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Pisces horoscope health December

What awaits in love the most vulnerable and dreamy wards of Neptune - Pisces - in December of this year? Representatives of a water sign should definitely read their love horoscope. In December 2019, Pisces will have many intriguing astrological forecasts, which you can learn about from our truthful horoscope.

Love horoscope for Pisces for December 2019

The romantic horoscope promises Pisces interesting events in December. Representatives of this zodiac sign will especially remember the beginning of the month. During this period of December, there is a high risk of realizing those desires on the personal front of Pisces, which they did not tell even to their closest people.

In mid-December, Pisces risk meeting a person whose thoughts involuntarily enter their minds. The love horoscope recommends that representatives of this sign remain as indifferent to such an event as possible. Another important moment for Pisces in the second ten days of the month will be a major disappointment in their personal life. During this period, there is no need to make final conclusions and break off love relationships, as is typical for Neptune’s wards.

At the end of the year, Pisces will have a chance to improve relationships with their significant other if there has previously been a breakup or a major quarrel. On the eve of the most magical holiday, representatives of this sign can immerse themselves in tenderness and passion, especially since such feelings were practically forgotten or suppressed.

Love horoscope for Pisces woman for December 2019

Pisces girls who have not yet found their soulmate will have a chance to successfully meet each other in December. At the end of the year, a fateful event will happen only to those who are mentally prepared for it. True friends will help Pisces girls ensure a romantic meeting.

Pisces women, who proudly bear the status of wives, will feel a crisis in family relationships in December. If the problem is not resolved before the holidays, then you won’t have to count on the speed of the negative process - you will have to endure its consequences for a long time.

Those Pisces girls who have a powerful weapon of seduction in their arsenal in the form of bright external attractiveness will be least lucky in December. In Pisces’ love relationships, nothing unusual will happen, except unpleasant news about the chosen one. Pisces women who have expressed a desire to start building love from scratch will be lucky in December.

The love horoscope of brides born under the sign of Pisces contains only favorable forecasts. Girls will receive romantic gifts and a lot of attention from their suitors in December. It is not surprising that the long-awaited event in the form of a wedding will take place very soon.

Love horoscope for Pisces man for December 2019

Pisces men will be much luckier this December than girls. From the first days of winter, their intimate life will shine with all shades of passion. This will happen both for single Pisces and for long-married Pisces. At the same time, we are not talking about infidelity: the spouses of Neptune’s wards will be inflamed with unprecedented passion for their husbands and will want all sorts of innovations in their intimate life.

Pisces men may experience increased attention from young girls in December. There is no need to count on a relationship with them; the stars prepared such events only for the sake of increasing the self-esteem of shy representatives of the water sign.

For single Pisces, a significant event in December will be a unique date with a girl with rare beauty and a sharp mind. Even if she does not agree to be your life partner, a number of wonderful meetings in the near future will be guaranteed. Pisces will be able to charm the most unapproachable young ladies. Therefore, they need to be selective so as not to run into unnecessary attention and unnecessary love.

As for the feelings of Pisces themselves, they are unlikely at the end of the year. It is unlikely that you will be able to truly fall in love. However, the stars promise Pisces many pleasant emotions at the beginning of winter.

Love horoscope for Pisces for other months of 2019

Astrological horoscope for the zodiac sign Pisces for December 2016 from our regular astrologer Horoscope. Let's find out from the video horoscope what awaits Pisces in December 2016, what new, interesting events the month of December has in store for him.

December is the time when everyone is waiting for the New Year 2017, preparing for the holiday - New Year's Eve, going to corporate parties, Christmas trees in kindergarten, school. December is a magical time.

So let's spend the month of December usefully, without making mistakes: great and strong love, or an increase in wages and promotion on the career ladder, or moving and improving living conditions, or maybe... Why fantasize, let's find out from a real astrologer from the video how December 2016 will work out for Pisces. Advice from the stars from a professional astrologer for you.

Horoscope for December 2016 Pisces. Video

Horoscope for Pisces for December 2016. Video text

In December 2016, Pisces will feel like real business sharks. Of course, you will negotiate and then invest your own money in order to get much more later. If you are going to do this at the end of the month, keep in mind that there is a risk of not only not receiving dividends, but also not seeing what you spent again. But don’t be upset - there is a chance to avoid this if you think about everything well before this risky undertaking, or give it up altogether. For some reason, you are always pulled back, but not to the future, but to the past. Don’t be surprised that your life seems like an escalator, carrying you down at such a speed that you can’t even jump off it. It's time to change direction and take a course forward.

At the beginning of December, you will understand that harmony in relationships can make the colors around you bright. But from the middle of the month, something will go wrong, and romantic moods will be replaced by doubts and melancholy. You have every chance to selflessly immerse yourself in this state, and if you decide to “walk like this,” then you can even end the relationship with your soulmate. But under no circumstances should you do this - everything will get better at the end of December, and then you will regret that such thoughts were able to get into your head in the first place. You can be sad a little, but then pull yourself together.

