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Cold water pressure pumps. Pumps for increasing water pressure in a private house. What can you do

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A sufficient level of pressure in the water system allows you to comfortably use water in apartments. Residents of the upper floors of multi-storey buildings often experience low pressure levels during evening and morning rush hours, when everyone actively uses water.

The problem of insufficient pressure is dealt with by a pump to increase water pressure.

Types of water pumps for apartments

Depending on the problem, choose a suitable water unit.

Types of problems:

  1. The water pressure is not enough for comfortable use.
  2. There is no pressure on the upper floors, but there is on the lower floors.

To eliminate the first problem, pressure-increasing devices are installed. To eliminate the second type of problem, a self-priming pumping station is installed.

Pressure booster

If it is necessary to increase the pressure, use a compact water pump with an insert into the pipeline. If it is necessary to raise water from the lower floors to the upper ones, a high-pressure installation with a hydraulic accumulator is required.

Pumps for increasing water in an apartment according to the control method are:

  • automatically controlled;
  • manually controlled.

The automatic device starts working when the tap is opened. This water pump is more economical and durable because its rotor is protected from dry running.

The second type of device for an apartment continuously pumps water. To prevent overheating, it must be turned off periodically.

Based on the type of housing cooling, they are classified as follows:

  • devices with a dry rotor;
  • devices with a wet rotor.

Models with a dry rotor are characterized by a high efficiency and greater noise compared to a wet one.

Models with a wet rotor are quiet.

According to the temperature regime of the liquid, devices are divided into:

  • apartment pumps for cold water;
  • for pumping hot water;
  • universal (pumps hot and cold water).

For apartments it is necessary to install devices for increasing water pressure of small sizes. This is due to limited space and the lack of specialized premises.

Self-priming pumping station

For residents of apartments on the upper floors, due to lack of pressure, problems arise with the water supply in the taps. It copes with this problem.

The design of the device consists of a hydraulic accumulator, a supercharger and.

Using a pump, water is supplied to the tank, after which it is supplied under pressure to the faucet, shower or household appliances. Pressure limits are set using a relay. Models with a hydraulic accumulator last longer due to the rare use of the engine.

The pressure in the pipeline is responsible for a constant and high-quality supply of water to the tap. In accordance with standards, the pressure in the system is five atmospheres or higher. These are the minimum limits for the ability to operate household appliances that use water (dishwashers, showers).

Equipment requirements for water supply pressure:

  • washing machine and dishwasher - from two atmospheres;
  • showers and shower cabins - from four atmospheres;
  • hydromassage and jacuzzi systems - five atmospheres.

If the pressure is lower than stated, these devices cannot be used. They won't start.

On average, in an apartment in a multi-storey building, pressure indicators are within three atmospheres. This pressure is not enough to use a shower cabin.

Low water pressure is due to incorrect calculation of the system for the operation of additional equipment. Residents of old buildings face this problem.

How to choose a water pump?

When choosing a mechanism, you must be guided by the following characteristics:

  • dimensions of the mechanism. Since apartments do not have extra space to install a pump, the dimensions should be small;
  • emitted noise level. For apartments, the noise generated by the device should be minimal;
  • device power. At high power, the installed pump will provide the necessary water pressure in the apartment for the use of household appliances and taps;
  • selection of units is carried out in accordance with the diameter of the pipes;
  • height of liquid rise. The higher the indicator, the greater the height the device is capable of lifting liquid through pipes.

Popular pump models

The most common manufacturers that have proven themselves to be the best and time-tested are the following companies: Vilo and Jamix. These enterprises specialize in the production of pumping equipment.

Model Grundfos UPA 15-90. It is small in size and has a sensor that prevents dry running. Automatically turns on when the tap is opened. Connects in front of the gas water heater. Productivity is 1.1 cubic meters per hour.

Another model from this manufacturer, 120 AUTO, has a productivity of 3.5 cubic meters per hour.

The Wilo PB-088 EA model features manual and automatic operating modes. Starts pumping liquid after opening the tap. Has protection against dry running. Works with liquid temperature of sixty degrees Celsius. Productivity is 2.1 cubic meters per hour.

