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St. Basil's Cathedral year of creation. St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia

St. Basil's Cathedral is the most beautiful and mysterious church in all of Russia. It is believed that the architects who created it were deprived of their sight, Stalin himself did not allow the building to be demolished, and during the war the temple was hidden from shelling. The upper tier of the cathedral resembles a labyrinth, and the base resembles an eight-pointed star. We have collected all the most important things about the temple, by which foreigners unmistakably recognize Russia.

St. Basil's Cathedral - real name

St. Basil's Cathedral is a cult building from the time of Ivan the Terrible, by which any foreigner still recognizes Moscow. This is the most recognizable Russian temple. Few people know its true name - the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary on the Moat. On July 2 (June 29, old style), 1561, the central Intercession Church of the cathedral was once consecrated. The first reliable mention of the construction of the Church of the Intercession of Our Lady dates back to the autumn of 1554. It is believed that it was a wooden cathedral, which was later demolished to build a stone church.

The reason for the construction of the cathedral was the conquest of the Kazan Khanate. Tsar Ivan the Terrible, praying before the start of a military campaign, made a vow to God to build a temple, which Rus' had never seen before, in the event of his victory. The king was harsh and merciless, but remained a deeply religious man.

St. Basil's Cathedral - history

In order to preserve the beautiful building in a single copy, Tsar Ivan the Terrible ordered the architects Postnik and Barma to be blinded, so says the legend. Their names became known only at the end of the 19th century. It is believed that the king watched the construction of the temple from a tower on the Kremlin wall. When construction came to an end, he called the architects to him to ask if they could repeat such a building? The architects answered the king in the affirmative. Then he ordered to deprive them of their sight. Scientists also have doubts about this: in the 16th century, outstanding architects were highly valued. So they invited people to build the Kremlin Italian masters. It is quite possible that, knowing the harsh disposition of the Russian Tsar, foreigners spread the rumors.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. Divine services were regularly held in St. Basil's Cathedral. As a rule, they were performed in the annex - a church built in honor of St. Basil the Blessed, because the other churches were cold. That is why the name has taken root among the people - St. Basil's Cathedral.

Divine services in the temple continued until the beginning of the 20th century. The last rector became, now canonized in the host of new martyrs and confessors. He was shot for missionary activity. He enjoyed special love and respect among Muscovites.

Eyewitnesses said:

“At the request of Father John, the executioners allowed all the condemned to pray and say goodbye to each other. Everyone knelt down, and fervent prayer poured out... And then everyone said goodbye to each other. The first to cheerfully approach the grave was Archpriest Vostorgov, who had previously said a few words to the others, inviting everyone, with faith in God’s mercy and the speedy revival of the Motherland, to make the final atoning sacrifice. “I’m ready,” he concluded, turning to the convoy. Everyone stood in the indicated places. The executioner approached him from behind and took him left hand, twisted it by the waist and, putting a revolver to the back of his head, fired, at the same time pushing Father John into the grave.”

During the Great Patriotic War the museum did not stop its work, although it was closed to visitors. St. Basil's Cathedral was carefully camouflaged to protect it from bombing. There is a legend that after the war, Stalin was offered to remove the cathedral under the pretext of interfering with the parade. It is believed that Kaganovich showed Stalin a model of the square, and in his presence removed the model of the temple, offering to demolish it. Stalin abruptly interrupted him: “Lazarus, put him in his place!” Since then, no one has questioned the integrity of the cathedral.

St. Basil's Cathedral - architecture

The cathedral was built over 6 years from 1555 to 1561. Its original image was changed by extensions, but the idea of ​​​​St. Basil's Cathedral seems unusual even in modern times. It looks like a vault of eight churches that surrounds the tallest one, the ninth. A similar temple still does not exist in Russia. Each temple has its own entrance and lighting, however, the cathedral is a single building.

Without the attached porches, St. Basil's Cathedral seemed to be moving upward. The craftsmen used all possible architectural decorations at that time. All the domes of the cathedral are similar, but made differently. Nevertheless, the building looks very harmonious. This is one of the unique features of the cathedral. The idea of ​​particular differences with general similarity also dominates the interior design of the cathedral. There are a lot of sacred symbols in the architecture of the cathedral: a circle is a symbol of eternity, a triangle is a symbol of the trinity of God, a square reminds of equality and justice, and a dot is the beginning of life. The architecture of the cathedral contains enormous spiritual meaning.

The thickness of the walls of the base of St. Basil's Cathedral reaches three meters. It is this thickness that allows you to securely hold as many as nine buildings. If you look at the foundation of the church, you can see that 8 small churches form an eight-pointed star - a symbol of the Virgin Mary. In the ensemble of small churches there are larger churches. They are strictly oriented to the cardinal directions and form symmetry. The main temple, with a huge dome and tent, represents the Protection of the Virgin Mary, Her intercession.

The first changes to the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary on the Moat occurred almost immediately after construction and were associated with the name of the famous Moscow saint - St. Basil the Blessed. Before the appearance of the stone cathedral on this site, there was a wooden Trinity Church, where Saint Basil often came to pray. In 1558, a lower church was added to the Intercession Cathedral over the burial place of the Moscow wonderworker - St. Basil the Blessed. To build this temple, the builders dismantled part of the original cathedral.

In the 17th century, two elegant porches with double tents were added to St. Basil's Cathedral, and a roof was erected over the outer gallery.

St. Basil's Cathedral - the idea

This choice of the architects is due to the fact that, according to the idea, St. Basil's Cathedral was supposed to symbolize paradise, the city of the Lord. The idea belonged to Metropolitan Macarius, and the architects tried to bring it to life. Epochs changed, and along with them, people’s ideas about what heaven should look like changed, and therefore the cathedral underwent changes. The main idea remained unchanged: St. Basil's Cathedral is a prototype of a heavenly paradise, a blossoming garden. It is decorated with grape leaves, beautiful flowers, plants that do not grow on the ground...

St Basil's Church -

Monument to Russian victories!

You are still standing on Red Square,

The most beautiful of Russian churches!

July 12, 2016 marked the 455th anniversary of one of the most famous architectural monuments of Moscow - the Cathedral of the Intercession Holy Mother of God on the Moat, which we know as St. Basil's Cathedral and which today is considered one of the symbols of Russia and is a monument of world significance, being one of the sites protected by UNESCO.