You will have to work collectively, but there is a chance of getting a new position, which will come with a decent salary. This will make you happy and finally give you a feeling of financial independence. If you have been taking on some projects throughout the year, you may find that some of them have brought results.

P.S. And most importantly. You probably have ideas that you would like to bring to life in December. Better postpone this event until next year.

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In December 2016, representatives of the Pisces sign will experience interesting events in their personal lives. But the peculiarity of this winter month is that not everything that happens will bring clear results. It may be difficult to interpret some circumstances - whether they are positive or negative. All this is because the planet of love, Venus, is hidden in the mysterious twelfth house of Pisces, its influence can be contradictory.

On the one hand, during this period you strive for ideal love, which goes beyond the physical body. You want to share your feelings with the person who can touch your soul. There may be a connection between love and spirituality, religion, psychology. On the other hand, you tend to confuse fantasy and reality, to love the image you created rather than the real person. It is possible that circumstances of an unclear nature will interfere with your personal life, or that resentment and grief will occur because of a loved one. Sometimes Venus in the twelfth house brings secret love, or the beginning of a love affair that is kept secret from others.

The stars advise you not to make radical decisions during this period, because you are not entirely clear about your true needs. Observe and draw conclusions will be the preferred strategy.

The third ten days of the month will be a more eventful time for Pisces than the first and second. On December 19, 2016, Mars, the planet of passion and desire, enters your sign. Thanks to Martian energy, you will be more active in love and more passionate, and your erotic appeal will increase. The combined influence of Mars and Neptune, which has been in Pisces for a long time, will help open new sides of love. You will experience unforgettable moments of spiritual and physical unity with your lover.

The last ten days of December are also marked by the influence of retrograde (reverse) Mercury. This has special meaning for you, because Mercury rules the house of your partner Pisces. The impact of a planet in retrograde motion may result in having to go through situations caused by past events again. The time is good for understanding the content of feelings and relationships on a deep, spiritual level. Your intuition will become sharper and you will be able to discover much that was previously hidden.

Pisces Career and Finance Horoscope for December 2016

For Pisces work and business, December 2016 promises to be an active time. The Sun and Saturn are in the career sector, encouraging you to make the most of your opportunities. The influence of fiery Mars gives initiative and enterprise, so Pisces can do many things that previously seemed too bold. There may be obstacles to achieving your career goals, but it will not be difficult for you to overcome them. The influence of Saturn gives balance and foresight; these valuable qualities will become your advantage.

This month, many Pisces will feel an interest in identifying hidden information and revealing secrets. Perhaps secret ill-wishers will reveal themselves. Intuition, which is at a high level in December 2016, will help you expose them.

Among the priorities will be cooperation and participation in collective projects. You can fully realize your professional potential in a team environment by working with other people.

Financially, the time is quite favorable for Pisces. The harmonious aspect of the Sun with Uranus in the house of money promises increased income and generous material rewards for your work. Moreover, you can earn good money thanks to a non-standard approach to doing work. However, the planetary influences are contradictory, so the horoscope warns against risky financial transactions and adventures. It is recommended to be especially attentive in financial matters in the first ten days of December.


You should pay more attention to your health in the first half of the month, since during this period the Sun, the ruler of your house of health, moves closer to Saturn. Old ailments may return, or there may be a need to begin previously deferred treatment. The second half of December 2016 is more favorable for health.

Determine the main goals and pursue them, putting aside the secondary ones!

The horoscope for December 2016 Pisces indicates that this month you need to prepare documents, issue certificates and calculate your monetary income and expenses. This will help you avoid getting into trouble in the event of financial difficulties, liquidation of an educational institution, enterprise or your private business. Changes in your family, team, and society will make you feel like you are part of them. Therefore, help others, do not isolate yourself from the grief of others with your problems. You must learn to feel the environment in which you live, the people with whom you communicate. They should become family and friends for you. Due to the problems that have arisen, you will try to ensure a safe, reliable existence for yourself and your loved ones, your team and society. The December 2016 Pisces horoscope indicates that your ability to share luck, problems and responsibilities with other people will bring lasting stability to everything that is valuable to you. But if you don’t measure your own strengths, you can take on too much or put too much on the shoulders of others. You should not isolate yourself in a narrow personal world, focus on your own experiences, as this will isolate you from your environment and not allow you to see and perceive external changes - in the family, team, society. In this case, you will find it difficult to adapt to life, and people who are associated with you will not be able to rely on you. On this basis, you may experience a nervous breakdown, binge drinking and loss of interest in external life.

Marriage horoscope

In the month of December, you need mutual understanding to weather life's ups and downs and support each other. Otherwise, due to the indifference and callousness of your partner, you can drown your troubles in alcohol or in a haze of drugs. To avoid subjecting your marriage to such fluctuations and experiencing failure, you must not stop growing spiritually. You need to strengthen your knowledge and faith in God, then no storms of life that worsen your material condition can affect your marriage and destroy your faith, hope, and love.

