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Mospilan instructions for use. Mospilan insecticide - instructions for use. Combination with other means

Mospilan- a systemic insecticide of contact-intestinal action, intended to combat coleopteran, lepidopteran, hemiptera pests and thrips.


Because the drug penetrates the plant through any of its parts and spreads freely throughout the plant, then Mospilan acts on pests even in those areas of the plants that have not been treated. The drug acts on pests both through direct contact and when the treated plant is eaten by pests.

By eating a plant, pests receive a dose of a drug that affects their nervous system and causes paralysis and death. The drug acts on larvae, eggs, and adult insects - depending on the type of pest. The drug is not phytotoxic.

Instructions for use:

2.5 grams of Mospilan are diluted in 1 liter of water, after which 200 milliliters of the resulting solution are diluted with water to a volume of 10 liters - this solution is enough to treat 200-250 m2. The total solution prepared from one package of Mospilan (2.5 grams) is enough to treat 1000 m2.

To get rid of the Colorado potato beetle, the solution is made at the rate of 5-8 grams of Mospilan per 10 liters of water. Five liters of working solution should be enough for 100 m2.

To spray apple trees, 2.5 grams of Mospilan are diluted in 1 liter of water, after which, with constant stirring, it is gradually diluted to a volume of 10-12 liters. To treat against scale insects, Mospilan should be used 2 times more.

An hour after spraying, the pests begin to lose activity. A day after treatment, the death of pests occurs. Effective at high and medium temperatures. The protective effect lasts 2-3 weeks.


Mospilan can be used with almost all drugs, except those that have an alkaline reaction. Before mixing drugs, you must ensure their compatibility.

Security measures:

Mospilan is a moderately dangerous substance, has a third hazard class.

It is not advisable to spray plants during the flowering period, because... the drug is low-hazard for bees.

It is necessary to work with the drug in a gown, respirator, safety glasses and rubber gloves. At the end of the work, you need to wash your face and hands with soap, and also rinse your mouth with water or a weak soda solution.

Empty containers from Mospilan are prohibited from being used for any purpose - they must be burned, being careful not to inhale smoke. It is prohibited to throw packaging into water bodies.

First aid:

After providing first aid, you must consult a doctor!

If the drug gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed while open with plenty of running water.

If the drug is swallowed, take activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight) with two to three glasses of water, then induce vomiting. There is no antidote - treat the symptoms.

If the drug gets on the skin, it should be removed with a cloth or cotton wool, being careful not to rub, and the area should be washed with soapy water.


Mospilan must be stored at a temperature of -15 to +30 degrees in a dry place, inaccessible to animals and children. Do not store together with food and medicines. The working solution cannot be stored. Mixing Mospilan with other drugs when using it on farms is not allowed.

If you find several types of pests on your flowers, vegetables or fruit crops, you will need a broad-spectrum product to get rid of them. One of the most effective products in this category of insecticides is Mospilan, developed by the Japanese manufacturer Nippon Soda Co., Ltd. It will be especially interesting to those gardeners who keep bees. We will tell you more about this drug.

Appointment of Mospilan

Mospilan is one of the newest systemic insecticides of contact-intestinal action, designed to combat coleopteran, lepidopteran, hemiptera, even-winged pests and thrips. The drug is widely used to protect crops in open and protected ground, gardens and indoor plants.

Effect of the drug Mospilan

Analogues of Mospilan are the drugs Alpha-Acetamiprid, Coragen, Mavrik and Micro.

This insecticide is used to destroy Colorado potato beetles, apple sawflies and codling moths, aphids, leafminer and apple moths, ground beetles, reticulated leaf rollers, scale insects, various types of locusts, weevils, beet flea beetles, shield moths, sand bugs, thrips, mealybugs, bedbugs and larvae leeches.

The advantages of Mospilan are:

  • the ability to destroy pests even in untreated areas of the plant;
  • a new mechanism of action that does not cause resistance;
  • high biological activity even at high air temperatures;
  • lack of phytotoxicity;
  • low level of danger for people, bees and animals;
  • compatibility with most pesticides;
  • preservation of properties during temperature fluctuations.

