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Fire protection. Defense "Fire Wall". Ritual "fire shield"

Standard preparation -

cleansing for three days, morning ritual is required, ritual bath in the evening.
We do it during the full moon, in the dark, but before midnight.
Requirements for attire are standard, for women - a shirt to the toes, no belt, no iron, loose hair, barefoot.
men - vestments without symbols, a belt, a ritual knife - not on the belt but in objects for the ritual.
Homemade candles, ideal if you use pure wax purchased according to the rules.
introductory part-
we read the “wonderful vestment” according to the time of day.
Invocation and appeal to the Spirits of Place, Treb.
establishing a fence - a circle.
appeal to Fire.
Required by Fire.
Glory of Fire.
The main part is for a portable actuator, for example.
We cover the table with a piece of light natural fabric without a pattern, take 7 wax candles, place them in a circle, put a photo or thing of the object of protection in the center, it is ideal to have biological material - hair, etc.
We light the candles clockwise from the altar fire.
we read the plot 7 times.

"Seven candles are burning,
Behind the candles are the seven spirits of fire.
Spirits of Holy Fire!
All seven of you listen to me!
You, seven spirits of fire,
Take a candle each,
Go to (name)
Light the wall of fire around (name).
Let the holy fire burn
The wall around (name) is burning
Don't burn.
The fiery wall (name) protects,
Protects from any evil:
Black from the raven,
Pale from the horseman,
From the sorcerer's eye,
From a witch's tale,
From the night curse
From the graveyard curse,
From every bad thing said,
Whispered, punished,
From the bed lining,
From the grave pledge,
From the funeral candle,
From the knots from the deceased,
From the prayer said back,
From the black funeral feast ordered.
Seven candles are burning -
Seven fiery spirits create protection for (name).
Until the earth turns a circle around the sun -
This fiery wall will save (name).
How to seal the candles -
I will seal these words by force.
The words of my seven fiery spirits are sealed,
No one can remove that seal, no one can break it. Therefore, according to my word, it is a personal key.
We bring the Demand to the Spirits.
After this, use a knife to extinguish each candle clockwise, starting with the one you lit.
Gratitude to Fire, placing a talisman on yourself, apologizing for the course of the ritual, opening the circle.
Collect the candles together and store for a year. Do not twist!

A year later, burn it out with the words:

"Seven spirits of fire, listen to me!
You defended (name) for a year,
His belly was protected
They stood like a wall of fire around (name). Now go in peace,
Take a bow (bow to the ground) to the holy fire."
bring it to Treb.

Yes, forgetting to carry out the final part will bring BIG trouble on yourself.
It is advisable that the candles burn out without leaving a trace. If there are still cinders left, light a small fire and burn the cinders in the fire.

Protection can be done not only for yourself, but also for another person.
Glory to the Gods and Ancestors.

There are many ways to protect yourself from negative influences. Runic symbols are one of the most powerful talismans that protect against misfortune and envious people.

There is an opinion that the best defense is your own energy. By working on ourselves and strengthening our biofield, we are able to create an invisible shield that protects us from any negativity, be it damage, the evil eye, or simply envy. But what should a person do if his energy is not yet strong enough and he cannot independently repel the energy attacks of ill-wishers?

In such cases, various conspiracies and rituals are used. However, they have a short-term effect, since long-term protection requires a high level of energy. This is where ancient runic knowledge finds application. After all, runes have their own power, and it is enough to simply activate them for these signs to begin to help you.

Unlike other methods, runes must be treated with respect and not used for simple entertainment. Because such a frivolous attitude can harm both you and others.

Rune for protection against negativity

Algiz is one of the most powerful runes, which can not only protect you from troubles, but also destroy all obstacles that stand in your way. Using it as a talisman or amulet, you will strengthen the work of intuition. Therefore, if a feeling of anxiety arises when using it, listen to it: maybe you have gained a sixth sense.

The action of this rune occurs from within. After activating it, you will be able to see the situation from a different angle, and also foresee some events. This symbol also helps you understand your true desires and promotes further spiritual development.

All negativity directed towards you will be suppressed and sent back to the sender. In addition, you will begin to attract the right people and events that will change your life for the better. The main thing is to trust yourself and everything that begins to happen in your life.

Activating such an amulet is very simple. You can put this mark on your favorite thing that you wear most often. So Algiz will have a long-lasting effect. Plain paper will also serve as excellent protection, but in this case, the drawn symbol must be carried with you at all times and updated if necessary.

Of course, you cannot predict all situations, and it is impossible to completely protect yourself from negativity. But if you trust the Universe, it will send clues in the form of signs and the right people. Strengthen your biofield, use the help of runes and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.04.2016 00:40

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On the path to victory and success, you can encounter invisible obstacles that can kill confidence and take away your luck. The fire shield technique will protect you from this.

