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Slavic rune Lelya. The meaning of the inverted Lelya rune. Direct Rune Lelya

Straight position

Virgo, Love, attraction; intuition. The element of Water is most fully manifested in the rune. In Slavic mythology, she is the daughter of Lada and Svarog. It is from the name of this goddess, who personifies youth and the life-giving warmth of summer, that the word “cherish” comes from, as well as “lila” (Sanskrit: game).

So, the Lelya rune has several key aspects of interpretation.

The first aspect is youth, flowering. In this sense, the rune denotes the state of a person who has not yet completely freed himself from youthful maximalism, or one who builds his conclusions not on the principles of rationalism and life realities, but on how it should be, i.e. on ideals. All this is very good, since it is from such people that you can hear unexpected and often extremely correct remarks, based on the fact that their heart is free from generally accepted patterns and stereotypes. It is this aspect of the rune that is more or less fully reflected by the Lelya-Krad pair.

The second aspect is intuition. Very often Lelya falls to the person who has a developed inner voice. So in a certain context, the rune can be interpreted as insight, subtle feeling, prophetic dreams. By the way, in this regard, the meaning of the rune is significantly enhanced if the Wind also fell nearby.

The third aspect concerns the rune’s belonging to the element of Water. It gives a whole semantic range of meanings - vividness of perception, mobility, as well as changeability, changeability, purity. However, the rune never promises unexpected, spontaneous, quick changes; on the contrary, it symbolizes long-term processes in which development occurs gradually, naturally, so that those who experience them do not experience discomfort.

In addition, traditional interpretations for Lelya are caring, readiness for mutual assistance, and tenderness.

Inverted position

Inverted, Lelya is a tendency, knowing that a certain action will create problems, to still perform it. And then state: “that was already clear.” If such a rune appears in a reading, it means that a person does not know how to leave all the bad things behind, but on the contrary, this is what he builds his future on, as if programming more and more new problems. That is, the questioner has a guilt complex and a tendency toward self-flagellation and soul-searching.

Traditional interpretations of the rune mean a distorted idea of ​​something, limited views, isolation from life. In combination with the Alatyr rune, the inverted Lelya indicates a person’s 100% conviction that he is right and the impossibility of convincing him, even if there are obvious arguments against his position. And together with Chernobog, such a rune symbolizes the spiritual tossing of a person who cannot form for himself a clear system of values ​​and his own ideological position.

Love and relationships

Straight position

In this regard, the rune indicates some important process that has already begun to occur. And if a person does not interfere with him, then in the end he will get a wonderful result (especially if Bereginya also appears in the scenario along with Lelya). Of course, this process concerns the development of relationships, although the questioner himself may not yet be aware of its significance. Development can be hampered by a person’s attraction to past problems or the hanging of no longer relevant labels on people or events. That is, the rune warns that you don’t need to carry the burden of old disappointments or failures with you (especially if someone from your environment calls for this), projecting them into the future, but advises being able to start a new relationship with a clean slate and with a positive attitude. Moreover, in reality it may turn out that the calls come from an imaginary well-wisher who benefits from other people’s failures or is offended by someone else’s happiness.

Among other things, in combination with the Yes rune, Lelya means a great desire for updates and changes in her personal life.

Inverted position

In such scenarios, the inverted Lelya symbolizes a negative attitude towards the opposite sex, based on the fact that the person was once betrayed, humiliated, or greatly offended, etc. That is, in this case we are talking about the fact that the man is convinced that “all women are bitches,” and the woman is convinced that “all men are bitches...” At the same time, the person is trying to build new relationships, but behaves exactly the same as with the previous one partner, provoking the same situations and creating a similar atmosphere. And after that he repeats again that he foresaw this, because “all women are bitches” or “all men are theirs...” And at the same time he even manages to enjoy the feeling of his imaginary realism and “life experience.” In a word, the circle closes, giving no hope for a beautiful and reliable union. This interpretation of the inverted Lelya is very accurately described by its combination with the Ud rune.