Instructions for use of Mospilan

  • 2.5 g of Mospilan is diluted in 1 liter of water, after which 200 ml of the resulting solution is poured into 10 liters and mixed thoroughly - this solution is enough to treat 200-250 m² of plantings. The total solution prepared from one packet of Mospilan (2.5 g) is enough to treat an area of ​​1000 m².
  • To destroy the Colorado potato beetle, a solution is prepared at the rate of 5-8 g of Mospilan per 10 liters of water. Five liters of working solution should be enough to treat 100 m².
  • To spray apple trees, 2.5 g of Mospilan is diluted in 1 liter of water, after which, with constant stirring, the volume is gradually increased to 10-12 liters with water.
  • To destroy Mospilan scale insects, you need to use 2 times more.
CulturePestDrug consumptionTime of processingNumber of treatments / waiting period
Apple tree codling moth 1.5-2 g per 100 m² Spraying during the growing season to revive caterpillars of the 1st and 2nd generations 2 / 45
Apple tree Aphids, apple and leafminer moths, rose and netted leafrollers, apple sawfly 1.5-2 g per 100 m² 2 / 45
Apple tree California scale insect 4-5 g per 100 m² Spraying trees at the beginning of bud break (along the scutellum) and in the summer - during the revival of traveling larvae 2 / 45
Winter and spring rape Rapeseed flower beetle, cruciferous flea beetles, aphids, rapeseed weevil, rapeseed sawfly, rapeseed bug, secretive proboscis, cabbage pod gnat 1-1.2 g per 100 m² Spraying during the growing season (before flowering, at the beginning of flowering, during flowering and at the end of flowering) 2 / 30
Wheat Larvae of pest bugs, aphids, thrips, leeches 1-1.2 g per 100 m² Spraying crops during the growing season, but no later than the stage of “milk ripeness of grain” 2 / 30
Sugar beet Beet weevils, beet flea beetles, honey beetles, sand beetle, beet leaf aphid 0.5-0.75 g per 100 m² Spraying during the growing season 1 / 40
Sunflower, alfalfa, sugar beet Locusts 0.5-0.75 g per 100 m² Spraying during the growing season 1 / 40
Tomatoes and cucumbers in protected ground Greenhouse whitefly, greenhouse aphid, peach aphid, melon aphid, thrips 2-3 g per 100 m² Spraying during the growing season 2 / 3
Potato Colorado beetle 0.5-1 g per 100 m² Spraying during the growing season 1 / 35


Mospilan can be combined with almost all pesticides and insecticides. The only exceptions are those drugs that, when combined, give a highly alkaline reaction. Such substances include, for example, Bordeaux mixture and sulfur-containing preparations. However, before mixing even approved drugs with Mospilan, make sure they are compatible by combining them in a small dosage. If flakes or sediment appear as a result of the reaction, the drugs should not be combined.


Mospilan belongs to the 3rd hazard class, which means that it is moderately toxic to humans, warm-blooded animals, fish, bees, bumblebees and earthworms. Since it is, although slightly, still toxic to pollinators, it is advisable to treat plants with the drug early in the morning or after sunset, when bees are not flying.

Precautionary measures

  • When searching plants with Mospilan, it is necessary to wear a gown, a respirator, safety glasses and rubber gloves.
  • When finished, wash your face and hands with soap and rinse your mouth with water or a weak soda solution.
  • Empty Mospilan packaging is prohibited from being thrown into water bodies or used for any purpose.
  • It must be burned, being careful not to inhale smoke.

First aid

  • If the drug gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed while open with plenty of running water.
  • If the drug enters the digestive system, you should take activated carbon at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight and wash down the tablets with two to three glasses of water, after which you must induce vomiting.
  • If the drug gets on the skin, blot it with a cloth or cotton wool, being careful not to rub it, and wash the area with soapy water.
  • Providing first aid does not relieve you from the need to see a doctor! There is no antidote for Mospilan, so treatment of poisoning with the drug is symptomatic.

Storage of Mospilan

Mospilan must be stored in a dry place, inaccessible to children and animals, at a temperature of -15 to +30 degrees. Do not keep it near food or medicine. The working solution cannot be stored; it must be used on the same day it was prepared.

Mospilan is an insecticidal drug that is used to combat harmful insects. The product is very effective for protecting garden crops: apple trees, pears, as well as wheat, tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, cabbage and sunflowers.


The drug is characterized by a very rapid effect on pests. Within an hour after application, insect activity noticeably decreases. The poison acts in a contact-intestinal manner, causing paralysis and damaging the nervous system of pests. Within 24 hours the insects die.
The protective effect of Mospilan lasts about three weeks. It is important to emphasize that the drug is absolutely non-toxic to garden plants and soil.

Instructions for use


Mospilan is one of the insecticides that is compatible with other plant protection products. We recommend checking the compatibility of the substance with other drugs that have an alkaline reaction.

Security measures

Mospilan is a substance of the third class of danger, moderately dangerous to humans. When working with insecticide, you must use personal protective equipment: a respirator, overalls and gloves. Wearing safety glasses is also recommended.
While working with the insecticide, it is forbidden to eat or drink, as the substance can enter the body. After finishing work, you need to wash your hands thoroughly.