There is no doubt that St. Basil's Cathedral is a symbol of Moscow. We often see it on TV and in movies, in travel magazines and decorative souvenirs brought from the Russian capital. In addition, St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most beautiful places in Russia! And the long history of the Moscow shrine, associated with interesting facts and legends, annually attracts 500,000 tourists to the most beautiful temple in Russia.

This cathedral is rightfully considered one of the main symbols not only of Moscow, but of all of Russia. And it’s not just that it was built in the very center of the capital and in memory of a very important event. St. Basil's Cathedral is also simply incredibly beautiful.

Officially, the cathedral has a completely different name - the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is on the Moat. St. Basil's Cathedral is, rather, the “folk” name assigned to it.

In the place where the cathedral now stands, in the 16th century there stood the stone Trinity Church, “which is on the Moat.” There really was a defensive ditch here, stretching along the entire Kremlin wall from Red Square. This ditch was filled in only in 1813. Now in its place is a Soviet necropolis and Mausoleum.

From the history of the construction of St. Basil's Cathedral:

St. Basil's Cathedral, or Intercession Cathedral Mother of God on the Moat, as its canonical full name sounds, was built on Red Square in 1555-1561.

The construction of the new cathedral was preceded by a long construction history. These were the years of the great Kazan campaign, which was given enormous importance: until now, all campaigns of Russian troops against Kazan had ended in failure. Ivan the Terrible, who personally led the army in 1552, vowed, if the campaign was successfully completed, to build a grandiose temple in Moscow on Red Square in memory of this. While the war was going on, in honor of each major victory, a small wooden church was erected next to the Trinity Church in honor of the saint on whose day the victory was won. When the Russian army returned to Moscow in triumph, Ivan the Terrible decided to build one large stone church on the site of the eight wooden churches built for centuries and call it Intercession, since on the Feast of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin the final victory in the long war was won. So in 1555, by order of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible, a stone Cathedral was laid near the walls of the Moscow Kremlin - the Temple of the Intercession of the Mother of God.

Where did the name “St. Basil's Cathedral” come from?

Despite the fact that the cathedral was built in honor of the victories of Ivan the Terrible over the Golden Horde, it was popularly named St. Basil's, after the name of the chapel attached to the cathedral from the northeast side in 1588. It was built by order of the son of Ivan the Terrible - Fyodor Ioannovich over the grave of Blessed Vasily, who died in 1557, and was buried near the walls of the cathedral under construction. The holy fool walked naked in winter and summer, wearing iron chains; Muscovites loved him very much for his gentle disposition. In 1586, under Fyodor Ioannovich, the canonization of St. Basil took place. With the addition of St. Basil's Church, services in the cathedral became daily. Previously, the cathedral was not heated, since it was, to a greater extent, a memorial, and services were held in it only in warm time of the year. And the chapel of St. Basil's was warm and more spacious. Since then, the Intercession Cathedral has been known more as St. Basil's Cathedral. Even during construction, the temple began to be called after the holy fool St. Basil, revered by Muscovites, who was buried near the walls of the old church. His relics, which granted healing from many diseases, were transferred to the Intercession Cathedral upon completion of its construction. Another name of the Temple is Jerusalem, it was given in honor of one of the chapels of the Intercession Church. The Intercession Cathedral was built quickly by the standards of the 14th century - in just five years.

The construction was entrusted to the carpenters Barma and Postnik, although many researchers are inclined to believe that “Postnik” is most likely the nickname of the carpenter Ivan Barma.

Documents from the 16th century clearly state that this master, after working on the cathedral in Moscow, participated in the construction of the Kazan Kremlin.

The cathedral is built of brick. In the 16th century, this material was quite new: previously, the traditional materials for churches were white cut stone and thin brick - plinth. The central part is crowned with a tall, magnificent tent with “fiery” decoration almost to the middle of its height. The tent is surrounded on all sides by domed chapels, none of which are like the other. Not only does the pattern of the large onion-domes vary; If you look closely, you will easily notice that the finish of each drum is unique. Initially, apparently, the domes were helmet-shaped, but by the end of the 16th century they were definitely made bulbous. Their current colors were established only in the middle of the 19th century.

During its existence, the temple underwent many changes: chapels were completed, the domes were changed, the large gallery was covered with a vault and painted with ornaments, porches were built over the stairs, and the facades were updated with tiles.

The domes were also replaced: initially they were helmet-shaped, elongated upward, but at the end of the 16th century they were replaced with onion-shaped domes with a unique decoration. The color of the domes was established only in the 19th century; before that, they, like the walls, external and internal, were often repainted, changing the design. St. Basil's Cathedral was restored several times.

During the War of 1812, St. Basil's Cathedral was at risk of demolition for the first time. Leaving Moscow, the French mined it, but they could not blow it up, they only plundered it. Immediately after the end of the war, one of the most beloved churches of Muscovites was restored.

In 1680, the cathedral was significantly restored. Shortly before this, in 1672, a small chapel was added to it over the grave of another revered Moscow blessed - John, buried here in 1589. The restoration of 1680 was reflected in the fact that the wooden galleries were replaced with brick ones, a tented bell tower was installed instead of a belfry, and a new covering was made. At the same time, the thrones of thirteen or fourteen churches that stood on Red Square along the moat, where public executions were carried out (all of these churches had the prefix “on blood”) were moved to the basement of the temple. In 1683, a tiled frieze was laid around the entire perimeter of the temple, on the tiles of which the entire history of the building was outlined.

The cathedral was rebuilt, although not so significantly, in the second half of the 18th century, in 1761-1784: the arches of the basement were laid, the ceramic frieze was removed, and all the walls of the temple, outside and inside, were painted with “grass” ornaments.

The restoration and renovation of the building was necessary after the terrible Moscow fire of 1737, the capture of the capital by French troops and their plunder of the temple, at the same time the cathedral was mined and almost destroyed, and at the beginning of the 20th century it required good repair and fortifications.

In 1817, O.I. Bove, who was engaged in the restoration of post-fire Moscow, strengthened and decorated the retaining wall of the temple from the Moscow River with a cast-iron fence.

During the 19th century, the cathedral was restored several times, and at the end of the century, the first attempt at its scientific research was even made.

