home · On a note · Is it possible to extinguish gasoline with water? Why can't a gasoline fire be extinguished with water? Let's find out! What should you do if a container with flammable liquid catches fire?

Is it possible to extinguish gasoline with water? Why can't a gasoline fire be extinguished with water? Let's find out! What should you do if a container with flammable liquid catches fire?

You've probably seen boxes of sand at gas stations more than once. Strange, but not water tanks? After all, a fire stops when water is supplied to the flame. It turns out not just anyone. The question: “Why can’t gasoline be extinguished with water?” will be answered in the article. We will also look at how to extinguish a flame when gasoline catches fire, what fire is and how the combustion process occurs.

What is a fire?

This is a combustion process. From a chemistry point of view, this is a chemical reaction that occurs as a result of the combination of a flammable substance with oxygen, accompanied by maximum heat transfer and release carbon dioxide. Several factors influence the course of a chemical reaction:

  1. Weather;
  2. Temperature environment;
  3. The area of ​​contact of a flammable compound with oxygen.

When extinguishing a fire with water, the temperature of the combustion site decreases and the supply of oxygen to the flame is limited. But when gasoline ignites, the situation is different.

Gasoline is an oily liquid that does not mix with water. A flammable liquid is lighter than water. The density of gasoline is less than one; when extinguishing a fire, gasoline floats to the surface. If we try to extinguish the flame with water, we will get the opposite reaction. Gasoline envelops water droplets, thereby not reducing, but increasing the access of oxygen to the fuel. As a result, the fire area will increase. In addition, gasoline will spread along with water, aggravating the situation.

But what to do if a gasoline fire occurs? How to calm a raging flame?

In case of any fire, children should immediately inform an adult. If a fire occurs in or near a car, use a powder fire extinguisher.

The presence of one in every car is provided for by safety precautions. It is prohibited to move without a fire extinguisher, as well as without a first aid kit to provide first aid in an emergency.

If there is no fire extinguishing agent, use a thick blanket or jacket. Thus, the access of oxygen to the combustion site will be limited and the fire will subside.

An equally effective means of extinguishing flammable liquids is sand or earth. If you notice that gasoline is burning, cover the flame with river sand, or, if there is none, with earth.

To prevent the flame from spreading and covering large areas, do not allow the gasoline to spread. To do this, create a barrier of sand, after the boundaries of the flame are determined, start throwing fire from above. With open fire everything is clear.

What should you do if a container with a flammable liquid catches fire?

In this case, throwing sand will not work. ? The canister with the ignited liquid will turn over, the fuel will spill and the fire will become serious. In such a situation, throw any cloth, for example, asbestos, over the burning canister or barrel. If you don’t have one, any blanket or rug will do.

If a fire of a larger scale occurs at a workplace or nearby a residential building, fighting the fire yourself is life-threatening. Requires the help of specially trained people. All you can do is leave the premises and call the fire department.

Fire causes irreparable damage to property and sometimes claims lives. Actions aimed at suppressing the source of fire must be clear and quick.

Remember! Dealing with a small fire is much easier than putting out a large fire.

By following fire safety regulations, a disaster can be easily prevented.

Gasoline, along with engine oil and kerosene, is usually classified as flammable liquids. The main difference when extinguishing it, for example from wood, is that it cannot be extinguished with water.

The explanation for this is quite simple: this flammable liquid is lighter than water, and if you start pouring water into it, it simply floats to the surface of the resulting mixture, thus increasing the area of ​​fire.

Everyone knows that combustion is impossible without its interaction with oxygen. It follows that when extinguishing gasoline, methods should be used that can either significantly reduce the flow of air to the source of fire or completely isolate it. It must be remembered that all flammable liquids are extinguished, first of all, with sand or earth, as well as by placing dense fabric on the fire that is not very susceptible to fire (for example, asbestos). Of the fire extinguishers, only powder extinguishers are suitable for extinguishing gasoline.

How to extinguish gasoline with sand or earth.

