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I dream about a huge black dog. Two big black dogs

The history of the evolution of the dog, according to archeology, goes back about a million years. According to various sources, it has been near humans for 15 to 30 thousand years. And by right the dog became man’s comrade-in-arms. It is impossible to list all the areas of activity in which dogs help people. She became a guide for the blind, a watchman in houses and protected areas, searching for drugs and explosives, warns of possible danger.

What does a dog warn about in a dream?

By its behavior it can warn a person about possible danger during natural disasters. But only in reality dog helps us in various manifestations of life. Let's see what the large black dog that came into our dream can tell us.

Kind black dog in a dream

According to the interpretation of different dream books, a large one in your dream can speak of diametrically opposed meanings. From meeting an old friend with whom you have not spoken for many years, to an envious person who wants to gain your trust. Everything will depend on the nuances, such as your behavior and reaction to the dog, to the actions in the dream of the dog itself.

It will not be superfluous to take into account your emotions when interpreting the dream. From warmth and goodwill to quite possible fear or fright. If the dog showed affection and then unexpectedly bitten, then this may indicate betrayal by someone close to you. And the same dog can mean a meeting with a person who will become a friend.

Black dog attacks

A dog in a dream rushes at you. This is a signal of possible betrayal by close relatives. The dream book advises you to pay more attention to intra-family relationships and perhaps you will be able to avoid negative consequences.

It's worse if you attack in a dream barks. This is a hint that ill-wishers have united and a collective negative impact on you is possible. It is advised to avoid conflicts with superiors and do not make financial decisions. Possible deterioration in well-being.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, a dog in a dream has many meanings.

  • . Expect deceit from competitors. They can set you up at work.
  • . Discord in your relationship with your spouse. Possible dislike from business partners.
  • A pack of dirty, emaciated dogs is a signal to see a doctor. Likely health problems.
  • A diver dog is with you. You will succeed in business and gain good fortune.
  • All your endeavors will turn into vanity if you see a multi-headed dog in a dream.

A black dog bites your hand in a dream

The possible interpretation of this dream is also ambiguous. Different dream books give different interpretations of this dream. If a bite in a dream is painful, most likely the offense will be undeserved by you. If you drive away the dog in a dream, you will be able to smooth out a possible conflict as much as possible. No matter where it happened, at home or at work.

According to the interpretation of other dream books, this is a hint that you can rely on friends, and they will protect you from possible troubles and conflicts, both at home and at work.

A woman dreams of a big black dog

For an unmarried woman or girl, such a dream will be a promise of a fairly wealthy man who is interested in her. Perhaps matchmaking awaits. If a woman is married, then this is a signal that there is a secret admirer who is passionate about her.

A woman who sees a large stray dog ​​in a dream should be very wary of the manifestation major troubles related to fraud.

Angry black dog

And also the interpretations are contradictory. According to some dream books, this is a hint that your the enemy may soon become a friend, according to other sources, a barking angry dog ​​is a hint that bad news is expected about things at work. There may be a conflict with management.

A pack of dogs growling and barking, but not biting you, promises you minor but unpleasant misunderstandings that you can easily overcome both at home and at work. Be prepared to act ahead of your opponents.

In the dream, an angry dog ​​crushed me. Maybe strange, but a great sign. The influence of competitors on your business will stop, and you make a profit.

A child sees a dog

If the dog does not pay attention to the dreamer, then expect some kind of surprise. Or perhaps a nice gift.

  • Petting a dog in a dream is a sign that control and guardianship over a child goes beyond all boundaries.
  • Hit a dog in a dream - hidden sign about the dream of sex with a minor.
  • Walking with a dog in a dream means you are not taking into account the interests of the child when planning his future.
  • Hear dogs barking - perhaps children will create problems for you and your spouse with their actions.
  • Hunting with a dog means you are sexually promiscuous, the possible birth of a child does not bother you.

A man dreams of a big black dog

A man in a dream sees himself in the form of a big dog. A harbinger of any scientific discoveries or information about this.

Seeing a large dog dying from poison. By snake we mean you. Maybe, do something that does not decorate you and subsequently you will be very worried about it.

A warning about the maximum concentration of your strength to fight will be a dream in which you see a mad dog. Everything will be fine if you were able to drive her away in a dream.