Here is a complete list of all eleven altars that existed in the cathedral before 1917:

Plan of St. Basil's Cathedral:

*Central – Pokrovsky

*East - Trinity

*Southeastern - Alexander Svirsky

*Southern - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (Velikoretsk Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker)

*Southwestern - Varlaam Khutynsky

*Western - Entrance to Jerusalem

*Northwestern - St. Gregory of Armenia

*North – St. Adrian and Natalia

*Northeast - St. John the Merciful

*Above the grave of St. John the Blessed is the chapel of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary (1672),

* Adjacent to St. Basil's chapel.

The main thing in the appearance of the temple is that it lacks a clearly defined façade. Whichever side you approach the cathedral from, it seems that this is the main side. The height of St. Basil's Cathedral is 65 meters. For a long time, until the end of the 16th century, this was the most high building Moscow. Initially, the cathedral was painted “like brick”; Later it was repainted; researchers discovered the remains of drawings depicting false windows and kokoshniks, as well as memorial inscriptions made with paint.

In 1918, the Cathedral officially became a historical monument, although this did not save it from its disastrous, abandoned situation and the confiscation of valuables by the new government. + Despite the fact that the temple was a branch of the State Historical Museum, and religious services were now prohibited, there were attempts to demolish the building, but, by a lucky chance, they did not come to fruition.

In 1919, the rector of the cathedral, Father John Vostorgov, was shot “for anti-Semitic propaganda.” In 1922, valuables were removed from the cathedral, and in 1929 the cathedral was closed and transferred to the Historical Museum. On this, it would seem, one could calm down. But the worst time was yet to come.

In 1936, Pyotr Dmitrievich Baranovsky was called and offered to take measurements of the Church of the Intercession on the Moat, so that it could be calmly demolished. The temple, according to the authorities, interfered with the movement of cars on Red Square... Baranovsky acted in a way that probably no one expected of him. Directly telling the officials that the demolition of the cathedral was madness and a crime, he promised to immediately commit suicide if this happened. Needless to say, after this Baranovsky was immediately arrested. When it was liberated six months later, the cathedral continued to stand in its place.

One way or another, St. Basil's Cathedral, having survived everyone who tried to destroy it, remained standing on Red Square. In 1923-1949, large-scale research was carried out in it, which made it possible to restore the original appearance of the gallery. In 1954-1955, the cathedral was again painted “brick-like” as in the 16th century. The cathedral houses a branch of the Historical Museum, and the flow of tourists there never ends. Since 1990, services have sometimes been held there, but the rest of the time it is still a museum. But the main thing is probably not even this. The main thing is that one of the most beautiful Moscow and Russian churches in general still stands on the square, and no one else has any ideas of removing it from here. I would like to hope that this is forever. +Today the cathedral is in joint use of the State historical museum and the Russian Orthodox Church. Divine services are held in St. Basil's Cathedral weekly on Sundays, as well as on patronal holidays - August 15, the day of remembrance of St. Basil, and October 14, the day of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

St. Basil's Cathedral consists of nine churches on one foundation. Having entered the temple, it is even difficult to understand its layout without making a circle or two around the entire building. The central altar of the temple is dedicated to the Feast of the Intercession of the Mother of God, because it was on this day that the wall of the Kazan fortress was destroyed by an explosion and the city was taken.

Based on the results of the study, it was proven that hiding places used to be made in this famous cathedral, with its powerful walls and vaults. Deep niches were built in the walls of the basement, the entrance to which was closed metal doors. There were heavy forged chests in which rich townspeople kept their valuable property - money, jewelry, utensils and books. The royal treasury was also kept there.

What other legends and secrets does this temple, which we call St. Basil's Cathedral, keep today?

Myths and truth about St. Basil's Cathedral:

1) Ivan the Terrible gouged out the eyes of the temple builders. The most common myth about the cathedral is the chilling story of gullible souls that Tsar Ivan IV allegedly ordered its builders Postnik and Barma to be blinded so that they would never be able to build anything else that could surpass outshine the one just built architectural masterpiece. Meanwhile, there is no real historical evidence. Yes, the builders of the temple were really called Postnik and Barma. In 1896, Archpriest John Kuznetsov, who served in the temple, discovered a chronicle in which it was said that “The pious Tsar John came from the victory of Kazan to the reigning city of Moscow... And God gave him two Russian masters named Postnik and Barma and was wise and convenient for such a wonderful work ..." This is how the names of the cathedral’s builders became known for the first time. But there is not a word about blindness in the chronicles. Moreover, Ivan Yakovlevich Barma, after completing work on the construction of St. Basil's Cathedral, took part in the construction of the Annunciation Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin, the Kazan Kremlin and other iconic buildings, which are mentioned in the chronicles.

2) The cathedral was originally intended to be so colorful. No, this is a mistaken opinion. The current appearance of the Intercession Cathedral is very different from its original appearance. It had white walls, strictly painted to resemble brick. All the polychrome and floral painting of the cathedral appeared only in the 1670s. By this time, the cathedral had already undergone significant reconstruction: two large porches were added - on the north and south sides. The external gallery was also covered with vaults. Today in the decoration of the Intercession Cathedral you can see frescoes of the 16th century, tempera painting of the 17th century, monumental oil painting XVIII-XIX centuries, rare monuments of Russian icon painting.

3) Napoleon wanted to move the temple to Paris During the War of 1812, when Napoleon occupied Moscow, the Emperor liked the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary so much that he decided to move it to Paris. The technology of that time did not allow this to happen. Then the French first built stables in the temple, and later simply planted explosives in the base of the cathedral and lit the fuse. The assembled Muscovites prayed for the salvation of the temple, and a miracle happened - heavy rain began, which extinguished the wick.

4) Stalin saved the Cathedral from destruction. The Cathedral miraculously survived the October Revolution - traces of shells remained on its walls for a long time. In 1931, a bronze monument to Minin and Pozharsky was moved to the cathedral - the authorities cleared the area of ​​unnecessary buildings for parades. Lazar Kaganovich, who was so successful in destroying the Kazan Cathedral of the Kremlin, the Cathedral of Christ the Savior and a number of other churches in Moscow, proposed completely demolishing the Intercession Cathedral in order to further clear the place for demonstrations and military parades. Legend has it that Kaganovich ordered the production of a detailed model of Red Square with a removable temple and brought it to Stalin. Trying to prove to the leader that the cathedral interfered with cars and demonstrations, he unexpectedly tore off the model of the temple from the square. The surprised Stalin allegedly at that moment uttered the historical phrase: “Lazarus, put him in his place!”, so the question of demolishing the cathedral was postponed. According to the second legend, the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary owes its salvation to the famous restorer P.D. Baranovsky, who sent telegrams to Stalin calling not to destroy the temple. Legend has it that Baranovsky, who was invited to the Kremlin on this issue, knelt before the assembled members of the Central Committee, begging to preserve the iconic building, and this had an unexpected effect.

