the course, I was worried that everyone’s concept of distance is different and that I would need to attend webinars at a certain time. Fortunately, my fears were not justified. The webinars were actually held, but they could easily be viewed in recordings. All questions could be asked to the teacher either by mail at any time, or by Skype, usually twice a week at the agreed consultation time. I have never used this, because due to the well-thought-out structure of the course and tests (I really liked how it was all presented and how much easier it was to do the assignments thanks to the competent structure), no unsolvable questions arose. However, it is very nice when the teacher is in touch and you know that you can ask any question.

All books needed for work and additional ones can be downloaded from the special library of Moscow State University, the right of access to which is given immediately after the start of the course and forever. There is also an option to order a set of paper books, but I regretted the space in the apartment and 100 dollars, and as it turned out later, I did the right thing - everything is in the library.

The MSU electronic library actually contains a lot of textbooks on teaching fluency to both adults and children, and a variety of teaching aids.

And the result!

Just recently I received a Certificate (by the way, they send it by EMS mail), and in a month or two I plan to try teaching. Let's see what happens!

UPD: I get asked quite a lot of the same type of questions in the comments and by email. I decided to highlight the three most common ones and answer them in the article itself.

1. — I have a diploma in a non-humanitarian discipline, are these courses suitable for me?

My answer: if you were okay with the language, you write correctly and know the basic terminology - why not? But different course organizers have different attitudes to this, so it’s worth checking directly there about any specific courses.

2. I already teach English, should I expand my activities?

My answer: in my opinion, English teachers have so many opportunities and options for development that it would be better to use them. As a rule, the salary of an English teacher is still higher. In general, it is important to understand for what purpose you want to get this new specialty and how you will use it. If it’s “just in case” or “to earn more”, think about the feasibility again.

3. How great are the chances of finding a job, and how in demand is this profession?

It seems to me that the main problem with all these courses for a new specialty is that they don’t teach you how to look for clients at all. And of course, formally, this is not their concern, but how many times have I heard stories about how a person, full of hope, spends money on education, joyfully receives a diploma and then finds out that they won’t take him anywhere? This applies to many “free people” professions: tutor, guide, massage therapist, etc.

My opinion is that exactly the same amount of energy as you spend on mastering a new profession should be spent on self-promotion. In the modern world, there is nowhere without this, and even if you are a brilliant teacher, if no one knows about you, then you will sit without work. Therefore, learn to promote yourself, and then such questions will not arise.

Director - Professor Elena Nikolaevna Kovtun

The Institute of Russian Language and Culture of Moscow State University is the oldest educational department that is engaged in teaching Russian as a foreign and non-native language, preparing foreign students to study at the main faculties of Moscow State University, disseminating and promoting the Russian language throughout the world, developing methods and technologies for teaching the Russian language to foreign audiences , advanced training and retraining of specialists, as well as testing in Russian as a foreign language.

Since 2016, the Institute has been headed by Elena Nikolaevna Kovtun(Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Educational and Methodological Council for the field of training “Philology” of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association in the Field of Higher Education for an enlarged group of specialties and areas of training “Linguistics and Literary Studies”).

From the history

The history of the Institute began in the early 1950s, when young people from Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Romania, Mongolia, and then Vietnam came to study at Moscow State University. These students needed additional classes in the Russian language, so a new direction in applied linguistics gradually emerged - Russian as a foreign language. In 1959, on the basis of Russian language courses for foreigners, a preparatory faculty for foreign citizens was created at Moscow University, consisting of three departments: Russian language, natural sciences and humanities.

The faculty not only trained foreign citizens, familiarized foreign students with social life, science, economics, culture and history of our country, but also developed textbooks, manuals and a variety of methodological literature for foreigners.

And in the future, our teachers played a leading role in the creation of widely known sets of textbooks on the Russian language - “Textbook of the Russian language for foreign students studying at preparatory faculties of universities of the USSR”, “Russian language for everyone”, “Start”, “Practical course” Russian language”, “Rhythms of Russia”, “Road to Russia”, manuals on the Russian language addressed to students of various specialties, as well as textbooks and manuals on subjects.

In the early 60s, a large group of teachers from the preparatory faculty joined the Russian language department of the established Peoples' Friendship University, becoming the core of this department.