The Jamix W15 GR-18 model has a water suction height of one and a half meters. Works with water up to 110 degrees Celsius. Pump power 260 W. The productivity of the device is 12 liters per minute.

Installation procedure

Installation of the unit consists of the following activities:

  1. The water in the entire apartment is shut off.
  2. The pipe is cut in two marked places.
  3. Threading is done on the outside of the pipe.
  4. The adapter is screwed onto the thread.
  5. The fittings are screwed to the adapters. When installing the mechanism, it is necessary to take into account the direction of the arrow in the body. The arrow shows the direction of the fluid.
  6. There is a socket next to the device. A three-core cable is laid from the device to the panel.
  7. The pump is turned on and checked for leaks at the connecting sections.

When installing the mechanism, it is worth sealing all connections with tape that is wound around the threads.

Nuances when installing units

Correct installation of a pressure booster pump will provide apartment residents with comfortable conditions for using water.

Installation occurs subject to the following conditions:

  • a shut-off valve is installed at the inlet of the device. This action will allow you to perform preventive work with the fluid flow turned off;
  • during installation, pipe connections must be sealed;
  • the device is installed in a dry room;
  • To extend the life of the unit, a filter is installed at the inlet.

Pumps for increasing water pressure in an apartment significantly improve the comfort of conditions associated with water supply. By purchasing a high-quality device, the user receives constant pressure in the water supply. The use of pressure-dependent technology will become possible even for residents of the top floors of multi-story buildings.

Installation of a pump in an apartment that increases water pressure GPD 15-9A (video)

If the water pressure in the apartment is quite low, then you can purchase a booster pump for the apartment. Low pressure problems can cause inconvenience to residents and also negatively affect the operation of household appliances. Due to low pressure, boilers, dishwashers and washing machines may stop functioning. If you are faced with a similar problem, then it makes sense to think about purchasing the equipment described.

Definition of the task and selection of equipment

If you need one for an apartment, you first need to decide what the nature of the problem is. This may be low pressure, as well as frequent changes. If there is no pressure at all on the top floors of a multi-story building, then most likely you will have to purchase a station.

Basic parameters when choosing equipment

Initially, it is necessary to determine the task that will be assigned to the pump. It can regulate, lower or increase pressure. The next step is to determine what characteristics the device should have. You cannot select a device without information about the size of the service area. Thus, it is important to find out what the dimensions of the room where the pump will be located are.

Compact solution

A booster pump for an apartment can be used to slightly increase the pressure in the system. Such a need may arise when an increase in pressure by 1.5 atmospheres is required. In this case, installing compact equipment will be quite sufficient. This device is installed directly into the water pipe. The connection of such a unit is made in front of the pipe fixation point, as well as near household appliances. The choice of device will depend on the need to enhance low pressure. If there is a need to raise water from bottom to top, then experts recommend choosing one equipped with a hydraulic accumulator.

Pump selection by operating modes

A booster pump for an apartment can operate in one of two modes. Depending on this, you can choose the necessary model. Different equipment options are manual or automatic. In order to prevent overheating during operation, if the pump requires manual control, there is a need to constantly monitor the indicators and turn off the equipment in a timely manner. If these rules are not followed, the unit may overheat and subsequently fail altogether. The booster pump for water in an apartment can also operate in automatic mode. In this case, the process is regulated by means of sensors in the ducts. The equipment is turned on at the moment when the water tap is open. If water does not flow, the pump will be at rest. Experts advise choosing these types of equipment, since they are much more convenient to use compared to the manual variety. The units are equipped with special protectors that eliminate the possibility of turning on when water is not flowing. This allows you to save money and guarantees the durability of the device.

Selecting a pump by cooling method

A booster pump for water in an apartment can be cooled in different ways. Among other methods, we can distinguish the engine impeller, which consists of blades located on a shaft. They cool the device. This mechanism, equipped with a dry rotor, allows the equipment to operate silently and helps to increase efficiency. A pump that increases pressure in a water supply system can be cooled by the liquid that is pumped during operation. The mechanism, which is equipped with a wet rotor, creates almost no noise, especially when compared with the previous version.