5) Does the cathedral now serve only as a museum? The historical and architectural museum in the cathedral was founded in 1923. However, even then, during Soviet times, services in the cathedral still continued. They continued until 1929, and resumed again in 1991.

25 interesting facts about St. Basil's Cathedral:

1. It is believed that St. Basil's Cathedral is under the special guardianship of the Most Holy Theotokos. The special providence of God is evidenced by the fact that the cathedral has survived to this day, despite all the disasters - fires, wars, the desire of the rulers to blow up the shrine, etc.

2.Initially, the temple was crowned with 25 gilded domes, which symbolized the Lord and the elders at his throne. Today, there are 10 domes left, each of which is unique in its decoration and coloring.

3. A milestone in the history of the cathedral was 1990; it was in this year that the shrine was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

4.The cathedral, which recently turned 455 years old, should

was to disappear more than once. It survived fires, Napoleonic troops who used it as a barn, and even a demolition plan by Stalin's staff, who believed that St. Basil was taking up a lot of space needed for parades.

6. Ancient chronicles mention the fact that Napoleon, during the capture of Moscow in 1812, expressed a desire to move the Russian shrine to Paris. Since the emperor’s wishes were not feasible at that time due to the lack of technology, Napoleon decided to blow up the cathedral. Muscovites prayed for the salvation of the shrine, rain came and put out the wick.

7. In the 30s of the 20th century, during restoration work, a secret passage was discovered. In ancient times, the basement (base) of the cathedral was not publicly accessible; external staircases led people directly to the upper churches; many did not even realize the existence of a secret staircase leading into the bowels of the structure. Caches placed in niches ground floor, were used by rich townspeople as storage facilities for wealth; until the end of the 16th century, the royal treasury was stored here.

8. This temple may also remind us of the game Tetris, which was created in 1984 by Russian computer engineer Alexei Pajitnov, and always started with images of symbols of the USSR, including St. Basil's Cathedral.

9. Nowadays, the Cathedral is in simultaneous use of the Russian Orthodox Church and the State Historical Museum.

10.St. Basil's Cathedral symbolizes the victory of the Russian army over the Kazan Khanate.

11. The cathedral is an inaccurate copy of the Kul-Sharif mosque. According to legend, Grozny, during the assault on the city, was enraged by the resistance shown by the residents, after the capture settlement he ordered the mosque to be demolished.

14. The cathedral is not only of architectural value; the treasures of the shrine include 400 icons of the 16th-19th centuries, paintings of the 19th century, and unique church utensils. The temple contains 9 iconostases, the walls of the cathedral are decorated with frescoes from the 17th century.

15. If you look at the temple from above, you can see that the churches, which are located along the perimeter around the central one, form a clear geometric figure– Star of Bethlehem, symbol of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

16.The Moscow shrine was taken under state protection back in 1918.

17.In 1923, the Cathedral opened its doors as a museum.

18. There is one curious story: they say that the person responsible for the master plan for the reconstruction of Moscow, Lazar Kaganovich, went to Stalin with a model of Red Square in his hand, and proposed to demolish the cathedral. Stalin's answer was simple: “Lazarus, put him in his place!”

19. Intercession Cathedral is the winner of the “7 Wonders of Russia” competition. In 2007, the temple became a nominee in the All-Russian competition. The competition was held in three stages, with the results announced on July 12, 2008. St. Basil's Cathedral was also announced among the winners.

20. The ensemble of the Cathedral includes eight churches and the main ninth church with a tent, rising above them, symbolizes the Intercession.

21.Divine services have been held in St. Basil's Cathedral since 1991. Patriarchal and lordly services are held in the church on the days of the Intercession and St. Basil the Blessed.

22. During the construction of the shrine, the architects used special techniques to create a unique acoustic sound inside the structure. They put it in the walls clay pots, the necks of which were directed towards the internal space of the buildings.

23. The reliquary with the relics of St. Basil is preserved in the temple. More than one case is known miraculous healing parishioners, after veneration of the holy relics of Basil.

24. There is an opinion that Basil the Blessed was the only person whom Ivan the Terrible feared, and, therefore, the Tsar buried him in the Church of the Holy Trinity.

25. The cathedral consists of nine separate chapels, each of which is dedicated to one of the saints on whose holidays Ivan the Terrible won the battle.

Poems about St. Basil's Cathedral:

*From the bridge over the Moscow River

We can see Vasilyevsky Descent.

There is a temple there, towering like a mountain,

Stands without shaking off the snow load...

That load may be completely symbolic -

Decorated the domes in winter.

After all, the temple is distinguished by its beauty,

It’s in vain that mother winter threw snow...

Any eyewitness will tell you,

That time has no power over him.

St. Basil the Blessed - seer,

Keeps him with his light... (Svetlana Milovidova)

*The palace is magnificent and arrogant,

The creation of chiropteran masters,

Throwing over your gold-woven cover...

He stood majestically, proudly, magnificently;

He irresistibly beckoned into a fairy tale -

And, as if in a dream, I suddenly began to hear...

Like a bell rang in my heart.

How many times has he called in three hundred years?

The painting seemed like a miracle of the brush,

An autograph that has come down through the centuries.

And the beauty of unearthly reflection

I marveled and was in awe,

And I don’t know who was more blessed

At that moment, the connector is the cathedral or am I?..

And, looking at the wonderful frescoes,

I forgot, believing in miracles,

What is the revenge of brilliant masters?

The king, according to legend, gouged out his eyes...

The cathedral stood, silent and blessed,

And I wanted, looking at the heavens,

Build a temple in your soul that is imperishable,

Until death pecks out your eyes... (Karpenko Alexander)

* Captivating people with beauty,

Remaining faithful to God,

The Holy Spirit performs the ritual, the Miracle Temple stands in Moscow.

A riot of greenery, flowers,

The sun shines on its crosses.

Life is long and forever,

The hand built tightly...

The Terrible Tsar himself spoke,

Our sovereign of all Rus':

“There will be a temple in the capital,

Must be like a miracle bird.