And in 1966, a scientific and methodological center was created on the basis of the faculty, to which some of the leading teachers moved. Subsequently, this Center was transformed into the Institute of Russian Language named after A. S. Pushkin.

A significant event in the life of the preparatory faculty, followed by its reorganization, occurred in 1991, when the preparatory faculty was transformed into the educational and scientific Center for International Education of Moscow State University.

In 1997, the Center for Testing Foreign Citizens in the Russian Language began its work at the Center. The opening of the Center was preceded by a lot of scientific and organizational work: for the first time, a system of levels of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language and test materials were developed. During its work, the Testing Center has gained wide popularity and authority in the circles of Russian and foreign specialists, in particular, it was accepted into the European Association of Linguistic Testologists (ALTE).

TsMO actively participated in the creation of ROPRYAL (Russian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature). Head of the Russian Language Department V.A. Stepanenko is a member of the Presidium of this organization. Three sections of ROPRYAL (initial stage of training; new technologies; testing) are also headed by specialists from the Institute. Recently, within the framework of ROPRYAL, the Institute has held several international seminars on new teaching technologies.

By the decision of the Academic Council of M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University dated June 9, 2003, the Center for Educational Education opened the additional education program “Methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language,” the number of students of which is growing every year.

In 2002, a creative team was created at the Center for International Education, which developed and implemented distance learning programs for foreign students in the Russian language and culture. This is a multimedia interactive distance learning course in Russian language and culture “News from Russia”. This project was examined by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and twice won the competition under the federal target program “Russian Language” in 2002 and 2003, and was awarded the gold medal of the All-Russian Exhibition Center in 2003. The course is posted at www.dist-learn.ru.

Teachers of the Center have always taken an active part in all-Russian and international conferences, symposiums, in the congresses of MAPRYAL (International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature) and ROPRYAL (Russian Society of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature), in various meetings on teaching the Russian language and other subjects foreign students, have traveled and are traveling to teach at foreign universities.

In 2013, the Center was transformed into the Institute of Russian Language and Culture of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The status of the institute brought with it an expansion of opportunities in the international education market and the creation of new international educational programs.

Currently, training at the Institute is conducted in several areas:

The program is intended for those who want to obtain higher education at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, as well as enroll in master's and graduate school. The comprehensive training program includes:

  • practical Russian language course;
  • scientific style of the Russian language of the chosen specialty;
  • courses in subjects of humanities, economics, natural sciences, engineering and technology, as well as medical and biological profiles.

Training at the Institute takes place in groups of no more than 10 people in Russian language classes and no more than 16 people in classes in subjects necessary for further training in the chosen specialty. Classes are held 5 days a week for 6–8 academic hours per day. Duration of study - 1 academic year (2 semesters). At the end of the academic year, students take exams in the Russian language and major subjects. After successfully passing the exams, students receive a certificate of completion of the pre-university preparation course. This gives them the opportunity to continue their studies at the main faculties of Moscow State University in their chosen specialty.

Students can also enroll in a one-and-a-half year program, which includes a linguistic adaptation course (spring semester, 16 weeks, teaching only Russian) and a year-long pre-university course in Russian language and subjects.

The Institute of Russian Language and Culture of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov offers the following programs in the Russian language:

    "Russian language and culture"

    The main goal of the program is the formation and development of practical skills in the Russian language in general everyday life, official business and professional communication spheres.

    The total load is 26 academic classroom hours per week. Classes are held every day except Saturday and Sunday. Classes are held in groups of 7-9 people (Russian language classes) and 10-12 people (seminar classes). The minimum training period is 4 weeks.

    The program is intended for students with any level of Russian language proficiency.

    "Russian language"

    The main goal of the program is to develop communication skills in Russian.

    The total load is 18 academic classroom hours per week. Classes take place three days a week. Classes are held in groups of 7-9 people. The program includes only Russian language classes. The minimum training period is 4 weeks.

    The program is intended for students who speak Russian at an elementary level and above.

The Institute of Russian Language and Culture of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov offers the following summer programs in the Russian language:

    "Russian language and culture"(summer)

    The goal of the program is to improve Russian language skills and get acquainted with Russian culture.