There is a legend that says that the king entrusted the protection of his son to a large hunting dog. Seeing the empty cradle and blood on the dog's muzzle, the king killed the dog in anger. And after that he found his son next to the torn wolf. This legend warns us about the harmfulness of hasty conclusions.

Therefore, you too think about the meaning of the dream before you make a decision and start acting.

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a black Dog in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Good afternoon. My name is Olga. Today I had a dream that I was running away from a black dog, I was very scared, but I knew that it would not harm me. And I dreamed all this against the backdrop of my apartment, where I now live with my boyfriend. What does it mean? Please help me decipher. My email:

    It seemed to me that I was not sleeping. A huge black dog was sitting next to my husband. I asked her: are you protecting my husband? SHE answered something in a deep voice and gave me a small black paw, similar to a cat’s. I didn’t see her head, only her eyes were small. It seemed to me that my head was lowered. And at that moment, while I was talking, I heard children’s laughter

    From the beginning there was a holiday, then everyone left, winter, the tents seem to want to find spare boots, I go to the boots, they are soft blue in color, there are doors and doors like a compartment, and then I turn around and a dog appears, like of medium height and at the same time looks like a poodle, smooth shiny fur, dressed in a green vest or camisole she looks at me with gray shiny eyes, but her eyes look like gray stones, and I know that I can’t approach her, I have to stand at a distance like that

    good afternoon, I don’t remember everything... but I remember that I dreamed of a dog, even several dogs. One was black and the rest were shaggy gray. I walked past them, that is, they took me, and then I ended up in the apartment of the current employer in it bed, but without intimacy, the three of us were lying, he and his ex, to whom he paid no attention

    In a dream, an acquaintance of mine, it seemed to me, sent me a black dog. The dog was big, came up to me and gave me its paw. The paw was of some strange shape, large and with splayed fingers. I shook the paw and stroked the dog, and she began to lick my hand.

    I have a dream that a woman is walking with a big black dog. The dog fawns over me, runs away from the owner to me... she asks to give it back, but I don’t want to give it away... the owner comes for her, I cry, I hug her, it’s like the dog tears and I’m crying. In the end she just covers me with a cloth and I wake up.

    Many black animals, in particular 2 black dogs, black horses crowded on the bed where I was lying. Then I dreamed of a ghost woman, very tall with long lilac-white hair, who took my hand and lay down next to me.

    I dreamed of a late husband in a dark suit and a big black dog sitting next to him, he sat down next to it and told me I want to put a silver chain on it, and I look and think it’s a small chain and the dog sits quietly so big

    I came to visit an unfamiliar girl in an unfamiliar place and she had a black, small, smooth-haired dog and the dog liked me and she gave me one or the other front paw. I was so carried away that I didn’t even remember the girl’s face or the surroundings. Then I woke up in a good mood.

    Hello! What a strange dream... I dreamed that I was leading a large black dog by a short leash and I was afraid that it would break free, and with the other hand I was holding a horse, also black, and we walked like this for a very long time... then I find myself in my apartment, but everything is somehow not worth it, but the opposite. Like through a looking glass and some man nearby is trying to confuse me with deception, when I understand this, I try to escape from there.....and I save myself

    Hello Tatyana, so about the dream, I was walking past some houses, I won’t say for sure, something like a microdistrict, and suddenly I saw a huge black dog, it was slightly taller than me, and I immediately hid behind the house, realizing that the dog had seen me , I decided to cross the road, in the hope that the dog would not follow me, after crossing the road, I looked around, the dog was standing behind me, it didn’t make a single sound, it instantly grabbed me by the throat and said “if you move, I’ll tear you up.” throat,” which is strange, I wasn’t scared at all, and was extremely calm, and slowly raising my hand, I stuck it between my neck and the dog’s mouth, thereby throwing it several meters away, I was surprised by the fact that the dog didn’t even try to bite me , but just grabbed me, after I threw her away she rushed at me again, and I hit her with my fist, apparently very hard, because she jumped back quite far, then there was some middle-aged woman there, I vaguely remember her appearance, but she seemed very familiar to me, I don’t remember further, but it seems like I strangled that dog, or at least defeated it.

    a huge black purebred dog (I don’t know the exact breed)
    coming towards me. I’m a little afraid of her, but I overcome my fear and stroke her face and say some comforting words. in response, she licks me on the cheek as if kissing me, I smile at her, lightly pat her on the face and send her away. But despite all this, the feeling of anxiety did not leave me that suddenly she might bite me.