You scare him a little and he takes off,

It will fly in a clear sky.

Are there any artisans here?

Who will build a miracle temple,

Or stayed here in Russia,

Ragged, naked, and all sorts of disgrace”?

Two people emerge from the crowd,

And they go to the king’s call

Bent double at the waist,

And they bow to the king.

Postnik Yakovlev, Barma,

The rumor about them is high.

And in life they are not cunning,

And in construction they are wise.

Two Pskov masters,

Everyone is ready for a feat.

Don't be angry, Lord,

There are masters in Russia.

We will build a temple to the Lord,

Do us this honor.

The king nodded his head to them,

Lands of the Russian sovereign.

And work began in Moscow,

How many people, how much sweat.

They began to build that temple,

Apparently so be it.

Near the Spassky Gate there,

Our temple is growing before our eyes!

Much or little time

Ran away from then on

But then a miracle shone,

They brought gifts to him.

Foreigners are surprised

The people completed the building.

The temple stood like a bird,

And the domes sparkled.

Silence floated in the capital,

Like two magical wings.

Suddenly the people started making noise:

The ringing rang out from the bell towers.

Everyone sang "Hallelujah"

The temple stood, it glowed.

He rushed up with crosses,

It was beautiful under the domes.

The walls are like clouds

It will last in Moscow for centuries.

What happened to the masters!

I can't contain my joy,

Pride tore my heart,

The thrill of the feeling took over.

Everything in my throat is tight,

My eyes became cloudy.

The soul shuddered at once,

A tear rolled down.

Oh, not an easy victory,

A lot of effort has been given

Having experienced my skill,

Every tongue praised God.

Full of the sun,

The temple soared like a wondrous dream.

Joy was overflowing,

Live never die.

Ivan the Terrible approached

I walked around the temple with my retinue.

He hit the walls with a rod,

I tested them for strength.

He approached the masters,

And he asked them the question himself:

Answer me king

It’s better to make a temple.

Well, what is your answer, will you build it or not?

Postnik Yakovlev, Barma,

They prophesied the words in response:

“Isn’t there a cross for us?

Show us the king of the place.

We will build it, order it

Let's do it better, tell me.

Your will, sir,

“The Great Tsar of All Rus'.”

Eh, Slavs - simplicity,

And beauty lives in you.

The king stood in front of the temple,

A predatory gleam shone in his eyes.

The look is heavy and he was silent,

Decided on a difficult thought.

"Postnik Yakovlev, Barma,

Words were spoken to them,

I will do you my honor.

I'm happy with what I have

I don't need anything else

This is my reward for you.

Beauty under the skies

It couldn't have been better,

You will part with your eyes,

So as not to see the white light.

And let the soul be glad,

I will leave her life as a reward.”

The royal hand is generous,

Be damned forever.

The king awarded the masters

He blinded me in gratitude.

To avoid being around the world

A better temple than this.

The miracle temple looks at God -

It has stood in Moscow for five centuries. (Bogatyrev Yuri Nikolaevich)

*You are still standing on Red Square,

Telling the world about our mighty power,

In honor of military victories, a cathedral was erected,

The most beautiful of Russian churches!

The symbol of Moscow and the soul of the hidden,

Eternal heir to both glory and troubles,

St Basil's Church -

Monument to Russian victories!

In the name of Christ to the ringing of bells

Metropolitan Macarius blessed you,

Low bow to the architects Barma and Postnik,

And to the Tsar for the masterpiece of sovereigns! (Marakhin Vladimir)

For the whole world, the most famous “calling cards” of Russia are the Kremlin and St. Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow. The latter also has other names, the most popular of which is the Intercession Cathedral on the Moat.

General information

The cathedral celebrated its 450th anniversary on July 2, 2011. This unique structure was erected on Red Square. The temple, amazing in its beauty, is a whole complex of churches united by a common foundation. Even those who know nothing about Russian architecture will immediately recognize St. Basil's Church. The cathedral has a unique feature - all its colorful domes are different from each other.

In the main (Pokrovskaya) church there is an iconostasis, which was moved from the Kremlin Church of the Chernigov Wonderworkers, destroyed in 1770. In the basement of the Church of the Intercession of Our Lady there are the most valuable ones, the oldest of which is the icon of St. Basil (16th century), painted specifically for this temple. Icons from the 17th century are also on display here: Our Lady of the Sign and the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The first copies the image located on the eastern side of the church facade.

History of the temple

St. Basil's Cathedral, the history of whose construction is surrounded by a number of myths and legends, was built by order of the first Tsar of Rus', Ivan the Terrible. It was dedicated to a significant event, namely the victory over the Kazan Khanate. Much to the regret of historians, the names of the architects who created this incomparable masterpiece have not survived to this day. There are many versions as to who worked on the construction of the temple, but it has not been reliably established who created St. Basil's Cathedral. Moscow was the main city of Rus', so the tsar collected in the capital the best masters. According to one legend, the main architect was Postnik Yakovlev from Pskov, nicknamed Barma. Another version completely contradicts this. Many believe that Barma and Postnik are different masters. Even more confusion arises from the third version, which states that St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow was built according to the design of an Italian architect. But the most popular legend about this temple is the one that talks about the blinding of the architects who created this masterpiece, so that they could not repeat their creation.

origin of name

Amazingly, despite the fact that the main church of this temple was dedicated to the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is known throughout the world as St. Basil's Cathedral. There have always been many holy fools (blessed “God’s people”) in Moscow, but the name of one of them is forever etched in the history of Rus'. Mad Vasily lived on the street and even in winter walked half naked. At the same time, his whole body was entwined with chains, which were iron chains with large crosses. This man was highly respected in Moscow. Even the king himself treated him with unusual reverence. St. Basil the Blessed was revered by the townspeople as a miracle worker. He died in 1552, and in 1588 a church was erected over his grave. It was this building that gave the generally accepted name to this temple.

Almost everyone who visits Moscow knows that the main symbol of Russia is Red Square. St. Basil's Cathedral occupies one of the most honorable places in the whole complex of buildings and monuments located on it. The temple is crowned with 10 magnificent domes. Around the main (main) church, called the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, 8 others are symmetrically located. They are built in the shape of an eight-pointed star. All these churches symbolize the religious holidays that fall on the days of the capture of the Kazan Khanate.

