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A message about religion. Interesting facts about the world's religions

Atheists think that believers live in some kind of strange world: they believe in the invisible, talk to themselves and find explanations for the most unimaginable things. However, among the believers themselves there are those who believe in something even stranger than everyone else. Everything is clear with the main religions of the world, but what about those who worship aliens, ancient Germanic goddesses and even their own ego?

Taoism was once the main religion of the Chinese Empire, but today the number of its adherents has decreased and continues to fall. Taoism is believed to have been founded in the 4th century BC. philosopher Lao Tzu, whose existence has not yet been reliably confirmed. The ambiguous term "Tao" means "way", "road" and "principle". Taoists strive to live in harmony with cosmic forces and not resist what is happening. The highest virtue is non-action - wu wei. A person who has comprehended wu wei achieves enlightenment and gains immortality.


This religion originated and developed among black slaves who were brought for sale to the cities of El Salvador and Cachoeira between 1549 and 1888. Today the number of practitioners is 2 million and covers many countries South America. The main religious rite is dancing to loud music and falling into a trance to communicate with the highest deity.


What many thought was a joke during the census is actually true. Jediism is a movement based on the fantastic film epic by George Lucas " star Wars" Followers believe that deep down a person knows what evil is and what good is, and that one must act based on this deep knowledge, and not relying on someone else's authority. It is also believed that in everyone there is a light and a dark principle, which are constantly fighting among themselves.

Falun Gong

This movement was founded by Li Hongzhi in 1992. Meditation and qigong exercises occupy a central place in the religion. The teaching includes elements of Buddhism and Taoism. Falun Gong adherents strive for ideal physical health and spiritual enlightenment. The Chinese government initially supported this movement, but in 1997 it was accused of negative impact to the public. Now Falun Gong is officially banned in China, and its adherents are persecuted.


Raelites believe that life was brought to our planet as part of a scientific experiment by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations called Elohim. The most significant persons in the history of mankind, including Buddha and Christ, are honored with a meeting with Elohim and act as his prophets. The religion was founded in 1974 by former French racing driver and sports journalist Claude Vorillon, who claimed contact with aliens and receiving revelation from them. The movement began with 174 followers in France and now has 55,000 believers worldwide.


The Baha'i religion was founded in the 19th century in Persia. It emphasizes the spiritual unity of all humanity. It is a monotheistic faith that recognizes the existence of one God. It is based on the concept of three unities: the unity of God, the unity of religion and the unity of humanity. Today, representatives of the Baha'i religion are registered in more than 200 countries.

LaVey Satanism

Contrary to popular belief, not all Satanists worship Satan or other evil spirits. LaVey Satanism, named after its founder Anton LaVey, is intensely individualistic and hedonistic in nature and calls for the glorification of the ego. This purely materialistic religion denies the existence of God and other spiritual beings. Satan is seen only as an archetype representing reason, independence and pride.


This is a relatively young pagan religion, whose adherents are trying to reconstruct the spiritual picture of the pre-Christian world. At the head of the religion is the pantheon of ancient Germanic deities and goddesses. This belief has repeatedly been accused of racism due to the predominance of white people both in the pantheon and in the number of followers.


This modern religious movement was founded in 1965 by Paul Twitchell. Eckankar sees the main task of man as knowing God within himself through personal spiritual experience. Followers devote their time to long meditations and deciphering dreams, seeing in them clues to enlightenment. Dreams are seen as gateways through which the soul temporarily leaves the body to reunite with the supreme deity called Ek.


Zoroastrianism was founded in the 5th century BC. e. the prophet Zarathustra on the territory of Iran and is one of the oldest religions in the world. Historians and archaeologists have established that in those days this was the strongest religion, which was later supplanted by Islam. Today there are about 2.6 million Zoroastrians living in the world, mainly in India and Iran. The religion preaches worship of the creator deity Ahura Mazda and voluntary renunciation of evil thoughts and deeds.

Builders of Adytum

This is a new religion created by Dr. Paul Foster Case in California. Most beliefs and techniques are taken from esoteric psychology, occultism, astrology and Kabbalah. Open services and training seminars are held for those interested. The builders of Adytum consider the Kabbalah to be the mystical root from which Judaism and Christianity grow. They welcome people of all faiths who are willing to delve deeper into mysticism than their traditional religions allow. The Aditume Builder Church has a small membership of just 5,000, making it one of the smallest religions in the world.