Straight position

In career plans, the rune denotes the process of implementing some important project (undertaking). The events occurring in connection with this are arranged in a single chain, and each of them gives an understanding that a person is approaching his goal. A satisfactory result can only be counted on if a person sets realistic goals and objectively judges the circumstances. Any illusions and misconceptions will bring all efforts to naught. By the way, this is exactly what the Lelya-Opora couple is talking about.

In essence, Lelya recommends deep analysis and attentiveness to oneself. Because looking back at the past, at old mistakes, is fraught with their repetition or the creation of new ones. Phrases like “do you remember how it turned out last time?” should be taken as a warning sign. Moreover, it is not a fact that the person who says this sincerely wishes well. And the presence of the Dazhdbog rune along with Lelya indicates the possibility of significant material results of the plan if a person follows this recommendation.

Inverted position

In this case, the inverted Lelya denotes initiatives and projects that are obviously doomed to failure. And also the actions of a person who does something because “it’s necessary,” despite their obvious failure. And the likelihood that he will begin to analyze certain circumstances is extremely small. Moreover, he will again and again drag his sad experience along with him, projecting it onto real affairs. People are more likely to consider successes as “random coincidences.” And in general, in his opinion, the glass is more empty than full...

Characteristic in this case is the combination of the inverted Lelya and the Source rune, which indicates that the person is not ready to even slightly change his attitude towards the situation.

You need to look back less and look forward more. You need to believe in yourself, in your own inner voice, and besides this, perceive the world flexibly, because it is constantly changing and updating. And don’t complicate life, don’t completely lose sincerity and impartiality in yourself, which is considered to be a manifestation of childishness, but which at the same time is a source of joy and optimism for any adult.



The Lelya rune, the meaning of which we will analyze today, is associated with the energy of the goddess Lelya. However, some runologists believe that the symbol also refers to the goddess Lada, her mother. Lelya is, first of all, youth of soul, beauty, family happiness, prosperity, the blossoming of spring. The element of the rune is water, so we can say that in the Elder Futhark Lele will correspond and partially sunny, joyful.

Rune Lelya - basic meaning and interpretation

If this is a male spring force, then Lelya is undoubtedly female. Unlike Beregini, the rune does not show maternal qualities, but rather those that are characteristic of a young girl in the prime of life. She is confident, incredibly beautiful, magnetically attractive, has good intuition and is used to taking from life what she considers necessary. When Lelya comes, a person can fulfill any of his desires - he just needs to want it.

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Lelya is the rune of water, but not stagnant, but awakening, in motion. We can say that this is the running water of spring streams, which drives away the winter cold, breaks through the ice and opens up new roads. Insurmountable obstacles never arise on Lelya's path - she successfully knows how to bypass and break them. This symbol is also called the rune of a happy fate, the right choice and love, from which a girl blossoms.

The mantic meaning of the rune is changeability, vividness of perception, good intuition, purity of soul, and sometimes youthful maximalism, an overly idealistic outlook on life, following the call of the heart rather than the mind. The combination of Lelya and the rune is interesting - it speaks of supersensible perception, in which a person can have prophetic dreams, premonitions, and various kinds of insights.

The meaning of the inverted rune Lelya

The Lelya rune has an inverted meaning that is no longer so bright and joyful. If the direct symbol is female beauty, then the reverse symbol is its fading. This is no longer the blossoming of spring, but rather autumn, the end of youth, a gradual decline in strength. These are not vigorous spring streams, but a pond with blooming water. With all this, it is important to understand that this does not apply to physical age - the problems of reverse Lelya manifest themselves rather on a psychological level. Inverted Lelya is a broken woman who feels emptiness and loss of strength. She is no longer as cheerful and joyful as before - now she is overcome by sadness over the quickly passing time, lack of pleasure from life and the work done.