Domes of St. Basil's Cathedral and bell tower

Eight churches are crowned with 8 onion domes. The main (central) building is completed with a “tent”, above which a small “head” rises. The tenth dome was built over the church bell tower. The amazing thing is that they are all completely different from each other in their texture and color.

The modern bell tower of the temple was erected on the site of the old belfry, which completely fell into disrepair in the 17th century. It was erected in 1680. At the base of the bell tower there is a tall, massive quadrangle on which an octagon is erected. It has an open area fenced with 8 pillars. All of them are connected to each other by arched spans. The top of the site is crowned with a high octagonal tent, the ribs of which are decorated with tiles different color(white, blue, yellow, brown). Its edges are covered with green figured tiles. At the top of the tent there is a bulbous dome topped with an octagonal cross. Inside the site on wooden beams hanging bells that were cast back in the 17th-19th centuries.

Architectural features

The nine churches of St. Basil's Cathedral are connected to each other by a common base and a bypass gallery. Its peculiarity is its intricate painting, the main motif of which is floral patterns. The unique style of the temple combines the traditions of both European and Russian architecture of the Renaissance. Distinctive feature the cathedral are and the height of the temple (according to the highest dome) is 65 m. The names of the churches of the Cathedral: St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Trinity, Martyrs Adrian and Natalia, Entrance to Jerusalem, Varlaam of Khutyn, Alexander of Svir, Gregory of Armenia, Intercession of the Mother of God.

Another feature of the temple is that it does not have a basement. It has extremely strong basement walls (they reach a thickness of 3 m). The height of each room is approximately 6.5 m. The entire structure of the northern part of the temple is unique, since the long box vault of the basement does not have any supporting pillars. The walls of the building are “cut through” by so-called “vents”, which are narrow openings. They provide a special microclimate in the church. For many years, the basement premises were not accessible to parishioners. Hiding niches were used as storage and were closed with doors, the presence of which is now evidenced only by hinges preserved on the walls. It is believed that until the end of the 16th century. The royal treasury was kept in them.

Gradual transformation of the Cathedral

Only at the end of the 16th century. Figured domes appeared above the temple, replacing the original ceiling, which burned down in another fire. This orthodox cathedral until the 17th century was called Trinity, since the very first wooden church that was located on this site was built in honor of the Holy Trinity. Initially, this structure had a more austere and restrained appearance, since it was built of stone and brick. Only in the 17th century. all domes were decorated with ceramic tiles. At the same time, asymmetrical buildings were added to the temple. Then tents appeared over the porches and intricate paintings on the walls and ceiling. During the same period, elegant paintings appeared on the walls and ceiling. In 1931, a monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected in front of the temple. Today, St. Basil's Cathedral is jointly managed by the Russian Orthodox Church and the Historical Museum. The structure is a cultural heritage of Russia. The beauty and uniqueness of this temple was appreciated and throughout St. Basil's in Moscow is classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The significance of the Intercession Cathedral in the USSR

Despite the persecution of the Soviet regime in relation to religion and the destruction of a huge number of churches, St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow was taken under state protection back in 1918 as a cultural monument of world significance. It was at this time that all efforts of the authorities were aimed at creating a museum in it. The first caretaker of the temple was Archpriest John Kuznetsov. It was he who practically independently took care of the renovation of the building, although its condition was simply terrible. In 1923, the historical and architectural museum “Pokrovsky Cathedral” was located in the Cathedral. Already in 1928 it became one of the branches of the State Historical Museum. In 1929, all the bells were removed from it, and worship services were prohibited. Despite the fact that the temple has been constantly being restored for almost a hundred years, its exhibition was closed only once - during the Great Patriotic War.

Intercession Cathedral in 1991-2014.

After the collapse Soviet Union St. Basil's Cathedral passed into joint use by the Russian Orthodox Church and the State Historical Museum. From August 15, 1997, holiday and Sunday services were resumed in the church. Since 2011, previously inaccessible aisles have been open to the public and housed new exhibitions.

Is this St. Basil's Cathedral? Not true. Was this the main temple of Moscow? Not true. Did Ivan the Terrible blind the creators of the temple? Not true. Was there only a museum here during Soviet times? Not true. This article is about the myths and fictions surrounding the construction of the Intercession Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow, better known as St. Basil's Cathedral.

On July 12, the day of the supreme apostles Peter and Paul, the famous Intercession Cathedral on Red Square will be 455 years old. Better known as St. Basil's Cathedral, with its colorful domes and tents, it has long become one of national symbols Russia. Religion, culture and history of our country are intertwined in this cathedral into a single whole. It is no coincidence that there are many stories and legends about him. Often, “traditional” opinions about the famous temple turn out to be fiction. After all, for many the cathedral is a festive picture, business card Moscow or tourist label for foreigners. Meanwhile, the true history of this temple is richer and more interesting than any common misconceptions about it.

What is the name of the cathedral?

Take the name of the cathedral. People call it the Temple or St. Basil's Cathedral. There is no mistake in this. But few people know that its first and main name is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary “on the Moat.” St. Basil's Cathedral is the “folk” name assigned to it.

The Intercession Cathedral was erected according to the vow of Ivan the Terrible, which he made before the campaign against Kazan in 1552, with the blessing of Metropolitan Macarius. The conquest of the Kazan Khanate was the most important event in the history of Russia, and this significance was emphasized by the construction of a grandiose cathedral.

Another misconception is that a cathedral is only one temple. They call it St. Basil's Cathedral, period. In fact, in 1555–1561, nine churches were erected on a single foundation (basement), five of which were then consecrated in memory of the Kazan campaign. According to historical documents, the main part of the cathedral was erected in the autumn of 1559. At the same time, the consecration of all its churches, except for the central one, took place. And only a year and a half later, on June 29 according to the old calendar, the entire cathedral was consecrated. This day is considered the date of completion of the temple.

In the center of the cathedral is the main temple - the actual Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, crowned with a small onion dome. On October 1, 1552, the assault on Kazan began - at the same time church calendar The Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary was celebrated. Therefore, the central temple was named in honor of this holiday, and then the entire cathedral was named after it. The Intercession Cathedral was at that time the tallest building in Moscow. Before the reconstruction of the Ivan the Great bell tower in the Kremlin at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries, it was the high-rise dominant feature of the then Moscow. Its height is 65 meters.

