home · Measurements · Why was Maryanov in a rehabilitation center? An employee of the clinic where actor Maryanov died, about haloperidol: What is it? Statement from a former employee

Why was Maryanov in a rehabilitation center? An employee of the clinic where actor Maryanov died, about haloperidol: What is it? Statement from a former employee

Journalists REN TV contacted an employee of the rehabilitation center where actor Dmitry Maryanov was dying. According to Maria S., she provided therapeutic assistance at the clinic.

“I can tell you that I personally provided therapeutic assistance because I am a psychologist,” Maria admitted. “I came there twice a week. Sometimes once a week. I am a specialist who works with clients’ requests. We painted, sculpted, we had joint activities, psychological ones. I don’t know whether there was a medicinal effect there,” added the rehabilitation center psychologist.

Maria reported that she saw Maryanov for the last time on Thursday: "He even attended my event. He was in perfect health. We saw him. I left on Thursday. I learned about what happened from television."

“I can’t say that someone forcibly held him. He was brought by people who wished him well. As far as I know from what I read, he himself wanted to get rid of... He had an alcohol addiction, this is clear to everyone. Perhaps he thought it was a chance, perhaps his loved ones thought it too,"- the interlocutor added REN TV.

According to Maria, therapeutic assistance at the center is aimed at making a person aware of his addiction: " This is working with your head, accepting your illness. This is a twelve-step program that almost the whole world follows. This center is no exception."

Maria admitted that she did not know whether the rehabilitation center had a license: “I don’t know if there was a license, I don’t even know what kind of license is needed if you open this kind of organization... I’m just not good at this at all. I’ve never encountered this.” “The guys talk about retention. But no one likes it when they are taken out of their comfort zone, where their parents pay for everything. They are in the infantile position of a consumer, an alcoholic or a drug addict,” - says the clinic psychologist.

When asked whether the clinic’s patients complained that they needed to take haloperidol, an employee of the rehabilitation center admitted that she did not even know what it was: “This is some kind of sleeping pill, as I understand it? I don’t know how it is...” “At individual meetings, no one told me that they were being injected with anything. This did not happen. With the fact that “I want to go home, and what to do for this” - yes. This is natural. No one wants to be with strangers" .

Earlier, a patient of the rehabilitation center where Dmitry Maryanov died spoke about the artist’s last days. According to Ilya (the interlocutor’s name has been changed - REN TV’s note), the actor was “stuffed” with medications at the clinic, despite the fact that there were no doctors among the institution’s employees, except for the head of Phoenix.

"After which at three o’clock in the morning he (Maryanov - editor’s note) caught the so-called “squirrel”. I started walking around the department. I heard the conversation in the room, eventually he calmed down. In the morning, when he couldn’t sleep, he went around “to shake everyone up” - the interlocutor added. According to him, Maryanov was injected with haloperidol, phenazepam and another medicine.

Maryanov stayed in the clinic for less than a week. All this time he was eager to work and told the clinic patients about his rehearsals.

Let us remind you that Dmitry Maryanov died on October 15. An ambulance was called for the actor from the Phoenix rehabilitation center. According to some reports, the clinic’s website stopped working on the same day the artist died: search engines claim that the site worked until at least 2 a.m. on October 16.

The death of Dmitry Maryanov greatly excited the public with its mystery and inconsistency. Initially, due to indignation at the actions of emergency medical workers, who responded that there were not enough teams to go to the town of Lobnya near Moscow, then because, it turns out, the actor was not on vacation with friends, but was being treated in a private clinic for alcoholism, everyone began to try combine incompatible facts.

After this, the story took another turn, and again medical workers were to blame, but not public ones, but private ones, who did not respond in time to the side effects of the drugs used.

Everyone is interested in what medicine Maryanov was given before his death, and why the particular one gave such a result. Is there even greater negligence or malicious intent?

It was news to viewers that the actor suffered from alcohol addiction, because family and friends carefully hid the condition of a person dear to them. There are many dark places in the history of admission to the drug treatment center; it remains unknown whether Dmitry himself decided to be in the hospital, or whether his wife sent him there. Some expressed the opinion that this was necessary in order for him to be allowed to work. Initially, it was assumed that he would spend only 5 days in the institution, which were free until the next performance.

According to the testimony of a former patient, Boris Kotov, the actor arrived in normal condition, could express himself clearly, and behaved quite adequately. But almost immediately upon arrival, Dmitry had an epileptic seizure.

Rehabilitation center

When asked by the presenter what medicine Maryanov was given before his death that it provoked the attack, the doctor commented that this could have happened due to alcohol intoxication, which has an extremely negative effect on patients with epilepsy.

Director's comments and patient memories

When the director, Oksana Bogdanova, was invited to the studio and asked if she knew what medications Maryanov was given before his death, she confidently replied that the rehabilitation center did not use medications. They are not licensed to prescribe specialized substances to patients. Many spectators in the studio loudly expressed their disapproval at the director's words.