    There was a man standing there opening something, and first one black wrestling dog ran out, grabbed his hand, but didn’t tear it, just clamped it with his teeth, then the second one ran up and grabbed his leg. Then I don’t remember exactly, whether he drove them away, or Did they run away on their own. At the end, I looked at my hand and there were just dents from my teeth. Why this dream?

    the dream is like two in one, a big black dog (like a Labrador) is running, wagging its tail, running to meet the owner, i.e. my husband. but we just got this dog... and my husband runs into it with a car. but with her it seems everything would be fine, because... the car seemed to almost fly over her, but at that moment I shouted to it to stop. I don’t remember then. But that same night, I don’t remember only at intervals or not (we spent the night with friends, the dream was restless), I dreamed of him again , but only the dog gets more, I don’t know how much more, the dream ends

    Hello. I had a dream from Wednesday to Thursday. Dreams are always colorful and bright. In this dream, I don’t remember the beginning exactly, I remember the middle of the dream: “the sun was shining, I was in an unfamiliar place, I was walking along the streets, I saw very beautiful, luxurious, two-story and higher, new, expensive houses, I saw shops, went shopping, I didn’t buy anything, then my daughter was nearby, we went for a walk with her, everything was brightly beautiful and warm, I met a friend with her daughter, she asked to look after her, I and two girls went for a walk along the street, where there were big houses, my daughter all the time she was pulling me somewhere, she wanted to go into someone else’s house that she liked, in the end we went into a house where everything was clean, tidy, expensive interior, hearing voices that someone was coming, I quickly took the children by the hands and said “we’re leaving running, we entered someone else’s house,” a beautiful big black dog is opening the door, the children are laughing and rejoicing, at first I was worried that the dog might bite, but she began to lick her hands, jump, play with us, and then the owner (man) of this dog comes in after the dog, I didn’t see his exact face, I apologize to him for entering his house without permission, and I say, “we’ll leave now, etc.”, but the dog doesn’t let us go, licks his hands, jumps in front of us. At first, this dream caused fear that a strange dog might bite, and then surprise that the dog had no intention of biting us, but on the contrary was playing, caressing and licking our hands.

    A large black dog (Rottweiler) did not let me through, biting my hand, but there was no blood. Then another episode: a Rottweiler comes into the mother-in-law’s apartment, goes into the corner of the room and starts jumping up to the ceiling. Allegedly, the neighbor says that this is the dog of a deceased owner who wants to get into his apartment. In the dream episodes there was a girl (unfamiliar) who was looking for a meeting with me (by phone).

    I have been wanting a Jack Russell Terrier dog for a very long time, but the cost of dogs does not allow us to buy this breed, and that’s why I had a dream that my mother went to the poultry market and bought another dog there, black and kind, I asked my mother why she bought this particular one dog, mom responded by saying that Jack Russell costs more and we can’t afford it yet...
    Well, in the end I dreamed of a kind black dog that my mother bought for me...

    Good afternoon, last night I dreamed of a big black dog. I recognized this dog, that is, my neighbors had such a dog. And the dog wanted to bite me, but I managed to run away. And the dog chased me. What's this black dog for?

    in a dream of a very good man-woman, a former employee. We were together and went somewhere within the city. I bought a big black kind dog. She was sick, but in the store a man, apparently an employee of the store, cured her, and was able to put something large and white in her mouth. The dog swallowed it. This meant that she had recovered. We went home. I held the dog by the leash with a feeling of joy and warmth.

    Hello, I’m 37 years old, I have two children, today I had the following dream: small children of 3-5 years old were passing by and there was a baby in the stroller with them, somehow I realized that they weren’t anyone’s and took them for myself and I know that I have everything they said that I couldn’t handle 5 children alone, but I was sure in my dream that I could handle everything and I could handle it. And then the second part was incomprehensible: a big black dog was sitting at the table, human-like, cross-legged and just looking at me, thanks in advance

    hello, today I had a dream about how I go up to the balcony window and see a black dog hanging on its paws, it looks like a Labrador, I open the window and try to take her by the paws, but she breaks down and falls down on 4 paws, I look at her and she tries to jump again