In the mantic sense, this is stagnation, deep disappointment, lack of faith in one’s own strengths, reluctance to be active and start something again. A person under the reverse rune does not hear the voice of his intuition at all; it seems to be blocked. Often, under the inverted Lelya there are also distorted ideas about something, limited views, a certain isolation from real life - a person seems to rot in a swamp of illusions created by himself.

  • - Lelya: The questioner is “lost in life”, he does not know “which shore to join”, his soul is tossing about due to the inability to form a clear system of values

What does it mean in fortune telling for work and business?

A direct symbol is a gradual approach to a set goal, an objective assessment of what is happening, the implementation of something important. However, it is worth understanding that complete success is possible only under one condition - if a person does not become captive of illusions and does not analyze his past mistakes. Only a sober outlook on life and the absence of false ideas will help him reach his intended goal. Lelya also says that now is a very good time for investing.

  • Dazhdbog - Lelya: The combination says that the idea will not only be implemented, but will also bring tangible material results

The meaning of the Lelya rune in an inverted position on issues of professional activity is projects, ideas, plans, ideas, and undertakings that are doomed to failure. This is a repetition of the sad experience of the past in all its “glory”. Also under the rune is uncertainty in one’s own capabilities, a feeling that “everything is being done in vain,” a lack of enthusiasm - this, however, sometimes ruins endeavors that could become successful. In financial terms, blocked cash flow.

Meaning in fortune telling for love and relationships

When divining love, the direct rune is a wonderful, harmonious relationship in which the girl, one might say, blossoms. You have probably encountered such a situation or gone through it yourself, when your eyes literally “burn” from love - this is exactly the feeling of inspiration that Lelya describes. Even if the union of lovers does not last long, it will still have a very positive effect on the fair sex. We can describe a similar situation with the example of an elderly woman who takes a young lover: she knows that the relationship will not last forever, but fully enjoys this period, feeling rejuvenated, attractive, sexy. However, relationships under a direct symbol do not always end in a break, as in the situation with the Oud rune - it is quite possible that the couple is simply awaiting a transition to a new level.

Inverted Lelya is the end of an enchanting romance, or a game of relationships that actually do not exist. Under the reverse rune, Internet novels usually take place that have no continuation in reality, long-distance relationships when people do not see each other for months. If you have read “Loneliness on the Internet” by Janusz Wisniewski, then you will probably understand that this novel describes in its entirety the meaning of Lelya’s direct line in love.

What does it mean in health matters?

Now let’s consider the meaning of the Lelya rune when divining one’s well-being and diagnosing diseases. A straight rune is an indicator of good health, for women - the body’s full readiness to bear a child, the optimal time for conception. An inverted symbol means problems with hormonal levels, especially with female hormones, as well as swelling, lymph, bile and other troubles associated with water balance in the body. However, blood diseases do not fall under the scope of this rune.

The use of runes in magic and amulets

The magical properties of Lelya are based on the meaning of the rune, associated with the flowering of female beauty. It is not surprising that Lelya is often used in rituals and ceremonies aimed at rejuvenating the body, enhancing attractiveness, sexuality, and the fruitful flourishing of any business, as well as working with pregnancy, conception, and children.

An amulet with the image of a rune will help:

  • Increase female attractiveness in the eyes of the opposite sex
  • Strengthen your intuition
  • Connect to the energy flow of the Universe
  • Learn to enjoy life
  • Heal from female diseases

Rune of the Day

As the Rune of the Day, the symbol advises taking on any task with enthusiasm, implementing long-conceived plans, looking at the world with childlike spontaneity and believing in one’s own capabilities. Don't look back, look only forward - and everything will definitely work out!

For those who are just beginning to study Slavic runes and their meaning, Lelya sometimes raises many questions. This is primarily due to the fact that the feminine energy of the symbol is easily confused with manifestations. In order to avoid mistakes in interpretation, I recommend that you read literature on Slavic mythology at your leisure and learn more about the gods and goddesses.