This is a Gnostic religion with a dualistic perception of the world. It is not based on the teachings of Jesus, Abraham or Moses. Only John the Baptist is revered. Mandaism divides the world into two parts - good and bad. All material objects, including the human body, come from the world of darkness, but the soul comes from the world of light. This is very ancient religion, scientists discovered traces of it in the 1st century AD. Most of Mandaeans live in the south of Iraq (about 60,000 people), in Iran, Syria, and Jordan.

1. According to the Gospel legend, Pontius Pilate, forced to agree to the execution of Jesus, washed his hands in front of the crowd according to the commandments of Moses and said: “I am innocent of the blood of this Righteous One.” This is where the expression “I wash my hands” comes from to abdicate responsibility.
2. In medieval churches Western Europe hagioscopes were equipped - special holes in the walls through which one could listen to what was happening inside and see the altar. This was done so that lepers and other sick people, as well as those excommunicated from the church, could see the service and not be deprived of spiritual consolation.

3. After the baptism of Rus', paganism manifested itself for a long time in the most different forms. One of these details were amulets against diseases called serpentines - metal or stone medallions, on the front side of which a Christian plot was depicted. On the reverse side of the medallion, invisible to others, there was a plot from mythology, most often with snakes - for example, the snake-legged ancestor of the Scythians surrounded by them, or the severed head of the Gorgon Medusa with snakes growing out of it. Analysis of the found coils shows that they were made until the 15th-16th centuries.

4. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem is divided between six Christian denominations: Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Armenian, Coptic, Ethiopian and Syrian. Different parts of the complex are assigned to confessions, but some are used in turn, for example, the cuvuklia, where the liturgy is served on the Holy Sepulcher itself. Historically, such division was often the cause of conflicts between faiths, therefore, from the 12th century to this day, the keys to the temple were kept in the Arab-Muslim family of Judah, and the right to open and close the temple every day was assigned to another Arab family, Nuseibeh.

5. In the Christian tradition, saints on icons and canvases are usually depicted with a round halo above their heads, but drawings with halos of other shapes are also known. God the Father was sometimes depicted with a triangular halo, symbolizing the Trinity. Halo rectangular shape decorated the head of some saints or popes who had not yet died. There are frescoes that depict personifications of virtues with hexagonal halos.

6. Some pilgrims, arriving in Jerusalem, under the influence of a mental disorder, begin to behave like saints or prophets, as if they are endowed with divine powers. There is even a special term for this behavior - Jerusalem syndrome, and it manifests itself in people of various faiths - Christians, Jews, Muslims. According to statistics, Jerusalem syndrome is observed on average in 100 pilgrims per year, of which 40 end up in a local psychiatric hospital.

7. When the archaeologist Schliemann, who found Troy, had a son, his Orthodox wife insisted on the child’s baptism. During the baptism ceremony, Schliemann wanted to check the temperature of the water and immersed a thermometer in it, which caused great indignation of the priest. Only through much persuasion on the part of the wife was the water replaced and the ceremony completed.
8. In 1988, three independent studies were carried out on the Shroud of Turin to determine its age using radiocarbon dating. Pieces of fabric from the corner of the shroud were sent to the University of Oxford, the University of Arizona and the ETH Zurich. All results agreed on the same era: with a 95% probability, the material was dated between 1260 and 1390. After these studies, many assumptions arose about the reasons for the distortion of the date - for example, that the samples were taken not from the original shroud, but from fragments restored in the Middle Ages. However, all such hypotheses were tested by other scientists and were not found to be valid.

9. Every year on Easter, a missile war happens in the Greek town of Vrontados on the island of Chios. The pan-Greek tradition of setting off fireworks on this holiday has transformed here into a confrontation between two churches, whose parishioners set off tens of thousands of homemade missiles. Their goal is to hit the bell tower of their opponents' church, and the winner is determined the next day by counting the number of hits.

10. The largest church in the world, Notre-Dame de la Paix, is located in the city of Yamoussoukro, the capital of the African state of Cote d'Ivoire. It was built in the likeness of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome from 1985 to 1989. At the same time, there are more Muslims in Côte d'Ivoire than Christians.