    I'm looking for a house. There is a black dog on a chain. She doesn't bark. Not aggressive. But I'm afraid of her. A mongrel is running nearby. She's aggressive. There is still a white dog lying down. She pays zero attention to me. In the end I find the right house

    Today I dreamed about my big black dog. She ran near me and was aggressive but not towards me. It was as if she was protecting me from everyone. But I managed to keep him from attacking people.

    in a dream you will walk through vegetable gardens at night. I know about the presence of dogs in this place, I walk for a long time, bushes, fences, darkness. night but noisy as during the day. I have a plan on how to get through, but it rushes by (I wake up) and come face to face. The huge dog is silent, stopped and looks to the side. I wake up) have had a similar dream for many years. and the feeling of fear for them (dulled. There were two of them... I see them from afar (their backs shine, I hear barking... they run. Sometimes I was in the building with my children. And the last time the dog just stood quietly, finding himself at home

    A big black dog rushed at me but didn’t bite me
    I got into the elevator with my son.
    the elevator quickly flew up, broke through the roof and fell down... but my son and I survived... the man who is in charge of the elevators arrived... I tried to punch him in the face... but there was a dog

    I dreamed of three black dogs, two large, one puppy and all black. And it was as if I had them in barrels. It was as if I had arrived at my old house that had burned down, but I thought it was normal. And she went to the garden. I saw the barrels and decided to approach and saw the dogs, but for some reason at the beginning it seemed to me that they were dead and I decided to check, but they were alive, but one had a broken bone. The gluteal part and I decided to help her, at the beginning they growled but then they started to fawn on me, but for some reason I knew that there were still a lot of dogs out there that were dead

    I dreamed that I was in some house, kind of like mine... I came out of it and next to it there was a box with small puppies... they were handing them out... I bent over... they were so cute... but for some reason it was blue))) One of them jumped out of the box and seemed to say... You are my mistress... The picture changes... I go out with a huge black dog onto the street... she is on a leash... I was going to go somewhere... But then I let go of the leash and the black dog rushed straight into the minibus... ran in ...of course I followed her... She said something after that, that we cannot go for a walk, that we promised to help my mother... Some woman was sitting next to the dog and said - Mom will wait, she is looking at the watch on her hands... But here is your fate is waiting for you... You need to go... I sit down next to my dog... by the way, he is a boy and very kind... I hug him, ruffle him, kiss him and tell him that he is the best... He responds with love... I feel it... We get out of the minibus... Around the bend An old friend of mine is waiting for me... the thought flashed through my head: “This is not my destiny - but the issue is not closed with him. We need to do this”... We were walking and talking... Then I saw my dog ​​limping... I grabbed his front paw - and there was glass... I pulled it out and carried it in my arms to the nearest veterinary clinic... My friend didn’t help... he just walked next to me... I woke up then...

    at first I just saw a black dog lying in my old house, after him in another room several small kittens grabbed my hands very tightly, but I still threw them off my hands and in the end I saw a pheasant and then its chicks ahhh there’s also a pheasant in At first he looked at me very intently, but I took him to another room and closed the door, and then when I decided to look at him again, his chicks were already there. Something like this

    The dream begins with me and some guy going into an abandoned building, he helps me climb some hill, but then I go alone, after that I go into the first room I come across and see a big black dog, but the most interesting thing is that she was talking in Russian, she said only one phrase “you won’t run far” after this phrase I ran, but I don’t remember if I ran away….

    It was as if I was looking out the window and seeing a big black dog, it was jumping high up to the level of the 3rd floor and then it seemed to be flying in the wind and smoothly going down, once again it jumped, and then it sharply fell on the asphalt with its rear end, I heard the direct sound of a blow, then she tried to get up but couldn’t, she started whining, then she started bleeding somewhere in the abdomen, no one helped, they just pushed her to the side of the road

    I dreamed that I walked with my daughter into the dark entrance of an unfamiliar house (but in the dream I knew that I had lived there before). The entrance was dark, but there was still some very weak lighting (more likely natural than artificial), that is, it was possible to discern something in this darkness. The concierge (I don’t know her either) approached me, saying that while I was on vacation and then temporarily absent from this house (three months passed), her dog gave birth to a puppy. I immediately saw a dog lying next to her in the corner. She lay with her head raised (she simply positioned herself, like all domestic animals that want to lie down, but not to sleep, but simply so that it would be convenient to observe everything around). She was non-aggressive, calm, did not touch my daughter and me, did not approach us, but simply looked in our direction completely neutrally. The size of the dog is medium, in build - medium-sized, lean, outbred, ears erect (generally similar to a German shepherd, but not so thick coat, and generally smaller in size and build). For some reason, the muzzle is gray, despite its age (3 months). The gender and name of the animal are unknown. The dream ended, but I need help interpreting it. I know that a dog is often associated with a friend, but I also know that its behavior and appearance should be taken into account. I hope very much for your help!