In order to extinguish a fire in this way, it should be generously covered with whatever is closest - sand or earth. Moreover, this should be done carefully, since flying burning drops can ignite nearby objects. Of course, before you begin to extinguish flammable liquids, if possible, you need to clear the surrounding area of ​​flammable objects in order to prevent their possible ignition.

Before starting extinguishing, it is advisable to block the possibility of spilling the burning liquid - fill it with sand around the perimeter. After such an operation is completed, the sand becomes toxic, so it should be removed away from residential buildings or playgrounds - buried in a deserted place. We should not forget about smoldering objects - they can easily breathe a second life into a seemingly extinguished fire.

However, sand and earth can sometimes be ineffective in dealing with fire. When a kerosene stove is burning, extinguishing it with sand will not only not help, but can also lead to much more serious consequences: the burning kerosene stove may tip over, thereby increasing the volume of the fire. The most effective way to extinguish in this case is with a thick cloth: a rug, a coat, etc. This blocks the access of oxygen and the fire goes out. The same principle must be followed when a flammable liquid ignites in an open volume, for example in

Why you can’t extinguish gasoline with water— motor gasoline is a flammable liquid. However, unlike many flammable liquids, It is forbidden to extinguish burning gasoline by pouring water on it: by doing this, on the contrary, you increase the area of ​​​​its combustion.

Why do you pour water on things that catch fire? This is due to the fact that combustion is the combination of a burning substance and oxygen, As a result, the most important goal when extinguishing any fire is to limit the flow of air, or more precisely oxygen, to the burning material. When extinguishing with water, the access of air to burning things is blocked, due to the fact that water envelops the objects, at the same time reducing the combustion temperature. But Gasoline should never be extinguished with water., because gasoline, which is lighter than water, does not mix with it, and therefore simply floats, while continuing to burn. And at the same time, it will spread along with the water, thereby increasing the combustion area.

As a result, in order to extinguish spilled gasoline, it is necessary to use other methods to block the access of oxygen to it, for example, throw, cover the flammable fuel with earth or sand. If possible, it is initially necessary to prevent the spread of the fire: it is necessary to first fill the area around the fire with sand, and then move towards the core of the fire. But if suddenly gasoline catches fire in a container, then it is better not to throw earth at it - this way you can turn it over, which will inevitably lead to a spill of burning motor gasoline and the spread of the fire. It is advisable to cover any container with burning gasoline with a single piece of fairly dense fabric - either a rug, a coat, or a blanket. This is the only way to extinguish gasoline.

Can you imagine your life without fire? Hardly. If it weren’t for it, our ancestors would hardly have come up with the idea of ​​eating meat by first frying or boiling it. Without it, we would not receive heat into our home, because the water coming through the pipes is heated by fire in 99% of cases. However, it can also play a cruel joke on a person - you can get burned by fire, entire houses burn down because of it... This, one might say, is the payment for the benefits of civilization to which we are all accustomed.

If there is a small fire, it is customary to extinguish the fire with water. This method is the most optimal and accessible. But you can’t extinguish gasoline with water. Why?

What is the combustion process? This is a chemical reaction as a result of which a flammable substance combines with oxygen, which is accompanied by the release of heat. The rate of this reaction depends on the ambient temperature and the area of ​​contact of the combustible material with oxygen. By pouring water onto the combustion site, we thus, firstly, lower it...

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A fire is a consequence of a number of complex chemical reactions, which are saturated with oxygen and are accompanied by active heat release. Pouring water onto a fire lowers its temperature and cuts off the supply of oxygen. Remember, fire is an open source of danger that must be extinguished with water in case of emergency.

But it is strictly forbidden to do this with gasoline, since gasoline mixes with water and, in addition, it is several hundred times lighter, as a result of which gasoline will simply envelop the water and the area of ​​the open fire will increase, as will the level of oxygen in it.