First aid

If there are any signs of poisoning, first aid should be provided to the victim. If Mospilan somehow gets into your eyes, you should rinse them with plenty of running water.
When swallowing the substance, be sure to induce a gag reflex. Before this, you should drink activated carbon (approximate calculation - 1 tablet for every 10 kilograms of body weight), and wash down the medicine with plenty of water.
If the drug comes into contact with the skin, simply wipe it off with cotton wool and then wash the affected area with soap and water.

Storing the product

Mospilan should be stored in a specially designated place. The temperature should be between -15 and +30 degrees Celsius.
Please note that the prepared solution cannot be stored, since during storage it loses all its properties. Keep Mospilan away from animals and children, and away from food and drinking water.

The Mospilan insecticide is considered one of the most popular products used to control various plant pests. It is considered to be of little danger to people, but leaves no chance for insects.

Article outline

a brief description of

The drug belongs to neonicotinoids - a new class of insecticides. It is widely used in the fight against various pests on fruit and berry trees and shrubs, cereals, open and closed garden vegetables, as well as ornamental plants. Available in the form of a water-soluble powder.

Mechanism of action of the insecticide

  • After spraying, Mospilan is absorbed by crops and naturally spreads throughout all parts of the plant.
  • Pests die not only as a result of direct spraying, but also from eating treated parts of plants.
  • Pests die from the action of the insecticide on their nervous system - from nervous excitement and paralysis.

Advantages of Mospilan

  • pests do not develop resistance to this substance;
  • the result of spraying can be assessed within one hour after using the drug;
  • pests are destroyed even in the most inaccessible places;
  • the consumption of the substance is very economical, since there is no need to process the plants completely;
  • "Mospilan" is characterized by a low application rate;
  • the destructive effect on adult insects, larvae and eggs lasts up to three weeks;
  • the drug has high biological effectiveness, which does not depend on temperature;
  • can be used with a large number of pesticides.

Instructions for use of "Mospilan"

2.5 grams of the drug “Mospilan” are first diluted in one liter of water, and then poured into a volume of eight to ten liters. Depending on the spray rate, the working solution may be enough for 200-250 square meters. m. The prepared drug must be used on the same day, since it cannot be stored. You can spray only during the growing season.

The death of harmful insects occurs a day after treatment. The protective effect of the insecticide lasts for two to three weeks.

Results of using Mospilan against aphids

Application rate for Mospilan for specific plants

Indoor and greenhouse plants get rid of whiteflies with the following solution: 1 gram of Mospilan is diluted in two liters of water.

Precautions when working with insecticide

The danger class to which Mospilan belongs is third. This means that the drug is considered a moderately dangerous substance, and you need to wear personal protective equipment, including a respirator, when working with the insecticide. At the end of spraying, you should not only wash your face and wash your hands with disinfectants, but also rinse your mouth with a weak soda solution.

If you have an apiary, then you need to limit the movement of bees for a period of one to two days.

You can store the drug "Mospilan" in a dry place where the temperature ranges from +15 to +30 degrees. The insecticide should not be placed near food and medicine, or where it can be reached by children and pets. It is not recommended to throw Mospilan packaging into the trash, much less allow it to get into water bodies. The package must be burned, and the smoke must not be inhaled.

First aid

  • When swallowing an insecticide, you need to drink activated carbon at the rate of one tablet per 10 kg of weight, wash it down with two to three glasses of water. After this, you need to induce vomiting.
  • If the insecticide gets into the eyes, they should be opened wide and rinsed with plenty of water.
  • If Mospilan gets on your skin, you need to wipe it off with a cloth or cotton wool. Do this carefully, trying not to rub in the insecticide. Then the affected area is washed with soapy water.

Compatibility of Mospilan with other substances

The insecticide is compatible with all pesticides, except for strong ones (for example, Brodos liquid and those containing sulfur). Before mixing with other drugs, you must ensure their compatibility.

Substances similar to Mospilan

The drugs listed above are certified analogues of Mospilan and act in exactly the same way: the solution spreads throughout the plant, after which it begins to act on pests. The substances are available in the form of a water-soluble powder. The drugs are aimed at combating fringed-winged, lepidopteran, homoptera and chalet-winged orders of insects.

Every agronomist knows that planting and germinating vegetables, fruits, and indeed any crops on the plot is not a reason to breathe a sigh of relief. It is important to preserve the future harvest and prevent pests and diseases from spoiling it.

There are many methods of protecting plants from pests, including creating unfavorable conditions for their appearance, increasing the protective properties of plants, applying fertilizers, even premature harvesting so that pests do not have time to profit from them.

In this article we will talk about chemical protection of plants from diseases and pests, namely, a systemic insecticide called “Mospilan”. This drug was invented and patented in 1989 by the Japanese chemical company Nippon Soda.