Contradicting her, former patient Boris, who was in the same room with the actor for the first two days, repeats Dmitry’s words that he was given some kind of pills. At the same time, he noticed that he had problems with the normal expression of his thoughts, they became more confused.

Boris is the actor’s roommate in a rehabilitation center

His neighbors began to notice that delirium tremens was gradually beginning to appear. The actor began asking for a laptop or phone to contact his wife. He wanted her to take him out of the institution.

Symptoms of sudden withdrawal from alcohol continued for 2 days, during which Maryanov never slept a wink, after which he was transferred to a separate room so as not to disturb other patients. Before this, he managed to give Boris a note in which he asked to call Ksenia (his wife) so that she could help him.

But the patient, knowing that things were being searched, gave it to the staff, asking that the actor not be punished for trying to stop rehabilitation.

Statement from a former employee

A sensation was the statement of a former employee who monitored people in care. Dmitry Burenkov claims that Maryanov was brought syringes with medicines and handcuffs for violent patients. This was also confirmed by Boris, who overheard the conversation of other workers, that Maryanov was injected with haloperidol. Doctors in the studio explained that this drug is most often used to relieve symptoms of schizophrenia, but is sometimes prescribed for delirium (“squirrel”).

On October 15, actor Dmitry Maryanov died. Law enforcement officials are investigating the artist’s death. Shortly before his death, the man was in one of the Lobnya rehabilitation centers. According to some information, Maryanov had back problems, and according to other sources, he suffered from alcoholism. The head of the institution where Dmitry was lying gave an interview to the program “Andrey Malakhov. Live". Oksana Bogdanova spoke about the last days of the theater and film star.

According to the woman, Maryanov found the center thanks to reviews from friends. The actor himself asked for help, as he felt the need to undergo rehabilitation.

“Dmitry wanted to live, he wanted to solve all his internal problems. He turned to his friends, they turned out to be common to us,” Bogdanova said. – Our center deals with the problem of rehabilitation of people with deviant behavior... It was very difficult to recognize the actor in him - confused, exhausted, in whom the spark did not burn, who was in search. He came here on his own and was ready to sacrifice tours in order to cope with himself and understand how to live on.”

The head of the rehabilitation center reported that at first Maryanov was starving. “We took turns feeding him,” Bogdanova shared. However, during the nine days that the artist underwent therapy, he began to feel differently.

“The person’s strength has really begun to return, and every day he becomes more active and sympathetic. He kept saying that he had very little time. He wanted to live, work on himself,” says the woman

According to Bogdanova, Maryanov constantly thought about his wife Ksenia. At first, the man was deprived of access to a mobile phone so that nothing would distract him from his rehabilitation. Dmitry wrote touching letters to his chosen one. It was clear that he had real feelings for her. According to Oksana, the actor could overcome himself and start life again.

“I feel very empty. It's like hope is lost. There really were all the chances. He had amazing motivation to live. Usually I came across more devastated people,” Bogdanova shared.

On that fateful day, when the actor’s life was cut short, he complained to the center staff about back pain.

“Then he went to his room and at dinner complained of pain in his leg. We suggested that he go to the ambulance. He said: “Don’t take me anywhere, I don’t need any ambulance.” The pain intensified, he complained. It was decided to call an ambulance. The answer was: “Wait.” After 20 minutes, we decided to take him to the doctors ourselves. On the way, he talked and even joked... Then a traffic police patrol stopped us and escorted us to the emergency department with flashing lights. On the way, he lost consciousness,” Bogdanova said.

The talk show staff contacted the dispatcher who took the call. The woman does not consider herself guilty.

“The challenge was accepted, and the challenge was canceled by his own friends, colleagues, I don’t know who... I’m on vacation. I don't want to talk about it at all! The call was accepted and the call was cancelled. (...) I want to convey my condolences to Dmitry’s relatives. He didn't do anything bad to me. He was a good, excellent actor,” said the operator.

When asked whether Maryanov could have been saved if the ambulance had arrived on time, she answered negatively. “I think not,” the dispatcher noted.

Experts decided to find out from Oksana Bogdanova what medications the actor was taking. However, the woman hastened to declare that her center, which has “nothing to do with medicine,” provides psychological assistance and does not prescribe various drugs. Commenting on the results of the examination, which found alcohol in Maryanov’s blood, Bogdanova noted that she did not have information on this matter. “He was sober,” she shared.

The director of the private rehabilitation center "Phoenix", where Dmitry Maryanov was located shortly before his death, claims that the actor did not undergo drug treatment, only psychologists worked with him. This was reported to RT by sources in law enforcement agencies. Moreover, the clinic where Maryanov spent nine days did not have a license to carry out medical activities. New details about the circumstances of the actor’s death are in the RT material.

Farewell to actor Dmitry Maryanov at the House of Cinema City News Agency "Moscow"

RT has learned the contents of the testimony of Oksana Bogdanova, the director of the private rehabilitation center “Phoenix”, where actor Dmitry Maryanov was treated before his death. The woman claims that Maryanov was not given any medications at the center; only psychotherapists worked with him.