    First I had a fight with my friend. Then the others turned their backs on me. Then, when I was leaving, some angry black dog attacked me. I ran away and locked myself in some kind of barn. This dog was talking (I don’t know what). There was a window near the door from where she looked at me. I found some kind of tree and hit him in the face several times. I remember. The dog said “let’s see how long you’ll wait here.” Then I woke up

Many people wonder why a black dog dreams, but in order to answer this question in detail, you need to remember all the details of your dream, and know exactly what the dog was doing and how you behaved, how you felt about it. Only then can you understand exactly what awaits you.

You dreamed of a black dog

Since ancient times, people have been trying to find out what awaits them in the future, and what the coming day will bring them. If you interpret dreams correctly, then it is possible to understand and decipher what awaits us ahead, and what exactly will happen, good or bad. If the dream is interpreted correctly, then it can warn and tell a person what joy or sorrow, the birth of a new person or, on the contrary, death, happiness in marriage or divorce.

During the day, our consciousness accumulates a huge amount of different information. Our consciousness may perceive everything that happens around us, but it leaves only the most necessary. Therefore, during sleep, a person at the subconscious level returns previously unnoticed information. And therefore, very often dreams reflect our past, but often dreams come true.

If in your dream you saw a black dog, then this promises you completely unfavorable news, betrayal from friends, illness and enemies. Even seeing a small black puppy in a dream does not bode well. This suggests that betrayal awaits you on the part of a young man filled with energy and ambition, and you will never suspect such an act from him.

What does such a dream portend?

most often, a dream in which you see a black dog foreshadows you meeting a new person, and your relationship with him will rapidly develop and become friendly. If the dog was maimed or severely wounded, this foreshadows someone's rapid illness, and possibly death.

If a dog comes to your defense, this means that you have a guardian angel who always follows you and protects you from various misfortunes, and if it attacks, then this is the work of the devil.

How exactly did you dream about the dog?

A dream in which a black dog attacked you and began to bark means that in real life you will have a disagreement with a person very close to you. If you pet a dog, this means that the friendship will be strong.

Although a dog is considered a person’s friend, if you look at it in a dream and feel strong fear, it means the child is against you and has evil intentions. A dog not showing interest in a dream indicates that some kind of gift is waiting for you. If a black dog comes to visit you, then in real life expect pleasant guests with whom you like to meet.

A barking black dog foreshadows an enemy who will appear soon. When in a dream she bites you and you see blood, it means expect resentment from a blood relative; if there was no blood, it means it’s just a person close to you.

If you see a black dog running away, this means that a serious illness awaits you. If you only hear that the dog is barking, but do not see it, then this portends you huge troubles in real life. In a dream where you put a dog on a chain, it promises you new enemies, or betrayal from your best friend.

If in your dream you see a dog barking, then expect good news or news. if a black dog attacked you, it means your friends will not leave you in difficult times. Seeing dogs fighting in a dream indicates that a very major conflict awaits you in real life.

To see a dream in which you are playing with a dog indicates that you are too protective of your child.

In general, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion.

Seeing her in a dream foretells receiving news from a friend or meeting him.

Small dogs in a dream mean troubles, worries, vanity.

A black dog in a dream means your friend who has started something against you.

A white dog in a dream is your close friend.

A red dog in a dream means a very close person, husband, wife, lover.

The breed and size of a dog in a dream characterizes your friends.

A poodle, Spitz and other decorative dogs in a dream are a faithful and gentle friend.

A Great Dane in a dream is a big and smart friend. But if in a dream he bares his teeth at you, then beware of him. This is no longer a friend, but an insidious enemy.

Hounds and hunting breeds in a dream mean selfish people who will not hesitate to make money from you or deceive you for profit. But if in a dream you know that you have hunting dogs, then the dream predicts good luck or profit for you.

If dogs are chasing you in a dream, then you should be wary of traps prepared for you by insidious enemies.