The active ingredient of the Mospilan insecticide, according to the instructions, is acetamiprid 200 g/kg, which belongs to the group of neonicotinoids. This is a highly effective systemic substance. It affects insects in various stages of growth - larvae, eggs and adults.

Did you know? The use of Mospilan in granules makes it possible to protect the plant without spraying. It is enough to evenly distribute the granules over the soil surface.

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of action of Mospilan is very simple: after spraying, it is quickly absorbed by parts of the plant and spreads throughout its entire body. As a result, insects that have eaten the plant treated with Mospilan die. Acetamiprid destroys the central nervous system of insect pests. Besides, the protective barrier after treatment with the drug lasts up to 21 days. Read on to find out what plants Mospilan is suitable for and how to grow it.

Important! Beware of Mospilan fakes. There are no 100g or 1000g packs.

Instructions for use

The drug "Mospilan" (2.5 g), according to the instructions for use, should be diluted in 1 liter of water, then add another 10 liters of water. A solution of this concentration is used to treat indoor plants.

One packet of Mospilan is enough to treat an area of ​​up to 1 hectare. Next, we will consider dosages for different crops.


When treating grain crops against thrips, pest bugs, and aphids, the application rate is 0.10–0.12 kg/ha. Recommended number of treatments - 1.

Tomatoes and cucumbers

When treating tomatoes and cucumbers, including greenhouses, against whiteflies, melon and other types of aphids, thrips, the application rate is 0.2–0.4 kg/ha. Recommended number of treatments - 1.


To protect against the Colorado potato beetle, as indicated in the instructions for use, Mospilan should be diluted in a proportion of 0.05–0.125 kg/ha. Recommended number of treatments - 1.

The most popular drugs for combating the Colorado potato beetle are: “Aktara”, “Inta-vir”, “Iskra Zolotaya”, “Calypso”, “Karbofos”, “Commander”, “Prestige”.


To destroy beet pests (weevil, beet flea beetle, beet leaf aphid), you need to use 0.05–0.075 kg/ha. Recommended number of treatments - 1.


The Mospilan norm for protecting sunflowers from locusts is 0.05–0.075 kg/ha. Recommended number of treatments - 1.

Apple tree

To protect the apple tree from invasions of the fruit stalk, aphids, moths, and apple budworm, the following dosage should be used: 0.15–0.20 kg/ha. To protect against all types of scale insects, the dose of Mospilan must be increased - 0.40–0.50 kg/ha. The recommended number of treatments is 2.

Treatment of fruit trees with Mospilan is carried out according to the instructions for use for the garden - 0.2–0.4 kg/ha.
Did you know? Before planting potatoes, you can additionally treat the tubers with Mospilan, this will enhance protection against pests living in the ground.

Compatibility with other drugs

Insecticide "Mospilan" goes well with other preparations for treating plants against pests. The exception is drugs that give a strong alkaline reaction when mixed, for example, Bordeaux mixture, and preparations containing sulfur. Before use, carefully read the composition and recommendations for use.

Security measures

Despite the fact that this insecticide belongs to hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous substance), you need to be careful when using it.

First of all, this concerns safety precautions when spraying - Be sure to wear protective equipment (gloves, respirator, protective clothing).
Smoking while spraying plants is prohibited. The recommended time to use the insecticide is early morning or evening. It is also advisable to take into account the weather on the day of treatment with Mospilan - it is advisable that precipitation occurs no earlier than 2 hours after spraying.
After finishing the work, hands, face and other open areas of the body should be wash thoroughly with soap.
Mospilan packaging must be burned. It is prohibited to throw it into water bodies.

Important! If the drug gets into your eyes, rinsetheir plenty of water. If the substance gets inside, you should drink activated charcoal and wash it down with several glasses of water. If unpleasant symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Benefits of use

So, let’s summarize and find out what exactly distinguishes Mospilan from other pesticides and insecticides:

  1. Versatility of use. This drug copes equally well with pests of melons, grains and vegetables, fruit trees, flowers and ornamental plants.
  2. Low toxicity towards pollinating insects (bees, bumblebees).
  3. Does not have phytotoxicity.
  4. Does not cause resistance to pests and maintains long-term biological effectiveness (up to 21 days).

Storage conditions

"Mospilan" should be stored in a dry place inaccessible to children and animals. It is prohibited to store its next to food products. The diluted solution cannot be stored.

The ambient temperature should be between –15 and +30 °C. If the correct storage conditions are observed, the effectiveness of the drug does not decrease.

You can write or talk a lot about the advantages of Mospilan. But the best proof of the effectiveness of its work will be the safety of your harvest.