Energy protection in our world is very important. Damage, evil eyes, actions of haters and envious people, as well as other troubles are the main enemy of our well-being. Previously, we wrote about how you can get rid of troubles using the Broken Cup ritual. Folk remedies demonstrate excellent effectiveness in situations where someone or something is trying to prevent you from achieving happiness and harmony.

“Fire shield” technique

As you probably already understood, this method of protection uses fire. There are many types of such protection: ritual with candles, meditation, affirmations, as well as some psychological techniques.

Fire represents protection because it cannot be passed through. It pushes away everything that is behind the wall of fire around you. That is why magicians and traditional healers use fire in their practices for protection. Since ancient times, it was believed that fire repels demons, evil spirits and cleanses the energy of a person or place. This theory has become true thanks to dozens of centuries of practice that are available to us in the modern world.

Everything is ruled by the Universe with its own laws, which we wrote about earlier in a separate article. The philosophy of defense is much more appropriate than attack, because the Universe does not want to see aggression in us, which depletes energy. Each of us has our own aura - a fortress that can be captured by negative thoughts. By protecting her, you will protect yourself and your life in general.

Ritual "fire shield"

You will need an even number of candles to place around you. Wait until dark to get complete silence, or perform the ritual when no one is home during the day. Draw the curtains and create a welcoming atmosphere. Light the candles, arranging them to form a circle around you. Set yourself up. Throw all thoughts out of your head and read the following plot: “Fire, save me from all evil. Save from pressing problems, from angry enemies, from bad moods, from the evil eye. Let the fire protect me as a shield, burning those who decide to encroach on my territory. Reason with my enemies so that they become my friends and bring only good. I believe that Mother Nature will send me your strength and protect me from failure. Let it be so.".

After reading, repeat “So be it” and blow out one candle at a time. After finishing the ritual, try not to talk to anyone or do anything serious. That is why seers and healers advise performing the ritual at night before going to bed.

Repeat it once a week. Soon you will feel that your energy will become stronger and will not allow negativity to pass through. Your envious people will not be able to harm you, and as for damage and evil eyes, then the “fire shield” will work even better.

Meditation with fire

Preparing for meditation is almost identical to preparing for ritual. Complete silence is desirable. The time of day is not critical, but during the day it would be better to close the curtains to get darkness. Nothing should distract you from meditation. This is especially true for animals. Take them to other rooms so they don't disturb you. Place candles around you, as many as possible. If you have a fireplace, the effect will be even stronger. You should feel the fire. One of the candles must be positioned so that you can see it in front of you.

When everything is ready, sit in a soft chair and take a reclining position. Close your eyes. Try to imagine yourself in complete darkness. Imagine that a small light is approaching you from afar. It is located approximately where the candle standing in front of you was in reality. At first, this point looks like a distant star, which later becomes a spark from a candle. This light twitches occasionally, as if a faint breath is swaying it. This is your breathing, which slows down and subsequently becomes almost imperceptible. Over time, you can hardly distinguish between inhalations and exhalations, so you can concentrate on the candle flame. Look at it for a couple of minutes, then pay attention to what is not in front of you, but near you. A ring will begin to form at the bottom. This is your protective circle that will protect you from any misfortunes. Try to imagine it as clearly as possible. It is almost invisible and glows faintly, but soon begins to flare up and turn into a strip of fire around you. Try to feel the protection that this flame gives you. For some it is cold - you can even touch it, but for others it is so hot that it even hurts to look at it. This is your protection. Feel safe and extend this feeling for a couple of minutes. Next, begin to slowly exit meditation - let the light of light that was in front of you begin to expand - you slowly open your eyes. This is the same candle that you put in front of yourself.

Meditate as often as you like. This will help you strengthen your energy and tune your aura for effective protection.

Affirmations for protection

  • “I am so strong that no one can interfere with my happiness”
  • “My strength lies in inaccessibility. I am like the hardest fortress"
  • "I'm safe. Nobody can harm me"
  • “The only source of problems is myself. I can handle myself"
  • "I attract only goodness"
  • “My life is filled with positivity, I am the light that brings goodness and good luck”
  • "Luck is always with me"
  • “I am fire, and problems are paper. We are incompatible"
  • “I love this world, and it loves me, so nothing can harm me.”
  • “I feel good. I have nothing to fear. The Universe protects me from troubles"

Choose a couple of affirmations you like. These are not just phrases. This is your motivation and your future thoughts. Try to repeat them to yourself so often that they become part of you. So that you are inseparable from them.

All three techniques are independent and can be used with each other. This will incredibly greatly increase your chances of invulnerability against envious people, the evil eye, curses, damage and other troubles. Your relationships with loved ones will improve and will bring only positive emotions.

I would also like to note that many things in our lives are decided by signs. They are also the property of dozens of generations. People tend to observe the world around us and look for various signs that help us overcome difficulties. It is the Universe that sends them to us to protect them from harm. Read our article