When to choose a pumping station

Before purchasing a pump that increases the pressure in the water supply, you need to ask whether it is the low pressure that is the problem, and not a clogged pipe. The fact is that over the years, the inside of the pipes becomes covered with plaque and mechanical particles that remain after filtration. Their volume increases, which causes low system throughput. If this is the reason, then no matter how modern and effective it will be able to solve the problem. The entire plumbing system will need to be replaced. However, if the problem is still low pressure, then you may prefer a pumping station that has higher power compared to a conventional pump. With its help it will be possible to raise water even from the lowest tiers of the house. The station assumes the presence of a centrifugal structure, which is connected to the accumulator relay. During operation, liquid is pumped out of the system, entering the storage tank. This option is suitable in cases where emergency water shutdown occurs quite often. In this case, you can use the water stored in it. When the water is turned off, the pressure will decrease over time until it reaches a certain point. Once the relay reaches the set level, the relay will automatically operate and turn on the pump. If you decide to purchase a pumping station, you will also have to think about what volume it should have. The larger its capacity, the longer the pump will last and the less often it will turn on and off.

Why should you choose a water-cooled pump for your apartment?

If you are considering booster water pumps, you should consider which type to choose for your home. Experts most often advise purchasing models that operate using water cooling. This recommendation is due to the fact that it will be quite easy to attach a small pump to a water pipe; among other things, you can carry out such work yourself. An additional positive feature of such pumps is a wet rotor, which ensures silent operation. Therefore, it can be installed anywhere in the apartment without fear that the equipment will cause discomfort. The installation of a water-cooled booster pump is also recommended because it is low cost. Therefore, if necessary, several such pumps can be installed in front of devices that cannot operate without pressure. The design assumes the presence of smart automation that protects the device from dry running, this indicates that the equipment will turn off when there is no water in the pipe. If you are installing a booster pump for water supply, then you can choose equipment that operates using water cooling. Most often, such units have the ability to operate in one of two modes. Among them are automatic and manual. The master must only remember that such a device does not tolerate dirty water. Therefore, if the water in the pipes has foreign inclusions, the pump will have to be cleaned periodically.

Carrying out installation work

Installation of a booster pump for water supply is carried out in several stages. Carrying out such work is not at all difficult, but before starting the manipulations you need to familiarize yourself with the technology. The first step will be marking the place where installation work is supposed to be carried out. Next, the technician must turn off the water and open the mixer tap to eliminate excess pressure. Using, you will need to cut out a piece of pipe following the marks. Threads should be cut along the edges, and then threaded adapters should be screwed in. Installation of the booster pump at the next stage involves the use of American fittings, which are supplied with the equipment. They will need to be connected to adapters.

Final works

The technician will have to install the pump in the designated location. You must use a waterproof outlet to connect the power cable. It is recommended to install the machine at 10 milliamps. These recommendations will allow you to do the work correctly.

You need to purchase a pump to increase water pressure if you know the reason for the low pressure. First, figure out what causes the low fluid pressure in the system. Not all pumps are suitable for generating higher pressure; we will tell you how to choose the right unit!

Reasons for weak water pressure

A pressure gauge connected to the water supply will help measure the pressure force - it is advisable to take measurements more than once, but to observe the readings of the device for at least two days, taking measurements during peak water consumption hours (usually morning and evening), and also test the pressure day and night, and not in one part of the system.

It is optimal to take measurements in neighboring apartments on the same floor as you and “vertically” to get a complete picture ().

  1. If the pressure gauge gives different values ​​in different areas, most likely we have clogged pipes. Old steel pipes could have become overgrown with plaque and clogged with dirt over the years of use - they will have to be replaced.
  2. A clogged sump tank, usually located in front of the water meter, can be determined by equally low pressure readings in the water supply segments located after it. The mud trap should be opened and thoroughly cleaned.
  3. If the pressure gauge readings in different segments are normal, but the stream barely flows, the problem may be with the aerator (the mesh filter built into the faucet gib). Unscrew the tap, unscrew the mesh from it, clean it and return it to its place.

If everything is in order with the pipeline, sump and aerator, and the pressure is still low, get it checked in the house manifold. If there it is below the norm, it means that the service provider is not fulfilling its responsibilities. But getting utility companies to solve problems is often no easier than waiting for the standard of living in the country to improve, so consumers make do with their own methods.