But what to do then if gasoline ignites in a friend? - you ask. It’s quite simply necessary to use a fire extinguisher, which, according to traffic rules, must be in every car. You can also fight off gasoline using a dense layer of sand or earth (if you have a thick cloth on hand, you can also use it...

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Everyone knows that gasoline, like any petroleum product, and, in fact, oil itself, tends to ignite very quickly and burn actively. This is what powers the internal combustion engines of cars and more. You’re right, it’s one thing when gasoline burns in the engine tank, but quite another if it’s spontaneous, that is, not controlled process, close to an accident. Accordingly, it is necessary to extinguish. And the sooner the better. But in no case with water.

Why is it common to extinguish fire with water?

The combustion process is a type of reaction that necessarily requires oxygen to occur; moreover, the temperature of the substances that are in the combustion process increases. When water is poured onto such substances, “two birds with one stone are killed at once”: firstly, the temperature of all substances that are on the surface drops sharply and significantly. this moment are in the process of combustion, and secondly, the access of oxygen to them is blocked, and this, in turn, leads to the attenuation of the reaction. But,...

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Why do you pour water on flammable objects? The fact is that combustion is the process of combining a substance with oxygen, therefore the main objective when extinguishing fires, limit the flow of air oxygen to the burning material. Extinguishing with water is the blocking of oxygen access to a burning object, since water, wetting, envelops it (and in addition, water reduces its temperature). This number will not work with gasoline, because gasoline, without mixing with water, is lighter than it, and therefore simply floats up, continuing to burn. At the same time, it will begin to spread along with the water, increasing the area of ​​the fire.

Therefore, in order to extinguish spilled gasoline, you need to use other methods of blocking the access of air to it, for example...

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Why can't you extinguish gasoline with water?

Don't be fooled

Some people know this from school course physics, some from their own experience, but others still don’t know that extinguishing gasoline with water is pointless. Now let's explain why

Gasoline belongs to the class of flammable liquids. However, unlike many flammable substances, you should never try to extinguish a gasoline fire by pouring water on it: by doing this you risk even increasing the area of ​​combustion.

The fact is that combustion is the process of combining a substance with oxygen, so the main goal when extinguishing fires is to limit the flow of air oxygen to the burning material. Extinguishing with water most often means cutting off the access of oxygen to a burning object, since water, by wetting it, envelops it (and in addition, water reduces its temperature). This number will not work with gasoline, because gasoline, without mixing with water, is lighter than it, and therefore simply floats up, continuing...

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There are statements that we have all known since childhood - and at least for this reason we so want to consider them unshakable and beyond doubt. Among these is the statement that a fire can be extinguished by pouring water on it. Yes, in most cases this is true. But is it always?

No not always. Under no circumstances should you pour water on a fire if petroleum products, such as kerosene or gasoline, are burning. It will not be possible to put out the fire in this way - it will only get worse... why, in this case, is it so seemingly universal method"does not work"?

First, let's figure out why water generally has the ability to extinguish fire.
Firstly, it reduces the temperature. Secondly, as we remember from the school chemistry course, combustion is an oxidation reaction, i.e. the combination of a substance with oxygen, accompanied by the release of energy. If you block the access to oxygen, there will be no combustion. And this is also done by water, covering the source of fire!

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No one except sorcerers and psychics knows what will happen in the future. Therefore, they develop a wide variety of instructions for action in a wide variety of cases. Earthquake, flood, fire - all these natural disasters pose a huge danger to human life, so knowing how to behave can save not only own life, but also life random people who were nearby.

Why burning kerosene or gasoline cannot be extinguished with water

In the case of a fire, it seems to everyone that water is taken and the fire is poured. According to the theory, water cools the area engulfed in fire and prevents oxygen from reaching the source of the fire. But is all this true?

No, you can’t always put out a fire with water. When petroleum products - kerosene, gasoline, oil - are burning, it is strictly prohibited to extinguish the fire with water. The fact is that all petroleum products are specific gravity lighter than water, and do not mix with it, forming layers that spread over the surface, the so-called...