Slavic rune Lelya– this is a gentle touch of spring, youth and rebirth. This unusual symbol of our ancestors plays a unique role in human life. It helps to awaken after a long period of stagnation and break into the frantic flow of life.

Our whole reality is woven from many pleasant moments - don’t miss the chance to get a charge of positive energy.

The rune sign is under the protection of the goddess Lelya, daughter of Lada. There is a very close connection between the symbol and the water element.

If we draw a parallel with the Scandinavian runic alphabet, it immediately becomes obvious that Laguz and Lelya have a number of similar properties. There is some correspondence with Vunyo - this is also the rune of joy and sunlight.

The meaning of the Lelya rune and its properties

What does the magic rune called Lelya hide inside? This is without a doubt a female symbol. This is a symbol of mother, beauty, care and tenderness.

She personifies a young, but already fully formed, girl who is ready to become a mother and a caring wife. This is a young woman endowed with natural wisdom and good intuition. She knows what she needs and does not doubt her choice for a minute.

By connecting with Lelya's energy, you get a unique chance to make any dream come true. To do this, you only need a sincere desire and faith in your own strength.

As you know, Lelya is a water sign. But it should be associated not with a calm source, but with a seething stream that never stops - as if a spring stream is spilling over the fields. It will drive away both winter cold and cold. And as a replacement, an endless number of new roads will open before you, looking into the future.

Your path will not be overshadowed by troubles and bad mood - Lelya will take care of this. You will learn to overcome all kinds of obstacles. And, if suddenly the transition turns out to be too difficult, you will simply bypass it.

This rune helps you make the right choice. It is associated with life-changing decisions and leads to true happiness.

Love is the main component of our entire life. Without a wonderful feeling, a girl begins to fade. She is not interested in anything and is sad day after day.

Interpretation of the Lelya rune in fortune telling

In the layouts, Lelya predicts changes - soon your reality will completely change. You will begin to perceive life differently, learn to enjoy every little thing.

The dropped symbol speaks of well-developed intuition - your abilities can be envied.

You are pure at heart and, like a young man in the prime of his life, you strive to comprehend as much as possible. For you, the voice of the heart is much more important than cold reason.

If a rune is located near Lelya, pay attention to your dreams. Most likely, they contain all the answers to the questions. Insight may come in a dream.

If in the layout it appears along with a rune, then this is interpreted as the material success of your endeavor.

Direct position of the rune

The direct position of this speaks of the fullness of life, the presence of love, and youth. This ancient sign manifests the water element.

There are several aspects to the interpretation of the rune sign:

  • Development. In this state, the fortuneteller desires a lot - sometimes even more than necessary. This is comparable to youthful maximalism. You want to idealize your reality, and sometimes this contradicts the principles of rationalism. This life position is not bad, because these are the people who come up with unexpected solutions and ideas. They are independent of generally accepted patterns and stereotypes.
  • Sixth Sense. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the prompts of your inner voice - they will lead to the most correct decision. Pay attention to every little detail, every sign.
  • Clean and active. This interpretation advises you to prepare for change. Don't worry - they won't be spontaneous or unexpected. You will have time to absorb them.

In addition to the options described, it is worth noting that Lelya always talks about the ability to come to the rescue, about care and mutual assistance.

Reversed rune position

An inverted rune indicates your tendency to take any action, knowing in advance that you will only get problems from it.

You do not know how to part with bad memories; you accumulate all the negative experiences you have experienced. You do not forgive insults. You have an inferiority complex and guilt on your face - it seems to you that all unpleasant situations arise because of your wrong decisions.

The traditional interpretation of the inverted position of the symbol comes down to the following: the fortuneteller incorrectly assesses the current situation, he is limited in his views. There is no sense of connection between the individual and the world around him.

If adjacent to the rune Chernobog, it means your soul still can’t make up its mind. You constantly change your mind and are unable to decide on your position in life. But the union with says the opposite: nothing can move you astray - even when all the arguments are against you.