Booster pumps designed for cold water supply help save the situation: it is worth installing one to increase and stabilize the pressure.

Selecting a pump for an apartment

Select a water pump installed in an apartment by calculating how many water taps and devices connected to the water supply you have. Traditionally, built-in pumps are chosen for residential use. Check whether the pipe cross-section and the model configuration are compatible (some are created for certain sections).

The higher the power of the unit, the higher the number of consumers and devices served by it. "will serve". It is also important how much noise it makes: the “trumpet of Jericho” is clearly not the best option. It is better to choose a more compact pump for a small apartment.

Choosing a pump for a country house

What kind of pumps are used to increase water pressure in a private home? As a rule, in-line wet-rotor ones are purchased. They produce little noise and are easy to install. Having determined the installation location, select a unit mounted vertically or horizontally. Devices “packed” in a stainless steel case are more expensive than cast iron ones.

Principles for selecting booster pumps

When evaluating high-pressure water pumps, design features are usually taken into account:

  • Units with a wet rotor are in-line (they are inserted into a segment of the water supply pipe in front of a water point or device that requires a pressure of a certain force). They do not require prevention - they “self-lubricate” by pumping. They are compact and low noise. But their productivity is relatively low, and one nuance must be taken into account during installation: the rotor axis of the electric drive of such a pump must be positioned strictly horizontally;
  • Dry rotor units are distinguished by an external power unit with its own cooling device - a fan, so they need to be additionally fixed to the walls. Such a unit is more productive than a wet-rotor unit, and has the ability to serve more than one water point. But it requires prevention - friction units need lubrication. It makes a little noise when working.

Grundfos UPA 15-90N

This booster pump is made in Denmark. Has a wet rotor. Created with a stainless steel body, composite impeller, aluminum shaft and bearings, that is, resistant to corrosion. There is a flow sensor. It is controlled both manually and automatically. Provides a head of 8 m and a flow of 1.5 m3/h, operating temperature range +2-60°C.

Advantages of the unit:
  • consumes little electricity - 0.12 kW;
  • well assembled, easy to install, easy to operate;
  • low noise;
  • protected from overheating (if the liquid becomes too hot) and dry running (when operating in automatic mode);
  • 3-year warranty, 10-year lifespan.

There are only two disadvantages - high cost and significant expenses if repairs are carried out after the warranty period.


A wet-rotor device from the model range of a well-known German brand - the cast-iron body is protected using cataphoresis, the stainless steel shaft, the pipe material is bronze, the wheels are plastic. You can switch from one mode to another manually or turn on the machine with a flow sensor. Head 15 m, flow 3.3 m3/h.

Pros of the device:

  • capable of functioning at water temperatures up to +80°C;
  • in case of overheating and dry running, the protection will work and the engine will be “ventilated”;
  • easy to install, maintain and use; in installation;
  • makes little noise;
  • one-year warranty, 10-year service life;
  • budget cost.

The disadvantages include horizontal installation and some bulkiness.

Jemix W15GR-15 A

The dry rotor unit, jointly produced by Russia and China, is a fairly well-known brand. The “filling” is protected by a cast-iron body, the motor is protected by an aluminum shell, the wheel The pump has a cast-iron body, the motor is covered by an aluminum shell, the wheel material is plastic (there is nothing to rust). The control is manual and automatic, the engine cooling process occurs through a fan. Head 15 m and flow 1.5 m3/h.

Pros of the model:

  • unpretentious in terms of energy consumption - 0.12 kW;
  • suitable for hot water supply - can withstand up to +110°C;
  • protected from overheating, the automation controls dry running and in this case turns off;
  • small and light;
  • very affordable price.

Disadvantages: makes noticeable noise and gets hot. One-year warranty, will last no more than 3 years.

Comfort X15GR 15

Also a Russian-Chinese device (equipped with a dry rotor) with an anti-corrosion housing, a blade fan and a flow control sensor. Head 15 m, flow 1.8 m3/h.


  • modest energy consumption (0.12 kW);
  • operation for domestic hot water is possible - will reach an operating temperature of +100°C;
  • small-sized and light-weight;
  • easy to install and use;
  • inexpensive.