In total, the cathedral has eleven domes. Ten are the domes of the churches according to the number of thrones, and there is another dome above the bell tower. The complex architectural composition and construction program of the cathedral most likely belonged to Metropolitan Macarius, who wanted to embody the image of the Heavenly City of Jerusalem on earth in the multi-altar church, as well as to exalt the role of Moscow and Ivan the Terrible.

Eight churches are located symmetrically around the main temple in the form of an eight-pointed star. Four large churches face strictly to the cardinal directions.

1. Church of Cyprian and Justina - The memory of the saints falls on the second of October (October 15 of the new century), and it was on this day that Kazan was taken.
2. Church of Gregory of Armenian - Gregory of Armenian - enlightener of Great Armenia. His memory is celebrated on September 30 (October 13 N.S.). In 1552 on this day took place an important event the campaign of Tsar Ivan the Terrible - the explosion of the Arsk tower of Kazan.
3. Church of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem - The church was consecrated in honor of the feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. IN Palm Sunday It was to this chapel that the procession of the cross took place from the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin with the “procession on a donkey” of the Patriarch. That's why the chapel was built on the side closest to the Kremlin.
4. Church of Varlaam Khutyn - Consecrated in the name of the Venerable Varlaam Khutyn, Novgorod saint, founder and abbot of the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Khutyn Monastery.
5. Church of St. Nicholas of Velikoretsky - This church was consecrated in the name of the Velikoretsky image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The icon of the saint was found in the city of Khlynov on the Velikaya River, which is why it later received the name “Nikola Velikoretsky”. In 1555, by order of Ivan the Terrible, this icon was brought procession along the rivers from Vyatka to Moscow.
6. Church of Alexander Svirsky - Consecrated in the name of this saint, because his memory is celebrated on the same day on which the defeat of the Epancha cavalry took place on the Arsk field.
7. Bell tower
8. Church of the Three Patriarchs (John, Alexander and Paul the New) - It was named so because in 1552, on the day of remembrance of the patriarchs, August 30 (September 12, New Art.), a victory was won over Prince Epancha, who from Crimea went to the aid of the Kazan Tatars.
9. Church of the Holy Trinity - It is generally accepted that the Intercession Cathedral was built on the site of the ancient Trinity Church, by the name of which until the 17th century the entire temple was often called.
10. St. Basil's Church - The only temple where regular services are held today.
11. Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary - It was on the first of October 1552, on the feast of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, that the assault on Kazan began.

Where did the name "St. Basil's Cathedral" come from?

Why did they begin to call the Intercession Cathedral the Cathedral of St. Basil the Blessed and associate it not with Ivan the Terrible and the Kazan campaign, but with the name of the holy fool? The fact is that in 1588 a chapel was added to the cathedral on the north-eastern side, consecrated in honor of St. Basil. It was built by order of the son of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ioannovich, over the burial place of St. Basil the Blessed, who died in 1557 and was buried near the walls of the cathedral under construction. The famous holy fool himself became known in Moscow at the end of the 15th century. All his clothes, winter and summer, consisted only of iron chains. Muscovites loved Vasily very much for his gentle disposition, including the young Tsar, although the holy fool was not afraid to contradict him and reproach him. Under Fyodor Ioannovich, St. Basil's canonization took place in 1586.

With the addition of St. Basil's Church, services in the cathedral became daily. Since then, the Intercession Cathedral has been known more as St. Basil's Cathedral. Previously, services were held there only in the warm season. The cathedral was not heated, but St. Basil's Cathedral was warm. In addition, since the cathedral was built as a memorial, its churches, due to their small sizes It was very difficult to conduct worship services. Only the royal family could fit in. Soon it arises popular name cathedral - St. Basil's Cathedral.

Were Barma and Postnik blinded?

The most common myth about the cathedral is the chilling story that Tsar Ivan IV allegedly ordered its builders, Postnik and Barma, to be blinded so that they would never be able to build anything else that could surpass and eclipse the architectural masterpiece that was erected. Meanwhile, the story about the blinding of the cathedral builders on the orders of Ivan the Terrible is not confirmed by real historical evidence. The builders of the temple were indeed named Postnik and Barma. In 1896, Archpriest John Kuznetsov, who served in the temple, discovered a chronicle in which it was said that “The pious Tsar John came from the victory of Kazan to the reigning city of Moscow... And God gave him two Russian masters named Postnik and Barma and was wise and convenient for such a wonderful work ..." This is how the names of the cathedral’s builders became known for the first time. But there is not a word about blindness in the chronicles.

It used to be believed that St. Basil's Cathedral was built by a foreign master from Italy, judging by the “Italianized” elements in its architecture. And since in Western Europe There were widespread legends about the blinding of talented architects so that they could not create further, then foreign travelers who came to Moscow “mechanically” transferred them to the master who built the Intercession Cathedral. They began to say the same thing about Postnik and Barma. The story of blinding became especially widespread thanks to Dmitry Kedrin’s poem “Architects” (1938); it was even included in school history textbooks:
And the benefactor asked:

“Can you make it more beautiful,
More beautiful than this temple
Different, I say?”
And, shaking my hair,
The architects answered:
Order, sir!
And they hit the king’s feet.
And then the sovereign
He ordered these architects to be blinded,
So that in his land
There was one like this...
Falcon eyes
They pricked them with an iron awl,
So that the white light
They couldn't see...
And their church stood
Like this
It’s like I was dreaming.
And she called
It was as if she was singing their funeral service sobbingly,
And the forbidden song
About the terrible royal mercy
Sang in secret places
Across broad Rus'

Has the cathedral always been so colorful?

It may seem that the cathedral has always been so colorful. And this will be a mistaken opinion. The current appearance of the Intercession Cathedral is very different from its original appearance. Then we would see not today’s motley coloring, but strict brick walls. Two materials were used in the construction of the cathedral - White stone and brick. All the polychrome and floral painting of the cathedral appeared only in the 1670s. By this time, the cathedral had undergone significant reconstruction: two large porches were added - on the north and south sides. The outer gallery was covered with vaults. Today in the decoration of the Intercession Cathedral you can see frescoes of the 16th century, tempera painting of the 17th century, monumental oil painting of the 18th-19th centuries, and rare monuments of Russian icon painting. Since the 20s of the 20th century, restoration work has been going on in the cathedral with some interruptions.

Church of Cyprian and Justina. A depository for the king?