Rune Lelya in love and relationships

In direct form, the rune sign communicates an ideal love relationship. Complete harmony reigns in them.

This is especially evident in the girl who simply blossoms. She radiates light and becomes even more beautiful because of this - it is immediately clear that her relationships bring her happiness.

Both partners are literally inspired. And even if the relationship is short-lived, the memories of it will only be positive.

But the inverted Lelya predicts an imminent breakup. Yes, these relationships had no future, because everyone was initially convinced that they deserved better. Because of this, neither man nor woman show respect to each other.

Rune Lelya in magic

In magic, Lelya is used as a rune associated with the awakening of feminine power. For example, it is often included in rituals aimed at rejuvenation and healing.

Thanks to its special energy, attractiveness and sexuality are enhanced. Lelya helps to attract the opposite sex and become popular with men.

In some cases, a rune sign helps to get pregnant. He also supports in matters of raising children.

Those who wear an amulet with a rune note the following positive changes.

Rune Lelya is the most charming rune. In German runes it has analogues - Laguz and Vunyo.

The meaning of the Lelya rune

  • The first day of the week is dedicated to the Lelya rune - Monday.
  • In English, Monday is called Monday, which means the day of the moon.
  • In German, Monday is Montag, which means moon day.

The traditional representation of this rune comes from Celtic culture, where it signifies the counterbalance of birth and death. Therefore, if we consider the Lelya Rune from the point of view of the ancient Celts, it turns out that the moment when a girl becomes a woman, the young and virgin dies (death) in her and a beautiful woman is born.

Image of Rune Lely

  • This is an image of eternal youth and youth, whose main characteristics are fluidity and liveliness.
  • It is she who is responsible for the most important qualities that all women are endowed with by nature: intuition and subconscious.

Direct Rune Lelya

If you get the direct Lelya Rune, this is a warning “don’t lose your head.” Naturally, during this period of her life, she is simply dizzy with success, beauty and prosperity. The main thing at this moment is not to deviate from the right path. The path chosen by your intuition must be absolutely correct, listen to your subconscious and move with firm steps into your own bright future.

You need to learn to meet and use the periods of flowering and fireworks in your life. Now is the time to forget about past failures; even memories of the past have no place in this bright future.

Inverted Rune Lelya

This is a sign for someone who wants to change their life, but at the same time it is very difficult to part with their past. By collecting all the troubles that have accumulated over your life in one place, you can grow a real swamp from which you can no longer get out on your own. If these shortcomings, omissions and troubles from the past drag along with you into your future.

Draw conclusions. They bother you. Get rid of them. Otherwise, a bright future is impossible only because of your gloominess, despondency and inability to believe in your own strength. Past failures are not a guarantee that nothing will work out in life. Get rid of the negative past, move forward to a bright future. Don't harm yourself.

There is information that Stalin, being a mystic, kept an ancient Slavic magic book on his desk. So far no one has been able to find it, but it is assumed that it was runic.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of Slavic runes.


Basic properties

This rune is dedicated to the Slavic goddess, who is the sister of the god Yarila. It symbolizes youth, youth and is associated with water. Water is a life-giving force that gives life, and its flow sooner or later finds the right path.

The magical meaning of the Lelya rune

Magically symbolizes Spring. This is the time when the earth wakes up from hibernation and all nature comes to life again. In Slavic mythology it was associated with fertility and rain. It is characterized by unpredictability: you never know exactly where a stream of water or a small stream will go.

General meaning in fortune telling


Your life is like a raging mountain river: an unpredictable event can happen at any moment, and all the frames change so often that it is impossible to keep track of them. You don’t know who you can trust in this life, and what surprise to expect from fate itself. You need to rely on your own inner voice and not listen to other people. You have started moving forward and can no longer go back. New events and bright changes await you ahead. Don't worry about problems, but be happy with what you have today. Life is beautiful and in the future your intuition will guide you in the right direction.