Disadvantages: noisy, equipped with a very short power cord (1.5 m).

Grundfos MQ3-35

A reputable Danish brand has created a fully automatic pumping station with a control panel - on it you will see several trouble indicators and a power button. It includes a hydraulic accumulator, an ejector for lifting additional meters, a self-priming pump and an electric motor - all parts of the device are made of anti-corrosion chromium-nickel alloy, which increases wear resistance. Provides a head of 8 m and a flow rate of 3.9 m3/h.


  • consumes 0.85 kW, which is quite a bit for such a functional device;
  • reliable (equipped with a check valve);
  • 100% protection - turns off in case of malfunctions of parts of the structure, signs of dry running, too much heating of water and even the atmosphere;
  • has an “anti-looping” option, which allows you to infrequently interrupt work;
  • compact, light weight, easy to install;
  • relatively low noise;
  • two-year warranty period, will last 10 years;
  • relatively low cost.

Disadvantages: created exclusively for cold water (withstands up to +35°C), small volume of hydraulic accumulator.

Conclusion + video on the topic

So, the pump model you choose will help bring the pressure indicators in the water supply system to standard values ​​(there is a choice).

If the area of ​​your residence allows, a good solution would be a pumping station to increase water pressure - thanks to the hydraulic accumulator, it can not only increase the pressure level, but also create it “on its own.”

The life of a modern person living in an apartment building is unthinkable without the usual amenities: electricity, sewerage and, of course, running water. However, it often happens that the quality of services provided by the water utility is unsatisfactory, namely, residents are not satisfied with the pressure in the water supply. Weak pressure leads to the fact that household appliances refuse to work, and sometimes the water simply does not reach the upper floors. Therefore, many are interested in the question of how to increase water pressure in an apartment using a booster pump? Let's try to answer this question.

Water pressure in a water supply system is measured in two quantities - bar, atmosphere and water column:

1 bar = 1.0197 atmospheres = 10.19 m of water column.

According to regulatory documentation, the pressure in the water supply of a city apartment should be no more than 6 atmospheres and no less than 2, ideally 4, and for a water supply in a private house the average will be 3 atmospheres. However, the reality is that the pressure in the water supply system of high-rise buildings fluctuates greatly.

Pressure over 6-7 atm. has a negative impact on plumbing, pipelines, and connections break. At the same time, low pressure also causes a lot of inconvenience. At a pressure of less than 2 atmospheres, neither the washing machine, nor the gas water heater, nor the dishwasher will work. For normal operation of household appliances, the system must have a minimum pressure ranging from 2 to 2.5 atmospheres.

Therefore, when pressure indicators are below normal, then it is necessary to use special boosting devices:

  • pumps to increase water pressure;
  • self-priming pumping station.

However, before choosing a water pump to boost your pressure, you first need to identify the problem:

  • There is water in the water supply, but its pressure is very weak;
  • The water does not reach the upper floors, but the lower floors are fine.

The first problem can be solved by household water pumps that increase the pressure in the home system, and in the second case, only a self-priming pumping station can solve the problem. Therefore, you first need to find the cause of the low pressure, and then select booster pumps.

Very often, the cause of low pressure is the destruction of the water supply system, corrosion or severe contamination of the pipes. Then installing a high-pressure water pump will not help; the pipeline will need to be replaced. Well, if the reason is still low pressure, then it can be increased by installing appropriate equipment in the apartment.

A low water pressure boosting station is also based on the use of a pump to increase pressure, but in this device it is connected to a hydraulic accumulator, and a special relay is used to pump up the pressure in the water supply. In this case, a self-priming centrifugal station pumps liquid into the storage tank.

What types of pressure-increasing units are there?

So, when choosing pumps for water supply in order to increase pressure or raise water to the upper floors, you need to know what types of units for increased pressure exist. For example, to increase weak pressure, it is enough to choose a design that is compact in size and low in power, such as “in-line”, which is simply installed in the system and raises the pressure by 1-3 atmospheres.