    The total load is 24 academic hours per week of classroom classes, of which 20 hours are devoted to studying the Russian language, another 4 hours are an elective seminar. Classes are held in groups of 7-9 people (Russian language classes) and 10-12 people (seminar classes).

    The minimum training period is 3 weeks, the maximum training period is 8 weeks. Classes are held 5 days a week.

    "Russian language"(summer)

    The goal of the program is to improve Russian language skills.

    The total load is 20 academic hours per week of classroom classes in the Russian language. Classes are held in groups of 7-9 people.

    The minimum training period is 3 weeks, the maximum training period is 8 weeks. Classes are held 3 days a week.

    The program is designed for students with any level of Russian language proficiency.

The goal of the program is to teach the Korean language at TOPIK levels 1–2 for communication in basic typical situations in the social and everyday sphere.

The total labor intensity is 298 academic hours, of which 228 academic hours are classroom lessons (i.e. 6 academic hours per week). The duration of training is 38 weeks.

Classes are held in groups of 6-8 people.

The program is intended for both beginners and those who have already studied the Korean language.

  • Part-time professional retraining program

    The program is designed for Russian and foreign citizens who speak Russian at a fairly high level (not lower than TORKI-2 / B 2) and have a higher education. Independent work combined with online consultations and full-time internships ensures deep immersion in the material being studied. Upon completion of training, a state diploma is issued.

    The course volume is 510 hours. Duration of training - 6 months.

    At the end of the training, an internship at the Institute of Russian Language and Culture of Moscow State University is required.

    Classes are held remotely, with individual and group online consultations.

  • Full-time program professional retraining “Methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language (RFL)”

    The program is designed for Russian and foreign citizens who speak Russian at a fairly high level (not lower than TORKI-2 / B 2) and have a higher education. Students receive linguistic and methodological training, undergo passive and active practice. Upon completion of training, a state diploma is issued.

    Classes are held at the Institute of Russian Language and Culture of Moscow State University in the evening (from 19:00 to 21:30) 2-3 times a week.

    Duration of training - 8 months. The course volume is 510 hours.

Partners of the Institute of Russian Language and Culture are the University of Pittsburgh (USA), Bowling Green University (USA), University of Central Florida (USA), College of William and Mary (USA), University of Leeds (UK), University of Bergamo (Italy), University of Economics and technology TOVV (Turkey), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (Japan), Sapporo University (Japan), Kobe Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(Japan), Osaka University (Japan), Waseda University (Japan), Keio University (Japan) Incheon University ( Republic of Korea), Kyemyong University (Republic of Korea), Kyung Hee University (College of Foreign Languages) (Republic of Korea), Tamkang University, Shaanxi Normal University (PRC), Sichuan Foreign Studies University (PRC). Students from Eton College (UK) and Italian universities regularly come to study at the Institute. Employees of the embassies of France, Great Britain, Libya, the United Arab Emirates, Angola, and India are trained here.

The Institute of Russian Language and Culture has accumulated significant scientific potential and experience in the field of teaching foreign students and has gained wide fame and recognition in the international market of educational services.

The largest universities in Russia organize various forms of training in the specialty “Russian as a Foreign Language”. Firstly, this is the student department. Secondly, in the specialty of RFL in the master's program after receiving basic education. Thirdly, philological specialists have the opportunity to improve their qualifications.

Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov

At Moscow State University, an optional specialization in Russian foreign language is taught to philology students starting from the 3rd year. Students undergo teaching practice in groups of foreign students. You can continue your education in graduate school in the specialty “Theory and Methods of Teaching the Russian Language” or in the specialty “Russian Language”. If you have a higher philological education, then, if you wish, you will receive additional education in the field of RCT at Moscow State University. The university has a faculty of advanced training for RFL teachers, a RFL specialization for Russian philologists, and a RFL specialization for non-Russian philologists.