Guard dogs are loyal, devoted and strong friends who are ready to protect you in difficult times.

Meeting a dog in a dream means receiving news from a loved one or friend.

A playing dog in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful or pleasant meeting.

An affectionate dog means a devoted friend. However, if in a dream an unfamiliar dog caresses you, then you should be wary of deception or betrayal.

Petting a dog yourself in a dream is a sign that you are trying to win the favor of a loved one.

A snarling, barking, growling, attacking dog in a dream predicts quarrels, scandals, and insults.

If you dream that a dog has bitten you, then you should not lend money to your friends, so as not to quarrel with them later because of this.

Sick dogs in a dream symbolize a decline in business or the loss of some property.

If in a dream you see that a small dog is sick, then sadness and disappointment await you.

A dream in which you saw that a dog is hiding from you, avoiding you, or running away from you, portends a breakdown in your relationship with a close friend and his cooling towards you.

Hearing a loud bark in a dream is a harbinger of success in business. If barking scared you in a dream, then the news will be unpleasant. Hearing several dogs barking in a dream means a big scandal or trouble.

If you dream that some big red dog had an accident, as a result of which it died, then you will soon learn about the sudden death of a loved one who will die as a result of a similar accident.

Gnawing dogs in a dream means a quarrel with a loved one.

If you dream that your dog is chained or collared, then know that your friend is not free from any obligations and you cannot count on his loyalty.

If in a dream you manage to unhook the leash and remove the dog’s collar, then success in your personal life and victory over your rivals awaits you.

A beautiful white dog in a dream foretells receiving good news from a loved one.

A dirty, wet, unkempt white dog in a dream is your close friend who, because of you, got into an unpleasant situation and had a lot of trouble in his family.

Angry dogs in a dream are your enemies. A mad dog in a dream is your fierce enemy. Often such a dream predicts that you will experience shame or humiliation caused by unfounded accusations.

A doghouse in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that you will soon find yourself in cramped circumstances and will be forced to reckon with it.

Riding a dog in a dream means the strength of your position and good luck in business.

Dogs fighting among themselves are rivals.

Walking with a dog in a dream is a sign of a pleasant time with your loved one.

If in a dream a dog protects you from enemies, then know that you have a friend whose help you can count on. See interpretation: animals.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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Various events, people, even animals can appear in a dream. Why do you dream about a black dog? How to interpret such a dream? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of a black dog - basic interpretation

Dream books interpret the appearance of a black dog in a dream as some kind of unfavorable sign. It is worth paying special attention to the details of sleep:

Where did the dog come from in the dream;

Was it your dog;

Have you been bitten by a dog?

Did anyone else appear in the dream;

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

If you dream of a huge black dog, big trouble awaits you. They can touch any area of ​​your life, or all areas at once. It is important to rely solely on your own strengths. The dream book predicts difficulties that will befall you like natural disasters. Most likely, you yourself provoked this situation.

Previously, you could have been negligent in your job responsibilities, you could have done your work in a hurry, or you could have been negligent in your duties around the house. Now all your shortcomings will come to light. It will be difficult for you to correct shortcomings. Most likely, the troubles will drag on for a long time.

If you see a huge black dog sitting on the threshold of your house, it means that all sorts of troubles and household chores await you. Some unfavorable events will shake up your home. It’s worth taking a closer look at the other details of the dream; they will most likely give basic clues on how best to act in the future.

If you dream that a black puppy is sitting on the threshold, and you pick him up and bring him into the house, you yourself will attract troubles and unfavorable events. Bring problems at work and with friends into your home. The dream book advises not to do this. Separate professional and personal spheres.

If in a dream you see someone giving you a huge black puppy, take a closer look at who it was. It is from this person that you should expect trouble and betrayal. Don't be upset if it's someone close to you. Everything can still be fixed.

If your lover gives you a puppy, you should expect deception and betrayal from him. The person most likely has already planned something evil. You cannot change the course of events, but you can change your attitude towards them and stop communicating with the person who hurts you.

If in a dream a black dog evokes emotions of fear and horror in you, then in reality you will be very frightened. You will miss order in life, you will begin to search for a new path in life. If it makes you feel protected. Then you should understand that you need all the changes in your life, even the most negative ones, to quickly change your life for the better.