Health horoscope

In December, the lymphatic system, the state of the fluid, its composition and excretion will be vulnerable. To maintain health, it is necessary to monitor metabolism, disruption of which can change the chemical composition of fluid in the body and cause edema, dropsy, weeping diathesis, and urinary tract diseases.
During this period, infectious diseases often occur that affect the digestion and lymphatic system.
It is advisable for people suffering from salt deposition, kidney disease, and stomach disease to switch to a dietary diet. For good metabolism, the body needs fluoride and calcium.
This is a favorable time to start physical and breathing exercises, and psychotraining.

In the coming December, Pisces are recommended to dramatically change their own behavior. The time has come to step out of your own shadow. Now you need to start actively acting and achieving only positive situations from real life.Horoscope for Pisces for Decemberassures that star representatives should not miss entertainment events, where they can have a very good rest and escape from the hardships of modern life. In addition, December will give Pisces a huge number of new people whom they will have to meet. Not a single person will be accidental in the fate of the zodiac representative; each of the strangers will contribute his own role to the fate of the latter.

New people will bring not only positive moments for Pisces, with which the latter will be emotionally nourished. Surrounded by representatives of the stars, negative personalities will certainly appear, who will teach Pisces how to deal with difficulties correctly. It is important to remember that fate does not give random people to anyone; each of them carries a certain value for the star representative. But Pisces should avoid gossip and slander, especially if these native moments happen behind their back. It is important to immediately identify and eliminate ill-wishers from your own environment, otherwise they will bring so much sorrow and hardship to the representatives of the sign that they run the risk of falling into serious depression.

Possible in December meeting in the past. Most likely, this will be a former lover or a person who dramatically changed the fate of a representative of the sign once upon a time. There is no need to be afraid of such a meeting; it is precisely this that will help overcome the line that connected the future and the obvious present and did not allow Pisces to cross in their future.

The time is ideal for returning debt obligations.Finance horoscope for December 2018 for Piscesrecommends not leaving old debts with the passing period, and also does not advise entering the new year with something from the past.

This is not a very good time for romantic and love affairs. Ladies are drawn towards sincere love, but now they are more concerned with completely different areas of life. Reluctance can lead to a risk of scandal and unpleasant conflicts in the family. If a woman now needs privacy, then this must be done. It is strictly forbidden to “rape” yourself and do only what you absolutely do not want.

It’s great if you can go somewhere far away from your everyday routine this month. The trip will help you collect your thoughts and fully relax physically.

Horoscope for December 2018 for the Pisces man

Men, on the contrary, will show unprecedented activity. They will try to capture the hearts of many female fans. Men have a huge number of new acquaintances ahead and no less intriguing events.

Such a busy life can have a very adverse effect on the general well-being of the zodiac representatives. It is important for a man to constantly monitor his physical condition and emotional health. You can’t overexert yourself now; if you feel pathological fatigue in your body, then men simply need to fully indulge in rest and moral comfort.

Love horoscope for December 2018 for Pisces

Those representatives of the sign who are in a free “flow” will want to acquire their own beloved family. Of course, Pisces will have plenty of acquaintances and communication, but it is very difficult for them to choose from a huge number of different options exactly the soul mate that is so needed and necessary. If doubts creep into your soul, then love horoscope for Pisces for December 2018prophesies that the latter will wait a little. In general, December is not a very favorable period for building new partnerships. But if Pisces has a potential future life partner, then the further development of partnerships will be very favorable.

For family representatives of the sign, time is very active and positive. Many families will have to go through a series of conflicts and small scandals, but such situations will only help strengthen relationships and contribute to a greater sense of understanding within the family. You shouldn’t focus only on love and sex; it’s important to remember about your own children, who, like spouses, need constant expressions of affection and sincere love.

Health horoscope for December 2018 for Pisces

Generally, The frosty month will pass very comfortably for the representatives of the zodiac. Trouble can come from colds, which can worsen during the development of epidemics or viruses. It is important for Pisces to constantly strengthen the immune forces of their body, fortunately, there are a great many ways to do this in modern times.

Health horoscope for Piscesstrongly advises the latter to exercise maximum and careful caution when traveling. If the latter have to make business trips, it is important to carefully observe all necessary and important safety measures. It is important to carefully consider trips made at personal request and provide the necessary protective equipment on the road.

Now Pisces needs to be more active in everything, they should not give up physical exercise, you need to force yourself to at least do a morning workout. If representatives of the stars need to lose a couple of extra pounds, then they are recommended to radically reconsider their daily diet.

Financial horoscope for December 2018 Pisces

For many Pisces, the stars predict a significant improvement in their financial condition. Of course, in order to notice a real replenishment in your own wallet, you will need to work hard and responsibly. Representatives of the zodiac cannot hope to receive unexpected wealth; only their own efforts will be well rewarded.

In the professional life of Pisces, everything is going quite well; if they behave the same way in the future, then perhaps they will soon be able to occupy the offices of managers. At this moment, it is necessary to fully and responsibly strive to complete pressing matters and production tasks, but one should not take on new obligations yet.

It is not recommended to modify anything now, this concerns a change of duty station. It is important to realize that at the end of the year it is best to leave everything as it is now, and you can think about future favorable plans in the next month.