You are afraid of change and expect meanness from fate every minute. This life position led to serious stagnation, both in personal relationships and in the business sphere. Instead of exploring the world, you spend time suspecting and expecting trouble. Over time, trouble will really come - you are sure of it. Don’t limit your aspirations and set certain boundaries, take a deep breath and enjoy life. A new twist will bring you success and a pleasant surprise.

Interpretation of runes in a business reading


Only higher powers and magical influence can help your business. Take a closer look at the best candidates on the market and select the appropriate specialist. An alternative interpretation of the situation is that your business is already under magical influence. Finding out the identity of the benefactor requires some effort. For what purpose they are trying to destroy your business is still unknown. Perhaps this is the machinations of competitors. If you are planning a new business, it is best to associate it with the water element. This could be soda water vending machines, installation of water consumption metering systems, your own water park or boat trips on the water surface. The rune also advises inviting young women as specialists.


Your business is in serious danger: one of your competitors ordered a magical effect on your company. This could be business competitors or an employee you recently fired. Perhaps your wife is interested in magic: think about what kind of relationship you have with your wife. This impact significantly slows down the development of your company, and in the future total ruin is possible.

Interpretation in a health scenario


The treatment that doctors have chosen for you does not bring a positive result. Perhaps you should abandon classical medicine and turn your attention to folk remedies. Also, do not exclude magical influence. Perhaps we are talking about damage, a slander or a spell from an evil person. Corruption directly affects karma, destroying it. In such cases, classical medicine is powerless. Only a specialist in the field of esotericism can correct the energy shell of the body.


You are under the influence of a powerful spell. Your enemies managed to find a qualified magician or sorceress. Standard medications will not help in this situation: look for an experienced esotericist who can correct the problem. If you haven't discovered any health problems yet, it doesn't mean anything good. The symptoms will soon appear in all their glory, but it will be too late.

Personal and relationships with loved ones and loved ones


Your chosen one practices magical influences. She likes you, but she doesn’t plan to start a family yet. Be careful: perhaps this precocious love is just the effect of a love spell or a skillfully prepared potion. It is impossible to say for sure whether this is true or not.

But if you analyze your own behavior over the past few months, the answer will appear in your head. It is quite possible that you did not like this girl at all, and after a few weeks you developed warm feelings for her.


Your love relationship is in danger of breaking down. The girl you are dating has attracted the attention of a powerful and wealthy man. He will not directly take your beloved away from you and, most likely, will use magical influence. An alternative scenario is that the girl will be given a love potion, and she will leave you.

Protective properties of the Lelya rune

Increases the level of intuition, bestows new knowledge, and reveals previously unexplored abilities. Directly related to the awakening of the Earth after hibernation. Ideal as a talisman for creative people.

Rune can help you

  • Adapt to the world around you and find an approach to strangers,
  • Improve your intuition and ability to understand complex situations,
  • Get enough of the energy that comes from space,
  • Learn to enjoy life and reduce your own pride,
  • Uncover the hidden capabilities of the body and mind,
  • Heal from many diseases,
  • Understand your life goals.

Corresponding stone and its properties


This magical stone can influence a person’s destiny. The ancient Greeks considered it the embodiment of luck and material well-being. Talismans are made in the form of a pendant and worn on the chest. Having this amulet will help you avoid bankruptcy and unnecessary material costs. This mineral is ideal for people who work in the trade and financial sphere: bankers, financiers, accountants, salespeople.

The corresponding plant and its properties

This tree is considered the embodiment of the feminine principle. It has long been associated with the Moon, productivity, fertility and family happiness. Willow promotes balance and helps achieve justice. Willow amulets help in the treatment of infertility and give women incredible attractiveness. A talisman made from this tree protects against bad influences and helps to meet a life partner.

Now the stars advise you to use one of the layouts suggested below. Don't miss your chance to find out the truth.