10th place. Worship of Sirius
An even more extravagant belief is held by the Dogon (an African tribe). The eccentrics pray to the star Sirius, around which, as they believe, a huge spaceship revolves, in which their ancestors Nom-mo, a half-man, half-snake, is located. By the way, the Dogon knew that Sirius was a double star long before European astronomers discovered this fact, so it’s possible...

9th place. Worship of the cannibal god Baxbaqualankswa
The very ancient and cruel Indian religion of worship of the cannibal god Baxbaqualankswa has survived to this day. Some Canadian Indian tribes continue to sing hymns to their bloody god, but now they do not eat human flesh, but during worship services they can pretty much bite their neighbor in ecstasy.

8th place. Dyrniks
Mother Russia also distinguished itself, where a community of hole-makers appeared in the 19th century. They believed that after the death of Patriarch Nikon there was no one to illuminate new icons, and the ancient images were desecrated by heretics, so there was no need for them. Drinniks argued that you just need to pray to the East and then God will hear you. IN warm time they went out into the fields, and in winter they drilled a hole in the eastern wall and prayed into it, which is why they were called that. According to oral evidence, drinniki still survive in Central Siberia.

7th place. Jesus Christ - Papuan
This is probably the funniest cult that has existed for almost 80 years in New Guinea and has a lot of followers who worship Jesus Christ... whom they consider to be a popuas. I can tell you with confidence that these people are real racists: they claim that white barbarians killed their dark-skinned ruler, crucified him, and then, when they realized what they had done, they tore out the first page of the Gospel.

6th place. Jainism
Now one of the oldest Indian religions, Jayonism, is professed by over 5 million people. Jains are Greenpeace's dream, as the followers of this religion adhere to only one rule - not to harm living beings. Therefore Jains do not eat meat and do not take up weapons. Among them, the “shvetambaras” (dressed in light) stand out, who dress in light, which means they wear what their mother gave birth to. Jains inhale air through a gauze bandage, so that God forbid they do not harm any of God’s creatures, and they sweep the road in front of them with a special broom. Jains are very abstinent in food and consider it the height of holiness to starve oneself to death. True, at the same time they are engaged in usury and mercilessly rob their debtors.

5th place. Shakers
In 1774, American Ann Lee created the Shakers community in the United States. The preacher argued that one can comprehend God only through dancing until exhaustion. After they danced and felt God within themselves, the shakers began to copulate randomly. Children who were born after these “divine” orgies were considered saints... but of course only among shakers. In those days, this community was quite popular, but today it includes only 7 people who live in Maine, there are only two women in the community and the youngest is 49 years old.

3rd place. Raelians
About 10 years ago, an ordinary Canadian journalist, Claude Rael, founded the “Raëlians” religion. He claims that his father was an alien and before his death he told him that somewhere in the vast expanses of space there was a flying saucer that was supposed to save the Earth. But before she can save, she must still reach her and, as Rael states, driving force aircraft is the faith of people. It seems like what kind of idiot would believe in this heresy, but now there are more than 50,000 followers of this religion around the world.

2nd place. Heaven's Gate
In the 70s, a very strange religion was founded in the United States, which was called “Heaven’s Gate” and claimed that God and the devil exist and are alien commanders of extraterrestrial ships that are waging an ongoing battle for the Earth in outer space. Oddly enough, a crowd of people immediately poured into the community, who greedily swallowed the verbal diarrhea of ​​the shepherds. As it turned out, most of the followers were either ufologists or pimply fans of comic books and science fiction films, who immediately disappeared after they learned that they had to commit suicide, move to another dimension and fight Lucifer; there was not a single one left in the community one man.

1 place. Cargo
At first glance, this may seem fake, but such a religion actually exists. It originated during the Second World War, when American soldiers landed on the islands of Oceania with cargoes of food and equipment. Out of the kindness of their hearts, they shared food with local residents. The cult called “Cargo” (translated as the worship of cargo, as well as the religion of airplane worshipers or the cult of the Heavenly Gifts) has become sacred: the natives still pray for cans of stew and believe that soon some other tasty treat will fall from the sky.
In the most famous cargo cults, replicas of runways, airports and radio towers are built from coconut palms and straw. Cult members build them in the belief that these structures will attract transport planes (which are considered messengers of the ancestral spirits), which are filled with cargo (cargo). Believers regularly conduct drills and some kind of military marches, using branches instead of rifles and painting orders and the inscription “USA” on their bodies.