Such a pump can operate in the following modes (classification according to the method of activation):

  • manual activation - ensures continuous operation of the unit when the equipment is turned on. If there is no need to increase the pressure, then the device is simply turned off. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the pump does not overheat;
  • automatic switching on - in this case, the flow sensor reacts to the presence or absence of flow. When water is drawn in, the pump turns on, and if there is no certain flow rate per second, the unit turns off. These models are more economical;
  • combined options - can work in one mode or another if you move a special switch.

Existing units are also classified by cooling method:

  • with a dry rotor - cooling occurs due to the movement of the blades mounted on the shaft. They are characterized by high efficiency, but are large in size and make a lot of noise;
  • with a wet rotor - cooling occurs thanks to the pumped liquid. They have a low noise level, compact dimensions, but are less efficient.

Based on the type of construction, the following models can be distinguished:

  • in-line - small but low-performance units that are installed in the supply pipeline;
  • vortex - with higher productivity, but noisy and require special piping.

Also, the booster pump differs in the installation method: horizontally, vertically, in both positions, and in the number of operating speeds:

  • single-stage - with one pumping speed;
  • multi-stage - with several speeds that switch depending on the flow rate.

Based on the principle of operation, there are flow-through, pressure, injection pumps, as well as a unit that increases circulation.

It is worth noting that pumps for increasing pressure are universal, that is, they can be used in systems with both cold and hot water supply. And there are models that can be used only for hot or exclusively for cold water.

What parameters should you pay attention to when choosing?

First of all, you need to remember that the high-pressure water pump runs on electricity, and it needs to be provided with a normal power supply. Also, in most cases, such equipment is very demanding on voltage. Therefore, if the installed booster pump does not increase the pressure to the required level, then check the voltage in the electrical network. If it is low, then the required power of the unit cannot be achieved.

It is also important to consider the technical characteristics of the device, which determine whether the pump can cope with the task:

  1. Maximum flow - this parameter shows how much water this device can pump per unit of time: liters per minute or cubic meters per hour.
  2. The maximum operating pressure is the value that the booster unit can produce at the output relative to the installation location.
  3. Minimum turn-on speed is a parameter showing when the equipment turns on: at a speed of 0.12 l/min or 0.3 l/min. This indicator determines whether the unit will work when the toilet tank is filled, or whether it will turn on only after opening the faucet in the bathtub.
  4. Maximum and rated power - this value shows the performance of the motor, measured in watts (W). The higher the power, the greater the maximum pressure.
  5. Working environment temperature – indicates the temperature at which the equipment can operate (for hot or cold water). Measured in degrees Celsius.
  6. Cross-section of connecting elements. The pressure booster pump cuts into the pipeline, so it is important that the size of the connecting nuts and fittings matches the diameter of the pipes, otherwise the pressure will be less.
  7. Noise level - measured in decibels (dB), different models have their own noise level.
  8. The size of the equipment is an important parameter that also needs to be taken into account, since this unit can be installed in very small spaces.
  9. The number of operating speeds of the unit.
  10. Reliability and reputation of the manufacturer. The best proven companies are Sprut, Aquatica, Wilo, Katran, Grundfos, Euroaqua, Jemix. Grundafos is the best Danish brand.

In order not to have to choose for a long time, they usually buy a pump that increases low water pressure of the “in-line” design (built-in) with a wet rotor. This is the most optimal model, combining low noise level and ease of installation.

Vertical or horizontal type of installation - depends on the entry point of the water flow. As for speeds, of course, multi-stage equipment is better, but these models are expensive, so not every consumer is ready to pay a tidy sum for them.

In this case, it is better to choose pumps that operate in both manual and automatic modes, since not all water intake points can create the flow required to turn on the device. Then, having a manual mode, the unit can be turned on forcibly.

It is also worth paying attention to the material used to make the housing and impeller. The body can be made of stainless steel or cast iron, with stainless steel being preferable. In the cheapest models of this device, the impeller is made of plastic, while in more expensive pumps it is made of brass or bronze.

Features of installing a pressure device in a water supply system

The installation location of pressure-increasing equipment depends on the specific situation. To ensure normal operation of the mixer and shower head, it is enough to install it at the outlet of the storage tank. For more pressure-demanding devices (washing machine, dishwasher, water heater), it is better to install the pump in front of them.