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If you ask people: “How to put out a fire?”, most of them will answer with water and they will be right. After all, water, covering burning objects with film and steam, limits the access of oxygen and at the same time reduces the temperature, taking away heat.
But not every fire can be extinguished with water. For example, burning kerosene or gasoline cannot be extinguished with water. Let's find out why burning kerosene cannot be extinguished with water.
The main reason for this is that the density of kerosene (about 800 kg per cubic meter) is less than the density of water (1000 kg per cubic meter). Therefore, when mixing kerosene with water, the kerosene will always end up at the top, it will simply float up. This method is sometimes used by drivers when fuel tank There is so little gas left and the engine stalls, they add some water to the tank to get to the gas station. Residues of gasoline float to the surface and enter the fitting.
A similar phenomenon occurs when extinguishing burning kerosene with water, the kerosene will continue to burn, and the fire will also spread along with...

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To understand why water does not burn, you first need to remember what the combustion process itself is. Chemistry says: combustion is a chemical process of oxidation in which the release of large quantity heat.

To be more precise in formulation, combustion can be defined as a very rapid combination of any chemical element with oxygen (this is called oxidation). As you know, everyone chemical substance there is a formula. For water, this is the formula H2O, that is, hydrogen oxide.

Thus, it is already clear from the name and composition of the formula: water is a combustion product, because the hydrogen in its composition has already reacted with oxygen and oxidized (burnt). Hydrogen atoms in water molecules are not free; they are bound to oxygen atoms.

But to say that water cannot burn in principle is not entirely true. To burn, water needs contact with an even stronger oxidizing agent than oxygen. Such an oxidizing agent, for example, is fluorine...

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Why can't a gasoline fire be extinguished with water? Now let's look at this issue. But let's first find out what gasoline is. This is a liquid that can burn on its own even after you remove the ignition source from it. The flash point is no more than 61 C. But unlike most other liquids, burning gasoline should never be poured with water. And all because this may lead to an increase in the combustion area.

Why can't a gasoline fire be extinguished with water?

Why do you need to pour water on burning objects? Since combustion is a rapid process of combining substances with oxygen, your main task is to protect this gas from the object that is burning. By pouring water on these things, you lower their temperature and block the path of oxygen to the objects. But if gasoline is burning, then water will not help you here. Watering it with it will only cause harm. Gasoline does not mix with water. It is lighter in weight, so it will only float up, but...

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Can you imagine your life without fire? With its help, we receive the usual benefits of civilization, for example, warmth in our home, cooking and much more. But fire is very insidious and can play a bad joke. From a practically harmless small burn to a fire. Entire houses could easily burn. It is known that gasoline is a flammable liquid. At the same time, it is interesting that, unlike many other various flammable substances, when gasoline catches fire, it is categorically and under no circumstances allowed to extinguish it with water.

Why can't gasoline be extinguished with water?

Remember, if you pour water on gasoline, on the contrary, we will only increase the area of ​​​​its combustion, and not extinguish it.

Why can other things be extinguished with water? Let's figure it out. What is combustion? This is a process of combining a certain substance with oxygen, which is why the main task when extinguishing a fire is to limit as much as possible one component, that is, oxygen.

When we extinguish with water, then...

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If there is a small fire, it is customary to extinguish the fire with water. This method is the most optimal and accessible. But you absolutely cannot extinguish gasoline with water!!! Why? Gasoline is a flammable liquid. Under no circumstances should gasoline fires be extinguished with water: by doing this you risk even increasing the area of ​​combustion.

Combustion is the process of combining a substance with oxygen, so the main goal when extinguishing fires is to limit the flow of atmospheric oxygen to the burning material. Water, wetting, envelops the burning material and reduces its temperature. Gasoline is lighter than water and therefore simply floats, continuing to burn and spread along with the water, increasing the area of ​​the fire.