Imagine the Wild West.... Saloons, bars, cowboys. One day a man came into such a bar and asked for water.
The bartender responded to his request by shooting at the ceiling. After that, the man thanked him and left.
Question: why did the man leave the bar without receiving water, but thanked him?

1). 99% of Orthodox Christians do not even suspect that Christians, Jews and Muslims believe in the same God. His name is Elohim (Allah).

Although this god has a name, he does not have a proper name. That is, the word Elohim (Allah) simply means “god”.

2). Some Orthodox Christians do not even realize that Christians include all people who believe that Jesus existed. And Catholics, and Protestants, and Orthodox.
But today there is not a single reliable confirmation of the existence of Jesus, but Mohammed was a historical figure.

3). The mythical Jesus was Jewish by faith and Jewish by nationality. Smart Jews, who were haunted by the fact that the Jewish flock was ruled only by the clans of Kohans and Levites, decided to split off and create their own office, which was later called “Christianity.”

4). Any religion has only two purposes for its existence. They should be remembered, no matter who tells you any lies.

The first is enrichment.
The second is routine

The clergy of one or another cult are enriched. People are becoming ordinary. Any state supports the main religion because the church helps turn people into a herd.

In Christianity, that’s what they say – a flock, that is, a flock. A flock tended by a shepherd or shepherd. The shepherd shears the lamb's wool and exhorts him before making it into kebab.

5). As soon as a person is driven into the herd with the help of religion, he develops herd feelings and herd thoughts. He stops thinking logically and stops using his senses. Everything he sees, hears and says is a set of stamps used in the herd.

6). In 1054, the Christian Church was divided into Roman- Catholic Church in the West with its center in Rome and the Orthodox - in the East with its center in Constantinople.

All the theories and justifications for why this happened are not worth a damn (we will return to this later), the main problem was primacy. Who should rule - the Pope or the Patriarch.
As a result, everyone began to consider themselves in charge.
The guys reasoned like this: friendship is friendship, but tobacco is apart. They love money.

7). In 988, the Kiev prince Vladimir decided to be baptized by the Church of Constantinople. For many centuries, the church has been burning out dissent and polytheism in Rus' with fire and sword.
All documents dating back to the pre-Christian period were almost completely destroyed.

An entire class of people, called sorcerers, sorcerers, witches, and sorcerers in Rus', was almost completely destroyed.
That is, the layer ancient knowledge and skills, the primordial language in which people communicated with nature and the gods, all the experience that the people had accumulated over the centuries was erased from human memory.

8). It is believed that witches (from the Sanskrit word “to know”, “to know”) were a kind of conscience of the tribe, its moral and spiritual guide: “co-” + “-news”, i.e. "shared message", "shared knowledge". Conscience is a person’s way of communicating with God by comparing his moral standards with the standards of the people around him and with the experience of his ancestors.

A people with a conscience did not need such instruments as the state, religion, propaganda, or the death penalty.
There is an opinion that, due to the vast territory of the Eurasian continent, the remnants of conscience have been preserved somewhere in the outback of Russia.

Therefore, the genetic memory of Russians sacredly preserves the belief in the existence of justice (the root of the Vedas, by the way), conscience and truth.

For their evil disposition, greed and black robes, the priesthood in Rus' was nicknamed “the crow.”

9). The destruction of “conscience” by Christianity in the West occurred much later, it was more total and technological.
Death camps began precisely with the European Inquisition, when sorcerers and witches throughout Europe were identified, recorded, sentenced and burned. Everything, without a trace.
Truth and conscience in the West have been replaced by “law.” Western man does not believe in any hypothetical justice, but he believes in the laws, and even adheres to them.

10). First crusade began in 1096, and the last one ended in 1444. For 350 years, peaceful Christianity, in the name of Jesus, destroyed countries, cities and entire nations. And this, as you probably understand, was not only done by Catholicism or some Teutonic order. Dozens of tribes that existed on the territory of Muscovy were also forcibly converted to Orthodoxy or wiped off the face of the earth.

eleven). In foreign sources, the “Orthodox” church is written as “orthodox”. We are orthodox, guys.

12). In the 1650s - 1660s, the so-called “schism” took place in Muscovy. Let’s not go into too much detail, let’s just say that the reason for the church reforms carried out by Patriarch Nikon was only two things - the sharp difference in church orders in Muscovy and in the Greek church.