If a black dog barks at you, you will find yourself in the center of a scandal, without wanting it. You should not take sides, try to defend exclusively your interests, otherwise your reputation will suffer due to the scandal.

If you dream that a dog has bitten you, your ill-wishers will harm your reputation. You will suffer losses from a project that you really counted on. If your relationship is just beginning to emerge and you had such a dream, quarrels and disagreements will await you. Most likely, a break in your relationship awaits you.

If you are walking a big black dog in a dream, in reality you will be hatching a plan for revenge. The dream book warns you against harming someone. Even if a person is wrong, you have no right to judge him, you have no right to punish him. You should be more attentive to his needs and understand the motives of his actions.

If you dream that out of two puppies in a store you choose the black puppy, such a dream means that in reality you will choose a difficult path, a difficult task, a difficult relationship. The dream book warns you against this. Don’t exaggerate, try to follow the simplest and most accessible path.

If you dream that your black dog is lost and you are looking for it, you will look for hidden meaning in a person’s actions. The dream book advises you to first think about your moral character, and only then judge others. If you dream that a black dog is looking at you from the darkness, secrets will be revealed. Something unexpected will happen in your life.

Why do you dream of a black dog according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says why a black dog dreams. Such a dream speaks of a person’s secret sexual desires, hidden from prying eyes. You may be afraid to open up to your partner, afraid of being ridiculed. You may also be afraid for your reputation and not enter into a relationship with the person you have liked for a long time.

If a girl dreams that she is playing with a black dog, such a dream means that she will play with the feelings of a man who really loves her. Should not be doing that. You must appreciate the people that life sends you. Soon they may leave you, and then you will realize that you truly loved them.

If a man dreams that his beloved is playing with a black dog, such a dream means that she will flirt with other men. If he dreams of her walking into the distance with the dog, such a dream means that she will seriously think about breaking up the relationship. About no longer connecting your fate with this person. The dream book does not advise being discouraged. Perhaps this will be a temporary impulse for the girl and she will come to her senses.

If you dream that a black dog is bringing her puppies into the house, you will have to dream about offspring for a long time; the dream book clearly indicates that it is not yet time for you to have children, you should wait.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a black dog, and it causes her fear, such a dream indicates the presence of ill-wishers who will try to harm her and her child. The dream book advises not to tell anyone about your plans for the future and try to monitor your health and the health of your baby. If she feels comfortable in the company of a black dog, it will seem big and affectionate to her - the woman will receive protection. Someone will come to her defense.

Why do you dream of a black dog according to the Esoteric Dream Book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that if you dream of a black dog that wags its black tail benevolently, such a dream means that you will make a new friend. You couldn’t even imagine that this person would become your comrade.

If you dream that you are hand-feeding a dog, such a dream means that someone will gain your trust. Take a closer look at everyone who will soon become your friend. Perhaps you will immediately identify a traitor, a person who is friends with you out of self-interest.

If you dream that someone brought a huge black dog to your doorstep, someone will deliberately create trouble in your life. You shouldn’t persistently fight them; now it’s important to anticipate their appearance and do everything to prevent them from causing you harm.

If you dream that you are a child and playing with a black dog, some unpleasant memories from the past will make themselves felt. If you dream that someone is beating a dog and you hear it barking, you will become an involuntary spectator of other people's problems and scandals. Try not to take other people's problems personally. Do not interfere in other people's conflicts.

Why do you dream of a black dog according to other dream books?

The dream book of Nostradamus says that a dream about a black dog foretells fidelity and new friendship. You can also enter into an alliance with a loyal and kind person. If you dream that a black dog is wagging its tail in front of you, you will easily escape from danger and problems.

Vanga’s dream book says that if you dream of a black dog, trouble will happen to your friend. You will not be able to help him, because he does not immediately admit his problems. The dream book advises you to personally check with your friend whether he needs your help and support. If you dream that you are just walking down the street, and a huge black dog meets you, such a dream foretells you a meeting with an old and good friend. This will be a very useful meeting for you.

Hasse's dream book says that a black dog is dreamed of as a harbinger of new events, new beginnings. If she bites your hand, you will suffer losses. You may also be overly wasteful. The dream book advises not to spend too much. Try to count everything down to the smallest penny. There is no need to panic if you dream of an untoward incident. Dreams only warn a person. But he himself is the master of his own destiny and manages it himself as he sees fit.