“Oksana Bogdanova was interviewed as a witness in the case of the death of actor Dmitry Maryanov,” a law enforcement source told RT.

According to Bogdanova, Maryanov was in the center for nine days, and all this time he received only psychotherapeutic assistance according to a special program: he kept a so-called diary of feelings, worked with his own thoughts.

“Bogdanova also assures that special psychological trainings were conducted with the actor, which should have helped him understand himself,” the interlocutor noted.

At the same time, Maryanov left the clinic without completing the entire rehabilitation course, since he had to act in a play.

Bogdanova herself, according to her, was not in the institution at that time.

Two "Phoenixes"

Let us remind you , On October 15, it became known that Russian theater and film actor Dmitry Maryanov died in the Moscow region at the age of 48. According to preliminary information, the actor died due to a detached blood clot.

  • RIA News

As the media initially reported, the artist became ill at his dacha in Lobnya near Moscow on the afternoon of October 15 - he complained to friends about pain in his back and legs. On the way to Moscow, the actor’s health worsened - he lost consciousness in the car. The friends who were in the car with him stopped at the traffic police post and tried to call an ambulance. When it became clear that the doctors would not be able to arrive promptly, friends took Maryanov, accompanied by the police, to the hospital themselves. On the way, the actor died.

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Part 2 of Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Causing death by negligence due to improper performance of one’s professional duties”).

Meanwhile, the media found out that Maryanov was in Lobnya not at the dacha, but at the private Phoenix rehabilitation center, run by psychotherapist Oksana Bogdanova.

  • Bogdanova Oksana

According to the Kontur.Focus database, Oksana Bogdanova is a co-founder of two companies. The first company, Phoenix LLC, was registered in 2015 in Moscow. According to the statutory documents, the company can provide social services without accommodation to the elderly and disabled, as well as physical education and recreational activities.

Bogdanova's second company The autonomous non-profit organization “Rehabilitation Center for Promoting the Socialization of People with Deviant Behavior “Phoenix” (ANO RC “Phoenix”) was registered on March 22, 2017 in Khimki near Moscow. According to the charter documents, the company is engaged in providing home care to people with developmental disabilities, the mentally ill and drug addicts.

Meanwhile in Roszdravnadzor was informed that Bogdanova’s rehabilitation center did not have a license. “According to the unified register of licenses, ANO RC “Phoenix” does not have a license to carry out medical activities,” the department told RT.

Someone else's license and duplicate sites

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According to the Kontur database. Focus", the co-founder of Medexpress LLC is Herzen Shubaev, who also owns the National Foundation for Assistance in the Treatment of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction "Generation". In 2014, the Generation Foundation won a presidential grant in the amount of 7.9 million rubles to train specialists in the rehabilitation of drug addicts.

In 2010-2011 There were several publications about the foundation’s founder, Herzen Shubaev, in the Russian media. They said that he was a native of Grozny, was forced to leave for Israel at the age of 18, and also that he himself once had problems with drugs, but was cured and now helps other drug addicts.

RT tried to contact Shubaev, but he was unavailable. Medexpress also refused to explain why their company’s data was listed on the Phoenix website, where Dmitry Maryanov was treated.

In turn, Oksana Bogdanova, whom RT was able to contact, stated that her organization is not a medical one. At the same time, the woman claims that she has nothing to do with the Phoenix website, which has already been deleted.

“Yes, there was such a site, but it has already been deleted. And I have nothing to do with that site and Medexpress,” she told RT. — I have my own website, and it works. And in general, I don’t comment on anything.”

It should be noted that the Phoenix rehabilitation center actually has another website that also offers help to drug addicts. But at the same time, we are not talking about VIP clients and Israeli methods.

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A criminal case was opened against the head of the rehabilitation center Oksana Bogdanova, where the late actor Dmitry Maryanov was treated.

Oksana Bogdanova, who is the director and runs the Phoenix rehabilitation clinic, is suspected of involvement in the death of a famous Russian theater and film artist.

As Russian media reported, representatives of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Moscow Region found grounds to initiate a criminal case against the director of the rehabilitation center Bogdanova, where the actor stayed shortly before his sudden death.

“It was established that in the specified center, Maryanov was administered intramuscular medications without identifying the presence of any diseases or contraindications that prevented the use of specific medications. These drugs are prescribed by a doctor and sold by prescription. In addition, despite Maryanov’s repeated complaints about poor health, the actor was not called for an ambulance for a long time, thereby depriving him of timely and qualified assistance,” the press service of the RF IC reported.

As part of the criminal case, they are going to carry out a number of investigative actions. The press service of the Investigative Committee added that the investigation into the death of Dmitry Maryanov continues. Various examinations are currently being ordered.

Oksana Bogdanova is suspected of providing services that do not meet safety requirements, in other words, illegally providing medical services without a license.

The portal website recalls that the national favorite Dmitry Maryanov died on October 15, 2017 in Lobnya. The theater and film star spent his last days in the Phoenix rehabilitation center, run by Oksana Bogdanova. A few months before his death, the artist had a filter installed due to pain in his leg.