In essence, the Moscow church turned into an arbitrary religious organization that amazed visiting Greek priests with its savagery. This became especially clear due to the annexation of Little Russia. Little Russia separated from Poland, recognized Alexei Mikhailovich as its tsar and became part of the Moscow state as its indivisible part, but the church and ritual practice of the South Russians converged with that of the time in Greece and differed from that of Moscow.
There was an urgent need to unify all this.

And second. The main political aspect of the reform was the “Byzantine charm”, that is, the conquest of Constantinople and the revival Byzantine Empire with the help and expense of Russia. In this regard, Tsar Alexei wanted to eventually inherit the throne of the Byzantine emperors, and Patriarch Nikon wanted to become the Ecumenical Patriarch.
Like this. Thirst for power. Thirst for championship.
Thanks to this, the Orthodox flock (remember what flock means, #necro_tv?), led by pastors, hunted schismatics who did not want to rebuild for another three hundred years.
So, perestroika is not only the subversive activities of Herr Peter and Mikhail Gorbachev.

13). If anyone doesn't know, I'll let you know. The only thing that distinguishes the Catholic Church from the Orthodox Church is called the “filioque” (Latin filioque - “and the Son”), an addition to the Latin translation of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, adopted by the Western (Roman) Church in the 11th century in the dogma of the Trinity: the procession The Holy Spirit is not only from God the Father, but “from the Father and the Son.”
That is, the Jewish Elohim in Orthodoxy is the only source of the holy spirit. But Catholics believe that the holy spirit also comes from the Jew Jesus of Nazareth.
These are, of course, formalities; everything always comes down to money and power.

14). But here's the problem.
In 1438-1445, the XVII Ecumenical Council, called the Ferrara-Florentine Cathedral, took place. Such councils are called ecumenical because representatives of all Christian churches are present at them.
Solutions ecumenical councils are binding for everyone (like the decisions of the Hague Court) for both Catholics and Orthodox Christians.
At this council, differences between the Western and Eastern churches were discussed for a long time, and in the end a decision was made to unify. The council ended with the signing of the union.
Guess who, a few years later, disowned the council’s decision?
That's right, Muscovy.

15). What's the point of giving away the championship? So we tend our own flock, we are our own bosses, and here the Pope will rule.

To the two main goals of any religion - the enrichment of the clergy, the trivialization (duping) of the masses, we add a third, empirically identified - the thirst for power.

In Christianity, the most important of the deadly sins is “pride.”

The thirst for power is pride.

According to 2005 data, 33 percent of the world's population are adherents of Christianity, 21% are Muslims, 14% of the world's inhabitants profess Hinduism, 6% are Buddhists, 6% profess traditional Chinese religions, 0.37% are Sikhs, 0.2% are Jews, 7% are adherents of other beliefs.

There are three world religions - Buddhism, Christianity and Islam (listed in order of occurrence). For a religion to be considered global, it must have a significant number of followers around the world and at the same time should not be associated with any national or state community.

One of the most exotic religions is practiced in Africa by the Dogon tribe. Their image for prayer is the star Sirius. But they do not consider this star to be the holy spirit, an image of God, or anything like that. They know that this is a double star, and they knew this long before European astronomers discovered this fact. They believe that their half-man, half-snake progenitor Nom-mo flew in a spaceship from one of the planets of the Sirius system.

Jains are one of the oldest religious teachings in India. Today he has more than 5 million followers. Its main principle is not to harm all living things. Therefore, members of the religious community do not take up arms and do not eat meat.

A detailed description of the Christian end of the world was given by John the theologian in his famous “Apocalypse” or “Revelation”. John's work did not describe any events that had already happened in the past, nor did he predict any specific events that would happen in the future. His works are a reworking large quantity Apocalypses written in his time. To date, 15 Apocalypses of those times have been found that never became canonical.

As a rule, the onset of the End of the World is associated with the coming of the Messiah - Jesus Christ, Saoshyant (in Zoroastrianism), Maitreya (in Buddhist mythology), Mashiach (in Judaism). The Messiah comes to defeat evil and accomplish Last Judgment. The background of the Last Judgment is a world catastrophe - the destruction of the world, a flood, a world fire, etc. After purification, the world is reborn again.