Therefore, in order to extinguish spilled gasoline, you need to cover the ignited fuel with sand or earth. If gasoline catches fire in an open container, then it is better not to cover it with sand - this way you risk knocking it over, which will lead to a spill of burning gasoline and the spread of a fire. Container with burning...

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Prompt response and use of the right ones is the key to minimizing negative consequences emergency situation.

Gasoline is a fairly widely used flammable liquid.

It can be found in garages, small workshops, even in the home where it is used as a solvent.

Knowing how to put out a gasoline fire and how to do it correctly is important for everyone.

Features of gasoline combustion

Gasoline burns with the release of a fairly large amount of heat.

Its ignition can occur:

  1. as a result of the action of an open flame source;
  2. when the temperature rises above the spontaneous combustion limit;
  3. as a result of explosive ignition of saturated vapors;
  4. when exposed to an electric spark, including that caused by the accumulation of static voltage on the walls of a metal container.

The flammable liquid in question cannot support combustion without access to oxygen. This feature shows several at once possible ways, how to extinguish spilled gasoline (or gasoline in a container) both using and improvised means.

What is the best way to extinguish a gasoline fire?

The main thing worth mentioning is that you should not use it to extinguish gasoline. Water, which is most often at hand, will not help suppress the source of ignition.

Compared to it, gasoline has a lower density. Therefore, it will always float, maintaining the area of ​​fire spread and maintaining the temperature inside the fireplace.

Due to the action of the latter, the water boils. This process is often explosive, causing gasoline to splash and the flames to spread over an even larger area.

In addition, subject to high temperature water begins to decompose into oxygen and hydrogen. The combination of these gases in fire conditions causes a sharp increase temperature and fire intensity.

Knowing what you can use to extinguish gasoline, you can quickly and easily suppress the source of ignition and minimize the negative consequences. This is easy to do even with the help of improvised means.


Sand - effective remedy dealing with spilled and ignited gasoline.

With his help:

  • stop the expansion of the burning spot;
  • suppress flames over the entire fire area.

Using sand is quite simple. By pouring a side around the perimeter of the burning spot, they prevent the liquid from spreading. Once the flame is localized, the fire in the area can be suppressed. To do this, carefully cover the stain until the flame disappears.

Another way to extinguish gasoline is soil and other non-flammable bulk substances. Like sand, you need to use them carefully. It is necessary to fill the fire gradually, avoiding splashing of the burning liquid.

Thick fabric

Thick fabric is another effective way to extinguish gasoline. It covers the source of ignition, blocking the access of oxygen.

More better fabric works if it is moistened with water to prevent fire due to high temperature.

This primary fire extinguishing agent will help if the fuel in the container catches fire. In this case, it is enough to cover it.

Also, the fabric is effective in suppressing fire on a person’s clothing, on a car seat, in any case when maximum efficiency is required in the absence of other fire extinguishing means.

Suitable types of fire extinguishers

You can understand which fire extinguisher can extinguish gasoline by looking at its body.

Fires of liquids are classified as class B fires. Flames with a similar source are suppressed:

  1. powder fire extinguishers (OP);
  2. carbon dioxide devices (CO).

Powder fire extinguishers are mandatory for all vehicles. The fire extinguishing agent combines the mechanics of sand and an oxygen blocker.

However, in living conditions— the use of a powder device necessarily causes significant secondary consequences. Remove leftovers fire extinguishing agent very problematic. The powder is not only very fine, but can get into the smallest crevices and ruin the finish of some types of materials.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers can quickly displace oxygen from a gasoline combustion area. At the same time, this type of device sharply reduces the temperature at the source of flame propagation.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers are convenient in domestic conditions, since they not only effectively fight fire, but also do not create electrical short circuits and contamination.


Prompt action is the key to successfully suppressing a fire at the stage of its development.

Therefore, every person must know how to use primary fire extinguishing agents and auxiliary materials.

Even a simple tarpaulin or sand will help avoid negative consequences in the event of a fire in stored gasoline or other flammable liquids.

Video: Extinguishing burning gasoline with a Rusintek fire extinguisher