With sufficient flow and power, one unit is usually enough for two water intake points, but it is necessary to carefully consider the design. One way or another, when designing an installation scheme, it is worth considering the possibility of bypassing or removing the pump. This can be done using a bypass with a shut-off valve.

However, installing several low-power pumps at once is not the best option. In this case, it is worth installing more powerful models that can stabilize the pressure at high flow rates.

Installation of a pump to increase pressure in the water supply of an apartment or private house is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. First, mark the pipe on which the equipment will be installed, taking into account the length of the device and fittings.
  2. Then the water supply to the room is cut off.
  3. After this, the pipe is cut in the marked places.
  4. External threads are cut at the ends of the pipeline.
  5. Then adapters with internal threads are mounted on the pipe.
  6. The fittings supplied with the pump are screwed into the installed adapters. For better sealing, wrap FUM tape around the threads.
  7. A booster device is installed, and it is necessary to follow the instructions of the arrow on the device body, indicating the direction of water flow.
  8. After this, you need to stretch a three-core cable from the electrical panel to the device and, preferably, make a separate socket, and it is better to connect the device through a separate RCD.
  9. Then you need to turn on the pump and check its operation, paying attention to the absence of leaks at the connection points. If necessary, tighten the fittings.

Proper installation of the device will provide water needs for many years. Please adhere to the following recommendations during the installation process:

  • To make the pump work longer, it is better to install a mechanical filter at its inlet. This way you can protect the device from unwanted particles getting into it;
  • It is better to install the unit in a dry and heated room, since low temperatures can freeze the liquid in the device, which will disable it;
  • vibration from the operation of equipment, over time, can loosen the fasteners, causing a leak, so sometimes you need to check the connections for leaks.

Now you know how to increase water pressure in an apartment. Remember that a properly selected and correctly installed device can solve the problem of low pressure in the water supply.

With a centralized supply of water to apartments in multi-storey buildings, residents of the upper floors may experience inconvenience due to low water pressure. For the normal functioning of a washing machine or dishwasher that heats water from a gas water heater, a pressure in the plumbing system is required from two to four atmospheres. At lower pressure this technique will not work. And a weak stream from the tap, or a complete lack of water, is not at all pleasing when you need to wash dishes or take a shower. In order to normalize the water supply situation, residents of high-rise buildings should use pumps to increase the water pressure in the apartment.

Installing a pump in an apartment will only be necessary if the cause of insufficient pressure is not clogged water pipes, but other problems, the solution of which requires a global modernization of the water supply of the entire house.

1 Installation requirement

Own water pumps in the apartment are installed to create and maintain acceptable operating pressure, taking into account all points of water consumption. When a water resource is used simultaneously in several places, there is a natural decrease in pressure in the overall system.

The normal pressure for an apartment with domestic water use is considered to be four atmospheres. This is enough to prevent malfunctions in the operation of the washing machine, shower cabin, jacuzzi, geyser, which have automatic shutdown of the device when the pressure is insufficient.

High blood pressure may occur. An indicator of seven or more atmospheres leads to damage to household appliances and individual elements of the water supply system.

With a technically competently designed and properly installed water supply system of an apartment building, situations arise with pressure drops due to peak consumption. For example, in the evening hours, when most residents come home from work and begin doing household chores, water consumption increases sharply. This leads to an annoying situation where everything is fine on the lower floors, but on the top floors it’s difficult to even wash your hands.

A pump for increasing water pressure, mounted directly on the supply line, is capable of providing complete and stable comfort of water use at any level of a multi-storey building.

2 What should you pay attention to?

A water pump installed in an apartment can have two types of control:

  • manual - requiring constant monitoring during pump operation;
  • automatic - the operation of the device is regulated using special sensors (pressure, pressure, flow).

Installing a manually operated water supply device is advisable if it is not used regularly. And human control is necessary to prevent the pump from running dry. If there is no water in the central water supply, the electric motor will overheat and burn out.

Automatically controlled pumps do not require any attention. They can be turned on constantly, since their operation is regulated automatically, depending on emerging situations.

The temperature of the water in the central water supply is also important, since some models that increase pressure can work as follows:

  • only with cold water;
  • only with hot water;
  • both cold and hot (universal device).