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

At the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, on the basis of the Department of Russian Language and Methods of Teaching, Faculty of Philology, you can undergo advanced training in the specialty of Russian Language Arts. The main goal of advanced training is to deepen knowledge and enrich the scientific and professional competence of the teacher. Basic programs of the Faculty of Advanced Studies of the Russian Foreign Language: methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, methods of teaching Russian as a non-native language, traditions and innovations in the professional activities of a teacher of the Russian language, testologist-specialist in the field of pedagogical measurements, etc. At RUDN you will be able to study in a master's program in a specialization "Russian as a foreign language".

State Institute of Russian Language named after. A.S. Pushkin

The Institute offers master's studies on a paid basis in the specialty “Russian as a Foreign Language”. The main discipline of the master's degree is the history and theory of methods of teaching RFL. At the Faculty of Philology, you can undergo professional retraining with the qualification “Teacher of Russian Foreign Languages”. The Faculty of Advanced Training offers courses and seminars of various topics and durations. There is an opportunity to participate in a summer school and scientific internship for teachers of Russian as a foreign language according to individual plans.

St. Petersburg State University

At the university you can get a full-fledged education in the direction of “Russian as a foreign language”. Students are offered an optimal curriculum, which includes two foreign languages ​​(English, German or French). Basic courses for future RFL specialists: linguodidactic description of RFL, methods of teaching the Russian language to foreigners, intensive methods of teaching RFL, linguoculturology. Familiarity with highly specialized issues of teaching RFL takes place in special courses. There is an opportunity to undergo educational teaching practice with foreign students.

More detailed information can be found on the websites of universities and institutes that offer training in the specialty “Russian as a Foreign Language”.

Many foreign citizens invariably face the problem of misunderstanding speech when coming to Moscow to study, work, or simply live for a long period of time. The Russian language can easily frighten you with its complexity, abundance of all kinds of nuances and features that even native speakers cannot always cope with. But don’t worry, since many language schools and centers in Moscow offer teaching Russian as a foreign language. Students are offered the experience and professionalism of highly qualified teachers who will help them quickly master the most important topics.

Our portal contains the most relevant and useful information about Russian as a foreign language courses in Moscow: telephone numbers and addresses of schools, the cost of the proposed programs, reviews of students who have already taken or completed training.

How to choose Russian language courses for foreigners?

The right classes will help you quickly learn to speak Russian on basic topics. The Russian language can seem very difficult for foreign citizens, so the teacher’s approach and his choice of textbook are very important. Ideally, all materials should be presented in an easy and interesting way, thanks to which they are better absorbed and remembered. The presence of practical classes to develop and improve the skills of understanding spoken language and practicing one’s own knowledge will be a big plus for the courses. During the teaching process, teachers can use music, films and books in Russian, which will allow them to more fully immerse themselves in the culture of the country and cover various aspects of its life.

The basic Russian language course for foreign students, migrants and other students involves mastering the most relevant topics for communication, learning the basics of grammar and vocabulary. The use of communicative teaching methods allows teachers to quickly provide students with the basic skills necessary for communication. By studying Russian as a foreign language in groups, students quickly overcome the language barrier and correct existing mistakes in speech.

While studying the initial course of the Russian language, students go through the basics of grammar, special phonetic and conversation programs. By working through the acquired knowledge in the process of communicating with the teacher, and playing out situations from everyday life in a group, they quickly develop language skills.

An intensive Russian language course, aimed at quickly mastering the most painful information from a practical point of view, will also be useful. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to communicate on topics needed in real life. This express Russian language course does not take much time, but allows you to find a common language with city residents immediately after its completion.

Features of teaching Russian as a foreign language

Training can only be conducted by qualified teachers who know how to correctly present the peculiarities of the Russian language to foreigners. When choosing a language school, you can ask about the availability of scientific publications from teachers, their diplomas for achievements in the professional field, and of course, study the reviews left by their students on our portal about courses already completed.

To live comfortably in the country, it is advisable for foreigners to master the basic levels:

  • General conversation course A1 - upon completion, students know the basic grammatical structures of the Russian language and are able to clearly, albeit simply, express their thoughts. All main topics are discussed in communication with other students.
  • General conversation course A2 - more deeply systematizes existing knowledge, filling possible gaps. After completing the course, students use grammatical structures correctly, constructing sentences with virtually no errors.

This allows you to immerse yourself in the language environment to a sufficient level to continue independently improving your existing knowledge.