Previously, the temple was used as a storehouse for valuables, or a depository. There are no basements in the Intercession Cathedral; churches with galleries stand on a single foundation - a basement. The basement has very strong brick walls (up to 3 m thick). The height of some rooms is about 6.5 m. They were inaccessible to ordinary parishioners. Deep niches in the basement were used as storage for the property of wealthy citizens. There is a legend that until 1595 the royal treasury was hidden here. One entered the basement from the upper central Church of the Intercession of Our Lady via a secret staircase inside the walls, which only initiates knew about.

Who wanted to demolish the cathedral?

The cathedral has experienced many tragic moments in its history. It suffered frequent fires for wooden Moscow. During the Time of Troubles it was plundered by the Poles, destroying St. Basil's Shrine. Napoleon placed stables in the Intercession Cathedral. He gave the order to blow up the cathedral, which, fortunately, was not carried out.

They planned to demolish the temple during the years of Soviet power - the cathedral interfered with parades on Red Square, but they did not dare. There is a well-known legend about how, at a Politburo meeting dedicated to the restructuring of Moscow, Kaganovich demonstratively removed St. Basil's Cathedral from the layout map of Red Square, and Stalin said: “Lazarus, put it in its place!” Whether this actually happened is unknown. There are master plans for the reconstruction of Moscow in the 30s, in which the cathedral on Red Square is not present.

Just a museum?
Another mistake would be to consider that today’s cathedral is only a museum. The historical and architectural museum in the cathedral was founded in 1923. However, even then services in the cathedral continued. They continued until 1929, and resumed in 1991.

Intercession Cathedral (Temple..

In 1561, one of the most famous churches in Russia was consecrated - the Intercession Cathedral, or, as it is otherwise called, St. Basil's Cathedral. The portal "Culture.RF" remembered Interesting Facts from the history of its creation.


The Intercession Cathedral is not just a church, but a temple-monument erected in honor of the annexation of the Kazan Khanate to the Russian state. Main battle, in which the Russian troops were victorious, took place on the day of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And the temple was consecrated in honor of this Christian holiday. The cathedral consists of separate churches, each of which is also consecrated in honor of the holidays on which the decisive battles for Kazan took place - Trinity, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and others.

A huge construction project in record time

Initially, a wooden Trinity Church stood on the site of the cathedral. Temples were erected around it during the campaigns against Kazan - they celebrated the loud victories of the Russian army. When Kazan finally fell, Metropolitan Macarius suggested that Ivan the Terrible rebuild the architectural ensemble in stone. He wanted to surround the central temple with seven churches, but for the sake of symmetry the number was increased to eight. Thus, 9 independent churches and a belfry were built on one foundation; they were connected by vaulted passages. Outside, the churches were surrounded by an open gallery, which was called a walkway - it was a kind of church porch. Each temple was crowned with its own dome with a unique design and original drum decoration. The 65-meter-high structure, grandiose at the time, was built in just six years - from 1555 to 1561. Until 1600 it was the tallest building in Moscow.

Temple in honor of the soothsayer

Although the official name of the cathedral is the Cathedral of the Intercession on the Moat, everyone knows it as St. Basil's Cathedral. According to legend, the famous Moscow miracle worker collected money for the construction of the temple, and then was buried near its walls. The holy fool St. Basil the Blessed walked the streets of Moscow barefoot, almost without clothes, almost all year, preaching mercy and help to others. There were also legends about his prophetic gift: they say he predicted the Moscow fire of 1547. The son of Ivan the Terrible, Fyodor Ioannovich, ordered the construction of a church dedicated to St. Basil the Blessed. It became part of the Intercession Cathedral. The church was the only temple that was always open - all year round, day and night. Later, by its name, parishioners began to call the cathedral St. Basil's Cathedral.

Louis Bichebois. Lithograph "St. Basil's Church"

Vitaly Grafov. Moscow wonderworker Blessed Basil. 2005

The royal treasury and lectern at Lobnoye Mesto

Not in the cathedral basements. Instead, they built a common foundation - a vaulted basement without supporting pillars. They were ventilated through special narrow openings - vents. Initially, the premises were used as a warehouse - the royal treasury and the valuables of some wealthy Moscow families were kept there. Later, the narrow entrance to the basement was blocked - it was found only during the restoration of the 1930s.

Despite its colossal external dimensions, the Intercession Cathedral is quite small inside. Perhaps because it was originally built as a memorial monument. In winter, the cathedral was completely closed, as it was not heated. When services began to be held in the church, especially on major church holidays, very few people could fit inside. Then the lectern was moved to the Place of Execution, and the cathedral seemed to serve as a huge altar.

Russian architect or European master

It is still not known for certain who built St. Basil's Cathedral. Researchers have several options. One of them, the cathedral, was erected by the ancient Russian architects Postnik Yakovlev and Ivan Barma. According to another version, Yakovlev and Barma were actually one person. The third option says that the author of the cathedral was a foreign architect. After all, the composition of St. Basil's Cathedral has no analogues in ancient Russian architecture, but prototypes of the building can be found in Western European art.

Whoever the architect was, there are sad legends about him future fate. According to them, when Ivan the Terrible saw the temple, he was struck by its beauty and ordered the architect to be blinded so that he would never repeat his majestic construction anywhere. Another legend says that the foreign builder was executed altogether - for the same reason.

Iconostasis with a turn

The iconostasis for St. Basil's Cathedral was created in 1895 according to the design of the architect Andrei Pavlinov. This is the so-called iconostasis with a turn - it is so large for a small temple that it continues on the side walls. It is decorated ancient icons- Our Lady of Smolensk from the 16th century and the image of St. Basil, painted in the 18th century.

The temple is also decorated with paintings - they were created on the walls of the building in different years. Here St. Basil and the Mother of God are depicted; the main dome is decorated with the face of the Savior Almighty.

Iconostasis in St. Basil's Cathedral. 2016. Photo: Vladimir d'Ar

“Lazarus, put him in his place!”

The cathedral was almost destroyed several times. During the Patriotic War of 1812, French stables were located here, and after that the temple was going to be blown up. Already in Soviet times, Stalin's associate Lazar Kaganovich proposed dismantling the cathedral so that there would be more space on Red Square for parades and demonstrations. He even created a model of the square, and the temple building was easily removed from it. But Stalin, seeing the architectural model, said: “Lazarus, put it in its place!”