An important factor in the operation of the unit maintaining water pressure in the apartment is the method of cooling it:

Air cooling causes increased ambient noise, but the performance of such a device is higher than that of its water-cooled counterpart, which operates almost silently. It is used in pipelines for both cold and hot water.

2.1 Important characteristics

Since the water pump will be installed directly in the apartment, some of its characteristics should be taken into account:

  • power - the higher it is, the greater the number of consumption points will be provided with sufficient pressure;
  • noise level is an important factor that should be taken into account to maintain a comfortable noise environment in the apartment. Units that are too noisy are not suitable, especially when working at night;
  • the diameter of the pipes brought into the apartment - an increase in pressure is possible only if the cross-section of the pipeline and the pump nozzles fully correspond;
  • lifting height - each pumping unit is designed for a certain height of liquid delivery;
  • overall dimensions - for an apartment that has limited spatial capabilities for installing this type of equipment, compact units should be selected.

3 Installation in an apartment

Installing a pressure booster pump in your home pipeline will allow you to provide all your household water needs for a long time.

In order for the equipment to operate smoothly, you should use the following recommendations:

  • Liquid must enter the pump through a coarse filter. This prevents solid particles from entering the unit through water, which can cause mechanical damage;
  • location only in a dry and heated room, to prevent the corrosive effects of moisture and the negative effects of low temperatures;
  • the mandatory presence of a shut-off valve (faucet) installed in front of the pump, which will allow for preventive and repair work when disconnected from the central system;
  • reliable fastening - will ensure the absence of leaks caused by constant vibration of the operating unit.

Installation of equipment capable of increasing water pressure in an apartment occurs as follows:

  • the water supply to the apartment is cut off;
  • marks are made with a marker on the supporting pipe selected for installing the pump, taking into account the overall dimensions along the length and the presence of adapters;
  • the pipe is cut at the marked places;
  • a screw thread of the required pitch is cut on the outside of the free ends of the pipe;
  • adapters with internal threads are screwed onto the ends of the pipes;
  • adapters are equipped with fittings;
  • the pump is installed in compliance with the correct direction of fluid movement indicated by the arrow on the device body;
  • a three-core cable is wired from a household power source;

Upon completion of installation work, it is necessary to conduct a test run of the device to check for leaks in the connections. For absolute sealing, it is recommended to use FUM tape, wrapping it around the threaded connection.


4 Models from famous manufacturers

When choosing a water pump for an apartment, you should pay attention to the products of manufacturers who specialize in the manufacture of only such equipment. The most famous companies are Wilo, Grundfos and Jemix. Brief description and technical characteristics of one model from each of them:

Wilo PB-088 EA is a small-sized model that is installed directly on the pipe. Suitable for use on pipelines with both cold and hot water. Cooling occurs due to the flow of passing liquid. It is equipped with a flow sensor, which turns on the pump when consumption begins (opening the tap at the point of use).

There are two operating modes: with automatic and manual control. Has protection against dry running and overheating. The body is coated with an anti-corrosion compound. Produces little noise during operation.


  • maximum head: 9.5 m;
  • permissible liquid temperature: from 0 to 60 O C;
  • engine power: 0.09 kW;
  • capacity: 2.1 cubic meters m per hour;

Grundfos UPA 15-90 - provides increased water pressure when installed on a pipeline inside the apartment. With small overall dimensions and low weight, it works with liquids of various temperatures. It is cooled by running water and has protection against dry running and overheating. The body is protected by an anti-corrosion coating. There is practically no noise during operation. Manual control and automatic operating mode.


  • maximum head: 8 m;
  • permissible liquid temperature: from 2 to 60 O C;
  • engine power: 0.12 kW;
  • diameter of connecting pipes: 20 mm (¾ inch).

Jemix W15GR-15 A - the device is designed to create and maintain pressure in water supply systems at an optimal level. Two operation control modes - manual and automatic. It is cooled by an air fan, so it is noisy.


  • maximum head: 15 m;
  • permissible liquid temperature: from 0 to 110 O C;
  • engine power: 0.12 kW;
  • capacity: 1.5 cubic meters m per hour;
  • diameter of connecting pipes: 15 mm (½ inch).