Stories about the end of the world exist in most religions. So in many beliefs of the South American Indians they talk about the Flood and the World Fire. For example, among the Guatemalan Indians of the Quicha tribe, the “Sacred Book” tells of flaming resin pouring from the sky, sent by Hura-kan, the god of fear.

The most ancient texts of predictions about the End of the World are given by the Avesta - holy book ancient Iranian religion of Zoroastrianism.

The religious texts of the ancient Indians also speak about three eras. Indians believe that the Universe changes three times during each world period (kalpa): it passes from a state of creation and formation to a state of continued existence and then destruction. But unlike Zoroastrians, Indians operate over much longer periods

When the Pope suggested that Michelangelo “cover” the naked bodies in the Last Judgment fresco on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel, he replied: “Let the Pope fix the world, and I’ll fix the picture in five minutes.”

In 1774 in the USA, a certain Ann Lee created a community of Shakers (shakers). “Mother Li” argued that love for God should be expressed in dancing until exhaustion. Rumor claimed that, after dancing, the Shakers in the dark indulged in universal sin, and the children born after this were raised together. Of course, not everyone liked such extravagance, so today the Shaker community includes only seven people in Maine.

One of the branches of Christianity in New Guinea will soon turn 80 years old. According to the created cult, the whites removed from the Gospel those passages where it was said that Jesus was a Papuan. At the second coming of Christ, all Papuans will become masters, and whites will become their slaves.

In America in the 70s of the last century, religious community"Heaven's Gate", most of whose fans were programmers. Its essence was that God and Lucifer are two commanders of warring crews fighting on spaceships for the right to own land. The inhabitants of the earth have only one way out of this struggle. They must move to another dimension by suicide.

Indians are no strangers to the idea of ​​several suns lighting up at the end of the Yuga. For example, in chapter 185 of the Mahabharata, which tells the story of the battle between Rama and Bhishma, it is told how the opponents used two weapons of Brahma, which, having met in the sky, shone like two suns, “as if showing what will happen at the end of the Yuga.” .

The Norwegian Lutheran Church offers all adherents of its denomination almost instant salvation of the soul. It only takes twelve seconds to get rid of all sins and receive a guaranteed pass to heaven. This is exactly how long it takes to read a special prayer.

There are more Catholics in the world than all other Christians combined.

The person who, when deciding on the canonization of a new saint, was obliged to present arguments against this, held the title of “Devil's Advocate”

The main difference between a church and a chapel is the presence of an altar.

Parts of the Bible have been translated into 2,212 languages. The entire Bible is printed in 366 languages; printed in 928 more languages ​​only New Testament, and another 918 - at least one part of the Bible.

Mormon leader Brian Young had 27 wives and 57 children from 16 wives.

In primitive tribes, it is believed that during a kiss, strength or part of the soul is transferred.

The number of people practicing yoga continues to increase in US churches. However, many Christians see this as a huge harm both for spiritual development and for the psyche.

The ancient Irish called heaven "a place where there is a lot of roast pork."

In the Roman Catholic Church, the highest bishops are called... primates. It is for this reason that the first classification of the animal world, created by Carl Linnaeus, was anathema.

According to Benedict XVI, believers should use condoms, but only in certain cases, for example, when there is a risk of contracting HIV infection or sexually transmitted diseases. In particular, the Pope gave an example when condoms are indispensable: “There are certain categories of people [who should use condoms], for example gigolos.”

Catholic priests, died during sex: Leo VII (936-9) died of a heart attack, John VII (955-64) - beaten to death by the husband of the woman with whom he was at that time, John XIII (965-72) was also killed jealous husband, Paul II (1467-71) died during a rampage with a page boy.

The most popular name in the world is Muhammad

Tickling was prohibited by law in some ancient countries of the East, as it was considered a sinful arousing activity.

718 degrees Celsius: the temperature of hell, calculated by scientists based on a comparison of quotations from the Bible on this topic.

Scientific discoveries more and more often lead to the idea that the root cause is not material. An English scientist discovered the ability of non-thinking and inanimate objects to synchronize their behavior with the world around them. And for an answer to the reasons for all this, he turns to religion.

Scientists have discovered that the icon “The Savior Not Made by Hands”, how? and other old icons emits at high frequencies. It is believed that this radiation comes from “prayed” icons.